nr. :v;r.i h.m.mlv rid da v. in H5I-;k m. im. Don't Blame Jeff; You'd Have Done the Same Thing Yourself Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher QJ CTsX' -. . DID X YOO OACK 7OHN&0M I SOX CHICAGO CHAMPIONS American Leaguers Come from Be hind and Trample Cubleti. SEMES GOES THE SEVEN GAMES Omlikrr'a Men for Foarfh C'oaser mltr Time. Trtampa (tfr National Rivals a( la Dlamoid, CREIGHTON COACH HOPES TO BEAT HASKELL SATURDAY. CREIGHTON WEIGHS ONE TON CAPTAIN OF HASKELL INDIAN FOOT BALL TEAM. CIUCAOO, Oct 15 -Th ('hliajro Amer ican Icafvj rlub tl.v won th final name of tha r1s to del1a the cham pionship cf Chicago when It irtfnifA lla National Irafxi rival, I to 1 Thla la tha fourth consecutive time that the American lan haa ttlumphM iver tha local Nationoln Th c,fx went the full aavrn gamra, the Amcrl-sn leaaurra wln- ' n!ng three straight. . Tha Amvrlcaa Iracu tarn from ba l.lnd and woo tha cam on two, hita. With the Nationals lealing by two runa. , tha Americana fought hard. Wraver tartf-d Ithe fourth Inning by fcttlna; a ban whn lnrr!ck rimhlfd hla sharp Itrounder. The nrxt Iwo men were re tired easily on fly bulls. Ilumrhrli could not local the plnte, and Fournler drew a dam on bill's, tloth caught a hall on tha outride of the Hate and doubled over first base, scoring Weaver and Four Tiler. iJemmltt followed with a base on balls and fchalk singled to rUbt center, scoring Hoth. Vaiigh'l then revlaeecl ' OTumphHea and retired the aid after the damajt had bean done. The total paid attendance was M.tT.. Tha gToss receipts were IM."1.?. Of this mount tha National commission s 10 per cent waa 199.12. and each flub received H.OlB.W. Bcoie: ' It 11 F:. Nationals 2 0000000 1 Amerti-ana 0 0(1)10.00001 2 0 Battalia Humphries Vaughn, laven der and Archer; Soott, t. Imitte. and ' Mchalki .... . . . . Haskell Indian is Grandson of Chief Fontenelle 1 'I i J ' . 1 ' ' . SAjiAlTlllLLllU. Cpcigltfan 2i3i22 Coach M'MILLEN FLJES OYER CITY Little Ariator Remains in Air for Twenty-Four Minutei. GOES UP AT SPEEDWAY SUNDAY Ta Fly Over City Today sad Tomor row anal on'-Sanday 'Will Make Fa oc Flla-Bta at Utadlam Vpeedway. Logan When the Hnavell Indians line up gainst Crelfhton uulverslty at Omaha Saturday there will be In tta backtlehl llaipli K. McMlllen. tlio aviator who was acheduled to fly at the eitadlum rpeedway last Sunday .mil waa unable on account of I he rain, mad a flight over Omaha, Si nth Omaha and Council Bluff yesterday afternoon, remaining In the air (or twenty-four minute before coming; umetlni during the same one bearing a down. McMMlrn made a lieautlful fllKht nam familiar to the reople of Omaha, over the three cltle and proved to the "Hanka" Fontenelle, after whose (rand- satisfaction of Onmiin that he Is a quail f ater, le) Fontenulle, the new hotel of tied aviator. Omaha la named. Ingan Fontenelle. chief McMllleu found the flying over Omaha of the Omaha tribe of Indians now on a j extremely haiardoun, as the smoke, even reservation about sixty miles from this I at :., feet, wn.i m intense that It f- city, waa a capable leader of hla p-ole fected hl.i breathing. II circled the down-an-J a noted buffalo hunter. The original town district um-e and thru mail Una hom Of, this, tribe was at llcllevur, only : for Potith Oinuha. Returning to Omaha a 'few mILo from Omaha, and In fai t 1 1 1 cropaed th river and circled t'ouncll many'la the time that chief rontenelle's j Uluffa at IVarl and Broadway. ' At that band Jiltnhed, their tepl exactly a here point he reached th maximum, altitude, tho hulnea portion of the city now lies. 0 was iJM feet In the air and over tho ."Uanka' tells ihe story hlmKclf that h:iruiida. Coming back with the wind Mc- Haskell Indiana One Pound Per Man Lighter Than Their Rivals. TEAMS BOTH ' IN FINE SHAPE Trreaty-rive Redskins Will Make Trip to Omaha, oa Their Oaly ortbrrn Visit for Foot Ball Beasea. When C'reigbton and Haskell Indiana stag their annual game oa Crelgtiton field at I o'clock Saturday, practically one ton of redskin beef will mix , w ith whit meat According to advance dope , given out by both teama, th eleven . men