L 12 HIE UKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOVEU 9, 1514. KNIGHTS FAITHFUL TO END j Two Bands Play Through the Rain While Others Flee Ak-Sar-Ben't Staff Member Stick in Parade Through Shower. Fnlt- Conovcr. VmO THE STEADFAST WERE p. O. Jcwntnaa Took ffc Par of Jonah .l of Alleerlal Wtalr, Which Wae Rain proof Im Xlht. Ak-Sar-Ben1 faithful knight tayed their pot on th float Wednesday until the very last. Soma of the floata offered a little, mora protection from the raU thsn others, as In th esse of Jonah and th whale, nevertheless practically every .night remained "glued" to hl Job until the pageant had shot Its bolt. The men who participated In the various allegorical picture were aa follow: Float No. 1-P. J. C A- 'iW"', fan hearers: F. L. Keman. Prter Loch, femal-? sttendsnts to the king- Flo,t No. -Tttle float. Float No. -J. K. I-afh, Adam; K. H. Fteberg. Kve; P. K. Vo'ratt. Oal r el. Float No. 4 Jeor Ko, A. M nn Nnah'i dsuh;o-: 8. I. Noah. . . Float No. S-WllHtm Chub. Ix.t: M. Kubenateln. M. Oarvy. ll dnmrhtera. Float No. Frank Preel, -lekah; O V. Phelpe. E. L- UvinKaUvi. M. K. Larson, attendants: J. Ki rarnaly, camel c)rlvr: J. H. Carnaby. I'eter 1'eterson, Vlnnt Hannall. merchant. Float No. 7 John H. Ill mow, Jacob. Float No. L.. A. Iermody, Joseph: C. K. Meloney. Fharoah; K. M. Bovell, (Irntn F. Hall. guarda; J. n. Gallatin. F. H. Turner, fan bearer i H. F. Frank fort. K. li. Oebom. female rnualciana; C V. Wedell, A. H. Roe, court attaches. Float No. 9 H. O. Bcnford. t'haroah's esughlex; W. CI. Spain, T. V. l.urlteon. tlivt; A. lywnon. M. It. Harrk. J. K. O'Brien, femalo attendants; P. V. Brown. lave. Float No. Jo O. H. lamp. Mowi; 1ir 15. lte-erman, M. C. Brown, George Ger gen, A. Bakke, Israelite; Chartea II. I -arena, Qaoraw Westergard, Carl H. John arm. A. Westergard, women. Float No. U B. H. Milan. J. Poekhoft, i rrrea; M. G. Ilajnann, N. M. TraphagJO, J. S. ArohlbaM. W. II. Hulalaer, lra- llteaj A. O. Hton, high priest; F. H. I IHanaea, Israelii; V. K. Bo, U B. . Heme, women. Float No. lt-Jamea Corr, Jouih: L. i PeAOmgni, jr.: A. 8. Tortder. B A. Frost, William H. Ptlbbllng, W. H. Crawford. i soldier: W. R. Pratt. J. W. McDonald. ' Oarland Latta, V. M. Grace. Arthur Beck. ! 'William Slssua, a J. Bell, Herman Wllke. prl'nta. float No 13 H. Mafcaffay, Jomiah; C. E. Bmlth, W. O. nwll. C B. Ilta. K. A. Weeterlng. C. O. Towl, II. K. Hteveni, Bay Low, J. O. 81m peon, aoldlera. Float No. li hi U Potter, ftaraaon; Paul Haven. Txilllah; 11. Win. Phil Wilier. Jamea Flaher, A. W. Johanaon, aoldlera. LJoat No. 1 Ifenry T. Meyera,' Solo, mon; II. A. Fouler; CJueen of Hheha; T. . Iay, Geore II. Helntae, train lirarere: 11. 8. Hoover. F. V. Ilelntue, carrlcra of )reenla to the ciueen; A. C. Hunt, O. A. KraKfkow. fan txarera; George . Knell, Allwrt Zlmmer. Kiwnl. ' Float No. 17 William J. Bohan. Ulljah; Bert Fox, KHh. Float No. 1i Iaul Beaton. Belachnaiar; Ray Ilyrne, Joaerh: tJeoriro Hoai'h, K. ' T. Petera. J. II. McPonf.uwIi. V. KUkan, ecurt wtlendanu: George McShan, l N. Bunee, J. A. O Noll, H. I. Eyler, female court attache. , Float No. Ilk- Dun Butler, Daniel. , . -oat No. K r. 0. Jennlnga, Jonah. Iloraemrn. Float No. l.-P. T. Heafy. Jul Althoua, Chrvilea Bianden, W. . Wevera. Float No. J J. li. Kaaper, J. Feldman. W. O. Lllljcnatolpe, J. Bchoenwold. Float No. S Lew Boye, Frank Hal, J. J. Iflefer. 