Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE l.KH: OMAHA. THURSDAY, OCTOBKtt 15, 1914.
Th Bee PuMlahlng Company, Proprietor.
Entered at Orhaha postofflc as second-class matter.
By rarrier
per month.
Evening and Sunilav ....
Evening without Sunday Jf....
Runriav Pr only r...
lielly and SisndaT
rHr without Sunday.
ny man
per year.
4 n
Fend notice of of srtrtrcss or rnmp'slnts or
Irregulsnty In delivery to Oman IW, Circulation
Department. '
Remit hr draft esprees or postal order Only two
cent aiampa received In payment of small ae
count lersnnal checks, except on Omaha and eastern
tichange. not accepted.
Omaha-The Fee Building
Pouth Omaha 2J1 N street
Council Bluffs 14 North Main street.
Lincoln S Little Rialdlng.
Chicago Wl Hearst Bui ding
New tork-Room Fifth avenue.
ft Ioule-Snj New Hank of Commerce.
Washington 726 Fourteenth fit., N. W.
AiMree comtrmnlratlone relstlng to newa and edi
torial matter to Omaha, Bee. T-dltorlal Department.
Elate of Nebraska. County of Pouglss. as.
Dwight Wllllama, circulation manager of Tha Re
Publishing company. being duly sworn, aaya that
tha average dally circulation for Uia month of Hep
tember. 1H4, was .H
DWTtlHT WIULJAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before
ma. thla 2d c"ay of October, 1!14.
Subscribers leariag the cJtj temporarily
should hare The Bm mailed to them. Ad
ttrcM wUl be chaaged u oftnn as requested.
Do It now send your contribution to the
captain of the Christmas Chip.
It beats the Dutch the way those Uelglane
hare been pourlns oyer Into Holland.
" Of course, It will be possible to find 10,000
fans who could have told you so from the first.
If delayed jnuch longer that democratic pat
ronage pie will turn to Christmas plum pudding.
In Boston, though, the fall of Philadelphia
is of far more Importance than the fall of Ant
werp. Never fear, plenty of cheap gas will be
mlted when the gas franchise question Is again
opened up.
Those base ball experts picking "the all
star team gave the Boston champions Just two
places out of thirteen. A good guess, that!
. Villa seems to think there Is something die
trace ful about being at peace with his country
permitting his country to be at peace with itself.
Our Guarantee of National Stability.
Tlio toilou trials crpfiiVd ijr tho war has been
referred to as "A national danger 'bat calls for
national action."- The' Washington Tout re
cently slimmed It up in a word hy showing that
exports of rotten to date amount to 131,721
bales, an compared with 1.323.S54 bales for the
Fame period last year. It Is easy to aerept the
view, therefore, that this Is a time for big think
ing and big acting. -
Yet other war louses to us are inevitable and
our only guarantee agafnst them lies In the pro
digious resources of our noil, which this year the
government estimates will yield product worth
$4,500,000,000 to $.",000,000,000, exclusive of
cotton. Then to this bewildering sum we have,
to add the receipts from live stock and other
natural resources, which cf-rtolnly should keep
us from falling entirely Into the slough of
despond as a result of the cotton collapse. Wall
street experts have figured that exchange bills
from wheat and oats alone this year should ap
proximate 1300,000,000, which Is aboot 0 per
cent of what cotton did In 1313.
Every recurring harvest represents so much
new wealth antf with the limitless soil possibili
ties of the Cnited States, and particularly of this
western section, It Is folly for us to allow the
; most appalling temporary disaster to destroy out
confidence in our own agricultural, commerc'al
and industrial abilities, which are equal to the
severest test and afford us a complete gunr.'taty
if national stability.
A Difference and a Distinction.
