Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Tutor from Orer Ststo to Hold
Annual Convention Saturday.
letters, ka A re Here (or Ma Hays
Meeilas, lrrk la a
Prolnlial ( karrkr
Tli annual ronvcnllon at the Plate
Itapttst latlnn a 111 irl tlu
evenlne; at tl Calvary Itapllat rhurrh,
Tv. enty-llfth and Hamilton streets, of
til. U lUv. J. A. Mai I'll Is tli pastor,
4 toiitiiiue until Tliut.lH of nit
wek. tttbotittiiaUoiial ministers ln.m tul
over the atmti will toiua and on 8unday
are to fill the vurloua 1'roteslMiit pu i pi la
In II. city, r-oulh Omnha tnl suburbs.
Thu arraiwvnunt for the day follow;
(.Villi ul 1 und I'r iivlnna il Twenty-
flllll Ulill I 'OilfM-- KV4'rilllM, JU-v. J.
I' .Niipili i Inttn.
Nurlli I'rrl ti vlf Tim n. Twrnf v-fnurlh ind
li t -.ilurnm a, i. J'. hlrhsMiion, Wayne.
It' nson l'i-vb Icrian Mnming ainl eve- '
niriK, ln. K. M. A.l..i, 'lulibta.
iMrl l"r-l. ! Han. 1 unl -third and!
J. Huulh i ),n,iin-M..riili,K, llev. J. II.
ntai, Kmuiuai, eti-Ling, llv. J. ti.
J'H.jii, Tora.
Westminster 1 Tenby terlMii. Georgia
Avenue ami Maa-Vi i - M urnthif, Kav.
V. W. Itenjltinlll. IIihikI lin.l.
('! Ua, I ii.)1itin, Mlnlwnth nd
ramlir iluriiina, Hev. Cnirloa A. C'ar
inan. rtrj.
firm I nilol l'reb-f-rln, Taentv-firat
and Kimiinl-.VloriunK, Hw. Wilson Mills,
lunl rr.'ktiytrrlnn, fiftieth and fn
Jto. I 'let Mi'iiuiiliil MthKlUit K1aroiai,
Tenth an I llrn Moniln. Hov. II. H.
Weljn. IJriciiln; nvrnliiN, It.v. O. W.
Tafl. Omml Miwwl.
Klrsl Milnodiat KilrMil, Twenty-fifth
and K. Hoiiih i iiiiuli -Murnlnr. Kev. John
I- lisrton. Norili I'lnttn; eveuiiia", 1 1 v.
I. Mlriinrdeim. Wnrna.
Renault htMliKt Kilitoopal, Flitt.-th
and Maln-bvenliiK, Hrt-, K. K. Vulck
HI. Lull u s r.vani.ll-l. Terenty-t Mrrl
and J, Koiilli Otiutha Monilri, Unv. J. ti.
IHmm, York.
)re United Kvana-elloat. Twenty-
Seventh and riirmlen Mornln. Hrv, K.
oirK, inair; avniili k, linv. J. U.
1 1 The
1 1
i i i inn in
! I' I I
Best Clothes Values
a, Twwil.iuth and liar
llov. Bi. H. Jarkeon.
Jintil. nmiit
8u Murk' !:-. Rni-ll.- T.uthi-mn. Twn
tloih and XiinUtt Monilnx, lUv. 3. It.
Colllna, I.tnrviln.
(Irara Kanu:traJ I.uOmran. jr Boiiih
Twntr-aliih Xtornln anit vanlnir,
Mrv. Ilirtrr (lnmnml, OIktwIIIh.
ITIIIai.ln (tna-ppcatlonal, Tirtlth and
OhU-Moinlnx. C. II. Uanrrofl.
