5-A THK OMAHA SPN'DAV HKK: OCTOBER 11, 1014. Commencing Monday, 100 Exclusive Patterns Tailored to Your Special Measure at a Great Saving A Special Clearing Sale event in our Ladies' Tailoring De partment. Each of these exclusive patterns comes in just sufficient length for ONLY ONE SUIT. Every garment will be carefully hand-tailored by experi enced workers in our own shops. Every suit will be lined with Skinner's Satin. We promise that YOU will be completely satisfied with the style and fit of your suit. $55 Suits, . . $45 $60 Suits, . . $50 $65 Suits, . . S55 $70 Suits, . . $60 $75 Suits, ... $65 See these patterns now displayed in the Dress Goods Section, Main Floor. Women's Day time and Evening Coats Fashionable in Style and Fabrics.- To merge with a wo man's personality, to express the correct mode, to strike a note of the different and unusual, are the ob jectives achieved in Thompson & Belden's coats. Serge, broadcloth, velvet, imported mix tures, and coats of gabardine, . ranging in price from $13.50 to $85 sorqsis SHOES Unquestionably the Season's Greatest Shoe Event Thene fine Shoos arc too widely known to need any word of introduction from iu. In this offering you can pick from lmndreds of beautiful Boots, Slippers and Pumps At Exactly These Reductions Fabrics that well dressed women are wearing for dainty one-piece dresses and gowns. Silk and Wool Canton Crepe Silk and Wool Poplins Fine All Wool Crepoleo English Chutedo French Serges Wool Poplins French Wool Poplins " - ' Satin PreneLU - We may have tr come to the higher prices later, but ho long as we can do so we will give customers the bentv fit of early purchases. White Satin Pumps, beaded vamps, $5.00 value $3.50 Black Satin Pumps, beaded vamps, $7 and $8 value $5.00 Bronze Kid Regent Pumps, $6.00 value $3.85 Patent Kid Regent PumpH, $6.00 value $3.85 Dull Kid Regent Pumps, $6.00 value $3.85 $5 and $6 values in Boots, in patent kid, dull kid or tan calf, white calf top, with patent vainiw, black or white satin button; also the new autumn fdiados rf gray or brown suede button included in this sale. When you can purchase Sorosis Shoes at less than regular price it's time to supply .your wants. m x "v A Gloves for $1.50 a Pair We are showing many stylos of desirable handwear at this price, including capos, mochas, kid and wash able leather gloves in tho newest stylos. Even in times like the.se, with the great scarcity, we can glove you well at this price. Our attendants will be pleased to show you these values. It Is Wonderful, the Difference New Hangings Make in the Appearance of the Home We are prepared with a large showing of Original Designs which will appeal to your sense of quality, and at prices that will please be cause they are really reason able. Bungalow Nets 20c to $2.25 a yard Overhangings (sunfast) 35c to 1.50 a yard Drapery otloB Buniint The New Winter McCall Book of Fashions is filled with advance styles for the entire winter season. It tvxsts but He a copy when purchased with any 15c Mc Call pattern and furnishes distinctive, personal and authentic style news which will help make your winter wardrobe a real success. Be sure and get your copy at our Pattern section. The Fur Shop Fashionable Purs of qual ity, original styles, finest quality pelts, selected by skilled furriers. Marten, Mink, Beaver, Mole, Hudson Seal, Fox, Er mine, Wolf, Civet Cat, Lynx, Fitch Coats Muffs Scarfs Sets 1 HOWARD al. AND SIXTEENTH STREETS RUSSIAN INYASION OF HUNGARY FAILS Auitria Announces Attempt of Czar'i Forcn to Enter Dual Kingfi Territory in Vain. PETROGEAD VERY OPTIMISTIC Muscovite Official IUKmmI Bris tle nllk Sacceaae OaJa4 Aaalnat 1k Trataa Eaerar. I IN DON, Oct 11. The following offi cln! statement ha been received by wire less from Berlin by the Marconi com pany: "The Austrian general staff announce tho complete breakup of the Russian In vasion of Hungary. The recent attack! on Frscmysl were repulsed with terrible loss to the enemy. The defense of the fort la being conducted by the garrlaoa with the greatest skill. "The Russians have been cleared from the Carpathian to the western ridge of Wynxkow. The Austrian troops bare re taken the Marmaroa ftaiget, Hungary. "There la nothing to report from the East Prussian frontier." Costlss to Pre Foe. PETROORAD. Oct.. 10. The following official statement has