1 Float No. 4 Thomaa Sweeney, Dick Miller, Emorv Roach, John Martig. Float No. fc-l N. Bigger, . H. Car penter. Carl Minlna, John A. Qentleman. Fioat No. M. Bkow, P. J. KrumU Elnar Hall. H. F. Petri. ' Float No. 7Uua Blaaer, XL MoVea, 3. C. Prderaen, Roy Dougherty. Float No. T. lo Belknap, C. F. Fran er. H. W. IJvMMy, U 11. Noble, Float No. -N. Q. Ncleon. Max Kattla tnan, Harry Thorne, L. Adler. Float No. 10-B. C. Paul. C. O. Heath. W. J. Swoboda. R. A. Relalng. Float No. 11-Wllllaro Bargar, II. R. Fitch. A. R. Rluto. K. J. Flnkenatetn. float No. -A. W. Taggart, Erie Erlxon. W. A. Leet, J. 8. Weppner. Moat No. 1-F. J. Stack. WlUttUtl Ruaoirr, rJ Roaenburf, Rudolph Von Keaeel. Float No. 14-C A. Adam. R. O. Rward. Eroll SchonbecJc H. R. Worrla. Float No. W. Novak. E. D. Welah. F. A. Marker, N. J. Anderson. Float No. W-F. li. WVprmer. John j monwn, ju. u. wilier, w. F. Verner. iot r-o. 17 Jred Htone, W. A. Math . arlT. 1L F. Oreellng, H. GaJlaarher. Float No. I Bam Cohn. a. K. UaaUJn rry Peteraon, Ova Tender. Float No. 1-A. D. Fell. Frank Raum, F. H. Sherwood, Fred H&iuiUihan. Float No 80J. Johnaon, J. Downlnr. . J. Jiaakar. R. U Oorka. K' MANY USED CARS ARE . SOLO TO CARNIVAL VISITORS Th feed ear boalneaa ha reealved quit a, hooat thl weak, out-of-town vlaltor ratronlsln the local concern to coneld arabla Mttent Th Induatrlal Oarage company, on of Ui larreat uaed oar dnal ra in town, reporu nrteen car sold Wedoeadar alone to vlaltor. Indication are that thrifty farmer d. mng mxh grade car find a tlghtl uacd car aulted to their purpoaea. t'n queaUonablr nuftiy big value may be found In thl end of th automobile bual eea and aa the) Indualrtal Garam tx peel to double IU aaloa Thuraday and Friday, the Indlcattona are that vlaltor . will taka away about all th delrabl uaed car In town. , AFFAIRS ATJOOIH OMAHA rnblio in Large Number Paying Viiit to the Tardi Diitrict PACKERS' SH0WSI0HT3 TO ALL Demaad for Feeder aff Noted) and ftayere Pat la Their Appear are la ifarn Thaa t'aaal Kialier. When the etnrm broke nrt night. Just a the parade wa near the end of th route, there wa a wild rueh of mualclana j for ahelter, aome tunning with coat apread over their Inatrumenta to protect th bright pollah from the atnady down- . il. V. . .1 . . m rinll rir' Fully 5.W0 people vlalted the tock yanl Only two l-in.la atood ftrm-the Wg f"d th" yeale.day. anO uniformed organliatlon of poatofflce ere are acveral day left for vlaltor at muni. Una and Dan Deadunea' corp. of , th" n, Induatrtea. Uterally the viaduct more than thirty colored player. Both ' ",".', to tock yard and the pack of theae continued to play their Inrplr- j ere crowded yeaterday foro- lng twne In the line of march. noon for hdrt time In the after- How Dry I Am" wa the tune atruck rioon. Hpeclal guide have beep appointed up by "the poatofflce band. which j ' conduct the vlaltor through the yarda marched on aa If the beat of weather ! "d through the packing houae. The via. prevailed. Many favorable comment 1 'tor were profuee In their comment were uttered by apecttor, who admired upon the welcome and eourteay shown th aplrlt of the poatofflce and Deadline' j them at the big pinnt. mualclana In etli king to the parade In j At th packing houae. where ome pit of the downpour. i trifle attracted a woman vlaltor, th guide Th Lynch (Neb.) hand of women and ! wa quick to hand It out with the comptt glrla wa a thoroughly drenched bunch ; ment of th packing houae. The men before ahelter wa reached. Thla hand, ; apent a great deal of time In the atock which attracted a rreat dea, of attention, J yarda, both In the Exchange nd In the I compoaed of many girl In their teen j yard, properly ao-called. The aanltary and wearing ahort drcaaca. The women pena, water and feed service held their "did their hair' under heavy blue cap , at tntlun and they aaked muny gueation and marched In their appolnaed plana In j about loading facilities. Stock yard men the parade in complete unconcern whll report that th crowd are taking more th crowd cheered loudly. Interest In ' the stock Induatry and- the majority of the mualclana dtahanded packing house than ever before at Ak- am PirtjMtnth afrMit In the flnwnnntir ' Owing to th large crowd In every place that offered the least ahelter th musi cian were compelled to "beat It" to their hotel. Thl they did In all haate, although