TTIK BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1014. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable r: Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DtrARlMENl of THE f.lERCllAfJTS NATIONAL BANK Counts 1 00 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK ' 13th and Farnam Streets . NPTICF TO CONTESTANTS Meat Taaea'ay we will pubUab tae ataadlar of ell coateetaats who have tnraed la tbair aomlnetloa eonpona or taab checaa for a-otee ia thJa com fmt. Oat four reeeipts la y Bator. oT anlBC. ao that your ataaAlnc will op pair ia tha Hat, thaa lettls roar fries know that yon ara eon patina for a trip to tha ranama ax poaltloa. Contestants' Standing LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK 1. HAMILTON, Vice resident FRED r. UAMILTOf?, Cashier 3. II. ilEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUG DALE, Assistant Cashier NOTE: Vote will not r. allow d for ether than bona fide raw aavln nrminta. Full numbar at votaa will ba allowad up to ality daya bafora cloaa of contest whan a limit of lO.OOt will bo placed on ach aaw account Probably the Last Shipment For Some Tine Genuine IMPORTED Disq Framed nn antel locks $2.25 AMD Selling This Week at. $2.65 These clocks are fine timekeepers, have silver dial and will serve as a beautiful and refined ornament to any home. SEE THEM IN THE ANNEX. Attheskinof tup CROWN TTrv-0:" r mil ama- ray at. Watt Bath A. Finney Obarlaa Sail acre. Emma Ttrry Wllas War. ylrla Kahaa O. a, Mretrom Arthur WUbtck Kooart Xawla Loanill Mmry t. Aaarly Dealel A. IaffaM am tatabonr AoawaU lott atra. , A, BnUth Ciyda t . Lather oa Srhalak Fre4 Aora Oraea B. Bakar. Baatrloa. Bab. Herbert O. Walla W. I, hfettlea Chrla Blmoaaoa. UUoa, Bak... Julian Kama errr J. Severeoa Minor O. Kennedy Herbert O. Laaooa ataxia . Blver Jennie K. Waahknra Obarlaa O. Thomu iMyrtla a. Karrleoa .. Mra. Jama MorUmova Baarlatta weasea I Mra. Bobart T. Jones Jemae V. Knlakofaky M7rea Deroreet . . w. xaonanson Mra. Ooorea B. Byara. wm Bjuacoara ...... . Fanl Borton Xanry M. bib Mra. lllllan Lowtea raw I. Book John Flicker 4"nl Wachetala Barry Xrnay Mra. B. Bararldra Mra. Flaaa Circle William Wtnqneet Clretoliea Kdirar .Same O. Wlealy ara Z.aa , Wayne -Blley B- W. Bookar Mra. Jennie Martin . Lillian Erich-eon, Kearney, Bab 'oka Cepleoha, Bnrwall, Bab. Mra. Kattla Otbtura Cbarlaa K-tnnlaa .......... Bouert W Mulua. ..' Boat Kaaalar Haael aUohelaoa, It Orook.... Otto "Cewald i "Ova M. Oolombaok ) Xdwara Boaeathal f Tote. .3,7B4.14 -toi.aoi .a.aor.esa .ias.7 . 3S7.710 . aai.iot . IT7,1 . 140,1 M . . B4.141 7,311 4.71 a 3,9 law) . 1.70T 1.0O0 1,000 l.oo 1,000 1.OO0 1,000 l,ooo . l,oo . l-ooo l.OOO . 1.000 l.oo . ioo 1.000 . 1.0O4) )X4 . 100 100 104) 1.000 1,004 . loo l.oo lO0 . 1.0O0 1.000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1,000 loo 1.000 1,000 How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition Ha1a mt rmi, I Tba Beo ofiara and will award threa roond-trlp tlcketa and czpenaca to tba Tanam ExpoalUoa, tba total coat of cacb trip to ba $209, aa prlaoa to tha threa coo. laetanta havlnc tha cmateat number o: polnta at tba close of tba eontaat. t Tbli conteat open to everybody at. cept employee of advertiser on thla pae and of Tb Baa. The conteat pae will be publlabed on day each week, and will run for a perloJ of ona rear. 4-PolDta will ba fl4-ured en tba baala of one point for each 1 cent abown on caah chacka or recelpta for purchaaea mad from advertlaera on thla pace. a Caab checka muat ba depoalted at or maJled to "Panama Conteat Editor" Tha baa not latar than thirty daya from date of payment of earn and receipt will bo laaued for them. Conteat to cloaa November 7. 