THE T1EK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1914. COUNCIL BLUFFS GIRL TO WED CLIFFORD WOLFE. MRS, J. K. FLEMING IS LAID AT REST IN MOUNT HOPE much Isrger number would have been ac commodated at Lowe Avenue Presby terian church of which Mr. end Mrs. Fleming were charter members, but the weather forlade Mr. Fleming's ventur ing out. It. A. F. Krnst. pastor, and Dr. Nath- Fleming longest, raid t was needless tn "speak for her In death, for she had spoken for herself In this long snd Mes-ed life. Of her It may be truly said, she had done wharhe could." The singers wre Mrs. M nil Is of Council Fluff, Miss Dlmock. H. R Payne and Frank Underwood. The pallbearers were Dr. H. M. McClanahan. Dr. J. M. Pstton. G. W. Hervey. Charls E. Ady, George M. I'im'in, R. A. Mi'l'arlnne, A. P. Wells an l James 15. Wootan. The floral ulbutog nrro. profur and' beautifu;. The camet was covered wltli a spray of American Boauty roees and embanked with flowis tf many var ieties. 1 Mrw. J. K. Fleming, who died Mondsy night, wss laid st reat In Motrat Hope cemeeteri" Wednesday sfternoon. The I funeral iwrvlies ncre held at the home, I snie Mcntffln of Fremont, forrcrr partor 4113 Ivifavette avenue, whlih aas over flowed with friends and neighbors. A of thla church, ronductcd the eerviceg. Dr. McOlffln. nho had known Mrs. Bee Wsnt Ads Cooetcrs. Arc the Be?t Tuslness i mi t m i. ; a i. f vaaaV- - w Ji'. v " - - . w "v i - fx' M r-- rs una mr By MELUFICIA. Thursday, October 15, 1914. t'Frg and anti-ruffs have no me exciting experiences when campalgn Ids."' Miss Jane Thomson, Vasear graduate, and Juno-esque beauty, ho la getting votes (or suf'rsge by making street speeches earn i evening from her automobile, ran up against a difficult situation Jast evening and, as usual, was equal to it. Miss Thomson spoke for an hour and a half to a large audience at j Fifteenth and Douglas streets. In the crowd vu a decidedly picturesque) gladiator, who looked If he were the western villain In the movies. lie was at least six feet and aa many more Inches, and If he hadn't been either part Indian or Mexican, he certainly would have been the "white hoDe." t think he was part Indian and had found a lot of "fire water" before run ning Into Miaa Thomson's meeting. He gave an extra hitch to his chaps, loosened the red 'kerchief around his neck and waved his huge sombrero, "I'm Buffalo Bill," he ihouted. "and I have Just come from South America," "Will some man kindly lead thla man away?" asked Miss Thomson In her winning way. Many a would-be hero looked at the intruder, but dared not go up to the giant. Finally Miss Thomson opened the door of her car and stepped down and out Into the crowd and up to the "big chief." Now Miss Thomson Is head and shoulders above the average woman in size, but she scarcely reached to the shoulders of the huge intruder but she was not afraid. "Now, see here, this Is my meeting, and I want you to get. Good bye!" she exclaimed, and he slunk away through the crowd. Engagement Dinner. nr. and Mrs. Donald Macrae ef Council Fluffs entertained at a beautifully ap pointed dinner laat evening at their horns when the engagement was announced of their daughter. Miss Marlon Macrae, to tr. Clifford Wolfe of Omaha, son ef Mrs. Joseph Baldrlge. Mlis Macrae is one of the most beauti ful young woman In society and attended school at Miss Hall's In t'lttafleld. Maaa. nd graduated from Mine Lorlng's school In Chicago, Mr. Wolfa sttended college at Pomfrerd, 'onn., and later at Andovar. He has made many friends sinoe coming to Omaha to reside. The wadding will take place tn January. link end white roaes and cosmos formed the decorations at the dinner party and the evening was spent danc Inar. Those present were: . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bsldrtge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Stewart. Mr. and Mra. J. T. atewsrt. 2d. MA and Mra. ((corse Van 11 runt. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conner of Den Iron. Mr. and Mrs. Wmiam Douglas. Mr. and Mra. William Oppeck. Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Merrltt, Dr. and Mra. I (one Id Macrae. Mrs. Elizabeth Wildman. Mra. Hearh of New York. Mrs. H. C. Miller. Mrs. A. D. Wtstoa. Misses Marlon Macrae, JiOMtae Dinning. Kllsabeth Iavl. Messrs. Clilfonl Wolfe, Xwnald McFerron of. Chlcas-o. Jtl'H. llaldrlge, , ' Koger Keellne. STILL FIGHT TO RETAIN INDIAN WAREHOUSE HERE Data la still being gathered locally on the reasons why Omaha should be re tained as the location for ona of the three Indian warehouses In the United states. The data Is being gathered by the Oommerleal club. The material will be forwarded to Cato Hells, who Is com missioner of Indian affairs st Washing ton. (J See Want Ads Produce Rem Ha. Mia Marie I 'arts Maria Stewart. Messrs. W. K. Smith. Oeorge Wright. K. W. Hart. Robert I 'Inning, Wlllard Butler, LUNCHEON MONDAY FOR THE REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Candidates on the republican ticket tor the various office to be filled at the coming election will give a luncheon at Puellian Club. The Puellian club held Its business meeting Monday evening at the home of Miss Ruth Gentleman. Officers were elected and novel entertainments planned for future gatherings. The members are: Misses Misses ll-Un tlentleman, Ross Oentlemaa, aianraret Kavase. Helen O'Hrlan. Aline Gentleman, Agnes Oeiitleman, htacla Ketchmark. Hesa Coufal, tretta rventleman, Ruth Gentleman. Murlo O'Brien. Afternoon Bridge. Mlns Mercedes Caughlan entertained at a bridge party this afternoon la honor e! Mrs. Blaine Young, whose marriage wss celebrated last wsak. Autumn leaves were used In the decorations and three tablaa were placed for the game. VcXeen-Jenien Wedding-. The marrisge ef Miss Emails Jensen, daughter of Mr. asd Mra I P. Jensen and Mr. Roy MeKeen of Blair, was cele brated Wednesday afternoon at- tha home of the brkle In the presence of the Immediate relatives at tha young couple. The Rev. Halvereon of the Bwedish lAitherae church performed the ceremony. The bride was gowned tn Pale green t-repe da chine, with trimmings ef cream lace and wore a corsage bouquet of t rides' roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Esther Denlson and Mr. Edward Durant ware the only attendant a After the wedding dinnar ' the young couple left for Blair, where they will make their borne. Won tfig-h Five CUb. Mra. J. r. Novak entertained the mem bers' of the' Aloha High Five olub at bar home Wednesday afternoon. Prtaee ware won by Mlse Nell Barnutn. Mrs. F. W. Vlck. Mrs. C. r. Ratskln and Mra C W. Crane. Mrs. C. Breen was the guest of the club. Mra. O. Fluhr will entertain the olub In two weeks. Zmmeraan-Baug-hman Wedding. Miss Blanche' K. Zimmerman and Mr. 5avtd M. , Paughman of Ies Moines, la. were united tn mania at t o'clock Tuea. day evening by Rav. M. V. Itlgbee at his borne. Soil Maple street Mr. Baughman la officially connected with 'the trauma! society of Yeomen. . The honte of tha oung people will be at Knoavllle, la. Pleasure! Past. Mr- P. H. Drelbus entertained at din ner 'at .WroUi's cafe Saturday evening. Ills guests ware Mr. -and Mrs. Amoa Olson of Council Bluffs and Mr. C. 8. lUfs of this dtyy For Mr. XSagree. Mra V. C. Bradford entertained In formally at bridge this afternoon at her home fur Mrs. Jerome Mages, who Is spending the week here. Two