Republican county officers who besougjitthe
legislature to rulno their salaries Come In. for a
terrific drubbing ,by our local democratic con
temporary. Bur 'this same World-Herald to this
day has had not a word to say about the. $50,000
Jail feeding graft, which the reform rVernocratlc
sheriff tried to put across after obtaining votes
from the people under misrepresentation that
ho would be content with the $4,0CO salary at
taching to the office.
There's a difference and a distinction between
seeking a raise of salary by law-fid means, and
picking tho taxpayers' pocket by grabbing in
sanity fees or gouging extra profits out of feed
ing Jail prisoners.
There's difference and a distinction, too, be
tween a public officer asking the legislature to In
crease the compensation allotted to hi office,
and a public officer hiring lawyers to upset laws
he has sworn to obey and enforce, In order to
reach into the treasury for more money to
feather his own neBt.
. . "Are the servant greater than the master?1
asks the Chicago Herald. The scriptures say
not, and we take it the scriptures apply also to
. The forthcoming balance sheet of Ring Ak-'
Sar-Ben'a chancellor of the exchequer may be
confidently expected to ehed Joy and1 sunlight
over the realm.
Another of the anomalies of the war may be
mentioned in the German'! invitation to tho Bel
gians to return to Antwerp and enjoy the quiet
life of a great city. , " ,
If those new Krupp gnne really have a range
of twenty-five miles, we bad better begin con
sidering the question of moving Omaha back to
about the location of Fremont.
Remember that no republican holding office
In Douglas county could possibly. have, gotten a
salary boost from the last legislature without
the consent and approval of tha democratic, governor.
The poor old benighted Hindu may "do Ufa
best he kin do," but bow much will that be when
the w la try winds of northern Europe get to
whistling through the folds of hit semi-tropical
To date, th World-Herald ha not said a
word la retraction of Ita "ninety per cent" fake
with which It hae been trying to bolster up the
democratic candidate running aa a nopartlaan
for chief Juetlce. ' . .
Candidatee for the legislature are telling
what they will do if elected. We are waiting for
one of them to distinguish himself by announc
ing that every bill ha fathers will be entitled. "A
bill to repeal "
"Let peace prevail," shouts a Minnesota
newspaper, which recalls the famous slogan
once uttered by Adam Bede through his Pine
Knot, 'Let us love one another." It was calcu
lated to bring a lot of warring edltora to time
and we hop this latter appeal is even more effectual.
of Oarneau
ro4 act ru.t-M
The TVantern Cracker Bakera aaaorlatlon h..
holding a- roaettng-aera to Inveatlgato tha charge A
fim i-uiuns aiunn aoma member. A local mem
w n aumauc4 was J. w. aaxneau
ftrna .' ' -
iiwre awmi vo.v a sort or loat child epidemic tn
Omaha. Almoat dally worJ Is received of aome child
waaoeruiaT away rrora home.
grand rally In tha count U chamber presided over bv
Charles Hanley, and lUtened to addreaaea by John
Kuan. e. a. O'Brien, . M McDonagh and C J
Newly alaeted mambere of tha board of trade
J. H. Taylor of Hlmebauih & Taylor; Henry Vuw
architect; A. Hoop. Jr.; Ed holm a Erlckaon, Wbltney
A Co., commlaaloo; W. J. Kennedy, Implement; Ed
win Davl and Peter Oooa.
W1U E. Gnttlon of thia city, and Mlaa Ella Mon
telth of Martin. Mlrh, were married last nltfht at tha
horn of the bride's mother.
Judge Nevlll and a If have returned from their
extern trip.
. J. 1L Millard aod daughter are In Chicago.
Where Hindus Are Welcome.
N'ot many weeks ago a shipload of Hindus
was denied the privilege of landing on Canadian
soli, it took vigorous, even violent measures to
prevent the landing. The Hindus, it was said,
felt aggrieve,! at Mother England's failure to
Intervene In their behalf. No doubt the maternal
heart yearned to appease the fraternal strife, but
the maternal hend was far too wise to let mere
emotion .override reason, and lead to the rash
extreme of attempting to dissuade Canada.
