THE PER: OMAHA. OCTOBER 101,. WANT ADS V ant ads receKed at ary lime, but to Insure MTrf r rlasK.flcatinn must le pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and T:. p. m. lor morning iinj Sunday editions. Want a" received eftir such hours will lx under tlia heading, "Too Lata to Classify." CA.-l! l ATI'S. Seven consecutive tlmi, 1 rent a word rnh Insertion. Three time within one week, IS cents a word each Insertion. C'na time, 2 cents a word. ritAROR KATKS Peen consecutive times, 8 cents line each Insertion. Three time within cne week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. one time, 12 rents a line Count six average words to a line. Minimum charce, 20 cents. I The Pee will not be responsible for more than one wronff Insertion due to t vpographlcal error. Claims for error must he promptly mud. An advertisement Inserted to he run un til discontinued must he atopped by unt il n order. Ton ran place your want ad In The Ree by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER pro. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answer, hava been railed for and delivered during the last week. It le reasonable to supp' se that all f the people below have made the drs'rad awapa therefore, do not call for the bal ance of their answers, lie Want Ads " set results n u. SC. H C. p r. in 1 i 1.4! K4T K4 127.1 12..1 1X4 K'-l K i;m 17 12V l LT4 10 B r, r:. l7 l.-.'H 1 .."'J W. i.;ti 1312 1;'."7 i:m U'2 ixn 1342 I. 144 1321 II. S 1't 12 1374 ft C. ITU israi lswt 1 ssi 1M i:i l'fi'4 1C7 13.1 l.;y.i 10 14"2 "73 74 177 K Mil !S 91' J Sni "6 !;9 loui 03 1010 1021 10J7 1031 1077 10TH l'8 l"f1 ll't ll"4 ll'lf. 1!1.' nut 11. 1 112.1 iu- HT't 11VS li!3 hm 115 l.i 2 12"4 KOI mi u si K4 ?7 f;. M 4 KD -" HI !s:7 1 , 14"7 ! 1V-8 i4 : 1411 1411 141 DEATHS Al FI'SIERAI. OTI ES UCRNAil-Julla, wld.w of ihe lnte Harrv E. IJurnam, at St. Joseph. M., trctober 1 Mt . , , Services at First Methodist rhurrh In, Omaha, Monday afternoon October 12. at: 3 o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery. M. W. A., ATTENTION . , . ., , v.. Ilf.i villi .urmnein ni ni-vi u ouiu', . - are hereby commanded to attend the ; funeral of our cIccihscI tielphtair. J. J fi.brv from I t Pile roiliHTire. loiv t nport' street. Wednesday morntiiK. Orlo- her 14th, at K:. By order of C E. STALLARD. Vetiel able Consul. BIRTH 4.MI HEATH". BlrthaCrlsa and Minna Luul, liospl lal, girl; H. nnd Frames l.ehniimn, hos pital, boy; Albert and .Minn Mollner. Martha, boy; Henry und tliotgia Hire. 47o7 Franklin, boy; Charles rind Ooldle Robinson KM South Tenth, boy; Elmer Hnd Hose Kuesdorr, illl Notlli Twenty tirat, girl; Karl anil Entile Wulf. 4iil7 Waketey. boy; E. and Annlo Wagner, loaw Orace, liny: S. A. and lucillo Wil cox. 10 North Fiftieth, girl. Deaths Jacob Harris, ! years. Dallas, Tex.; Ernie Erlckaon. 4a years, 3M5 Hain- iltOD. TODAVH COMPLETE MOVIE PIUHUIAMS Excltislvcly In The Be. Itovr a Tawa. CAMERAFlloN E. 1401 DOCOLAH. Jrd Cecil Intervenea . . Luliln. The Blood Ruby, it-red Vltagraph. The Joblol Recruits, Eesanay. ELITE. irtIK FARNAM. An I'ntarnlshed Phleld. Lubln. The Livid Flame; J-reel Fellg. The Strategy of Broncho liilly'a Sweet heart. Kaaanay. FARNAM THEATER. 1415 PAHNAM. .Million lxdlar Mystery, No. 1. Th, Naw Janitor. Kevatono comedy. The Last Hhot, Reliance dramu. JUFF TlltATElt. IVl'll AND 1JAR.NLY. Robert Warwick In The Man of the Hour. A alronif drama, cxposlne pollticHl cor ' ruptloti. 1'AHK. iiUi NORTH JiiTH HT. Ha Danced Himself to Deuth; .'-reel Vita. "Broncho Billy, a lTlend In N'oed. Eaaanuy. F'our Minute, l.ate. SII. PARLORTJIEATKR. 14(8 DOVGLAST What th, Ooda Decree. I'RINCES.S, l;:i7-i:ill Dol'OLAS J'aullne Bush Ih "Vlrtim rta t twn Reward.' "The Actress." featuring Edna Malson. i 'The Close Call. Sterling Kid comedy Norta. ALHAMI1RA. Three act, of vaudeville. Three reel, of pictures. Admission, 6 and la cent,. Ull N. 34TH. ALAMO THEATER. 24TH AND FollT. lUchelleu, 4-reel Biaon. DIAMOND THE-TER. 2410 LAKE. Till the Kancta of the Desert llrnw Cold, i-rel Eclair. Fliack next door, l'nlv..lke. Coin. The Pnnif of Man. Vict. FRANKLIN. 1ATH AND FRANKLIN. The Brand; 1-reei Kaletn. The Barrel Organ. Vita. The Counterfelter s Isaughter. BioRraph. ilh'I-ODROME. :fil4 Cl'!kUNtISTT i'erlla of Famine, eleventh episode. Robbery of Fine River. 2-r. Western dro. treat Loe Mysteiy, Keystone comedy. it. SIXTEEN THAN u" U04."l'BT liearat-Sulig. No. 61. The tiilded Kid. 2-revl Edison. Ward', Claim. VUa. JeOTHROH. 24T11 AND IA'THROF. Mutual Ulrl. stronger Than Death, drama. Faceon the Bar Room Floor, comedy. IoyaiTtTieateii. ziVcALjTvi e"lII Helping Mother. S-rel Rex. The Broken Doll. Sterling comedy. i'ARK. Mti N. 16TU BT Sharks of Fate, 2-reel Essauay, 'Jetting Andy', (loat, Edison. The I p per Hand. Vttsjcraph. J'AIACE'fll EATER 3i UD A V FOC I'ORt! A Strong Affair. Sterling comedy. Hole In the Oardi-n Wall, Bex. The Storm Bird, Fowera. rl lllUHAN. 24TH AND AM ES AVE. To"n of Fate; 2-reid Lubln. Hophle', legacy. Essan,v. Just a Bit of Ufe. Blograph. laatk. AI"OLLO. 124 LEAVENWORTH RT. 1 rider ltoyal Patronage; 2-reel Euanay. The Widow and tha Tains Lubln. The I nwritten Play. Vita. OMFORT. 24TH AND VINTON. Die ViHare 'Neath the Bea Ir Doiu. in Dangera' Hour, Than. Ms. Princen. COLI'MBIA. 1770 SOCTH TENTH BT. Hearst-Sellg. The Viper; 2 reel KaJem When Knight, Were Bold. Eaaanay. FAVORITE. 