Tlir: HKE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1014. The Fur Shop We are not alarmists, but we do know and aro sincere in advising you that the price of furs, especially mink and Fitch, will rise rapidly, owing to existing condi tions. As it is, these furs are pricod at tho lowest figure in years, but we cannot pro diet how long they will so remain. Why You Should Order Your Suit Made To Your Special Measure Now Our $55, $05 and $75 patterns ordered specially for our tailoring department, now made to your order, lined with Skinner's satin, rut by an expert, in any style you may choose, for $45, $5T and $f5. A perfect fit guaranteed. Gloves for 50c a Pair You'll find here just the gloves you want for present wear. We have some choice silk, chamoisette and lisle gloves left at 50c a pair. RAPS PR17ATEBANK SYSTEM Judge McPherson Scorei Method in Effect. PILOT MOUHD BANK INSTANCE Worialea erHy aad Kl mlulln or Cak Made for Tmfi. (From a Stuff Correspondent) PES MOINES. Oct. -Spcll Tele gram Wudge Smith McPheraon, ln fed rrHl court today severely mcorlateO) mcthodii In vogue n handling private hanks In a cas Involving the. bankruptcy of onirt of th Pilot Mound bank In limine county. Th hank had loaned I40.000 to a con ririM tlon company and t7.W "n ,n" .llvld.ial with the only security some wcrlhlefs western mining stock. The fact lht there vii no Inspection of the bank by anybody permitted thla condition to go on foi years. The bank continued to pay .livldctuls without ever earning a dollar and tlm court said thla la nothing elae man stealing. , fi.aaar Men Will Ml. Judge Uaynor of the suprem court to day o'k under advisement the tomplalnt of property ownere against the erection of a lalxinudr for Billy Bunday. but In dicated he would probably rule against 1 lie complainant. GERMANS REPORT DECISIVE BATTLE (Continued from Page One ) and where the Ilusslans attempted realm ance they were beaten. The Kuaalana fled In the direction of the River Ban. at tempting to croaa at Plnlava and Lehayak. where a graat number were captured. Great Errata Iarji4la. LONDON. Oct. la. Except for a flood of vivid detail regarding the fall of Ant werp, the British publlo has beea prao tloally cut oft from newe from the front during the last twelve hours. It la felt, however, that events of tremendous mo ment either are occurring or are Impend ing la the area about LiUe. where the cavalry of the contending forces has been In violent contact for a week. The military critics for the London morning paper devote their apace to speculation regarding the utility of Ant werp lor Oermaa offense er defense. Most of taem agree that unlosa Dutch neutral ity la violated Antwerp will be of no more use In forwarding the Oermaas' pur pose of making Zeppelin and naval raids of England than othar places In Uelglum which have been occupied for some time by the Invaders. They agree, however, that for military purposes In the western theater of war the occupation of Antwerp la of supreme importance to Qermany, which now wilt be able to release several divisions to aid the sorely pressed right wing. Further more, the capture of the city will Insure the lines of communication should retreat be necessary through Belgium. Additional details of the shelling of Antwerp indicate that the damage was not as great aa at first estimated. The damage. Inflicted by the Oerman artillery may be aet off In large measure by the great destruction wrought oa German shipping In the harbor by the Belgians. An official eomroutiratlon from Berlin states that no Information yet Is avail able aa to the amount of booty taken la the town. The offlcist statement says that on baturday German cavalry completely routed a French cavalry division west of Ulle, which Indicates that the extreme limit of the western battle la within twenty miles of the straits of Dover. It la officially announced la Berlin that In the eastern theater of war all at tacks of ' the (lrst and tenth Russian armies have been repulsed, while the same fate was Buffered by the Russians when they attempted aa outflanking movement by way of Rchlrwlndt, East Prussia. In South Poland, the Germans claim, their armies have reached the Vistula The assertion Is also made that the Rue mans have Invented the storlea which have been given out regarding' great viotorlea at A u gusto wo and Buwalkl. Petrog-rad remains silent as to the movements of the Russian armies, but hints that secrecy