Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Farmer Cdl a Halt on the Sale of
Their Wheat
Hknt OaV-Half af Out Off,
Vt bile Cara Mlaaa ta On Oat
Illaher ta Half Iwtr
Oat nwn Frarlloa.
OMAHA, October 7. lli
rirmirn In both th winter and spring
whest belt have rslled a hall In the mat
ter of wheat mIm, aa th present price
In n"t to their liking. As a partial offset
to the flrmneae of holders wi tne redur
tion tn cash sal In all positions for both
milling- and import. Jt was learned lust
before the Hose Isst night that '.OU0 hu.
of whest u sold to go out via the gulf,
but eastern seaboard port era reported
tti dnli4nt day on the crop.
Speculation In wheat haa narrowed
down to tba room trading element. If the
hedging aalra. which were In evident
yesterday, are excepted. The publla la no
longer to be seen In til market, because of
the recent wicked price fluctuations.
Corn was heavy and rloeed around the
loweat levela reported and showed, net
Iowa for the day of V"lc. There waa
Mly one lltne rally during the session
ind there waa considerable pressure put
on the market by local professionals.
There waa no new buvlng and the cash
Irade waa amaller locally. Country of
fering ere amaller. Weather la uneet
tled tn central and weetern Iowa and
there waa some rain In Oklahoma. The
unliable In the I'nlled Mates and
Canada la now tTlMW bu., compared with
I.4K7.VW bu. one year as.
The apeculailve call tor oata yesterday
whs amaller than in several previous
dsy. and while thla waa partially off ant
br decreased country offerings, the re
ceipt were large at ptlrnary market..
Provisions longs were liquidating t(I
tome extent yeaterday. Thla waa the case,
particularly In .Innuary products.
Wheal waa Vulc lower.
Corn waa lc hinder to hie lower.
Onli were UfrHc lower.
Theee aalea weie reimried today.
Wheat-No. 2 hard wlater: J tar. !
J car. r.c; 1 car. 87c. No. hard win
ter: 1 ear.'W'V; 1 car, 9c; I eare, WW,
J rar. 74c: rare. ITc. No. t hard win
ter: 1 car. Wo; 1 rare, poor, 2rt. No grade
hard winter: I cara. Wtc; 1 car. fic. No.
I durum: t eara. 8!Hc, No. 8 durum: 8
cara, MHo, Oai No. I white: 8 car.
42'e; cara, 42c. No. 4 white: cars.
iv; No- ',m,;ed:J CX'
'41 in; 1 car, 41Wc No (trade: 1 cara, o.
Barley-No. 4 feed: 1 ear. Mo Corn-No.
white: 1 car. 71!. No. white: J car
re. No. 1 yellow: cara.
yellow: I cara. 4. No. I yellow: (cara.
CMe. No. yellow: I care. to. No. 1
mixed: 1 car f.e. No. 3 mljed: 1 car,
near white. tW; 1 car. ffl; fear. 4o.
1 ear. 4So. No. I mixed: 1 car. near
white ftT.e; 4 cara. 4c; 1 car. My
No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 4c. No. mixed. 1
... a,. white. 7Wc: 1 cara. OHo. Mam-
pf -r i -Zr22i:J? hi
No. 4
"uuiMi w- Na 4 anrlna. B.MiWW',
'oT 3 durum. ! No.
Corn: No. 1 whlta, W&ta: N; 2
Shite. nr:W Vhttft.
V. 4 white. 7fi(eV: No. 4 white,
i: no. i whiti v: n- w;
mVic: No. 2 yellow. fifftc; No 3
yellow. 4SH64e: No. 4 yellow. 644
No t yellow. G4Wfl-c; No yellow. 644
win- No 1 mixed. fWY'aiSSiu.
rnlie. W'; No. mixed.
NO 4.,4ft4e: No
t-Vc-WnddA t2Hc; No. . fMKPv-.i
v 4 whit 4mft41e. Barley: Maltlnn,
:TVM W By.: No. X
OearMrea on corn Vr.'Jl,ur
oata buahel and wheat and flour
Jan . t ;
10 an
in ft.'.