tables were placed for the bridge game. In and Out of the Be Hive. Mrs. Robert Warren Vlutor of Lincoln U the guest of Mlae Maa Englor. Mias La Verne tiirlea of Chicago is the guest of her sunt. Mra Grant William. Miss F-lrles will be tn the city several . weeka Jsias Francos Flummer ef Strvar Creek, la., who baa been the guest ef Miss K razors Ptattl for the last two weeks, returned to bar home Wednesday, ancorn rented by Miae PUttl. wbe will be bar guest for twe weeks. Mrs. D. Clem Deaver has returned from Wyoming, where she spent the summer with her son, Quhttln K. Peaver, ef Cas. per. Wye. Mrs. Deaver left the last of lbs week for Senega. Kan., where she will y9 her daughter, Mrs. J. J. "nlH. I , i mm l m -s a i a i is 4 I i i . J I I I - mm i A - Itl ef I I - ' 1 ' i MISS MARION MACRAE. g the Rome hotel Monday evening, at which tj time the members of the county central S committee will be the guests. P s ; $1 Umbrella, FrMsy Mala Fleer. Men's snd Women's t'mbrellss. Resulsr It. SO vslues in every way. Ur aasort ment of handles. A big bars-sin. 59. r - i . i i i . i S. " ininee ii i mi. Hi, )i , II mi ii ! mil hi i.iunmniiiMi ii in ii in ,i i mmim ..a. .; .win i mm i i nmii in i i iinw S"ss hiiiim main a i iiin si iniinswesaein,Mm"'n,nn ttumifimmmir in ir"i - 'ri i - m mai imiiiiu $1 Hand Ba t Fridsy Mtn Floor. Heal Leather Hags. The biggest values at thli prlre you have ever seen. (Guaran teed resl 1 e s t h e r beca. A very Speclsl vslue. 69c Underwear and Hosiery Bought at About 60 Now on Sale A short while ago Otto E. Dryfoos A Sons, commission merchants, removed from 274 Church street to Twentv-rourth street and Fourth avenue, New York. To reduce their stocks before removal they made us offera at very low figures. This merchandise la now here Just when you want It most, at savings of one-third and more In many instances. Women's Union Suits i silk asjal wat, eattaa asjal weal and fine cottons. All styles snd sisea. worth to 11.75. Hitle on Main Floor, Fri es', suit . Women's Union Suits itt icaj n ri 11 $1.00 75c Medlasa ea4 fleeey llaed rations. All styles and alxes. Val uta up to l. Sale on Main Floor Friday, suit Women's Coraet Covers la medlam welaht eoftoai high neck, elhow sleeves, Plica 4. t If and I. 2Ae value, bale on lit Main rioor Friday, at Children's and' Boys' Union 8uita Heavy fleeeed eettea. high neck, long sleeves, snkle length, drop seat. Mroksn lots and fg slse. Worth to bin. Sale jiMf on Mala Floor Friday, at... Women's Union Suite, Vesta and Pante HUrb aeek, long sleeves, aakle lengths, In ribbed cottons, fleecy lined and cream, btc qual- g It lea. dale In basement .lMf Friday at. garment eJafc 25c Children's and Boys' VasU, Pants, Shirts and Drawers ITeavy and ssedlana fleeeed eettasiai r-ream, blesched and gray. Worth to JSc garment. Bale on Main Floor Friday at . . Boys' Shirts and Drawers Heavy fleeeed evtteai gray only. Sites t to 1 yeara. 36c a f , value. Pale In Basement. I f Friday, per garment Men's Union Suits 14(1 Pall and W later Weigh rales Salts far Mesi Made of medium besvy wetrht ribbed and fleeced cotton; all alses, in ecru colors snd mixtures. Nat a suit la the let worth less tbaa a I AO. All go In our big lot In itha basement, suit Men's Shirts and Drawers 1S Dosen Fall and Wtatev Weight Shirts sad Drawers far Man Wool, cotton ribbed snd extra fine quality fleece lined. Valaea ) f n to T5e a eerateat. In .lHf basement, per garment....''' 