1716 VINTON. As We Forgive Those: 2-reel Lubin. A Study In Feet. Vita. Bill Boy. Eaaanay. KKOLIC THEATER. Jim Webb, Senator. 8-reel Imp, A Bogus Baron. Sterling corned v. OEM THEATER. 1X8 S. 13TH. Our Enemy', Spy, 8-reel Bison. HAN.V OM 1 HEATER. 24th Castellar. J elective Dan Cupid, Neelor comedy. For the Secret Service, two-reel Rex. I he Mind's Awakening, Frontier. Lyric th eater. VIntTTn. lv and Bane Ball. 1-rei-l Bison. Jtuae of Yesterday, Frontier. Tonu s rMPi.i:TK, movie riuMiitAMs Exclusively In The llw I aontta. PASTIME THEATER :i l-cavenwnrth Return of the Twin's Double. 3-r Rtson Y ENE.l A THEATEl'C LI I s. ISIM b l'. Tricking the Oovernmrnt, P.-recl. Writ. MONROE Til E ATI :H. 2.' HNAM ST. Trey o' Hearts. No. M Four lav, Frontier. An Aksrl ' In'1' r ll.i, Her medv. nensna. PENS' N Til EATER " M A IV. Tr'y o' Ikurl. Mory No. !' Out of the Depths. Htx drimn Jiirn and Jenlousy, .Ink it with Mar AsUer. t'onnrll lllnffa. ELITE TMKATKlt, M: HKOM'W'AT. liv Aini'iiK the Honrs, liloKrapli. 1 li arst-eliK. .ellK. Hentts nnd I 'Umonds. ; reel Vltnataph IK.'I I.K TIILATEIt. .r, imuAhWAY. Cruel, Cruel World, Jolcr Com. The 1'hnntom LlKht, 2jI!'J"'n' Suntk Omaha. HESSE. TW ENT Y-KOI 'IITI1 AND N. The IJUd Flame; 2-reel Sellg. I'ost No Hills Ed Iso i The, (ir. nler Ixive l.uhln MACI'' TIIEATEH. 24TII AND ma. Anlmsted Weekly. 1 h H;ittl 2-reel Sterling. Vnadevllle. OltfllECM TlfEATEIl. S4 M P OM. Series No. 1 of the M lllon Dollar Mystery will le shown here Wednesday, October 14 Two thrilling parta nil;f'Dlt.MF.. J1T1I AND tTMINtf The Maker street Mystery. Koyal comedy. The SnviiiK llarne. Ma Jest Ir dramn. 1 he Second Mrs. Itoebuck, 2-reel Majestic (lrnmn. Our barltona singer will sing 3 of latest and beat songs tonight. Don't miss It A N XO VNCKM KXT9 Auction of T TI-iIJ D ! uiiciamicu ucigdgc I Union Pucific I?ailroaI Co. Will Sell At Public Auction 7-" pieces of unclaimed bagg;iKe In I nd PtorageCo. bubding, Pith! Omaha an am and lenvenworth Sts.. west side entrance. WEDNKPDAY hvr.NI.MI, 7 MltAHf. I Hale will continue each evening till all ; . . . a" ' DOWD BALE AND AI'CTION CO., Auctioneers a&EL 1-af File Conea. Heat reniedy fur Itching, bleeding or protruding pile,; toe pcstoald; sample, free. Sherman ir McConnOI Drug Co. Omaha. 1IKMSTITCHINO and feathers! Itching for Aulas, and Infanta clothing; neat and reasonable. II-jhwi. I'lANll TUNINO. IJ. BIlANIXJN. Recommended bv Mary Munchhoff. Mllle Ryan. Hush Dufrield. Belle Rohln aon and Landow, W. 4&2. 4'ilS N. !Hth Ave. Wedding aiiiioiiiiceinelits Doug l'tg. Co. Kvarett a. Pod 1 1 a, ti!3 Fax ton Hk. D. VMU MONH. ahowcHiiia, tTark Hon. D 137 DrTNT'r"!! Rl 1 KT. WATTERPON'S I'NION ORCIIEPTRA for all occasions. Strictly the beat. Ad dresa 313 N. ?0th Pt.. or phone Doug. HXIW VM. C. A CAM FA I O N SPECIAL RATF: OCTOBER 1! to ?4. 10. SAVE W. Lt'CKY wedding rinxs. iirodegaartl's. I'lillllrs). POLITICAL ANNOl'N'CEMENT. I am the republican cnndldute for re election to the office of arcretary of slate. Registration day,, Octulier H and -4; elec tion, Novnmbcr 3, 1914 Addlnon Walt. AK-NAH-BEX HIXTH. Gibson's Buffet S2I South l.'th Pt. SWITCHES made from combing,, L 11 N. lriih at. Douglas Mi LIVE WIIIK BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA A, B, C of Omaha ALL WATCHES, diHinoiidn and Jew clery, special prlcca, Sept. and Oct Buy now, 1 a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 117, Kar baclr block. N 0 EW and aecond-hund electric fan, and motor,. Leltron ITlectric Wurka. old 8. l.'th. louglita 2I7. MaIlaT FILL W IV7 ItL'I Cuming Doug. 24tr7, HenovaU-a fcatbera And maltressea of all kinds, make ftathcr matreaae, and down cover,. T T ACL'L'M clranera for aale. Vacuum y cIcaninK done In the borne. Banllary Servna Co., Isai He, Bldg. WF. rent, repair, sell needle, aud part, lor all sewing macliinea. NE BRASKA CYCIJL Co.. "Mick- el's," l.wj, ,nd Haruay. Dougias 1062. Areeaataata. M EL V ILLL D. THOMAS COMPANY, 1247-3 city Nat. Hank Kidii. Tyler 1H1U. Addlaa Maralara. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 P. IS. D. 144. Aduerlih Co. (Wales) w7 O. W. D. im Atlrartloua. OMAHA fi in ex , 14th and Doug. Motion picture niaohlne ana rum far, a ins. Aalu aad Magaeto UeBalriLa. Magneto repair work a apeciaity. D. 2416. Anctlunrera. Dowd Au.:tlun Co.. 1L? W. O. W. Red KX5, Uarbrra. 12 Chair,, 10c shave, neck (have. 161? Far. Ulna I'rlatlaa. HORNB1 CO. Blue printing, ucder new ownership. 3Wi Omaha Nat. Bk. D. SI 57. Hraa, Fouatlrlea. Paxton-Mltebrll Co., Tth and Martha Pta. Halldliig aad Uepalrlaa. E. FRANTA. til 1'axton Bik.Doug.llSJ. " A J. Johnson, carp niter, rep r g .1). 66M ( Isleru aud Well llaalua. - NEED well or clslurn cleaned or dugT Si'HAEFI' ER diM'S It. Flume Web. lull Dealers. J,"i r.rv Jolitison'a , also Victor , w"'ni't,lj w.' i'hone l. L02 " t big baTkets coal. II Wagner. sul N. 16. 4 allfornla l.naaa. W. T Smith Co . Ull City Nat. Bk. D. al. t. ktronravtora, J C. Lawrence, p C tfTt Howard. D. 41. L. Geddls. D. C ileV Bldgl cug7" 4m W.E.l'urvlance, D C. 40U Fa xTllIk . D44l thlaa Palntiaa. Ruth Ietchtord. decorating, firing. R. 4HJ. 4 Ivll Knalneera. M. J LACl, Sl BV7E BlDO. D. 71&. 1 rensn seMratsrt. The Bt'arplea separator Co.. 12th A Farm. Itrterllvea. JAMES ALLAN. Jit Neville Hlk. Kvl dence secured In all cnsei. Tyler UM. hssrla, Acadraalra. Turpln s Dancing Academy, th Farn. CHAMBERS Academy, classic Triv7T Markka's Academy. "ow oiu U16 Har Deal lata. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. ir.' Far I. iv.i.1 ir'r iirminry. t-M l.ralic.ets Ti r".i" .. .. "T-.. ; - oaney. in. i'.iiiw. ns. i ity N.t I "" '. oonnm I' 116 Druse DRUUS at cut prices; freight Paid , u; orders: caiaiuaues f ie ihtuiuo at MoConusU Diu t'u UuuUia. .,u. live untr 111 mi;ss MI.N OK OMAHA. tlressmaktna. Terry Ine-nuiM ri iiepe ynh Fimim. sri itl'Y. 24''. i'bss Ited 7;Ci Sirs .1 "m. fi..l.l. ;,I4 N. l.'.tlt; stylish fall costumes al introu n-inry prpes. I . s(79. MRS M'NOTT. tallorln and dressmaklnc. j fto i 20th Ht. Call Itsrney wrf. 1r I Mln.,.r kirnim trie CmII ciiSa ! iiniiM l itest' Ft vies, i erf.v:t fit. I. !2. I .; 1 . . . .. ' 1 I, 1 rm 1 1 .1.1 1 I ft..' I f.lertrln slnppliea. LKRH')'' Elec. Win., Ml K lh. Zt T7 I'verMhlnc for Womra. Woman's ricrhanrt". 4S2 PjP"t 4rll. j ACCOHIilAN, afdn, knife, aunhurst. box styles; hemstitching, plcot e.lnln Ideal ' IVestltlK Co.. 2X) IXiUKlail Block U. I'M I'nrrlers HEN FKNSTEIt. 1410 N. Stth Pt. W-7777. Florist a. A IM'NAHI'E. 12? Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S floriets. l larnum Mt. L7 HKNDERsi )NTsrFHrnam. D. I2M. Member Klrlr-t Telearaph Del. Assn. H F.Sri Vr'w IMOUA 71 4isFarr7am Ht llnlr Itreaaln Harper Method R. . tlalrd Itldg. D. MU. HWITCHEsTfrom comhlrms, I SO. D-2o4.1. I.Oe Mock Hemedlea. OM A 1 1A 1 teme ly Co.. 07 P. tb. Red 2U I. nan (Ifflees. NATHANS loan office, licensed pawn broker. I'd Ho nth. Llsatln- Fliturea aad W Irlafj. THOMAS DURKIN Electric flitmes and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 24l CI .MINU. DOL'iLA.S Jtl. Mfra. anal W lsnsn r.aade llrsssrs. OLD shadea made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4twL Mr.fnfr and Transfer. WHITE LINE. 309 Ho. 11th. Douglaa S3U. Masseases. MAP."., rheu., Hvsr. kidney trouhlea. p 7U Kn. j . i'ii .viack. bath massaga. D. 7M2. ClaTirUe. bnth-and-elec. tr'm't. P-8701. HA 11 1 and rnasa.. alcobul rub. Laura Wil son, Inr2 Farnarn. It 2. D. S7i"il. W'V MARKS HATHH. 8CIEN ''''' YllIWIVO Tine MASSAOtt Earnani St.. Apt. 5. 3d floor. D. 1SL mkc II AN'i) Therapy massage. Margar ita II illoran. iZi Nevlllo Hlk. I-77L. Miss Fisher, riuiss., elect, treat't. Red D03f MAHSAilK, lip. l7ihPt. Mrs. BteelaT Violet Hay Maaa. 4:i Itee Bldg. Mrs 'snydcrVelerT trt. 140H B. th7 D.6112. D. 4!W7 MASSAUE f,'l,'edl5l!. n"e,""nt- j 1 1 Wli lt'" Bldg. DouglaaCTil. K. Mack, message and manicuring. D.7M1. :, ' ".,""".": ' .77 7T M""Hagc. Mlsn Y alton. 11. 224, Neville Itlk. MHssage, Miss fllbson, R. 224, Novllle Hlk. Mllllaery. BW1TCHL.S from combing,. II. SO. parch free. Mr,. II. M. Era. 3P4 H. 18th. D. a7. Mut ing. Kloraite and t leaalas. W. C. FERRIN. lftth aod CapltJl. iy. 1200. 4rullala. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can. Dra. McCarthy, 1111 W.O. W. llldg. Osteopalblo Ptayalplaaa, Dr. Rerucba, 2u-4 McCague Bldg. O. S3ft. I'ateala. II. A. PturRes, &! Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O Barnrll, 1'axton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. I'll tent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. Uth Bt I'rlntlaa. WATER;-BARN II ART Ptf. Co., quality pi lilting 'I cl. Doug. 21W. t24 8. Ulh bt. DOL'ULAH Frlntlng t. Tel. Doug. 644 CO R EY& M KKNZ1K PTQ. Co. D. 8644. HI ES-HALL FU-. Co . WA Capitol. U07 CENTRAL FRlNTlNti CO. DOUQ.ITtiw I'alntlnw and I'aperlaaj. lH'OH M MANI A. 417 N. 40th. II. 672. I'luuiea Henovated. I'LDMEH flowers mad, over, cleaned dyed. Mertha Kruger, 4 FaaUia. D. W4. Hoarai Kxternataaf ar. R. it. H. Roach Powder at your druggUL date aad llsue Look, Iwayerts. A I f. Opvlied, lepaueU. comb. SA H i Haunt. d. '. K. Davaa- ,,0i i,. iml Dodga. it. ii, tkiw Itruulrlua. Ekictrlo shoo Rep. Co.. 1807 Ht. Mary', At. aiaus and Baowuariie. OILtIN K M' C1.AKK at bUN, M 113 "" 10th. Room 14. More nnd o I lice Klalarra. 1'ESIvS, autca, aclea, atrowcasea, helv ing, vie. We buy, ,i-ll. oniAiia Fixture unu Supply Co., 41 1-lb-IS S. U.h. I). 2724, Meet t rlltacs. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 a 10th. Towel Nnunllre. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. Kt. FREL1NU r STEIN LE', 1W6 Fainara St Tallwra. L HAH. O. UNDKHTOU, 106 N. 16th Bt. Veterinarians. DH, Q. R. YOCNG, 46oJ Center. II. &06X W Inea and Llqaora. ALEX JETES. 2ni-3 8. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Flat, dinner 11 to 1 lOo. HENRY roLlAXJK." Lly UOR HOUSST lath and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. ULOBU Lliiuor'HouseTlirNo. litb. I qtaT jcold beer. 2iKJ. Write for price list. D. 41ML UL'Y yuur family liquors at klela'a Liquor House. 622 N. 16th. Douglaa IMM. ii'i t v ATEI -FEMALE 4 lerlral aad tHHce. STENO , !.", steno.. .f ; ateno., 14.7; ateno. and Bkpr., $1... ateno., ft". WATTS HEi' t'O , t.40-42 Bruridela Thea. CITY aoliillora, nothing to sell. Uii State Hank Bldg.. l.tli and Harney. factory and Trade,. WOMAN cook In lurge restaurant: muat Le able to cook all kinds of meat, and vegetables, no short order,. Address C 2t.l, care Bee. 1.KAI1X hHiriireia na ttppenhelm Parlors lleaseker ur rs nnd Dutueaileav, WANTED Comlietent giri for general housework. 11. 6. Si U.122 Walnut St. (.XlMPETENT white fclr for general housework. Mrs. It li. Tola, Xsal lHdge. it. IMS. