Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1914, Image 1

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    Russians Abandon the Siege of Przemysl
The Omaha Daily
Direct from th Battle Anm.
The Dee's
Real War Photos
Beat of Thorn AIL
VOL. XL1V XO. 100.
On Trains and at
otsl Hswa Standi, 6e.
sixmi; copy two cents.
Braves Win. Five to Four, from
Mackmen in Furious Struggle
Twelve Innings Long.
Athletics Hammer in Two Buns, Ty
ing Score and Getting Lead of
Two in the Tenth.
Beaneater Catcher Slams Homer and
Even and Connelly Make It
Irresistible Hank Doubles and Mann
Scores on Wild Throw,
jtoUhpaw Is Taken Oat in Tenth
to Let Finch Hitter In and
"Bin- BUI" lUrli Tvro Re
malnliiK Hound.
Attendance 35,530
Bsoel-nts 63.806. OO
.national commission's shar. S.3S0.80
Players' ahare 34.364.33
Each olnb'a atir-a 11,485.44
Total rscelpss (tare games) Al3.16.00
Jtailadlphla 10010O0OO2O 0 4
Boston OlOlOOOOOao 15
12. In a thrilling finish, of a twelve
Inning struggle the BoBton Braves,
champions of the National league,
deefated the Philadelphia Athletic
by a score of 5 to 4.
The world's aeries games now stand:
Boston, J; Athletics, 0.
The struggle was nip and tuck: from
the first to the last Inning and it was
Catcher Gowdy's formidable bat that car
ried the day for Boston.
Ha drove out a home ran and two
doubies. all of which apelt rune for Bos
ton. Bush of the Athletics and Tyler of
Boston pitched with honors fairly even.
Looks Like Macks In Twelfth.
It looked like an Athletlo victory when
they scored two runs in the first half of
the tenth inning, but Oowdy drove out a
home run and a base on balls, a single
by Even and a sacrifice fly by Connolly
tied the score. In the twelfth Oowdy
doubled and Mann, running for him,
scored, when Bush threw Moraa's bunt
Into left field.
The oflfclal a tendance was 35,00; total
receipts, $63,808; National commission's
share, Jfi.3SO.90; players,; each
club's share, 111.485.44.
A double-quick play by the famous
'Overs. Maranville, Schmidt route, broke
up the Athletics' sixth Inning. Ctolllns
singled down to third base and beat the
throw to first. Baker pounded a grounder
at Evers and Collins was doubled at sec
ond, Evers to Maranville and Baker was
out, Maranville to Schmidt Molnnls hit
weakly to Deal and was thrown out.
A two-base hit did not help Boston In
the sixth. Whitted was thrown out.
Bush to MclnnLs. and Schmidt lifted a fly
which Oldrlng gathered in. Deal then
flammed the ball Into the favorite left
field bleachers for two bases. He got no
further, as Maranville hit a fly straight
up In the air, which Sehang got In his
mitt In front of the pitchers' box. y
Tyler Workae Fast.
Tyler made short work of the White
TClephants In the seventh. Walsh fouled
to Deal: Barry was thrown out. Tyler
Continued on Page Four, Column Ona)
The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Tuesday:
For O-.iaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair; rising temperature.
Temperature nt Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Degree.
5 a. in 47
a. m 43
1 m M
8 a. in 4:1
w a. m 4;(
10 a. in 44
11 a. 111 4,;
12 ni 47
1 P. in 47
3 P- m 47
t P. in 47
5 p. m 4.;
" P. m 4,;
P- m 4,;
Corn para 1 1 re L,oal Rtesrd,
1314 1913. ii;.
11 is nest yesterday 47 HI ax e
Lowest yesterday 41 it 4v ttf
Mean temperature 44 t m,
Precipitation 05 .OU .no T
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
N'oriual temperature 47
Ivticiency for the day 13
Total excels since March 1 ovi
Normal precipitation 09 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 inch
Total rainfall since March 1. . .14.10 Ini hei
Deficiency since March 1 1.T7 Inches
Detuiency for cor. period, l'13. 3. VT inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1912. I.M Inches
Reports front Stations at T P. M.
station and State Temp. High. Rain-
of Weather. est.
'heyenns. cloudy 4J
I'Mvenport, cloudy. ........ 4.1
Denver, cloudy 62
I "eg Moines, cloudy 4S
' dee Citv; cloudy 6M
North I'latte, cloudy. 44
i "nulla, cloudy .
