"4 A Till-; OMAHA MX DAY lil-IK: (KTOHKK .11. 11U4. t'i BIG CITY EMPTIED Tour Hundred Thousand Pour Out of Antwerp Instant's Notice. People on STAFF OF THE OMAHA SCHOOL REGISTER. HIGH AWAKE TO LEARN OF DANGER Theft Mad Irramblr of nirh, TMr, Well anil lrk I Mnri Aloa On Siarmv Road to safety. (Cnryrlfcht, W. Y I'rees I'uhtMi'ns: Co By K. AI.KT MtKII IMIW KI.l., GHKN'T. Oc4. S (lty r..urlor from Ant werp and Special f'iMKrnm tn New York World and Omaha Hoc ) -ThfiiKh Oomian shells nes-nn falllnc "n the nutnlil'-ts of the city late this afternoon, owln to the Korernrncnta pulley of serrwy. It not until the fwople of Antwerp aok this morning to find that the Kovornment and foreign legnttons hud none to Cetend and tha walls of the city were covered with j.roclamatlons aimed by tlia m iliary gov ernor tnfomili lin in a lomtardinenl ws Imminent and .that they learned of, thn terrible gravity of the sltustion. The proclamation begged them to re main calm, urged all to leave the c li y Im- , mediately and niilird olhera to seek refuge In cellars. All hota loaed. Hy 10 o'clock every shop in the city had closed Its window xhuUe.ru. At 11 o'clock the hotels pouted nnt'ees that, eaing to lark of servant , they were compelled to clone their doors. By noon thoroughfnren which ' led . to the pontoon , bridne arroan the Bcheldt wcra choked for blocks with a panic stricken I 10 b. To sf a city of 4H),fJ0 people sud denty put up Ita shutters and run iiwny i In an Interesting alght but "not a pretty one. Ieape Over Pontoon. , At the Oottnans are tit the south of ' jthe city, anA aa the llclKlans ' have cle- stroyed all brldgea ami ronds between the (iclty and the Ihitcl) frontier, the only ' roote, left open to the. frantic fugitives twaa'wver an eight-foot wide bridge of ; ! hoata A ' military engineer threw across '. ' the Scheldt at thn beglnnliig of the war. i-Across this rlarVow'shit lnadro.i)fiti sfme- ture. the, mighty river of humunlty ha' been pouring ateadlly alnce dawn. -Automo) Ilea, cabs, dogcarts, barouches, hotel omnibuses, delivery wagoiia, moving vans, peddlers' Ciirta. Imby carta and wheelbarrows roll Intel mltuibly peat , loaded with the fleeing townspeople and such .of their household goods a they re able to carry with them. j No llesuerter of Person. I saw a man puahlng Ida aged mother and three children Ifl a wheelbarrow. I , raw an old man, paralyzed and unable to walk, carried on hla ann a brawny shniil- ' licta. I taw a wpman of fashion, waarliu; ' , a tnajrntflcent sealskin coat and hat with :;ofay feathers, atrjgsllng through the crowd wKh a suitcase on hs ahonldcr. I :, ler.y' land Wounded. A pathettn picture ,wna jnadn by many ' wounded soldiers many with blood stained bandages. ' Borne barely able to ' stand had been turned out of hoapltala to make room for those wounded In yeater- , day's flghtyiK, l!rlrt.u.blnr,k, taasoi ks f.i and monks, In brown robes .war tstltna tha III and aged, while-faced iiuhs ward herding groups of children tn tholr oaxe. Rival Brlilue Rush. ;i,i "Che scene on the rdail .tietwesm, Antwerp e-r ' it: ;:.'';V:j end favorably for.ua and when we will be j In position to cnncintrate our efforts HKninct the RiiSHlana. We will see then whether the Kngllsh and Krenth will still have the IncllnHtioit to drug on the. war In favor of Ituasla Indefinitely. ene will thin have- to aak the French: Have those of you ivho have no personicl Interests in ftu-sia not paid enough? And thn alao i:ugland will be asked, with moat appre ciable cmpluiHis; Are you willing to risk more for Hussia a might and apcradnlze ment if nnfn-ary for twenty years"" RUSSIA MUST BE WHIPPED German Editorial Says that is Only Chance for Peace. ATTITUDE OF THE NATIONS Knrope Is iimnnred to the Hark of t ornered llonr W hose Jildes Are Mrrnmlng All Over ' with IIIoimI. If . rrespondence of The Assoclnfd l'res ) THK IIA'il'i:. Kept. V: The present at titude of !ermany towards rlnglinid. France nnd llusnhi Is (lei rlhH'l In r.n editorial of the Herllner Tag-ddnlt of feptemher 11. which nfler admitting Hint the (ii-niin ndvaneo In the west bus been checked, while rinnsldi'in'de vic tories for the ijerninn sens .ic e been rbta.ned In the inslern theater of war, sjiys: t.nn,n la tn l.r. Kl . ro r.