59c 75c I Men's Union Suits S4e' Katra Heavy and Mediant Welaht Ribbed lalsa Salts for Men In eeru and erav color. closed crotch, extra well made and Terrect rutins Worth ta a S1--&. In basement Fri day, per suit SS Doaen Fine aasllty Ribbed aad Wereted Mined tales Salts tor Mea In ecru and gray colors. worth ta Si BO. On Main Floor of old store, FYl dsy, per suit Men's Shirts and Drawers 3S Fine Weel aad Worsted Mixed Shirts aad Drawers In tan and gray, brown mixture; all slsea. SH to HO, both In shirts snd draw er. Made hv one of the beat un derwear mill.. aloes it ta II i garaseat. On Main Floor of old stors Friday, per garment $1 85c HOSIERY 124c ad Milk spliced 29c Wosnen's HI ark Hose Full fashion ed, high upllced heels and toes; oouoie on. Alao DlacK black with split sole. ?6c quality, pair Women's Fibre and Pure Thread Milk Boot Hose With high spliced neei sua toes, double soled. Black. Good ROe value, now Wemea's SUk l.lsle Hase In black, tan and white. Full fash'oned. with double oles. heels and toes. Also llbre llk and ribbed top all-wool seamless hose, pair Mea's Caahsaerc Wool Hasa Full. seamieH, in plain Mack and natural color. Worth up to 2 Sc. pair Bays' aad Olrls' Black Haaa Fine and heavy ribbed, with double knees, sole, heels and toes, pair 25c I 15c S 15c Men's Gloves A big manufacturer's sample line. There are dress gloves, street and driving gloves in thla lot. Some are lined, others unllned. Mochae. Genuine Buck, lined and unllned Kid Gloves and Mittens. Values $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Your choice Friday at 95c Dress Goods and Linings Comprising many bis; lots of mill ends, remnants, samples at prices that are the biggest kinds of bargains. Mill Bad It earns at Leasrtho aad I ) rnft f? f .. M rine uress rauerns Oocond Floor Paxton Block ILL WERY SALE Friday and Saturday I n tercet Is unabated in the mag nificent display and enthusiasm U undiminished. Kverywhere we) bear tne most favorable comment upon the wondrrful values here, the Kreat variety In styles, and the escluslveness of Ute models. Hats Soiling at a Sacriflco Friday and Saturday w will sell hala that formerly sold for $15.0(1 to ,23.t0 at the ri diculously low price of SI O.OO. Tlwse tints have that individuality, character and distinc tiveness so much sought for by all well dressed women. Remember, all 913 to $25 hats will be sold Friday ana saturtiay at . nm A Few Trimmed Beauties Whether you want just a hat for general wearO ""N rA or a creation to harmonise with the dreMliitvis-,fe U ll ll S of costume, U will pay you U see UieacV1 UU Values Friday & Sat. v-0U, V, W 11 I nmmect CSimce of Amy Hat In Our BASEMENT Millinery Section FRIDAY Regardless of What Former Prices Were sSMSssKsaBBBBSBaBBaaSsMUa ' mmmm'tf. ? Saaaole Fleeeo of all kinds ot Suitings, Coatinc. French Flan nel. French Thelites, st V2 tnd Lest the Regnlir Prices Kale Msln Floor snd Basement. Sample I.lne of Floe C'oatlaara Hroadcloth, Manniah Hultmas. heavy and medium welaht plaids and roman strives, In lengths from 1 to t ysrda. Worth a to 12.10. Main Floor. Mr Yard sSoe Tarda of rtae all Wool MUI Rait Mostly II. U- to J SO a yard material and suiting. All for feet goods except they ara cut n lengths. In French - and storm serses. fancy orepes, poplins, plngle, mlied suitings, broad cloths. Kersey suitings, tr chinchilla, eto. On Main XMf Floor. Tard - sVSee Tarda of OS to So-laeh Mill Kada of Ollver'a Saltlags In fan cy weaves, dlagonala, whlpeords, Vlgoreaux and Victoria suitings. Inoludlng many different atyle coatings, worth to Msln Floor. Friday. Per lJe Tarda of Cat pieoea' 'aad Rra maata French rhallles In medium and dark grounds, and French Flannels. Regular S8e to sir o qualities. Ppecial Frl- Sf dsv on Mala Floor. Tard.. 5 Cases of Travelers' Imported Samples Theae samples ara matched up, 11 to pieces e a kind and pinned to gether. They consist of ill kliKla of nigh class French