At last, however, dear old Nfother England
has found a landing place for her Hindus where
questions are asked and the word- welcome
is writ In the very air. If the port of Vancouver
was cold and forbidding, the sunny shores of
Marseilles' must seem the very highest haven of
hospitality. For to old Mother England has
come a time when uniformed Hindus and Can
adians look alike. For. the time being, all tha
elements of Britain's far-flung lines of population
may be brought into closer harmonv than ever
'before by the common demand that means so
much to the sovereignty on which "the aun
never eets."
Insuring- the Pastor's Life.
A Chicago church has taken out a life In
surance policy for Its pastor, which it proposes
to maintain and commends the plan to other
churches as an incentive to longer pastorates.
In selecting life Insurance Instead of potatoes
or turnips as the perquisite, the Idea doubtless
is that the chain of continuous premium pay
ments will acrve to bind the pastor and the
people together in the sense of mutual obliga
tion, while other forms Of donations might not.
at least hava not In ye oldea times.
But what Ms the matter with the up-to-date
method of paying the pastor a living salary" and
leaving him, like other men, free to attend td
his own wants for the present and1 competency
for the future? Is not the present tendency in
that direction and away from near-charity.
clergyman's discounts and free privileges, which
cannot but compromise a,ny man's self-respect
and standing in the community?
If we understand the situation, what this
Chicago church proposes is not progressive, but
distinctly reactionary and the sooner such
things are rled down by the churches, the
sooner will they and their ministerial servants
attain that larger leadership and influence which
belong to them. 'Th laborer Is worthy ot h5s
hire" should, it seems to us, mean as much, It
not more, to the church than any purely tem
poral enterprise. ' '
Aa almost its first official act. the federal
reserve board approved the cotton loan fund
plan to help out the banks that have been car
rying the southern planters which la quite
natural Inasmuch as two-thirds of the federal re
serve board members are southerners. Wonder
if they would have fronted so promptly if it
had been a loan fund to relieve a marttet over
burdened with northern wheat.
The democratic state committee, makes an
appeal for popular contribution to the demo
cratic campaign fund, with the explanation that
only with such help will democratic candidates
"be free to do the people's bidding." It la to
JTH v3 -9-
l.xw'e n.-ln. a IHajrrnce to State.
FREMONT, Srb., Oct. 14.-To the Ed
itor of The Hex: As a mi-mlx-r "f the
lentil profession I desire to thank you
fur tlir? editorial appearing In thla morn
ing's B ra-rdlng the delay In the ad
mlnlxtraJlnn of Juatlce. The delay In
litlKntlon I. a diegrace to thla atat. It
la ll.hcartrnlng to litigants, bring the
court Inir. contempt and la a Just re
proH'h t- the profeenlon.
During; the laat two or three year 1
hava Lit) en the pain to Inquire Into the
rune.. i for delny In obtaining Justice,
have umlned the legislative xplents
for r alwlltlon and havs almost coma
to ! conclusion that the fault I with
the 'Ourt themnelvee. Wherever the
our. have taken a determined stand
'or tha expedition of judicial business
leliy have disappeared, or at leat
hive been greatly lessened.
Thl winter some of t are going to
'.ve aome legislation enacted that will.
t leat. Inspire the court to greater ac
tivity. We wilt be glad to hava the co
operation of The Omaha Be. Two
year ago I drafted and had Introduced
six bills looking to an Improvement of
existing condition. These bill met the
unanimous approval of the house Judi
ciary committee, hut got lost in the con
fusion that attended the latter part of
the session, so that nothing substantial
waa really accomplished. However, I
found that the aentlment of the peop'
waa distinctly favorable to greater ex
pedition In tha administration of Justice
In thla state.
Hoping that you will keep up the good
work until we ran boast of conditions
aa good aa those In Minnesota, where
one can reach the end of litigation
within nine months after the suit I
commenced, I am, , W. M. CAIN.