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; In family; references wanted. MM N. :tMh Ave. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework; two In family; light work. 10113 . 3otn St. it 40.. WANTED OIH for general housework Oood home offered. Phone Harney ilii. Call at 2C0 Harney St. S ANTEli A good girl for general house work. Hellevue 111. W A N T E l O ir I for general housework; three In family. Phone Harney 6,30. 4J01 1IIUM1 AVE., wanted housekeeper; easy place, only two. Call W. b&i. THE Servaut (Jul Prublem Solved. Tb, Bea will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the dvalred result. ' Omaha and Council Bluff, Bring ad la Tha Be tifloe or telephone Tiler liaU WANTKU-A girl for general housework. Call Mra. Steel. Harney K,. Ukls south XVI St. WANTED A neat white or colored girl for aeneial huuaewurk; no washing; good wagea, at (16. Georgia Ave. NEAT colored girl for chamber work add dining room work. 2to6 Hurnry St. ' Yt ANTED-Oirl for general housework; ' no wasning or ironing Apply Stew .'arts See.1 More, US N. 16th St. I ' . . . . W A NTE l til I for general houarwork, .all family. Harney i:4 2r. S Md St VATi:li-i:iirii'ml while girl for I iirneial buuie-w ork Mrs Talmage, 4V.M ' "' llrn-y I til Kl. for general hou-ei.rk, 4 la t 4i kuod wage U4t Dod.t. 1J KKM I.K llaasekeepera anal Homes Irs. WANTEI A food K'rl for Itetieral house wurh. where second girl is kept. Har ney (S t"M second lrl; city ref erences Hirney ls. V A NTKIi Y'MinK alrl to nsstt with the care ,,f to children. Ilnrny ! AM r.F 'ompetent al Irl for Kenerai housewfrk. .tin i. is. Newman, S-j2i) HoHrd Ht. 12X I'KK IKNCKI .(fill f.r ketieral ,uua- i work. tH a week. Web .'l"2 . . rl for aeneritl housework; in family. Mm J. K. Jtui?, 4 Norman. He ViAN'll-,' I'ornpetent airl foi genera! house, ot k . small family, no washout II 21f,2 I'll KJMh R cOMi'ETEN T white alrl for general housework, no w.irhlriK. Tel. II. 2!74. : W A NTKii- Competent nmld tor second 1 work. Mrs. W. J. Cormcll. S. i4th Pt. Ooualna im WANTED A white alrl to assist with housework: no Hashlne or rooklnk. i'hone Wtd.ster rM' 2iL'1 l iotido St. WANTEI Competent alrl for housework; no washing. 140 N. Reneral lt Ave Mlsrellanraas. TOCNO women coming to Omaha aa atrangers arn Invited to vls!t the Young Women's Christian Association building at 6t. Mary s Ave and .'7th Kt , where they will be dlreied to sultalle boarding placea or other Wisa assisted. Look for our travelers- autiie at , r:'on station WOMEN wanted for government rlerk ahltia. Big pay. Omaha examinations aoon. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. i.'.tiS. Rochester. N. Y. HKLP WAXTrD-MALE Clerical and Ofliee. II1QH GRADE commercial position,, WESTERN REF. & BOND AS6N. 112 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg 8TENO., 7.'.; salemnn. $'; solicitor, l-A); steno.. ateno'., 140. WATTS REF. CO.. 840-42 Brandeia Thea HWIARE BEOS LN K(JtAHF3 HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. lfllfi-lrt City Nat. Hank Bldg. Aareata, P.leamen and PollcHara. Good proposition for insur ance men of character and ability. Call or write. Mutual Benefit Health & Ac cident Association. 423 City Nat '1 Hank Kldg. Omaha, Neb. WANTED At once, live salesman to be come partner In good paying business; mall Investment required, lluarantee big returns. Reference, required. Address Y iaa. Bee Factory and Trades. Drug store snap: Job. Kneiat. Be Bldg W A NTED Men to lear n the barber trade and fill vacancies made by foreign bar ber, being drafted for European war. Can prepare you Just now (or good jobs at exceptional wages. Earn while learn ing. Tool, Included. Investigate. MOLER BARBER CI1I.LEUE. 110 S. 14th Pt. We Have a Position Waiting for You as a R. R. Telegrapher Our school la tho official training school for telegraphera for the I'nlon Pacific K. R , nnd Illinois Central R. R. Both these railroad companies abso lutely guarantee to give permanent posi tions to all our graduates. Every railroad centering in Omaha em ploys our graduates. y2.50 to lu per month covers th, range ol salarlca of railway telegrapher, and station agents all over the west. We will aecure you a place to work for your board while attending and tree trans portation to your post when your course is completed. Tuition fee very low. Send for catalogue at once, mentioning this paper. Boyles College Boyle, Building, Omaha, Neb. Mlscellakeaas. Wanted at Once HEN to learn the automobile business, the demand I, Kreat for our graduates; we hava tialned hundreds ot men; lei us train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n. 1814 N. Mh St., Omaha. Neb. MEN for firemen, brakemen, f 120 monthly. Bend ae, postage. Railway, Y iUO, Bee. WOULD you have to phone for help if your Ignition ayatem on your car went wrong out in the country? 1arn how to care for your own car nt THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL, 141M7 Dodge. Write for catalogue C, Omaha. GOOD 1EN WANTED Now, to take our auto work until com petent; thea go right Into the auto busi ness from here. Big new building; ma chine shop, lath work, welding, start ing systems. Writ for list of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, Illl Farnam St., Omaha. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, 126; set of tool, given; wage, paid. Tri or y College. 