f 'HIE RKK: OMAHA, THUHSDAtt OCTOBER 15, 1914. SUFFRAGEWORKERS QUIT THE CHURCH Kit. E. M. Fairfield, President of So ciety, Gives Up Her Pew at All Saints. MRS. POLCAR ALSO LEAVES )lri, Simnrr ns that fhe. rrr Waa m Rraolnr Attendant j i Thrrf, hat Onlr nt j Orrnstnnallr. Mm. B. M. Falrftrld. president ct th j Kqual Franchise sorlrty. In ont who ha KlVfti up all aorlnl duties and plvrs every rent of her p T-onal Income for suffrnKC -At the IxirlnnlnK of the summer Mrs. Fairfield rrsUned her pew at All Saints' chnrrh herauao there were no aermona during: the summer and she wished to vpply the nioney t6) to suffrajte work. It (t her Intention to resume her pew In the fall"" '' During the aumrner the antl-suf frage aoMety Issued a pamphlet on " Femin ism,'1 to whl h Itev. T. J. M'aokay'a name taa l(tned. Vpon rendlnir the pamphlet Nn. Fairfield felt that ho rould not at tend a i.hurch, wliere the rector felt that suffrsKlsts were the kind of women that he had expressed them to le. Rhe wrote a letter to that effect to nkv. Mr. Markrvy and tendered her resignation -frnrri the t-hurrh, at the same t)me expressing em phatically that 'it: was not on arroont of his change irr Jewa on suffrage, that she. waa Iravlntr. hut because of the senti ments expressed In the pamphlet. Mrs. Fairfield Is a daughter of tha late J. M. Voc4wortli, wh4 waa one of tha founders of All Paints' church, Mrs. Joseph Polcar hss also given up her pew In All Saint' rhurrh. It la understood that severs! of the suffrage workers have taken their minis ters; to task for expressing antl-auf frago views. Mrs.. If. CHumnry said that she did not' leave the rhurrh, because sha never waa a regular attendant there, simply going on spoeinl occasions. Grade of Grain May j IOWA BANKERS SEND $50,000 Be Raised When it is Given Cleaning KANSAS CITV, Oct 14 -That It la legitimate to raise the grade of grain by rle.inslng It after It has heen romtlgrmd to an elevator on on Inferior grading was (he derision given the Uraln I calrs Na tional association In convention here to day by I r. J. W. T. Duval, crop tech nologlnt of the 1'nlted States f'epartment of AgrlruUure. I'r. I'uvel said there can be no ground fur charging fraud again" those dealers who huy dirty grain, which, for that reason had hern Klven u grade below yiat It would otherwise receive, and who, by properlv (leaning It make It eligible for a higher grade. This practice has been followed ex tensively by dealers and has teen sub ject to much ritli lMin. A. C. Jones, a hanker of Kansas City, advocated national legislation to obtain uniformity In the Issuance of -Mils of lading and shippers' grain receipts. He recommended the acceptance, of this form of paper ai bank collaternl only when It waa celnrly shown that (he goods hud been received by tha railroad. One-Quarter of State's Allotment to Gold Pool Has Been Sent. COUNCILMAN SECURES VERDICT DEATH RECORD -Clyde HARVARD, Neb., furry. t)ct...H.-Speolal.)- Cbde Curry. Son of Mr. and Mrs.' David V. Curry,' led isst evening at 'thA rio'trte, ofvhls parent In Hhls city, after an ni nes Hiuu, months. He waa 22 j'eari of agi-r t'le graduated from Harvard high school with th. rlaas of 1510, leaving soon after for Lincoln, where he was employed for a long time at the Mndell boUl. Mrs, Mary Kray. nnAPSIIAW. Nub, Ort. It. (Special.) Mrs. Mary Gray, wife of Eugene Gray, living east of Arborvllle. In Arborvllle township, died at their farm home this morning at o'clock, after a few houra' lllnaa. - Tha deceased waa one of the early settlers of York county. She leaves a husband and J.hre children, one daugh ter and two ions, all grown, to mourn' her death. - ' Mrs. C. E.Umlfh. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. ll-Bpeclal.)-Mri. C. E. Smith, a pioneer realdent of Beatrice, died at her home Tuesday of heart failure, aged S3 years. Bhe la aur vived by four children, her husband hav ing passed away In thia city in 1889. r . Mrs. Jo Latimer. BJJfjNANDOAH. la., Oft. 14.