12 TIIK I'.KK: y. M.MIA. WK1NKS)AV. (M TOI'.KK 14. 1P14. When You Hear That Dinner Ocll I Vonr Blind fJo IWk to th PTg When Yon Could K4 like Farm Hand? The mnnorr of n appetite In a wil ful thing Th Ine of stomach power the ability to rut h yurnlnt arter good old-fashioned food that condition la pitiful. Why ran t you realixa a-hat thcuennds of others have demonstrated? T. F. QDINLANJO BRAKDEIS Oeninl General Manager of Hayden Bros. Make! a Change. WILL TAKE UP NEW DUTIES Rfmirkaklr R l.e of Yeans; Mea Wk a abort Tlma (( Wh a 'lerk la the tr of tardea Braa. Tt K& - "I'm m burner;? aa Beeoad at ma "Walt till I rat a Plata, fnl of rood old ooraed baaf aad cab paca." look at the above Illustration. ICwt ererv one remember aurh a mnp. l"ancy yourself wild tor food now. Fancy yourself able to at as on of three liirn aii rut. tleo a little common sens and look nt jour stoma h trouble In a practical man ner. Hortn-thlng ha Kone wrong lth your diKealive aarat lis. Hct voir body machinery aright. Stuart' Iyercpni Tablet are Nature's own way to dlire. lug food. Ky eating; one of there tablet after each meal yoti dlgeal that meal. lujttln that nval mean easing the work of the stomach. Intestines, liver and pancrraa and Muring up new materials Sor digesting future meal. liat what you aill and when you will, but alwava rarry a little Stuart Iypepla Tablet In your pocket. In a ahort time you will be aurprlaed at the llsotne apirlt with which you look on food. . Go to your drtirrlat anywhere and buy a box of Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet this vary day. To anyone wlMHng a free trial of these tablet please address V. A. Htuart Co.. Kt'iart Hldg.. Marahnll, Mich., and a small (ample package will be mulled Iran. i Qj-Product aT a A Responsive Fuel Vulcan responds tothetouchofthe draft like a well trained horse to the reiiT. The reason is simple Vulcan is a more concentrated, not a more condensed fuel. It does not settle and cake in the fire-box like coal, thus preventing a draft through the luel body. Opening the draft on a'coal fire is often like opening a faucet on a clogged pipe nothijng happens until the pressure is great enough to blow out the obstruction until heat enough is generated to burn the whole mass of fuel. This is wasteful. Try Vulcan Coke and see the difference any body can manage it, it has no peculiarities to take into consideration. It costs less than hard coal, and wherever Anthracite is good, Vulcan is better. Produced by Coal Products Mff. Co, Jo!!t,in. ExclualT Domeatte Sale Agenta. fttwill-Mikemsoa Coal ft Coko Co, XoOeralok Bldr; Chic-, Nebraska Fuel Co. Tcasee Nf 430 Di Astir hi OaaU St. Oust PS ,l:-:ill;.iliUO.t- iUi.(.r..Ti.,irMTn Thomaa F. Quintan, general munagei of ITayden Brotho stores haa falgned hia poMtlor, to he-rim aaxIMant to fJeorge Hrandel. In charge of the Rramlel In terest tn thla city. A. D. Trandel fett that h rieded a man like (Julnlan to lat In the management of tha many en tarprlae which are under hi rare Iti thl city. Mr. Prandels expert to dd aeveral department to hi now Immense buloet.a Not many year am Mr. Quinlau came from Flair to alanine a clerkahlp in Ibty. dn Hrotbera atore and by hi rerognld ability ha liaa worked hlmaalf to the front until ha waa made general manager of the entire atore, having been promoted fo that poHltlon from manager of the piano department. Mr. Quintan not only njoy a t wide local acquaintance, but I well and favorably known to men In the commer-clnl world from cot to coaet. Ha Wide Ai-ajaalatanre. Probably no man In Omaha ha a wider acquaintance than Tom Qulnlan. Aa a director of tha Commercial club, the Aaaoclated Retailor and the roinmerrlal Building and Ixian anioclatlon and the. Carter Lake club and aa a member of the Omaha club and varloua other ontnin. tlona h he been apecly active In addition to the hard work in connvtlon with tha management of the lore Qnin. Ian la aleo a rolonej on tJovcrnor Moore- head' tff. A. 1). IfrandH a l.lurilillic nnniernua artlvitlea In the near future for