Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1914, Image 1

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    French Claim Advance of More Than Mile
Everybody Reads
ra heppenfnga eve.-y gay.
If folks Oamt read yo.r store)
ery day, If your fault.
The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XLIV NO. 103.
Oa Trains end at
total Raws Stands, Sc.
. Teuton Flyer, Pursued by Hostile
Plane Much Faster Than Own.
Disappear! Like Ghost
French Riden of the Void Drop
Bombs Among Enemy's Cavalry
with Success.
Kaiser's Anti-Air Guns Hare Been
Unusually Active, but With
out Much Effect
f!o- Important Changes in Positions
of Contending Annies.
peaplte Great Sacrifice of,
Imperial Fonn Have Plot Sup
reeded In Forcing the
Allies Back.
LONDON, Oct. 15. Details of an
-exciting encounter in mid-air have
leen received rom an eye-witness,
who is with the army of Sir John
French on the battle ground in
northeastern France. The story fol
lows: ,
"One of the aviators on a mono
plane sighted a 'hostile machine,
which turned out to be an Otto bi
plane, a type of machine which is not
nearly as fast as ours. Our offi
cers started in pursuit .
his pace was carrying vbgkqjetaonn
"He knew that owing to tha position
of the propeller of the hostile machine
he could not be fired at when astern of
his opponent. At sixty yards range he
fired one rifle without apparent result.
Then aa his pace waa carrying blra ahead
of his quarry, be turned round and
again coming te about tha same dta
"tanca -behind emptied hie- snagailne at
tha German. In Cla.d.
"The latter Lagan at onoa to descend,
as It either he or his machine were hit,
and shutting off his engine and volplan
ing to free his hands, the pursuer re
charged his magazine. He fired at hla
descending opponent, who disappeared
into a cloud bank with dramatic sudden
ness. The French airmen, too, have been
very successful during (lie last three
days, having dropped several bombe
among German cavalry, causing consid
erable loss, and having by similar means
.silenced a battery of field Howitzers.
"The German anti-air crafe guns re
cently have been unusually active. From
their rata of fire they seem to be nearly
automatic, but so far they have not had
much effect.
Series ( Trenches.
"A striking feature of our line Is that
It consists really of a series of trenches
not all placed alongside each other, but
some more advanced than others, and
many facing In different directions. At
one place they run east and went along
one side of a valley. At another almost
and south up some subsidiary valley.
Both sides have moved forward at cer
tain points and withdrawn at others. No
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The National Capital
Thar day, Oetoher 18, 1914.
The Senate.
Resumed debate on war tax bill
Kenatiir Overman offered amendment to
f-uJ'l!',a!' ,n i'iitlon to the. proposed
S,-X..Oi,o.)0 cotton lean fund, loaik to itatos
egual to sums paid by them dftrlng and
after tha civil mr In miinn t u ....
Senator W'nmli' offered amcndnietit !
to muhoiize g'lOO.txw.OuO loun on cereals and
IIle wcTTury or tn. treas
ury to buy cereals when prhes taH below
certain points.
Benator offered amendment
authorising $W,oou,Ou loan on ovr:r.
Tha llaase.
Adopted Alaskan foul land leaslna bill
Conference already adopted by the senate.
Representative CJurdner of Uaasavhu
setts Introduced revolution to provide for
Investigation of the preparedness of the
TTnlted states for war 'offensive or de
fensive. Rules committee deferred until next
Tuesday consideration of rule to expedite
cotton relief lexixlution.
Adopted conferenca report on adminis
tration to open up Alaska con I resources
under leading; system.
Kesumeri debate on Printing laws codi
fication Mil.
Repealed the resolution to dock salaries
of members wlt'ioui
Agreed to ad tour n tomorrow until Mon
day pending- action by the: anate on the
war tax bill.
The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Fr'day.
For Omaha. Council Uluffs and Vicinity
Fair, not much change in temperature.
Tempera tar
at Usaaha.
t a. m...
4 a. m...
It. m...
5 a. m...
a. m...
W a. ni...
II a. in...
1J m
1 j. m...
' 1! p. in...
