TlfK OMAHA SCXDAY KKK: Q TOHKR 11. 1014. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA 'HERERsAfc CA0NFER' Helpful Suggestions for the New Home 12-A ' i' Central Labor Union Opposes Ne Workmen' Compensation Act. SAYS IT IS NOT GOOD MEASURE tTWIaratlon Mnilr In Reelntlnn Hint It liars Hlahls nf Icllon at Law that Present tiittr tilTI. Joining th- Omntij ." tilt :il l-abnr utumi In its protest against the nu turn f Hi" Workmen 's compensation Mil Into a lew Ihe Unuth Omaha Central Labor union In n strong set of rndnrsi nwnts s s that the present ronipi neallon bill 1" contrary to the true principles if n compcnsiitlori law The resolutions l a.." J "t their In l.ieetlns !y ttmt tin- row law will d. ny trial by jury to Injure! workmen und Unit It limits icenwry to exactly one-tenth of the imount now to he recovered ninl-r the general law. Tbr refoiut Ions rail tion tli'- members of nrgMM.'.cd Inhnr to work against the proposed law. Mla Dormai Has I rami. Mis Maijorla lHrmi. .intl-suf f rate worker, lia.l the largest audience of the season at the I'nlon Stock y.uds yester day noon while bIk toll her beams rea sons for opiioalng the vote for women campaign. The speaker u u. u lavonte and vii given much applimpe. Moil f the men in tlie Mock yanlit are not exactly suffrage workua hut In the. face of tha bombardment given them by the suffragettes they have shown little Inter est on) way or the other. Mix Iorninn took the position that If the suffragettes wer. looking for the social betterment ' ' ' v-V. jA f i '.'"'11 ' I -. e ?.-"':. .f I MAKING THE CITY BEAUTIFUL j Type of New Modern 0 inaha Homes Owners of Binneyhurst Have Plans for Improving Their Addition. AWAY FROM THE SET STYLES , II n Itmr- ".me I mil 1,1 nnl 1 1 nl o to lie terlrl In i I'l'm l!oa nf True- ! Ticknor Editor of i High School Register inenlM. It:il " , h n,nrr.-ri tht :i o in. veloplr.K '.f mi.i.II Irurtu ,,f iltlii ml t ri in : tll .ltV IllliitM Kuv. trrn r.nni.rliinlll..a . ...w i-. i . ii i- i.i i iinnnfl m LTOWiril ncc nriil pinuro of Hno to n,p i on pji Its iiihi-lilliintx The p.irt nl.oiit city plimnlni; that, mojit Inti n-eld the mnn rr mo.lcr.'ite mean In tliat which kIv-h him a home In neat H'lrrtmrOliiCM whirr- he ran be eloso to city trHiicportHtlMM f.-i.'llltl-e, rlo to ' hoolii nnil rhiirchcH A lieamlful lit y of hmiea not me In which Ioiik ruwn or hiniipa are lilU nil nllko an.l inv ileflnlte Idea na to rpi-earnnre mrl iiinliv. Hurh it Man iI'k b not make j eminent grow th or In rreaalntc alun to real entatc. itather It In the rarer ij . v tlmiiK'.it-oiit plan of ren dering aervlep to both tha rlty and home owner bv roiiHtrurtlnK hoimei with aome ) tl ree day. beginning thl. afternoon with r-.. o immnna repreaem. . .. . - . -i la rllf'erent lnftlrHtln of the uril.l und I ri .r - vi. m rk-, lit l . l l, i i . . il p. m mm 3 '13 1 3S JAM KS A. WIIITMMHK. A aerlea of four training ri.nfcrencen for leadVra in ri'llgloua work of all kln1a for men anil boya will be helJ at the Young .Men'a Chrlatlan aneoclatlon for ti.VH I K Till". MANY linrPES IIK('KN1I.V lil'lt.T IN IIINNKYIU UST. Building Operations for Nine Months of working; women and children they would not be looking to equalize thing" -which under tbe preaent ayati-m tloea r much for tha women's aide of leKlfOatlon. It Was Offlrrr (troll. James Fitzgerald of the Commerrlal Sxvlngs and Loan aaaKlatlon excilcd the speed laws lata Thuraday night wtilln I e drove to the polica elation to prevent a highway robbery near hi" home at Twenty-fifth and K street. When he re turned with a machine load of ropiwra bristling with artillery the highwayman firoTed to be John Srott. a policeman on !uty In Highland pnrk. Fitzgerald bought the cigars all around and pledged every one to secrecy but the story leaked out yesterday. It happened that Night Captain Hank Carey had ordered several coppers In plain clothes to stay In the north end dlatrirt during the parade while people were away detailed. He also