and German Drees flood, and worth sa high aa 12.11 .ncKnJ???!....39c &49c 50c At Hlg ttodaettoaa la Prtee. Each pattern contain ample mats rial for any style dreaS or suit. In all tha plain and fancy weavss. All weight, serges snd fsncy twills, fancy weavea, poplins, chiffon broad cloths, black and white checks, aad fanry atrlpes. Kach pattern $1.85, $2.48, $2.95 Dress Goods Rtmnsnts in Basement Travelers' Dress -Bultabla for all ould sell up to fl.00 rard In the bolt, an A a a Three rosea af (deeds Sasaati purpoaea. w yard in the Your choice day, each S.SOO Tarda af Floe Dress floods Remnaata In lengths of tt4 to ysrds In all kinds of weaves snd fall colorings. Tha accumulation of our. recant special dress goods sales. Choice Friday, per remnant 69c, 95c and $1.39 Lining.-Main Floor Reaaaati of Fla Satla BlaUhed ostiao lws and light color. IS Inches wide. SSc value. Friday, yard IS Pleees of Oar Site IJaea Caa vaa Vsrd . . . W Ploeea af Oar I Be Wrh. ster rereallae Tsrd , M Pleees Prlaresa SatJao Worth lio. Tard , 21c .25c lie 19c Silk and Velvet Bargains All on Sale on Main Floor Friday ,50c and 98c aata ry and 39c beee Yards of Hlah Clasa SUk Reaa- aaata In 27-inch. 86-inch and 40 Inch widths. Splendid remnants for dancing frocka, party gowns, slips, fsncy waists, pettlooatsand mings. vii ties to ' In two lots. Flala aad Faaey Verve Revaaaats . For suits, costs, millinery and trimming- purposes. One to ten yards long. Vary special at. yard ST-Iaeh All Silk Tara Dyed Shii lae. Se-laca Faaey Silks. oO-laeh Criahled Crepes. 40.ach Faa- arsis, la atrtae. Worth to 11.00 a yard. Special Friday at 4e-Iarh Silk aad Wool Popllaa. 4tt laeh Creo do Chlae. 40-lech Creoo de Pnrls. e-lach Satla de Lame, aa-laeh Black Satla. SS-laeh Blaek Pean de Mr. Worth f f) up to 11.60 a yard. Spa- Mfir clal Friday at.. aOl. 49c Women's Gloves MAI FLOOR S4TARB. to dos. Sample Olovea, worth to $1.00 pair. Two-clasp Leatherette duplex S loves, two-clasp ' Chamolsette loves, and It-button length Cham olsette gloves.' They come In white snd assorted colors. Not all slses In very style, but a very good assort ment to choose from. Every pair perieci. nsmpies or ona oi in a rore- roost manufacturers and importers. They are tha biggest bargain have offered for somi time. Special. FYlday, per pair nd a3. LiOC $1.29 eS-Iaeh Ottomaa Sflks. 4A-Iaca raUle SabUaae. 4e-laeh Satla Meteor. Sa-Iaeh Blaek laaaorted Satla. 3(1 laeh Blaek SUk Poalla. aa.aeh Blaek Isaaorted Chlftoa Taffeta worth up to II. 00 a yard. Special Fri day, yard Boalevard Velvet1 In all the newest autumn shades, aad black. Ex ceptional value, a regu- f larIt.OO quality. Friday. QJyfJ 9 High Cisi Artiflci.i Silk Fori 5 Very fashionable for coat and man- 3 teaux. Worth to $S.0. as aa S IS Pieces Blaek Velvet 13 Inches 1 wide. Millinery quality; a 1Q very special. FVMay. per J I yard Blaek fThlffea Velvet The helgnt of fashion. 42 Inches An mg 7itt. . . .8.'.. . .p.r.'": . . ?-s5U Bargains in Notions SHc yard Wash Edging. Fast 1 colors IC 10c dos. shell snd amber hair pins, 6e lOo pair 8ho Trees. .Friday Be fc Elastic Remnants, Friday S for 5a So dos. good Bafety Pins JOc dos. spools King's Thread . . . .ia Sc papar best Uold-Eyed Needles. ..le 2 for Sc Wooden Coat 4 r Hangers - IOrOC iic spool San 811k. Friday V4e 10c for 12-yd. bolt Bias Tate... SHa Be 200-yd. spool Clark s Machine Thread. Special , 10c pair "Brandels frpeclar Hose Supporters " " "" q T " ""sue" ill 1 1 'aatr11'-"11 .yjuj,..,. ,.IM-, , . Men's Clothing Mseklaaw Coats AH wool. 34 to 3( inches long, shawl collar, belt all around. 