3 p. m...
i K
. 11
. 4.", :
. 4h
, Vl
, 6
il '
4g ip
GERMAN FIELD ARTILLERv.j- - - 30 EFFICIENT-While much has been said of late concerning the siege guns
of tremendous capar " v,,m German military forces astonished the world, the German field artillery is also
a very efficient anvv ; Mlte kaiser's war machine. This photograph shows a German battery passing
tsV-;.' ' V s i 12.-'' '
Troops Fight Fire to Save
Cathedral of Notre Dame
BERLIN", Q.-t. li.-tBy Wlrelees to
flayvllle. I I.) When the German troops
entered Antwerp, according to Informa
tion given out In Berlin today, the church
of Notre Dame was In danger of fire.
The troops devoted their eneraiee to
stopping the spread of the flames and the
church was raved.
Not more than tyelve civilians were
killed in Antwerp during the bombard
Petrof rad Dispatch Asserts Germans
Are Completely Defeated in
Russian Poland. .
German Official Statement Aaserte
that Anstrlan S ranch old Now
Entirely Freed af the Raa
stan Slcara .
Ht fcLKTIJf.
LONDON. Oct. 15.-A dispatch
from Petrograd to the Messagero of
Rome says that the Austro-Qermany
army yesterday was completely de
feated in the neighborhood of War
saw, Russian Poland. The Austrian
and Germans suffered enormous
losses. The Russians , are stated to
have taken thousands of prisoners.
BERLIN, Oct. 15. (By Wireless
to Sayville, L. I.) It was officially
announced today that the battle to
the east of Wirballen, In Russian
Poland, which hns been raging since
October 4, continues faTorable to the
Germans. Repeated attempts of the
Russians to storm the trenches have j
resulted in heavy losses, The Rus-j
slan efforts to drive ont the Germans
7 muiiri; nic uaiijr mi lar
hn:i failed.
"The Austrian stronghold of Prsemysl,"
the Herman official statement continues,
"is now entirely freed ef the Russian
"The Russians are reported to be In for-
(Continued on Page Three, Column Four.)
Belgian and English
Losses Tremendous
BERLIN. Oct. 15. (By Wireless to Eay
vllle, L. I.) A teUgram received here
from Rotterdam rays that tha loaaee of
the Belgian and L'ngllsh troone during
tha bombardment of Antwerp was tra
ntendous. Bursting shells from tha German aide
repeatedly killed at one time between
forty and fifty soldiers in the Antwerp
The statement from Russian sources to
the effect that two German submarines
were sunk during tha attach off the-Oulf
of Finland last week on the Russian
cruiser, Palis da, waa today given official
denial in Berlin.
More than S.WK.floO.eoo marks (
already has been paid in on tha war loan.
This Is nearly l,flr,ooo,0 marks mora
than is required.
" 9
LONDON, Oct. IS. Reuters Telegram
company haa received a dispatch from
Berne. Switzerland, by wgy of Amster
dam, in which it la related that Switzer
land Is beginning to feel the restrictions
on contraband and Knias newspapers are
complaining bitterly of Great Britain's
attitude concerning the importation , of
BrllUh goods through Germany.
n. . - 'JK. V
A German officer ha sent In a report
to the effect that a RuMslan major, on
the East Prussian frontier, forced the in
habitants of the villages under his con
trol to join the Russian troops In the
trenches. Furthermore he used women as
shields' for the Russian machine guns.
Later this major was captured and shot
by the Germans.
vuugrcssiuan Acocnuy aciuiucu
from. Europe Declares Condi
tions Here Concealed. .
Introduces Reaolatlon to Inveatl
sate Military Statna ef Amerlea
In Order tm Stake Situation
Known ta All.
WASHINOTON, Oct. U. Inquiry, into
the preparedness of the United States for
war, "offensive or defensive," by a na
tional security commission, was DroDosed
In A irttnt 1 1 1 , 1 i r. IntrArfiliuH In I li. I
house today by Representative Gardner
of Massachusetts, who recently returned
frem the wsr sone In Europe.