1914. AU raah ticket and recelpta must ba turned Into Tha Bee office n t later thaa p, in. aa atoelnf day of eontaat. or If mailed, muat bo postmarked not latar than that hour. MURAL PAINTINGS PLACED OUT OF DOORS AT FAIR Tfr the flrrt tlm In th history of world' expoeltlonH, at the Panama-Pacific" Intcrnatlonl exprltlon, great mural PKlntlaira are bHn unpd out of doorr. Thse are the work of noma of the moat famoua palntere. tnrludlng the celebrated "ten American painter." Two huge'ran vaara, each 4xl feet, by Frank Pu Mond and Kdward Plmmona, will ihortly ba placed In the triumphal arrhea In the Court "of the Universe. Pu Mond e ran vaeea deplrt the movement of Immigra tion from New England westward to California and the labor of the empire builders in the (olden land. Simmons' paintings arei m6re purely allrgorlral. with many 'female figure done In oft bright tones with novel and masterly technique. Rotary Clubs Will Convene at Frisco During Exposition! The International Association of Rotary Clubs will meet In Pan Francisco the week of July 20. lnio. Five thousand dr-le-gatea will attend the convention. To gain the international meeting for Fan Fran cisco the California Rotary Clubs sent as an Invitation to their affiliated bodies throughout the world a badge of solid sold, valued at liO.iWO and comprised of a r.umber of wheels bearing the emblems of the Rotary club Invited. A "Carnival" of Drug Bargains THE "REXALL "DRUG STORES" Some Every-Day Prices on Proprietary Medicines. . Chinese Building Material Arrives The steamer Manchuria brought from China In the latter part of September 1 tons of b'UMIng material, artistic wood carving and epei-lal fittings for the Chi nese pavilion and temple at the Panaina Faciflc International exposition. The ma terial for a duplicate of a famouB1emple In Peking came complete . In "knock down" shape," ready to be erected In the gardens west, of the Fine Art palace at the exposition. WILD WHITE CATTLE TO BE DISPLAYED AT BIG FAIR Fpectmens of the famous Ch'.llingham wild cattle have been offered by Ird Chilllngham for exhibition at the Panama-Pacific International exposition. These cattle Were first enclosed In Chll Ungham park In W, since which time there haa not been a single Infusion of new blood. The animals are snow-white, with black noses, black horns and red ears; they are exceedingly wild and fierce and are supposed to be the progenitors of most existing breeds of cattle outside of the orient. With the exception of two animals in the zoological gardens of Lon don and these in Chllllnghem park, there Is not another one of these cattle in the world. ' " It P.orden Mnlted Milk II I'liikliam'n Compound .... $1.25 Pepto-Mangan ("iude). 11 Lrlsterlne. for 60c I o.m'R Kidney Pills for.. 11 R 8. K, for 35c Castorla ( genuine), for.. ?oc Laxative Hromo-Qulnine. I.'c Mentlmlatum, for :'5o Carter's Little Liver Pills 60c Pape's IXapepsIn, for II Smith's Green Mountain R vator Ptearn's Menthol and Putter Drops, ! boxes for .64c .600 .890 . Mo .340 .590 tl . ..14o ...140 . . .120 . . . 890 eno- ...640 Cough Bo Bag-la Brand Condensed per caa Milk, . .180 Deeply Cut Prices on Toilet Goods. Palmolive Cakt 60c Hind's 6c Honey and Almond CYi'inT". for 89 . ROc Moioroee Cream, for 99 f5c Woixltiury's facial soap ....140 f.V .pt,..Co Tootli paste.... 39o 2,V Houblgant's Rice powder. ... 140 TSc Violet I-oulse'te powder. .. .4o II Imp. Jloky perfume. 02 09a 50c Benzoin and Almond Cream. fnr 34 l-lli can Tr. Arbutus Talcum. 14o 327 rag War Atlas". Tuesday fo 80 BIG RUBBER GOODS SALE Good L'-o,uart water bag 84o Warranted Rubber Ulnveo, for household use. for 390 I-'lt. Fountain frivrlnge, rapid flow, full set fittings, for 89c We sell 1.000 Items in the Rubber Oooda line. Experienced salesladies In tba dacsxtment. f 36o Genuiue Frophylactio Tooth Brashes, "11 In yellow box, w 19o SIIEm.Mi & SMGHNELL DRUG CO. Corner 10th and Dodge Streets. Owl Drug Co, 16th and Harney. Harvard Pharmacy. 