Klfat I'hrlaOnn jwv. m. ti. jarkaon.
t .lvarv Mantia. Twntr.f1fth and Ham-IMon-l
in.lna Hrv. ' f 1'roiru 1.
km; , vrnlna. tv. 1. It WaJdo.
l-1rt napllM. Tanlv ninth and Itar.
hrv-Kvi-Bina-. Hv. V. T. IJihitk. Initla
E.n lUitiat. T'riiruih and Kratik-Ilu-M.-rnlnii,
H. Knl licnn, l.ln.x.ln
tlri- pni-tlat. Trnth and ArNr Mom.
ln l:v. V J. l-.rkar. Kairhurr; rvr
B r. li K K. AIImi. Aatilan.t
1nt r.i-l;M. T ,-ntv-rif h and 1!
futh Onial.i-V. r nun lr Ooma H ithl
land, Wtail Ul nid. rvvnlnc, R,r. ( R.
I'Naiman lji,.ln.
liimuniiH ittlt, TMnr-fourh and
rin.M- n. $. V. T. film .l.
liHt-a: nln. Urt. W. U tUitun.
Mn Harit. Thlrtr-lhth anil Grand
M.m4n. Kv KJmunl Iron. -hp-nan;
vutnt. Hv, T. J. Taikvr, Fair-
-ntui PaptUt KUtlHH and Main
Moniuig. Utr. Hx'.tx Jrnaan, Otola'
tnlna. Itrv. J. J. -H. l-avtd Olv.
1r Sws1ih lMllat n Nnrth'lTlht.
nth-W.u-nli, U,v. J. J. pall, lavld
"v nwip, lin-. Ralph Jiwkii,
Hrnan r.apUat Twont) -fourth and
nn-Kvj,ln-, n,y. r. W. lNa)amU.
LranU laland.
That's why oar customers come back each year for their com
plete stock of wearing appareL Our styles are always the newest
and one to suit nearly every taste for both young and old.
That's why our Clothing Dept. is growing fast. You'll like it,
too, if you will but step in tomorrow and see our new fall
s creations.
We are not only proud of our store service, our "differ-
jf N. ent" suits, coats, dresses, millinery, men's and boys'
. f5 v clothing, etc., but we believe our credit service to
be superior to all other s for you.
fader attarl TaaJata.
Ton will Ilka tnaii- oaltlr action. Thay
hav lonlo fftKl on tha bowala, and
a Wbolaui;Mt. thorough claanatit to
lha anttra r-owrl tratl. Mir tha Uir to
haalthr activity and kaon atnniach awaat
Cn1Uatloik. haada-ha. dull, tlrrd farllng
waver arfllrl th who tiaa Tolry Cath
artlo TaMtde. Only o. Mma-UMy com
fortlnx to atout rran. ho an.loy tha
Jirht an4 frw faallnf th.y five. AJl
)alra vrryhrr.-Advartunmt.
Tb. N Store W
Auori- 5r .xV Your VAL nxxx mtMi
1 V. xx mmi&
V mm
ll. ,:U
Bargains for Sati
.!.... 812.75-815.00-819.75
fifl rn hP nn i Ladies' Satin Finish Sun-
Ladies Dresses in the late
models, at
Ladies' Suits, Redingote
Special for Saturday in Ladies' Hats $4.50 values,
Men's Suits in all wool fancy mixtures,
Men's Trousers in all the new
patterns, at
Boys' Suits,
Oni Dollar
a Wttk
Will Dress
Yon Well
I Burst Petticoats, at
V 2Wf 7
V 1 KiUliJJ
1 SS!SS!SgSThe Stores for Men and Boy.
Mens Suits, Topcoats, Balmacaans
Come to the big store Saturday and select from the choicest
rstocks in Omaha. "We are allowing immense assortments of ,
Bmts in blue serges, fancy mixed worsted, tartan plaids, brown
and gray mixtures patch pocket coats with soft roll lapels
English and semi-English models at
1 0.00, $1 2.50 and $15.00
New Fall Overcoats
Funrral ami pea for Mn. ljurlla Jtyvrly
MUlar, who dlid TNMlay fventnr at har
homa, Tark avanua and llnrrta atraat.
wart hald FriJay mornlnt at 10 o'clock
from lyvddaVa chapel. . Mra. Millar had
contributed many poama to natloaal mar
aalnra and an ma of har raraea appeared
juat folloaliyt her daith an4 aa nrr laal
puciianaa work, partalaad au-anly to
lira and death.