-i -.il hi llio ln"k !rf a corn, red bea, from whose Hi lc tl o "" "uuaing as nn K 'wo in in e young men wnen the Voung Men'a Chrlntlan association struc ture was put up a number of years ago. liormltorles containing more Umn 100 rooms, a big gymnasium, a large, dmlng mom and kitchen, parlors, bath rooms und many other conveniences have been provided In the big brick structure. The final dedicatory service will be held .Sun day af lei noon. Kalry Cattle t'ongrru, WATKItTXK), la., Oct. 10. (Special Tele gram. ) The fifth annual dairy cattle con gress will open next .Monday and continue one week. Over l.WW of the world's greatest dairy cattle will be on exhibition. Two concert .4 by the Flitted .States Marine band will be given. There are over 000 entrtea In the corn ahow. come when the affair which Frame has AMES FOOT BALL FANS AFTER j foned upon us against our wishes wllll . n 1 1 i 1 1 r- n r I ir Fort Ho.lge V, W. r. A. Iledlentrd. KOI IT notion, la., Oct. 10 Special ) The first dedicatory aervb'e In the new $75.sjO home of the Vo in Women's Chris tian association here was held Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. J. P. Oolllver presiding. The new structure, standing close to the business district, has been completed after much hard work on the rart of the women. Rubtantlal donations by Fort Dodge people have given the rr7i; - 'i"' . a A Mm mm QKtlM.UlSK JOJCNSON. Assistant Kdltor. . KAKLK 'IK'KNOlt, Killtor. ROHKKT OHK1.U liuslness Manager. Over Sixty Thousand Priests in Armies and 8t Nlctiola' this afternoon was pne of tha most remarkable In my experience; the road was mora crowded than the en trance to Brooklyn bridge at a rush hour or than the road to Kpaom on derby flay, rushing tiie aged down tha eobble-pavad thoroughfare were people In every occu pation. In every walk In life, while dltchea oa either aide were filled with those who bad fallen from sheer exhaus tion '.v --. t. . . F. S., .4 vwsul t harter Tub, Tha rosr'of heavy artillery has been continued for moro than twenty hours. "UOMK (via f'arls), Oct. di).-Accordln lb' reports received afthrf vatlcaa, m'or ttan ttil,il00-ncc!elsstlcs are now serving In different capacities with the armies In the field, esieclally with the Kelglan, French and Austrian forces. Most of these clergymen are engaged In hospital hwork. -Tliey Include seven' btstiops and nineteen other prelates. CHICAGOANS ARE ASKED ' FOR RED CROSS FUNDS CHICAGO, Oct 10.-Mayor Harrison In proclamation today, the forty-third an- Tha trst of tha German shells .truck, In jn,v''-y. th Chicago fir. urged the aoWhern .utsklrta of the city shortly I fhlcagoans to contribute liberally to the after 4 o'plock thra afternoon. ' 11. W a,, CFC f"nd- Pointing wit that Kuro Dlederich. the American consul general. P"n n' i t war gave !sS9.ooo to has chartered a ug on which he and a Hv suffering here after the dUuhtroua f AlnMHrini rumatnln la AMKurn will :l!re, start up tha rtoer and out of range U It becomes impossible to remain la ,ths city. Deaptta tha desperate resistance of the Belgians, tbe Otrmans are steadily push ing forward. ' Ttiey "have Cfoaaed ' the Buheldt at one, point. ' At tbe sour of writ ing, I o'clock, 4hey are ttacklng tha aec4 B' mrM Bsirne Near Orlaweld 1' ond Una of fortification! eouth of Ant- warp. ; Work of collecting a JlnO.000 fund here for the American Red Cross society be gan yesterday under the direction of ttfty of the clly'a wealthiest business men. Col lections totalling (30, out) were rnada on tha first day. "..'.. Pranke!s Score Board : ' Makesecided Hit Interest In the world' series Is . of mora than aterage lntnaly tt tha crowd, whlcn" attended Charley Franke s elec ' tricai oo re board performance at the Krug , theater yesterday afternoon, ta rriterlnn. Tha entire lower floor of the house waa packed, with fan who were anxious to aea tha play of tha gsjne on the Improved boards Boston rootera ware In abundance and their-cheers could be heard out in the. ' atrg-et In front of tha show house. BELGIANS PROTEST GERMAN MONOPOLIZATION OF FOOD . -1 : j. i i ' IaOfTDOK, Oct. 10.