"I THE BEE: OMAHA, FIJI DAY, OCTUHKR 9, 1!)U. " No Use Talking, Jeff Is Certainly Playful Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher T i MtCHDrO OF RECRUIT FEATURE i. t f I I II J . ' a I I , , 1 NOT J I HC SAID t TMrVT fcOT TO t ( " Hcu" H.i6L.F J 1 N0 He'4 A C?& to THt ( A IRMAN ( W seP,MG f w - Kilf t j? fc- BjpiANTS WIN IN A HURRY B-li : t. a ci..(.j. tt.. 1 syaaBiuiuns scav amicus iu nviu and Four Minntei. it terra Win Final ;ame of rhleaarp Federal araon from the, Kaw- lod by Klsht to Three core. WDIANAPOLIS, Oct. I. It took the Ctyamplona of the Federal league Juat on D4ir and four minute to defeat Ft tAis here today, 4 to 3. Th pitching of Kqfer, a recruit mm the Southern Mich igan league, wu the feature Score: . RUE . Loula A 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 4 2ndlnapolla . 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 -4 11 3 Pgrterlea: Watson and Chapman, Kle fort and Raiiden, Warren. Chlfeda Wli from K. C. J"HICAOO, Oct. 8.-Chloago won lt Ttfcfl same of the Federal league seaaon fcir today, beating Kansas City, I to a, Los) &iard hitting and costly errors by the i visitor, ncore: K.ll.K. IK'Sfisas Clty.O 01 1 0 0 0 0 1-X 7 B Chicago 3 0 2 0 0 2 10 II IS 0 I Batteries: Adama and Drown, Itlack lnl Clemona. t ' Raffa Takf (Jan, HtTSRCRGH, Ort. H.-ltaln atopped thV flrat game of a scheduled douhle 2!4jnjrier betwen Buffalo and Pittsburgh q)tjiy at the end of the aeventh Inning ftji the acora 1 to 2 In favor of the vla ftftrx. Hanford'a double and two sacrl- i flee gave Buffalo - the winning run In : th seventh Inning. Score: It II E. Buffalo I 1 0 0 0 I 3 4 1 .A'ilUburgh 0 0 0 2 010 0-2 4 Batterlea: Krapp and Allen, Dlckeon atf Robertson. Tiptop Trim Terrapin. BALTIMORF., Oct. Standing of Teams FEDERAL MCAOI'K. Won. Played. T,oH. IVt 'Indianapolis IM 7 w .r 'bleao K.4 M M ..V Ttaltlinnre IM M '"' .fU Ruffnln 14 . 7.1 m .B'!4 Brooklyn IM 7 7 Kannax City 14.1 T7 U .414 Ht. 1xula IM M 7 .44 1'lltahvirKh 147 2 .422 CMICACIO INTERIKAOt'B. Won. Ix5t. Pet I White Bo t t .W IC'uliB 1 1 .5i0 HT. UOV1H INTKRLKAOIT5. I Won. Iot. Pet. Rrowna 2 0 1.000 Cardlnnla 0 2 .tuft NEW TORK JNTKRUSAOrte. Won. Ixjit. Pet. Olanta 1 0 1.000 Yankeca 0 1 .ooo WHITE SOX COME BACK Chicago Americana Even Up Series . for City Title. HE'S A WONDER, EVEN IF HE IS A MIDGET. WIN GAME IN NINTH FRAME 1a(erdar'a RenH. KEPERAt- !,EAU1;K. Kaneaa City, (; Chicago, . Inritanapoila. 4: ft. Ioula, 2, Huffalo, 3; Plttahurgh, 2. Brooklyn, f; Baltimore, a. 1NTKRUKAOCE. Tankrea, 6: Olanta, 6 M'hlte Hox, 6; Cuba, 2. (antra Today. Federal leagueBrooklyn at P.altlmore. Buffalo at Plttaburgh. Braves and Mackmen Shown Play byPlay at the Krug Theater Charley Franke'a Improved electric core board will be placed In operation at the Krua theater todav when the flral Both teamai Ktti ,h ..m k. iJST kI, .i. K""1"; out iii-ooa-1 Direct ,r lpf. fpnm Wllb( Brooklyn 0 1 2 0 I 0 i 0 0- 10 2 'n4tlmorv....O 0 0 4) 2 0 0 I M H, 1 kiatterlea: Reaton and, Ind; Bailey, fConley and Kerr. maha Speedway is: to Be Started . at Once by Prince Jack Piinca, promoter of tha Omaha dwayi company, announce that b '(J'll atart'worli on the erection of the new iitomoMI truck here either Friday or Btirday. Jlwill put hla mowing mi Orlnaa In action to clear the land and wilt jjave hla carpentafa'ot work on the aup- firta before the paaalng of another week. Prlnra Intend to coinpleu tha conatruc. ttna'af the racing track Itaelf by Thanka jllvlng day, ao that' he will be able to jlace Old field, firlfcbrow and Burman on & track with a view toward Bmaahjng a lew recorda before holding the flrat race jaeet next aprlng. The. grandatand arid aehfira and othrr detalla will not be Started until aprlng. -"(Wer S,OS0,qp0 feet of lumber will be uaed forjaylng the aurfVce of the track. ' Ar rangements are under way t.o obtain ip- Dtte of hard northern fur for that pur lxae, eo that the work will not- In any gray be delayed. of llghu on tho board to depict for Omaha fana every Indlv'dtial play aa It ocotira. Franke'a board la an Improvemont over the ordinary electric boards and nh-juld prove a aurternfut method to nee the world' eerie thla far away from tha seat of the fray. Etawah Winner of Transylvania Stake MOXINOTON. Ky.. Oct. f.