none of the instrument wa laft Exchange dining room at the I'nlon Htork on the field of rtlaaater. , VHrds. and will s , ... Altogether nearly 1 mualclana marched i piy ,na ,nnln hv lnn. . . " I T in, T ft r. .An... t 1 tar-P.cn time. Raaei Ball Iteraraa, "Doc" Fry ha arranged foi a special taae ball aerie, beginning FriBny after noon. The return will l received at th and played In th parade. twelve bands, some of which were se cured from small townp In th atate. Each of theae band mad a creditable allowing. Th Fourth raglroent band, under Klp Ilnger, led th parada, followed by th other la order, aaoU a few feet apart: Oenova Military band, French band of 6outh Omaha, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Btromaburg; University of Ne braska, Omaha Poatoffloe, Omaha Flf and Drum corps, Arapahoe, Toung Men' Christian association and IjCwI' band. already be- Bun to place beU on the big event. The return will be taken at the same place during the whole eerie. Innaeat Over Mare a-. Coroner WlUI Croby held an mrrneat yesterday afternoon upon th death of -onn Macek, who wa killed Monday whll crowing th Rurtlnrton -..v. Thlrty-auth an3 J treeta Maoek leav "mow ana seven children. Feeder stuff at the Union HtocJc' yard ' up. according to llv atock men. Buyer, from Nebraska and Wyoming and " w lrpm uakota are In the mar ket, anslou to atnok un ki- j . - -f ,onj Mill, Theyreport plenty of hay and fodder for ... wmier ana ar anxlou to take ad vantage of th need for fat .took. in consequence, th men at the yard "wnmi netter Dual nee conditlona ne leading dealer ald yeaterday nave done more bualnena Motorcycle Rider at Carnival Has a Hairbreadth Escape Wlille dashing at top speed agound the perpendicular wall of the motordrome on th carnival ground Wednesday night, more money within the last week than In O. K. Ilagcr, one of tho speed demon. narrowly escaped dnath when on of hi handle bar. broke. He managed to koep hi acat. 'lioweAer. as he grabbed the rk of his machine whery the bar gave way, - J " " . , .... uubsui 01 ine HLiu Ani...i, lined the drom and would have eufferedl college. The affair la an annual one and erlou caaualtlea along- with th fearlejthe men look forward to It with a great rider If the lnttrr had not manajred by superhuman effort to control; hi wild machine. lie was unhurt, but experienced near-dcalh aonautlons and threw a fright Into tli crowd for a few minute. ' many moona. Itorkmen Lincoln. been made of the annual vialt tof the Union wtooic v.i. , nen to Lincoln -on the 25th of October to 1 m thaa . M a. . hildren Have Merry Time at Carnival Mor thousand of merry children romped on the Plaia of Pleasure to their heart' content, it wa children day again, and th public school .had de clared a half-holiday In order that all th kiddle might e the . fraternal "pa red and enjoy th wonderful attrac tion within the high board fence of Qulvera'a on domain. 'Saturday Is to be another day et apsrt for th kiddle. I Elliott Here to Get Data on Ak-Sar-Ben Howard Elliott of the safety depart ment of th Ran Pedro road 1 In town from Lo Angeles, securing th data for a tory of th Ak-Aar-Ben fastlvltlea and tha legend of Qulvara and the City of Cibola. ri..i .r ... Th. n. . .. ik. , Pn00' ntertln - Z "l alnn nd in tha after- .I . u"l 1H battle with . micnigan Aggie. The foot ball game M-te Citr Uoaalp. Cheroke coal, un.oreened, 4 25; .c.reen. ' '. oouin 7. llOWlRnrt T.nm 1. r i The South rw.v,. i... . .'. Irf.r'nor, drMrtjrn, fternoon in order to afford a many aa rull 5nwrtu"'t to .4 the a" ... Kv S1VJ, Office, pce for rent in Bee of flea. 