Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    fllK I IKE: OMAHA, TlirHSIUY, OCTOBER , 1914.
4 A
For Every Purpose
By far the best and largest se
lection we have ever shown.
Brocaded Velvet
Some of the most beautiful de
signs and color combinations you
ever imagined used mostly for
sashes and dress trimmings.
Brocaded Satin
Matched for sashes and hair rib
bons; colors pink, yellow, blue,
green and white.
Roman Stripes and
In a great many new color com
binations at all prices.
5-inch Flowered Ribbons on
sale, at 25c a yard. '
Flowers, Sashes, Hair Ornaments,
Ribbon Novelties Made to Order.
Gloves for the Ball
Large and select assortments of choice
handwear for dress wear. You should
be just as particular about your gloves
as you are of your gown. No one
could be more careful in selecting quali
ties than we are, and besides we have
to offer you everything in the way of
' Good Quality Good Style
Good Values
For Tomorrow, Thursday,
A $10 Skirt for $7.85
This particular showing of $7.85 fine
Separate Skirts is deservedly popular.
This week wo have added a number of
styles in broadcloth and serge.
Easily a $10 value, OtT
for tomorrow, only P I ,00
No extra charge for alterations
Ak-Sar-Ben Special ,
Offering of Fine Suits
$12-75. $15.75 $18.25
A great variety of excellent $19.50 to
$30 Suits, priced now at
$12-75 $15-75 $13.25
Expert Fitters .
in Attendance
s to Assist You
The Store for
A great many attractive
new arrivals at $2.95.
Always an interesting place
to visit the Blouse Section.
The Fur Shop
Where you buy with assur
ance assurance of the high
est quality, the latest styles,
the fairest prices.
New Coats
Very handsome fashions for
street, afternoon and even,
ing wear.
Exclusive AgfnU
McCall Patterns
Xew Styles' Now ITere
Made with a larger top than
ordinary and consequently
fit snugly, stay up and do
not bind.
jLisle, 35c and 50c pair.
Silk, $1.00 and- $1.50.
Announce! Kuuians Eart Been
Driren Back Acron Vistula by
Teutonic Allies.
jet-ssla. I--e- H...
awry ! Deresleely Defeated la
Tot Days' Batlle at Palat
m m Taaate).
, I Captive balloon to discover and ob
VIENNA, Oct. 7.-tVla Amsterdam and j erve h movements of the. allied armies;
Londoa.r-The official statement signed I powerful searchlights to point out
by Genera! Von Hoefer. deputy chief of j the positions and to blind tha defense
th general etsff. was given out In thla "'ht attack are being used by
(Continued from Paae Ons.)
troops continue their advance and at
several places they have penetrated
Into East Prussia. To sum up, the
German offensive on the Nieman has
been brought to an end by a com
plete check, accompanied by consld- j
erable losses."
wss wounded at Tarnovka, RusMan
Fuland, teptmbr .
Fall In Relieve Praeaiyal.
PARI.. O l. J A Haves Agency dip
patch from Prtrograd a that a report
from t.cir.berg. GrIIi'Is. states thut
Priemysl. th strong fortreM of the, Xuj- .
trlnmi. fifty-one mllea west of lumbers.
Is bring- bombarded by Russian heavy ar
tillery. "
Th damage It coTielderable. houses
being- art on fire by bursting- aharpnel.
All effort of the Austrian field forcei
to assist the fort have been unsuccessful
and their troopa have retreated to Vlot-s'avsk
city today:
"October The sudden advance of the
German and Austrian forces In Russian
Poland seems to have completely sur
prised the Russians. Although they
moved strong; force from Oallcla to the
north, they were repulsed and driven
back across the Vistula by the allies,
while making an effort to cross the river
in the direction of Opatow.
"Our troopa captured a bridge held by
the Russian near Bandomlr.
"In Gailcla we are advancing In accord
ance with our plana.
"In the vicinity of Tarnovieg we
routed a division of Russian Infantry.
. Ptasasaaa Defeat la llatagary.
