2-B Till: OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: OCTOBKU 11, 1914. VISITORS AREENTERTAINED Iany Informal Affairs for Those "Wlo Came for the Ball. GOLF TOUHNXY IS POSTTONXD Mlaa Margaret MrShaa la Wlaarr la Conteat, aa Che Wat Flrat A tinea lUaht lmf nf Qneea. Mortal 4alealr. SIMUT-Mr. and Mr W. Rlghter W ood. upter party for tmlt h-Dale ved--Itng rrty. (iNDAY-Mia Halcyon Cotton, Ira for Ml Hsvens and Mi Norn. Mimpi H-atrl'- and Irene '"oad. Orpheum thea ter party for Ml Heien HigMe of t'hl a:o and Mlii t'lara llaydf-n of Waah Imttnn. L). C .Viae Marjnri Hnwland. Orpheum theater party. followed hy atip per at the lletihaw. fr Smlth-lXile wedding party. Hne tall gum for ben rftt of Sister of Merry. 1V SI.Y Mr. and Mr John F. Pate, dinner t l'nverlty rlub for Bmith- Ihile wfitiiina party. nnu- dlng rrhearaal. Mr. Kol.ert Stoddard entertain am ", "... A. McShane. brMBc party for Mn. Hig Me and Ml lligbte. VEDNhUSUA Y-Smlth-Pl wedding at Itanncom Frk Methodist rhurrh. Mr. Harton Millard. reception for ltev. leather Holnapple of Mt. llarnabs TIU '-'rsDAT ! Illgnlo dsnclng party. Turpin academy. Mr. Charle .. M lony hnateaa for Kensington rhib or Veta rhaptor. Order of the r.atrn Star. Kt-A-VIrp dancing party. Cham ber' academy. , 1 KIIAY- atti rluh dnrlng Parll. J rhamh-rs' academy. Women golfrrs at Manama. Visitor who arrived lat week for the coronation ball will remain this week, anl matiy social affalra will be. given In their honor. Mla Halcyon Cotton will entertain In formally at a tea on Monday at her horn fnf hor im"t. Mia Haven of Cincinnati and for Ml Norrl of Ottumwa. la. Mla fntton also rntertnlned Saturday after noon at a tea for her uat. Mia Ctar Ilsyden of Washington, I. C, lias' arrived to vilt Mlaa Ophelia llayden. Monday evening the Mlaaes Irene and lwtrlce Coad will entertain at an Informal Orpheum par' fr Mia Helen Hlgble of Chicago, g'iet of Mr. K. V. Klnsler. and for Mli Clara Havdrn. Vollowlng th theater, supper will be nerved at the home of the Mlaae Coad Several affair ar planned in honor of Mr. HIb-Mb and Mla lllrnle of Chicago, and for Mr. IJridnhsn of Denver. Mr. O. C. Redlrk entertained raturdHV In honor of Ml Badlcr of England, guest of Mr, fc. N. Pletl. Mr. Hlgble and Ml Hlgble. of Chicago will ha lienor guests on Tueaday at an Informal bridgt given by' Mri. John A. McShane. Popular Innovation. Each season on find attractive In novation In the form of fad and gown. Th flrat exprlon of th newer fanclea la usually ahown at th Alt-Sar-Ben ball. Th moat popular novelty thla year at the ball wa th 'arm" bouquet. For merly an arm bouquet meant an armful of long-stemmed flower, or hug bou quet of blossom. Th new "arm" bou .iuet la made a little amalter than the corsage affair of the last few seasons, and la t!4 on the left arm Juat below .he shoulder. Th orchid lend leeelf perhaps th beat of any of th flower for th new fad. It la more dainty and more graceful than any other bloaom. Among those wearing the orchid on the left arm were Mrs. Lout C. Nah. Mr... Glenn C.Wharton. Mr. C. Y. Smith, Mr. Charlea T. BUwart of Coun cil . Jiluff and th M1bm Maml and ilortena 8plebergr. There were a number of arm bouquet of rosebud