tit Prandel Interests In Omaha. Including tha npetilnx of the Amerban theater, put ting additional atorlea on the old Bran del atore building on the northweat cor ner of f-lxteenlh and Dougla treet, and lntalllng numerous Improvement, in. eluding recreation, library and reat room for tha women employe of th atore. Mr. Qulnlsn that it I with deep rerret that lie leave hi old aaaoclate at Hayden Rrothfra, aitli whom ha haa worked for laentv veer but IK. inifu.. nient of a larger field and a better posi tion ieu mm to mke the decision. Mr. Qulnlan expect t.i take no hi. dutlea about November 1. (ieorare Rraadrli Pleaaed. "Ye. It 1 true that Mr. Qulnlan ha at-cepted a ponltion with our firm, and I am moat happjr to have him aiaoclated with ua." cald Oeorge Ilrundei. "He will be my aanlnlant, both In live atore and outalde, although hi exact dutlea are not yat mapped out In detail, aa I didn't caa o much in what capacity ha xerciap hla ability, ao long aa It I for J. I Hrandel Hon. "My tonal d, Arthur D. Brandel. owner of tnia bulnr, harea my aentiment fully regarding Mr. Qulnlan and U aa delighted aa 1 am with tha arrange- nient." Continuing, Mr. Brandal aaid: "Tha eaormoua buelnes of tlia Brandeia Btore with It ateady yearly growth ha been a contlnuoug aurpriao to n. When I cama to Omaha I had no Idea that I would not be abla to carry It on In definitely with tha adequate force already eatabllahed. But it waa only a few month till tha demand of the bualnma were greater than my strength and ra pacity, and I wa fortunate In aecuiing Karl Loul of Chicago aa asalatant in th mere hand ialng and. Now It has come to a point where I realise the desirability of an aaaletant In carrying out the gen eral policy and general conduct of the bualnes. "Th very first time ! met Mr. Qulnlan I wae Impressed with h energy and ability and I thought hi aggressive and agreeable personality would he a great acquisition for the Brundel Store. I do not know the exact day he will a aume his dutle here, but hope It will be soon, as we contemplate aom large Im provement, and I am waiting now till I can have the benefit of Mr. Quintan's suggestions. "No, there will be absolutely no other changes In the personnel of our force. It Is my honest opinion." said Mr. Bran. dels, "that In associating Mr Qulnlan with Mr. IiOuli, Superintendent Mlnger. Mr. Thomas and our present efficient corns of buyers and manazer. wa have the atronrest organlsatloa of any retail nouan west of, Chicago." ?e Good o Yourself by keeping in cood physicfd trim and you will be the best friend to yourself and a pleas ure to others. Most sicknesses begfin in the ordinary and minor ailments of the digestive organs, and for these ailments have become the most popular remedy, because they are so safe, so certain, and prompt in their beneficial action. They tone the stomach, stim ulate the liver, regulate the bowels. By cleansing the system and purifying the blood they prove that they Are the Best Of Good Friends LartMt Sale of Aay Madlela la tha WarM. SM ererrwaere. la baaaa, 10e 2Se Federal Court Opens With Damage Suit With the convening of the grand and petit Juries and the formal opening of trials, .the fedtral district court waa a acene of life and activity. Judge radge Morris of Duluth presided and heard the preliminary evidence of the suit brought by John Lothrop against the Chicago A Minneapolis railroad. In which the plain tiff axka a balm of K.0no damages for hrdng ejected from a railway station In Washington county In. tha winter of IM9. Ixithrop alleges he suffered an lllnees as a result of the exposure. Commercial Club . Buys Some Cotton WuUoti to the value of CM Is soon to become tha property of the Commercial club of Omaha, aa a help to the "Buy a Sale of Cotton" movement, which seek! to find a means for the southern planters to turn their cotton crop to caah. In spit of the fart that the European markets are closed. - ELKS' CLAM B AXE TICKETS OFF SALE THURSDAY EVENING Ticket for tha Elk clambake at Krug park en October tt will be taken