-Etawah. with Geera. driving, won the Tranaylvanla stake for 2 08 trotters here this after noon In straight heats, breaking the world's record for three henta. The time was 2:03tt. 3:03V. 2 03V Omar was second, Star Winter third and Marmack fourth. BIRMINGHAMwTN!f FOURTH FR.1M BREWERS (braey, W la 1114 Krrqirntlr, Weakens and Um Control and (Shi Drop the rontrat, URGE ATTENDANCE AT 1 GAGE FAIR AND RACES r BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. l.-(peclal.)-yully 1,000 people attended the county fair Wednesday s tier noon, It brlivg Chil dren's slay. Governor Morehead spoke In front of the grandstand and dwelt en tUaely on mattera of atata business. ' The first yds y's rscea proved to . good rawing cards, the 2:20 pace belpg won y Tellowstone and the 2:14) trot by Hlxle JKedlunr, Summary: " Facing. 2:20 class, uurse 2300: '.YeUoweton, 2 111 !1d. Bky Pointer.. 4 2 4 4 ?Pen L. (Tanner Miller .. sndhlll Pets ... ; Time: 2:1"4. Ii4. J.1H. :! Trotting. 2 1 claaa. purse 2J00 MM.WAf KEKI, Wla., Oct .-By bunch ing four hits and receiving two passes In tha seventh Birmingham obtained three runs and won, the fourth game of the serlea (or the championship of minor leaguea from tha Milwaukee association champions this afternoon. Milwaukee started to win by bunching three singles and a home run In the flrat. securing two runs, and added one In the third. While Birmingham got one In each the econd and third. Bcore: R.H.E. Blrmlnghsm .0 1 1 0 0 0 ( 0 0 ft 12 7 AiuwauMee ....j i u u v v v u s i Batteries: Johnson and Tragreeaer, Hlspnlcka and Hughe. S H EN A N D 0 AH D ESM 0 1 N ES GAME ADVANCED A DAY CHICAGO, Oct. The locat Americana evened up the serlea In the city cham pionship serlea with the Chicago Na tionals by winning tho second game, 5 to 2. The Americana won the game In the ninth Inning after a hard-fought, up-hill ( battle, in this Inning Cheney, who was hit frequently, weakened and lost con trol. After he had retired two batters on atrlkss. Weaver alngled. Cheney at tempted to catch him off flrat base and threw to the stand. Blnckburn singled and Weaver scored the winning run. The game was clinched when Zimmerman fumbled Collins" grounder, Cheney made a wild pitch and Fournler doubled. The other two runs were the result of bunched hits. The National! mnde their scorea on Hchulte's double, slnglea by Sweeney and Leach, a base on balls and an error by Weaver. Total paid attendance, 12.109; total re ceipts, . tU.C&O.TC; commission's share, f'.mr.07: players' share, tt.M7.40; each club, I5.KS.40. Score: RUE. Americana ....0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 S 6 13 1 Nationals ....0 2000000 0-2 4 3 Batteries: Asnerlcnna, Scott and Bchalk; Nationals, Cheney and Brennahnn. , Would Keep Canadian Grain Within Empire OTTAWA. Ont., Oct. Canada's grain ahould be kept within the RrlUah empire for fear that otherwise It might find Its way Into the hands of England's enemy In war. In the opinion of the Baakatchawan Grain Growera' association. It was learned today that a memorial had been prepared for the situation by Sir George R. Foster, minister of trade and commerce', asking that the dominion government arrange to co-operate with the Brittah government to sell Canadian grown grain direct from the farmer of the prairie provinces at a price of 21 per buahel for i wheat and M centa for oats for thse next three years. The memorial point out tho atorage facilities at the disposal of the Canadian government and urges that the harvest ahould be secured for the empire's needs rather than be exported Into the United States whence It might be ahlpped aboard and reach Germany. 'eh t i?l ' - I v.f WEATHER MAN NOT A SPORT! Prediction for World'i Series Today Saddens Fans. SPECULATORS ARE ARRESTED 31 nek Dlaaatlafactlon Expressed with the Arrangement for "ale of Tickets Deal Will Play Third Base. SHENANDOAH, la.. Oct. l.-(Speelal.l The date of the foot ball game between the Shenandoah High school and West High of W Moines haa been changed from Saturday afternoon to Friday after noon. .The local team haa been having 12 2 I thorough workouts thla week In propara- i 4 ft drj tlon for 111 most Important game on the arneauie. Episcopal Church . Elects Four Bishops MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Oct l.