10 jl0 45
72H' 7
plei 1 car, 6.V, Hye-No 1: I rara. a.
Omaha Caah Prlcea-Wheat: No. 2 hi
KUtKc; No. I hard. N
raTT!r97o; No. t eprlnK. WVfct-wH:
waa no uvwrprw.i i
CM.r. wheat receipt w.- .
buahria and ahtpmenU l.OOO b'.aheia
acalnat recelpta laat year of
buahela and ahloroenta of 732,M buahel.
Primary corn recelptt were, 4J2.nnO
buahel. and ahlpmeau
.-.i iat vear of Wo0 buah
el. and .hlpmenU nf' w.a.OOO bu.beU.
PMmirt oata receipt, were 2.04S.0(10
. , .hlnmenta 1 S OHO buahela,
nirt rceln. laat year of M.OW buah-
ela and ahlpmenta of M4O"0 buahel.
Wheat. Corn. Oe-U. Rj. B ly.
Ohicirrt ... Ih'i 4 3X1 ..
Mtne'pl. .. 74 ..
An.l.. 47 R4 4 4
Kan. City . W U
Ht IxuU . 4 34
WlnnJpef . a "
reatarea of Tr4lli7 ! Cloeta
' Prtce om Board of Trarfe.
rilirAfMl. Oct. T. Wheat prloes ra-
rjwloi from an advance today after dl
covery that efforle to buv Jarre amount.
riniie oatenalhlv for the French and
itelaian aovernmenta had been without
authority. The market cloeed unaettled
at the an me aa laat ntxht to Uo up. Corn
rained Vac to and oata V(
to Sc. In provlalon. the outcome
varied from loo deMlna to a rlae of fcto.
Bulllah fltnirea In the rovnrnment crop
report regarding wheat cam too late to
affart tmlav a market, th early atrenKth
In which waa due mainly to higher Quo
tation, at Ikverpool, to a decreaae In th
Kuropean vlalbie .upulr and to unfavor
able advice about aeedlmr In Franc.
Helglum and elaewhere. Keactlona act
in. however, when th fact began to be
apparent that export bualneaa wa. not
developing unuaual volume even when
offer were mad at a decided, conoeaalon
In m-ic.
What made th. backward awing of
value conclusive aa to wheat waa th
nnounoement that big tentative sal
of flour from American and Canadian
mill, to a supposed repreaentattv of the
French aad BellKian armies were being
cancelled. Th aaKrexate of th di
credited sale, was said to b fully 2,0O0,v
Cnrn mad only temporary dip In re
poii to th setback ahown In wheat
Wet weather, threatening to delay re
ceipt., waa partly responsible for the
sirens-th of th market and o also v
a tendency to even up trades In antlclpaT
tlon of the government crop report. 1 h.
Washington estimate, which arrived juat
after the close, proved, however, to be
more bearish than had bean expected.
(tat reflected In a moderate way the re-
i-al of a liberal demand from the nca
tKiard. It waa said that one purchase
from Prance amounted to 44V."i bushels.
Carre recelpta of hug at wentern cen
tera weakened the provisions market
Huytng on the part of paokera, though,
. had a ateadylng effect after the decline.
Grain prices furnished by Ixiran
Bryan, office. 115 South Sixteenth street.
Wheat! I I I I
Chicago 'sh Prices-Wheat: No. 2
red 1 oyi i . No 2 hiird. Il.flfJ
1 '.' Corn No. 2 yellow, 72c; No. I
yellow, '.i'lyMVIV. 'la No. 1 white,
4i,W'ik-; ptanilard. 45Vu4f.c.
; j.nigher: recelpta, t.i caaea; at
mark, rea included, '.fir; ordinary
flr"ta, '.""ii-lc; flrta. Illi' V-
ni'TTKlt Ifleher. receipts. ,17 tub.;
Creanierv, ?4''i-'yc
I't TATOI- I'nartt'ed ; recejt. 40
cara; Michigan and Wtwnnain, 4'ftCOc;
Mlnnea.ita and Iakota, 470'.