-Rnclal.) Mrs." Joseph Latimer died at her horn In tha country near her yesterday. Sha had been sick with pneumonia for soma time. Mr. Latimer was about (6 year old."' , , .. KENYON AND CLARKE TO TOUR PAGE COUNTY .SHENANDOAH. la.. Oct.- 14. (Special.) Arrangement are bring tnade for an automobile tour nf.l'age county by the various candidates next Tuesday, Octo ber 20. Congreedinnn 'Towner and Dan Turner of Corning will be In the party. Senator Cummins. Fetiutpr Kenyon and Governor Clarke will be invited to Join the pai t . They will makn short stops at Hhambaugh, Itradyvllle, College Springs, nianehard, Northboro. Coln tttif dinner), Shenandoah, Kaaex, Nyman. ; Bnthesda. Hepburn and return to Clarlndu for a meeting that night, Des Moines Newspaperman Oredered In Par Dollar for Printing Morr That Informant , Bald Waa True. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DF.S MOINK8, la., Oct. J4.-4 special T-regrnm-) Dei Molifes bankers today i"hlimcdf.0.on a in gold to" Nef..York f.r tln'IIOo.fion.nOit gold fuad to b raised to take rare of the country's credit. The amount, represented it, per cent of the allotment ' which Ies Moines bank ers have agreed to furbish. The money will b 'prated bn deposit with the. gold fnpd committee of the New York Clear ing House, association. Teritct for Dollar. ' X Jury "In dlntrlet court today gave a verdict; of, one dollar for Councilman Myerly in his suit for damages against C YV. Johnston, and a local newspaper for publication ' of, statements against Myerly in a recent political campaign. It was adm'tted by Johnston that the statements were false, but. he pleaded th.U he had excellent authority for hla assertions. ' . ... I i ' town Nw JVoira, ' DKXIPON-TImj Denlon . Telephone company has . begun putting Its wires under ground. DKNIHON-The membership of 'the Methodlat church gave a reception to the new pastor, llov. Mr. Woyd. and his wife In th church parlors on Mondsy evening. Culls from the Wire Tow Hoot HinUm. CAIRO, 111., Oct. 14. The toW boat Jo seph B. Wllliama caught fire today at the dock. Tugs pulled the boat Into the mid dle of tha Ohio river, where the blazing hulk sank. The boat, which waa said to be the' aeoond largest tow boat on Inland watera. cost 1100,000. Drontb Harts Tobacco. SPRINGFIELD, Mass, Oct 14. Grow ers of tobacco In the Connecticut river valley report damage from drouth. The dry spell has delayed curing. The total current receipts of the Amer ican board of commissioners for foreign missions for the year ending August 31 amounted to JI.0M.f1H. according to the report of Treasurer Frank H. Wiggins of Uoston. submitted at the K4ith annual meeting ft the organisation, at Detroit, The convicts at the Illinois penltentlnry nt Jollet. who at a recent chapel meeting acquiesced In a statement that statewide prohibition in Illinois would reduce crime seventy per cent, will not be allowed to present a petition to that effect to the legislature. Warden Allen explained that the convicts being disfranchised, cannot legally petition the legislature on any aiihleet. Mrs. Annet Adams, the first woman to be appointed a I'nlted States district at torney, yesterdny took the oath bf office in tha Sai Francisco federal oonrts, Jones' Philippine) Bill Passes House WAFHIN'-.TON. O-t. 14 -The Jones rhlllpilne bill, which declares the pur pose of the I.'nltd States to recogntxe the Independence of the Inlands "as soon as a stable' government ran' be estab lished there," wasaed the houte late to day by a yote of 211 to 69. It will not be considered In the senate at this session. MMlBTOIail i IB lilliBfsTaWlBff1' ' DeeeWant Boosters. . Ads Are tha Bert Buslners COLD WEATHER WITH RAIN MARS. COURSING MEET RED OAK,' la., Oct. lt.-6pclal Tele grsjii.) The flr.H round- of the. Waterloo cup match wa run at the coursing mee here today, forty greyhounds from sev eral state contesting; for . place In t e c.lasnio event. The wijather was of the worst cold And a drizzling rail fell most of the time. The attendance was ll-ht . aa the roadj were Impassable. The second round will be run tomorrow and the mee' will continue over Saturday. , In addition to the Waterloo cup match there will bo i. puppy stake, the trophy being offered by Samuel Payne of Uci1 Oak. '. . , .. There are', about 126 greyhounds here! for t e meet. Appetite , Follows Good Digestion Nearly everyone Indulges ,thelr ap petite and tjje , digestive- organa are abused, resulting ln.a coogcstlon of poisonous wajte, that. clog tho bowels and causes: much . misery .and dis tress. , -; i .. - ' ; ; .