is necessary for the time being because Important operations are pending. Late reports indicate that terrific fight ing, partaking of the nature of sieg operations, has taken place during the last fortnight B round Roye. Laseigny and (6 Albert, the last named place having been completely destroyed, inspection of the works from which the Germsns were driven show that they took the finest possible advantage or the rock quarrlee. Now that the opposing forces are de ployed In a comparatively level country, shorter periods of vigorous fighting prob ably will produce more decisive results than did the engsgement while the op posing lines were entrenched against each other. From Austria come reports, by way of Italy, of the rapid spread of Anlntln iholera and of the sufferings being en dured by the Austrlsn troops on account of the unusually cold westher. The Home newspspers. commenting on the sppolnlment of General Zuielll as Italian minister of war. consider It stg nlficant that he should have been liorn in I'apo H'lstrla, an Italian province still p the possession of Austria. I'mler the new minister It la expected that prepara tions to place the army on a war footing will he hurried, but Italy apparently la still firm In the determination to remain neutral. French Bulletin Says Cavalry Fight " Continues on Left TARia. Oct. 1!. The following official communication was given out In Paris this afternoon: "First On our left wing the cavalry engagements continue In the region of Laiiass. EstaircB and llaxebrouck. Ile tween Arras and the Olae, the enemy endeavored to deliver several attacks, which failed, notably between Lasslgny n1 Roye. "Becond On the center we have made some progress on the plateaus of the right bank of the A Is no, In front of Pols sons and to ths east and southeast of Verdun. "Third On our right wing. In the Vosges, the enemy delivered a nlKht at tack In the region of Ban De Rapt, to the north of Ile. They were repulsed. The flag captured yesterday belongs to the Sixth regiment of active Pomer anlen Infantry, No. 9. of the Twentieth corps of the Prussian army. The brigade of marine fuallllers was engaged during all the day of October and the night of October MO against Oerman forces and repulsed them, and at the same time In flicted heavy losses, amounting to 800 The French losses amounted to nine killed, thirty-nine wounded and one miss ing. "In the Belgian field, according to the latest Information received her concern ing the situation at Antwerp, the Oer mana occupy up to the present time only the suburbs of this city. The twenty, four forts on the two banka of tho River Escaut are resisting with energy. j "In Russia the fighting still continues with fierceness on the frontier of East Prussia. To the northwest of Lyck the tlermana are retreating, at the same time destroying bridges. "In Southern Poland, between Ivsngo rod and Sandomlr, there has been artil lery fighting with columns of the enemy, who have reached the Vistula." Germans Fail to Halt Japan Advance TOKTO, Oct 1L The following official statement relative to the Japanese opera tions around Tslng-Tau, seat of govern ment of the German concession of Klao Chow, was given out today ; 'The Oerman forts, warships and aero planes ar trying vainly to arrest the Japanese advance, ar sustaining no damage. "Japanese warship silenced Illtls fort and drove a warship out of range of their guns. Our aviators answered aa unsuc cessful attack by German airmen on Jap anese mine draggers by flying over Tslng Tau and dropping bomba" Belfort in Fear of Big&ege Guns UXNPO.V. Oct. 11-The Daily Uilli Amsterdam correspondent says HerUn newspaper are distributing posts is an nouncing that the civil population U leav ing Belfort ( French fortified town to the ao-called territory of Belfort) In tea? of a bombardment. An Ideal H'tui'i Laxative. No better laxatlv than Dr. King's New Ufe Pills. They help the liver snd bowels to healthy action, sr. All drug, gists. Advertisement COLUMBUS DAY IS CELEBRATED HERE Italian Circlet in America Observ ing1 Annrrmary of Explorer Who Discovered America. PARADE THE LOCAL STREETS Omaha sa Who Are alves of name fnantry a Fantoas Discoverer of Western Hemisphere Jola la Inns Procession. Monday wss a big day in Italian circles In America. It was the anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus 422 years ago. While It as a legal holiday In America, the Itnlhin-Americans made It a dsy of ewcnl