-Rev. Herman Page, rector of St. Paul's church of Chicago, was today elected bishop for the missionary Jurisdiction of Spokane by the house of bishops of the' fcpUeopol church In session hare. Rer. George C. Hunting, secretary f the eighth pro vince, waa choaen for tha district of Ne vada. Their selection was almoat unani mous. Rev. H. R. Hulaa, archdeacon of New York, waa selected for ihe Jurisdiction of Cuba, and Rev. P. Jones, who la now archdeacon of Utah, It Is said will be the bishop Cor that state. j roiling. .a ciaa. purse touu: j 1 1 " - &HffHS I i llMarconi Company ninj tm.'..m.: ' Teddy K ft Orace KM lander Z I . Time: 2.17V. 2:1T, 217V4. 2:17V 14 1 ,;t iSOUTH DAKOTA READY l1 FOR NEBRASKA GAME I TERMTUON. S. P.. Ort. .-tPpeclsl.- ,Te South Dakota vanity performed ; nagoiftcently In its flnsl scrlmmsge te lor the Nebrsska game Saturday next, scoring four touchdown In a quarter hour scrimmage, and holding the reserve effectually. The team la In fair shape 'hysically, although MeCormlrk, Horner 'and Duncan of the big fellows re not Sh best form and may be kept 6ut of jthe game Saturday. Tonight Conway gHayed consistently In Msc's end posl ' tlon, while Elmore worked at guard. Big Be ley took the final con-qiils la domes I tie relation today, and his' friends pre dict that he will be speedily out from Under scholastic trouble. Quigley. work hag at sub-quarter, showed fine tackling fxim. . Denied Injunction Against Daniels NEW TORK. Oct l.-The federal dis trict court' ruled todsy that' tt has no Jurisdiction In the suit brought against Secretary of the Navy Panlel and four naval censors by the Marconi Wlrelee Telegraph company of America to ore vent the government from keeping closed the wireless stations at Htasoonset. Maaa. and 8ea Oats, N. Y. The company's ap j plication for an Injunction waa dismissed. Although the application for the tem porary Injunction was dismissed, th suit itself still remains on the calendar. It Is regarded unlikely that. It will be brought to trial In view of Judge Vee der'isrultrg today. v T Ht. lola Gesso Postponed. CT. LOVIS. Oct. I.-Th third game of Cit city serlee between the St. Uouls lAsaarlcans and the Natkmals was called jfrff on ooouat ox rain. v-- . BRYAN SPEAKS IN OHIO; ' SIDESTEPS LIQUOR ISSUE KENTON. O., Oct. t.-Oowda greeted .William Jennlng Brjan today In hi tour of northwestern Ohio In behslf of ths Ohio democratic llcket. The re-election of Governor Cox, the election of Timothy 8. rtsgan, democratic nominee for senator, and the re-election of Ohio democratic membere of congress were especially urged. The eenatorahtp, and Beats In congress were held necessary in connection with the carrying out of democratic policies at the national capital. Mr. Bryan d ot refer to state-wide prohibition, which Is to be voted upon In Ohio In November. WALTER MARANV1IJJ!. Here's the boy only two seaona out of the bushes, who has made his name a terror to base runners. Ho la not over looking any chance at ehortatop these days. GIANTS CROSHTHE YANKEES Former National- Champions Win First of City Series. ' FINAL SCORE IS FIVE TO SIX Beacher's Triple, Followed by Doyle's klngle In Tenth " Inalns, OItcb McGraws Victory. Elleranaa Withdraws. PIERRE. 8. ir. Oct. t.-fpeclal Tele gram.! Herman Ellemian. whose name was filed a an Independent candidate for state treasurer, has filed a letter of with drawal with the secretsry ef state on tho ground that he declines to become a can didate under any consideration and that his name was filed without knowledge and against his peclfla tgetmcUons. Bomb is Dropped y Into Paris Suburb PARIS. Oct. . A German armplane flying over Paria and the euhurbs of Aubervtlliers and St. Denis at o'clock this morning dropped two bombs, one of which wounded three persona The ether did no harm. Hostile air craft usually have avoided Paris and vicinity early lit the day be cause of the dsngerous atmospheric cur rents then present. The French troops stationed In. the city and suburbs have been commanded not to fire on ths aero planes because of the danger to the pub lic front falling bullets. Be readers are too Intelligent to over look tb opportunities In the "want ad" soUrans, Tbajr re worth white readrag. POU3 GROUNDS. N. T.. Oct I Beacher's triple, followed by Doyle's single In the tenth inning, gave tho Now York National a S to 5 victory over th New Tork Americana In the opening grams of tha Manhattan championship series hero today. Both Mathewson and Keating were hit hard. Bunched hits on Mathewson gave the Americana three