kept an eye out for Irom home. Boott was. one of the men apeeders. Just as Fitzgerald was about to retire to bed he looked nut of the win dow and saw man from the pnrk spring out Into the road and fliKh a light liefnre speeding auto. The auto went forward Vith a dash and there was the Round of a shot. Then followed the run to tho sta tion. Chief Mitchell, head of the gypidea of this section of the country. Is In town, and the wandering tribes of Romany are lieglnnlng to foregather here with the l omlng of winter. The police are worried over the matter because of the trouble these people cauae every year. Acting Chief Olllln and Captains Zalou dek and Carey have ordered the polica to Veep the camp at Thirtieth and T streets tinder strict surveillance. Caarch Services. Haptiat Church, Twenty-fifth and H, i" iiiiam ix. miii. I'aator Kegular ser vices si 11 and 7:SW. Hev. H. R. t'hapman of Uneoln will proa oh In the morning ana Rev. (leorge Hutherland of orand Island at 7 30. Monday school at young I'eople a aocletv at 1:30. Drown lark Sunday school at :, Illlls- aiaie Muiuay school at 1:30: prayer and lellowslitp meeting Wednesday evening at Christian Church, J. B. Aluer. Pastor Topic lor morning, "Selling Their Hlrth- light. Topic for evening. "The Hero of Tarsus." Monday achoi at .I6, Christian Endeavor at 7. Methodist Biascopal Church. J W. Kirk Patrick, faator lu bll; worship at 11 and 1:40. 1 'reaching by the pastor at the morning service. In the evening Rev. . P. Richardson will occupy the pulpit. fipcelaJ music by large chorus choir. Hun lay school at 9 V Kpworth league meet ing at :. 8t. I.ukes I either an Church, Corner Twenty-fifth and K. Rev. Ir. t. 11. Yer lan, J'astor Hunday school at 9:4ft, morn- a h'g meeting for men In the gymn.islum. Two kimcIhI leaders who have attained prominence throughout thu country will be here to conduct the conferences and make addresses. They are Fred 8. Good man and J. A. Whltmore of New York, secretaries of the rclli:lous work ilrpsrt ment of the association's Internstloiial committee. The conferences will le held all may he admired ami denlied by others so the city planning ldeu Miould he worked out hIoux the line of itn in each house a dlntlnctivi nena and attractlveneMS all its ' own. A recent example of tha succeHsfiil Vorltlnp out of this plnn Is that of Itln nevhurst which wn developed ny the under the direction of the state commit- iwnny investment company. I Bltifi .. , tee nf the aasoiintlnn. and are expressly - "'"i'"" o ne nearly a wnoie Intended to train and perfect all rel'g- loiis workers In churches. Sunday schools and the Young Men's Christian associa tion. "A Rig Fool In a High Place." will bo the subject of Mr. Whltmore's address Scnday at 4 p. m. Special musl lias been arranged. A fellowship luncheon will fol low, after which Mr. cloodman will speak on the subject. "Friendship's Supreme Challenge." All Protestant denominations will unite In the conferences, starting Monday aft ernoon, and various local men will take turns In presiding. Ing worship at 11. fcermon by Rev. J. R. 1 'Ixon of York. First Presbyterian Church. Twenty-third and J Pulpit will be filled in the morning bv Rev. J. (I. Ilatzle of Fremont, Net)., one of the delegates to, the Ilaptlst con vention now In sennlon at Omaha. In the evening Rev. J. I). IUxon of York will de liver the sermon. Services will be at 11 and 7:.K. The Sahhath school will meet nt and the Young People's Hoclely of Christian Kndaavor at :30. Bouth Omaha United Presbyterian, T.,niv.ltiirit And II Mtreets. Curl K Oladftjfter, Pastor Sabbath school at:l a. in. Morning worship at 11 a. in., a communion aervlce. Hev. Mr. Bpeer ef the Central church,' Omaha, will occupy the pulpit. Young People's tyirlatian Vnlon at t.K p. in. Kvenlng wornhlp at 7:80 p. m.; sermon, "The Famine In Sa maria, " Ma arte City Goaalp. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hrdlk-ka announce the birth of a daughter. The chrysanthemum festival of the I'ntterl Presbyterian church will lie held Thursday and Friday evenings, November ID and 20. The women of the new Century club will hold a rummage sale at Twenty-fourth and H streets in the Murphy building, Wednesday, Thursday and r liday. TV can aave vou 2T per cent on your stove. The largest line of stoves in the city to select from. A l-plece set or line w nnila ware irtven nwuv free with every range or kitchen cabinet. You owe ll Ui yourself to Investigate before you buy, Koutsky-Pavllk company. A Pretty Skin Makes a Pretty Face fuuaj-t's Calcium Wafers Clrmnsa the Skin Very (Jiitralr and Make It Ulnar and White. Do you envy the girl with the delicate , tints and the rosy glow of good health on her face'.' Do ou long tor the perfect freshnesa and beauty of her . omplexlon? The means of gulning them are within your reach ih.s verv iniiitiie. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will work this wonderful mlradn of good looks for you within a very few days. No matter how covered with pimples, rash, ecr.ema or any sort of skin eruption your Tiki- innv ie no matter how dull and rllow your skin swears your complexion will bo iansfoimed almost luxtantly Into all thut is lovely and debirable. block It was a comparatively cany mat ter to convert whnt was for years an ugly vacant weed patch Into what Is now a nioet conveniently arranged and pretty residence district of Omaha. Kftch house In this dlntrlct Is a fine five-room bunga low, and while the very best of building methods and material were used, they ure sold at a very moderate cost and ap peal strongly to tho average man. When asked about the development of this piece of ground, one of the officers of the iieany investment company, said: "Our experience with tho unhnlldlnir and improving of Rlnneyhurt Is one of tho most satisfactory pieces of business we have yet undertaken, for It proves to us thut there Is a great field ahead for more of this class of work. "Considering that these hnusns have every convenience and are of high quality throughout, we believe that in selling them at a moderate coet we are actually doing something for men of moderate means as well as our part toward the beautifying of Omaha's residential sections. Our company plana on developing this Idea to still greater extent, for we not only believe that It will give us more val uable property as security behind our In vestments, but we also believe that auch building operations will greatly add to the beauty of the city as well." ll is not ea.-y to extract c. insolation or Joy from the statement of building operation for the month of Septm!sr. The figures look unfavorable. In fact, they are unfavorable. Auguat, the first month of the Kuropean war, made a very cret'talde tdiowing. a shrinkage of only 4 ler cent, as compared with Augnist last year. Hut September reveals a loss of per rent. Tho explanation Is pet laps this: Plans late In July for Augiibt permits hud already progressed so far that stoppage was Ixith unnecessary and undesirable. Put during tho month of August there was not the same undi vided looking ahead to construction work. Instead, there were street corner discussions and arguments. Turning the spot light on the misty future, a some what hazardous guesa would be that building operations may he about due to get their second wind. One considera tion which Is receiving some attention Is that building inHterlal has cheapened In lome directions within recent weeks, Hastings & Heyden to Lay Out Tract North of Florence .ar MA Kaiser's Property in West Canada Not to Be Confiscated LONDON. Oct. 10. Kmperor William ll popularly supposed to have large Invest ments In the timber and mineral lands of Rrltlsh Columbia and It has been rumored In London that the Rrltlsh government was considering the confiscation of the emixror'a property In Canada. It can be stated on the authority of a high official In the foreign office that the government bas no thought of confiscat ing