off sale at o'clock Thursday evening of this week, according te th committee la charge of the affair. Many visitors from surrounding towns are expected at the feaat. Arete latltMtl.a. "I was annoyed for over a year by at tack of acuta tadtgeetlon. followed by eonatlpaUoa." writes Mrs. M. J. Gal lagher. Oeneva. K. T. "I Uted every, thing that waa recommended to me fbr thla eomplaiat. but nothing did rue much good until about four month ago saw Chamberlains Tablets advertised and procured a bottle of them from our drug. Cist. -1 soon reallaed that I had gotteu the right thing, for they helped me a: owe. Hi rice taking two bottles of them I can est heartily without any bad effects." bold by all dealers. Advertisement. Malchien Has Been Twenty-Fivd Years With Brandeis Stores Twenty.five year ego today i. II. Mal chien applied to Arthur D. Hrandel for a position a bookkeeper st the original Boston Store, then occupying a space Jl3! feet st Sixteenth and liougtti. "What else besides keeping book ran you dor' asked Mr. Brandel. "Well, I will try to do anything else you ask mo to do,"rWHS Mr. Malchien' reply. Mr. Mnlchlen got the position, and be side keeping tiook for the little Boston Stote," he assisted during ruh hours In selling gor.iI. wrapidrs bundle and acting floor walker, and by strict at tention to business he ha worked him self up gradually to the position of con fidential man and tretirer of th pres ent firm of J. I Brandel. dt Sons. "I went through all the up and down of this enterprising firm In Omaha and wtu often appalled at the nerve displayed In their large undertaking, and the Im mense chance for ucces they took. The saddest occurrence during my connection with thl firm mi tha sudden desth of Rmll Brandel. who ot hi life on the Titanic, a we worked aide by aide for twenty-three year. He wa a big hearted man and gave freely to charity and to those who were 'down and out,' of which very few knew." When Mr. Malchien started keeping books for the "little Boston Store' there acre thirty-two clerks employed by the Brandeis firm and now there are over 1,200 employes. Mr. Malchien, besides belngconndentlsl man and oflic manager of the firm of J. I.. Brandeis 4 Hon,, 1 also treasurer of the Brandel Realty company and the Brandel Theater Building company. He alao has charge of the finances of th various Brandeis building companies, such as the American Realty company, roua; la auditorium, Courtney building. Boa ton Btore Building company and the Em prea Theater Building company. ALL AUTO HEADLIGHTS MUST NOW BE DIMMED From new on. drlvera of vehicles using blinding headlight will be arrested a often aa police officer can catch them. The new city ordinance governing auto headlight I now In effect. Fourteen drlvera were arrested Monday night and brought Into court for their first warning and reprimand. Second offenne means a stiff fine. The following were brought Into court. J. B. Kahm, Uoyd Smith. A. J. Platek, George Adams. Joseph Pink. C. W. Betta, W. O. Trtte, A. B. Mohler. Muller Oelger, B. Blotcky, T. J. O'Neill. C. J. Blbernaen. W. B. IJnn and R. Marnet. y Ordinary soap makes a good -ubstance with which to dim headlights, the motor cycle offloers ssy. POPULAR YOUNG MAN TO GO WITH J. L BRANDEIS t SONS. n -v '" ; ' ."' " .;' ' Quintan. mL j FARMERS MEET IN DECEMBER Nebraska Congress to Convene in Omaha from Eighth to Tenth. MANY SPEAKERS WILL COME Re.preaeatat Irea of Tarloaa Acrlcnl faral nraanlsatlon Oat In State to Addrea the Aaarmbly en Pertlaent Toptca. The program for the meeting of the Nebraska Farm congress in Omaha, De cember S to 10, is rapidly belnc shaped Into completion. Among those who are scheduled to appear In leading talks and discussion are Dr. L. C. Klxln. stato vet erinarian; Oeorge E. Condra, J. J. Mc Allister, president of the atate water power commission; C. H. (Justafeon, president of the State Farmers' union; J. D. Ream of Broken Bow, A. E. Shel don, head of the IeKislatlve Reference bureau, and many others. Manager K. V. Parrlsh or the Bureau of