which will start th gam for each team will tip tha beam at practically a i ton for each squad, 'e'retghton out-, weigh th Indiana by on pound, aver-1 aging ITS pounds, whit . the boys from , Lawrence weigh 171 Th Crelghton weight I due to th ' heavy line,, where they far outweigh, th Indiana. The Creighton team, from tackle to tackle, weigh 1M pound while Haskell weighs 178. This Is the only place where th local boy are heavier, j Haskell outweigh Crelfhton In th back field, tipping th beam at 171, which I la ten pounds greater than th local. Th Indiana etida are also big, weighing ITS, also ten pounda heavier than th local nda. ' Tha Indian will bring aquad of ' twenty-flva men as thla la their only northern trip of the year. Two of their number, Artlchoker and Fontenelle llva In Nebraaka. Fontenelle belongs to th Omaha trlb. Tha Indiana nam of th players presents a welrd list of tongue twisters and ancient tribal ene mies are found fighting aids by aide for the glory of Haskell. Seventeen tribes re represented. riayera aai Welajhta. Her r th playare who will It out tomorrow: 1914 HASKELL. INDIAN. Nam and Tribe Ptover, Capt, Creek Williams, W.. Caddo Williams, W , Caddo Chnate, Cherokee Artlchoker, Winnebago Hlchards. Pawnee 1'owrJI, Cnaroke Mshtrkteno, Pottawatomie Timothy. Creak Flood, Sioux i Jamison, Cayuga Fontenelle, Omaha InO Clements, Machwopta Vrf lumbar, Pnohomlsh IM K a lama, Wasco 174 Wilson, Choctaw 152 Frssler. Chickasaw 170 Mitchell, Fonca iw) Campbell. Wichita 174 Hutfalochlef, l'onca 19i flhopteeae, Pottawatomie 174 fight Srafldfsthar met' his' death at the hands of ha flarcVami war-Uk Hloux while on one of hi buffalo hunts. He waa taken by 'surprise and In his attempt to get tinder shelter his pony waa led In th mlr which nde It Impossible for Mm to maka hi get-away. "Hanks" haa been out of th gam en account , of a broken bone lu on of hi MUlen reglMered pel of lflO miles an hour. Make lrty Lasllsg, The little aviator flies In a Curtlaa bi plane. In th short distance of 1W yards at th Htadlum speedway ha (Parted up ward. H ripped along tn rough ground for a way and then his plan began to climb. When h landed he dropped In hand, but Coach Kennedy hopes to have:th. Mm- tvot mni .topped In fifty yarda. um in .iii tar me t reignion game . n..( ..inr, ... .t i.nrf. Ing. He flew close over little grov of Saturday. H 1 a ten-eecond man and a good open fluid runner. Aa ho will be troddlng on hla gramlf a titer's "old stamp-I Ing grounds" the coach feels that ho will ba food for at least a couple of touch . downs. - All-StarlBase"Ball Teams Ready to Start CHICAOO, Oct. V-IMavers who are to make up the all-star clubs of the Amer ican and National leagues w.ll assemble her tomorrow. It was announced today, for their post araaon tour, which opens In Milwaukee on (Saturday. The American lagu club will be under th management of Connie Mack, leader . of th I'hlladelphla Amcrirar.e. Frank Jtancroft. business raanacur of the Cin cinnati Nationals, will have charge of thj National league players. . After playing In Ihe principal rfhrs In treas, Kkipped pajt a couple of telephone wires and rama to a atop a tew feet from where he had started. Th day was clear and the air currents even, but It wai- Intetac-y cold In the upper regions and when MrMlllen came down h waa numb from hual to foot. Remaining In the air and traveling at from seventy to W miles an hour la chilly busliieea on a day like yesterday, according to McMillru, and he onv stayed up ao long because he wishes convince everybody that he Is an abie tilrdman. Fllea Heat ef Week. Mc.Mlllen will fly again today shortly after 1 o'clock and at the ram hour Sat urday. Sunday hi will make several flight at th Htadlum speedway and will battle with clx motorcyrjes In a roce around the saucer track McMlllen's manager attempted to take him to Kansas City for Kuuitsy, but McMtlli-n refused to tiandovai, Wt. I'osl. 1 C. U T. lo R, K, 1 R. T. i7 iu n. 170 H. H. 17 F. H. 170 U K. 1M I O. 1 Q. B. ..ItiO Q. It. II. H. H. H. H. B. C. r. a K. T. . O. T. O ,17 I'lleblo CREIOUTON. Nam and Poattlon. Welcht. Rxpertenne, shannon, tackle u Rurford. renter 110 Ire, center 145 Warren, guard 171 Conrad, guard Reel, guard 1st Tamlsea, guard . i Wlae, tackle u7 Phowalter, tackle i; Rrennan, end 10 ttreetsake. end K0 F.rhart, end 170 Feetner, end 1W Wagner, fullback 175 Carrlg. quarterback ... 