-A dispatch to the Eichaifa Telegraph company saya: "Tb Behrtan government haa addressed , to the neutral powers a vehement protest ' against the action ot Oermsny In monopo lising ail the foodstuffs found In Rruesels arid Its' environs, thereby reducing tbe ca , ttv population to famine." . QHI8WOLl. la,. Oct 10. 8peclal.)- Durinr tha storm Wednesday night light ning struck one of the large , barns on tha Grant Maekrltl farm, two miles south ot town, burning It tp tha ground. Sev eral teams that were tn tha barn were rescued with, difficulty by the foreman, Mr. Feck, who was notified by neigh bors over tha telephone. ..There were several sets of harries and about slaty tons of hay destroyed. The loss la par tially covered by Inurance. j blood !i strcHu.ln,'. W'e bnn'ly :pe(ik of (loose of us who In Ih! f'.enivui colonies ntnl In Klci-i'how nre culling for help. YVc think ol tin m, but do fi"t apeak of them. I "The Kntllah and Fr e h iifrapat ci j have retvtitly cul l thnt the re.iolui ;iln o th : powers of 'the trlolf; entente not to I link" pence without cortail'tbi.f one n- ether, Imd inmle A p.iiui'iil !uiires"l m n Oi l inimy. We hope tint Ibis u i i. r slandlng beiwien Messrs. Otey. Folitcare and lawolaky a i rir ' 1 nohoiiy here. j Tlio ae who think ciilmly knew lhi 1 e j fore the firrt cnnnni) ihnt whs lireil. Hut i thla formal ;i:urnce v.ih merely mtide to ahow us the futility of tl.is war and our Hiicecsmea In France. "The Indies tlons In the l-'rencn prefa lire thnt this bel ir.ntlon was alao Intended to 1 1 ii i t tin French people. 'This Anglo-I'lench-MnaalHii ilt-clarniloti," writes the Petit I'Bi ialnn, 'finds a ,iumI if icd C Im throuKhoul tlio Milled c ouiit' iei. It VIIJ bring the pon.imsin to aile"' e, wh ) al ready are snaking tl.e'r be;.ri, and whose fesia are an Insult to Huisiin tl.imlna, French endurance and lOnull.-i'i loyalty Th Petit Journal cnll.i tho declaration an answer lo 'the tendncv to doubt and to the cowardly nnd pcrfl'Iloui whispers which during the hist few days havaj mailo the rounds in the pcipulatlon n favor of a despicable enemy. ancceaaes tilvp Hope. "Hut we tuny ncoent that n fnvcirnhle preaenlatlon of tho h'rencu aucceseti along thn Marne have aKiiu filled the acrptics with hope. I'her.i nro In Frapcc, people, however, who have not I eon the I gi.eats of the tznr, who uniiko the Vnrls! tnH-rs do not gain by supporting the Hllliwv'e, whose personal fate does not I depend upon thnt of Hussii, nnd wtnao brain la clear enough n roas.m loplcally tn flmil reaclta. The prmnlae that France la in sacrifice hernclf to the very Inst ; dregs for Ttuasiat) cannot be leasauilngj to such FrcnchiiK'n. "Tho Tlmea, in a very benullful leniler. has presented to them the Itrltlah reso lution not to end this war. 'Whatever! happens in the west,' says this artlcle.-i 'Hiixsla and we will continue the war If J necessary for twenty years.' It in then pointed, out, aa did Mr. Aaqiilth, that Oer man industry and commerce are in a bad i way, a .condition which would continue until (Germany had surrendered the terri tories occupied and had paid tho indem nities Impeacd. 1 ,.'. ' ' Cm a not Kan Prsialmlsm, "What were the feelings of tho French when they read trie words of a hoaatar who talks loudly because lie Imagines England' sveure against the siiffcrmBs bf this war? Twenty years is a long time hen the army of the" frflcmy oceilplea tho center of the country,.