"I have Introduced this resolution to
investigate the military status of the
United States," said Mr. Gardner, in a
statement accompanying the resolution,
"because I knew a public search will
open the eyea of Americana to a situa
tion which is being concealed from
them. The United States is totally unpre
pared for a war, defensive or offensive,
against a real power. In my opinion the
effect of the vast sums of money spent
by Carnegie in his peace propaganda has
been to blind Americana to the fact that
our,-national security from a 'military
point of view la undermined.
"Nearly every army and navy officer
to whom I have spoken tells me the same
story of Inadequate security.- I have yet
to rpeak to a sin pi a member of either the j
committee on naval affairs or the com-mlttee-on
military-affairs of the house, of j
representatives Jn. whose Judgment I have i
confidence who does not In private maM '
the same admission. Yet 'all these gen-
tlemen seein to consider it their duty to
refrain from any public atatement." "
I'nable to K" force Old Policy.
Mr. Gardner, referring to the prosperity
and peace of the United States,, and to
tha "wonderful South American continent
which we have closed to Kuropean colon
isation by the Monroe 'doctrine',"'' de
clared that he could not " understand
"how any intelligent student of history
ean fall to sea tbat we are impotent to
defend ourselves and to enforce the Mon
roe doctrine by moral suasion and finan
cial mlrht alone."
"The time has not yet come," Mr.
Gardner asserted, "when tha United
States can afford to allow, the . martial
spirit of her sons to ,bo destroyed, and
all the Carnegie millions in the world will
not silence those of us who believe that
bullets cannot be stopped with bombast,
nor ponder vanquished by platitudes."
Quick Action is Now
Looked For at Front
BORDEAUX. Oct. Ifc-A high official!
of the French government declared this
morning tbat the latest dispatches from'
the front showed that the military sit. I
uatlon was about to develop more rap
Idly on the center. In the region of Berry- j
Au-Bac. and on tha left. In the La Bat
ata, Eataires and ballleul district.
Tha allies continue to make progress,
this official continued. Several hotly i
contested positions which had changed
hands repeatedly during tha last few
weeks we're now held strongly by the
Krench, and tha Anglo-Frcm h situation
was mott encouraging
Paris Reports Renewed Activity
Along Line of Allies9 Right Wing
PARIS. Oft. IS. The light wlia. of the i crltiir: s-toii. II.' Is Tell swsip that It In
allies Is now beginning t show kIhiio of I flli'flcult to recnnrlln the lr-gliimale cur-
acUvity. According to reports reaching I l'mUy of ,hr I"1"' 0 ,vl,, ,lin wafcKuardlng
Paris this mornlnB thoro was yet an al-' ?f ",'l,al ''"T' b,ul h'u ITM"
vj tercfts am not at stake more liberality
most continuous firing in' heavy ai tlllery ,M,,) i, Bhown.
along the frontier. A fun-e of Germane The French pcujle have (tlven rvtdence
Uellverotl a spirited attack on French j of dignity, firmness, wisdom and pulrlot-
iroops in which numlers ere wounded.
as night fued this for-e of the enemy
naa driven back In the direction of Mud
hausen. Lieutenant tVlonel Rounset, the Frrnnh
military critic. In his nrUde tod.iy, de
clared that the recent official communica
tions are larking In clearness and that it
Is Impossible to find In them any indica
tion, even an nbsoltitoly harmless one, of
the present military situation.
Colonel Rousset says he calls attention
to this fact without any thought of ra
Failure of Russians to Make Prog'
rest Influences Latest Plan of
the Germans.
First Plans far the Orrnpnllon ot
Parla Inplndn Demand for In
demnity nf One Million
LONDON. Oct. IS. "Germans arriving
here," says the Copenhagen correhpond
ent of the" Times, "state that owing to the
failure of the RusKlana to make progress
against the Germans, the Germans have
decided to immediately1 tranufer consider
able masses of troops from the eastern to
the western front for an advance on
Paris. .
Transfer Already Hecan.
"This transfer pronably already has be
gun, aa ordinary train traffic la delayed
forty-eight hours.
