Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    That's What
Boston Catcher, with Homer and
Two-Baggers Hero of Boston.
Basil llnrla for Athletics All
War, While Trier Taken Os
la Tenth to Make War for
IMnrh Hitter.
(Continued from rage One)
to Schmidt, and Hchang went out, Kvera
to Schmidt.
Tho National leaguers also went out In
order In their half. Gowdy wan aj easy
out, Harry to Mclnnls,, and Tyler struck
out Moran went out, Harry to Mrlnnla.
Both pitchers were going fine and the
eighth Inning also wn barren of results.
Buh had great speed and frequently
mixed thla up with a alow ball, while
Tyler often uaed a alow curve. Dual)
was thrown out at flrat on a fine piece
of fielding hy Frhmldt, who Rot an ugly
ground hall far bark of flrat and while
off his balance tossed to Tyler, who cov
ered the bag. Murphy filed out and Did
ring lofted one to Moran.
The Braves all went out at first In the
eighth, Kvera being thrown out by Bush
and both Connolly and Whltted by Harry.
The vast crowd had nettled back some
time before Umpire Klein railed '"play
ball." Tyler waa given an encouraging
cheer aa he walked to the pitching mound.
Ilia flrat offering to Eddie Murphy, flrat I
up for the Athletic, waa a ball and tho
next waa a tiika that cut the plat In
two. Aa the third ba.ll came down the
alley. Murphy Knot It down tha left field
foul Una for two bases to tha great de
light of the Athletic rootera.
Rub Oldrlng sacrificed, Tyler to
Schmidt, advancing Murphy to third.
Murphy scored when Collin drove a long
fly to Connolly In left field. Connolly
dropped the ball, but Collna waa credited
with a aactiflce fly.
Colllna waa held on flrat aa Maker atruck
out Colllna flddlod off the base until
he caught Night of a alow pitch and then
tole second. Mclnnia walked and a mo
ment later Colllna waa caught off second
taking a long lead. Tyler making a quick
throw to Evers, ending tha Inning.
Hush Has Trouble,
Buah, who atarred for the Athletics In
tha last world's aertea when ha won In
a. game agatnat the New Tork Giants on
tha Tolo grounds, had trouble In disposing
of Moran, lioaton's first batter. He
pitched ten balls to the Braves' lead Off
nan; three balls, two strikes, four fouls
and then the pitch on which Moran hit
tip Into the air to Colllna.
Evers brought tha Boston rootera to
their feet by dashing a single Into left
field. Connolly lifted a high foul that
Daker caught within Inches of the Ath
letics bench. The ever-alert Johnny Evers
stole second, but he waa left there aa
Whltted fell a victim to strikes.
Tha second Inning of the American
leaguers was quickly over, Walsh, who
was playing In centerfleld as Btrunk, tho
regular man. does not hit well against!
left handed pitching, chopped a grounder
at Tyler, who threw him out at first. I
Darry raised a foul which Big Schmidt I
lias hnc Action
in the Blood
Doe Real Work : in Cleaning
Body of Impurities
tt Is ta tie skla that blood Impurities
tre driven by Nature. And It Is la th
Ik la that 8,. 6- K.. the famous blood pur
ifier, has Its most pronounced Influence,
for It Is here that you see the results,
ft. B. V. Is aone the lots effective ta the
Joints, glands and aiucoua surfaces in
driving out rheumatism, overcoming bolls
ad ridding the system ef ratarrh.
The purely vegetable Ingredients In
t. 8. 8. are aaturally assimilated but
lsy enter the bleed as an active nedl
cine and are not destroyed or converted
while at work. It Is this peculiar feat-
art of 8- 8. i. that makes It so elective.
It stirs Into actloa all the forces of tht
ody, arouses digestive secretions, stlinu
kstes the blood clrculatloa to destroy dis
use breeding germs.
I' poo entering the blood ft. B. B. la
tarried throughout your body la about
three minutes. And la a brief time It
kaa any blood trouble so under control
that It ao longer eaa multiply. Gradu
ally Dew lesb is formed la all s rosea
Iowa tissues and the skla takes oa the
ruddy glew ef health, . Be. sure and get
bottle of 8. k. 8. todsy of any drug'
pit. but avoid all substitutes.