I. .1.1 Id City, cloudy 4,1
M.c.iidan. cloudy 4;
.- 01 x 'uy. cloudy 44
VKimiine. rloiidv 4.
T indUdtes truce of precipitation
L.. ,. WfcLdlf. Ixjtai t'vrt vaster.
In - " """
I JUVENILE WAR SPORT IN JAPAN- -n in Tokio have abandoned all their games except to "play soldier."
! I ; v',v .
i. W-Ii-'ISSX " V,S&X3e v."- rA Y.&A V:
tiim,fefp H' 1-1?
wit Sr-itv ffc 1 1 1
Cholera is Spreading Rapidly to
the Remotest Districts of Austria
VENICE. Oct. 12. (Via Pnrl.)-The
cholera is spreading rapidly to the re
motest district of Austria. A cast: has
been discovered at Feldtklrch, in the
province of Vorarlberg, near tho PwIsh
frontier. The Austrian troops In Galicia
are being vaccinated agalnat the disease.
The cold weather has caught the Aus
trian soldiers in Qallcla unprepared and
the authorities are making most urgent
appeals to tho public to contribute warm
Owing to the Increase In the price of
flour tho Vienna Bakers' association has
announced that Its members will make
only big loaves of the so-called war
bread and that they will sell only for
cash. The consumption of horse flesh in
Vienna Is increasing rapidly. As many
as 200 of the animals have been brought
into the market in one day.
French Cavalry Division Completely
Routed Saturday Afternoon and
Another Badly Defeated.
Report of Victory for t ur'a Forces
at Ans;ntown Is Called an In
vratlon by the Berlin
War Office.
LONDON, Oct. 12. A dispatch to
Reuter's Telegram company from
Berlin, via Amsterdam, gives the fol
lowing statement, which was Issued
last night by the German general
"Our cavalry on Saturday com
pletely routed a French cavalry di
vision west of Lille, and near Haze
brouck we inflicted severe losses on
another French cavalry division. Un
til now the engagements on the front
in the western theater did not lead to
a decision.
"About the booty at Antwerp, no
communications ran be made, as in
formation still fails. Neither can the)
number of British and Belgian troops
who crossed the Dutch frontier be
More Victories In r'.asl.
"In the eastern theater we repulsed in
the north all attacks of the First and
Tenth Russian armies on October 9 and
10. The Russian outflanking efforta by
way of Schirwlndt (Kaat Prussia) equally
were repulsed and the Russians lost LOW
"In outh Poland the advance guards of
our armies have reached the Vistula.
Near Grojec, south of Warsaw, we cap
tured 2,000 men of the Becond Siberian
army corps.
"The Russian official communication
about a great Russian victory at Augua
towo and Suwalkl (Russian Poland) are
Invented. The fact thut no official com
munication has been published about ths
tremendous defeats at Tannehersj nd
Insterberg (both in East Prussia) vouches
a lack of reliable official information."
Heport Hrsraaysl Relieved.
A dispatch from Amsterdam to Reuter's
Telegram company says:
"A telegram from Vienna states that it
Is officially announced that the Austrian
rapid advane has lelleved Prxenfysl,
' Halicia. of the Russians. The Austrian
! have entered the fortress at all points
j 'Continued on I'uge Two, Column One")
The ministry of commerce lias invited
an order that all letters going to places
ahroHd, without exception, must be left
open. This Included letters containing
valuables. The 'entire foreign post has
been put urvler military supervision. Spe
cial Instructions have been given to Aus
trian officials on the Italian frontier to
prevent the bringing in of Italian news
papers. Persons attempting to smuggle
papers across will be severely punished.
Hungarian officials who returned to
Marmaros ftziget aftef the ItUHslans de
parted from thut town found, it Is said,
that the Invaders had done no dumuxe to
the place. They had neither destroyed
property nor molested the inhabitants.
The Russian general forbade the Inhab
itants to give the soldiers intoxicants,
pernilttinff his men to receive only food
and cigars.
Drop Between Railroads Trains in
French Capital, but, Fortu
nately, Do Not Explode.
Parlalnns f onsldernbly Worked I p
Over Aerial Attacks I'pon Their
Beloved Metropolis Mis.
alien Htrlke Cathedral.
