10 TJIK UFA:: OMAHA. SATl'KOAV. U(..TOMK 17. l'.U4. USING AUTOS TO CHASE BULL TVa Poller mr Terrorlrr tt Ynrk T.mmt Milr Hrrnrr Animal la Hill. A Mg Mark Lull hrnl;e rut of n j.n In a Pi1ir.crgr padding hvj In New York tattle herdr, M!e hundreds of personal him. scampered out of th animal' way and In o Other patrolmfn J"in-(1 the chas th Cjueer.eboro bridge thf bull ch.nrs.e1 for tha public market. Mn ehouted and women screamed. Thin frightened tha bull and ha changed hie rocree up Ftrat half war aTnee tha street. At rterrnty flret trrt a puehcart laden with fruit and a woman were knocked down. At Seventy-fifth street tha pursuing ma- It way to tha bull' brain and he fl dead. New Tprk Pun. enl ran llk im4 from Fnrty-nff h street nil Klfi-l aen-ie to srvrnty-flfth etroet and ArfnvM A lwf.r- on vt th thirty flr1 -ty pol! n-.'-n Uld him low. Tlifif ti elal.t autnmi'MI 111 the chase after Mir hull, ten r"llriir? and a doin commanrlfrd earn. Patrolman War- two were bowlrd over In tha street. I ren T. Keating, at Fifty-sixth street and Tatmlman Thorns Kelly, who we ( Flrat ivniuf, took up the fhaeo In a car helping arhonl children to crose First j belonging to a well-drr'.1 woman, who avenue, ramnMnil'frH an atitorolblle and ! took great delight In the nvlrenture. rtaitM In pursuit as the hull went pant At tha Fifty-ninth street entrance to Bee readers are toe fnte.nice.nt to ever look tha opportunities In tha "want ad" columns. ' They're worth while reeding every day. avenue asaln. where, rasalng under the chines caught up with the animal. rs bridge approach at Sixtieth atreet, he trolman Keating- led tha policemen In knocked dow a young man who rolled I firing at the animal. One bullet found 1 I i s WO Purchase Highest Grade Millinery otl"'sTt I to i of Value ... 1 'aill - - . Bnsa-nssanaea "MMMM MasaaasaM SaaafaBBBBaBssBaMBa WaWalMBSSlBBaVVsBBBBMMB $10, I n'jii'stiono. jis is Hip l-ntltTsliip of tli Unimlfis Storos in Millinery, nr.tl jernjit as have Ix-rn our salt's (hat, have eMsbllshed that unlv.n r.l!y rorreded lcadrhlp-till ,ia1o Saturday rar.fclir.HPd all t,i,; Mi!;),,, rr nuils of the faxt. The value etablli.h a vaiue-ehlng; jerord that 1.;, never before been even approached. 3) wmmw A . ,ei. rffc i i. T, n ,ifcM.. r . imm mtla s stores Evorvtbincr in this mainmoth nnrchasft rmoji An nnl Rn. urdar in Millinon Department, Second Floor, and on Bar rain 8qtiare. Main Floor. In thla sal w will do something that we hare never done hefor- nRAT.HlRR and MTT.T.TNFIRO win .11... to buy In liberal quantities. Prices are away below wholesale flmares & h j . i. . .j.. . . . . . . . ... v,....... , .... i . , r . ... j and the, quantlOes are sufficient to allow thU. JySZAS Dren Hats on this fide ol the Atlantic vb i'5o franca li.'.fl noi inrinri i. K t larce ouantlty of W r-e ii i il l ri I-1 III il-.L . D hlshejt (trade K dress h a t , C trimmed In Tou- J! dre Ostrich, Ira- re ported Flower r; Wreaths. O n e - KJ Main and Second Floors Ridi )lumo.H with big, broad hwids. All solocted African male ftock. Strong fluof. Plume that were selected In the most critical man ner by wholesale milliners, who In tended to use them on the very finest or nats. $1.19 REAL $4.00 VALUES Main and Second Floors Gorgeous colors and. color coni binations most prominent being the delicate pastel shades so much In demand for evening hats. Also