Around the bottle Is sn Illustrated rtr
ulsr that tells you how to obtain ape
rial free advlre In quickly overcoming
serious blood disorders. 8. 8. 8. Is pre
pared only by The Swift Bpetlflc Co., f
a-elU bids., Atlanta, Ga.
You Get for Thinking
Official Score Tnird Game World's
Series: Boston, 5; Athletics, 4
All. II. II. (). A. K.
Murphy, rf
OMrlng, rf
Collin, 2b
Baker, 1 . .
Mrlnnla, lb
WaMi, cf .
Harry, an .
Schang c .
Hush, p . .
Total .
. .1 a a a o o
, n o o t o o
4 O 1 I 4 O
.1 0 2 4 4 0
SI 1 1H O 0
4 O I 10 0
,5 0 0 0 7 0
4 110 11
, O 0 O 5 1
,42 4 8:i:l 21 2
lloston 0
'No one out in twelfth when win
ning, run arorril.
Ilan for Gowtly In twelfth.
IlotUnl for Tyler in tenth.
Hatted for Jamea tn twelfth.
Two-haae hita: Murphy (2), dow
dy, Mclnnls, leaJ, linker. Home run:
Uowdy. Hit: Off Tyler, 8 In ten In
ning"' off Jamefl, O In two inning..
Sacrifice hits: Oldrlng, Moran. Hae.
rlfice file: Colllna, Connolly. Stolen
gathered In without effort. Schang put
up a fly which Kvera had to back out to
right field to get.
ehmldt Irlkee Oat.
The National league champions tied up
the score In their half of the Inning, after
two hands were out. Schmidt struck out
on Bush's alow balls. Deal hoisted a fly
to Baker, "Rabbit" Maranville worked
Isush for a base on balls, then stole sec
ond. He wasn't there long before Oowdy
sent him home by a slushing two-base
drive Into the ble hers in left field. Tyler
went out, Barry to Mcmms.
The world's champions also went out In
order in the third Inning. Bush fouled
out to Schmidt and Murphy waa retired
on a sharply hit grounder, Kvera to I Bush to Mclnnls, and Moran waa retired,
Schmidt. Oldrlng, after hitting at two Barry to Mclnnls. Kvera got In hla sec
very wlda balls, ended the Inning by end hit, a single to left field. He got no
grounding out, Maranville to Schmidt. ( farther as CYmnolly failed to respond to
Boston fared no better in Its half of ,
the third. Baker scooped up Moran'a
grasscutter and tossed him out. Evers
dropped a little grounder to Buah and waa
also retired. Connolly gave Murphy a long
fly la right field.
Baker 1'sas Renewal Time,
Tha Athletics put together their second
run In the fourth Inning. After Collins
had shot a hot liner at Evers, which the
Boston captain held. Baker struck out for
tha second time and there was great
cheering. "Stuffy" Molnnkt waited until
he stood three and two and then caught
the groove ball on the hoe and lifted it
into the left field bleachers fflr two bases,
Connolly made a daring try for the ball.
He leaped into the air. lost ' his" balance
and foil backward into the bleachers. He
was out of sight for several socOnds, but
bobbed up unhurt and waa cheered for his
effort. Walsh also waited until he waa
three and two and then slashed a single
to left, bringing Mclnnls home. '
Complal nto I' as pi re.
As Mclnnls was about to round third
Peal got tn hla way and both Harry
Davis, who was on tha coaching lines for
the Athletics, and Mclnnls, complained
to Umpire Klem against Deal's alleged In
terference, but aa Mclnnls had scored
there was nothing for the umpire to de
ride. Barry grounded out to Deal to
Schmidt, leaving Walsh on first.
With th Athlotlca having the advan
tage, the Boston rooters called for runs
and the Braves responded by putting one
across In their half of the fourth Inning,
Whltted drove a hot grounder at Buah
which the Philadelphia pitcher could not
hold, but ho managed to deflect It to
Colllna, who tossed tha runner out In the
nick of time. Schmidt delighted the home
fans by pushing a fine single Into center
and the big first baseman rushed . to
second aa Colllna threw out Peal.
With Maranville up and Schmidt on awe-
ond the vast crowd started a great nojse.