PARIS. Oct. 12. Herman aeroplunes at
10:lii o'clock dropped bomlis between
two railroad trains that were in the act
of putting out of the Northern railroad
station. The missiles did not explode
and were later found imbedded two feet
in the earth.
The railroad trains ere crowded with
It was announced officially later In the
day that a Tail lie aeroplane had flown
over Paris this morning end thrown
down six bombs. Five French aviators
went up to pursue the Herman airmen.
Another Herman bomb was dropped
today at Nt. Ouen. a suburb of Paris, but
it also did not 1 xplode. This missile fell
near a paint factors', wlieio there la a
gasoline tank of S0.0CO gallons.
PARIS. Oct. ItThe progress of the
campaign in the north of France and the
fall of Antwerp were forgoiten for a mo
ment today by the pople of Tarls, who
spent their time discussing the throwing
yesterday of bombs 011 t,e capital from
derman a roplanes. ns a result of which
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
riorm r n A f f omnf frt
Cut Off Retreat from
Antwerp is Repulsed
IXtNDON, Oct. 12-The Iaily Mall's
Ghent correspondent in a dispatch dated
Saturday, says:
"The Germans have thrown a pontoon
across the Scheldt river at Wetteren and
are pouring a lurge force northwards In
th hope of cutting off retreat from Ant
werp. In doing this they are weakening
their defense of Brussels and are being
met by a strong force, which is com
puting mem id retire.
"In their advance upon Ghent the Ger-
mans got as far as Uochristl, when !
they were driven back on Ixkeran. At .
the same time a rapid advance on the
soulli of the Scheldt toward Ghent was 1
met with ::t lielle, where (hey were
aaain repulsed with I he Ions of a bat- I
tery ." I
German Staff Gives Infantry
Credit for Capture of Antwerp
LKKLLV. (let. I.' -(Ly Vnel.s to Hay
Mile, It. .)-The Kcncral stuff or th
'rinnn army announces r.ytuy that tn
the beginning a very strong gr.rrisun de
fended Antwerp with ureat eneruv. but
that after the attack by Herman Infantry
and marine divisions th,. defenders fled
In full rout. Among the Antwerp aar -
rison was one
Krltlsh marine lulKude.
The complete collapse of tile Allgln
Belglan defense of Antwerp wus shown liy
the fact that no military authority could
be found with which to treat concerning
the surrender of the city. This surrender
was finally negotiated with the hurgo
lnaster. It Is a yet imiKissllile to give as yet
tho number of prisoners tHken with Ant
werp. Many of the defenders who fled
to Holland were interned.
Oene.ral von llesoler. who lias len dec
orated with the rder of Merit' for his
capture of Antwerp, haa Is.iued a procla
mation addressed tn the people, saying no
one would be harmed unless he committed
hostilities on tho Hermans.
Eight Day's Before City's Capitula
tion to Enemy Was Filled with
Many Hopes.
llcarr Cinns of the Defenders Nlnaplr
Ineqnal to the Mnprrlor Wrap,
one I sea by the lirr-
I LONDON, Oct 12.-Thc story or the
iselgo of Antwerp tolil in the form of 11
Idulry. which chronicles Die events tak-
ing place between October 2 and Octoticr
K, inclusive, has been -ent to the Morn-
ing Post by lta Anlweru correspondent
iThe diary follows:
"October 2.-Th K..,tlon seemed mac- "",re " lo," """
tlcujly southern auction 1 T"" ,,""nnnHO r " respective posl
of forts having been ullued and the Pel- ' """" at , loI,B r,n wn'n "'ldel a
gian field artillery beln. nni.l.l. ,n ,-,..1
out against tho heavier lierman muiib--
and the surrender of the Cty on Satur-!
day (October 3) seemed llkoly until thin
evening, when new, came that t.rlt.s.,
help was arriving. So great was the power
of the Hrillsh name that spirits at onre
rose, both among the imputation and tho
Bold ii r.
"October 3. A wave of almoM lanatiral
confidence i nns over the city. Preparations
for the departure of the government have
been suspend! d and the word has leti
passed that the situation is ftuved. The
king end queen are still in the city.