Method for Teaching; the Deaf.
RRNSON. ieh., Oct. IS. To tha Editor
of The. line: In a recent report of the
meeting of the Parent' Association of
the Nebraska School for the Deaf, the
meeting Is said to have been "a large and
enthusiastic, meeting," at which resolu
tions Indoralng the Neh-aska oral law and
the oral method were passed. Aa a mat
ter of fact this meeting was composed
of a number of parents who had Just
come to Omaha to enter their children
at the .school, and who were marshalled
by the superintendent and oral teachers,
and who were so uninformed and misin
formed that they did the bidding of those
The Nebraska oral law, can have- the
sanction and support ot no fair-minded
person. It Is contrary to the principle
of American freedom to enact a lan- that
will maM mandatory the method of edu
cating a child or a certain group of chil
dren. It I clasa legislation of the rank
est kind. The deaf people of Nebraska
are up In arms against this law and will
do all they can to have It repealed at
the next meeting of the legislature, and
carnetly urge all fair-minded men and
women to assist them.
The great majority of schools fot the
deaf In America are combined system
schools. They fit the method to the child
and not, as Is trying to be done tn Ne
braska, by legal enactment, fit the child
to the method. Because of the fact that
America la after educational results and
la not hidebound by any alngl method
the deaf of America lead the world In
both an educational and a material sense.
The deaf of Europe ar not in the aame
clnee with them. The question Is, la Na
braika going to adopt Europe failure
or keep abreast of tha great American
schools for the deaf? If the citizens of
Nebraaka know what they are . about
and are not misled by faddists, they will
repeal thla obnoxious and unjust law. -
A. I-. HURT, ;
President of the Nebraska Association for
the Advancement of tha Deaf. . -
The Wright brothers seem to hava all the
best of the aviating bualneas. ! They sit back
and draw the royalties, while vhe other fellows
have to get their 'money by daring death.
Never was the force of Thomas Jefferson
"Peace, commerce and honeet friendship with
all nations, entangling; allla-nces with . none,"
more timely than now.
I .
Editorial Snapshots
Poston Transcript: Tha European cen
aorshlp has become strict that s-imc
American papers are unable to obtain
more than ISO column of war new a day
Wall Street Journal: fr. William aaya
this country la "the Mount Ararat of a
Universe overwhelmed by a deluge .of
blood, of contusion and raging atrlfe."
Iet It go at that If we can escape the de
ruga of talk.
' Bprliujfleld Republican: Maurloe Maeter
linck, unabla to Jotn the army, felt he
ahoule do aomethlng for his opuntry, and
a correspondent found hln helping women
and children harvest the crops. America
haa a great many authora who could be
loaned with profit to Eoroix to be put to
the tame good purpose.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: The French
are Jnat In admiration of the Engllati aul
dlcra who are observed to ahave and to
take tea between attack. And doubt
less the English soldier are equally aur
prlaed at tha French, who can rale all
manner of astonishing beards and drlak
eau aucra between duel.
New Tork World: "There i only one
A League of Peace
Andrew rrncgie In New York Independent.
Abolition of War.
The writer has not failed to rrd with intense In
terest what lias been published on both side of the
Atlantlc'upon the pnscnt lamentable onditlons, cre
ated by tne greatest war know n to history,
nine countries, rive of these aincng the greatest na
tion Britain. France, (iermany, Kusela. Austria and
Japan engulfing In the.r train Belgium, Servla and
Montenegro. That the former condlt.or.a can ever be
restored seem Improbable. Some I art of the civilised
wvrld may have to undergo reconstruction.
Among the forth' omlMg results there Is to be
proven once again the fallacy that world peace can be
ecured throush preparation by each nation fir war.