The Boston ahortatop hit a aharp fall
that went down the right field line. It
struck close to the chalk mark and ahot
against the pavilion fenos, then careoned
Into the field again. Schmidt raced home
and Maranville also made the circuit of
the bases while Collins, Murphy and
Walsh chased the ball.
t'saptr llaaals foal.
aii ims time empire HUdebrand was
making frantic signals thst the ball had
struck foul, lie pointed to a spot about
sn inch outside the line, while the great
crowd cheered, not realising that the ball
had been declared foul. The Boston play
era appeared as much surprised as the
most dyed-la-the-wool fan
After some discussion Maranville re
turned to the bat and Schmidt to second.
Tha great cheering was renewed w hen
the ume snaruiop dropped a fly Into
right field and Schmidt tied up the score. I
Maranville stole second and kept right
Yes. T'rV
r1 TM6 GlR.U
"TO SiY oN
ll. K. H. O. A. E.
Moran, rf .4 1 O 2 O O
Evers, 2h (I 0 a 8 5 0
Connolly, If ... 4 0 O 1 O 1
Whllled, rt ... Ji 0-0 2 O O
HchmWll, lb ... 5 1 117 1 0
Deal, ab 5'oi a a o
Maranvillc, an. .. 4 112 .10
Gowdy, c ." 4 1 ' 0
Mann O 1 0 O 0 O
Tyler, p 8 O O 1 5 0
Ilevore 1 0 0 O O 0
.lamea, p 0 O ., 0 O 2 0
Gilbert 0. 0 0 0 0:.0
Total 0 5 0 3fl 10 1
01000O02O O 4
0 1 O 0 O O 0 2 O 1 5
haMc; Collin, Evers, Maranvlllo (2).
Double play: Ever to Maranville to
Schmidt. Iieft on lne: Philadelphia,
10; Iloton 8. Iliwen on halls: Off
Iluh, 4; off Tyler, 8; off James, 8.
Flrt hat on error: rhllaaelphla, 1.
Struck ont: Hy lluh, 4; by Tyler, 4;
by Jainen, 1. Time: 8:Ort. Vmplrea:
Plate, Kleni; bae, Dlneen; left
field, HUdebrand; right field, Byron.
on to third when Schang's throw to the
middle bag to head tha runner off went
wide and rolled into center field.
Oowdy waa passed to first and on an
attempted double steal Maranville waa
out, Schang to Colllna to Baker.
Tha Athletics got a mini la the paths In
the fifth Inning. Hchang gave, Moran a
long fly. Ical ran In and picked up
Hush's grounder and tossed him out.
Hush making no effort to run to first.
Murphy drove a smashing two-bagger
Into left field, but got no further as
Oldrlng struck out.
Colllna Goes Oat.
Boston also got a man in their half of
the fifth, after Tyler waa thrown out.
the crowd's urging to "hit 'er out." going
out, Collins to Mclnnls.
Batting practice was lively and tha long
drives of tho home club were vigorously
cheered by the crowd. Oowdy, heavy
hitter of the flrat game, smashed a ball
Into the temporary stands, while Con
nolly, Baker and Colllna sent smoking
liners toward tha left field stands, where
the spectators tried to obtain tha balls
for souvenirs.
Marksmen Mold Coaaell af War,
A conference of Manager Mack aid the
Athletio playera at their hotel last night
had given the Philadelphia new hopes.
A change of their style of play waa ex
pected, tha plan of campaign previously
decided on having been proven Inade
quate. Only desperate measures. It was be
lieved, could bring the champions on
even terms with tha Braves, and these
they were prepared to take. The Ath
letics, one of the fastest teama In base
all, have stolen only one baae in two
games. Thla waa one department of play
In which they planned to take more
chances. But . bases cannot be stolen
until flrat has been reached, and the
Boston pltchera have given few Mack-
men an opportunity to reach the first
station. The Athletics have made but
seven hits In two games. No man on the
entire .Philadelphia team who has been
at bat more than once has an averaged
of .300. . The best Is Strunk at .SSI Such
heavy hitters as Eddie Collins and "Home
Bun". Baker have got only one hit each
and have averaged, respectively, .liK and
.10. . OlUriu. Mclnnls and Barry, all
rated aa good hitters, have gone without
a hit In five and sis times at bat. Never
In world's series history have so many
consistent hitters slumped.
Deliberate Interference Charged.