From the same source, the correspond
ent says, he learns that there is a large
amount ot sickness among the German
"The plana for the occupation of Paris,
drawn up by the Oermaux before the bat
tle of the Marne," contemplated a demand
for an Indemnity of SI.OOO.Oqo.Oihi and unless
the entire sum was paid within a fort
night, property o? eciual value was to
have been taken to Berlin, Including art
works and libraries, and retained there
until full satisfaction of the Indemnity
was made."
Russiaii War Staff
Eeports No Change
PETROGltAD, Oct. 13. The Russian
general staff Issued the following atate
irwnt today:
."There is no change to report on the
Ht Prussian and central Vistula fronts.
A "Hoiitli of Prsemysl a Runnlan column
engagiai and defeated the Aiistrlans, tak
ing, seven officeis and M0 soldiers pros
oners, .' and capturing msny rapid-fire
Turkey Intends to
Demobilize Army
JxNlON. Oct. 15. A Central News dis
patch from Romo uys:
"According to a telegram from Con
stantinople, published here, Turkey hs i
Informed Gerirany that oalng to a laelc
of money, she will have to demobilize her
army " '
Short Ballot
Election Reform
Full text of the address
delivered by invitation
before the Economic
League by Victor Rose
water, editor of The Bee.
See Edito ial Page
M X I T aJl.
; Ism, and they rhoiild be tskpn more Into
the confidence of the government. n
concluding his article, the r-rltlc points
out several Instances in which, in his
cnlnlMi. tlto official communication have
been lacklii-;.
Tha Hotel 1c Vlllc (town Imlli of Arras. '
which wss binned dnwiu after Hi" bomb-'
ardinrnt of that city, was a building of1
Gothic Ftyle. It was erected In the he
ginning of the sixteenth century snd was
one of the rWst types of this style ot
arohltertuio In northern Fiance. j
Serious Movement of Earth in Cule
bra Cut Interrupts Passage'
of Vessels. -
Officials VI fco Malt Ksaoilaatlna of
llamaae Think that Traffic
VIII Re Delayed for
Some Time,
PANAMA, Oct. Ifl.-A serious land
slide In the Culehra cut at a late hour
last night Interrupted completely all
traffic through tiie Panama canal., Hv
eral ships In the canal have been unable
to complete their passage.
Tiie reports indicate that there were
early movements on both sides into tha
i hnn 1 from the slopes of Gold and Con
tractors' hills, which are opposite each
Colonel Goethala and other mi..i. ...
day were making an examination of Uie
! damage. "
It Is said tlist traffic, through
canal probably will bo Interrupted
soma time.
- No Permanent ilartn Done,
WASHINGTON, Oct. li.-News oi
landalltle into Culehm
alarm til the Istlimlsn Canal commission
office. Wli'le regretting the temporary
tlot-ure of the canal the officials say this
slide villi have Us compensations from
an engineering point of view becausj it
will hasten the final ubsldcnc of the
mobile material In the cut, thereby In
suring the permanence of the waterway.
;o omoial report on the slide had
reacneu tne commlxslnn today. R was
recalled, however, that In .l,,..,., ,..
refereme to the. Culehra cut operations
t.oionei woeinals had pointed out that
earth had not reachod a slate of equilib
Cholera is Making
Rapid Strides in
Hungarian Ranks
VKNIf'K, Italy, Oi.-t. U.-tVi Paris.)
According to reports reaching Venice,
cholera is making rapid strides through
out Hungary, and the prioress of the
disease is causing alarm.
The Hungarian authorities, )l now up
pears, were too lax In tha beginning In
the matter of the sanitary supervision of
prisoners' camps, which since have been
placed under spe is! control. Now all
NUslei't csxes sre being Isolated In hos
pitals. other dispatches reaching Venbe re
Iste that ths Austrian commissary de
partment iii breaking down, so far as the
i 'liilpinent of new recruits is concerned.
These men are suffering from a scarcity
of clothing and boots, ejcla!ly heavy
win tor garments.
Civilian Residents
Evacuate Goldap
IXNION, Oct. IS. A disyatch to Ken
ter's Telegram company from Amsterdam
Tha evaluation of (ioldno in east
Prussia by tho civilian population Is re
vealed by tha Cologne Gssette's corre
spondent at Ksstenburs, who ssye iliat
tha deartuic waa canned by military
i t neons and prei aullons."