11K 1.TUV-Alive, higher, apriruja, J 4c;
fowls, 14f.14'x.
rir 1 ark .eaeral Market.
KRW TOriK. Oct 7 SCOAR-Raw.
steady; mnlfiaaee, 4 :f7c; centrifugal, Mi2c;
reflm-d, easy; 'Jit point, lower; cut loaff
7 4"c; crushed. 7 c; motild A, !c;
cubes, 6 7fw; XXXX powdered, .fi.V; pow
dered, 6.MK-; fin araniilated, .&; dia
mond A, 4.S0e; confectkinera' A, 40c; No.
t ILl'-V.
BfTTER Firm: receipts, ,M tuba;
creamerv extras, Me; special mark, 31Vic;
firsts, 2ifr.c; aeconrla, Zr.'rtZTV-.
t'HEESK Unsettled; recelpta. 2,
boxea; atate, whole milk, frceh sneclala,
white and colored, Vii 17Vo; average
fancy. 1,r,c.
yjlilH Irreg-ular; recelpta, 11.MT, casea;
tate Pennsylvania and nearby hennery
whltea, 4Wi4r!; ratherl whltea, 82ii4c.
IDL'I.THY Alive, weak; western chick
ens, broilers, iww; mwie, t.
reaaed. weak; western rmrnfii", irwa,
ICcijOc; fowl.. Mozoc; tursey. v"
Mleaearoll Grata Market.
ecemlH-r. 1107: May. $1.12: No. l narn.
I.ohV: No. 1 northern. l."wai.i'o; no.
nnrlhera 11 O.V !..
WIIKAT-Market wa. off Ho soon after
nnonlna" fancy Patents. I6.aj; Ural Clear,
Mi: at'cond clears,
R I C K R.V(V4C,
MH AN !(.
cohn No. 1 vellow. Wt.
OATH-Nn, II while. 4.1,Vr431B,
Kaasaa City Orala aa Frowiaioas.
hard. 97"Vbe: No. 2 red. IWrfSU'V.; lh-
remher tl.boiai.OOV.: May. ll.0r,'v!T1.07.
corn No. l mixed. wtrwc nn.
wlilte, 72tf72c; Ueoember, 6STo; May,
OAT-No. I wTtit.. 45o; no. i mixeo,
BUTTETt Creamery, 2sc; nnrt, c;
aeennda 74c: nacklnr. zoc.
E044 Firsts. 21c: second. I7HC,
IXULTRY Hena, 12Hc; broiler., 16c
at. Loala Orala Market.
ST. Infl. Oot. 7 WHBAT-No. 1
red. t1.04rai flf,- No. 1 hard fl."Zl.04H;
lecemtier lllieAa: May. iza.
CORN-No 2. 70c; No. 2 whit. TSH
77Uc: December. 6'4c: May. Bl"4o.
-OATf-No. 2. 44Vc; No. 2 white, 4Wc
I.lyerpool Grain Market.
steady: No. 1 Manitoba, 9. td; No. 2 red
'tnMr. new. aa Iwl.
COHN Hpot steady; American mixed.
new. 7. td
attle Steady lloaja Weak fthevra
CHICAGO. Oct. 7.-CATTI.E-Receli.,
1S,kjo head; market steady; beeves, $M
t11.00; steer,, $. l.Vjf K.Ou; atocJcera and
feeder., f..2fiH.Xu; rowa and heifers, 34); calvea, fi.60(ll.K.
HOG'S Receipt., X3MO head; garnet
weak, lbc to Xi lower; bulk of aales, 17.26
4(K.(i0; light, r7.1i)H.Ji; mixed, 7.:nai.40;
heavy, t7.0my.l&; rough, r.'WI.lii pigs,
HllliBP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 4,00
head; market steady; ahaep, 4.7r6.);
yearllns. td.6uQi.u; lambs. I6 OOU1.80.