celebration In honor of the great achievement of the discovery of a new hemisphere by the great explorer, who was himself an Italian. A great Italian parade, In which thou sands of Omaha Italians took part, traversed the principal bueineaa streets of Omaha In the afternoon. With a few hundred horsemen, several hundred auto moMtea, delegations of all the Italian so cieties and loriKe and five bands the parade made a splendid showing. Btartlng at Sixteenth nnd Nicholas streets at i o'clock the puriido panned aouth to Douglas, east to Eleventh, south to Far nam, wet to Nineteenth, south to Harney, east to Eleventh, south to Mason, west to Thirteenth, and thence south to Meti hall, where Mayor Dahlman. L. J. I'lattl, Jo Beato and others addressed the crowd. Two Flags Intertwined. Italian and American flags were Inter twined and everywhere thev flow In the wind in abundance and profusion. Joe C'alebra ws msrshal of the parade. Three beautiful floats, representing three fea tures of Columbus' expedition lent charm to the parade. The first of the floats represented Columbus before Queen Isabella of Ppaln In his plea for funds with which to make what seemed a foolhardy voyage Into the unknown wilds of the Atlantic In quest of a direct route to India. Queen Isabella waa aeen In the float pledging her Jewels to the raising of money for the voyage which King Ferdinand waa loath to finance. The next float showed the Santa Maria at the landing on American shores after a perilous voyage of many weeks. it showed Columbus and his sailors step ping out of the trusty hull upon the wel come shores of the Island. Represent Return to Spain. The third float represented the return to Spain. Again the great sailor and ex plorer Is before the king nnd iicen, mak ing his report of his voyage and what he hns discovered. Leading the parade came the marshal and his aides, a cavalcade of horsemen, a hand and representative of the Chris topher Columbus society, another band and the Dallcenlsio All Ktna society, a band and the Italian Benevolent associa tion, followed by another band, the Hum pert I lodge of the Modern Brotherhood of America, a band and the Giovanni P'Ameallo aoclety. Then followed the train of automobiles with prominent Ital ians of the city, some more floats, and finally the city and county officials In automobiles. The clay waa rounded out with a big ball at Mctl hall at 7:30 last evening. President Regards Naco Incident as a Local Difficulty WASHINGTON, Oct. K.-Flrlng across the International border at Naco, Arls., by American patrol troopers and Mexican soldiers was characterised by President Wilson todsy as "local difficulty." Ap parently he considered that tho Incident had no bearing on the general situation In Mexico and was not Inclined to attach much Importance to it. NACO, Aria.. Oct 12. The Carranxa gar rison of Naco, Bonora, was again sub jected today to shell fire from the guns of Governor Maytorena. The Vllllsta ar tillery, whlh threw four shells Into American territory yesterday, doing con siderable damage, seemed to be better handled today, and the shells fell into the Mexican town. General Hill, commanding the garrison, again ran trenches parallel to the bound ary line to protect his men from the fire of Maytorena' Yaqul Indians, who, dur ing Baturday night and early yesterday, worked around to the American line and directed their fire on the garrison, from this side of the border. Hill compallned that the American bor der guard had failed to prevent thla viola tion of American neutrality. TWO MORE GERMAN BOHBSHIT IN PARIS (Continued from Tag One.) throe ersons were killed yesterdsy and fourteen wounded. At the ssme time officials adopted measures looking to the prevention of similar arts. lllrarhaaer Heads Defense. General Htrechauer waa appointed to lake charge of the defense of the city. He organised last year the axel a 1 branch of the army service. A number of dep uties met at the call of Deputy Deny Cochin, to consider various mean of rendering the city more secure from aero plane attack. The creation of aerial squadrons sta tioned at cardinal points to be always ready to dash after the air craft of the enemy as soon as they should be sig nalled approaching the city; the arming of fast monoplanes with quick firing guns, and the telephoning of warnings by residents of the capital to the French Aero club, which la now under military control, were among the auggestlons dis cussed. Boasa Strike Cathedral. The news that on of the German bomb yesterday struck the cathedral of Note Dame, has been communicated to the vatloan. It la reported that the pope ex claimed on getting the message: "Provi dence he prevented an outrage which would have ahocked the world." Military critics, commenting today on the movement of the armies In the Apr, niont region, declare It la worthy of note that Apremoot. to the eaat of &t Mlhlel. 