War Summary
Tho Germans, who are moving
on Ostemi. sre reported hy neutral
potircrs 1o have occtipted Uruptes.
fifteen mile esl of the former
A (ierniHii official statement,
sent wlrplens, unys Oernisn
irnops la l'.isium are marching
In purl towards OMond snd In part
!iward tlio Prench frontier. There
lias been h.tuy righting enst of
SolsHonosiid Hie Argonne. and ill1
Crrniebs have at no p1n1 lost
ground, II is declaroil. French
Uiltnr. t-f ucesses In the Woevre
T-t-Ict iinv-fionled.
TU V renrh officlnl slRicnipnl
hi nounce.l that the allU-s have
nmtle lnurlted progress in h re
fiou of I. ens and between Arras
anil Albert. On 4h center Ihe
alllo". it is snid, havn advanced
In lli tilrection of Crnoane, while
n Oeriiian offensive movement to
the north of fcr.lnt tiie lies been
deVlnltely fheckei'..
A d'patch from Tetrogiad says
that the Austro-Oerman army was
romplelely defeated Wednesday In"
the neighborhood of Warsaw, Rus
sian Poland, suffering enormous"
A wireless message from Ber
lin says that It was officially an
nounced there today that the
battle to the cast of Wirballen in
Hnstilan rotund, continues after
eleven days of, favorable
to ihe Oermans, repeated ad
vances of the rtuaelana having
been repulsed with heavy lOHses.
Paris ny that the flghtlns con
tinues along the front front War
saw to PrzomyHl, hut glveH no de
tails. A IttiKHlnn advance in East
Prussia is BUKKented In a dispatch
from AiiiHterdnm, which quotes a
German correspondent at Haslen
hnrg as reporting that the civilian
population of Goldap has evacu
ated the town for "military rea
sons and precautions.'
Texas Doing Its Full Share Toward
Filling Ship for Children
. of Europe.
Idea la to Provide Something; That
YYoald Re KeBlertr anal to
Sonrrra Are Closed.
Texas has promised lOO.Ottj Quarter
pound bans of peanuts and pecans to the
Christmas ship. And Texas Is keeping
Its word.
One million quarter-pound bags 1S
tons enough to crsm at lenet ten big
freight ears!
A whole train load of Christmas hap
piness for the little children abroad!
The amount is so big thst It almost
seems as though Texas must fsll In Its
effort. Hut Texss Is not going to fall.
Here are some of the things Its people
ire. doing: Newspapers In almost every
city and village In tha state are' work
ing; important business and commercial
associations have promised to help; chil
dren In tho schools and Sunday schools
are working like Trojans.
Here Is a letter that reveals tha spirit
with which the people are working. It
wis written by the secretary of the Oon
sales Commercial club to the Houston
Post, Ihe newspaper which has made It
self personally responsible for the suc
cess of the project In Texas:
"Gonssles Continental club is with you
How nisny bait of iwaim do you want
from us.' You shall have lliem if there
are rnoiieh Means mown to fill your re
quIretnentM." NuuMC.XIoua t'roiu Vebraska ( llr. i
Right along this line. In connection with j
what to gh.:. eonies this letter from Ne. !
hraka i lly, which the wilier. In a note
to the ( lir;alii'na Hlilp Kdltor, suggests !
may be tho forerunner of k renter good to
NKHKAHKA CITV, Neb.. Oct. lu.-To'
the Kdltor of The H-e: Th'. C .irmma
Hhln Idea Is a very beautiful conception j
ami worthy of national recondition and!
thanks, it does not take the imag. nation
(Continued on 1'aga Two, Coiumu Three.) j
Carden Denies !
Having Criticized !
the United States!
WASHINGTON. Oct. 16.Sir Linnet
Carden haa repudiated the Interview
asortLed to l.iiu upon his sailing from
New York recently, in which he wus
said to have reflected severely on Presi
dent Wilson's policy in regard to Mex
ico. The repudiation t a ma vto the (State de
partment through Ambassador I'age in
London, who had inquired of the British
foreign office as to the auth-nti. Ity of
the interview.