On the contrary, there can he no possible oeeape from
the conclusion that war can be abolished only through
a union of powerful, peace nations, resolved to pre
serve the peace themselves and also, If absolutely
necessary, to enforce It upon others.
The present war gives us upon a small scale an
Illustration of the forthcoming un.on of nation to pre
serve peace. In the agreement executed by the allies,
Britain. Ruaala and France, which blnda them to act
only In unison In all matters affecting peace. No one
separate nation has power to act, .only the three na
tions united have all power.
Preparation for war as a meane of ensuring peace
haa been proven a failure. It has been tried for i.W
year and has alwaya precipitated war, since one na
tion "preparing" compela her neighbor to do likewise
one feara the other, and both Increase "preparation"
until the Inevitable struggle bursts forth.
The Itemed r.
W have aeen that "preparation for war" by one
nation begets similar preparation by those nations
which feel themselves endangered. The remedy for
this la evidently one world-wide organisation of as
many peaceful powers aa possible to prevent war and
Insist that differences between nations shall be peace
fully adjusted by The Hague conference, or other
tribunal satisfactory to the contenaanta. in me 1a.11
resort, If necessary, the world peace court could de
liver Judgment by a majority vote, which would he
binding upon the powers.
Without separate armies and na vie there could be
no war, the world would be at peace. This fact can
not be gainsaid. It Is therefor In thla direction that
men of peace should labor. , One great step toward
this, aa I have said, has been made by the following
announcement: hero lies the germ which only needs
development to banish war from clvlllred nations:
"The British, French and Ruasian government, on
Saturday, September 5, mutually agreed not to make
peace separately during the present war, and no one
of them shall demand conditions Of peace without the
previous approval of the others."
Here the allied nations combine and act tut one.
After the present belligerents agree upon peaceful
settlement, Germany and Austria should be the first
Invited by the allies to join In forming a League of
Feace. Should they accept, then aome of the other
natlona might be Invited. At the first meeting ot the
league some general principles might be formulated:
First, one general World Peace commission shall be
established to which each member shall contribute
toward expenditure In proportion to Its population and
wealth. Their respective fleet shall be merged, con
trolled and operated under such management as the
league may direct from time to time. No war policy,
or attack upon any nation or fleet ahall be made ex
cept by a majority vote of two-thirds of all the mem
mers of the World Ptaco league, and then only after
timely notice to the nations threatened. The commis
sion shnll exercise undisputed authority, always pro
vided It Is sufctalned and Its action approved from time
to time by two-thirds of the total membership.
t'minllon of Control.
An executive committee shall be elected by two
thirds majority of the commission, a separate vote
being taken upon each candidate. This committee
shall irlect a president and vice president by a ma
jority! vote who shall each serve four years, but thi
vie president shall serve six years for the first term,
and his successor be elected for four years, thus pre
venting tho simultaneous change of both tho former
high officials.
Th;e difference between the proposed commission
and the present situation In regard to peace and war
Is fundamental. For twenty-five hundred years tribes
and nations have warred with each other. Inflicting
such barbarities as make the flesh creep aa one reads,
and aill these years it has been held' by many that
"preparation for war" prevents war, yet today we
have the greatest outburst ot war that this long his
tory recounts. We submit that the day la past when
we sfcall longer tolerate this Inhuman sacrifice of
hulnsh beings. The civilised world hae tried "prep
aration for war" long enough. W now propose to
rend war Impossible, at least between the best of
those nations classed as clvlllred. When these lead,
others can be compelled to follow, or oetraclxed, it
this ever becomes necessury. The league would act
upon tha high moral ' standing of world peace, de
termined to maintain It when necessary In the Judg
ment of the two-thirds majority of its mambera. Even
if ruccess bo delayed, sooner or later Its triumph would
be certain. I '
This slight sketch may serve to awaken Interest
which of Itself Is' most desirable in' th's phenomenal
crisis. If tture be a surer way to peace, so much the
better. Whenever and however the killing of men by
men under cover of war can be prevented, let all
promising modes be submitted and tried, for war is
the world's greatest crime. One thing Is certain,
peace upon earth can never come from '.'preparation
for war," hence let us discard that fallacy and try
other means. It Is submitted that a league of Peace,
embracing the chief nation, Is worthy of consideration.