the hard-to-flnd shades of blue, green and brown. One thousand plumes to select rrom. - - - " " ' " " i v iirou 1IU Dirmi IIA'B, DUUIOl I u t n IUW prices that they will be aold on our Second Floor Saturday for not much mora than Ant. quarter of their actual value r Ostrich. In J!l the most He- g 54.00 VALUES rlrtbli colors. S2S257!S2S!!52525ercre5E51!SZS In - , ! SALE SATUR-nAV ara a ni SECOND g FLOOR HaU Worth Up to $50.00. For. 3I3ZS2SZSESZ5ZSHS2SH5E52SrSESHSE5ZSr.rc 25 DOZEN OSTRICH BANDS 81 s Heautiiul Ostrich Pands with stlck-up of self rtaterlal. White, French blue, areens an) other pretty shades. Regu lar $3.08 values, and hare been In great demand. Rale on Second Floor. 3,000 SILK VELVET SHAPES Hats That Have Been Look at the price for Sat urday JOcI Almost beyond beliefy And still they are the name pplendid quality Two Piece Silk Velvet Shapes that you hffve seen selling for as high as $2.08 in many r'toren. What a saving you have here. Selling at $250 and $2.98 They are all the newest and most wanted shapes the New Sailors, Soft Crowned Turbans, Zibeline Plushes in all colors. Some ironed crowns. Others unironed. ALL BLACK. This pric3 will ,most likely create a world of excitement here Sat urday. 4c Main Floor 48)d 'w , Mi. Worth up to $20.00 Belgian Turbans. French Sailors and Basque effects. Plenty of blacks and col' on. And Just think of j the wonderful op ' portunlty you will have to select until you find, exactly the hat that beet suits your fancy there are over 600 hats In thla lot hardly any two alike. MP J SMART CORSAGE ROSES Large flat velvet roses, all Imported from the best makers abroad. Mont sought-after shades, such as the new Victoria Red. shell Pink. Cit ron, etc. Worth up to $3.60. Sale Saturday on Second Floor at 8c i Si Outing Flannel Gowns At flOc, 7V and at.oo. Special lots Just placed on Bale. Good soft qualities of outing flan pels lare, rull cut, long gar ments. Fancy embroidered and braid trimmed collars. All good delicate colors. Dainty Undermuslins Values lp to 2.00. Ktlected lot of Undermuslins, lace an l embroidery trimmed Gowns, Chemise, Combinations, Skirts, Cor.et Covers and Drawers. Some values In lot up to $2.00 1 each, Saturday... .. p X 150 Dozen Kid Gloves for Women a 00 5 a Worth to $1.50 a Pair. Special at-.. The majority of th(P 0 loves are cverseain 8ewn, light or medium weight, and iart of them are full pique. The overseam (lloves' are In two-clasp and the pique Gloves In one-clap style. 'This U a splendid assort mout, comprising black, white, tan, brown and gray. Every pair Is guaranteed to fit. We were very fortunate la securing this lot at this price. As a matter of fact, we contracted tor It several months ago, long before the present scarcity of glovea had raised the market price. The quantity Is compara tively limited and wt urge an early selection. Wtomen who will participate In this sale will secure gloves foi at leant one-third less than the regular price today, al though If this present scarcity of gloves should not be lelleved, prices will be considerably higher yet. Thts is wonderful opportunity to select a season's supply of cloves worth to $1.S0 at Sl.OO pair. Don't forget that we have a full stock of Kayser's genuine guar anteed washable Leatherette GloVes. selling at 81.50. $1.25. 