Article! Open. I High. I Iw. I Close I Yes y
1 flelri
1 oV
1 HWi
1 14S
Oat. I I
1 4svaj
1 14l
I 07V1
1 14J
Msy. fcigoi'4 MV5 Wn s,
Pork. I I
1 07S
1 15t
T lS
I 4?
61'. WTi
It ft It 40 1 it a It 6IH
For Sale
A rholo lavvstment; thirty feet front
lug south on Harney atroet, between 20th
and Stth atreeu. Will double in value.
Buy It now and get th benefit of th ad
vance which is sur to come. Kent from
old ho us all) help pay carrying charge
31 Stat Bank Building.
Oottoa Saa4 Caks Cold Xraae Oak.
. , w. . c . un-i to you, w rii,
or wlr us for prl ea oo High CJiad,
Meal or Clai krd Cake. 41 to ii per rant
1 1
Cattle Fairly Actire. with Pricei
Steady to Some Stronger.
sej-B Strwaa to Tea teats
lllsker Fat I-asaka Active aad
Fally Steady Feeder Sbera
aad I .a m Va Steady.
HOCTH OMAHA. Oct. 7. 114.
Raeelpts were: cattla Hon. Sheep.
Official Monday 1ZZ14 4 nwi J7.f.l
Kficlai Tuemlay BS 6.7 .W
)tlmAt V ednesday.. t.xO frJiOA ai.uuO
Three day thla week r,4"4 14 ,t7S J0,2I
Ham daa tsai week .. 2. 124 120.114
hunt iliii t KteL. ..a M 11:1 1107K 11
flame dava 2 weeka no i7 tiei K .'.ll 71.6 t1
Ham) da a 4 weeks ago IX. MJ W.627
Hfimo days last year. .24.S.I7 1&.0B1 V.V
Tne following taU shows th receipt, of
rattle, hogs and sheap at th South umaha
iv stock jnarket for th year to date. a.
compared with laat year:
1414. 1912 Inc. rc
rttl S5.HW 7tt.4ft Sl.tH
Hogs 1.X21.HH7 2.040.144
Sheep 2,1.213 2.r.014 M.187
'.'he following tabl snows tn prices for
hogs at th 8outh Omaha live stock mar
ket for th last few day, with comparisons.
4 s'eer.
t cow...
Pate. I 1SI4. lit 'ilt lion. '1910.111a.. li.
Hept. 201
"nt. 22.
Hept. 23.
nt. 14.
Sept. 26(
Sept. 2.j
Kept. 27.
Kept, 28. t U
Bept ZH.i t 11W
He pc 30.1 7 7'V! g 2i
l-u 1.. 7 gTt
I I 7 WW
t fcH M, t 4 t 731 I 171
R M'i k 4i 4 R2 47 S 12 87
40 t 0 I M HA 101 81
S S $ OH l 44i 4 Ull I 46 I 12 4 72
S A'1 W) I 411 - I HI J
m t 07 t 4f 4 4l i li 77
I 111 I w t in I M
24 II M I 4 21 44
46 4 14 8.(
231 n 16 2il
Tl 21 I 4S; III
Wl 181 44 25)
4 47
...17 711,1
t OH
7 SK
7 S7I
7 Ml 63
I 2
7 82
I 7 fC f 2n bi 6 ffll I 4ftl
4.. I It IS X BP 4 24 I
3I 231 t 271 7 H 46
S 301 821 t 40 7 671 SI
7.. 7 K0 7 99 8 711 6 481 8 47 7 M It 14
Receipts and disposition nf live stock at
the Union Stock Yards, Houth Omaha, for
twenty-lour houra ending at I p. m. yes
terday ,
Cattle. Hog.. Sheep
- m' Bt. I..... ...
U abash i
Missouri Pacific. ....., l
Union Pacific .......... 86
C, ft N. W.. ast....w ...