Hlr Kdward Gray, the British foreign
minister, Informed Mr. Page that while
Hlr Lionel had submitted to an Interview
regarding conditions In Mexico as he left
the United .States, ha had not reflected
in any way on the policy of President
It was intimated at the Htale depart
ment that this closed tha Incident.
;Forcf Are Reported to Be March
ing Toward Osteud nd Sooth
west to French Frontier.
; Emperor William Takes Up Position
Further in Interior of Frenoh
j Submarine Launches Missile at Ves
sel at Entrance of the Gulf
of Finland.
Aisert French Official Reports of
Successes Are Untrue.
J Torpedo Itnet learoyera Illseever
Afcloa of Seasslsarlsa Nnlloa.
j ellt, Loaded with Provisions
for Lnndou and Rnaala.
PARIS, Oct. 15 The afficUl
communication Issued by the French
war oflce tonight nays;
' The news (,f the day indicates
Kainn at several points along the
'On the left wing north of Ly
we have taken Ketaira. On the cen
ter, to tho north and east of Rhelm,
e hove made an advance of yearly
two kilometers (about a mile and a
'Ou the height of the Me use and
in ihe Woovre region we have made
pains to the south of St. Michael and
near Marchevllle."'
f . ' .........
siun i a
PARIS, Oct. 1 5.-Thg official com
munication given, out by the French
war office this afternoon .. ik tt fol
lows; "In Belgium, Clerman troops com
ing from Antwerp are marching to
ward the west, and the evening of
October 14 they reached Ihe region
rir Bruges and Thiclt (fifteen miles
ontheaet of Bruges),
"On our left win, the enemy has
exacuated the left blnk of the Lyg.
Between the Lys and the'canal of La
Basse, the situation' shows no change.
"In the region of Lena, and be
tween Arras and Albert, our pro
gress has been marked.
"To the northeast of the highway
from Berry Au Bac, to Rhelme. and
o the norlh of Prunay ,n the direc
tion of Belne, several of the Qerniau
trenches have beeu taken. '
"Between the Meuse.and the Mo
eelle, after having repulsed during
the night of October 13,14 certain
attacks to the aoiitbeast of Verdun
our troops advanced on the 14th to
the south of the highway from Ver
dun to Metz. '
"On our right wing the partial of
fensive movement undertaken by tho
Oermans In the Ban de Sapt, to- the
north of Saint Die. has been defln.
Itely checked."
BERLIN', Oct. K-(Via Wlrelea
to Sayville, L I Information con-
tConllnuod o Pagu -fZ, Culumn'FouT'.
A queer want ad ,
'(;X trrr.n,r .""""' lHue' of tha
lln.lnnuti r-.cuulii. contained the .
following want nd:
me who wants to live in the
country on a small place hy hlmaelf.
on i fi l'f yu, Pr month
an. I iii, himself.
The V lace run hardly he 'called a
O.v.111, ,1 one because leliten llvinr
alone lie Motilil .A i.
... .... , 'rjm. mm own
inculs and do null work as called
upon him to da.
'l i e one tor this place should ha
n. until UH.-.1 to hard work, hut who
wanted a id.-tce. lain or shine,
if he Kuve Htlra'tion.
Inm'i cure how old he is If ha Is
in koo.i lealtli and dors uot drink a
drop of l.i;or, and who would not
ttf l.tlicied wltu relatives and friends
culling on hini.
It l not so attractive berth, and "
would he too lonesome for moxt
Ixm't bother me with answerlne;
tlils advert iMe'nrot iiniaxs rou want
the i!i4 with ail Its illMadVautasee. ,
lis evrn w.rn than I aay It is
Ad'lresa 11 IT. iCimiilrer office.
' Hall order Journal. " t '
The Dec'a "Help Wanted"
columns show a number of.
attractive offera every day
in the week and they're
mighty interesting reading "
to those, who want to get
resoAene TyUr 10Qo
The Omaha Bee
ftreaV Rd See Wmnt AJt.