the property of alien enemies located within the confines of tha Rrltlsh empire. Through Alva Von Alvensleben of Van couver, R. C, a number of prominent (lermana are said to have bought large tracts of Rrltisli Columbia lands, partic ularly mineral and timber lunds. The Her man emperor Is supposvl to be heavily In. terested with Mr. Von Alvensleben In western Canadit properties. However, tho Rrltih government has not even made an Investigation of thu titles or the proortles lit question and dis claims any curiosity as to the emieror's reported investments. Clty- Akron I Alliauv Atlanta Kaltlmoro Iliruiingham .. Hoston Hi-idgeport .... llulfulo Cedar Kapids.. Chattanooga .. Chicago Cincinnati ...... Cleveland Columbus Dallas Dayton Insnver Des Moines ... Detroit Duluth Fjist tlrnnge... Kvansvllle . .1 Fort Wayne.... Crand Rapids.. Harrlshftrg ... Hartford Indianapolis .. Kansas City... Dl ncol n Los Angeles .. Louisville Manchester ... Memphis Milwaukee .... Minneapolis ... Newark New Haven ... New Orleans.. N. T. City Manhattan .. Rronx Urooklyn Queens Richmond ... svpt. 1M4. :'v'..IT.-. 170 Ml4 ."t'llHII liU.HI.I :n 4.v" '"fil.OOn Lti.tHKt 77,:7 4.rii',.!ni w:.',.s I.i:rj.7o 4;M.7ir, Ho,:i;! 1.0ii7.l:ti 3S0.M 1.M7. '..'! lhT.S:"" 91.1W4 M.I 4. U'2.50 4'.7.6'.'4 loV4 12I.U10 4)l.i2K lib'i.U'tfi tw.twi;4 jw,;n 77,0(7 132. ll 1,1S.0"4 8M,27f. 211. 60 4.11, I0 ita.m S,47r.M0 1.239.H01 S,622.Z9i 1.27A047 109,121 Sept. Per Cent. I'.'IH Oaln.lxjss. t S.4.-p ... '7 4.!i'.iu..'r;f. soK.i'.'r; 2K.f.iQ i.:r";.:!40 l'l'4.::-:: S21.W") ."iO.IJ'I 7,XiiS,)W s,n.f,-; l,'.'4'.hf,4S 47:t.1!". 4i;n.;ii". H7. !fki Ki.'i,4) I27.7r 2,ir.ti.iYi 473.8W ir,:Mr, Pi. 710 27.aKi 1.673..TrO .,421 t7ri"M fi7, Ici.ftiO 1.74",fit5 2OT.170 im.oifi W74.Gcfl 1.449.WO Hfii.62r, 24S.KS0 18A.769 .S97,1!S fi?1.0!i 2,4ofi.7r0 l.PlS.H'JS 161,339 41 2 54 241 19S ."6 f.2 3.1 40 26 ss 7 100 fiO li n '73 a, 39 16 8 .T7 10 52 54 39 59 14 14 34 27 a'ld that this may serve as a spur to In reased activity. looking the figures squarely in Uie fate, this is the present- j ment: 1 The official reports of building per mits, Issued by seventy-one of the prin cipal cities throughout the country, dur ing September, received by. the Ameri can Contractor, Chiraga. total $44,971, 904, as compared with 165.814,495 for Sep tember, 1913, decrease of 32 rer cent. Rut the losses are not unanimous. There are eighteen cities that show gains. In cluding St. Paul, 209 per rent: Denver, 241 per cent: Des Moines, 19 per cent; Kcranton, 339 percent; Springfield, 111., 1 per cent; Salt lke City, 237 per cent. For the first nine months of the year the showing Is creditable. The total cost of building permits Issued In the seventy-one cities was IneS, 276,753, as compared .with trivl,21K,S92 for the corre sponding ierlod last year, a decrease of only 4 per cent. The statement In detail Is as follows: Jan. 1 to Jan. 1 to Per Cent Oc t 1. 14. Oct. 1, '13. daln.lxiss 4,:'-:l4i x 7.7V."'.'n 4 ,279.ii99 7.25617 9,290,915 lS,.)2U.4;i I. 074,1121 9,SW,1(in 2.17,OU Sn, 120 67,929,977 6,9i',,6S2 1B.54MW& 4.0s7.isl,o-o 4.690.I1H9 2,;ti9.i4 1.4O9.909 23.644.S75 8.525,029 1.495.777 1,442. 54H 1,7kTi,512 3. 415,148 727.04.". 4,039.S4fi 7.54T.745 7,630.090 1.396,355 26,5S3,2;2 3.S9S,M7t 1.259.H6H 3,425.761 10,(i54.5U 9.647,350 II. 907,344 2,900.471 8,812.484 1 F.arlo Ticknor came off t torl.'Hs In 1 campaigning for the position of editor In j chief of t he llluh S Ic ol R-a!ler. The rnce between him and l is two opponents. (lould and Allan, was close up to the time j of the Voting, ai d there whs u good deal of Indecision until tli- result whs nn . tiounced. Ticknor of the to hoi ; Mid he I Hist will be wholely Impartial. Moth (lould and Allan are club men The contest between Robert Odell and Wlliani Campen for the position of busl , iirss manager was close, but odell finally ' won nut. The remaining officers ar.? lleraldlne .Inlinson, assistant editor, who lent Hazel Mr-Mullen and F.lizaheth HM'tf-ch and