beeo given out by the general staff: "On October 8 our troope on the East Prussian border continued to presa the enemy, who had formed two fighting groups. "The first group was operating In the region of Viadlslavoff and Wlrballea (both towna in the government of 8u walkl, Russian Poland). Our troops dis lodged them from Viadlslavoff and sur rounded them on the north. On October 8, however, this group still maintained Its position east by south of WlrbsJlen. All Its attempts to take the offensive at that point failed, the enemy sustaining heavy losses. Asaame Ofteaslv. "The second group of the enemy, a very strong one, commenced an energetic at tack in the vicinity of Ratchka Lake and Bakatarzewo (East Prussia). Toward morning on October S we assumed a vigorous offensive against the front Tho enemy, covered by strong rear guard, tried, it seems, to get out of the sphere of the battle. Our troop captured, by successful assaults, the positions which the enemy waa trying to hold. We finally occupied Lvck (East Prussia). "Our offensive all along the front con tinues energetically." KING CHARLES OF ROUMANIA IS DEAD (Continued from Page One.) ANTWERP FALLS BEFORE EAIN OF GERMAN SHELLS (Continued from Pag One.) , month that permanent, fort In an poed altlation stsnd no chance against modern siege 'howltsera. The real extent of the destruction within the walla of Antwerp wlU .be alow l reaching the outside' world from unper tlaaa ourcea, for the reason that com munication with the city Is either out or entirely tn the hands of military author It tea. From The Hague It 1 asserted that the cathedral of Notre Dame has not been damaged. The museums and other public buildings also may hav escaped. It Is to be noted that the report of destruction have almost 'Invariably been obtained from excited Teftigee and telegraphed from point more or elas distant from Antwerp. ' Stratrarle laaportaae. ' The stiateglo Importance of Antwerp to the Germans arose largely from the facts of Its ineance to their lines of communica tion. With the Belgian army withdrawn to a position, halt way between Antwerp and Oatend. the pressure on these line will be removed, at least, temporarily. But at the same time there would appear to be little obstacle to the Belgians ef fecting a Junction with the allies working to the northward In Weet Flandera It is aasumed In London that if Ger many considers It convenient to it plan of campaign, It will pot hesitate to utilise the neutral waters of the Scheldt, but except as an airship and possibly a sub marine base It Is contended that It can derive no advantage from this waterway. LONDON. Oct. 10 Antwerp, the last and strongest citadel of Belgium, has fallen before tb rata of hug shells which the Germans began throwing into the city at midnight of last, Wednesday. The civilian population of the city has in large part fled, the seat of the Bel gian government ha been moved to Oa tend and the Germans are In occupaton. Because of the chaotic conditions dur ing the last few day In the beleaguered ie'lty, and the interruption of telegraphic communication, there ha been much delay in the transmission of news from Antwerp to England. Nevertheless Kngland has been expecting and dis counting the fall of the Belgian position and newspaper are speculating on what trategic use the Germans will make of It, now that it la In their handa The battle line In Franc la now so long forming as It does a rough curve of ISO miles from Lorraine to tha Bel gian frontier, that the battle of the A lane and the operations before Antwerp had become so closely knit a to be, from the military point of view. Inseparable. Orrmia Rlaat Wla lataet. The hone of the allies to deliver a crushing blow against the German army In Franca before the occupation of Ant werp by the enemy la now, of course, a thing of the past. The Oerroaa right wing, under General Von Kluck, ap parently la still Intact, and the official communication given out li. Pari laat night recorded no change In the situa tion, merely emphasising that there was sharp fighting In the region of the Roye, nearly 100 miles south of the northern extremity of the fighting line, where opposing bodies of cavalry were clash lug almost within sight of the North Ita Commenting on the situation in Bal gium before It wa known officially that Antwerp