Puhltcit. of Omaha is sending out over 1.000 Invitations to the various farmer' organisation In the state. The member ship In the organisation Is by farmers' organization rather than by Individuals. There are over 1,000 such organisations in the state. Each one I entitled to ten del egatea, which mean that there will be at least 10,0i)0 accredited delegate, who will have credential if they are to present thfm. Of courae, there never haa been a time thai, all accredited delegate attended the meeting. Among the organization that are en titled to delegations In thts congress are the farmer' institutes, of which there sre 117 In the state; the farmers' mutual In surance companies, of which there sre sixty In the state; the co-operative cream ery associations, of which there am twenty-four in the state; the farmer' co operative grain and live stock associa tion, of which there are S3; the gran sea, of which there are ninety-one; the state agricultural associations, of which there are thirty-two, and the county fair asso ciations, of which there are fifty-three. I UWZ-AU LIY .k. M ataaam g i i U VA Best for Ski a DI.eaiae. Bucklen' Arnica Salve I soothing, heal ing and antiseptic. Bent for burns, sore, wounds, bruises, pile, etc. 'Sxx All druggist. Advertisement. Bee Want Ad Are the Beet Business Boosters. PICKPOCKETS RELEASED AT CLOSE OF CARNIVAL A doxen professional pickpockets, known to the police in every large city, and whose photograph regularly adorn pases of a police magazine, were given their freedom by Police Magistrate Foster. The "dips" were arrested early last week and held In lall until after carnival. They were then arraigned on vagrancy charges. ), The fact that no wallet were stolen durtut the carnival this year Is due to the activity of the police in rounding the pickpockets up as soon as they got into town and, holding the well known ones until after the festival waa over. Stomach Relief! No Indigestion, Gas, Sourness Pape's Diapepsin Tou don't want a slow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach I too valuable; you rauat not Injure It with drastic drugs. Pane's Plapepaln Is noted for lta speed In giving relief; It's harmlessneaa; It's certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. It's millions of cures in Indigestion, dyspepsia, gaatritl and other atomach trouble haa made It famous the world over. Keep this perfect atomach doctor In your home keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store, and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferment and our and forms gas; causes headache, dlsalneaa and nausea; eructations of acid and undigested fond remember as soon as Pane's Diapepsin comes In contact with the stomach, all such distress vatv Ishes. It's promptness, certainty and ease In overcoming the worat stomach dis orders Is a revelation to those who try it. Advertisement. After the Ball Is Over VV get a chmnce to ttop and think about what we r tally nttd to buy and whtr w$ art gotng to do th buying This store srttle the "shoo rp ration" with most of the women of Omaha. They hare found out jean ago tht if they buy at lYy'a they're eure of correct etyle aore of the finest quality. Newest Fall etylee now being shown priced from S3.0O to $0.00. 1GX3& t 3 1 !S 0 mm noniu mm A Make Yyir SeSeeffioo PRICES Formerly- IS fo $40 h4 J y Va?1!, U m UJ ffl iullD fav ( m an P. Cpt mm fCi SIS BSarney Itreot "Just Around the Corner" 1 See Omaha Birdseye Views This is the cover page (considerably reduced in size) of a beautiful booklet showing birdseye pictures of Omaha, and covering the wholesale, retail, sky scraper, stockyards, shops, resident al and park sections, much more comprehensive than any similar picture or set of pictures before published. This booklet was prepared after more than a year's labor by The Bee. It makes a most attractive remem brance to send to your friends. Easily sent by, mail. Be a booster for Omaha and let your friends know what a large and beautiful city Omaha is. Price 10c at The Bee Office or at Newsstands