167 I'hllu. end 1M) Cameron, enU 160 Flood, quarterback .... 14A Pints, halfback INS Coffee, halfback lf7 Steffan, fullback Vh Casey, fullback 190 Callahan, end 4S Jamison, quarterback .. 1.16 1 year 1 yeara lit year 1 year 1 yeara 1 year S year 1 year 1 year i yeara 1st year 1st year 1 year 1st year I years 1st year 1st year 1 year ' 1st year 1 year lat year 1 year 1 year 1st ear j " '; .. il:' ' 'iv ;'7';,':H ' ' . -" '. ',' ' ia?4 y, . '.v.:; v v- v J mM si w CHANCE SAYS FED IS A GO Peerless Leader Expresses Faith in Success of New League. HAS HAD TWO OF BEST OFFERS Determined to Qolt the tiame, Thoaa-h Ife and Party Pro ceed West la the Two III a; Aatoa. SPECIAL FOR ROOTERS TO LINCOLN FOOT BALL GAME To handle th Omaha people who go to Lincoln Baturday to witness the annual foot ball game between th Omaha and Lincoln High school teams, the Burling ton will run a special train, leaving at o'clock in the morning, and, returning, leaving Lincoln at 6:4t In the evening. A crowd of 500 persona I expected. North to Card. The Wt. Ioul Cardinals hav ' (ngned Pitcher Worth, late of the South Michigan league. ' ' ' ' California, th club will eall for Honolulu ,0- n(' ,r'v"'1 h manager from act on November t and return shortly after th first of th year. "Bta BUC James, whose pitching aUId th Boston rlub In defeating the Athletics In th world' series, will be a mi of th Nationals all-star pitching staff I Ing an atlachi.ient was levied against the biplane by the Speedway company. McMlllun will (rrforui some fancy fly ing at the speedway riunJay, but today and tomorrow will only do straight flying. Fllrtlaar with Feds. The Pt Louis Browns aTipurently wilt have a rord job lamllng I'.icl er Grover lndi riniia and ( ntcher Hank 8vverld. sold by te luulsvllle club of t u- nir kan ias elation, to liram h ll.i l ryj' club, II , T'O'if f is atter thorn. VShl'e th pUirers have n't ln. de a move si yet, tny are oni:rli,B t'- offer received fruns the Cbiftis. As a matter of lam. . I her ure cnr' clubs In th Kui l IpjKiw tlist would like to have 8. ei lil. Ilia work las tt-on watchr. all season. Mlalllnsa aad Carrlaaa Agree. Both Hta'.llnns and CarriKan, respect Ivtly. of I lie Biaves pnd Hnl Kox ar be lievers In the theory tliat It Is a grvater strain en a pitcher to warm up and keep In readiness to pitch than It Is to pitch a game. 1 tils has been scoiteit at ny many managers Rudolph. Jainea and Tyer as nearly In regular turns aa was H!h!. 1 run her, Coclireman and 11. and later. lavl, war kept on ' th warming I an." ready to rush to U railef of tli stars. On to Lincoln! Cry High School Lads "On to Lincoln," Is the cry of th stu dents of th Omaha high school. Over K strong they will journey to th Cap ital rlty to rheer their gridiron warrior on to victory Saturday. A special train will leave Omaha at o'clock the morn ing of the gam, In addition. If th roada are traversable, quite a number will go by automobl,. Coach Mills prom ises a good game and he hopes to bring bark the bacon. About thirty of the football aquad will mak th trip. In cluding two complete lineup and half a dosen additional aubctltutee. . The alter, native lineups are aa follow: l utes Merry Johnson .... NewlU Wlthey Iteese Petersen .... Htard Knaatrom... I'hllllpa Nichols R. II. I R. II.. ..I.. 11. 