84tb and remans 1.07a! Pharmacy, 307-9 Worth 16th. Get 1 Your Piano at Hospe's ADAM 8CHAAF Ebony ca, parlor upright, worth M fTi 9300, iri uow 414U SC1IUBKHT beautiful mahoKnjr caye, full size cabinet COfifa grand, in aae only m abort time. Worth f300, price now J)aUvJ WL'SKIt UllOS. Most destga mahogany caae, worth 922 t m ay p now apl O DECKER & SON walnut raao. Elliptic hrale. In excellent t1 r?fi condition. Worth 2o0. rrlc now 41DU STANDARD walnut rae cabinet Brand, good tone and ac (ke nr tion. Worth 9200. . Trice now , P 1 aJ McCAMMON ebony caae, parlor grand, upright. Just the 7C thing for beginners. Worth flBO, price now 4 O EVERETT beautiful Malnut casts almoet new, our . $300 KRAMCH Jt BACH baby grand. Mahogany caae, almost A ism new. Uargaln at JT Q NEW PIANOS MASON HAM M . . up I KIM HAM, 25 up KItAMCH A 1IACII, 42 up 111 SH IAXK A.1A4) up Di;AMaCII (iltANDS, 9153 up APOLLO TLA VERS . . .ttOO up A. HOSPE CO., 1513 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEB. Everythingln Art and Music. Our Fortieth Year. Indiana to Display Vocational School Indiana will make a wonderful educa tional exhibit at the Panama-Pacific In ternational exposition. Special, attention will be devoted to tha consolidation of rural achooTa. . agricultural, vocational work, domestic science and playground activities. The remarkable vocational work along the lines laid down by ToU tl In Hussla, and by Farrera In Spain, dona in the all-day and all-purpoee schools of (Jaryv Ind., will be extensively featured with ' demonstration ' ctaaeea. This system, the only ona In operation In America, does away In large measure with books and recitation. William Parker, formerly of Omaha, 1 one of the Instructora of this school. . . FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD TOR 1000 VOTES Send or bring this coupon to the "Panama Contest Editor" of the Bee and you will receive 1000 votes in the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. .... Name Address . a,.... m, a YELLOWSTONE PARK TO BE PART OF BIQ PANAMA ZONE 1 m One of the strangest aler ts in the woruld ia to be seen In the "Tellowstone Park, a great concession on "Tha Zone" at the) Panama-Paclflo International exposition. The concession covers more than four acres and i surrounded by cliffs Mains mora than 100 feet, the whole being ' painted to nature's colors and covered ' with shrubs, plant and moss to complete I the illusion of naturalness. An exact I duplication of Old Faithful Inn stands at . one slda of the concession, while In tt . renter Is the largest topographical map over made, reproducing every feature of tha Yellowstone park and 73) feet aorosa. Geysers, a waterfall eighty-five feet In height and many superb spectacles are features of the display. ARGENTINE INCREASES FUND FOR PANAMA FAIR Within six week after the war broke ut In Europe the Argentine increased its fund for participation tn the Panma-Pa-rlflc Internationa exposition at 5n Fran cisco from l,2BO.O0O to ll.7H,, Holland from 1100,000 to WO.OuO; Fpaln for the first time decided to participate officially and the Spanish government appropriated a fund for that purpose; Japan and Cuba asked for Increased exhibit apace; France sent word that there waa no change in It plans. Italy ordered construction rushed upon the superb Italian pavilion I Of the forty foreign governments which. 1 have committed themselves to participate not ona hat wtthdrawn. "Below Zero" Weather Is Not VERY Far Away! Soon you'll be saying: "My! 1 must get into last winter's OVERCOAT and It's not been cleaned or prensed yet?" Pretty boon ou"ll be grabbing for fur pieces, heavy dresses, heavy gloves, winter bats, etc., only to find you've, delayed sending them to the cleaners. Your OWN fault! Right along we've been telling you to tend 'em in. In fact, we told you during WARM weather that yon would better get ready for tne COLD that AL WAYS comes. But we'll right matters for you as best we can- Phone and our man will hurry to you In u jury; as soon as oper atives' hands can move we will get to work upon your garments. (Mind