runs and the lead over the Nationals in the sixth. Th Giants batted well In the seventh and re gained a lead, only to have the High landers tie the score In the ninth. Score R.H.B. Aner1-sns..fl 01 0 0 2 0 0 1 06 12 i .Nationals.. O 11O00S00 1 IS g Batteries: American. Keating and Sweeney; National, Mathewaon and Meyer. Russians Hold All Passes in Carpathians ROME, Oct. 8 CV" London. V-In mak ing answer to tha ststement fronr-Vtonna that the Rusalans have been completely driven out of Hungary, the"Russtan ero- baessder to Italy declared today that Russian forces now occupy the entlr province of Bukowlna, seven-eighths of Gallcla and one-fifth of Hungary: all the passes In the Carpathian mountains. and the Hungarian towns of lTng-var, Munkao and Sxlget. in th eastern part of Hungary, between thirty and forty mil from th Gallctan border. BATTALION OF CZECHS NEARLY ANNIHILATED LONDON, Oct. . A Rome dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company states thst a message from Budapest announces the almost complete snnlhllstlqn, of an Auatrtan battalion of Cserhs in a fierce encounter with the Rusalsns during the latter advance on Martnaroa Sxlget Every soldier In tb battalion was- either k.!ild or wounded, tt la said Council Bluffs PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 8. Today's weather predictions for the world's series base ball game here tomorrow and Sat urday saddened the hearts of the fans. They were for low hanging clouds with occasional light rain. Chick" Davles, the young Now Eng- tand college player. Is the latest to go on the hospital list of players. Physicians diagnosed his ailment as catarrh of the appendix. Davles was advised to submit to an operation for appendicitis, but he has refused to think of It until after the big series is over. Davies Is a pitcher, but Maek Is developing him as an outfielder. Managers Stalling and Mack had a torrid conversation over the telephone to day, according to the leader of the Boston ten. Stalling said Mack called him up to protest against Interviews In newspapers In which Stalling characterized Mack's refusal to let the National league cham pions practice af Shibe park this after noon "as unsportsmanlike." Mack at tempted to "call him down" snid Stall lngs, for such talk and hot words fol lowed. The Boston manager appeared to be greatly worked up. Take Place. In Lin. More than a score of fans took their position In a line outside of the bleacher entrance to Shit pork last night. It was more than thirty-six hours before tho time set for the opening of the gates for the Initial contest when George Ross of Camden, N. J., took his place at the head of the line. A cold, drisxllng rain, which fell Inter mittently during the night made It very uncomfortable for the prospective pur chasers of bleacher seats, and many of them sought protection on tho porches of nearby residences. In spite of the fact that they had spent long, weary hours waiting for the opening of the reserve seat sale, several of the same men and boys were noticed In the bleacher line today. "peculators Are Arrested. Hundreds of the reserve seat tickets fell Into the hands of speculators, who are aaking 2.15 for a set of three $6 tickets. The price for a set of 23 seats was 226 and for three 22 tickets SIB was asked Several arrests already have been made, and the Athletic management an nounced that they would prosecute the prisoners to the full extent of the law. Never before. It was said, has there been such a demand for admission to the big games. Thousands of persons were unable to purchase tickets, and dissatis faction with the arrangement of the sale was heard from many quarters. All the players of both teams were said to be In the beat of condition, with the ex ception of Smith, Boston's third baseman, wno i in a urooKiyn hospital witn a broken ankle. His place, however, will be ably filled. Manager Stalling declared, by Deal, who waa described as an artful and courageous player, although not pos sessing, the hitting ability of Smith. Itfclnnls Ready to Play, afclnnls, th Athletics' first baseman, has not played In s. regular game for ten days on aooount of an Injured hand but It was stated positively today that he would bo In the line when the Athletics fsoed tho Braves for the opening contest tomorrow. While neither managwr haa Intimated who the pitching