-. Tho most effective remedy to cor rect this condition Is the combination o( simple laxative herbs with pepsin known aa Dr. CaJd well's Syrup rep sin. This Is - a natural, pleasant tasting remedy, gentle yet positive In action, and quickly relieves indi gestion, constipation, sick headache, belching, etc. Drug; stores sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, and In thousands of homes it is the indis pensable family remedy. For a free trial bottle Write Dr. W. B. Caldwell. Washington St., Montlcello. 111. 1461 Washln (aeiMarsArV Buy DflU and $m 80S to S On Ono of T1.G8G Uoli llmm Pianos Hore'i a gale that offn fenuine pi&no bargainj to Terybody -vrho is coiuidering buying aa hutrnment at Mat time. Eemember that y&n can alwayi feel sure of getting the meat for your money when you bay her. Remember also that yon get an ironclad guarantee with every piano, backed up by our good record of 56 yean in the piano business. Choose From the World's Dcst Hakes-Pianos You All Know STEDTWAY EMERSON STEGER & SONS WEBER ' LINDEMAN & SON Schmoller & Mueller HARDMAN ' McPHAIL Many Other Makes A SAMPLE OF THE VAY SOME PIANOS ARE PRICED $375 Jlehlin TJnriirlit now $350 Stger & Co. Upright, now. . . steinway uprignt, now $450 Emerson Upright, now $300 Hamilton Upright, now $300 Wagner Upright, now $500 Steger A Sons Upright, now. . . . $275 Schrimer Upright, now 7BZZ STOOL AND SCARF tl45 15U $350 $375 SI 4 5 $148 $275 $100 $300 Schmoller & Mueller Upright. . $550 Hardman Upright, now $300 Vose & Son Upright, now $250 Newsby & Evans Upright, now $400 Emerson Upright, now $350 Franklin Upright, now $425 Emerson Upright, now $800 A. B. Chase Grand, now WITH EVERY PIANO. .. $150 .. $310 .. S150 75 1 1UJ 175 $225 $275 SGlinOLLEH & OELLEH PiAHO 0. 1311-13 FABNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. Established 1859 Lama Back mm Wtsk Kliaeyi greatly helped and often cured by Elec tric IJltiers. Keeps kidney and stomach In healthy condition. Otves' prompt re lief, too and U. All druggtsta. Adver tisement. , - Makes Sapap; Vona Jail. FAIRBTJRT. Neb.. VDct. , lt-Spec,!al.) A clever eacapj wak made from. . the county Jail at thin point last night when J. C. ffmlth. a negrb, gained hla free dom. Sheriff llughrk.aaya that BmltM at tempted a jail break (aome time ao.ajid to make sura that fle did not get away he had him locked In ! steel cell. He un locked the call, also, he big lock on the main jail door, as well as the Tale lock on tha outside. wjUmut damaging any or tnem, and made good his eaoape. lie had an accomplice, a It was beyond ls rower to reach tha outside lock! Bmlth robbed the Bmltlv econd-tund store and stole ten watches; and several runs last July, lis Is on parol from tha district court of Lancaster county on tha charge ' of Intent to kill. . ' . Check Kidney Treakl At Once. There Is such ready action -in Foley Kidney Pills you feel their healing from the very first dose. Backache, weak, sore kldntya, painful bladder and Irregular ac tion disappear with their use.'O. Talnier, Qreea Bay, wis., says: "My wife Is rap Idly recovering her health and strength. du solely to Foley Kidney Pills." And W. T. Hutchetis. Nicholson, Oa., says, "Just a few doses made me feel better, and now my pains and rheumatism are all gone and I sleep all night long." All dealers everywhere. Advertisement. .Prices R SHIELD o- QUAU Go.s Moovtles 35c "Welco" brand, lanrai f now JSe now 25c The economy, cfHciency and comfort of Modem Gas Light depend upon the mantle! You cannot get good light by using inferior and inefficient mantles. For this reason, we have determined to put' Welsbach and Keflex "Shield of Quality Mantles within