CAN. W., wost. 89
C, Kt P.. M. ft 0 4
C. B. ft Q., east 1
C. B. ft Q., wcst...M.. 84
C, R. I. ft P ea.t-.. 1
Illinois Central
Chicago O. W 1
Total recelpta 2S1
Cattle. Hogn. Sheep,.
.. 4i-6 709 J.1M
26 $8
4 2
21 28
12 22
2 122
Kansas City 1.1 v Stork Market.
ceipts, 13,000 head; market strong; prima
fed steers. llO.Otdl 10.80; dressed beef slews.
27.ti5a.76; wnstern ateers, 86.604i.l;
tinkers ana feeders, In.HKimo; buns,
fu.00ij.26: calves, I6.6II&10.60.
ItOUH lleeeipts, 11. w) neati; marxet
lower; bulk of sales. $7.tW7. 90; heavy.
87 W7.7I; packers and butchers, I7.00W
95; light, 87.4"Ka00; pigs, Si.OOW.W.
Hllt.rU' AND IMMltH-iUKolpts. 22,000
head: market higher: lambs, t7.omi7.66;
yearllnga, .2rl.3; wethers, tb.Ko.6;
we., t4.Krt 00.
St. I.oala Lira Stork Market.
ST. T5U1S, Oct. 7.-CATTLK Receipts,
TOO head; market steady; native beef
teera, l;.6Vfjl0.8i; cows and heifers, I-i.W
tiW.IU; stocker. and feelers. ti.inn.Mi
southern steer.. WOoflH.OO; cows and half,
era, It.OWirt.Wi; natlive calves, $4.0iyit'11.00.
HOU 8 Receipts, 11. 4) head; msrk.t
lower; plus anil lights. 27.20$l&36; mixed
end butchers, IH.OOjS., good heavy, 88.10
tig 3T.
SIIKF.P AN l'IA M HH Heceipts. 3. WW
head: market steady: native muttons.
H.0"4j.00i lambs, 87.0nm.M.
Slaaa ly Live Stark Market.
reiuts. l.ono head; market steady; butch
ers, 85.KVh7.10; cews and heifer. It.ait'
28; canners, f4 00tf4.75: atorkers and
feeders. 86.0Oft7.bO; calves, .!ay(pl0.00;
bulls, stags, etc., 4.7VH.MJi
HOOS Heoelpts, !.( head; market i(V
lower; heavy. 87.4MC7.70: mixed. 87.87
7 45; light, J.3(v07.57H; bulk of sale, 27.g
nttKKI AISU UAM MB Keoeipts. 7'W
head; fed mutton., 16.60; ewes, 83.6004. W;
lambs, t SX.ll0.
St. Joaeph Live Stock Market.
relpt. 2.000 head; market, steady; ateers.
t. 604110. ; cows and heifer, HSmUO.OO;
ralvas. tilOOtjIOML
HOB Recetpls .ooo head; packers bid
ding c lower.
8HEKP AND UF- Receipt. R.400
head; mark.t, lOfglbc higher; lamb. 87.00
oriea namrt.
NBW YORK. fct. 7.-COFKEK-Report.
that a cormreheslv Hraslllan refund-
ng plan would aoon be announced In
London, combined with a further sharp
advance In the rate of Lflhdon exchange
on Itlo. created more confidence In the
lira.lltan financial situation and the cof
fee market wa. firmer today. No ma-
rlal Improvement waa reported In the
demand, but an advanoe In the coat and
fretKlit market was followed by an up
turn of "c In l-al spot values, with
Itlo 7s quoted at 6'-o and feantoa 4s at
lo-wc Receipts at the two Hraxlllan porta
wer 7,000 bags, against xu.Ov last year.
Morrlj ft Co
Bwlft ft Oo
C'udahy Packing Co....