selection for the first gam will be. It was generally believed by base ball followers that this honor would fall to Bender, the Athletics' vet eran Indian twirler. and Rudolph or James, stars of the Boston pitching staf The Athletic team, in all probability, will be the same nine men who started the world's series last year against the New Tork Giants. There appears to b very little betting on the series. The Mackmen are the pre vailing favorites at long odda In the wag ers that ara being made. Several large amounts, however, hav been placed on single games. In If Harry la Boston. BOSTON, Oct. 8 The fortunate pos sessors of approved application for world series seats were In no hurry today to exehange them for tickets, the manage ment allowing them until Monday fore noon to "cash In." Less than a score of holders of appli cation cards wore In lino when th box offtc opened and at no time during the dsy was there a rush. Speculators lined tho streets loading to Fenway park with offers to buy either tickets or approved application cards. For sevaral hours ther was a near approach to a curb exchange with bids ranging between 300 and $00 per cent above oar purchase prices. The management reported that SJOO applications for IS, 23 and $3 seats en closing checks and money amounting to mure than l-W.OOO arrived too late. The money will be returned. Baptists of Iowa Meet at Glenwood The annual meeting of tho South western Iowa Baptist association will be held at Glenwood this week, beginning today and lasting until Sunday. There will be three seealons each day. Clergy men and lay delegates from a number of Iowa counties will be ' present and the general affairs of the church will be dlscusaed. The opening service today will comprise but one meeting, this evening. It will be devoted to organization and preliminary 'work. The services Sunday will be largely devotional with confer ences of pastors and Sunday school workers. Rev. J. a: Hurley. Atlantlo. and Prof. J. A. Lopham of Des Moines will be the principal speakers for tha day. Th doctrinal sermon at the morning ses sion by Dr. Hurley is expected to be of special interest. A largo number of Baptists are expected to go from Council Bluffs. Following is the program for Friday and Saturday: FRIDAY MORNING. 9:00 Call to order; opening prayer, the moderator; report of program committee, NlQ i Tl IT rf "Hlltvli let, am nnnnln.lna ' ..... . . . . . . ...... .. j V committees, election of officers. ll:30-Devotlonai period. Rev. J. A. Earl, Des Moines. AFTERNOON. 1:30 Ladies' work. 2 JO Association evana-ellsm. Raw. O. A. Smith, Malvern. 4:uu Devotional period. Kov.. nr. Earl. EVENING. 7:80 Song service, Glenwood choir. 8:00 Annual sermon. Rev. J. M. Hus ton, Red Oak. 8:30 Address. Rev. Mr. Earl. SATURDAY MORNING, 9:00 Opening service. 9:10 Report of committees. 11 :1B Missionary sermon. Rev. J. W. Keyman, Villlsea. AFTERNOON. 1:30 Opening aervice. 1:40 State convention. Secretary 45. P. Mitchell. 2:40 Worldwide Missions. Rev. B. E. Bailey, Pella. ' 2:40 World wide missions. Rev. 8. E. Wilcox, Des Moines. 3:10 Devotional period. Rev. Mr. Bailey. EVENING. 7:80 Song service. Glenwood choir. 8 O0 Christian Stewardship. Rev. Clif ford' Cox, Clarlnda. 8:30 Address. Kev. Mr. aaiiey, fetia. Yellowjackets Are Out in Full Force Millions of yellow Jackets are swarming around' Council Bluffs. Their numbers have been so great that in some Instances they have' driven painters from buildings upon which they were working. On the north side of the Auditorium building- for the last few days the Insects, seeking winter quarters In tho Interstices of the outer walls, have collected In such numbers that they have resembled swarms of bees. Myriads of them creep into homes through the smallest aper tures around window and door screens. They belong to the hornet family, vindic tive, oulck to resent Intrusion upon their nesting places and abundantly abhi to punish the Intruders, but reared for years under sheltering gables and window ledges of human abooes, great psycho logical changes have taken place in their natures. They will not attack a person except upon great provocation, and then only In self-defense. The number are indicated by a swarm that literally filled a vacant store building on South Main street when it? was opened yesterday. At tention was attracted by a steady stream of them entering through a keyhole. When opened tho room was found to con tain thousands of them. SEWER NEEDSJORE WATER No More Tests Until Plan to Increase Supply is Figured Out PUMPS MEET REQUIREMENTS Qalsler LlkN Foot Ball. Ernest Ouls-ley. the Nstional lea u moire, is a foot ball sharu. He atten h mMrtni of th a-rtdlron elurti I New York recently and will do lot oi ot&aaUftg la th wt this fait 5ed Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses were issued yester day to the following named persons: Name and Residence. Age. Emmlt Kay. Avoca, la 2$ Nora Jensen, Avoca 19 O. B. Klines. Sioux Fall. S. D 81 Bertha Drleselman, Council Bluffs.... 