LONDON, Oct I. It I officially an
nounced from Hunt. Marmora county.
Hungary, that Austrian force have
been heavily engaged with Russians
since Monday, at a potnt near .Tecio.
telegraph the Amsterdam correspondent
of the Router" Telegram company. The
Russians retreated. The battle earn to
an end near Krlcsfalva, with complete
victory for the Austrlans.
Teceo I aboufty twenty mllea southeast
of Hunt, oa the railroad and Krioafalva
la about the sime distance east of Hunt
Marmaro county la in the extreme east
of Hungary, between Oallfla and Tran
sylvania. Cholera Breaks Oat at Taraow.
A dispatch from Roma to the Exchange
Telegraph company says:
"A message from Vienna announces the
sudden outbreak of Asiatic cholera in a
most violent form at Tarnow, in Oallcla.
Forty; cases, the message says, were re
ported on Tuesday."
Taraow on the Dsnujec river, I a town
of about 3S,00 inhabitant. It a 136 miles
west of Lemberg and on the line which
the Austrlans and Russians are taking on
t their way to Cracow. Fighting between
the Austrlans and Russians near Tarnow
haa been reported several times.
(Continued from Paga One.)
back and forth ' with the crush 'of
humanity. ) ' '
, Every office building fronting on the
afreets traversed hung black with people
who leaned In cluster from the windows
of esrh succeeding story, even to. the
dlssy height ' of sixteen and eighteen
floors. ;-' . ,. -.' '
World of Illamlaattoa.
Headed by a platoon of mounted po
lice and the Board of Ak-Kar-Ben Gov
ernors mounted on splendid horses, th
great column, a mile In length, began
its movement ahortly after I o'clock. It
started from Sixteenth and Cuming
streets, where the floats coming in eon
tact with the trolly wires burst Into a
world of Illumination In an Instant. A
infused cry of admiration leaped from
housands of lip as the first of the flam
ing wonders rounded Into view. There
was another shuffle for front positions
along the whole line of spectators, but
the front ranks, already ballasted by the
packs behind them, stood fast.
Slowly the great caravan of light and
color came en. Bands interspersed be
tween the Hosts furnished music, both of
a solemn and dignified character, and
music, of a lighter vein which bespoke
the spirit of festivity that accompanied
th entranoe ef the king Into the greatest
city of hi realm.
New Cesar the Klasrt
Heading the mighty caravan of twenty
floats, King Ak-Sar-Bea XX this year
led the 'proceaaioa of electrically-Illum
inated magnificence Instead of occupying
the last vehicle In the train. The float
his majesty occupied was one of truly
Antic:p2tfca . t .'
of fDthcrhobd
aLMMilr"rtrw''--"-" 1 ' in an i laiMei
There Is apt to be a latent apprehension
of distress to mar the complete Joy of
expectstjnn. F. Jt this Is quite overcome
by tl-.a advice of ao many women to use
"Mother s Prlend." This Is an external
application designed to ao lubricate th
muscles and to thus so relieve the pres
sure reacting on the nervee, that the
natural strain upon the cords and liga
ments Is not accompanied by thoee severe
pains said to cause nausea, morning sick
ness and many local distresses. This
aplendid embrocation la koowa to a multi
tude of mothers.
Mar.y people believe thet those remedies
which have stood ths teat of time, that
have been put to every trial under the
varying conditions of ace, weight, general
health, etc., may he aafely relied upon.
And Judging by the fact that "Mother's
Friend'' haa been In continual use since
our grandmother's earlier years and Is
known throughout the Vnlted Btatea it
may he easily inferred that It Is some
thing that women talk about and gladly
recommend to prospective mothers.
"Mother's Friend" la prepared only ta
our own laboratory and la sold by drug
gists everywhere. Ask for a bottle to-day
and writ for a special book for eipectaat
mothers. Address Bradfleld Regulator
Co., 407 Lamar Bid-, AUaaia, Ga.
regal splendor. In . color, light archi
tecture and aristocratic affect. With his
throne built In. Egyptian design, sur
rounded by ths Orand Mufti, Orand Not
ary,' Grand Marshall and many guards
and attendants, his highness sat In lordly
State aa he was drawn by the magnificent
array of white horses through the high
ways of his royal city. )
Mythological pictures) have in ths psst
been represented In the electrical floats.