1 I . H . . ,.F. M.IK. M... ..Q. H I Q. R. . . R. F.I R. T.I R. T.. ..R. Q. It. O.. C! c ..I- U.I I., c... ...U T IL. T... ...U E. L K.. .... Parker Swiler Kullaway Crawford I'etera . Klmbrell i Roque Carrenter . ... Mason ,. Herman Rule Lexington Six Car ; ' Arrives Here After Long Drive in Mud M. J. Wise, district ales manager of the Lexlngton-Howrard company, manu facturer of th Lexington automobile, drove into Omaha yesterday In tho first light six Lexington constructed. Th car plowed It way through th mud from Plnux City and arrived running a smoothly as a atop watch. The 1-exlnston people, when they d cldeT tn market a light lx, sent th car out from the factory on a test trfp to see If It could stand the pace. It went front the factory, Connersvllle, Ind., to New York ' from New Tork to Chicago, and from Chicago to Burlington, Cedar Rapids. " Waterloo, Fort Dodge. Sioux City, Minneapolis. Sioux Falls and Omaha. From here M. Wise goea to Kansas City. An agency will be opened in Omaha and Mr. Wise la making a contract now. . Tha Identity of tho local representative will probably be disclosed1 by advertisements In a week and the first demonstrator will arrive shortly afterward. The test car baa traveled 8,610 mile up to date and has averaged seventeen and three-quarter miles on each gallon of gaa. The motor Is equipped with tha Moor multiple exhaust ay stem, thro cyl inder exhauatlng alternately Into two separate manifold and mufflers, thus eliminating overlap, back pressure and loss of power. "Thl Federal league Is a go; they need not worry oveY that," said Frank I Chance, the man who led the one mighty Chicago Cubs to four pennants and two world' championships and the man who Is now leading a party of motorists to Los Angeles. The party consists only of himself, Mrs. Chance and Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Duncan, all Callfornlan. They( fixed on 7 o'clock thla morning as their starting time, having been delayed In Omaha two days while their machines were shipped from Casey, la., the place they got stuck In the gumbo. Chance drives a Bens and Duncan a. Pierce. Tho party expects to make Grand Island today, put up there for the night and be In Cheyenne Sunday. They will proceed along the Lincoln Highway, cutting down through Nevada from Salt Lak to Loa Angeles, thus avoiding tho Sierras, at least the high points. "No, I'm making no base ball plans for the future," said Cqance. "Really, I feci Ilk quitting. I've had my share. And yet it seems that when a fellow de cides to quit It la not no easy. Truth la. I've had two of the best offers of my j life sine leaving New Tork and deter mining to retire. But I am not consid ering either on of then. It Is a mis take that I had trouble with Charley Far reU; the only rub I had was with one or two of th club directors. Farrell and I parted tha beat of friends. Why should I hav stayed around there any longer when tha team was on tha verge of changing bands? I presume It la sold by now. Of course, under th circumstances, ther waa neither th money nor disposi tion to buy playarf." Chance find pleasure in the. good for tune that has come to hla old alde-klcker. Johnny Ever, and Just smile at th crushing of the Athletics by the Braves. Someone asked him It Miner Brown was all in. "No, he isn't.". h replied promptly "Miner's arm ia still good; his chief trouble ia a bad knee." Tha Chance party was entertained at evening dinner by Clarke Powel). after he had had their mighty machlnea cleaned of th Iowa gumbo ready for smooth Ne braaka roada. Foar Baahera for Aaaoclatloa, Tho Indianapolla club of the American association haa drafted Shortstop Mitch ell from the Ottawa club of the Canadian league, and the Kansas City rlub has signed Pitchers Lelffers and Myers from the Michigan Ktnto loague, and Vincent W leslng, a catcher ot tne MuenicDacna, of Kansaa City. Died of Pneaaaonla is seldom written of those who cur cough and cold with Dr. King' New Discovery. Got a ' bottl today. Wo and tl. All druggist. Advertisement. . Tb director of the Mobile Baae Ball association of tho Southern league at a meeting elected Theodore K. Jackson president of the organisation for mb to ucoeed A. L. Maplea, resigned. No ac tion waa taken on the election of a man ager or secretary. MeGrow to ftU-k hy t.laiits. A rumor to the r,fct tiiat &lanuitr McUraw ot the Nttw Yor Nuii.-nai Uasu dun is rons.deiliig an offer to aiansg a Federal t-au) club mat sean at a t'lincely eatary. Ls d.