1 the route the enemy would take If they aoucht to withdraw from t. Mlhlel In the direction of Lorraine. Their positions In this vicinity mean much to them. It Is declared. Oaly BltuaO OrilE." To get the genuine, call for full nam, IiAXATIVL BROMO Q CI NINE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures TEUTON ARMIES ON THE HEELS OF MUSCOVITE HOST (Continued from Page Ona) field of observation than that of Poland, lumber. In Qallcla, Is their destination. On saying farewell to the correspond ents, Grand Duke Nicholas emphasized the "great utility of the press In expert and worthy hands," but he quickly quenched the rising hope of his audience by saying: "I regret that I shall hot be able to show you all I should Ilka to, for In this war so specially grandiose, absolute sil ence regarding military secret dealing with the plan of campaign is a necessity of success." ' The grand duke then Informed the correspondents that they were going to liemberg. Threats of Anstria. According to Italian sources, the Austro Hungsrlan government, anticipating Ital Inn participation In the war. made all arrangements to throw Into the Jslls the prominent citizens of Trieste of Italian birth or descent and It Is asserted threatens to shoot without trial all per sons participating In pro-Italian demon strations. It Is even said that Thleste itself will be bombarded In the event of anything in the nature of an Insurrection taking place. A message, from Budapest published in Rome credits the Hungarian government with the Intention of granting autonomy to Transylvania, with a view of averting an insurrection in that country. Militia Preparing to Take Charge of Colorado Situation WASHINGTON. Oct. U-Reorganla-tlon of the Colorado stat mllltla In order to relievo the federal troop now on duty In the coal trike region there, I being planned by Governor Ammona, according to Information reschlnr President Wil son. The president said today, however, that he could not tell detail of the plan and that nothing definite ha been done. Repeated effort have been made to have the Colorado mine operatora accept the strike settlement already adopted by the miners, hut so far the) president's at tempts have been fruitless. DENVER, Colo.. Oct. 12-Oovernor E. M. Amtnnns today waa at Wichita. Kan., attending the International Dry Farming congress. His most recent statement re gardlng the propoaed withdrawal of the federal troops from the strike district was to the effect thst the ability of th stste to take care of the situation de pended upon the sale of 1,nno.0o0 bonds voted by the legislature last May for the paymaent of the military debt. None of these bonds have been sold. About HOO.Ono of them, it was stated today, have heen exchanged for certificates of Indebted ness issued to militiamen and other creditors of the state. Several new organisations of the na tlcnal guard recently have been enlisted at Delagua. Hastings, Walsenberg. Forbes and other points in the southern Colorado strike district. It I expected that all of these new orgsnlaatlons, totalling from men, wlu have been mustered Into service hy the end of the week Pension Roll is Slightly Lower WAHHINOTON. Oct. 12.-l'ncle 8am paid out a total of 1T2,7.W ln pensions In the fiscal year ended June 30 laat. ac cording to Commissioner of Pensions Paltigaber. In his annual report, made publlo today. Thla comparea with 1174 In 19ia. which wa the largeat amount ever paid out The commissioner points out, however, that the summit In expenditures has been reached, and a de crease In the amount may be expected to continue. The grand total of expendlturea for penslona from IS up to and Includ ing 1914 was $4,33.511,9M. The total number of pensioners of all classes on the rolla was 785,239, against R30.J72 in 1911. The number of civil war pensioners was 728,129. compared with 72.4.19 in 1913. The largest number ever on the roll wa In 1902, when there were 999, . RAILROADS HAULING MANY LOADS OF GRAIN AND MEAT Superintendent Derr