"October 4.-The cheerf i.lnen contin
ue. Ttie churches wure crowded at all
services today. There U a lull In the Ger
man attack. The firn Hrltish forces
actually to arrive wero sent at to
tenches in the hottest corner of the d
feuse position at Lit rre. Wry tough
fighter are theiie first of the iirltlsh
forces. Their Sunday night's woik was
one of the bright incident of the siege
They held the trenches under a balling
artillery file which wa. so well directed
as lo lie pioof thut hi lea within Antwerp
had given the Germans the position. When
the Germans once ventured out into the
open we mowed them slown. Scarely one
of them got bark safely. The map shows
that the German attack necetaarily was
centered at IJerre. beraiihe this route
was the one offering the least wa'er re
sistance to the advance ct the big guns.
Therefore the real Ishuk of the battlo was
to hold the Nethe rivei.
"October 5. All day Monday tne Nettw
river was held with hdp of further Hrit-
(Continued on Page Two, Column Flv i
A etrirtly high-class N-rooiu almost
new brick resilience, with good
a:e, one block from llajiscom Park.
Cannot be beat In city fr onality
or price.
For farther information about
tbla opportunity. sa the Want At
Bsctloa of today's Boo.
given out In Heiliu for publication:
"UeiHirts received here I'roin VI. una set
forth that the Hussion sleKe of the
j ''femysl fortrea-i lui
j Austrian troops ha
I dh luluns near latn-ti1
been abandoned,
defeated Russian
They also routed
one, in of Cossacks caul of Nimao.
"The Japanese have occupied the Shall
Tiiiik railroad In Shan Tung province.
Chins This Is a Chinese, state railroad
and was built by Hermans. China has
protested against this action.
"Tho i'olltiken. a newspaper published
In Copenhagen. recent Issue, declares '
that Japan's caue of action, especially!
In the occupation of Herman istunds in I
the I'aciflc, Is difficult of comprehension. 1
as u'h Metis have no military connec
tion alth ttie stuck on the Our man terri
tory of Klao cpnw. : - .
"The Corriere Delia Sera, published at
Stamps. Switzerland, reports revolting
atrocities on the part of the French
Setignlox troops.
German Cavalry Division Encoun
ters Fire from Masked Battery
in Battle of Vistula.
Mtnnllon In r'.asl Prnasla Tnhes on
irrlouB ispri-t Hernase of the
Climatic Conditions He.
log Sf Terr.
(Copyright. lM, by Prens Publishing Co.)
PKTROJRAI. Oct. 12.--(Special Cable.
7; ' " ' 'rK " d
i iic juMiaiis nave nrawn first!
:ood In the battle of the Vistula.
i!. clsly defeated division of
" iinans today west ward of lvangorod.
' "rr '"" "" '" '''t
mlles In advance of the pirinunent Jtus-
e. ,,lay " h'
r.?H.P".V,'r . "" """"T
instantly the cavalry wa.s lliiowii into
coiifimlnn and then a brlgaile of Cosincks!
rods out from covor and out and slashed
the German retreat till It became a 1
vei liable rout. The field was strewn with
German dead and wounded. The Russian
losses were comparatively slight
The cold season has shut down earlier
than usual, and with extraonlinai y
severity. The Germans are commandeer
ing ail warm clothing from civilians
wherever they can find any, even re
quiring the latter to divest themselves of
long boots whenever -en In th open.
In Irkutsk telegram tells ,f the ie.
The fnllouliiK information lias
placing of German banks in China by were not surprise 1 at the niiinimr. Pre
Japanese. Japanese sea commerce with diction as to w hat courts are lil.ely to
China and Russia is rapidly trowing.
Surgeon Jenkins and
Five Men Drowned
Off Alaska Coast
WASHINGTON. Oct. 12. - A rad'ogram
to tho revenue cutter service today from
Uehrlng sea reported the drow ning of As
sistant Surgeon L. V. Jenkins, P. II. s .
and five other men when a boat from
the cutter Manning swamped Saturday
in I'nalga paaa off Cape Ha riches.
RO.MK, Oct. 1J. (Via Iaiis.l Thousanda !
of fiersorui, In-luduig cardinals, diplomats
and high dignitaries of tho church, yea-
terdav viewed the body of Tardlnal Fer-
rata, papal secretaiy of state, as It lay j
Instate. After iying in state throughout 1
loiay. the biy will be taken to the I
liurch of ft. John of l.ateian. where on
' T'lrnday funeral services will be held.