actually had fallen, English newspaper aaked this morning with op timism what the conqueror were going to do with Antwerp when they bad It particularly In view of tha fact that It la conceded that no fort can stead against If ILett IVfle IVIalke Your'IFall Suit artillery such a Is used In modern war fare. The opinion waa generally ex pressed that should the allies later attack Antwerp there would be a repetition of what already ha taken place, that I to say, the German garrison could not hold out against them. Will ft Tree r Northern France. Dlspatchea attempting to analyse the German plan of campaign, with Antwerp In their handa, declare the German pur pose la to sweep over northern France With the Object of taklna Daiuulnn of the channel ports and thus bringing the warfare nearer Kngland. It la aald here that German newspaper are predicting the use of this northern Belgian position aa a base for operation against England. or one thing there la no doubt Ant werp suffered terribly from the bombard ment and the losses among the civilian population have been heavy. The city was rrowaVd not only with Its normal popula tion of over WO.OflO reraona. but with other thousands, who had sought refuge there on account of the German Inva- alon. All stories coincide In relatine- the fer- rlble suffering and mental torture of these unfortunates struggling to leave the dan ger sone. Many are aald tn hiva kun marooned by the destruction of a pontoon onag over the river Scheldt While the vest bulk of the refugees are now bur dening Holland, thousands later will coma to England, where other thousands al ready are being cared for. Cathedral Reported tale. Just how much damage ha been done to Antwerp, particularly to the edifice of historical Interest, It will take some tlm to determine. Borne of the refugees ay that the cathedral of Notre Dame ha been badly damaged, while other say this It not so. All report agree that th Oerman entered the city by way of the suburb of Berchem. With Antwerp taken, th Oerman will now be able to darh the considerable force used during th siege of the city and transfer theae men to their right wing near the French-Belgium frontier, which ha been sorely pmaeed. The moral ef fect of the fall of Antwerp I not mini mised In England. Th rlty waa called by Napoleon "A pistol pointing at the heart of England." The seaport long ha been one of the greatest of Europe, re sembling In a sense Liverpool and the river Mersey. It Is estimated her that there are no fewer than eOO.ftO German In Belgium today. Thar I nothing new thta morning In the eastern arena. Tn reports that the Austrian city of Preimysl la on fir lack confirmation. Austrian Insists that the Russians before this position are being repulsed The siege of Antwerp, which culminated in It fall on Friday, October . began on September S, o that the Germane took lust ten day to reduce the formidable fortification which surrounded the capital of the Belgian. The German hd, however, for a long tlm previous prepared the way by taking a number of towna In It vicinity. Th first direct attack was against the forta at Waelhem and Wavre-St. Cath erines. These were reduced In a couple of day by the aid of the big siege guns. Meanwhile th forta at Lteir and Kon ingshoycht had also been attacked and these and others of th outside line of fortification were taken laat week. The last few days ha seen tha fight ing advance to the Inner line of fort and along th Scheldt, principally at Schoon aerda At the laat named place severe fighting occurred for several days, but the superior artillery of the Germans gradually forced the Belgians' hand and until the last day or two the fight has reached practically to th suburb of Antwerp. On Wednesday, October 7, came report that the Belgian government wa moving Into the Interior towards the Holland frontier. Zeppelin bomb attacks, which did much damage and killed scores of people, added to the terror of th In habitant. The German forces which have taken Antwerp are snld to consist of five army corpa. They were under th command of General Hans II. Von Beseler. a veteran of the war of 1S70, who was taken from retirement to do the work of reducing Antwerp. General re Guise wss In command of th Belgian defender King Albert aided them by hi personal direction almost to th last, having quit