of th Great Weal em. with headquarters at Clarion, la.. Is In the city, a witness before Examiner Brown of the Interstate Commerce com mission. Said Mr. Derr: "We have no reason to complain . of the business out of Omaha and Nebraska While It I not booming. It la good, and w ar hauling Immense quantities of grain and meat W expect a continu ance of present conditions for some time. Europe is taking great volumea of grain and meat, and Nebraska I furnishing Its proportion. "Our road la in good condition for the coming winter. Physically It wa never better." Girls! Have Beautiful, Lustrous, Fluffy Hair 25 Cent Danderine To be poseessed of a head of heavy. beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy. wavy and free from dandruff is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. It Is easy and inexpensive to hsve nice, soft hair and lot of it. Just get a 26 cent bottle of Know Hon s Dan derine now all drug store recommend It apply a little a directed and within ten minutes) there will be an appearance of abundance; freshness, flufftness and aa Incomparable gloss and lustre and try aa you will yon ran woe find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two LEX IV1E YOUR FALL III . III 1512 1 2 DODGE STREET HARRY WOODS SHOOTS SELF, Secretary of State of Illinois Sends Ballet Through His Brain. CAREFULLY PLANNED THE DEED Probable Cans of Hie Art Vu Ills Extenslre Deallnas on the Cai rsg Boars of Trade In Grain. SPRINGFIELD, III., Oct. 11 Secretary of Stat Harry Wood, one of the demo cratic candidates at the September pri mary and former operator on the Chicago Hoard of Trade, killed himself early yes terday morning. His lifeless body, wltn a gaping bullet wound in the center of the forehead and a revolver clutched In his right hand, was discovered this morn ing lying In the tool room In a garage at the rear of his residence. John J. Coffey, assistant chief clerk in the auditor's office, wan placed In charge of the office of the secretary of state by i Governor Dunne. An examination of the accounts of the office was started at once. The last re turn of fees to the state treasury hy Sec retary Woods wa on June 30, when the total was .170.536 for the quarter. No re turn has been mad for th quarter end ing September 30. Mrs. Woods had become alarmed at her husband's absence from homo alnce 6 o'clock Sunday morning. Going to the garage, she found her husband's keys locked on the inside. A neighbor was called and a door forced, and In the corner of the tool room the body of the secre tary of state was found. No note of explanation was left by Mr. Wood and the only clue which would give a possible Indication for a cause of the tragic deed waa a bulky bundle of papers, showing extensive dealings ln grain through a Chicago brokerage house. There was evidence that tho secretary carefully planned the deed. He had taken off his bat and laid It on a bench, but did not remove bis eyeglasses. An Iron bed had been placed against the door leading to the room, and all the door wer locked. The vacancy In the secretaryship will be filled by appointment by the governor. ANTWERP'S FALL PTE DRAMATIC (Continued from Page One.) lh relnorcemente, but events proved thst this powerful aid, which would have been sufficient a wek earlier, was not sufficient now when a section of tho fortifications already had been silenced. The suburb began to surfer from the shell fire, hut confidence is still general In the city. October 6. The German circle of fire lightens on the city, stern facts have I eaten Into our confidence. The men on I the front stand the grueling punishment without being able to see the enemy; the men in the trenches are .fagged out and tormented. At the M alines gates there clamor a great horde of refugees: from suburban towna The crowd for a ! time was kept back by soldiers. Ant werp' own cltlsen also sr fleeing in terror. The newspapers announce offlclaly that tho situation I grave. The bulk of the people have sent about preparation for departure. I "October 7 Th newspaper today pur- llsh official advice to the people a to I their behavior during th bombardment. : Th city' go holder have been emptied and the animals In the Zoo have been killed. Men go about tbe streets killing homeless dogs.' The hospitals are being emptied and the staffs of the legations and moat of the consuls are departing. There I hardly a carriage of any kind left In the city. The telegraph offices are