Russe peters, assistant busi ness manager. Peters was the only one , running for that position. The Register ! will be Issued the last of the month. ! i. i,.. i V VsMfhn a neighbor, seri- ouslv hurt. Me h.1 tlimU-d into an auto mobile on Cass street and t'.ic machine started downhill at Twent y-second rtrect i and at Twentieth turned over, inroinn I the lad out. decision until tip' result whs nn- ffVt ed. ! MSi inor Is e nonclnb man and captain, pfjj I band. He Is the first nonclub man , id the office in n number of year; Gr"Jfc he plans on putting out a Register, one Builders Serves You "KTeryVoly loves pretty face aad a aeUoata asla." face loiiuns und ii-iiii merely allevl au li. irriiut.oa in uie sain lucy are ol no urriuaiieiil vaiuv. caiclum itaiti's go r is ui aii i ibe caueu oi piiu I'ioa the poiauiis tuul l.opuiilita lu Uiu lnuod. They cnase tnem into ins puitia, iliauss Uioul Into ksxh tuul ar easiiy L'luumatsd and tnen stimulate ibe pores Into Uirowlng them oui. 'i here is no waste of time no looting around. Theso lutie wafers asaliniiaiei Into the blood, work night and day unill every impurity Is gulteu lid of and you not only nue a clear cuiupleuon but pure, vlxoruua blood that endows you with new lire and eneigy. Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain noth ing harmful uolhlng lul what lliounanda o( pIDsaiana liaa used and reoonv mended. Its rLlef conatituent. caiiiuin sulphide, la universally recognised as the most powerful of blood purifiers. Surprise our n lends by mneiing them witn a race raoiant witn lovellnsaa In. sieaa or ins aisanreeable, pimplv one they are usvd tu. (jive yourself the su preme happiness that the ronaciouaneaa of good looks and the power of aurao- non win unrig you. Hoy a boa of Btuart's Caldum Wafers tuiay and see bow quickly the pimples will disappear. Thev can be obtained at any drug store at bo rents a box. Thy come In a form convenient to carry and an pleasant to tn taste. A am 1 1 1 sample package will be mulled free bv i sliresstr.g r. A. Btnart Co., 17 Stuart Blum Is to Talk to the Theosophists K. T. Blum. Kansas City, president of the Middle West Federation of Theo- ophlcal Society lodges, will deliver two lectures in Omaha Suturday and Sunday evenings at suite 701 Pee building. The lecture Saturday evening la on the subject of "The Purpose of life." The lecture Sunday evening Is on the subject of "Thought Power and Healing." SEVENTH VICTIM OF . GAS IN WEEK DEAD Francis Drake. 19 years old. perman ently Injured a year ago when run down by an automobile driven by Walter Molse at Ktgbteenth anil Harney street, came to his death early last night, either a suicide or by accident. Drake, who lies at 7io houtli Eighteenth street, was found by his 'mother dead in his room from gas asphyxiation. H was the seventh death by gaa wlth'n the week. A new acreage subdivision north of Florence la being platted. Hastings & Heyden nro subdividing a forty-acre tract lying two and one-half miles north west of Florence, on the Calhoun paved road. Into five-acre summer home tracts. Most of this tract Is covered with sec ond growth hickory, black walnut and other variety of trees. This is part of the Whltted farm, which this firm bought several years ago, that was originally a 120-acre tract. Winding driveways will probably be graded this fall. 'Center View Is to Be Put Upon Market The Ryron Reed company has com pleted Plans for the sale of Center View, an addition to Omaha. This addition Ilea on the southeast slope between Fifty seventh and Sixtieth streets and Pine ..reel and Krna avenue, affordlmr srood drainage to all lots and giving a splendid I view of the surroundings In all directions. l.lnn P. Campbell of the Ryron Reed ' company states that he considers Center I View one of the most attractive and most, desirable additions the company has of-i fered for some years. He looks for rapid J tncrease lu value, as work on the West Center street extension of the West I Ieavenworth car line is being rushed to ! completion and will extend to Flfty-nlnth and Center streets, one block from the addition. BANKERS REALTY COMPANY REPORTS MANY SALES During the last few weeks reports from j real estate dealers all over the city Indl- i rate steadily Increasing activities In the i Omaha real estate market. The Rankers Realty Investment com pany reports the following sales during the last few weeks: N. J. Clarkson house and lot, I4.W0. W. C. Ferrln. business building. $i.S6... Ren I.iistgarten. four houses, i",64i. J. J. Kalln i. house, l ,o. Josiah T. I -Von. house. 