Tha pnem, 'Tha Ordinary Lot," la taken
troni tha current Judge Quarterly:
To know little aweetneea,
A little ana,
A little love and labor.
Thrn to v;
Kfinemtwrrd fcr a minute,
ivn fitravt
Thta la the oKUnary
MortaTa lot.
It waa read at tha aenrlcea, whlah were
conducts by Rer. T. J. atackay. Tha
ramalrki were takes to Lincoln mday
venlnc for burial. ,
Injunction Asked
to Stop Brady from
Eunning for Off ice
Injunction prooeedlnara to prevent the
election oommlaaloner from placing tha
name of Attorney T. C Brady on tha
nonpartlaan ballot ea a candidate for
county Judge ae.lnet County Judce Craw
ford, the only candidate at the prlinartea,
wnra roarun by Attorney Arthur Mullen In
dlatrlct court.
r"1fty-four vote re wrote In the name of
PraJy an their ballnta In tha prtmarlea.
Tha election eommlaatoner derided ta put
hla name on tha election ballot, although
ha waa not a candidate and no petition
bad been filed tor htm.
Added axpenee. the fact that Brady
waa not a candidate at tha primaries, and
the poaalbtlltr that hla name en the bal
lot mla-ht Invalidate It. are reaaona given
by Mullen.
Bae Want Ada Am tnn Beat Buelneea
The Omaha 1HIJ club announce that
a apectal meeting of the mem be re of the)
club will be bald next Tnuraday evening
at I o'clock at the dub houa for tha
purtoM of conaliertnaT and vetlnc on tha
queellon of rajolng tha annual due from
$e to M per year for w or more yeara.
Dahlman Asks All
Business Houses to
Honor Columbus Day
Mayor Jamee C. Dahlman haa laaued a
proclamation raqueetltie bualneaa men tc
cloae their plaoaa on Coiombua day, when
tha Italian of tha city will entertain and
celebrate with a a pafeant Tha proo
lamatlnn foil own
Whereaa, The Uglalature of the atate of
Nebraaka. haa denomlnatel the 11th day
of October, aa I'olirmhue 1v. and da
clare! the eama a legal holiday, nnd
Whee-oaa, The Kval oluacna of Italian
aitractlon have arranged to entertain our
w4 people of Omaha, with a grand
parade and pageant of much beauty nnd
hlatortea and educational value, to com
memorate the 4 EM anniversary of the
dlaoovery of America, by their country
man.- Chrtatopher Columbua.
. Now, therefore, I. Jainea C. Dahlman.
ntayor, reepectlfully requeat that the
buelneea men of Omaha, cloae their placea
of bualneaa on Monday. October 11 Ult,
between tha houra of t and i p. m. to grlvj
their employee an opportunity to view
the parade; that they retain the dec
oration upon their biilldlnga until after
the parade: that employer of Italian
Americana allow euch of their employe
whe deal re to take part In the parade
one-half holiday on aald day. ao that the
annlvereary of thla great event In Ameri
can hlatory may be appropriately cele
brated. 1 further requeet the chief of police to
control tha traffic upon the atreeta. ao
that the atreet care and ether Vehicle
do not Interfere with the pared.
Given under my hand thla loth day of
Jacob Harris Dies
at Dallas from the
Effects of a Fall
Jacob Harrla. M yeara old, who lived In
Omaha for thirty-four yeara until four
yeara aro, when he wtnt te DeJlaa. Tek.,
to live with Ma aon. died there thla morn
lug after an Ulnec of lean than a weX.
Hla laat alrkneaa was brought on by a
fall In hla room, when ha broke a bone
In bt thigh. Tha body will be brought to
Omaha for burial, arriving thla evening.
Mr. Harrla la aurvlved by five anna and
one daughter, tb aon being Abe, J. II.
and Barney of Omaha. M. J. Harrla of
Et. Louie and Iaaao Harrla and Mra.
Tare Vllery of Dallaa. Tex.
The funeral probably will be held Sun
day from the residence of J. H. Harrla.