Oriental pageants have been shown,
mystical scenes hava been depleted, fables
rrom the remote history or human an
cestry hava been shown In all their be
wildering and fantastical beauty. Rut his
year, the striking scenes, twenty of the
greatest spectacles, of Blblcal history,
were shown In the twenty floats. The title
float carried an open book, a huge book
representing the Bible.
Eaaalslea f ram Uasvfoa.
Following this csms ths first of ths pic
tures, ths expulsion from th garden.
Adam and Eva, surrounded by a garden
of flowers, a wilderness of 1 primitive
beauty, are before the serpent thst Is
seeking to Ingratiate Itself with them.
The flaming sword guarded th gates of
paradise through which they might not
Then cams a seen following the deluge.
Noah's ark was seen marooned on a
mountain peak. Th dove was returning
with the olive branch. The promising
rainbow was seen in th distance, signify
ing brighted days to coma. .
The scene of perhaps ares teat action
cam next In the destruction of Nodom
and Oomorrah. Lot's wife was shown Just
turned to a pillar of salt Lot and the
daughters are In wildest flight. The
flames at Sodom, being destroyed, could
h see leaping skyward in ths distance.
Kehekaa at the Well.
Hsbekah at the well was the next float,
showing ths young woman offering drink
to Isaac's servant and the camels. Th
thursty camels could, ha seen drinking.
The vision seen by Jacob In ths wilder,
ness wsa depleted In th next float. It
wat Jacb'a dream. The angels were seen
on the stairway.
Interpretation af Pharoah's dream by
Joseph was represented In snother flost.
with the wlss men, Pheroah, and a lot
of servants present aa Joseph interprets.
Then came ths little boat, or rather
basket. In which Moses aa a babe floated
down the river and was found In the bull
rushes. Ths daughter of Pheroah and her
companions are Just expressing surprise
at their discovery of th little floating
Moore in the allraeaee.
Moses wss next seen In a float thst
represented him coming down from the
mounaln top with the table of stone In
his hands, after ha bad been granted the
law of his people by the lord. In the
valley below the ignorant people were
still worshiping idols meay and various.
The fruit fuloosi. of the- land of Canaan
was sbly shown In th float In which the
spies, returning from that land, were
hearing hugh bunches of grapes that It
took two men to carry.
rail at Jerlefca.
Ths besieged city of Jericho was shown
with the Israelites marching hack and
forth beneath the powerful walla The
fall of the city was depicted in another
phase of the acene.
Joehua was showa in ths majestic stu
tude of commanding ths sun to stand atlll
until h had won his great battle. Ills
great army was about htm and the fright
ful conflict raged oa all sides.
Samson and Delilah were showa la an
other float, in the famous scene In which
she sought to lure from him the secret
of hla great streagth In order that she
might yield up the secret to his enemies
who hsd thus far failed to conquer him.
. David aad belle th.
TM prostrate form of Ooliath. the
giant, vii shown In another acene, with
the triumphant, heroic and beardless
Iaid staodlng over him. attll dangling
the Uttle sllag from which he hurled the
stone that alew the giant aad the terror
of hla people.
HoyaJ apleador, royal purple aad royal
statellnees was typified In every Una of
th great float that represented Solomon's
temple st the time of his reception of the
Queen of Bheba.
A fury of flams enveloping the chariot
of Elijah was shown In Elijah's ascent.
Hla miraculous garment Is left behind
lying on the ground. Bears appeared on
th scene a he had called them forth to
devour the boys who mocked him.
Feast af Belehatasas.
Feaatlng and levity were shown in the
demeanor of the multitude In the float
representing the feast of Belshaaxar. The
handwriting on the wall waa plainly to be
seen. Half the revelers .were already
aware of the evil portent of the writing
and were showing grest consternation.