'nm r tref'"- lerm reasonable. Well Tel. Houth 27. Long Illness Causes Mother -to End Her Life Despondent because of prolonged Ill ness, Mrs. C. E. Day, Charles street, committed eiil' I1 at her home last nlKht by swallowing two ounces of rarbollc acid and thn opening a ga Jet near the bed In her room. When th two children of th dead woman. John, aged ft, and Margaret, aged 12, returned from school yeaterday they mlaaed their mother, but thought she had gone to attend the carnival. Wl,n tha father returned he found the front up talrg bedroom aecurely locked. He broke open the door and found hla wire lying on the bed dead. Police auraeon rushed to the scene with a ptilmotor. but their efforts were futile. Mrs. Day, In order to be certain of death, had locked the window of the room, packed a towel In the crevice under the door and plugged the keyhole wltn paper. In a note left for her husband she aald: Dear Ed -Take good care of the chil dren. I have been sick and In mleory ao long that I can atand It no longer. Forgive me, plenae. ANNA. "Mr. Day had Just recovered from a erlou operation and had been ailing centlnuously. She was 30 year of age. Newsboy Who Cries False Reports Now , Out of Business An enterprising neasboy at the corner of Seventeenth and Frnm street for the laat few.daya has been trying to mak the public believe that the Germane were ready to surrender, and has had battles fought and armies defeated that never occurred. In spite of repeated warnings, yeaterday, according to hi cries, he had the United States about to declare war on japan. The enterprising new vender haa been suppressed and hi Imagination will probably be uaed to better advantage In th future In other field. CONFESSES TO ROBBING HOME OF'L D. WILLIS Police belter that tn the arret yester day .of John Benlck, alia Franks, and Jamea Norton, they have broken op the gang that ha been systematically rob bing realdeneea on the south and south west sides. The men were trailed down and taken Into custody by Detectives Ring and Van Deusen after' Pawnshop Detective Snoop had caught them trying to dispose of stolen property. The pair attempted to sell a pair ot opera glasse which were Identified by thnnn the nalr stolen on October I from the home of J. F. II k. Jack on atreet. Norton confessed to a number of btir l.rlua (nelnriinir that of the home O U D. Willi. 1" South Thlrty-elxtl atreet.' Tueaday night. He aald he and a pal got about fott) worth of loot out of th Willi home. SHAVING AND CINDERS ABSORB MUD AT CARNIVAL Firteen big load of cinder and shav ing have been, distributed over the ground of th King Highway In order tht th thousands of visitor will not be Inconvenlecsd by the mud that would otherwise be underfoot. SHOW TENTS SHELTER MANY DURING. DOWNPOUR Th dosen or more tent tht houae th attraction on the Plata proved an ap preciated refuge for the multitude which wa visiting the carnival when the rain fell Wednesday night. Every tent shelt ered hundreds, of peoplo, and when the downpour ceased the grounds again be came alive with the surging throng, as It made ita way toward the exits and home. j TV- mm Try Reslnol Soap for a week. You will be surprised to sea how it clear and freshens your com plexion, aven in that short time. Used for the shampoo,! t removes dandruff, and keeps the hair IIy. rich and lustrous. The soothing, healing influence that fnakss this possible Is the Reeinol which' Reslnol Soap contains and which physicians have prescribed for years in the care of skin and scalp troubles. i Bold brail druarglat. For sample fra. writ to Dept. s-P. Kssinol.BaltunurOia. location Mra. Alice J mother of Mra Hcott, aged W yeara. James McRevnoMa I Ahead of You Somewhere Near or Far Lie th Goodyear Tire a ) I I aw -aL BE -. . m fed Every Tire Trouble tarings You Nearer to Goodyears Every rim-cut is bound to remind you that No-Rim-Cut tires avoid this. r Every blow-out should suggest that our "On-Air" cure ends a very frequent cause. Every loose tread will urge reduction of this risk. In Goodyears by a patent method we reduce it by 60 per cent Every puncture suggests our double