closed, the civic guard haa been dis armed and the newspapers have ceased , publication. "On the front of tbe Nethe the line ha been abandoned. Tbe partial retirement from the flld wa followed by the re duction of several forts. Fort Broechelm was tho last of the southern fort to go. Artillery Outclassed. "The German artillery ha pushed for ward. A Belgian staff officer made this explanation: " 'We were outclaased In artillery from the first. A a consequence the Ger mans were able to destroy a section of the outer forts. When the British aid arrived th situation waa almost hope less.' "Tbe troubles of the staff a re added to by the fact that th Germans are kept advised by sple, on the actual battle ground of our position. "October S Tbe bombardment of the city proper waa commenced at 1 o'clock thia morning with the Germans' twenty-eight-centimeter guns. When th first of these shells exploded ln the southern quarter, the whol city seemed shaken by the concussion. The people poured out Into the streets and began a hurried flight The night wa clear and moon light, with the glare of burning houses adding to the illumination. Constantly the shriek of a woman or the wail of a child broke in upon the listless plodding of the fugltlvca "Shells came ln clusters of six, very methodically, tnto our particular quarter, and then th guns were deflected a little weeks' use, when you will see new h air fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderine is. we believe, th only sure hair grower: destroyer of dandruff and our for Itchy acalp and It never fall to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove bow pretty and soft your hair really 1. moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and csrefully draw It through your hair taking one amall strand at a time. Tour hair will be soft glossy and beautiful in Just a few moments a dellgtitful surprise awaits everyone who trie thla. IVIAKE SUIT to Bttack anntMer quarter. The Meleians Irt out all the oil fn.m the tanks along the Scheldt at Jlobok. n." Man Sent to Jail for Contempt of Court Sues Judge Landis CHICAGO, O. t. 12. Suit for J..nn(l damages filed asalnpt United Stntes Judge Kenesay M. l.nndls on Saturday, it lie came known today, is the rejult of thirty days spent In Jll hy Fra:;l; Itlacklldge on a contempt charge preferred by the federal Judire If the suit Is pressed to trial It will be the first time in local history, it wss said, that a L'nlted States judKe was sued for dnmaR-es as a result of one of his decisions. tie'anie involved in a bank ruptcy suit and Judge Lnndls accused him of pci-Jury. Blacklldpe bases his laini for damages on alleged Impairment of his health due to his stay in Jail. loss of his position and 12.40'' . which it Is al iened, was Involved In the bankruptcy proceedings. Queen of Belgium is Still in Ostend LONDON. Oct. 12. Definite Information hss been received here that the queen of the Belgians, notwithstanding the report last week that she had readied England, has not left Ostend for London. In the course of the operations around Antwerp last week King Alhejt pro ceeded to St. Nicholas, an Important place on the railroad line between Ant- werp and Ghent and beyond the outer range of the Antwerp forta. His maj esty was at St. Nicholas as late as last Thursday morning. His subsequent Jour ney eastward was In company with Bel gian troops, whose withdrawal In that direction had been rendered necessary by the overwhelming forcea opposing them. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. REAL IIAIR GROt'JEE Fo und at Last! The Great English Discovery' "Crystolis" Grows Hair In 30 Days. 1,000.00 Reward If W Pall On Our Querents Try It At Our Bisk Mail Coupon Today. r .-''i.'t'T'f:,-..i-,.v Thlfl Man Is Growing- Bald "CrjtoU" Zfl J nit thm Thing for Bach Cases. la Euro p. "CryLnlt." U n Eniltrh Hair Grower, b been rtUltd Um must wonderful (lit coTry of th century. Tb Judts or tbe itniM.. and Paris Eipn-I-tlon nlhiulsBilcslly awarded Gold Medals to this marvelous hair grower. Already since, we aecured the American rights hundreds of men and wnnwn have written teliingr, of the phenomenal results obtained by Its uv. I'eopl who have been tiald for years tell how they now (lory In beautiful hair. Others who have had dandruff all their live aay they have (ot a rlean. healthy acalp aftr a few applica tion f thla wonderful treatment. We don't rare whether you are bothered with falling hair, prematurely