and llllea of , the' lley, and on or two of violet, which wr also effective, Th new way of wearing orchid serve well in several way. This blossom ta so fragile that when worn a a ooraag bouquet It rarely survive th flrat dance without being broken or crushed, but when worn on th arm It remain beau tifully fresh throughout th evening. Mia Mclienry of Dsnlson, la., carried a beautiful bouquet of orchid with a lac frill. Mrs. Henry T. Clark of TJncoia, a former queen of Aa-Savr-Ben,' wor with her costume of pink a larg Preach pink rose on her left, arm. Hiii McShtne Wini Bee Contest Miss Margaret McShan la th winner of The Be contest when th reader of The Bee were requested to send In the nam of the young woman whom they thought would be queen. ' ' According .to the rule of the contest, the queen's' family, the. board of gov. ernors and their families, and also th queen's modiste, were barred from guess lng. Th first correct Vote wa reoelved from Miss Dorothy Judaon, but she with drew, as her father I a member of th board of governors, although he 'Is. not on the committee which chose the queen. Mia MoShsn' wa th second reoelved for Mts Hochstetler, and Mrs. C. K. Weller th third. ' The second vote in wa for Mis Louts Dinning, and other who reoelved a larg i number of vote wer Mis Harriet Smith and Miss Mary Burkley. Others 1 receiving votes were Marlon Kuhn, Miss Lurllle Bacon, Miss Eugenie Whltmor and Mis Helen Murphy. Omaha Club Luncheon. Mrs. M. C. Peters gav a luncheon , Thursday at the Omaha club for Mrs and Miss Hlgble at which th other guests wer Mrs. A. V. Klnaler, Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Mra. A. J. Love, lira v V. II. Oalnea, Mra 8. S. Carlisle, Mra Harold Prltchett. Mra Jack Wehater Miss Burkley, Miss Thummel, Mis Munch- Dorr, Mlaa Pickens. Miss Peters and Mis Daphne Peter. Orpheum Party. Mis Ulliaa Peterson entertained at aa Orpheum party Thursday afternoon ta nonor 01 Mies Opal Adklns of Portland. we. xnose present were: Misses Mia Opel Adkins, j , IJltia Tobias, Nina Bta-rr Liu Uljen.tjfpe, Mrs. A. P. Braun. Informal Tei. Miss Halcyon Cotton entertalnarf tnfnt maJly at tea Saturday la honor . of her guests, alls Clara Haven of Cincinnati and Mis Weltha Norrl of Ottumn. T. The room wer decorated In autuma leave and large bunches of chrysanth muna. Tea wa served bv tha litti, MUse Mary Louis Olfford and Lauiu Clarke. Mis Dorothy Black and Miss Ann Glfford assisted throush the mnma Mis Cotton will entertain Informally gal a Monday for the ium guest. Wedding- Oueits. ' Mr. Sidney . Smith arrived Thuradaw from Hartford, Conn., for hla marriage Me,t Wednesday to Mia Dorothy Dale. He a as accompanied by Mr. Kenneth Manalield ol Brookline. Mass., -Mho la to te on of the usher at th wedding. Mr. Wedded Quietly " ' ( -: 1 "V f .. . -.. . rj X IV & : ' ; : 1 . ... lJ1t -. XX X t- I -v .1 w MRS. REAINE TfllTJO, Nee Irene Karrell. Marlborough ftmlth of Boaton, brother of the groom, and hla narenta Mr mr,A Ur Illlam II. Hmlth. of Hartford, will ar .e Sunday. ournament Poitponed. ' Th Woman's Golf tournament, which was to hav been held at the Country club, ha been postponed until next season. o Honor Viiiton. Mis Zlta Muldoon . entertained about twenty-Ov' guest Friday evening In honor of Mis Jessie and Mlas Addle Schulta of Gloux City, who are her guests. Th vning was spent in cards and dano- ' 1 ,-, ,J ... , Ak-Sar-Ben Viiitort. Mia Ellen Mllllman of Loian. Ia.. la th guest of Mis Alice Swltsler. Mr. and Mr. J. F. Sullivan of Sioux City ar spending a few days as th gueu of Mis Nan Murphy. YouBj-Famll Wedding. to weaaing ol Mis Irene Farrell, aughter of Mra A. C. P. Farrell. and Mr. Blaln Toun took nlace Thursday venlng at th horn of Dr. and Mrs. W. n. waiaer, a7 Harney street. The mar riage line wer read by Rev. Father D. jiarnngton or St. Cecelia's rro- cathedral. Th bride wa gowned In whit tin with long tulle veil and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the vllv. ,Ur Howard rarrell, brother of th bride," gav ner away, and the groom wa at. tended hy Dr. Walker. After a ahnrt eastern wedding trip, Mr. and Mra Young will b at home to their friend at Twen ty-ninth and Harney streets, where they hav taken aa apartmanl Wedding1 Announcement Th wedding of Mr. W. J. McCaffrey and Mia Lisa Llljenatolpe. daughter of Mr. and Mra. K. LlUenstolp, will talc plac In th near future. On account of th Illness of th bride' mother th wedding will be very quiet. They will tak an eastern trip and will be at horn at th St, Clare apartment after No vember U, For Bridal Party. Mr. Alexander Looml entertained at dinner last evening at his horn for the 8mlthDal wedding party. Th guests were: Misses Mia Marina Dale. Dorothy Dale, Mesars. Sidney Hmlth, Hartford, Conn.; Marjorle Howland, Helen FJpeneter, Meeara Kenneth Mansfield, Hrookllne. Mm.; Aleasnuer Iooinla. Albert Uuach. Mr. and Mra W. brighter Wood. Will Wed on Friday. Mlaa Violet Nielsen will be married on Friday, October M, at her home to Mr. Karl C. Sorenson. t Poitponement of Wedding. The dat of th wedding of Miss Mtldred Roger and Mr. Lak Deuel has been postponed. Miscellaneous Shower, Mis Esther Dennlson entertained at a miscellaneous shower Friday afternoon for Miss Kmella Jensen, aa October bride. The guest were: Misses Misses Merlle Jensea. Mabk Larsen, Eleanor Arnston, hadie Iarwn, Lillian Calleruplius, Uernice banksoa. ek)Dbie W hltser, riner t'enniaon. Helen Busby, Dorsa Mouse, OHv lirowa. Mesdames L. P. Jensen. L. Basmussro. A. Fink. W. Fodgeratedt William Buaby, Amanda Hansen, Mabie Iennisoa, Rose Sinke. MeMdaniee J. Harold. J. Mack. 1'. Anderson. Q. Peterson, A. Tslleruphua Bridge Luncheon. Mr. O. IL Hennlng entertained at bridge luncheon Tuesday. The house was beautifully decorated with palms, cut flower and aa abuadanc of autumn foliage, which wa banked In every avail able portion of th house. The out-of-town guests were: Mesdame Campbell, Port Huron. Mich.; La Rocca. Bt. Paul. Winn.; Rogers, Uttle Rock. Ark.; Brtson, Muskogee, Okl; Kelly, ' Davenport, la; Last Thursday Tsylor, Ban Antonio, Tci. Those present were: Meartame Mdames Do.ldcr, If, Howell, llerke, Dvbhro, Hippie, Krnwn, Pardun, Kimball, Bt. Clair, Kuran. J alter, Clarke, G. Howell, Smwick, Kowo. Mlaae Mlaae Dora Alexander, Lizzie, Donney. Engagements Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Verbln of Fremont, Neb., announce the engage ment of their daughter, Bess, aand Mr. Samuel Rose, formerly of Bt Joseph, but now of Omaha. No date ha been aet for the wedding. Mr. and Mra. Louis Kneeter announce th engagement of thePr daughter, Fannie, and Mr. Harry Rosltxky, formerly of St Joseph, but now of Omaha, No dat ha been set for the wedding. - Birthday Party. 