-nml by ViHiiagrr J4cAiiaw, wl o d larr that be Is still bound to the Nw ori club by contract and that be -,;, Id lot iln with a Fed . oral ItafUe rlulj vm if free, for various r , chirr of whken is doubt of th auiU.ny of lUt cigunudti-jn. 1 Hyatt Cards Manager Miller HuxMina hss mad his first t-) toward atrngtbenlng the St. lxul Card nls for next season In th purchase of Hamilton Hyatt, the utility SlallliiKe haa worked ' pUver from I Ittsburg. Hvatt is n sen- emie pisyer, out his greatrnt value to the Plrata has been his ability to make safe hits In th pinchea. I Moalrlalra Waat .. Th Montclalrs will meat tha Clifton Hill llercliani at Thirty-acond and lewev bundar at 3 30. In spit of bad C hattaBMKa t'lab'a graaoa lis, At tb annual meeting of the stock holders of the Chattanooga nouttiern J aeattier thav hav had one good prae league lub. O. H. Andrews was re- tic ttikt week, and expert to cop the e ucted aa pi'sldent and the capital stock bacon Humlay. They are without a gain waa. tix ieased troin l.t'.OOU to Ther j for Thanksgiving, ny Ito-poundera, call wrra no di blends on the season to b Ue- Walnut 1"9- rlared. but the ftnancul condition wasjl announced aa satisfactory. Another Kddl Colli as. Nebraska Stars On Hospital List At Critical Time LIVOOIN. Neb.. Oct 16.-(Splal Tele gram.) Coach 8tlehm ha a bunch of cripple on, hi hands with th Kanaa Aggies' gam only thre daya off. Cap tulit Halligan waa unable to report for rractlc tonight, owing to a bad kne I Which h suffered in the gam last Sat-tirday.- Halligan may b out for some lime, a the knee has developed' water , and Is exceodlcgly ' painful. , . Cameron, th renter, broke his no In 1 rractlc tonight . and had to ret Ira. but he will be able to play Saturday. Nor ris. suffering from a strained ahoukler I "nun th game wHh South Dakota. In jured It again and waa forced to retire from practice. Warren Howard la th last recruit In the hospital ranka. How ail reported for practice tonight, but is till suffering from a Kg which he had I twisted In the gam last Saturday. Tha rest of th aquad ta In good ehap. Shields and Corey played tackles in th abasne of Halligan. with Abbott and Norr'a at auarda. Wilson an.t r.ii. ends am' Potter at quarter. Th back, j field waa unchanged. I Th varsity did not ahow up any bet ter than d'iring th early day of prnr. tic. Th regulars scored five touch downs, but th freshmen had aa easy tint with tho varsity lln and scored thre touchdowns. Hawok Cl Co. TA1L03S AKD IMPORTERS Forty and Forty-Five Dollars tOt STATS BANK BUILDING , Reds gtga Twlrler. The Clnc'niiali club haa drafted Pitcher "Curley" (rown from th Birmingham club of tb Southern leagu. Collins,' who plays th outfield fur th Pirates, Is named labile. He haa not yet galmd the prominence of Cnnni Mack s celebrity, but semsto b a ftn prospect. uvcrthe. Standing of Teams CH1CAUO lNTKI.BAOrK. Played. Won. Lost. PcL Cub 7 I 4 . Whit Soa I 4 t m'I NEXT MONDAY OCTOBER 19 BEGINS THAT BIG SALE OF Blankets and Comforters at en Jon the ABOUT DOLLAR Another BIG SALE Next Monday 2 CARLOADS of LINOLEUM AND FLOOR OILCLOTH AT 1 REGULAR ABOUT 3 " PRICE BR AN DEIS STORES Watch Sunday's Papers Extr aor din ary Sale of MEMS OVERCOATS Saturday. October 17 No such values ever offered in this city. Even if the weather should "warm up" on Saturday be wise and get your overcoat while the getting is good.; -; OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING STORE ' -s. v Tvrvra 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.'. The Union Su That ''Costs More ' : t t ' j r .' -,'.' ''''" ' ' ' dL When you sec Vassar Swiss Union Suits at one of the better men's stores in your city, no salesman need - tell you they "cost more' (U. Fon no quality garment ever was, or ever can be; sold; at the price of the commonplace article. - JX Your Haberdasher is ready ' liJ now to show you ' ; assar Union Suits for Gentlemen. Knit to the form Kne suit at a time; Swiss ribbed fabrics very elastic, cuffs and anklets knitted on not sewed on don't rofl up or stretch out; specially tailored button-holes won't stretch or pull out; finished like tail ored clothes thc:e exclusive features make Vassar Union Suits distinctive. VASSAL SWISS UNDERWEAR. COMPANY; Chicago, Illinois X! rrinG-PECK co. m Uli C!IT COMPLETE LIKE OF union SUITS