Antwerp, according to reports, only yesterday morning, prob ably when the end waa seen Antwerp Is WO miles from London, and In England the fear ha been expressed that with this city a a German base Zeppelin alrshlpa could be used to attack the English coast Una and even London. The distance from Antwerp to the English coast Is less than 100 miles. Antwerp Is on the liver Scheldt. This liver, before It enters the North sea. flows through Th Netherlands territory Under existing conditions It would be Im possible for Germany to use Antwerp for naval bae without violating the neutrality of The Netherlands. Charles wa universally acknowledged tho leader of hi adopted people and the kingdom of Rumania became a factor In International politics. It held aloof from the common Balkan war against the Turks, but wa stirred in It own behalf by Bulgarian greed for territory, and after the war King Charles pressed hi country' claim for J, BOO miles of terri tory as compensation for the neutrality Rumania had preserved, and started an Invasion of Bulgaria. The Bulgers soon sued for peace and handed over th coveted atrip, extending about 100 mile inland. Both Bide Seek His Rapport. "By ourselves aJons" are th words which ornament the Iron crown King Charles has worn. He waa never a party to International alliance, although group represented In both th Triple alliance and the Triple entente have been said to be courting Rumanian support The bill of particular a to th coun try when Prince Chart entered Rumania wa discouraging In every detail. That which he handa over to hi successor, whom he adopted In the person of hi nephew, Prince Ferdinand, I one which Include an efficient army of nearly 800,001 when on war footing, agriculture de veloped along modern line, oil production on a vast scale, railway spread widely. foreign commerce developed to a degree which exceeds that of all the other Balkan state put together, and a na tional credit that need no special guar antee. The one blot cn tha escutcheon recently ha been an alleged wide-spread persecu tion of th Jew, of whom there are some 00,000 scattered among th 7,000.000 In habitant of th country. DEMS MAY GET THEIR JOBS Senator Hitchcock Retnrni to Wah ington Ready to See Secretary. ORUENTHER MAT LEAVE RACE Nothing; Said, ha latlaaatloa Glvea that Long Raw la at the Polat of gome Kind of et llemeat. (From a Staff correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Oct lfl- Special Tele gramsSenator Hitchcock returned to Washington this morning after a week- visit to his home state. Judging by his manner and what he said to The Bee. the senior senator from Nebraska will have news with a capital "N" to give out when he sees Secretary j I Bryan. "I had hoped to see the secretary of state."' said Senator Hitchcock, "hut found ft that Mr. Bryan was out of the city and , I would not return until early next week. I I expect to see him when he gets back to J Washington. Cntll we have a talk It Is a obvious that nothing about patronage J I can be printed." 1 Grneather Mar Withdraw. 1 Just what angle the Interview will take la problematical. This, however, can be i I counted upon, that Secretary Bryan will , I be advised (If Chairman Thompson has not already attended to that part of hi duties) of the situation and Just what Senator Hitchcock will do for the pur pose of saving th ticket. It may be that Senator Hitchcock has in his possession a letter from Chris Gruenther withdraw ing from the race for the Internal revenue eolleetorshlp. "for the good of the party." In which event Senator Hitchcock may hav up his sleeve another name to sug gest, which Secretary Bryan, being pre viously advised, will accept with alacrity. Then the United States attorneyship will bo settled and likewise th marshalshlp. All this 1 dependent upon the collector ship, which Is the key to the present dis agreement between Bryan and Hitchcock. In this connection It may truthfully be said that Senator Hitchcock i not en thusiastic about appointing anybody to a public position. Hi makeup I not along the line of political "pap" or "provender." He would like to be a senator without having a bit of patronage to dispose of. To name a postmaster gives him chills, and for making a collector or United States attorney, the wind of a raw Oc tober day that blow over a golf course are preferable to him. But he going to meet the ceretary of stat next week. iCtet Schmoller & Mueller's Victor Service, fir r..