Tramp Tour dog Jeat bit a piece of
flesh outer ine leg. num..
Woman iJlail vou mentioned It. I was
Just going to feed him. Ikoton Tran
St rlpt.
"What do you think of men wearing
feather In their hat?"
'Hud sign " repied the other Isdy.
"The featlits are small now, I knw,
but they may Im reaite In iMXe and few
fainlll run afford to buy oetrlch plume
for two." V ashlngton t-tar.
"A woman has to give up a r M
deal after she gets married," s. ..d
Airs. tJabb.
A man does nothing else but give
UP after he gets married," replied Mr. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Mr. Datus Do you find your gymna-rl-im
work helpful"
Mrs. Artigue Helpful Why. this morn
ing I waa the first one to reach a her
fculn counter out of a bunch of lm) start
ers. Indianapolis News.
He At last we are alone. I've leen
hoping for this chance. .
Phe-Bo have I. '
He (pleased! Ah! You knew. then, that
I wanted to a.k you to be my wife?
She Ye, and 1 wanted to sfv "No"
emphatically and get it over with. Boa
ton Transcript.
Base Ball Cllrl All la over between us.
Here Is your ring.
The Man 1 am to understand then that
ojr enKBiremcnt Is at en end?
Base Ba'l Cllrl-Exactly! I give vou
your release, and expect to slen a new
man the latter part of the week. Good
bye Boston Transcript.
"Charlie got his Ideas of married life
from the comic papers."
"He says after he got married he was
agreeably surprised to find thst his wife
could get a satisfactory hat for five dol
lars." Louisville Courier-Joy rnal.
"Say. Chlmmle, what yer suppose flat
gwr AludUn did when he rubbed his
lamp and er palace sfrung upT'
' lie rubbed his lamps ter see If he
wsn't dreamln', o' course.' Boston
"My dear girl, yoa siend all your money
gettlnp your hand read."
"And you spend SI) yours, old boy. In
getting your noe red.'- Nw York Sun.
"I haven't hsd much chance to talk to
my eonstltuenta."
'And you are worried?
"I don't know whether to worry of
not. I have Just received a letter from
a friend, who saya my silence may be
a great help to me." Indianapolis News
Hear the sounding and the pounding
Of tbe fife and drum rebounding j
And confounding, 'left and right! '
Bee the pram Ing and the dancing '
Of the horae. wildly glanring.
While advancing for the fight!
Hear the spatt'ring and the clea ring
Of the calvarlc a-batt'rlng,
And the shatt ring, as tney charge!
See the Uniting und the Sprawling
Of the dead, and wounded crawling,
la appalling numbers large!
Hear the rumbling and the mumbling
Of the Infantries a-grumbllng
And a-tumbling down the wayl
See the meeting and the beating,
And the merciless defeating,
And retreating from the fray!
Hear the sighing and the crying
Of the routed and the flying
And the dvng In the flankn!
See the dashing and the clashing
And riemonlacal slashing
And the gashing In the ranks!
Where's the glory In the story
Of tha devastating, hoary.
Ever gory, shot and shell?
Is he frrcater than a traitor.
Anarchist or freedom hater,
Who would cater to this hell?
eltlsen." says the
"that I lut ahead
that la the mother."
colonel In Kaasaa,
of tha aoldior and
Look like another
nam off th Nobel prise Uat for peace.
Still, It the mother k to be ooBldre4
ahead of tha soldier, must not war be
kept away from her boy?
Odd Bits of Life
Now let Philadelphia Jotn rapturously In the
bundred-year-old song: "Vi land of the free
and the home of the 13ravs."