11,100 K.. W. Hulm. house, and lot. 1.7W. R. Stockton, house and lot. t:!5o0 C. W. Porter, house and lot. S3 SO. Jesse M. Morain. house and lot. II ftn). L N. Swanson. house and lot, f3.7'. H. S. P.uglestnn. house and lot $1250. A. J. Ferris. Wearne park lot, $s7."i. ('. A. Nessbaum. Wearne park lot. i". IC. Anilrrcon. house and lot. i.1,750. V. W. Hell. Wearne park lot. :ni. J. C Rentro, house and lot, f'i 2'n If. S. tiolttslone, house and hi, S4 7iW. Totals 11,619.179 11,492.241 1 Omaha 312.360 414. 50 ... 26 Paterson 72.7N3 54.215 '84 Peoria 136.7W 142.246 ... 4 Philadelphia .. l.Sll.306 4.S6.I : ... BH Pittsburgh .... Hh0.49 1.434,790 ... 39 Portland .'I09.140 1,621,006 ... 81 Richmond li,T99 122."W1 li .. Rochester S6,nS4 84.3. ZM ... tl Salt Ike City 4M.S60 142.9:47 237 .. San Francisco. K30.0M 2,273,723 ... 63 St. Joseph 20.173 77.130 ... 66 St. Louis 651,49 1.1K0.MM ... 46 St. Paul I.kl 1.936 910.9ns y .. Scranton S18.21S 71.4?0 339 .. Seattle Ufi,b 692. SIR ... 20 Shrevcport .... 53.077 74 573 ... 22 Sioux City S4.O50 Iflo.Off. ... 16 South Rend .. 42.1' ft.02H ... 29 Spokane 42.26.1 679.115 ... 94 SprliiKfid, III. 13"i2 f.!3"J4 166 Svrncuse. 262. .f.f. 1,442.703 ... sJ Taroma K6 R 157. M ... 44 Toledo ariO.S.Vi 672,49 ... 46 Topeko 4"610 116.605 ... 65 Troy 71,104 1.2M 950 ... 94 Wnshlngtnn .. 390.611 740.RK6 ... 47 Wtlkes-Rarre . 84 om 13:t.oft) ... S7 Worcester 562.W 404.619 ... 35 City- Akron 8 Albany ........ Atlanta Knltimore .... lllrmingham .. Hoston Rrldgeport ... Cedar Rapids. Chattanooga . ChlcaMo Cincinnati ... Cleveland .... Columbua .... Dallas Day ton 1 'enver Des Moines .. Iietrolt Duluth Kast Orange.. Kvansvllle ... Fort Wayne.. Orand Rapids. llarrisburg ... TTartford Indianapolis .. Kansas City.. Lincoln I.os Angeles.. Ijoulsville .... Manchester ,. Memphis Milwaukee ... Minneapolis .. Newark iNew Haven... New Orleans.. N. Y. City Manhattan . Rronx Urooklyn ... Queens ....K Richmond .. Totals Omaha Paterson ' Peoria Philadelphia . Pittsburgh ... Portland Richmond .... Rochester .... Salt IJi. City. San Francisco St Joseph St. Louis St. Paul Scranton Seattle Shreveport ... Sioux City ... South Rend .. SVokane Sprlngf d, 111. Svrncusa Tacoma Toledo Topeka Troy Washington .. Wilkes- Rarre.. Worcester 8. 42 35 $ 6.323.470 4,o:is.5Ti 8.011.935 3.327.860 IS 226,4Vi 1,978.8:4 9.i;o, mm ,4M,0 H5h.997 63,760.710 7.;:l.2."i9 21 ,672.915 4.853,260 5,095.472 a.87S.6!4 2.844.5TK) 1.5511,058 84.291,805 2.300.113 1.445.703 1.112.454 2.OR8.360 3.16S.S64 810.200 3,007,956 7,109,272 8.106,360 874.412 14.351,764 3,723,346 1.220.156 2.655.66; 9,:96,840 12.924.940 8,669.565 3.347,702 2,318,59 10 18 14 11 ii 17 19 22 9 3 DANCER AND BALLYHOO MAN ARE MARRIED In true oriental style, with tom-toms heating and flageolets walling a weird music, the marriage nf Paul Tacooblan and Elizabeth Nolden was solemnized yesterday afternoon at the King's High way in the (Jarden of Allah show. The bride Is a hoochle koochlc dancer and the groom Is a ballyhoo man. Rev. A. K. Uhrnsn performed the cere mony, which, despite the rain, was wit nessed by a great crowd. After the wed ding an elaborate wedding supper was served. CHILD CLIMBING INTO AUTO IS THROWN OUT "Mamma, I'm going out walking. I guess I'll take my ctoggle along to keep the girls away," exclaimed 3-year-old Paul Orossman. son of I. Grossman of the Oate City Furniture company, and living at 607 North Seventeenth street. Half an hour later the boy was carried 1st It pays " on your money invested; more over 2n&r, on your share of the surplus, pnyahle Jan. 1st 1 and July 1st. .Trd It divide with you all builders profit. 