gray hair, matted hair, brittle hair or stringy hair; dandruff, itching arnjp or any or all forma of hair trouble, w want you to try TUYHToUrt" at our rUk. We give you a binding guarantee, without aay 'nt rt nga' ' or red tape, that It won' t rnet you a cent If we do not prove to you that "tVystoltp' will do all we clarra for It -end whtl'i Important, we have plenty of money to baclt our guarantee. ILOrtc haa been deposited In our local bank an a KperlAl Fund to be fori ei ted tf we fail to comply with this contract. Cut out the coupon below and all It today to Create Laboratories, U K St., IMnghamton. N' Y. nn coxrrojr The Creslo ljsbnrstnrtef, "4-K Kt., Hmshamton. N. V. I am a rsader ot The Omaha Bee. Prnva to ma without coat how Cryatnlli atopa fall ing hair, (rnti flaw hair, haaiahea dandruff and ifhlns w-alpa anil retora prmaturtly srar and faded hair to natural rolnr. Write your name and addreta plainly and PIS THIS rot' PON TO YOl R I.ETTEIl. 1 7 . 1 1 ..':. Z FLITTOM 1 w Beaffia 164. ABOUT YOUR EYES e v-.., ,,, fcSlft 'tl. - . J -I ! yjt,. Tall. ' Hy act a ths, Daffodils, I Miles. F.t. t Catalogue on HTKWtHTS 1 I BKKII STOKK, I 11B N. iej t. I t Op p. Hwatofflce. I V Uauglas 7T. Greatest of All Human Blessing! The most wonderful thing In th world Is love expressed In the helpless Infant. And among those aids and comforts for expectant mothers Is th well known "Mother' Friend." This is an external application to enable the abdominal muscles to become more pliant, to expand naturally without undue pain from the strain Upon cord and ligaments. In almost every settled community are women who have enjoyed the blessing of this famous remedial and helpful embro cation. Their daughters have grown up to learn of Its splendid assistance. Applied as directed upon those muscles Involved it soothes the fine network of nerves with which all the muscle are supplied. Thus a great share of the pains so much dreaded may be avoided and the period of expectancy passed through ln ease and comfort Anything that adds o much comfort must be counted as a blessing Indeed. In a little book sent by mill much use ful Information la given to Inexperienced mothers. It tells how to use "Mother's Friend" and how to avoid caking breasts. Get a Kittle to-dnr snd write for book to UrsdtielU Itegulstor Co., iill) I,sumr Hide. Atlanta. Ga, Le sure Jtu gV( "AUtUcr t rkuU. " The Stewart Food company . Guarantees -a. 1 m. Constipation in any man, woman, child or bahy who drinks It each morning before breakfast. It contains the pure, lax ative, corrective, salts of fruit- the natural remedy for biliousness, constipatlon,indigestion, gallstones, muddy complexion, tlckheadache, piles, etc It cures by building up the stomach, liver. Dowels, kidneys. When you leam Its rare power to do-this and make people strong, healthy, and well you will waste no more time or money on sickening physic, uurtlul pills, or debilitating mineral waters. 91 per )ar. for tale by Sherman at McConnell, STEWART rOOD COIMSrirIMf,SHaQr The Most Popular Shoe For Women Is that dainty shoe with tho vesting quar ter and patent oolt vamp. It as taken New Vork by storm. "We have them in all sizes and widths. Price $350 Fexcl 1419 Farnarn Advertising U the pendu lum that keep buying and telling in motion. A Ml SESIEST". U. S, MARINE BAND and EVENIN6 OCT. 17IH AUDITORIUM "THE PRESIDENT'S OWN" Box Offlc Mow Opsn. GNaaral Admission 50c Box Seat 91.BO. Children 85c BRANCEIS "o DnHflvLI Matins Wadnsadar. The Favorite Irish iSinKinif Artor. risk O'Ksra. ln Hi X.atsst Success, "JACK'S KOHlRri," Prlossi Mat.,35o-f 1 ; Ewnlng. flSc-I,50 Thre ICi-hti Oct I- 18. 17. Mat. Wd.. play U BALDPATE ST BOYD'S THEATER Opsas Saturda wht. Oct. 17. with Kva Lang-Ctuu-lra Miller anl ttifir New York Company. In "IlOl'GHT AND PAID FOU." 6uita Now on Hsle. rrlo, 86 and 60e. Mat.. Sunday. Thursday r- ' Saturday. raon Sonria 44. AOTAJCCZO YAUDXTH.I.K. This week: Ann Tasker & Co.: Kd mon.l Hayes at Co.: M. Kay A Ardine; Uardiner Trio: Hilda Thomas trvcl Lo,, Hall. Ward, Hell & Ward; John Geiger; Orprtaum Travel Weekly, I'rlcaa Maiina Oallsrj. 10c; baat seala (axcp Saturday ai4 funda)'. Kc N'uhta. Iuc-w-a0-7e. " "OMiXa'l T CZaTTEB" ' "J. HONEYMOON GIRLS With I'hil Ott, Alw IJLiir (I a ntattl rii. .a )) of ilorgeouinct. fun tad Muwc ni (rijf ui round 4 by Klrts ti-tu'y idon. o? Honvm.x?D,og hntitw World' Serifs m rn ielMn ci XJUIft' DXXJ; MAT. WEEK OATS. iT"nw".i naaiajaJsisHB