Kit Meredith avenue, with Interment at
rteaaant Hill oametery.
Single and double breaatnd morula
witij rerulRr and Raglan ehnuMere;
broad lapels. The etylea range from
the form-fittlna- type to the regular
bnggx full-bnrk moifla communly
ailed IiHlmaniana. Velvet collar on
many, i'atch pockets, riill and half
lined. Lota of fancy Lack imported
and dotnoxtlc Chinchilla. Mnltons
and 1 ancy Mixtures. All stilttly
hand niade
$20, $22.50, $25, $30
Look at the High Grade
We Offer You to Select From
"Society Brand," Hirsch-Wickwire &
Co., Schloss Bros;, Adler's "Collegian
Brand," High .rt and L. Apt Amer
ica's finest hand-tailored clothes.
Suits for Stout Men
Tall stout men, short stout men, also
extra sizes for all builds of men. Per
fect fit guaranteed, at
$20.00, $22.50, $25.00
Slip-on Raincoats
Special Saturday
Raincoats in all shade, with military col
Jar, slash pocket, 52 and 54 Inches long.
All sices 3 4 to CO. Values up aq
to $8.50.' ' Saturday at PJe70
Genuine Buffalo Coats, $35. 00
Fine Suits
For Men and Young Men
All colors and all sites all mod
els. Values $17.60 to $20.00. A
very "Peclal purchase. All go on
sal Saturday, 50
Sole Agents for
In Scotch mixtures, military
and convertible collars, patch
or slash pockets. Full cut
Raglan and regular shoul
'l,'. imi'l i f mn pr UVJ
i ': ' ' ..; 5 -v: tY,
- - ' r" ) jN
... - -
o'i ti 1
$10.00, $12.50, $15.00
Suits of Latest Fashion
Extreme models for young men who want ail the Btyle
innovations, as well as conservative styles for conserva
tive men Colors are Tartan checks, greens, browns,
grays. Scotch hit and miss effects.
Extremely popular now are the new models with
wide lapels with top notch, the straight narrow trous
ers, high cut vest; many of these suits with notch col
lar. Coat lapels are cut long 1 ? T? r tfOr?
and rolling. Prices PlO.)U to liO
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
Extraordinary 6ale Saturday. Values that mean that
parents can save as high as $2.45 on some of these
suits and overcoats.
Boys' Suits
That were made to sell for $4.00, $5.00
and $6.00 Blue Serge Suits, All-Wool
Tweed Suits. Cheviot Suits. Corduroy
Suits and Casslmerd Suits many of them with two pairs
of pants. Newest Norfolk, patch pocket, and double and
triple pleated models. Splen
didly tailored and perfect
fitting suits to fit boys of
6 to 17. Special Saturday at.
Candidates for the legislature from
Douglas county are all to have a chance
to talk three minutes to the Commer
cial club of Omaha. The republican
candidates are Invited to luncheon at
the club for Monday. October IX and
tha democratic candidates for Monday
noon, October 19. The bualneaa men are
anxious to have a chance to else them
up. and At .the, same yme to bear trteir
respective messages for a few minutes.
I Special Values in Books-A list of those we offer for 25c each j
Small Boys' Overcoats
Plenty of coats for little fellows
2 to years. Hlue and g-ra) Chin
chillies In ' pleated back model.
Cheviot coat a In dark mixtures,
button to neck or shawl collar
models. Splendid assortment of
weaves In grays and a 1 f f"
browns Values up to 3 J.ljJ
i.0. Saturday
In the Basement
Beys' M.OO and S3.S0 (4 4C
site sad Overcoats Wiiaw
bptendid wearing suits, Norfolk
models, for boys 7 to IS. Chin
chilla suits to Russian and blouse
in pergea. I aaatmerea and
eds. Overcoats fur boys IS
For the Little Chaps
Age 2 to 8. Middy Balkan.
Eton Collar Russian, plain
Russian and Blouse styles
also a few Oliver Twists.