1th and iJpuglaa 8f. MEN with patentable ldia, writ, Ran dolph at Co.. Washington. D. C. MEN with automobiles f 10 dally guaran teed; call Hunday afternoon or write Imperial Co.. 9 N. Main 8t. Co. Bluffs, la. WANTED A No. 1 piano player to play for picture, in good live, central Neb. town; must be sober and reliable man. far above the avoragc pictura show pian ist. This 1, a good Inn for one who can deliver the good. Addresa Y 231. Bee. HELP WANTED MALH AND FEMALE. WRITERS WANTED New, paper field offer, big opporlun.tle, to young men and women. Four courses, t.ciion or lournallsm. Trained Inatruotora. per sonal attention. Home study. Minimum eapenee. Send postcard for particulars. Addresa Western School of Journalism. University bta., Heattie, Wash. Box 147. THOUSANDS government lobs open to men and women; 166 to liM month. Write for Hat. Franklin Institute, Dept, tO. S. Rocl.e.ter. N. Y. . WANTEI) SITUATIONS PRACTICAL nurse aant. position.' WANTED By experienced painter, teadv work; mo booer). R. Warthen, I'latUmouth. Neb. RELIABLE "whlto woman wants day work. D. 2. Ask for Rose, Ci'lAjRED mini and wife desire po,i tlun as caretakers ot apartment house. Can furnish good reference. Webster COLORED lady want, washing and Iron ing. Phone W. 2U7. A WOMAN, l i years of age, with Blue.. Ron and al'll'tv. 11 meet the public. Atiove the average, rapid and accurate In! making change and in simple bookkeep ing, with 8 years' exierieuoe aa sales woman tn dry good, Itouae, desire, of fice position. Beat of references Addreaa ! M. Bee. Y'OUNO lady, thoroughly experienced In office and telephone work, want, po altloa. W. DOM. VS ANTED W oik a, chamovrruaid In hotai In Omaha or South Omaha. Phone & SAM. RELIABLE woman wants work. 30U South lull St.. or addreaa O 6J.1. Bee. WANTEIk-Work of W 8157 any kind Phoae YOU NO nan want, piae to work tor board while alien. ling ttvyuta college. Tkltpi.uiie LMUgla, luua. WA NTKII SITl'ATIONH. l..l'K.ltlK.N(Ml chauffeur wishes t-J drlva private car. careful driver; know? rlty very well Addrewa K '.! 1'ee. j CHH.K'H nurse wishes position, best references. I'hone Ited y to. MIIlJl.K-ai(el 1dy wlshea jositlon aa i housekeeper. N'o objection to children. ; el.Hter M17. LA I Y of middle a;. w ho Is alone, would . desire n posttlnn doln house work. Ad- rtresa Mrs I T M...,re (ten I lei llmnhi ' VsK ' ' SITl'ATluN wunie. us ari.iker rxmltin hotfe Address A .".. Hee lol'N.l ,ady. typlat .desire,; year, experience a.i inaa , .r ii... PAHI't Ti:ll flrst-clsss workman .Ilk an hour , wants work; will also tak con-I tracts. Webster t '. Mr. Linr W A NTED I'iMltlon In small faintly aa generHl house Klrl. Hellevue )1- : LADT of reflncernent wishes situation as I housekeeper In small hotel or as com- I panlon to partial Invalid. Hist of rcfer- encea as to Integrity and rharurter. Ad-jers. JLr""f '""'J1!: : : MAN with good experience wishes Po."l- i Hon aa levator conductor. 1U Lasa. j I. WJ. WA NTED ooklng position by colored person; day work preferred. Web. 7.!7i. AUTOMOBILES Llmlborg Bros.. fi72 Leav. (Flying Merkler. 10V forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Bayadorfer. ?10 N IS UreenuuKh Omaha Rad. Rep Co. TOO Tar. Industrial OaTaqe Co.. loth A Harney Sta MotoreycUa. HA P.LE Y-DA V1DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargalna In used machine, Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man.'1 ?73 Ieavenworth Llndberg' Fore door, bod bldg.. 40 A Far. 1S14 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains :n used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 1th and Chicago. D. 872s. Bl'HINESS 41IANCES IXtCTOIt Wanted Unopposed IS.iiOu prac tice, with or without equipment. Must be aold this week. Addresa. Y 22. Bee. DRIHJ store rn Sioux City. Ia.. for sal. Exceptional opportunity, low rent. On Main bt. Best of reasons for selling Will sell at les, than Invoice or lump sale, loifl Fourth St.. S oux City. Ia. USTAHLISHED manufacturer want, stste minnnr II ah class article Should pay ild.ouO annually, liioo to ll.iw capital. Will pay expenae, to Chicago If von ere mnn we want. Mererencea. Ill chard ton, 17 W. Van B uren. Chicago.' Fli "PALE-Two pood rnotlon idcture theaters In two live Nebraska towns. These theater, era both doing a good business. Will sell either one separately or both together at a bargain for cash. Reason for selling. I i m Interested In other huslnese which take, my time. Ad dress Y 22a. Pea. GROCKRY STORK for sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1,100. located In western Iowa. Doing Rood bualnesa. Will pay to investigate. Oood reasons for selling Addresa Y-2.14. care Bee. GENERAL merchandise stock for sale, to the highest bidder for canh, October 15. at 2 o'clock, to close the estate of Peter Bergqulst. Phlckley. Neb. Invoice 114.610, fixtures 11,699. Open for Inspection. LIST TOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and square treatment. QCICK SALES COMPANY. 