14.50 values. er4 AO Special Friday, basement Mea'a Paats All wool worsted, ras almares, tweeds, serges. Rices XI to 4(. A savtrur of from $1 60 to 12.06 en each. Friday CI 0 la the basement sa.0 Ilea's aad Toaaar Mea's Salta Well tailored. In orowna. grays and fancy mlxturea. 8tsea It to 44. Hegular tt.40 vslues. mC Art Special Friday, baa.ment . . Coon Casta, with shawl collar, $2S Union Made Overalls, 4o DRAPERIES 1 Aee Travelsra Saatplsa af Lao Oar. talma aad fteta Worth from 1 C -Iso te 60c each. Ftlday at. . . . A? 1 Case of Ultra Heavy Oetoaae Worth 4o a yard. Your o choice, yard S Cases rtao Laaa Cartalaa From ona to three piece of a kind. (n. Special for Friday, each 0C CORSETS For All Types of Finrei M solus aad Low Tape Vary long over hip. with four heavy w5 ...69c gart.ra attached. II to is, at. till -Made ef good quality with anvbroldery Braaalerei muslin, trimmed edging, front or back C - closing, at Itfl. Chlldrea'a aad Olrls taisahrta Waists aad Boys' Jeaa Waists bUmIQ. from t to 14 yeara. at IXt Boys' Clothing there Is Bas.msnt no for Values that prove place like Brandeis rest oargaina. A beat STS Satta All Norfolk mod el, alses 7 to II. Values 1 tn ?orM...?.h.:,.o..rHd: ji.85 Beya rhlaeallla Ovrreoats tn grsy. blue and blow. Alao other splen did winter coats, ah buttoa-to-neck style. Ag.. 2 to IS years. Bars' Sweatee Just what your boys want saw for thla cfcllly weather. Many of those sweaters have large ruff neck collars, (tray, tilue, tan, broan aad plasty of reds and marooaa Aonie have alight Imperfections. Agea f to II years. FrlV.yorV.!!.'.'.' 93c Boys' Kalehrrhocker Pasta Heavy welaht fabrics. Ike to II ,JfV vslues. Many ara lined "WC Bare' Flaaael Roasaera Blue 9f and gra. Tic ktud. Friday.. yC Coats for Women, Misses and Children Sl Friday in Basement At Money Saving Price 1,000 Plush coats, worth up to $35.00 Purchased from a manufacturer who had to turn his surplus stock Into ready cash at once. They are full length, made of fine silky plush, finest of satin linings. Many are genuine Sealette plush with labels attached. Others are in Plain Plush, Baby Lamb, Caracul, plain Plush and Caracul Combinations. Dozens of styles with fancy ornaments, etc. AU slses ft s An i a for women and misses. Grouped at U MX nnn IS yv vv aaaaaa yaw two prices for Friday. Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats II a ad rods of SpleadM Oaraseats Blaek snd colors, plaids snd fan ry mixture. All the new atylea belted backs, high standing col lar, basque effects, etu. All lined. In the lot ara fine black coats in extra slses. up to fit. spe cial Friday :;$8.98-$9.98 Coats Worth $7.50 to .50 $12. Meawa' aad Misses' Coats Made of of all wool Boucle. Chinchilla. Mel ton. Fancy Mixtures. Black and color. Many are all lined. Dos en of styles to choose from, Long snd short coate. Not one worth lea than 17.6 and from that on up to 112.60. A big bargain Friday at. , $4.98 Another Big Lot of Coats For Women and Muses Blaek aad Colered 'V'tater Coats All good styles. Solid colorit, plain blacks snd faney mlxturea. Chln- hill. Caracul. etc. A nn Wonderful bargains Ifl.Hr, FrMsy at T",'W Children's Coats Fri- in Basement day Coots Worth Co to STJM Of plain and rough materia la. Soma with tha new eapxa over shoulder ef fect. Black and colored coats of every description.. Baby Lamb, . aracui, nuen. Two- lone Mixture. chtlle. etc. Fridi Chlldrea'a Coats, Ages I to I and S to 14 EIa k and colors. Bearskin coats In all colors snd white, with quilted lining. Fancy mixture coats and coats of two-tone ma terials, values up to 14.00. Ppeclsl Friday at ,d??.,$3.98 $1.98 Children's $2.50 Coats Aaea 3 to S aad S ta 14 Blacks and colors, fancy mlxturea, g m g SaVa?!0!1::-. .lc: . ..51.49 Children's Light Weight Coats All Good Style. Alao