-'i flip $109 Germans Plan Attack on England Next LONDON, Oct. 10. Th correspondent of the Express In Pari telegraph th following: Th Immediate objective of tha Ger- men army 1 now no longer Pari, hut the channel porta. To sum up th Oer man plan th first blow on Pari hav ing failed, th second blow must be aimed at England. 'Th new line-up of th opposing force mean that northern Franca la deatlned to suffer a desolation similar to that already visited on Belgium. All ef France's rich cities la the north have been marked for certain destruction. "The French general staff 1 confident of auccess. but it Is recognised that there can be no decisive victory while tha masse engaged are so enormous. It la possible to hope for the defeat of the enemy's plan If there ran b a constant stream of reinforcement." Pitcher Hamilton and Five Girls Hurt in Auto Accident ST. LOUIS. Oct. m-Earl Hamilton, pitcher for the St Loul Americans, and five girls were seriously injured several of the girls probably fatally In an auto mobile accident on the East St Louis (ill.) side or the Eads bridge here early this morning. Hamilton suffered a scalp wound, three broken ribs and other Internal Injuries. Two of th girls arave their nam. .. Miss Pearl Kelly. One of these wa inrown clear of the bridge railing on to the railroad tracks forty feet below. She fell directly In the war of an nnm.rh. ing train and would hav been ground to piece out ror the prompt action of a flagman, who saw her fall. He first Baled tha train to stop and then pulled me unconscious woman from the track. Th other girls gave their name a Mlsse Rose Burke, Nellie Wallace and Evelyn Roy, all of St. Loul. All of them suffered Internal Injuries and, together with Hamilton, were taken to St Mary' hospital In East St. Louis. The Mlasea Kelly were the most se riously Injured, physicians at the hos pital declaring their recovery doubtful. Hamilton wa scheduled to play In a doubl header In the city eerie here today. The accident occurred when the auto mobile, owned and operated by Hamil ton, crashed Into the heavy wooden par tltlon separating the deck of the bridge from the railroad track. The machine waa demolished. Be readers are too intelligent to over look th opportunities In the "want ad" columns. They're worth while reading W hy It Was Safe. Aa American clergyman was once hold ing a service near an Indian village ramp. Ill belonging were scattered about In one of the lodirea. and when he a going out he .asked the chief If It was fate to leave them there while he went to the vtllase to hold a service." Yes." the rhirf answered, 'quite safe There Is net a white man aithin 10 mile.' -Tit Kits. , COLUMBIA'S GYMNASIUM DAMAGED $100,000 NEW YORK. Oct. 10. The Columbia university gymnasium building, a two story brow net one structure 75x175 feet, designed by the lata Stanford Whit, and built twelve year ago, wa a charred, wateraoaked ruin today, with all but th wall and th electric power plant In the basement destroyed by fire which gained awlft headway early this morning. If heat and water hav weakened tb wall th loss wilt be heavy; If they stand strong a ever. It Is believed tlOg.OOt will be sufficient to rehabilitate th building. The structure housed the uni versity heating and power plant, th gymnasium, swimming pool and Indoor racetrack, paraphernalia and trophies of the oarsmen, editorial room of the School of Journalism, hundreds of students' lockers, various office and th uni versity restaurant in which It I blleved th blase originated. At one time the fir threatened th dor mitories and th hundred of students and teachera sleeping there war roused and sent to th ground. Bee Want Ad Are tha Beat Basil Booatera Relieve the Kidneys xi tout moneys are not able to handU th waste product of the body. It 1 highly Important that they be put into good working condition. Improper kid ney action causes more sickness, suffer. Ing and serious complications than any other diseaae, because tha blood Is filtered and purified through th,. kidney, if you are troubled with headache, dlxslness. aching Joint. naue, or other .ymptom ei .Ky dl,r y'u houl1 e I" 0t W""" Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Aside from the ooth- - i a vJ I Btl tVC tlon on th circulation, th pemplratory -....j v. uyo ana neip eliminate the waste products by way of tha skin. Warner' Safe Kid. ney and Liver Remedy 1 not only beneficial In the early stages of kidney dis eaae, but It Is a won derful remedy for the ad vanced stage of urinary disorders. Bright' dis eaae, etc It stimulate th enfeebled organa and heal at th same time. At ail druggists tn Uc and 11.00 alxea. Write for free sample. Warner a Safe Remedies Co., Uept SaO, Rochester, N. T yjyc.wiaegg' W4- ""aaVf j " .