41 Bee Bldg. Phone Red K54 jlONS. show cards. Clark Jt Son. P. 171. TO (JL'ICKLY sell your business or real eatate, writ, KennebecU Co.. Omaha THEAT ERS Buy, lejise or aeH your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam SL Douglaa 17. TO OKI in 01 out of nusrncss. call on QANOSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg D 8477, WANTED An Idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed lnventlona" and "How to Oet Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorney,, Wash Ington. D. C. Room I a a; llonee, for Bale. TO buy or aell hotels or rooming houses quickly seo us. BUY FROM US. LIST i WITH US. iiuck bales Co., 418 See Bids. Phone Red S354. EDUCATIONAL 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN Id both the day and night session. Tat It Is not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Uualnea, practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, aale, manahlp, banking, (tonography, ,t,no tVLT. tytiewritina. telograpby, accounting. filing, private secretarial work aud many other courses are open to you hare. You may work for board while attending. Douglas IMS. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. II. BOYLES, PRES., Boyle, Building, Omaha. FOR SALE at a discount, a (ull unUm lied scholarship In Boyles Business col lege, Omaha; good for either ahortbani r business course. Apply at th, otfjua ot Omaha Ran. M0S1LER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL XERM IS NOW OPEN student, admitted any (lay. Unsur passed claawea In all buslneas and liah branches, shorthand, stenotypy. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided fur young people to work for board. For a n, w free catalogue address MOSUER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1SU Farnam St., Omaha. Douglas Mil LEARN TYPEWR1TI NO AT HOME. Three months, $4,k). THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO. Douglaa 2911. J906 Farnam. The Van Sunt School Stenography Day achool, 9:0u to 4:00. Night school, :lu to it.U. 18th and Farnam Sta Dougla, 6647. I.'V lH'in1 ..I..!,. ri l,il..r H.i. ,uL.a pupil's. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit Ing. spelling, etc.. taught and omluete training given for busmen, ca reer. Private instruction if desired. 4oJ4 Douglaa St. Tel. Harnev 45S40. O m alia Musical Art Institute. Associated Muste Instructors. Ra4r4ca Bloek, iloth and Farnam. . . . MARTIN W. BUSH. Piano. H. M3, i S. Landabeig. l lano. Harmony. D. Fr.tncla potter. Mandolin, Banjo. HENRIETTA Rees. Uouglaa .l!t FLORENCE BASLER. Voice and Coach ing. Red 60M. ORACE HANCOCK. Pi.tno. H Inm). J. II. SIMMS, Ort;an. Harmony. H 4iij. Lou aa Zabrlsaie. Vioiin, Piano. 11. sVail. Jeal F. C.nway. 1'iaruatiu Art- D. aa,. I-XIR HALE Farnltnre. Ka AV 9A hand furntrurs. rklh or tarmi reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. 4oS N. 1Mb - ! FEVERAL an ioada 01 irniture and aome pianoa. Omaha Van and storage Co.. o6 ro Uth be BEAUTIFUL solid oak buffet, 3.,"u. lost s0; pearly naw. Call Wab. i2 after 6.:u p. m Medium ,ixe Acorn baseburnar H. tti4. Si u I e 1 Inairnanvata. PI A XO player: a bargain. Tel. H. 4T1L ETectric and player pianoa. M. McVeigh, 114J Oeorgia Ave.. Harney 61M. Omana Trrtwrllrn. RENT Kemu.gioi.a, Jili.i'archa and simlth Prenders of tneir makers. The Reining ton Typewriter Co. Telepnone Doug. a u. Rental credited If you puichaae, and ly Mtr rieweit and ni,r.est graJa ma ires sent out Rates three mouths for 16 for undarstrok, machines or U bar ninth fur latest tuudc viaiUa wnlcra. I . ..;.,. H ' J,,' TvI., ri r'-niea. repaire.i rite Kc hnnae. T7 S. 17tl. ... ,-,., ivrrll ri rented, aold. ternn ! Itutts T: p.'wrt'er lf. i arnam. f. 0il. Mlsrellnneoaa. rnp ci it ni dis -cunt a full, tin limited si h'.larihip In Hoyl' Bualnesa college. Onmha; KJofS for either ehort- hanrf nr hualnoss COUTSe APPIV kt til ,.... ..I n i.n IHTtahA lie f IFOR PALE III blocks to suit. 4M shares of stock i Nye-H. hn' Ider-Kowlrr Co., I.aie'aln If taken :it onre. ln- :!'"""'"' ?: t'T, ' n . ' i Fremont ; a I iimie i " v nv -ini I I'nim t . . . . . u HU SAI.K T pr is rl tera. - . Teh phone lsT 2-hand m h Dross Wreck Cn , 21 & l'aul. FOR HALK-Abiiut thirty pair of genta, and ladles adjustable roller nkntes, chei.p. Address Drawer W, Osceola, Ncli. t 6x7 til'.A FLEA lu ws uper cnineni, w ith 11 plate holders, carrying '-iim" for ch mem ami carrying case for plate huld- The outfit In K'x)'l condition and a bi(t barxaln for the lot at u'.. auutcss A f'1". Bee. i-ou SALE N"w and second-hand carom and pocket Millard tames ami bowling a leva and accessories, bar fixtures of all kinds 'r navmrnts. The Brunswick- I I'.l' ,'. C.llpn l,.F Cn ar7-4i) s 101 h Pt SIX-ROOM motif rn house from -4Hi Emmet. to lie removed $"i DO Buys In st coal for OA,yJ It. Web MS. Ha I the money try rmon A iVeeth F"H SALE Ticket to Salt Lake City via igden, for lady, not signed or aupcur ance described. Address Y pee. LIVE HTOCR KtR SALE. Ilorsea and Vehicles. LARGEST slock of delivery wafon. In the city; ull kinds of blackamlth work, painting and lettering JohnS'.r,-L'anforlh Co.. new location 15.9-31 r N. iiith 8L BIO team of work horses fit for heavy work, weight li, IPM: also team of mares. Z.non hs.. 2"0. Harrison, South Omnlia. Tel. So. 3rJ!'. LOST ANll FOUND OMAHA & I'UlvriL BlAFrS BTKEIt'f RAILWAY C'OMFANY. Persor.s having loal nurne article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha t Council Bluft, Street Hallway company j street car, Many ci to aacertaln whether they left It in th. any crtlclos rach day are turned In and the company I, unxlou, to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 41. IDST A bunch of keys attached to a small padlock. Finder please return to J W. Redlck. 