raincoats and oapeav values up to !. Special Friday at 79c BIG SALE OF SWEATER COATS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Oae Lot ef Sweatee1 Coats That Ara V arte, as ta aa-Oe High necks. V aacas. wide aae nar - row belta. All wanted colors. Special Friday. Woaoaa aad Mlasas' Sweaters worth aa to All colors and white. With or without belt. Friday $1.98 '.t$1.49 97c Girls Sweaters Worth ag to SI ! up to i res'. Red. gray and white. rvpeeial Friday Jersey Sweaters Wer-th ap to SI .Sow 8llp-over-tko-head style. Fine for gymnasium and skating. f -All slses. Rsd sad gray. flXr bpeclai Friday at...' VOU Ooaolao Aaaoskeag Fleoeeo) Flaaael , Extra weight, heavy twill Qual ity, warm fleecy nap. Laght blue, aavy. pink, gray, soar 1st and white. 10c value aa sale 71- Friday, yard C Oeaalao Aaioskoag Oatlasj Slaaayl. Fins quality and aaight, warm double nap, la all the choice fancy stripes and check. 10c value, oa special sale Friday, " 1 yard I C Biearhed Shaker aad Doanet PUaael Very fine quality, both aides Mapped. Ir value, oa spa rial ssls Friday, yard... ...Sic Domestics afy Oattag Flaaael IT lnehas wide. In plain and faaey wears. Small checks and figure, hairline stripes, light blue. pink. etc. to value, special Friday. r yard OC Beaatlfal Cartala Sertas la all the asw nit deslsns and colorings, neat figure. Oriental and slaia sffecta. Aa EViAa e off tha bolt, yard iC Linen Section Me Bed Spreads These are large site, heavy crochet kind, hammed end. For rooming houses and ho tels. Special Friday la tha 7 C basement while 100 last, at. 'vW S3e Crib Spreads aa'd Bolster In tha crochet and Marseilles kind. Speclsl In basement Friday, 10 whlls 10 last ..OVC TVia Crash In the plain and twilled weavea. A good, heavy toweling for general wear. Friday, Ci while 100 piece last. yerd..3JC Te Toweling Heavy unbleached cot ton toweling. Special Frl- A. . day, yard JC lee Fall Bleached Tarklah Towels Fringed end, fancy border. Spe cial for Friday while 100 fi dosen last, each OC- SHOES Se Pairs of Wosaeia'a Dress Shoes Fstent leather, dull Calf, kldakln and tan leathers; button snd lsco style. All new lasts, and all sixes. Strictly up-to-date. Worth 12.50, 13.00 and 43. 0 pair. Qfl Friday In basement, pair.. See Pairs of Mea'a Shoe In dull calfskin, button and blucher lace. Wide, roomy laat. In all sixes. Friday tn the basement, J2 QQ Men's Hease SHaaers In Imitation leather and embroidered velvet. Comfortable slippers la all slse. In basement Friday, 59c Glrte' Shaeo la ail sixes v up te I. Virl kid skin, patent leather tips, wide lasts. In baseman I r Friday, pair 1. Jacher Boots for MUwi aad Call s' rr a Patent leather or gun metal' ealf. Extra high tops with patent leather collars. All slxe (I (jl up to 2. In basement Fridays3'' Pelt Sllaeera far Wesaea Romeo style, fur trimmed, flexible leath er sola. All sixes snd assortment of colors. In basement Friday, pair Woaaea'a Robbers Storm cut. All slses. tfte quality. In baas- in. tr.snt Friday, pair Infanta Shoes Two or three bun--dred samples, broken line, etc Fine band-turned aoles. patent leather, kidskln and olord kid. 'Worth up to 11.10 a pair. OAr In basaraent Friday Ot ,.93c Geaalaa Marrtsaaa Daekllag; Fleooa aad PacUle Meltoa Fleeoo Klaaeao W taaael la neat design for ki monos, dressing sacquss and wrap pers, alao kindergarten affects. llHo values, speclsl Friday, O, yard 7t I'ableaehed Maalla 31 inches wide. Full standard quality, fine soft finish, eaailv bleached. Regular c value. Friday, off the Af bolt, yard "IC Bleaehe Maslla aad Jaaibrta It Inches Wide. Ftns tfualltr, soft finiah. ssllv 1auiirai Te ii vslue, oa sale Friday, yard... "J C Bee. Waal Ads Precs F.eaulta