Materials Include veltets, la
red, blue and brown; cor
duroy In blue and brown;
serges In red, blue and
brown, and splendid mix
tures. Suits worth $4.00,
$5.00 and $6.00. tj f-r-Baturday
Bix Boys' Overcoats
The greateat value In Omaha for
boya t to IT yeara. Well made
coate in a new shawl collar model
or with convertible collars. Splen
did new mixtures In gray, brown
and blue. Also a few blue and
gray chinchilla coata In the lot.
They are worth IS. M cc
and to 18 40. Saturday .. Tw3
Boys' Sweater Costs
Seooad rioor of BtSs'a Bnilftlng.
Boys' Sweater Coats Wort SI sad,
p te Ages 4 to CO.
li yeara. Special at U5C
Aaother M'-t lot Bays' ta Sweater
Coats .Many strictly ail wool.
all popular ahalea. 1 in
L-isi Saturday at
Faturdny w Introduce a new styl
"The 8trlinir"-.1iiH lftti. in
of the proceeslon. It Is soon to come
inio extreme ravor as It Is the
snappiest hat that has been
shown this faiL Price
Brandeis Special, $2.00
own aim sun. All IJill BfyloS
reaV- In all sixes and aliades.
We are exclusive amenta In Omaha for
inie ceieuraiea tntrllnli
wot maae in Uenton,
cngiana. rrice
u e are also Omaha
Wilson & Sons'English Derbies
' $2.50 i
imaha agenta 'V,
John B. Htet-
a; .$3.50
Extra Special for Saturday
aTst Bvl- ST ...
for the famous Jnhn R Mt.i.
on Km anu siirr nets. All
ciyies ajxi anapea, at IS.
ti.vv ana
axen-s sample Caps Over 100
dmen. $1.00. 41.60 and up
$2 00. at
Ilea's Sample Kate Soft and
stiff. $2.00. $2.60 and $1.00
values, at
Boys' School Sats and Caps Values
$1.00 to $1.60.
tV.!. 65c, 50c and 25c
R I 9
Shoes for Men
In New Baildinj Main Floor
Dull calf, tan calf and vlcl kid; but
ton and lace; flat English or Bull
Dog toes. Solid leather every pair
up to their name. All fTt
sues. Pair 23OU
"Battle Ax" Shoos for Hoys Button
and lace. These are regular $1.75
shoes and the best money can buy
for that. On sale Satur- h QQ
day at 4 1 ,70
The following famous notels in splendid cloth bindinj, 25c
Marble Faun.
Micah Clarke.
Taloa from bhakes-
Talc of Sherlock,
Tferv Uuardsmeu.
Throne cf lell.
leaar Island.
Mill pn the Kloaa.
Mosses from Old
In Ml Steps.
aae Kyre.
K till worth.
rati la
St. Lima.
rUUr of Mr.
Robert Hardy's Ssvea
Kol'lnson Crusoe,
Komaare of Tt
Wot Ids, of Warsaw.
Tom Drowns School
Who Wins.
lMttor Seet.
Black Beauty. 1
Black Rock.
acle Tom's Cabla.
To Orphans.
Adam Beds
lavid Copprrfleld.
Won by Waiting.
Ity Mayne IU44....
li) I. T. Mead
By Tma turiiU .....
By tltfc tic....
By St'hie May
My, Mrs. Kwing....
By JaJuew Otts
cWvnd W ife.
Scarlet Letter.
Simple U(.
Th rlrst Ylolla.
Gold tlws.
Green Movatats
Wormwood. .
i?ia of th four.
Sketch Book. The.
Stepping Hear s.
Last Days of Pom
pell. Last of the Mochl
raaa. Little Umt Prloca.
Utile Minister.
31d Ma'uiseirs Secret.
MU No. Hi.
Kaat Lynn.
Emerson's Essays.
Ws Two.
The Spy.
Quo Yadls.
coaipiete, ( 1 voL)
Klsle Venner
lnly th Gorernees.
Shadow of a Crime,
Not Like Other Girls.
Lorna Ikxioe.
l ader Two Flara.
Wide. Wld World.
IX'ra Taora.
Twenty Years After.