thick All-Weather tread. So does skidding. So does wear. Those are four exclusive Goodyear iea turfs. To get them you must get No-Rim-Cut tires. And that time is surely coming. It has come to hundreds of thousands already. , . More men use Good years than use any other tire. And they are men who seek just what you -seek. i iOODPYEAR 1 tae AKION.OHIO No-Rim-Cut Tires With All-Waathar Tread er Smooth We've Earned It . We have earned this place for Goodyears the topmost place in Tiredom. We have attained here a quality supreme and unvary ing. We have long spent $100,000 yearly on laboratory efforts to better them. Oh one exclusive pfocess-our "On-Air" cure we spend $450,000 "per year. The result is maximum sturdiness, . the limit of safety, the minimum of trouble. You want the ' benefit - Soon or late that want will bring you to these matchless Goodyear tires. Prom that day on, you - will never Start now when our All -Weather tread of fers winter security such es no other tread can offer. , Any dealer can supply yq " Goodyaar tire. If th wanted six i not in stock be will telephone our local branch. give them up. H915) SIOUX CITY MAN HELD FOR SHOOTING SONG BIRDS Etaimst C. Illggln, district inspector for th government, haa ut returned to Omaha from Bloux City, wher h brougtit about th arrest and con via Hon of D. R. Marke for killing aong bird, lligglna reported excellent ahootlna near Bloux City, that mallards have started to ml grate southward and that th hunter ar enthusiastic over prospects on th river this fall. HEAVY RAIN EXTENDS ALL AROUND FROM OMAHA Omaha wa not th only place that wa Irtvon a drenching by the rain of Wednes- day night. According to th railroad re ports, the rain extended up and down the river th entire width of the ut. over Into Iowa 1 inUcsir so and out into Ne braska a far meat as O'Nell, Gothen burg and Red Ootid. Th perclplutlon , ranged front one-half to one Inch. . Now It la clear and cooler out In th slat, th Indication being that fair weather haa com to stay for a white. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND GAS MEN IN CONVENTION A convention comprised of sixteen rep resentative manager of th various plant of th Nebraska Iowa Qaa and Electrto Kervlt' corporation are la ses sion at th Rom hotel. Th firm wa until recently known a th Abbott-liaton company, but changed ownership and nam several months ago. - ' RAIN RUINS FLOATS; WILL N0TJE EXHIBITED Sameon. lord high chamberlain oC King Ak-Sar-Ben's court, ha announced that the beautiful electrical floats were praa tlcally ruined by th rata Wadneaday night after the parade, and therefore will not be parked on th carnival grounds for th enjoyment of lata visitors to th festival. It had been planned to exhibit Ihrra during the remainder of th week. Its Casa at la L. ratela. The cms of L U Cantxiou. Clarendon. Texas, la atmilar to that of many ether who bare used Chamberlain's Co 11 a. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. II ay. "After trying a doctor for several mouths, and using different kind of medicine fur my wife who ha bean troubled with sever bowel complaint for several months, I bought a botll of Chamberlain' Cone. Ct.olr and lOarrhoea Remedy. After using th sec ond bottle s'h wa entirely cured " Tor La,o by sll dvaJcra Advtrrtisniwut rinarer ( ranked and Urals d, ' rtucklen'a Arnica Salve give aur re lief. Quickly heal ore, bruise, burn. All druggist. Advertisement. ' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 8enstor O.-M. Hltchock left laat even ing on hla return to Washington. The senator extcta to come hack again as soon ss adlournment of congress, hkb ne iooks lor anout IK-ioner JU. Judge and Mr. 