-sTWw"tf"-1 OOirriSEaT cn rmorxs No better recommendation ran be furnished that Dr. Todd's pa tients have absolute confidence in hla dental work than the follow ing: A few month ago en doctor could handle all the dental work where today four people are em ployed to take care of large num ber of patient who constantly visit hi office. From a small room hi buslne ha grown so rapidly that he wa lo.ceU to enlarge hla quarters ano now ha larce. commodious room on th fourth floor of the Brandel building. HI dental parlor era among th largest In Omaha Ur Todd will b glad to explain hla new method and make an ex amination and consultation FREE. DR. C. W. TODD 5-4 4l-a-T-4Q aUaaAata BalMUaa;. 8cy tires TWs Magnificent VICTROLA and 24 Victor Musical Selec tions (12 Victor Double Faced Records), Including the latest dance music. Term A Iovr As $1.00 Ter Week. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company 1311-13 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. I OMAHANS BACK TO BUSINESS AGAIN Ak-Sar-Ben Over and Local People Are Concerned Over Winter Preparations. Dresher Bros. Help Many Who Had Garments Soaked In Last Week's Rain. All that now remains nf the L114 Ak- Sar-Ben festivities Is a pleasant memory; a new king and queen; a desolata look ing cnrnlval grounds, and block upon blocks of streets littered with confetti. It's a cose of. "The King Is dead, long . llv the king" This yt-ar's Ak-Sar-Ben Is over with, but next year'a U already in me maKing. Well, n-jw that it's a thing1 of the paat, . why not get down to bran tacks and have your winter clothes cleaned? Why not have Dresher Brothers work a mir acle over your garments at their $67,OW plant at 41-2213 Karnam St.? Why not have Lreehers take your last season a ' neavy garments ana rc-myie mem; aye them; repair them, alter them, re-Una them, clean and press them? Why not have Preshers put a new shape to your laat season' hat? Why not have Iileshcr Bros, go over your furs and make them soft, fluffy, clean and nicely wearable? And oh, yes the garments that you had soaked during the rains of the fast week? Have you hod a cleaner put them ' In shape yet? Remember, the longer you leave a rain-soaked garment lay around, the worse 11 is tor trie garment. Mildew set In, uncreased and baggy places aro harder to remove; spots seem to set harder. Better get all of your Ak-Sar-Bcn clothes In shape for the next affair, now that the festivities are over; better get your last winters duds renovated at a fraction of the cost of new ones, now that you are down to hard, plain, everyday life again. Remember a phone call to Tyler SIS takes all the care off your mind, or, If you wish, leave your work at Dresher, the Tailors, at 1515 Farnam St., or at the Dresher Dept. of the Brandel Stores. Dreshes Bros, pay express or Parcel Post one way where the work amounts to W or over. Oct your winter clothes cleaned NOW. For Grip, Influenza, Coughs, Sore Throat COLDS . c- "As a child my mother always b,ad Humphreys' medicine case at hand to minister to our Ills. Now that I have a boy of my own I feel the same need today I bought 'IT for a Cold, etc." writes a Bostonlan. To break up a Cold take "Seventy-' seven" at the first sneeze or shiver. If you wait till your bones begin to ache, till the Cold becomes Bet tied and hangs on, it may take longer. Two sizes. 25c and $1.00, at all druggist or mailed. Tomphrey's Homeo. Medicine Co., 15$ William Street. New York. Advertiae- ' ment. DENTISTRY Our painless eztractt on and filling Is the talk of the town. Our satisfied patients are spre a d 1 a g the Glad Kenrg. Crown and bridge teeth as low as jrtfc Basal , Stn Tears a deutlst. 20-ycar guarantee?. v BAILEY IM? DENTIST 706 City Nat l Bank Sky Scraper. 1 "if FLITTON Doug La i0. . ABOUT roua EYES