Lions, red-mouthed and ferocious, were
pictured cowering before the pur and
radiant figure of Daniel, who stood un
afraid In the den of beasts Into which his
enemies hsd thrown him to be devoured.
The whale that ewallowed Jonah was
shown In giant form on the float that
represented this famous Incident In
Biblical lore. In a aectlonal view of
the whale's body the unfortunate man
waa seen In the stomach of ths great
sea monster. The monster, however, was
still In pursuit of small flshea to appease
Its great hunger.
(Continued from Fage One.)
church toward the met rum, led by little
Frances and Maxlne Rain, who scuttered
flowers In the path. ,
Rev. Orrfll performed the marriage rites
snd at the clone, Miss Hasel Canian of
Beatrlca offered a bemll-tlon. The bridal
party left the 'rostrum, while Mrs Clarke
played Lohengrln'a wedillng march and a
recepltlon followed at1 the Blmpklna' home.
The brides were beautifully attired In
white crepe ' meteor ' and silk ehantitly
with bridal trains. They carried boqueU
of brides' roses and awansonla.
The brides Bra the daughters of Mr. snd
Mrs. Edward V. Blmpklna They com
pleted their education nt the Ptate uni
versity in Lincoln and at Bellmont Col
lege, Nashville, Tenn. '
Mr. Hood Is with an express company
at Bryan, Tex., and he and hla bride will
make their home at that point. Mr. Van
Meter Is an electrical engineer of Scheneo
tudy. N. T.
fteveraor Delivers Address.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. 7. tfipeda!
Telegram.) Governor Mnrehead. of Ne
braska addressed a crowd of several
thousand people at the county fair her
this afternoon. He confined his address
to Uate Issues, he drove, to Wllber In hi
automobile, where he spoke this eevnlng.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
"LINCOLN. Neb., Oct. 7. (Special Tele
gramsAttorney General Martin haa de
cided that a candidate at the primary
who swear that lie will abide by the re
sult of ths primary, but who is defeated,
has a right to become a candidate by
petition for the same office at the regular
election. ' .
The decision Is given upon an inquiry
made' by County Attorney Magney of
Douglas county. The attorney general
Indicates that the responsibility ties with
th signers of the petition and not with
the candidate, and does not put the latter
in a position or violating his oath taken
at the time he became a candidate for
the nomination at the primary.
Faraaer Hart ta Aata I'pset.
FRIEND, Neb.. Oct. 7. (Special.)
While Timothy Sullivan, a farmer, re
siding six miles south of Friend was com
ing to town this morning with his auto
In which waa hla wife and M. J. Camp
bell, at a point two miles south, the ma
chine skidded and upset. Mr. Sullivan
had one of his hips dlstocatde. The other
occupants of the car escaped Injury.
Bee readers are too Intelligent to over
look the opportunities In the "want ad"
columns. They're worth while reading.
the Germans In the grand battle to the
north and east of Paris, which still la
without definite result.
Military science frequently 1 lust sight
of snd ths contest becomes merely the
hurling of forces sgslnrt one another. j
Night combats have become an Impor-j
tant element In the act'on. They are,
frequently forced by the Oermans. and j
as often sre repulsed by the allies. They:
are telling on the stamina of the troops
on each aide, many of ahem aread
are worn out on the firing line In the!
seemingly unending struggle. ,
The French people, who ' throughout j
have shown calm, are patiently awaiting
a decision. The changing actions at!
var'ou point along the battle line, as!
Indtcated by the war office statement,
furnish opportunity for diversified com
ment a to their significance.
Geraaaas Taking Ureal Risk.
Lieutenant Colonel Rousset. the mill- j
tary critic of La Llberte, sees In the j
Istest maneuvers of the Oermans an ele-
ment of daring. . A large spreading move- j
ment on the flank of an adversary, he
says, can have the Inconvenience, gen-j
erally grave, of enlarging the space which
exists between the moving troops and ;
those In front. This, must necesxarily j 1
have a reasonable limit under the risk I i
operation, which would be very perilous;
for those executing It
(Continued from Page One.)
retired, with the Russian Infantry only a
furlong away.