The following books for bojs and girls at 25c each
rred Featon Athletic
D Dashaway
Speedwell Boys
Motorcycle Boya.
Helen's Babies.
Elsie Dtnsmor,
Bird Boy aeries.
Oreen Fairy Book.
Rd Fairy Book.
S titles by Ctutrle C. CVffla.
Motor Power Series.
Canoe and Cam p.' ire
Ruth Fielding Series.
Uttle Prudy Sertea
By ltoae X. Carey .'I
Ity Mrs, Whitney.
Uy Horatia .ijjlec.
By O. A. Hety. .
By Edward ti. lOUs
Haas Brisker. . . .
Flv Ltttl
My Own Fairy Book.
Yellow Fairy Book.
Saddle Boya Series.
Brosnlea and Oth
er Stories.
Boys of Liberty
Boy RangerSertea.
Boy Scouts Series.
Vj Boy Sertea.
Blue Fairy Book.
1865 Pairs of
Men's Gloves
The following books by Mrs. L T. Meade, 25c each
Bad LltU Hannah.
bashful Fifteen.
Betty, a Schoolgirl.
Betty of th Rectory.
Bevy of Girls.
Bunch of Cherries
Children of WUtoa
laddy s Girt.
A Gay Charmer.
47 titles by Mrs. SoatAsrorCx,
lO triirs by Cbarte tsarrtc.
tttres by J. r'veitmor IXwpe-.
SO Uta by Mary 4. Hoiaaea.
Girl Is Ten Thouaaad.
ClrU of True Blu.
Good Luck.
Modern Tomboy,
la Tims of Rosea.
Ma or School.
Out of Fashion.
Folly: A New Fash
ioned GtrL
Palac BeautlfuL
Red Rose and Tiger
Ring of Rubles.
Saeet Girl Graduate.
Turiuo&e and Ruby.
Very Naughty Girl.
WUd Kitty.
World of Glrta.
Young Mutineer. -
I Girls. New aad Old.
1 title by Cttarbr letches.
1 lilies by Jakes Vrrave.
SO title by Isara Jca libby.
S title by terorgl bbsJdoav
The entire sample line of one of the leading glove mak
ers of the country bought at such a low price that there
should be 1S05 men here Saturday to claim them.
There are dress gloves, street and driving gloves in
this lot Some are lined, others unlined. Mochas, Gen
uinft Ruck, lined and unlinpd Kid fllnvwi nrwl fittjne
v Very select quality of Carte Gloves, Auto Gloves and
vj fine grades of Drvsa Kid Gloves in
vj gray, tan, black and white. Not a
ny iair in the lot wortlt less than $1.50,
and hundreds of them worth up to
$2 $1.75 and $2.a. In one lot Saturday
Men's Sweater Coats
$j Another big lis of samples. Mad of fin quality
Ul worsted aad wool J am. They ar the road asm
pl of ok of th bat makers of high grade sweat
ers for men. Heavy rib stitch with large raff neck
collars. V neck style; fin ribbed coat with ruff
neck and Byron collars. All sixes and colors.
Sweater coats actually worth np to
$4.5. oa sal Satarday st
Men's Underwear
Men's Hose
TB Dsa Fin Qstallty Men's
SCk rtaiK-d lloavs AU the CW
shade. Worth to I Sc per
pair. Special at...,
Oa Big Lot si Msa's New F0
SkirU at $1.00
Mail of fine suallty of nsaworli!
vMaett with Lft iraacn rwft.
Also fins sjusilty of ffnAu an4
percaie with laundered ruffs.
Th surplus stock of s large eastern mill and aO
their samples. Fin union svtts la all wool,
woolen worsted aad fin quality combed Egyp
tian cotton yarns All sise. Regular prices of
these union suits are up to $2. 50. but we are go
ing to sell them at such a low price Saturday that
very mas ought to buy a fnu supply for
faU and winter. Price will te, pr suit..
Men's Shirts
lS Itaavr-a Men' Soft Sbirta
Neckband style, laundered cutis,
neat pat terns. All slits. q
Worth cp to $1.00. at.. D7C
SI 1