'W. A. Iledick hat- ar rived home from Kurope, most of th time since the outbreak of the war being spent In Ixtndon. JuHgw Retlt-k voices the sentiment of th Uritlsh that there is no other outcome excepting complete uerman aereai- LhA? S.tt'l? A"! '".OnTahaV The fnn'ers' -ui up neia inia afternoon at 1 nVlnxb tf-5rrJ!r ?',?l,c TJv,,n,y-evnth nd' ... fat.. V l" oreai uwn ceme- 7L,fkoW"k 'or ,n,ny '"ftr resident of BQuth Omaha. to b sold at publla auction to the hlnh est bidder on the 10th day of October at I p. m., on 2Jth, between O and P Sts Itoiises must be moved away a fL Collins. Justlca of the peaca. Friends of Chief of I'ollce John Brljrta complain that fire halls of the city are being used to advertise the candidacy of Sherl f Kellx M.-Shane. There la aald to ? '"rffe Placard placed acroaa the hall or No. 4 fir house. Brlgsrs ears he ex pects a snusre deal and that to use the iij iirr aeuarrmeni is not a square deal In his mind. II doe not blam Sheriff Aicsnane. W can sv you per cent on your tov. The largest line of atove in the city to seteoy. from. A 18-pleoe set of fin granite re given away free with every range or kitchen cabinet. You own It to yourself to Investigate before you buy. Koutsky-Pavllk compauy. SUFFRAGIST WILL MAKE HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASS "Do yau know exactly In what war.l and precinct you live?" asked Miss Jan Thomson at a meeUng of suffrage ward and precinct worker at th Toung Men's ChriaUan association yesterday after noon. Only three women out of th ftfty present war not ura Map and chart of th city' were In evidence on chair and table and thjl worker wer being Instructed by M(s Thomson and Miss Klsle Vandergrtft In methods of reaching th voter. Ar house. to-housa campaign la planned for the last purt In th 'campaign. Mlaa Thomson and Miss Vandergrtft will speak In each ward of t,he city, taking two day to cover each ward. Mr. James Taggart received a hand' oma pearl ring from a suffrage enthusl ast In Idaho, with Instruction to cell It for th cause. Mra A. C, Zehner of Fort Worth. Tsx.. arrtvea Thursday to help In th campaign work. VALVE-IN-HEAD tfe) C rX MOTOR CARS DIPHTHERIA CONTAGION IS SAID TO BE CONTROLLED . Rty hearth official report another case of diphtheria, thl time at W North mxieentn treet. fhyalclana seem to hav th contagion pretty well under control now. No death hav occurred within th laat tan day. Regulate Your Bowels and Stop Headaches, Colds, Sour Stomach Cascaret make ' you feel bully; they Immediately cleanse and wetn th stomach, ramov. th sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take tit excess bll from th liver andTarry oft th constipated waate matter and We poison I root th bows! a. A Caacaret to night straighten you out by Wrninr-a a 10-rent box from any druggtit keep your Stomach regulated. Head clear and IJver and Bowel la fin condition for month. Don't forget the children. Have Delivered 1,250 . jDuiefc (bars YX MOTOR CARS and have just succeeded in catching up with the demand created. by v the first announcement made July 17th. We are now, for the first time since the 1915 Buick announcement was made, able to take orders for immediate delivery, and can deliver your car to you so you ran enjoy these beautiful fall roads and extra fine weather. THE BUICK LINE Is the most beautifully designed, most up-to-date,-and best made line of popular priced oars on the market for 1915. For business or pleasure, the Buick is the car you want. An investigation of the line will convince you of this. . ?r Model C-24 Roadster. Model C-25 Touring... Model C-36 Roadster. e e e e . ,$900.00 Model C-37 Touring .$1,235.00 . .$950.00 Model C-54 Six Roadster. .-. . . .$1,650.00 .$1,185.00 Model C-55 Six Touring. . . . .$1,650.03 All f. o. b. Factory. ... V t PRICE 10 CENTS! .AS CARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEER VALVE-IN-HEAD V y7 MOTOR CARS WRITE FOR CATALOGUE OR CALL ON US FOR DEMONSTRATION Nebraska Buick Auto Co. Omaha . Lincoln Sioux City VALVE -Its' -HEAD C MOTOR CARS