you, we clean, press, alter, repair, re style, reline. revelvet collar and cuff and dye. Only EXPERT people are employed upon your work). Phone Tyler 345 Dresheir Biros. Dry Cleaners Dyers 2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha. NORWAY'S PLANS FOR THE PANAMA FAIR UNDER WAY J. lleyderdahl-Hansen, commissioner to Norway representing the Norwegian American organisations of the XTnlted Rate, haa returned from Norway and announces that Norway's plane for par tlclpation In the Panama-Paolflo Interna tional exposition are well advanced. Nor- k.. ..nHit IV !mO for a bavlUon and $lt00 for a battleehlp to Join the International liaei 10 pass mruuau Panama canal to tha exposition grounds. In addition . ha been raised by Norwegian-American ocletlea. Espoalttem Naa- Blgma Chi. a national college fraternity -l.v . memtwirahlD of lS.OM. has ChOSeO Ban Francisco as the meeting place of Us grand council In 191a. LJve stock pavilion covering forty acres have been conatructed at tha Panama-Pacific International expottlon, which onena next February In Fan Francleco. All but one of the great main exntwi palaces of the Panama-Pad do Interna, tionsl expc-eltlon were completed five) months before the exposition will peo oa February 30. IU5. The National AaaoelaUna mt Ufa Inaur anc Underwrtlera. with nlnoty-threa af- 1 illated orft-aaisaUona and a membership of over I vaj. ha voted to hold us next convention at the Pa nam a.-Pacific later- national exposition. Tha National Potato Association et America will meet In Ban Francisco ia WX In connection with the coaventlon there will be held an exhibit of hug pro- Mtrtlons showing the production, dlatrr butlon and marketing of the potato. A competitive exhibit of the potatoes grown by boys and girl in all pert a of the t ailed State ia planned, under the su pervlstoo or the foiled States Depart ment of Agriculture and agricultural oot- THE GREAT LIGHT DUILDG BUSINESS Mr. Storekeeper: In our last five letters to you we have shown you that electricity, THE GREAT LIGHT, is the cheapest, brightest, safest, most convenient and cleanest light. But here's something more THE GREAT LIGHT BUILDS BUSI NESS. Know that? Well, just look around you and see what kind of stores use 7 HE GREA T LIGHT. That's proof that the well-lighted store gets the most trade THE EXPENSE REALLY IS TRIFLING. Let us wire your store . now you may pay for it in monthly installments. Phone or write us and we'll explain our special proposition. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Mrs. Housewife Let 13s Lig Ourdenin it I en Vour asks of every day life by doing your FAMILY WASH each week. We have all the facilities to do laundering so that it will meet with your entire satisfaction. One bundle will prove more to you than we can disclose herein. All we ask is that you try our system. A phone call will bring one of our Elue Wagons to your door. TXB "W1UWOSD" 07 III BOMB BLUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUGLAS 919. CfllLTVUEil 11414 and have us come & dem onstrate the best electric Vacuum clean-i er. ECLIPSE9 memo CLEANER mm aeiBaaBa) Leads in Efficiercyand uuraouny No Mora .Backaches a 43c I WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. 1810 FARNAM ST. Efficient Employes An advertisement under The Beoa "Help Wanted" heading commands the at tention of the most desirable workers in . Omaha. Every employer is up against the problem of securing intelligent and efficient employes, . but a few moments . thought given to writing the right kind of a "Help Wanted" advertisement will be a big step toward solving the problem. The nature of employment offered, condi tions surrounding the position, the oppor tunities, etc, should be stated. An em ployer will find that a response to an ad . " that is really informative will be from a worker who means business. Telephone Tyler ! 000 THE OMAHA BEE Eem?km4r eas Am Waal Ae