Armour ft Co
J. W. Murphy
Lilnooln Packing Co 8
B. o. Packing Co 8
St. Clair Packing Co... 84
Cudahy, Kansas City... 3W
Morris, Kansaa City,... 84
W. H. Vansant Co ION
Kenton. Vanaant ft Lt, 2.,!
lllll ft Hon 21B
F. B, Lwla l,s
J. R. Root ft Co 6
J Jf. Hulla 127
U K. Hull lit
Rosenstockl Bros 27
MuCreary ft Kellogg.... 78
Werthrlmer ft Deajen... E1S
II. P. Hamilton 1H4
Hulllvan Bros. 78
Rothschild ft Krebs ... 187
Mo.. ft Kan. Calf Co.... 68
Christie 47
Klgirins 1
Hulfman 8
Olaashergr 1
Raker, Jone. ft Smith.. 137
Tanner Bros ft
John Harvey Ifi7
1. ft F 87
Kline 214
Other buyer. 848
Total. 7.657 1.5M 89.4S2
CATTLJ-Th receipt, of cattle wer
only fair tbl. morning, 22S car. being re
ported in. Thla leaves' the total for th
three days this week at 24.404 head, being
amaller than for tha corresponding day.
last week by almost . head, but larger
thvn a year aaro by almost 2.OH0 head.
Beef steers were In good demand and a.
the supply was not large th better grade
were a title stronger again than yester
day, making t,he market for th week at
least l'Hlfc, higher and In gome case.
more than that. The common to medium
grade, were fully steady.
Cows and heifers moved a little more
freely and they were steady to possibly
a nrtie stronger In some case, than yes
terdny. i
Wtrlctly good feeder, were In active de
mand at prices a Hue stronger than yes.
terday, or lOulou higher than last week.
Medium to common grade, wer slow and
hard to move at no more than steady
Quotation, on Cattle: Good to cholc
cornfed beeves, t; 1.10 60; fair to good
oornfed beeves, 8it.ooniS.50; common to fair
cornfed beeves,; good to choice
range steers, I7.40i&.0; fair to good rang
ateers, t6.7.Vu7 40; common to fair rang
steers, ssw..75; good to choice grass
neuers, t"it c.ou; good to cnolcs grass
cows, 6.0001176; fair to good grades. tS.60
(f4.0D; common to fair grades, 84.00416.40'
prime feeders, t.2 jaa.40; good, to cholca
stockers and feeders. 87.&u9.V; fair to
good stockers and feeders, t" Wj7 40, com
mon to fair stockers and feeders, 86.0U9
bO; stock heifers. K tOu.76; stork cows,
Mo0irS.00; slock calves, tMOo.00; veal
calves, 8800S10 25; bulls, slags, ate., 85. 26144
Repreaentattv sale.;
Ar. Vt. N. t. TT.
..nfri t fin it cow. 1044 tar.
..1040 t ii
W I ' Cnhla Nek.
19 cows 1CW) 4 16 45 cows W ID
Hen Hush-Neb.
80 atockera. h'4 75 14 heifers .. PV) 3S
17 St. ft hs.. 410 26 21 heifers .. 4 10
A. M. Oustafson Neb.
31 feeders . 11.1 7 20
R S. Rrow nice- Colo. j
2 steers.... H'A 7 4 feeders.. 1 7 10
2 cows 4 ao 4 cows ) 4 60
4 ateers.... l 4 60 42 cows..,.. KM 4 15
2 bulls I4) I SO 12 cows 9X3 S 40
I). O. Roberaon Wyo.
87 feeders . 974 0 cows 97 4
9 cows WO 4 76 4 cows 9"A 4 75
W. H. Hrldgei-Wyo.
5 ateers. ...IM 8 ZS . steers. ...fW7 7 00
S feeders. . 810 K Scows I W
II. and C. Holden yoming.
1 Steers.... !10 4 00 4 steers.. ..1'05
9 cows lr-2 S 75 Irnsi 1114 Hit 7 M U feeder... 10IB
heifers... 9 4 4") H2 feeders.. 9S4
cows 1140 20
Carpenter ft Nlmmo Wyoming.