4th u protects your money: HOW itb- Ry Preferred Share"; Ry Mortgages on new homes the safest secur ity known. By cash in bank. -It will build you a honse and furnish the money required. (Ith It will give you a better home for the money ex pended than a small con tractor can give you. 7th It guarantees satisfaction. For service and economy Home Builders is unequal. Invest your money in Home Builders' shares and when ready to build, see mr Be I W 11 J 111 l J L Tl II'IF 49.827.1731 16,644.206 35,937.227 15,718.290 1.800,333 118.927.786 4.102,733 1,373.198 2.011.381 30.453,965 12.868,866 6. T70.185 2.926.811 7.870,636 2.595.969 24,991. 956 641.W9 10 611.524 12.497.999 1.251,067 10.626.S30 1.0(19.390 1.771.220 1.109.662 849.172 904.320 2.737.856 1,110 935 6,263 623 452.760 7. Vt.6R2 956.643 4.377.106 62.1)42,833 19.235,624 26 .WH 636 13,379,396 1,879.710 124.042,099 8,388 643 1.063. 256 1.743.753 32.57600 10,792 696 11,026.775 3,037.023 7.631.961 1.672.890 16,819.659 ,660,376 12,676.063 7,297,209 950.492 7,9i,4) 1.050.154 1.496.W3 773.664 8.146.660 610.394 4.6i2.168 2. !. 683 4,635,261 735,349 7.57o!io4 1.450 203 3,761,226 So 3 rv 15 T. .. Vi u .. .. 6 19 .. 37 46 10 .. 8 .. 22 . . 7 34 .. .. 27 13 .. .. 80 .. 21 .. 18 3T , , 17 .. 4 j 4 Totals Incomplete. $44,971,904 866.844,495 Totals $558.?76.753 8583,218,893 Incomplete. 21 .. 28 .. 16 .. 6 19 .. .. 48 4 66 .. 49 .. 18 .. 16 71 32 .. S3 6 .. 18 43 .. 78 48 .. 42 48 13 .. 38 "' .. 34 1 .. 4 Removal Announcement Architect W. F. Gernandt i announces the removal of his office quarters from the Karbach Bldg. to SUITE 437-439 HTATK BANK MjDG., Omaha, Neb., for the practice of nig profession. The Increased and substantial growth of the business demanded larger and better office quarters, hence, the change to the new offices, which have been handsomely fur nished and equipped. Mr. Oarnandt has enjoyed a most prosperous business career the past twelve years, having designed a great num ber of Public and Private Buildings in this state and Kansas, among them 5 Nebraska's Fireproof Court House Bluldlngs, a multitude of Public School Buildings, Churches, Banks, Residence and Commer cial structures of every description in both states. Mr. Garnandt solicits the patronage of the public in the preparation of plans and specifications and supervision of buildings where high class work and services are desired. cago, Buffalo, Raltlmnra and Indian apolis will show a balance on the right sida of the ledger." CZAR FINISHES TRIP OF INSPECTION AT THE FRONT RYAN DCN'T LIKE GARDEN SO HE DIGS IT ALL UP Injunction Asked to Stop Brady from Running for Office Injunction proceedings to prevent the election commissioner from placing the name of Attorney T. K. Brady on the nonpartisan bullot as a candidate for county Judge agajnsf County Judtto Craw ford, the only candidate at the primaries, were begun by Attorney Arthur Mullen In district court. Flfo-four voters wrote In the name of Hrady on their ballots In the primaries. The election commissioner decided to put Ids name on the election ballot, although he was not a candidate and no petitions hml been filed for him. Added exrense, the fact that Brady was not a candidate at the primaries, and j the possibility that his name on the bal- lot might invalidate It, are reasons given by Million, PETROGRAD. Oct 10 -Bmperor Nlcho- j las returned to Tsarskoe-Selo from his 1 trip of Inspection of the Russian armies I at the front. During his sojourn he received personal ' reports from General Ruzoky and General Ivanoff and from tho members of the general staff In the field. He visited the cities of Rovno, Rrest-Lltovsk. Rialostok ; and Vilna as well as the fortresa of Os- i sowetz. While at Rovno and Vilna the emperor made a personal Inspection of the military and Red Cross hospitals and spoke with the wounded. A Good House Is Worth Painting Don't let Your Property Run Down Good paint, properly applied, insures the property against rapid deterioration. We sell good paint. Ask your painter to buy of us. Barker Bros. Paint Co. Douglas 4750. 