the reach of every user of light. Washington Affairs Secretary Bryan signed peace commls (ion treaties with Oomaio Oorduva, minis ter from Ecuador, and A. tkhlleuann minister of Ureece. A movement to build a memorial to Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, in the form of model biock of sanitary houses In the I slum district of Washington, has been J started by Mrs. Archibald Hopkins, who ' Interested Mrs. Wilson in slum work, I !rs. Ernest I'lcknell. wife of the director j of the, American Ked Irons, and other I women. The plan is to raise money fur ' tha .block by subscriptions from the ' women of the country and to call it the ! Kllen Wilson Memorial block. I Fall campaign plans were discussed I again at a meeting ui Presldi nt Wilson 1 and his cabinet, rteceetary Hryan and I other meinlx-r of the cabinet reported that the outlook from a democratic stand point la bright. The prenidenl has com. pleted his letter to Majority leader 1 ll deraood of the house, praising the demo ns t in congress tor their rv Old, and it vlll be made public tomorrow or Thurs day. Becretsry Bryan cabled to the belliger ent natlonsif Kurope the tollowlng pruee' resolution adopted last wk by the gov erning toard nt the t'an-Amerlt'an union,! which comprises the I'm tea Mates ami the other twenty American republics: "In view of tha awful. strife now devastating continental Europe, the governing board of the Pan-American union hereby r aolvea to convey to the governments of the belligerent countries an earnest ex pression of Ha hope for peace as a tribute to the sentlnientfi of fraternity which bav. inspired the meeting of the Psn-Anierkan conferences.'' F.fforts of southern members of con gress to procure lt-K,t!atlv relief for the cotton stales arouse) ounsideruble doubt aa to the time of adjournment. Itepre sentul'v. I'nderwood. the house leader, said the attitude of legislators from the cotton states practcal.- had made linpoa elbie ,aljourr.meul by Saturday night ; Vkc Heart Of The Light. Is The Manlldj ' Welsbach and Reflex Mantles bum brighter, last longer, use less gas and give that quality of light which is best for the eyes. At these -neW low prices, their , use is. a double economy.) Acc only the' genuine Wels bafch and Reflex Mantles, trade marked with the "Shield of Quality? onthe box. . :Ste Your Dealtr or J- Com Company Today , .'J. WELSBACH COMPANY " MANUFACTURERS ty - y v , i r I I : II ni II I II JL.W f I Witt Ul:ll'l.,w- I rn III B M sM. V I Mj l aria DoVor Sale Velvet an i Plash Ha U Untrimmed HaU at $1.00 each Another Tremendous Offering of Untrimmed Shades Tlie newest, most popular and the limit of style. This shipment is the product of America's most famous millinery producer. Tho materials are of velvet and plush and the workmanship is of a quality only possible in the best of shops. The selling price should be $5.00 and $6.00 each. Beginning Wednesday the Sale Price will be, EACH ; IIIMTIIST ft Ever Kleld in Omaha IK1 M m D IKI Ellake Your Selection Today 900 hoavy fancy chock and stripe cravqn ottos; Just tho garmont for winter, for mer prico while thoy last. Some of tho garmonts retailed for $45 nnn nn 4 m a t fa HI uyuLrauu ini Uli ro)fo) 1608 Harney Street 1 " Just Around tho, Corner" v People Are Unusually Friendly to Advertised Goods These Days ADVERTISED goods of standard quality have stood out against the raise in prices that came with the . war. They have kept faith with the public and won a measure of esteem greater than ever before. The retailers who join in the continent wide Newspaper Window Display Week, beginning next Monday, arc putting their stores in the lime-light of public approval. During next week ' retailers are asked tg make window displays of tho national pro ducts advertised in this and other good news papers. It means linking the push of the store with the pull of the newspaper, and it means gain ing the good will of the public. The advertising department of this paper ' will gladly furnish further information. National Newspaper Window Display Week ! October 19-24