The playera of both teama today were
discussing a statement by I'mplre Byron,
who gave decisions oa the bases In the
game Saturday. The umpire said that
had Maranville failed to complete the
double play which ended the game he
would still have declared the side out,
because la bis opinion Walsh's collision
with Maranville a moment after the lat
ter had shot the ball to first base was a
deliberate attempt at Interference. Mar
anville would say nothing about the mat
ter, except "I got the throw away, and
that's all that I was Interested In. After
that the game waa over."
Bash anal Tyler Warm l'p
The Bostons war served In batting
practice by tha southpaw, CoUrell, and
Cochrenam, a right-hander. While thla
was going on Pitcher Rudolph and Short
stop Maranville talked over tho plays In
the aeries with tddle Collins, the Ath
letics' second haaeman. Kudolph took
part tn '.he batting practice ahmg with
the left-hander, Tyler.
Before play was called Captain Evers
of the Bostons was presented with a
rrt,Y0O , YOO
Poor tfrvp; Nwerfr
30Y ANY' LfP AT At I
Stallings' Third Try at the Mackmen
fir , 'S
Who Started the Game and Stuck for Ten Tough Innings.
automohila In recognition of his being
the most valuable player to hla team In
the National league.
Joe Biisti, &pd. Bender warmed up In
front of the Athletlca' bench, while Tyler
and Rudolph worked. out for Boston.
' Manager Stallings waa presented with
a diamond stickpin and gold ball hy
Mayor Curley of Boston, on behalf of the
city government. ' Captain John Kvers
was presented with a gold bat by Mayor
The umpires conferred with Captain
Ira Thomas and Captain Kvera at the
plata and- looked over the batting orders.
Boston Rase Hall (.
Boston was plain base ball crazed to
day. Hundreds swarmed all night at the
gates of Fenway park. Within an hour
after the unreserved stands were flung
open every seat was taken and scores
lined the back-field fences and pressed
against d guard, fence erected around th-
rear of the outfield, once the crowd
broke the wooden barrier and mounted!
police had .to drive the people back Int)
tha enclosure. This waa three hours be
fore game time. Outside the fences un
able to gain admittance, thousands clam
ored vainly to get In.
An Indian summer day was furnished
for the contest. The sun glowed brightly
In a clear sky, and the air waa balmy.
The playing field was dry and fast. Bet
ting at noon was 10 to 7 on the Bostons to
take the series.
' .Flrt InalnaT.
Philadelphia The first pitch of Tyler s
was a ball. The next came over for a
strike. Murphy doubled down the left
fie ldllne. Oldrlng sacrificed. Tyler to
Schmidt, Murphy going to third. The
Boston Incleld came In close on the grass
to make a play at the plate. Murphy
scored when Connolly dropped Collins,
Intended sacrifice fly. Baker at rack out.
He missed a curve by a yard. Uowdy
tried to pick Collins off first, but his
throw waa late. Collins stole second,
Gowdy's throw being low. Mclnnls
walked. Collins was picked off second.
Tyler to Kvera Oito run, one hit, ono
Boston Bush's first pitch shot around
Moran's neck for a ball. After pitching
three straight balls. Bush put over two
Strlkns. Moran then fouled off the next
four pitches. Moran popped out to Col
lins. Evers singled over Harry's head.
Bush worked a ft inahoot almost ex
clusively. Connolly .foaled out to Baker,
wl made, the catch near the Athletics'
beach. Evers stole second. Schang's throw
being to the left of the bag. Whltted
was a strike-out victim. No runs, one
hit, no errora
Second Innlna.
' Philadelphla-The Athletics were now
ahead fer Um first time In the series.
Tyler took Walsh's splash and threw
hlui out. . Tyler . worked . wide curse
Yes, But wins
Anil hsit n HcntlirA frnaa.flr T4nvt'v
on a foul to Schmidt. Tyler fed Schang J
with slow curves. Kvcrs took Schang's I
lopping fly with his gloved hand. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
Boston Schmidt struck out. being
fooled by Bush's change of pace. Deal
flew out to Baker. The wind almost car
ried the ball out of Baker's reach. Mar
anville walked. Maranville stole second.
Maranville scored when Oowdy knocked
a two-bagger Into the left field bleachers.