By feeding condensed milk to hi un
flowers, John Poppett raised the largest
sunflower ever produced In an Bernar
dino, Cal. It measured fifty-one Inches In
The experiment is being tried In Kan
aaa of Irrigation by mean of a great bat
tery of windmills, which pump the water
from the Interior of the earth and de
posit It In dirt reaervolrs, where It U
atored until wanted.
While Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jefferson
Cutting of Worcester, Mass., observed
their goldan wedding their daughter and
husband, Mrs. and Mr. Wright K. Burn
ham, observed their stiver wedjlng at
the home .of the Cutting.
A. A. Whitman, superintendent of the
Cheshire county farm, raised sixty-els
peunda ot potatoes from on aeed potato
whk-h he used to plant seventeen hills.
Tha potato was cut ao that there waa
one eye on each ot the seventeen plecea
that waa planted.
In order to visit her bus band, who was
ninety miles away. Mr Albert Bkr of
Eugen. Or., recently Vode on horseback
1 nil lea in four day, part of th time
through a drenching rain. On th way
shn had to croea th Com'. Range mnun
tuln, over heavy, muddy road, and rarely
KunJ house closet five u.llr apart.
The Tragedy of Belgium
ere s Where
Your Mckel
Makes alWicklef
It buys a package of five
big, luscious sticks
a i ss
A new gum
made to give the lovers
of Peppermint lots of "Pep" with
its double strength flavor.
LW It is also double wrapped, and
Cr sealed to insure your getting
it fresh, tasty and full-flavored,
Each 5c package is
wraooed in a
United Coupon
good for valuable presents.
I t's the same high grade
product as the
.aalgaely ' W
aTlsaVrakef . ."WL
i i tr sa i- vt ar j v.-m
i 1 i, ii i" 1 , ii
Get the
WRIQLEY "twin mints"
for long-lasting delight I
Philadelphia Public Ledger: Belgium had no part
In the events which brought on the war. On the con
trary, she was withheld by International agreement
from the quarrels of the rest of Europe. Neverthe
less, she haa been transformed in two short months
from a nation of prosferous workers Into one of
blackened fields and ruined homes. The shnme of this
rests on Oerrhany. It la a ahama beyond expiation.
ntUburgh Dispatch: Theoretically for, the crime
of trying to preserve their neutrality and really be
cause their territory waa needed aa a base for military
operations, they have been robbed of five-sixths of
their kingdom, their chief cities have been destroyed
or greatly damaged and their Industrie and com
merce ruined. There can hardly be more lmpre!ve
example of the cons-lencelenes of militarism flian
the claim that the nceda of warfare Justified the vio
lation of the treatiea guaranteeing Belgium's neu
trality. Indianapolis Newa: One of the greatest trageiiou
of thla war la that Belgium, which certainly did not
want It no matter what may be true of the other
powere ehould up to th present time have been the
chief aufftrer from it. Th Belgiana have simply de
fended their country from Invasion. They eju'd not
have failed to do that wltrtuut making themaelvea
alllra of tlermany. They thon to fltht. and the
have fought with a devotion and bravery that have
challenged the admiration of the world.
Boston Tranacrlpt: The nit ral effect of the fall of
Antwerp greatly favors the kaiser, while It may not
corrpondingly depress Ihe allies. The German now
have a new and strong bane in Belgium which w II
cover their army If It la driven entirely ut of France.
Thy cannot make th uie of Antwerp that they
would ao long a their navy I bottled up In the Nor'h
Sea and Urttt Britain la supreme on the ocean, hut,
per contra, they have stopped one of the entrances
heretofore open to the allies for the dispatch of troop
and uppl:e Into Belgium, Btrategetlcally. the Ger
mans have made a great gain and they are not
Ukoly to overlook the necessity of pushing to the
utmost th advantage they enjoy from their occupa
tion of the Belgian metropolis.
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