85S 75 nd ttO a pair. Remember that every n)r la guaranteed washable, and guaran teed to fit, snd that they will outwear any two pairs of kid gloves, and look better. Our line at GO 'M be specially featured for Saturday. We Invite your kind Infection. $ Women's Dress Shoes Patent leather and kid, clotli or kid t splendid assortine styles and patterns. Hand turned or welted to!os. Ex cellent kIioch for fit and service. New hetils and toes. All sizes and widths. On sale Saturday, $3.-18. ' Satia Slippers for Women For'Drees wear. Black or white, high or low heels; Itosebud pom pons; short stage lasts. IJght, hand-turned and sewed 8Q-18 soles. All sites. I'alr. . We will dye th at slippers to match your gown lor 50c a pair extra. mil and Dreti Skoei Girls' School In cloth or kid tops. Patent leather, dull calf or kid skin, with patent ttpa Also the higher rut Trooper shoes. Made over lasts that fit perfectly and will give the utmo.it satisfaction. All sties and widths. Priced according to else S1.98toS2.48 Warm Felt Slippers for Women and Children $1.39 Padded wool soles. Yhe women's tixe come in red. lavender, brown, etc. All sizes at Children's xome In plaid wool, made in Germany, at. Y a GOt Lightning Mixer or Egg Beater Sanitary, practical, rapid, effecttv. nint Kluaa Jar wltb tilcki! platad whirling- daati-,-. Will Ix-nt tha a litlra of mi i in Ji acont; ' wlil whip crauni in 1 to J lnl:i l it-, t'apu-lty 1 itni. Ki-riiUc irlce, S0c. sie.it hatuiuu)' 39c Cut Flower Sale SATURDAY 19c Doz. 29c Doz. Carnations, all col ors, iu long stems Krrsh lilt Roaen, all tolors ALBO Hutch Hyacinth Hull)., Saturday . 39c Doz. Tulip Bulbs. 15c Doz. CIT KUVi:u DEIT. 3 Big Attractions in Women's Coats m MAI ( v $15 AT Included are new arrivals this week all very., stylish coatsfaultlessly tailored posscpsing all the charm of tie newest fashions priced in three groups that should prove very big attractions Saturday. Three striking examples of value supremacy: a aaaaaaa Jl f Chojce.of hundreds of coats that will be a wonderful sur prise when yon see. the assortment and the values. - Coats for which you would expect to pay more. Pretty College Coats, good long-flared models in heavy Zibclines. Mix- tures, Caraculs, Persians, Broadcloths, etc. This lot consists of the most remarkable values we have offered this season in coats at this price. They are every good style and cloth that is shown Silk Fur effects, Plushes, Broadcloths, etc. Navy, black, brown and green colors prevail. Stunning effects are offered in this lot. The smart Eeding ote and Paletot with the wide-flared skirts and the new boxy backs with wide belted and girdled models. The effec tive Silk Broadtail, Sealette Plushes, Ural Lamb, Arabian Combinations, Broadcloths, Novelties, etc. Good heavy satin linings. Good colors. SUITS AT $25.00 The Fall Style Aristocrats. To the majority of Omaha Women tha name " Faith tnnamit'1 fimiiu. in ... - - - -. buu iiuytir'a an uii-nm.w ia buu eiyie. ino maite or line of tailored suits hare ever equaled the values and styles kuuwi. iu iucb aarmenis. Many liaee shown at 5-15.00 inn tav.vv oo not equal them. 15.00 j Special Suit Values at S15 fTiom the large purchase of suits last week from the New York manufacturer are those wonderful values. Every style that ia good the long Rcdin gote, Russian blouse and tunics, the nobby Paletots, etc. broadcloths, Cheviots, Serges, Gabardines, etc. All the good, wanted colors. STUNNING NEW BLOUSES All tb new models in the most wanted colors and materials are shown here at reasonable prices . They are copies of high priced models - - ' Shawod Lace Blouses .08 to $i0.75 Georgette Chepe Blouses. 