Tyler almost got a hit down the left
field line, but the ball was foul by a
foot or mora Barry threw out Tyler at
first. One run, one hit, no errors.
Third Innlna.
Philadelphia Bush fouled out to
Schmidt. Evers tossed out Murphy at
first. Maranville threw out Oldrlng. No
runs, no hits, no errora
Boston Both pitchers worked slowly
and, as the players were Inclined to wait
them out, the gaina moved slowly, Moran
out. Baker to Mclnnls. Bush threw out
Evers at first. Connolly filed out to
Murphy. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Fourth tanning-. ..
Philadelphia Collins lined out to Evers.
Baker struck out for the second time, a
low ball around the knees getting him for
the third strike. Mclnnls doubled into tha
left field Hands. Connolly In trying, to
catch the ball turned a somersault over
the low fence, falling Inside the stand.
He. was Vn'n3ur("l- Mclnnls scored on
Wufsh'f vharp single to left, which Con
nolly Juggled a Tittle. Mclnnls com
plained to the umpire that Deal had in
terfered ' with him rounding third base.
Deal threw out Barry at first. One run,
two hits, no error.
Boston Whltteds grounder was .de
flected from Bush to Collins, who threw
the runner out at first. Svhmldt singled
over second. Collins tossed out Deal at
first, Schmidt going to second. Maran
ville got a long hit to right which looked
to be fair, but the umpire declared tt to
be' foul. Schmidt and Maranville had
crossed the plate before tha ball was re
covered, but the umpire sent them back.
Schmidt scored on Maranvllle's Texas
leaguer. Maranville stole second and
went to third when Schsng's throw went
to enter field. Crowd y walked. Maran
ville was caught out at third on aa at
tempted double steal, the play being
Schang to Collins to Baker. One run,
two hits, one error.
Fifth Innlna;.
Philadelphia Schang filed out to Mora.
Deal threw out Bush. Bush making no at
tempt to run out his hit. Murphy doubled
to left. It waa his second two-base hlL
OMrlng struck out. No run, one hit. no
Boston Bush threw out Tyler. Barn'
took care of Moran's grounder and threw
him out at first. Livers got a single to
left Just our' of Barry's reach. Colllna
haw , . . r-MHHnIVH t . . , -
. . . i
1 v. v uuuu.,; lli.u Ik. was
for The Bee by
Standing of Teams
Played. Won. Lest.
National league ,1 0 1.000 1
American league 3 0 :l . ;
Plnveil. Won. Lost. Pet.
Indianapolis .... Id.1 87 6 .63
Chcago lf4 S to -K
HHllimore 153 St TO .e6
Buffalo I'd m .1 I)
Brooklyn 1M 77 77 -HQ
Kansas City .... IIS 7 M . .!
St. Louis 1M 64 87 -'4
Pittsburgh t."0 4 W A?t
Won. Lost. Pet.
Olants 3 1 ."v
Yankees 1 3 ,2oO
Won. Lost. Tct
Cubs 3 2 .M
White Sox 2 3 . 400
(antes Today.
World's Series Philadelphia at Roston.
Yesterday's Itesalts.
Braves, R; Athletics, 4
Giants, Yankees, 1.
Cubs, 1; White Sox, 3.
slow roller and Colllnn made a nice play
on It. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Sixth Inuluw.
Philadelphia Collins bounced a hit off
Deal's glove. A double play followed.
Evers taking Baker's grounder and tossed
to Maranville, forcing Collins. .Maranville
then threw out Baker. Deal threw out
Mclnnls. No run, one hit, no errors.
Boston Bush tossed out Whltted at
first. Schmidt out on a fly to Oldrlng.
Deal doubled Into the left field stand.
Maranville out on a high fly to Schans,
who took the ball near tho pitcher's box.
No run, no hit, no error.
Seventh Innlna.
Philadelphia Walsh fouled out to Deal.
Tyler, tossed out Barry at first. Evers
threw out Schang. No run, no hit, no
JBoslon-arry threw out Gowdy at flrat. 1
j ;,n--rimi;ii. .. jjitrry. inrew oui moran.
No run, no hit, no error.
F.lahth Innlna.
Philadelphia Bush was out, Schmidt to
Tyler, on the best fielding play of the
game. Schmidt took the ball near the !
foul line and make a backhand throw to
Tyler. Murphy out on a high fly to
Whltted. Oldrlng out on a fly to Moran.