I initial will he made In the family tomb
j in ths diocete of Uradoli, near Vilerbo.
War Summary
I'roni ltrrlln, hy way of A 111 or
dain comot reports of (,rnian
(.U'-.-itii'M llt'HI' l.illf. Willi M Stllt-
mnt that a deolnivp htlle In br-
Iiik fought t TV
London reports tlui; ilip queen
of lU'l.-sliim is KtlU in Ontrnd.
Horlin rrportu lhal tlu nuiuhor
iM UriiLili aiiu lU'l'rlnn troops
tluii crossed into Holland and are
there Interned hm hot yc lii-n s
I'elti.ined. (ienuan nirinent dropped two
More liomlx 11 far is. inr they
f;illcd lo explode, mid no il.uiiupe
wns done
Vienna reports A:-ln ,c rholeva
ripreiulliiK lo the remotest pnrt rf
A.tsirin. mid the government tak
ii'S "IriiH to ronilmt the Monroe.
L.iiiiioii 11, ill. try exj-rts nt',
dlst 1: (i 11c. tin' tukliiR of Antwerp
and tryliiR to decide what to do
with It.
HrllUli and l;'reneh reiiKorhhip
Is druwn tiRhtly SRiiln, since the
fall of Antwerp, mi,i little news
Im hud from tlietn. save the declar
ation that the sltuntion is satis
I Judge T. C. Mung-er Decides Statute
Charging; $1.25 Thousand is
Binding on Consumers.
onrt'a Decision Means that I'alrnn
of Company Mail t'onllnnr. to
Pay Higher Hale to
I.LN'COl.N, Neb.. Oc t. 1! .-(Hpeclal Tcle
i sni.)- iinalci today lost the "dollar gas
rase" when Judge T. C. Manger of the
federal court decided that tho statute of
IHiM providing f"i a pr1 of Sl.:i" per l.flOa
cubic feet to ordinary consumers la bind
ing How l iinrl ranrs.
After giving a history of the case, Judge
Munger bases bis grounds for the decision
simply on th fact that as the city had
Uin power tu make this contract niter
the enactment of tho law of is7. Its con
duct la treating II as a valid luw fur So
long a jieilod thereafter must be taken us
stopping It from thereafter questioning It.
The principle announced In this cuso is
decisive." the diilslon states in closing.
"In that the contract In this case made
by tho mayor and council and the plain
tiff's assignor Is not now open to attack
by the illy and hence that the city mav
not enforce the provisions of the new or
dinance riving the price of gas until U
terms of the first contract have expired."
Decisions bv other courts In other slates
sre given, covering practically the same
conditions In connection with Judge Hun
ger's opinion in this case.
Consumers Hold Mack.
Omaha lost the "dollar gas case" ye
terdaywhen Judge T. Munger of the
federal court in Lincoln decided that the
city liad not tho right, under the com
pany's franchise, datnd to compel a
1 eduction in Its charge for service.
I This means that Omsha consumers
j mUBf col.tlnuo lo wiy I. per l.ttm feet,
,r.M dlset.unt of 10 per cent for cash.
f,. SHH ,vlll, h was offeied to then, at
recenl special election for $1 In compro-
i ,,.1, nr ,i, Ml,n t,.., ,1,., i,i,,,i an,i in
I t .
( lt Mar Appeal.
Mopes, cf consumers who have been sav
ing their terelpts of ohtu'nlng rebates are
thus disappointed, the lompanr's bond
for the protection of ennsnuer Iwlng ex
onerated. It Is probable, however, that
tli,' city will appeal the case to the s'l
pieme coin!, jlthongh lis nttornrys ea
teiday ilc, line. 1 to ol'fer an iiplnlon con
cerning such a move.
I Llligittion In tills ca-e began thiee years
I ago, when an oidinam e was pnsned by
j the city reducing the piice of gss to II.
i TI.e tonu any Immediately started hijunc
1 lion proceedings
Franchise Itnna Fonr Wan,
I The company's franchise will not expire
I until P1S. Iiweis who during the cnin
j palgn preceding 1 he recent 11 compromise
! election declared (bat the promises of o
I llticlans I hi, t the city wax sine to win
th suit werw loiinilU"-, declared they
I H i fotm a poor basin for voters to act
I upon, they rcltei.ited.