-.No, even the pledges of the Times are not sufficient to ban the pessimism which made Itself felt In France. In all the comment made on tho sltuutlon there Is hut one Inst ii nee that could Impress the French. The Petit' Puriaien asserts that (iermany intends to i tell tho Russians and Knglieh :'We Willi crush France and w 111 then tie ready to I make pence with you at the expense of j France.' Hut thla assertion 'la falae and the facts will demonstrate how falae they are. . "We are at war with France, been use, ' In consequence of an impolitic, alliance, i and misled by Intriguers, It was brought to the aide of ltuasta. Hut we are prin cipally concerned with the reduction tif Hiissla. In her direction We see a cllmlitu- I tlon and weakening of a giant and the! making of guarantees the moral Idea of I this great war and the grand goal for which, If necessary, wve will ountlnue-to ! fight for twenty years, even In aplto of the fact that alnce tha days of Imberg we do no longer underestimate the magni tude of tha ask. Mast Whip Itosala. "Even those . masters of cheap phrases In the field who do not look death In the eye aa do our brave soldiers In the field must realize that only the complete vic tory of the Germans over the Russians can secure the position of Oermuny's fu ture and that a peace treaty otherwise would be a scrap of paper without value. As we hope and believe, the moment w 111 AMES, la.. Oct. 10 Ppecin1 Telegram.) A movement Is on foot here tonight among fraternities and rnlscellaneoiis bodies of students to get excursion rates and accommodation to Minneapolis to nlRht for the Ames-.MInneaota game to morrow. Organisation of the roters" contingent Is pending word from chief passenger offlclnls In Minneapolis. The mayor of Ames led the effort to get a rate. Woman Sentenced to Pes. FVHIT nODOK.-I., Oct. 10 (Speclal.V Mrs. Kate Flynn, convicted last week of keeping . house of 111 fame, was senteced to serve not. more than five years at Fort MadUion pentitrntlary to day by Judge It. At. Wright In dlatrict court. City authorities brought two de tectives from Ues Moines, who aided lo cal officers In getting evidence. When Mrs. Flynn had finally secured the $.1,."i00 bond that gives her freedom pending an appeal, che fainted while going down tbe stairs to . the first floor lobby of the county building. Pee readers are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities !n the "want a4" columns. They re worth whlla reading. Man Killed l. Train. FORT DOIKii:, la., Oct. 10. (Special.) Thomas 0'Inry, 55 years of age, a farm hand near Harnum, was hit by an Illinois Central freight and 'illled iiitanlly. Ills home was In Syracuse, N. V. It la not known whether or not he was married. Illrhey stakes Hrcoral. Manager Hrnnch Rickey of the Hrowns established what la believed tn be a 1!'I4 American league record on September Si, when he mobilized twenty-one players into the Tirowna' box score. Rickey be came so peeved at the performance of bis 'Vnrpltv team in the fifth lnnlnt that he substituted an entire line-up of reservists. Movements ot Ocean Steamers. Pert. Arrived. Balled. HALIFAX Mongolian iihn'ia i '. ivimiia NAI1.KH America Ban Guglletme. YOKOHAMA.... ('Mm FAI.MOfTH ...Volnar HONG KONO Korea. Z7 l i v 3 To My Swedish Friends Everywhere I Wish to Say That Peruna Is the Best Household Remedy In the Whole World. Mrs. Elin Malmgren, 133 Frederick St., West Manchester, N. II., writes: "Every spring and fall for eleven years, I have been troubled with catarrh in my throat and nose and hoarsehess, and I am very pleased to state that at last I found a medicine, Peruna, from which I received great benefit, and I will hereafter use and recom mend it. I always keep it in my house in case of sickness. I recom mend your medicine to all my friends and every sufferer, as an ex cellent medicine for colds and for building up strength. We have many Swedish friends in Boston who use Peruna and think a great deal of it. If all the Swedish people in this country could knovf what an excellent family medicine your, Peruna is I am sure they would, keep it in the home'. ' J '.-' -i.