7Vi Brandels Bldg. Re ward. IOST Black pocketUiok, either on De catur St., or on 1:4th St. car, containing $12; reward. 12. Tel. Webster 1S44. MEDICAID Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid .until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial,. DH. E. R. TARRY. i4.i I IZnnriir&Cured in a few day, without nuuiui Call or write Dr. Wray. 106 Bee Bldg.. Ora tha. Ktabliahed 1S94. o Tuberculosis I you want get well and build ud your healtn. tnis la your one chance. Ad dress E Ml, Bee. FITS I cured my daughter by simple discovery. Doctors save her up. Par ticulars free. Z. . lepo, 1W Island Ave, Milwaukee, Wis. O MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See ua. Wulck servloa. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO , m Paxton Block. Dz-f'.KM 1411. rOl'LTHI AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry housea, They are 17x13 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain, tl.oO per 10. Wagner, 801 N. 1. PET STOCK FOR SALE EriKlirrh bull terrier pup pies. I'hone Webster P31. 3806 Cam den Ave. FINE pedigreed Persian cats and kit ten, for sttle. Phone H. !. ENGIJSH bull terrier pup. Tel. So. 811. PERSONAL '1HK Salvation Armv industrial home so Helta your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We corlect. We distribute. Phon, Douglss 413u and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new uoine, UlU-1112-Ult Dodge t. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a, strangers are Invited to visit the Youni) Wofnen's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place! or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler aid at the Union Station. WANTED to adopt a baby girl. Address D. 6.9. care WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Isaiuj. 114a, WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th, LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WKSl SHIP live stock to South Omaha, bav, mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion I Live (lark 4. oaamlsalow Merchants. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN ALTu.Mubll.ta-'ur otner uutomublll bargain, see the "Automobile" claaiu.' ration. . AUTO Want to swap for a late dale fully equipped touring car, Incoin, brick business property, well rented la ruuth Omaha, on principal buaineaa Su tilth and it Q atreets. 3. C. 1344. Be,. AUTO Light overhauled truck, for cash. Address, s. I . 14M. r'are IW. - 1 BOOKS For aa'e or exchange, one set of . 1 ot Aridells enijlncera book,, A-l conoi- or what Late you. Addresu Y VM. Bee. Fl'BlNESS CHANCE Will aell or trad, one-half Interest In the most profitable business in Omaha. only need apply. Would bo glad to hear from some bright young man that would want a permunent business. Addresa S. C. lM, 1 tee. ! HU'VCl.F lino year old, to swap. I mesa. S. (. 14Nn, llee Ad- j C .1 CANAN. Real Ftrtate an i Exchange, 1 iESK Exchange or sell laruc roller top office deek and hair, tor large oak Ilat top desk. Address S. C. USA, He.i. DIAMOND RINO Want equity in small cottaae or vacant lot- Addrcs, 8. 1""0. B. I 1.o'i EQUITY in bio acres land and aonie CHhli for general stock. 82. uA euuity la house for cash or trad, i In on ge-ieral merchandise stocl;. Also tun liw nr .-Mr Him f.r l-,.-irl cur S. C. Ir7 FURNITURE for a tf-roora hotel near timaha. I Aw lal rent uj tl. building. What have you to of far' .iH.lrin S i 1'i. care lie GROCERY rouFe. country, pays I2,0ul yearly; trade for auto and part cash, or all rash. Addresa S. C. 14.10. Bee. 6x7 GRAFLUX newspaior camer wlift H plate holders, carrying rase for camera and driving case for plate hold ers. Tb, outfit in good condition and a big bargain tor the lot at 1110. Address 8 C. lt"3. K ITTENS Benutiful white angora cat or kitten, thorouglibreda. for old fashioned walnut, mahonany or other furniture. Andreas. . C. 14vj. Bee. KODAK A Dew Anaco folding kodak, JHxIV. leather tourist case for sams nd portrait atiachmenta S ill swap for bard coal burmi or range with hot watef atiAchmanL or Kood b'.cvclc Address B, SWAPrKK'S UU,DIN t i I Ll.T m paint it rpair thai house; will i take giotcrlrs. t nior-inadc ilotbes, dla ! m"iid. unto, hi'ise coal or nnythlnK ' ran use Address H '" l." 2, Hee. MToltUYCLK TWIN L.(.' KLhlOR, ll'lf model, fully rqu.pped. Ibis mi china has been run wry little ami en ame I and ensinc In A-l shap. Will trade for roiwlter tr ruriithoul of equal valua. or make an Intcrri-iinn price for caati. K. C. 144S. Hi e. m'iTtuK' YClTi; H. s. Ya e. perfect order; trjde f..r cow or sell lor 75. Tel Wrhstvr Jm'I OFF ICE KIRN ITURh Will buy aoma be' che.o for Sh. Aod''Ti im Soon t-ecoud-r.and office furniture; must r - ri.VNo FLAY EH High grade playef rluro neiv fr.e MfilA' KuiUBln nrlrs tn r,.IIIM)riJ(ie ,,arte; ny; Urme; with H Address ti. C. 14H2 Bee. rt.i.Kj ,-uj.niiy useti rvingsoury piano, Rood as new. at a big bargain; terms to responalble people. Address a. C. 14M, Hee. riANi-Beautiful Schaefer piano, aocount of death in family, will sacrifice. Cash only. J11H Addresa, S. r. ici3, Bee. I'lAN'O Fine piano and caah for equity in small roltagc; woind consider house needing repairs. Addrrss S. C. 1501, Bee. l'I.NO-NVw utatidard piano at about half prlrr. taken under mortgage. Would consider exchange In part pay ment. Address. 