19 cows I'H 4 20 1 bull lal
2 feeders.. 1146 7 26 21 feeder... 10P1
62 feeders.. 7
A. H. Patrick Wyoming.
II feeder... 11 7 86 244 feeder... II 86
44 steers.. ..1ZX2 8 40
42 St. h'f's.1079 86
1 St. h fr. K00 4 25
I St. h'fr. T V 4 60
2 Cows 940 4 00
K. M. Ribblns-Ncbraaka.
It atockera lal 46 2 at. cows.. 69
10 stockers. 634 4 46 2 feeder. . 610
33 steers.. ..ISM I W 13 steer... ..1223
18 cows lie 4 U0 10 feeders.. 478
17 feeders.. 959 6 60 feeder... 914
t hfra..inr8 40
25 feeder... 90 4 46 4 feeder... 6-T2
I at bull... 640 S 00 47 steer..'... 718
20 su cowa. 8ul 00 7 steers.. ..13
40 steers.... 10M 6 76 38 steer... ..1071 7 25'
41 steer. ...1H2 7 T M steers... .1104 7 85
49 Steer... ..1025 4 76 21 cows lOhn 15
89 steer.... 1M 4 36 41 steers.. ..ll"2 7 85
80 steerm....lli 7 35 81 steers.. ,.1M 7 3o
48 steers... .1121 4 35 15 eteers....1045 6 76
87 steers ... 1124 7 86 18 steers.... 10M) 75
43 steers.... 1073 75
ft feeders.. 1077 7 75
t steer... ..1103 7 15 8H steer... .. 10K7 7 16!
Hoost ReceiDts were verv fair again !
today, about eighty-six cars, or 6,b i
head, comprising the day', supply. Total i
for the three days amounts to 14.873 head, ;
being L0u0 head larger than last week,
but slightly smaller thsn a year ago. !
Prices continued to slump at all point. :
this morning and the local decline was ;
tba largeat sine the half dollar break at ,
the opening of the European war, value. 1
dropping- pretty close to 20o lower than !
yesterday. Trad -opened very dull and!
packers early hide, made at a zoo aecnne,
wer never bettered tj any great extent, !
although some seller held off for the
greater part of th forenoon In an effort
to get more money. Trade wa. naturally 1
very dull all the way through and while
42 steers. ...1125
20 st. hT.. 918
1 st. hfr. 820
10 cow. 1046
4 0
7 60
7 85
S 60
7 25
7 85
7 30
7 00
6 50
( 25
6 75
7 8V
7 00
6 85
7 0
Lambs, good to choice. $7..W37.0; lambs,
fair to good. 7 fm7.80; lambs, feeders,
tii.ootiT.U; yearllnsa, good to choice. $."
1W.00; yearlings, fair to good, t4.M55.7l;
yearlings, feeders, tVeciiS 75; wethers,
yesrllng., feeder. 8V4(ff8.80; wether.,
good to choice, t,V20?ittO; wethers, fair
to good, 8fOft6J0; wethers, feeders. 84 10
j .'; ewes .good to choice, 84.5tS4.86;
ewea, fair to good, I4.r(!4.50; ewes, feed-'
era, IT&
Repreaentattv sales:
No. . Av. pr.
125 Wyoming bred ewea 9) 4
2ix Wyoming bred ewea M 4 aj
215 Wyoming bred ewes 94 4 ft,
)A Wyoming 'red ewrs M 4 n
212 Wyoming"' w ethers 97 80
94 Wyoming aether. M 5 an
ll Wyoming ewes 100 4 6
l.'!02 Montsnt feeder lamhs 70 7 13
l.ii Wyoming feeder lambs 68 8 70
ii yoming feeder lambs an 7
i n w ynoi'ng teener lsnbs 66 70
r.-i w yoming feeder lambs 66 ( 70
t. nyiminx feeder lambs 55 8 70
1"2.Wyomlng feeder ewes -n
20 Wyoming feeder lamb. M f 7
70 Vfyomins feeder lambs....
TiO Wyoming bred ewes
tvt Wyoming feeier ewes....