1 Th Mlaae Rose and Essie Qurt enter tained Thursday evening at their home In celebration of their birthday. Their guests were: Mtsaes Mlaae Ada ltayner, Tna Whitefleld. Nellie Kothols, Margaret Whitefleld, Mary Holtsman, Emma Hardy, Margaret chuppllo, Emma Kummuner. Mary Mel la. Rose Ouets, Carrie Mortsen, rule Gueti, Carrie Mulher. Tlesele Crats, . Mah'e' Hrnim, " Ren Crats. Anna Iluckua, Card Party. ' Mra. William Drake entertained at her home Friday afternoon at ' cards, when the prises were won by Mesdames J A. Kelly. A. Weatntsn, Frank Sheets, J. M Crombey. The guests were: Mesdamee Mesdames K. Htraaser, Eleanor Htraaser, A. Westman, William Drake, H. Ylke, W. J. JSchluter, J. A. Kelly, 'James Crombey, T Breen, F. Sheets. E. S. W. Whiit Club. Mrs. Lawrence McKensle entertained th N. E. 8. W. Whist club at her home Thursday afternoon. Th prises were won by Mrs. W. J. Humpert and Mrs. Frank r'rarye Mra VV. J. Humpert will be th next hoateaa Those present were: Mesdames Howell Dupln, Will Dunaton, B. Rrewlngton, H. GiHdwin. L. MvKenxte, rt. O. Nount. Mesdames , O Ma well. W. Roben, M. Small. B. Ruckro, B. Frary. W. J. llumpert. Mrs. O, C Redlck was hostess Satur day afternoon at a "bridge luncheon fn honor of Mis Sadler, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. C N. Delta The guests wer' Mesdamo C. N. lHjIts, Hudson. W. V. Hosford. George Prlns, Rsrtun Millard, Arthur Keellne, Charlea Kountse, Thomas Davis. Frederick lke, ' George Redlck, Mesdames v Frederick Htgble of Chicago, A. V. Klnaler. Hen Cotton, Samuel Caldwell, Harry Doorly, Pauline Eldrlge. Joseph Rakr. . . tiwartslander, John liedtck. Entertain for Clubi. Mr. and Mra Clinton Hamilton enter tained the member of th Coronado and Cacti club at their home Frdday even ing. Eight couple wer present. For the Future. , Mr. Robert Stoddard will entertain the 114 Card club at her home, 004 Mare dlth avenue, Tuesday afternoon. Plenum Pait. Members of the N. O. club wer enter thlned at the home of Ml Eleanor ftss- ser Friday evening. The club presented th hostess with a hsnd-paloted plate. The next meeting of th club will be Monday evening with Miss Dianeea. ' Mr. and Mra Herbert Keenan enter tained at dinner Friday evening for Mrs. Robert Ixiwry of East St Louis. Their other guests were Mr. and Mr. Oeorg T. Murray. Mlas Margaret Bsge entertained at dliv ner on Thursday evening at her home for Mis Vivian PHspatrtck of Murray, Neb. Thoae pre a lit were: M lanes- Misses Vivian Kltspatrick. Margaret Sage, Mildri-d Mhruui. MraKra Meaa ra ises Hobsun. Arnold Kltspatrick, J'" Mi'Nichols. Cburies tsige, Mra W. ra. Mas L4wiA iL Loichart, who has re ned at luncheon at tho I'nminrr lal l'ib Friday In honor of her n-cvera! out town gneat. Covers were l.ild for: Meedarie Meedame JI..rrte of Stella, lloraee J. ll'Ume Neh ; R. W. I 'cwey. Irfo I'll kin of Mem- Jann Hone. phln. .Mv,' Frank I'ranl, Wli:iHin aia'im'of ' C. E. Tefrell. Irln, Oermany; After Iuti'Tie.n tho'r'y attended Orpheum. on of- , the I Pap;alco Dancing Tarty. t The rnKiileo clnh held a dnncln; party T'iui!y evenlno at .Metropo'ltan hall. Thor pre-nt ln luded: MIM Ml .lane Shffer, M"r" Janlaaon of Koho Itlxon. 