3 oh tn s aoa Rich Chantllly Satin Blouse. . .$;l.08 to 'l vl?r.d0 P!?n.?B" i ; : to aiw Velvet and SaUn Basque and Basquette 93.98 to 10.75 That Big $1 Sale on die Third Floor See what you can buy for one dollar Saturday in this sale! Articles worth as high as $7.50 and even $10.00. , All small lots on our Third Floor are to be sacrificed in this manner Th eso sales will be held every Saturday. Watch for them, and by all means don't miss the first one Saturday. Here are quoted some of the many items you'll find on sale: Wall Paper-Room Lot, $1 Art Goods, $1.00 10 Roiled Clothes Hamper, made of white willow; $1.50 values. 8 (ienulne llainttoo Serving Trays; ft GO to f.S values. 5 Japauee llaiuboo Nut llowls; II. CO value. 8 tfcnutne Itaiultoo Sandwich Has- ketas fl.50 to $2.00 values. 15 lUnihon Scrap lUxketa; $1.50 to $2.50 values. SO Hand Ftitbroidered Madeira Gueat Towel ; $1.76 and $1.00 values. llanafts of Mowers frr Table leroratioiia; $1.75 to $2 values. 2.1 Hand Cmbroidered Hofa 111- lows; $3.0 to $0.00 values. lO luiMrtMl frrurh Tapestry H.-arfii; $1.75 values. 1 KliHtrlc With Shade, complete; $3.50 value. Fancy Imports) Tap-fttry llovrs, ratin lined; $1 .SO to $2.o0 valo. 10 Imnortty' Tanewty Jewrl Itoxes, $1.75 values. 10 Imported Tapbtry Veil Boies, with weighted top; $2.50 value. Draperies, $1.00 85 Pair lint Ktamtne Curtains; worth $1.50 a pair. Gives You Choice of Any of These Article 200 Pairs of M-lnch Lac Curtains, white and Arab colors. AO Klue Oriental Couch fV)ver, t0 Inches wide; worth $2.00. IU Pieces of 50-inrh Sunfat Prap. ery mmm1 for over-curtatn: worth $1.25 a yrd. Muolia and Swiss Curlaiiu, plain and fancy centera. Curiam V Stretchers with non-rust- able pins. Jnl a Seta of Imported Liaea Orer-Cnrtains with valance, com plete; worth $3.00. Consisting of 10 Rolls Wall Paper. $ rolU celling paper and 18 yards of border enough to do a 12x14 roon. Worth regularly $2.50 for the lot. Pictures, $1.00 8 Original Paatels; value $7.50. L-??ge Service Tray a; value to $4 7 Oil Palatines, In shadow boxes; value $10. 9 Large Oral Frame, 141H: $4.00 value. "..Ke aO Gold Frames; $$.60 values. Very Choice Oval Aatiqoe Framess $3.60 values. 18 Hand-Colored Ameticaa Photo, a-ravores; all choice subjects: values to $7 50. 21 Assorted Framed Pictures values up to $8.00. ' 7 Heal "Art Craft Guild" stand ard frames; complete, with glass and back. Rugs, $1.00 " Choice of Oih Uir Lot of Ruga in aaaoriea sises. sjues UD to 12 CHILDREN'S DAY Saturday at BRANDEIS 2d Floor Very special values in Girls' Coats and Dresses, Chil dren VMillinery and Infants Wear. Mothers will find many money 6aving opportunities, in the announcements below. We carry complete stocks in all lines of juvenile apparel. $2.98 OUts' Coats, te 14 Special values In several very axcellant srlrltah models. Tha new caxneta' hair clotn with Mi flared eut and box backs, new wide atlti'hed belU. Also tha new ehacka and plaids tn cheviots and wool pluah materials. Velvet collar and cuffs, luge patch or sat in pociteia. ah tn desirable notiby - coloiiniea Junior Coats for (Hrls 1 te IT Tears Cut with tha proportions for it irrowlna rirl not matured. Good finish atylea. In all ha pretty materiale and colors Junior Coats for Olrla. IS te 17 Tears ineae very popular a Ilea are luat the thins for (iris' school wear and give all tha amartneaa to tha g-lrla who require odd alzea. Made oi tne emartest or material a. . aeod colors $10.00 v u a su, vrvJU ....