-i' " . - ' f ii ILS w Terms tar i by far the easiest in Omaha C3C3CCII3 Our new credit terms set a new mark for easy payments. We have gone our lowest terms of the past "one better." We have, put our terms down below those of any other furniture house in the city. We require smaller down payments We ask much smaller monthly payments No matter how easy the terms given you by other houses you'll find them still easier at RubeFs. Our new terms will not be equaled by any other store in the city.: Generous treatment and helpful service given customers. For more than half a century Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey bas helped the health of thousands, who have gained new strength, vim and vigor and vitality through It use. Culls From . the Wire ' Lstwral buying of th New York City nuuis aiirl-a broaoVr-ttiqulry for virions notes 'and bunds muturtitaT wltliln tl next few -years were the chief fiaturfta if financial Intercut a New, Vorlc yea terday j Tha Southern Railway eompanv de clared at New York a srnt-annuul divi dend of ! Jer cent, payiblti In srrlp. on its ' praferrad stock. Th scrip la payable, in fiv year and bears Interest at tha rat vt A ir cJPtit a year for this period. ' Jude Mayer in the New York federal district court denied the application of bondholder to Inivrvena In tha foreclos ur suit brought 4,f tha Cilrl Trust company ti'auiat the Chlcami. Ro k Is land A Pai:iri J'.allroad company. Judaa i Mayer auiirtsd lie was satisfied that the , trusted yik but guiltv of fraud ur Mls- . conduct, triit - waa diacharyiiiK his full , Vli'tpr M. Place. Kea tl attorney, lor- i tnerly a 'iJai'tmuulli foot bail star and . aflarward UAaoh at l )u. I'nlvor.liu f . WashtnsUHt aaci a( Nolr buna univer- : airy, was arretted at Heattl on a fed ; ral Warrant churMing conspiracy to suu- firnes covemnierit evidenca In tha rata J aifatQsf. Frank H. Tare the - fornicp ed . fral luiiniKi a'.iun ioUrpreter aceuaad of f-idlaa- hHieae la eailer th United State illeasllr. Thla trade-mark, bUh Is your guarantee of the genuine Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is pn every bottle. When purchasing, don't merely ask for Duffy's taslat oo setting It. The Duffy Malt Whlakey Co, Rochester, N. Y. I 03 I ELEC TRIC LAMP FULLY fcioinethliiK entirely' new and Very iirtlsllo. Venetian lac effect In aliai'Je. with art itlass uiiiicrneHth In lnll f0'"'' hi-cu-iit ifiil.l or arecn. fully eijuippcd- ee tills lump. S 1 5 value. Specially priced at on, i ii 1 1. v 9.75 FASTEST CROWING FURNITURE STORE IN OMAHA V iy;srji Bie Rocker Value 7.95 trass Bed with Spring and Traitress AT ONLY Complete J Large 2-Inch Posts I-arKo. comfiirtable Jlocaer, fumed oak, full spring seat. well made. Heavy durable imitation leather Sale lrlce fir - : r --ir: - II TVio Pprl ! mad with larr a-lnch AUB iJCU pogt,, it la heavy and substantial. Mad of full standard weight braaa. mad ta satin finish with laocjuer a-narantd ajrainst taraishlna;. Trip Snrintr Tr comfortabi ine opriug oni hap ana-ls Iron fram and woven wlr fabrlo with st.el hellcl.s at each end. It will give th at moat satisfaction. k ine ITldlireSS m mad with rood durable tick, fall welirht; roommndd for comfort and durability. Tha Valna a very nnnsoal on. almost a much as w now aak for th ntlr outfit. Tou would nevsr avet to St mo much in vain for so llttl la prtc. SOLID OAK XlKESBrKS Maxla of selected solid ottk, splendidly finished. French bevel mirrors, gy IF Workmanship UilO uiiusumij Kood. Value U 1.00. JTlce.-, THE STORE THAT UNDER. SELLS THEM ALL Lars: Colonial Dresser, made of srenulne Circassian Walnut, trench t m 1C - CretlU & 1 ifB IH J 1 VVJLw 15 UaV0 Oak Heater Burns wood or coal. Heavy gauge sheet steel sides and heavy cast bae section, screw draft registers, patent shaking grate and other Improvements; good, powerful heaters and of extra durability. Price. . r 5.95 Hot Dlast Heater Burns soft coal, hard coal, coal sittings, coke, wood or rubbish; has down draft, gas consuming principle, very economical, indeed. Very imposing design for Hot blast Heater. Handsome nickel trimmed. Special, thla sale. . . .... . . 9 Terms rvjQv SUit loll BASE DITCHERS That Cut Col Bills 25 Don't think ot selecting a Case Burner anywhere without first learning of the better features of the Peninsular Heater. These im proved heaters have 1,300 square Inches more of radiating sur face than any other make. .They give 25 to 50 more heat with the same coal cut fuel bills at least 25. They cost mo more than ordinary heaters. Come and let ua demonstrate them to you. bevel mirror. specially priced now at. . 24- $21 tO$(e 11.75 1513-15 iioiVAnn Tm V Howard SI. Rear 16th ilTn'mVITTiTiTnTrnTlTmYITlYlTlTI JCLLS) hi I