8. C. lfimi. Bee. t.viATl.NO AND 1'AFERIIAN'GING NN'ill do you first-class work. Will taki some good rugs or a good heater, or will make you a low cah price. Addreaa. B. C. I4t'. Bou. "REDS.'' ETC. One cozen youruj full blooded Rhode Island Reds" and one rooster. Also portable chicken ooop. Ad riress P. C. 1,VVS care Bee. RADIATOR fctove pipe radiator. Con nect to stovepipe in an upper room and have it heated without any cost. Ad dress, H. C. Mt'2. Bee. 8,600 SHARES coal mine stock, par value 81; land or merchandise preferred. Ad dreas S. C. 147. Bee. 6ION3. ahowcanls. Clark ft Bon. D. 1878. BHOTGUN Wl NCHEaTER PUMP GUN. 12 gauge, In good condition, to trade tor 26-a) repeat In rifle. Address & C 1481. Bee. STAMPS BOOK OF FOKEION STAMPS; wish to exchange for stenographic work. Address S. C 14M. Bee. PTORM BARH Let me mil up those storm sash and take care ot your screens before cold weather. Anything of value taken or a reasonable caah price charged. Address," S. C. 14(8, Bee. STOVES Two old heating stoves, suit able for store, etc. Address, s. C. 1198, Bee. TYPEWRITER Have a first class standard make typewriter, two-color ribbon, etc., will aell for M. or trade for anything of equal value I can use. 8. C. 14'M, Be. TANK Iron tank. new. made of No. I steel; 4 ft. diameter, 2 ft. shell by I ft. hopper. Address, S. C. 1491, Bee. WATCH Lady's open face watch, 10 year gold-filled case, good timekeeper, to trade for small kodak. What have you? S. C. 14M. Bee. FOR RENT Anartment, and Plata. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house of apartment when we hava listed every vacant house and apartment In the- city. Phone us for further Information. Dou 8 las 288 Fidelity Storage & Van Co. ELEGANT -room apartment in fashion able apartment house north;, no objec tion to children. 2601 Sherman Ave. Gordon V m Co S 233 N. 11th SL Phone D. 3W or Web. THE KNICKERBOCKER. West Farnam district. 38th and Jonea Sts.; 6 and 7 rooms. Positively the best and only exclusive apartment house la Omaha. Low rentals, compared with oth er" See It first. JUST COMPLETED. 211 SOUTH 83D ST. A beautiful brick, 6-room apartment, finished in quarter sawed oak throughout, large fireplace In living room, sunroom, private laundry, large yard. Heat, hot and cold water and janitor service furnished. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 6-ROOM modern flat. 1112 So. 11th. 8T. CLAKE APARTMENTS, ld and Harney Sts., 8 room apartments. Call H. 647 or D. 6506. ISr.Oo Three large room, apartment, part modern. 19U Elm St. Harney 435. ONE 5-room suite In St. George, located In the exclusive West Farnam residnn tial section. 113 N. 81st Ave. TeL W. 1674. AN exceptionally nice steam heated apartment In Davldge Blcui at istn and Farnam Sts 4n 7-r. flat, 1W7 CuminB, fine repair 2i JOHN W. ROBBINB, W02 Farnam St NEW St. Louis flats, near High school; tiled hath, hardwood floors, aun parlor. $3". or Ul.W heated. Also flats, i12 South Mb, 83o. FRANK CRAWFORD. Owner. Ware Block. House Phone Harney T536 THE ST. CLARE, 23D a HARNEY STS The highest class apartment in the city. 8 and S-room apartments left. Call 11. 47. Board aad Botsu. NICELY furnished room with board tor man and wife. 2516 Dodge St. i MEN or man and wile can get board and room in modern home, 3670 Fowler Ave. W. 4!IS. ,ODERN room with board. 86. W. 66J2. Wanted Board and Roam. YOUNG lady desire, to work for board and room In private family after office hours. Saturday off at 1 o'clock. Address 11 ,Si7, Bee. Famished Rooaaa. 2 STRICTLY mod. rooms, adjoining,' for gentlemen; 8.". and 86. Phone Doug. 8216 WELL furn. mod. rocm. hot water neat, bargain at II v. 412 Capitol Ave. li. Wm'b. PLEASANTLY furnished room in private family, llo mo. Phone Harney 4161. SPENCER, 11)11 Furnlahed room, private family, pleasant surroundings. W. 4M4. 211 S. 2-Vril ST., atilolly inoucrn front toorn tor gentlemen, in private family, close in. 118. Nit -ELY furnished front room, steam heat, private family. Tel. Harney ti,D6. R. R. MEN Furn. rooms, steam heat, ftne view; your calls answered day 01 night; 86 to is mo. to respectable people. Third floor, 702 No. 16th St. FIELD club district, 2 large front rooms In new house. 12. I'hone H. ti726. DUNDEE, Iartte south room, with two closets; on car line; $1.7. H 6414. TWO sleeping ro una; 81. i 1. iMS. FURNISHED room for one or tno gen tleman; 810. iZ'M Meredith Ave. W. 6717. FUliNTslIEP room for rent, near Crelgh ton university l'liore I iqiisIs 7?S SIX unftirniaheU mod. rms , 116. H. bVi Uest Jin veil Just opened, all new furniture; finely furnished rooms, with board, and a gai aae for your car. Harney 7i87. J16 Har ney Pt Hoi rkerplsg Rooms. THREE nlca rooms, housekeeping. 1 ww.. Ull a. 11th. Pnrnlahed lloaaea. &-ROOM furnished cottage, haa rook ranee with hot water connection, also base bu me i ?1 S674 Ames A v. OV CAR line, north, 6 months to right party Call before 10 or after 6 Tele- phone W. 8140 Faralahed llonaehee pi sg Hoobbs. MODERN room, with kitchenette; I3.T5. D. 7S16 laitel, ana Auartnarnta. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Weekly rate, 82 and ut. Douglaa .(SA lease, and Cottaaea. 218 WOOLWORTH AVE., room, mod ern 2218 Chicago, 8 rooms, laundry, store room, furnace, open fireplac,, 8X. l.Vai N. 2"tn. 6-room cottage, 20. Other large and small bouse,. 1UNUWALT, Brandelg Theater d