$6.98 vihu vuv Since, 0XsaAJ9 $10.00 9 e aa t a . Children's Coats, 2 to fl Years fine qualities of French tlbellne, velvet, boucles. Astrakhans chin chillas, etc. Neatly trimmed with crushed satin belts, some with halt belt backs. Touches here and there to please the little tots.. Cheerful and service- r nn abl colon pD.UU Cfcndraa's Coats, t Tsars In eoe. auroy, cneviot, sideline, etc. Belted ana pieaiea. velvet col lars and cuffs. All col ' ors.' OUrls' Costa, to 14 Tears A special lot of sood, practical roata In chlnehlllae, chevluta. mixtures, tlbellnee, eto. Oooit full cut. warm coata. . I.ari(e collar and turn-back cufa, tralrlit box barka c AO and large belts, a.i MX All good color -Veia Olrts" Costs, to 14 In gortit chinchilla, cheviots, cordu roys, slbellhee, novelty mix tures, plalda, etc. The new cape backt, sport coat ef fects, colletre ooarts, flare 1 bottoma, - wide bclta, largo turn-up collars. Come ) navy, Copen- C r fin hsgen. brown. r 11(1 . areen, black, ate... Girls' Dresses Otrts Brasses, to 14 In r"ttr $vy Psld and checked wttor fabrics treaemblea wool rlaida. Made tn the pretty glrllah effects. Plain broadcloth trlmmlnga. bralrt ed oollaxs and cuffs. t gn Otela" -Drasas, to 14 A apaclai corduroy dreas, made with aide separate belt, pretty col!ar and cuff a. uood cut sklr. l r tin b?uewr:..n:!r... 2.98 OtrU' Brasses, te 14 Ir. Rood girl -lah affects, made of good vocl aerges In dainty trimmed echeH, collars and cuffs. Homo with no- bon glrdlea, tunio skirts. Coma In navy, orown ana black. Twelve dif ferent styles W.00 Special Offerings in Infants' Wear for Saturday Xafaata O a ting- riaaaet Xlmonoe Trimmed with fancy stitching and .ribbon. 26c values. lQr Saturday I U .. Infant a' ail pa In bishop atyle, em brotdered and tucked yokes. Made of nice quality nainsook. Qft- 0c valuea. 'at W J$ 0 ' Infants' On ting Tlaaaal Flaalnr avkaakats Made with crochet -r hemstitched borders. Ibc I Qr values, Saturday Znfaats' Crochet Bootees In white, pink and blue and combination white and colore. Border I Cm tops, S6c values, at I9C Infanta' Crochet Jacket a In white, pink and blue, fcoft riaxony yarns. Pretty stitches. Regular er. oc values .' . . . 036 Xafaata' ritaul aa Onttar riaaael aklrta Trimmed with Mas' loped and aral- hemstitched edge. QQ. w w Keg-ular (Oo value, at Misses' and Juniors, Dress Hab Our entire stuck of dreaa bats, peclally for thla day. Tha Trimmed In Ostrich Shirred Batin effect l"ur trimmings, eta AH to go la big lots at suitable for a-liia I to H rears. redurd ea- Thaa hata are made of Fancy Pluahea, Fine Velvets. ..... $1, $1.50, $2.50 Toilet Articles and Drugs , Kirk's Jap Boa Soap, cake So Ivory or Bxoal Soap . . S bars for ISo Diamond O Boap .... 10 bars (a asa SO-arnle-Teana Borax, 1-lb. pkg. . . 0 Iaroxide e( Kyarogaa, 1-lb. bottle ls Usterlaa, tl alse bottle See aeidllts rowdsrs. 19 In box, at ,.13o Meaaea's Talaam Fowder, can ... So laiatiatoe Oreant. 2&c aixe, at....lio ug-raja'a axux Wh4 Craaja, 0o else 29c ) S i v V !