'Philadelphia, I'a. ; lren Haker. li, . Aiitony, Agntha OnwaM, Allie )'ardn, cialie M. Henna, Uie Farher, Tloe fow. Jinn M'T'ermotl. Ora e Mall, lllti Halverrn of Ethel lron. le Momea, la.; nevleve Callahan. BeHlil"e Tnoma. Ilanna Tate, Aiifclle (Jranner, JunH, Iiibel Norton. Alma Ilroderdorp, 1 a'lllne Hammond, MarEnret Cawy, Salome KoKer of .MarKnrette Nolan, Denver, Colo.; Jertrude Wilaon, Eva Jone, .loaephlne Kane. Contance Cooper Of Clara, troderdorp, l'ortland. pre.; (I. Jaine, - Mabel C unningham, Clara Dwarlk. lule Eambert, charlotte I .one, Viola Keaaler. TIIIU Petersen, Martha icockwe!!. WHhelmlna Karah HchilliuK, Hramlr Inos Scott Huth Marvin, rtelia Park. Ann t.'arell. l.ticv Norton, Messrs.- K. V. Kelly. .1. II Jaxke. Elmer Pulton, T. M. Carllale. J. A. Swanaun, V. V. Heleroe. Paul II. McCrono Frank Cilcnger, H. ft. t.ron. E. J. Colherjc, I. eo Callahan, It. 1,. DeVoe. 1'anl Moore. D. Munrt Hall. F. li. Mllots, J. A. I'ervv, Will tuart, Mark M-Mahon, Blanche Herbert, Josephine Kimball, Ron Howland, EIbIo Klrkwood. Mesrs. ft. A. pearaon. R. H. Morrison, John McKerort. H. K HaJverson of De Mulne, la.; William Granger, Iawrence Cornell, Ionard tiould, Albert Cunning ham, Martin Elndlev, Heynold Kimball. Donald V. Hogera of Denver, Colo.; Jenae I.ew-1, Howard I.. Kcaaler, Guy R Iawton, Dennl I'help, I. O. IP lnrv, 'yrll Stratford, George Kauffman, I. T. Janlaaon of Edward Rellly, Phllndelphla. Pa.; George O. Hiiro Mallory, J. E. Moore. Edmund McLough Wll field Bhrum, lln. P. Couxhln, H. W. Stevenson, J. Glllcple, O. A. Sheffield of H. T. Petoren, Chicago, III.; O. D. Pike. John EL Jones, Jr. Mrs. Q. F. Robinson of Casper, Wyo. Columbui Day Ball Game. . For the benefit of the Slaters of Mercy golden Jubilee fund there will be a base ball game at Rourke park Monday aft ernoon at I o'clock. The patronesses are: Mesdames Mesdames P. J. Naughtln, Dr. F. J. fiohleler, J. A. McShane. A. P. McConnell, -W. J. McCrann, P. T. MeOrath, J. M. McGowan, T F. Maloney, F. J. McMhane. Charles K ley la. John Miilvlhlll, C. A. Melcher C W. Hamilton. T. J. Nolan. Frank Hamilton, Fred Hamilton, H. V. Burkley. George Brandels. T. C. Bvrne, T. Dwyer, Ren Gallaeher, Charle Garney, I A. Hoffmann, J. J. Hanlghen, J. C. Kins! Her, of -South Omaha, A. V. Klnaler. George Parka J. W. Martin. of .-outh Omaha, T. J. O'Nell. 1 H. Johnson, F. J. McArdle, M. Shirley, T. F. Quinlan, B. H. Poat. John Rush, . B. F. fllley. John A. Schall, Louis A. Slmone, L J. Traynor, E. W. Norrla C J. Smyth, Misses Arabella Klnmball. Nettie Bushman, Mary Gibson, Alios McShane, Margaret Swift, Mary Cotter. Paul I. Martin. M. R. Murphy. Owen McCaffrey, T. J. Mahoney, Thomaa Redmond, w. c. McKnlxtit. 