No run, no hit, no error.
Boston Bush tossed out Evers. Barry
threw out Connolly at first. Whltted out
by the Barry-Mclnnls route. No run, no
hit, no error.
Ninth Inning.
Philadelphia Maranville threw out Col
lins, a pretty stop and throw by the Bos
ton shortstop. Baker shot a double down
the right field line. Mclnnls filed out to
Conolly. Walsh was purposely passed.
Barry fouled out to Gowdy. No run, one
hit, no error.
Boston Baker threw out Schmidt, Ba
ker also threw Deal. It was a fine stop
and throw by Baker. Barry threw out
Maranville. No run, no hit, no error.
Tenth Innlna.
Philadelphia The game waa tied, not
only on runs, but hits and errora as welL
Schang singled to left. Bush fanned.
Murphy hit to Tyler, who threw too late
to Maranville to catch Svhang. Murphy I
was also safe on tha fielder's choice. Old- I
ring out, Evers to Schmidt, the ball also :
struck Tyler, and he also got an assist
on the play. Collins walked. Schang
scored. Murphy scored on Baker's Infield
hit. Evers was holding the ball when
Murphy ran home. The official scorer
ave Murphy a stolen base on the laat !
play. Mclnnls filed out to Whltted. Two 1
runs, two hits, no errors.
The official scorer now decides not tp 1
credit Murphy with a steal home, but j
states that he scored on the hit. j
Boston Oowdy got a home run into the !
centerfleld bleachers. Devore batted for
Tyler. Devore struck out. Moran walked. !
Evers singled to right, Moran going to 1
inira. .Moran scored on Connolly's sac
rifice fly. Whitted out on a fly to Baker.
Two runs, two hits, no error;
Eleventh laalnir.
Philadelphia It, was officially an
nounced that the attendance, was 3S.S20.
James went into the box for Boston.
James threw out Walsh. Barry grounded i
ont to Schmidt, unassisted. Schang
walked. Bush struck out. No runs, no
hits, no errors.
Boston Schmidt fouled out to Schang.
Deal out on a fly to Murphy. Baker
threw out Maranville. No runs, no hits,
no errors. -
Twelfth Innlna.
Philadelphia Murphy walked. James
threw out Oldrlng at first Murphy went
to second. It was not a sacrifice hit.
Collins cut oa a fly to Deal. Baker was
purposely passed. Evers took Mclnnjs
grounder and tossed to Maranville, forc
ing Baker. No run, no hit, no error.
Boston Gowdy doubled Ipto the loft
field stand. Maun ran for Gowdy. Gil
bert batted for James. Gilbert waa pur-
sb Tn woun swaa im oani o
Frnnkc's Electric Score Board
at the Kpuo Theater..
Every play oa tha diamond raprodnoed by Xlectrto Lights on the Greatest
ZlecVrio Boors Board ever built. Direot wire from taa ball nark. Oames
called at 1 'cleok. Doors ohm at 1Si40.
"Bud" Fisher
poscly passed. Mann scored when Bush
took Moran's hunt and threw wildly to
j left lield. One run, one hit, one error.
5tnp Those Karly llronrhtal Coasrhs.
j They hang on all winter if not checked,
and rave the way tor serious throat. and
lung disease. Get ti botle of Fdley'a
Honey and Tar Compound, and take It
freely. Stops coughs and colds, heala raw
Inflamed throat, loosens and phlegm ,and
is mildly laxative. Cha. T. Miller, Ed.
Enquirer, Cannelton, Ind., had bronchial
trouble, got very" hoarse, coughed con
stantly from a tickling throat. He used
only Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.
Was entirely relieved. Wants others to
know of Foley's Honey and Tar. All
dealers every wtu re. Advertisement. '.
never ca'l
on that plrl again,
my chocolates to an-
her clving
nther 1 lian
"Well, If he called, she had to offer
him 0 few."
"But she was feeding them to him with
her own fair hands." Kansas City Jour
nal. (roup and Cough Remedy.
Dr. King's New Discovery gives almost
Instant relief. First dose helps. Best
remedy fur coughs and lung trouble. 60c
and th All druggists. Advertisement.
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Tub' proof
Smart Patterns
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