Coaatry m Morass.
Bad weather hampered the movements
of the German troops and Interferred
seriously with their aerial reconalsances.
The fact that the Russians were protected
by a line of forts msde the German of
fensive doubly hard. Their advance was
over a country which la nothing more
than a morass.
The Russians have gained In offensive
strength. Their artillery. Inflicted heavy
General von Hlndenberg, the German
leader, who has been operating in Poland,
was obliged to mske a number of forced
inarches in going to the relief of the
Austrlans, who were herd pressed. He
reached Opatow, in' the spurs of the Lysa
gory mountains, in time to be of help.
At this point a great battle Is thought to
be In progress. Ths throwing of a large
Russian force from Rad6m, south of
Warsaw, in the direction of Ivangorod,
to th porthcast," Is an Incident of this
engsgement, ...
Has Left Sabera.
The Ninety-ninth . German infantry,
which became known through the Zabern
incident, again has left Zabern for the
front Many volunteers fill the gaps. The
men were given quantities of cigars and
well supplied with winter clothing by the
people of the town.
M. Mas, former burgomaster of Brus-
Your Will
Written Free
The Peters Trust Com
pany will write your
Will and keep it safely
in its vault, free of
charge, when nominated .
as your Executor.
Our Permanency, Re
sponsibility and Exper
ience make us capable
and trustworthy to act
in this capacity, also as
Trustee, Administrator
or Guardian.
j "ie Z 2 FA R N AM STRE E T J&
' Hyacinths, 1
Daffedlla. I
C recuses, 1
Miles, Etc.
Catalogue on
request I
I U N. ' 1
Opp. Peetofflee. I
w Douglas 77.
Thi Stewart Food Company
- Guarantees
in any man, woman, child or baby who drlnkt It each
morning before breakfast. It contains the pure, l(
stive, corrective, salts of fruit the natural r
the natural remedy
for biliousness, constipation, I ndlgestlon, gallstones.
muddy complexion, sickheadache, piles. etc ! t cures
twiiiriin un i hiitAmicn. nver. dommms. Ktonevs.
When you team its rare power to do. this and
make people strong, healthy, and well you will
waste no more time or money on sickening physic,
dIIIl rw debilitatlna mineral waters.
ssls. Is now a prisoner of the Germans at 1 per Jar. for sale by Sherman st McCeemetl.
Nsmur. The forty-third German casualty j tTKWAKT TOOP CO., lit ttiarihj Baa. CWCacr
list has been made public. It contains '
10.800 names of dead, wounded and mlss--l ; 1
Ing. It Is headed by the name of Major '
General von Walter, who, while com-
manning a brigade or landwehr Infantry,
counter attacks In the district attending
from Lille to Roye by way of Lens, Arras
and Albert.
f'aatradlrtary ReaoHe fraaa Bast.
Both ths Germans and ths Austrlans
claim to have checked the Russian of
fensive and gained successes, but as
usual the Moscovlte statements fall to
agree with those of their opponents. The
German headquarters In Berlin announoed
that the Russian advance on the east
Prussian border not only was checked.
but that Emperor Nicholas' forces hava
been successfully attacked near Suwalkl,
the acene of much recent fighting.
Further south on tha Vistula, Oerman
and Austrian forces are said to have
dislodged th Russiana from their en
trenched positions between Opatow and
Ostrowleo with heavy Russian loeees In
prisoners and guns. The Austrlans claim
successes In Gailcla also.
On ths other hand the Ruaatans are re
ported as steadily advancing to the west
ward and southward.
Talk frees Gersmaay.
Another whisper of pesos hss been
heard as a result of ths efforts of the
German Peace assoolstkin, whose presi
dent hss been at The Hague, to brine:
about a meet'ng of international paci
ficists. This meeting, however, la ssJd to
hsve failed because of transportation i
difficulties. Ths same reason has led to I
the abandoning of tha attempt to con
voke The Hague peace bureau.