11. G. Krans, R W. Naah. D. J. O'Brien, T. r. Quinlan, Dan Riley, lawon, Men.: John Rush, Silases Boler, Lillian Riley, Marie Riley, (mhella Hayden, Mary Riley, Elisabeth McArdle, Mary Munchhoff, Cacti Club Dancing Party. Th Cacti club will give a dancing party Friday evening at Chambers' academy. The' committee In charge In cludes Messrs. Jack Suchart. Clinton Hamilton, William Nelson, Lloyd To land, George Suchart and Wayne Moore. Arrangement hav been made to hold all dancing parties of th Coronado aqd Cacti clubs' at Cham bar' academy. Creig-hton Dancei. Th Crelghton Medical Dancing club will open its fifteenth season of dancing Turtles .Tuesday evening at Chambers' academy. Although th club ha had great success In it social affairs during its long career, the present committee In charge la bending every effort to make this season the premier one In It history. Et-A-Virp Dancing Party. The Et-A-Virp club will give a dancing party Thursday evening. Frogreiiive Party. Ml,s Martha Wallace, whose wedding occur next week, was honor guest at a progressiva party at the home of Miss Elisabeth Anderson and Mis Anna Watt on Thursday evening. Those present wer: Mesdame Mesdame- Earl Lloyd. Roy Olllespi. Frank Anderson, Mia Misses Martha Wallace, Margaret Anderson, Beulah Whltte- Janet Henderson, more. Ruth Cow sill. Bertha Heywood, Freda Cay ley, Ora Russell, Oiiie Richey, Marlon Fay, Anna Rasmuasen, Elisabeth Charlton, Janet Carnaby, Ina Sackett, Elisabeth Anderson. Margaret Mulr. Anna Watt J ea nelte Mulr, Janet Anderson. Club Entertained. Mis Eileen Edward entertained th Luprrcalta club Frlda yevenlng with guessing game and music. Th truest were: Misses Misses Katherlne White, Jeannette Jajrer, Teeaa Bamett, Margaret Walker, Madeline Kenny, Margaret Reynolds, Mary Dugdale, France Tuttler. Mary Ryan. Farewell Party. Mis Anna Shanahan gave a farewell Blanche Goronson TEACHER OF SIIIGIIIG Public School Music and Hlght Hlngtng Taught. Studio, 3338 Harney Street Telephone Harwy 2687. Beautify the Complexion I v. M 1W DAT . Nadinola CREAM Th UiMsjutltg BcaikUkr ITSgO AND (HOOaSSO T TMOUSANO Goarantctxl to tan, freckle, pimple, lirer tpou, tc Extreme case about twenty dart. Rid pore and tissue ol humilities, leave th skin clear, soft, healthy. Two Ues, 50c. and $1.00. By toilet Counters or mail. flATIONJU, TOJLtT COH f A NT. Star T Sold by 8hraiaa a Mcv'oaull Drug Mora. ba. tua i)nt Cu.. uaa4is Drug Dept. sail lhrm. cently rrt irned from E'irope, entertnl NEW HEAD OF THE COLLEGE WOMEN SCLUB. ' r f4 unnrtiT nivrr President of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. dinner party at her home In honor of Mrs. William Dolan, who left Thursday for Plttsbureji, Pa., to make her new home. Covers were Jald for: Mlsae Misses Anna Hhanahan. Catherine Shanahan. Anna McDermott. May Darling. (Bertha OeN-Ii. Margaret Clinton. Frances Shunahan Ethel Johnson, Loretta Hhanahan. Mr. and Mra. M. P. Hhanahan. Mr. and Mr. G. Dtinovan. Mrs. William Dolan. Mrs. A. Reynolds. Masters Masters D. Hhanahan, T. Shanahan. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. W. Farnam Smith returned Thurs day from two week In the east. ' Mr. and Mra Joseph Baldrige hav re turned from the east, where they pent the summer. Mrs. Walter McCormlck Is at Clarkaon hospital, where she U recovering from n operation on her throat Mrs. Olive Watson of Lincoln came up Thursday to be. the guest of Mr. ami Mr. Gould Diets for th ball. Mrs. Joseph Suttley has returned from a three months' trip to the coast, having visited In Seattle, Portland and San Fran cisco. Mrs. E. E. Wright and her mother, Mra. Herman Dels, returned last week from California, where they have spent the summer. Mr. and Mr. Henry Whltmor and daughter, Mlas Eugenia Whltmore, who are . In he east, are at present In New Tork City. Mis Tassle Rosenblatt, who has been the guest of Mrs. Max Orkln for th last few week, leavea today for her home In Baltimore, Mr. and Mr. Landauer are entertaining their mother, Mrs. Landauer, and aunt. Miss Kahn, of Lincoln, IIL They ar rived Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Talbot and family at . Rockland, Me., and motored with them to Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Mclienry and Mis Mc Henry of Denlson, la., came over for the ball, at 'which they were tho guest of Mr. J. E.v George. Mrs. George V. Ay re of Deadwood, 8. D., arrived Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mra C. B. Coom, at their home in the Angelua apartment. After a twenty months' stay In southern California, most of which ha been spent In Los Angela and Long Beach, Mr. and Mr. Arthur C. Chase hav returned home. Dr. and Mra J. M. Kersey of Parsons, Kan., are visiting In Omaha at th home of their daughter, Mra A. E. Haner, In the Virginia apartment. Dr. Kersey wa A SALE MONDAY TRIMMED HA Taken Erm Ouir Eegnn lar Lfimeo at $6.00, 7B0, $8.78 and $10.00 at $900 TO BE candid with yon the Trarm weather of the past few weeka has left us with too many trimmed hats in stock, therefore this sacrifice. There are scores of beautiful creations from which to. choose no two alike hats that are distinctive and individual in point of sty la A model to suit every fane p. som4 rioe. B urgess-Nash Company ""everybody's store fi'rmerly paator of the Flrat Chriatlan chureh of thla city. Mr. J,aeph llana'.l ' of Carlisle. Pa., arrived Tuesday to arn I the winter with 'her mn, Mr. O. E. lliveratlik. and Mr, j Ilavf-ratlrk. -Mr. Robert Conlon. also of Carlisle, wa the nert of Hr. and Mr. Haverstlek lat week. ' Mr. D. V. Rarkalow of Denver and ner son, Mr. Robert Barkalow, arrived '.Monday to visit Mr. and Mr. S. D. i Ilnrkaluw. Mr. Robert Rarkalow re ! turned Thursday to Denver, but his ' mother romstns until next week. ! Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Miller left yes ; terday f.ir the Pacific coast, expecting to be gone about three we.-ke. They will go 1 by way or Salt Lake City and Denver, ! taking the southern rovte to I.c Angeles 1 and up the coast to Ban Francisco. Mlaa Mary Denman of Dc Moines ar rived Wednesday, to be the Ruest of Mr. and Mrs. .Mxslilor Colpetier this week. Mr. Milton Denman, her brother, came over Thtirdny nnd Mr. Fred Hub! ell. ulso of l)ea Moines, csme Friday for the ; Ak-Ssr-Ben ball, and are guosts at the home of Mr. and Mr. R. J. Dinning j Penonal Mention. ( Mr. nd Mr. Charles L. Blakeley.are on their ranch in Cherry county. ! Mra. Frank D. Bryant and small daughter of San Francico, who have ! bten gnets of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Bry I ant have rettirned home after a summer spent In New York and Omaha. They were accompanied bv Miss Marjorle Piryant, who will spend a year with her brother Frank and Cullen, and attend school there. High School Girls on the Tennis Courts The preliminary round of the Central High school girls' tennis tournament has been played off with the following re sults: Marie Bloom bent Ruth Leeder, -3. 