, AsMsUnl Cty Attorney Te I'm had
j little to say aboul the derision other than
! t was contrary o his etnectatlonw
lie was of the opinion that 1'ie ruling 1
would (,hsist advocates of municipal own-I
r.Jhlp J
Tllact fsninnn C!ivtlr
j By a Submarine
j pktroukad. Oct. 12 -An offi.1,1 cm-j
munlcatlon Issued today announce that
! on October II, the Russian armored crul-'
I ser l-rillada wa tonedoed 111 the Paltic
t,y 0'nan submarine and sank!
(! ,ier rtfw
UtnW,J rUfl T'MVL
LONDON. Oct li--ft 1. r.ii .v...
th Germane lost 4j.. men during tho
attack on the fortresses Wsslhem and
"ri".-i. 1 ameiine ai Antwerp, says
a Central New dispatch from Amsterdam-
! ' II
; Vienna Report Russians in Galicia
and North of Vistula Chased
by Austro-Germans.
jPetrograd Asserts Attack on Fort
! lesa Given Up by Czar for
. Strategic Reason.
Message from Francis Joseph's Capi
1 tal Says Behavior is Better
Than Expected.
Success of Kaiser in Eastern The
ater is Told Of.
Newspaper Men fJIrrn I'ermlaalon
hy liranil link Meholai to
Front, Itnt Ire Went to
III l.l,KTI.
LONDON. Oct. 12. An Amster
dam dispatch to the Renter Telegram
says, a telegram from Vienna mates
thai the Russian In (lallria and
north of the Vistula are pursued by
Austro-Certnan troops. Many towns
are aain under Austrian administra
tion. The message adds the Russians
did not behave so badly ag the au
thorities had expected.
LONDON. Oct. 12. A Central
News dispatch from Rome says that
a message to the Message froni
Petrograd ntntes the Russians have
abandoned the singe of Prtemyal In
order to put themselves In a strat
egical position -to tneet- the Austro
(ienuan army.
hONIlD.V, Oct. 1?. Tile news of German
movements between Antwerp and Ostend
up to the present Is so fragmentary and
contradictory a to be almost worthless.
The Germans are maintaining their cus
lornaiy secrecy and reports coming from
Relglan and Dutch sources of heavy re
pulses to the Germans, with losses sus
piciously large and round In numbers are
looked at askance nowadays.
The capture of Ostend. It Is conceded,
would be worth the ponesBlon of many
Antwerp to the Germans, so It Is taken
for granted they will not enter the popu
lar seaside resort without fighting for
very foot of the way.
Great events depend on the result of the
battle now in prog re us on the line of
Lasslgny and Lens, and the other opera
tions connected therewith, and In which
the thtee German army corps released
from th atege of Antwerp will try to take
Retention Important.
The retention of Aperinont by the
French after fierce fighting, during which
the place was lost and retaken. Is re
garded as important, as the town is well
to the northward of Verdun. There Is nit
conflimatlon or the report that the civil
population of ltelfort Is quitting that city
In fear of bombardment and no news has
been received here of any specially hostile
movements In that quarter.
The claims by Vienna that Austrian
troops have relieved lYxemvel and scat
tered its Ituislun Investers is the most
striking news from the eastern theater
that is nsserted to be official. There is
not hint; here to confirm or deny the claim.
A German report also records a check
to the Russian force on the Prussian
frontier and the progress of the Gorman
armies In Poland, which seems destined
to be the cockpit largely determining the
events In this war arena.
Allowed to Join Forces.
Six Russirn nnd five foreign war cor
risi( ndi ntg ha .'e. been, accorded per
misslmi tn Join the Russian forces at the
liont. They ha v.. had a Woua send-off
by Grand Duke Nicholas, the Russian
commander-in-chief, but they hav been
caiefully dispatched to a less exciting
(Continued 011 Paj;e Two. Column Four.l
You Can't Drive
Prosperity Away!
I tfy - Pu"er, croakers croak.
! But the tide of American pros-
perity that is risiiUT each hour
Ljii 4i ,1 r .
W"1 SWeep them all off their
j feet.
Kurope has laid the world's
industries in America's lap.
The sooner our manufacturers,
capitalist, merchants and work
era wake uri the better. Wa
can't stopdemand if we try
but if we, don't get busy and
produce we will delay some of
our profits.
This is the Time
To Get to Work,