1609 Farnam St FUNERAL OF MRS. MILLER HELD FRIDAY MORNING Mike Ryan entered the grounds sur rounding . vacant house at 8410 Lincoln boulevard sometime Thursday night and not finding the garden to Ms liking, secured a spade and started to marsag tha tame After twelve hours of un remitting toll he was waylaid by a m su ing policeman, brought to police head quarters and locked up chaige.I witn digging under raise pretenes. Half of Eight Fed ftl i T j g : contributed nn Clubs Lost Money j - Just following ST. LOCI 3. Oct. lo'"The Federal league base ball clubs uf Brooklyn. Pittsburgh. Kansas City and St. Louis lost money during the season now ending. This is the statement attributed to James A. Gilmore, prvaident of the Fed-I eral league, by r.ewrpiper men here tt ' night, lillmore came brre today to at-1 tend a meeting of the stockholder of the! local club and departed tally tonight He I is further tiiolcd: "Tin, St. IaiuIs club lost HVaO. cs.iu- I sive of Its holding!. This 'i the big- j feat loss sustained ill tlio league. Chi- I Funeral services for Mrs. Luclle Byerly Miller, who died Tuesday evening at her home, Park avenue and Harris street, were held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from I Haider's chapel. Mre. Miller had contributed many poems to national mag- soine of her Verses appeared I u'uuwuii, iivi uvain aim ss ner issi I published work, pertained strangely to i life und death. The poem. "The Ordinary Lot." is taken fioin the current Jud-o Quarterly: To know a little sweetness, A I'ttlo woe, A little love nd labor. Then to go; l.euicniUi.d for a minute. Soon fiiraot Thin is itie ordinary Mortals lot. It was reMd at the aervices, wiiUii were tordutii l by Rev. T. J. Mackay. The itiv.iln were taken evening lur burial. Ladies! Darken Your Gray Hair Look era younger! Tse Orand- mother's reripe f Sage Te anil Sulphur and noixxiy will know. to I-incoln Friday i The use of Rage and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother's time, she used It to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and abundant. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. ' Rut brewing at home Is musiy and out- of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any ; drug atore for a 50-cent bottte of ! "Weyth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound." ! you will get this famous old recipe which can be depended upon to restore natural ' color and beauty to the hair and la splen-' did for dandruff, dry, feverish. Itchy j scalp and fulling hair. A well-known downtown druggist says : It darkens the hair so naturally and i evenly that nobody ran tell It has been ! applied. You simply dampen a sponge I or soft brush with It and draw this' through your hair. t:king one strand at a time. Ry morning the gray hair di- ! appears, and after another application or two It becomes beautifully dark, globsy J and abundant Moving Packing Storage 1 BJT STORAGE CO. iW Our Furnl- Packers Are Experts ir you are going to locate elsewhere, let u crate and wrap your roods for ahlnment. Our service will save you time, work and relieve you of worry aa well as pos sible damage to your goovie. Our Guarantee J Fireproof Warehouse offers, at very reasonable rates, safe storage for your furniture, piano, rugs and other household f urnisliings. Phone us for prices for separate locked rooms Douglas 41 S3. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. 806-818 South Sixteenth St. j..ssm "Hi i' i mi ii mn i i isiiiaisn ii ami ii mm i mil 7 I Ilk. Everett S. Dodds Architect Phone, D-2981 612 Paxtcn Block Ea J i EJaVES SAFE HOVER Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam . PHCNC DOUGLAS 393