7-4. Anna Porter beat Helen Hale, W. O. Ruth Swenson beat Francis Wilson, -1. -2 Francis Watt beat Loin Hoel. 1-fi, 6-2. Lillian Anderson beat Haxel Turner, 8-0, -0. Dorothy Darlow beat Gladys Wilson, ft-1, 6-0. Pauline Crane beat Quito Eddy, 8-4, 4-8, 8-1. Luclle Hool beat Catherine Gross, 6-0, 8-2. , Mildred Hoag beat Marie Lacy, 5-7. 7- 6, 7-. Annabelle Douglass beat Helen Ellis, 8-0, 8-1. Doris Berry beat Madeline Owens, 6-0, Helen Robinson beat Lilly Robinson, 6-4. 8-0. Jessie Drogo beat Vivian Hartman. VV. O. Ruby Swenson beat Mary Doud, 8-1, 6-0. Kateherine North beat Rosalie Smith, 8-0. t-2. Marie Harrow beat Mary Hamilton, 6-n, C-l. Leo na Harms beat Margaret Mathews. Sylvia Brandes beat Alice Andersen, w . o. The first round will be played off during the next week If the weather perimts. Electric, Brand, Bitter help dyspepsia, aids digestion. In creases appetite, keeps liver and kidneys healthy. Buy a bottle today. Mc and tl. All druggist. Advertisement. bt i Vi' i;pm formation bftM vM VMfrom the imn. &i balance , t. .1 I 1 '. , .,, , .. , - . w uti ana manicunno'-matze An. Sj$$jp nnintmentx Av 'nnnn fk 1 1 KN C11 on u for 1 I Oriental Gifts We ar now hovr lar a eemplste and exclusive Une of OB.ITJ1TTAI1 GOODS. Incense, Japanese Oardeas, Ohlaea Antiqnes, Jewel Boxes, Indian Enam els. Damascus Brsss. Delft Ware Mexican riltgTce, Chinese, Japanese sod rrsnch Vsses. A nsw shipment of antlqne Egyptian Beads and Tea Brtggl Pottery Just received. Al.lX SHOP ni iiii nr n ur wiA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, Teachers of Singing. Residence Studio 209 So. 35th Ave. Phone Harney 2027 IYSINXLES 60 OR HO PAY Wa will em, it, any Udr ON TRIAL a tY,, t Z" .," . 'V A ' WONDJ sackaa. WONDER wrln- irar with the undarstandlftc that If It ion not remov vrlaklaa YOU DON'T I' AT. The greatnt kooa to woman Uiat was ever dlaeorereA. In leas thaa bait an boar after you apply It to the face or hand. th. wrlnkl.. hv l.rt aa if br Masto. No paliona, No Cream. No appliance, but an abaolutaW wonderful as barm leai di.coT.rr that will aatonlan rou. It mak.a tha old look young and the roans, look aweMer. Try It Juat bafor (inf to a party or ball and aee what a wonderful transformation It will mak. To Introduna It wa maka th aatonlnh in offer of allowing you to pay ua attar you ar aatlffLd. On parkas Is enough. 11. tha price, ir you ar aulted and plaaaed. Tha offer ta open for a limited number of packagoa, so hurry your onler todav. To avoid tte exponas f Bonding te thorn who are Idla euiioatfy oaakers wa ask you to encloaa 2o t ahnw good faith and pay coat of mailing. June BrldB Co. "B,ur Denver, Colo. All Hair Goods Reduced 25 Come to our Hair Goods Section Mon day and pick out anv Switch or Ti-nna. you desire, deduct 25 per cent marked price and pay the Hair Dressinsr. Shamnaaintr mm m a