22 Edward Bryant, Council Bluffs 40 Edna Hobbs, South Omaha 30 Council Bluffs Movement Being; Matured for the Ue on Another Main In Ordeur to II aire Water to Float Sewsujre. There win be no further official testing of the new West End sewer system until some means are found to secure a suf ficient amount of water to keep one of the pump) at tho lifting station of Sixth avenu In operation for at least more than" ten minutes. This decision was reached at a meeting of the city council aa a committee of the whole yosterday afternoon. The Water board refused to permit the use of the water from the city mains unless paid for. In an unofficial test made a few days ago 1.500,000 gallons of city water was poured into th sewers above the pump ing station. It required this amount to fill the pipe, and when the pumps were started, it was gone In less than fifteen minutes. It waa sucked up by th pumps, lifted to th main discharge thirty-alx-inoh sewer and sent on its way to the Missouri river. The pump waa beginning to attain the moat ef ficient speed when the water supply was exhausted. It began to suck air. Although the big Snow pump at the Lcentral pumping station of the water plant was working1 th level of the stor age basin In Fairmount park rapidly de otlned and Superintendent Etnyre was obltfe-ed to call a halt to prevent a scarcity of water for the regular service. The shop test of the pumps was made In the presence of Engineer Klersted at Kansas City, who designed the plant and acted as the city's representative. He pronounced them to be fully up to the required specifications. In accords, two with the terms of the contract, this test was sufficient, but Contractor Wlckham wanted a practical test under working conditions and ha insisted on the tryouk that he has been trying to bring about. Aldermen Stone, Hochman, Kelly and Hardin expressed their conviction In the committee meeting yesterday that a se vere publio test was demanded to satisfy1 the taxpayers that the ' system is scien tifically and mechanically perfect and will do all that is exr-eoted of it. Con. tractor Wlckham is sr xlou to show that it will do more than will be required. Plans for securing; a sufficient amount of water were not fully matured, but it may .be necessary to delay the official test until the main seven-foot sewer on Thirteenth street Is tapped and the new system be ' permitted to take care of a large share of the sewage In that trunk line, which is carrying the entire sewage of the city and discharging it into Indian creek at Seventeenth avenue. The aldermen spent the whole after noon in committee work, visiting various localities to Investigate matters that have been referred at previous council meetings. High School Debaters to Settle Question The Phllomathean Literary society of the High school will give its first open program of the year at the -high school Friday afternoon. Folowing Is the pro gram: Dramatic selection, John DeWltf, debate, "ReaoWed, That All Judges Ex cept Federal Judges Should be Subject to the Recall." Harry Shepherd and Har ley Helm, affirmative, and Frances Mi loney snd Thomas Q. Harrison, nega tive; "Summary of th European War Up to Date," Paul Brown; humorous se lection, Louie Crowl. r- jt SI I Are you on the lookout for good shirts' well made from exquisite patterns ? Then look for flirts' THESE good looking, long wearing shirts are made itrictly on honor. The style in them is unusually smart and always impressive. The new Fall and Winter models in exclusive patterns and color ings can now be had at your dealers, $1.00 arid up. . DtsipuJ mnj Uihrtd is Amtried i fortmta mmiern ihirt tkep it ikt K. I-. hlcDtU MJz- Ct. at SfrJutpk, Mi. I T W don aid