The only other political news ef !m.
port an ce la a rumor that the French gov.
ernment shortly will move back to Farla
Elaborate Double
Wedding at Fairbury
FAIRBURT. Neb.. 0 t. T.-Roecial.)-A
double wedding waa solemnised at the
Methodist Episcopal church In thin city
at T SS o'clock thla evening, when Miss
Georglanna Rimpklns waa married to
Frank E. Hood of Bryan. Ta . and Miss
Gladys Rlmpkins to Murro Everett Van
Meter of Schenectady, N. T. The cere,
mony was performed betora nearly n
friends and relatlvea
The church was artistically decorated
with southern em II as. and rhryseathem-uma-the
color scheme being yellow.
Mra. Cor win Clarke of Jackson, Mich.,
played Mendelssohn's wedding march aa
tha eight brideameJda carrying ahepbaxrd's
crooks, aeresnpaaksd by etaht ushers,
marched down tha center aisle of the
Thoughts are Sparks
flashes of the mind that decide for successor failure.
The question is. what kind of sparks
does your brain generate?
Tha brain, like a battery, must ba supplied with certain elements to generate thought properly.
These brain elements are water, albumen end phosphate of potash. If any of these are lacking In
the daily food, brain. and body energy are vitally lessened.
Are any lacking? Listen! Water and albumen are plentifully supplied In ordinary food, but
phosphate of potash together with other mineral elements la almost wholly lacking la white
bread and all white flour products. j
a-aasaas v,
containing all the nutriment of wheat and barley, including the precious phosphates ao essential
to perfect bodlea and active brains, provides a food at once delicious, nourishing and economical.
A morning dish with cream furnishes 10 WE R for accomplishment that many a man haa come
to appreciate. ,
Common sense goes a long way toward success. To eat right often means to BE right. ,
'There's a Reason"
Grocer f everywhere aelt Grape-TTets.
Soma Folks Say
n 'Tls Folly To Ba Wise"
But the patrons of the Belmont
Restaurant are wise to the fact
that no governmental food In
spector would be more careful
than we in the selection of
fresh, pure and nourishing
food-stuff, and prices are right.
C. N. BALL, Prop.
1316 Dodge St.
Open AH Night. .
BRA f 1 DEIS rmtTsssVai
assssstsasassw MATXsTSat BAT,
WUllam SOCK k ruLTOW Maude,
"The Candy Shop"
rSXCSBl Mat., Soo-tH iTenlng, tSo-$1.50.
Wights OOc.- 7 Sc. $1.00. sio, ta.oo.
Sat. Mat. SSo, too, 75c, S1.O0, $1.60.
With CTstX BCOTT and OKiailTAX,
( Other arts this
Trix Frijahnza '
a Co.; Emit Fallen-
t-ers; Wart Let Mob Ktra; Frances Ds Grsuart;
The Laefcmaaus: Orpheura Travsl Weekly.
Prim; MatlnM. OsMrry, 10c; Best Heats (st
rept SUunUj u4 tuatU)). iec NI(Hts, 1C toe.
tor site Tta.
tXVnr tffTT I Ourtaia mtses After
raraAea Vasa Theatre
Purposely Booked for Ak-Sar-Ben Week.
tarry Hastings' Big Show a?2?.
TIM Carnival s I'nSlaputed Dtaaeaa. TKs One thnm
M.ltera annuls eee; Bothlng like II bark some. Dsn
CclesMS. Beatrice Harlows ana it Puaetera. Gor-
saoaa rk-enlr ea-le a Rallrt ef Pries BeaatKs. '
AS. 16th aaa aTarasy.
Today and Thursday
Henrietta Crosmaa ii
Beglaa at 10, 11:10, lt:$0, liM. iitO,
:60, a, S, T, S, SsOS, 10.
Race at the ftpeedwa Saturday
aad Bandar, October 10 aad 11.
Races) start at S O'clock,