88 Wyoming ewe
1.78 Wyoming ewes...;
84 Wyoming feed r lambs....
I Fa Wyoming feeder lamhs....
179 Wyoming feeder lambs....
241 Wyoming feeder lamhs....
1M Wyoming feeder ewes
1.118 South Pnkota lambs
648 .-Viuth Dakota lambs
4v8 Wyoming lambs
2S1 Wyoming lamba
176 Wyoming ewes
175 Idsho ewea....
n culls
49 Wyoming ewes
249 Wyoming feeder ewea.....
1.114 Idaho lamba.
176 Wyoming Jamb
J18 Wyoming ewes
1.911 Wyoming lamhs
70j Wyoming lambs
&f3 Ic'aho f-eder lajnba
... 54
... 98
... 91
... 94
... 95
... 60
... 41
... 47
... 52
... 97
... 56
... 61
... 58
... 4
... 84
... 99
... 90
... 84
... 92
... 67
... 74
... 60
4 76
4 76
4 40
4 an
a 60
4 ('
4 70 I
4 on.
7 2T.
4 ai
7 so
8 661
4 no
4 oo
1 no 1
4 50
4 Oo 1
7 V.
7 16
4 '
7 GO
7 20 j
Canada to Raise at
Once Second Force
OTTAWA. Ontario, Oct. 7.-Canada wilt
rslae Immediately and send to the front
a second expeditionary force of .o)
men with' a first re.nforcement of It
nor cent, rrmklns; 2J.O0 In all. Thla dc
clalon was reached at today's cabinet
council. The second contingent will
bring the total of Canada's force .t th
frcnt up to more than 50.000 men.
Bee Want
Ad. Ar th Dest Businest
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Itaak 4 leartnacs.
OMAHA. Oct. 7. Rank clenrlngs fit
Omsha todav were 83.SS1.9.74. and fot
the correapondlng day lust year, 88,119,-671.10.
some sales were quoted aa just 169200
lower, moat of them showed a break of
a flat 30c, .0 that the general packer
trad can be quoted aa largely 20c lower.
The extreme close was the low time or
the day. After moat buyer had filled
their orders, and competition was pretty
much eliminated, prices weakened still
further, and what nogs were aoia irora
this time on were quoted aa at least
Va36e lower. In fact bids were with
drawn entirely on some of the less de
sirable hog, the packer, picking up just
the best end of what was left, and there
wer a few loads still In first hands up
to a late hour.
Shippers were willing to take anytning
on the decent light order at prices that
were no more than, at the outside, lotrl&c
lower, but their orders were not liberal
enough to necessitate their paying a pre
mium on good mixed hogs, and conse
quently they did not have to com into,
competition with the fjacker buyers.
Most of the sale, landed at 27.47.60,
with soma rough, undesirable heavies a.
low a. 87.25, and top. up to 87.90. Prices
have now dropped under the low point
reached In August, and are the lowest
since December 24, 1913, when the average
told at 87.49.
Representative .ale.:
No. Av. Sk. Tr. Ho. Av. Ph. ft.
16 864 ... 7 44 Tt 24 840 1 It
41. ........14 M TH 46. ....... .tt
7 4IH
4 J4
74 HI
77...... ..H1
41 xai
14 -."
Tt 847
44 1I-4
47 M
7 46
7 46
7 46
T 41
7 44
7 4i
7 44
T 46
7 44
7 44
7 44
7 46
t W
T to
7 to
7 44
7 M
7 M
7 44
7 44
7 tt'4.
7 64
7 (6
7 M
7 47
7 44
7 4
7 44'
7 44
T 44
7 79
7 74 '
7 44
7 4
We're Making Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Three of the Greatest Bargain Giving Days of the seasonEvery Department is This
. Big Store Has Contributed Its Share to the Great Event. Supply
Your Present and Future Needs at a Big Saving.
In Our Popular Domestic
Good 10c Dress Ginghams; small,
neat plaids, fast colors, yd.. TVs
10c Outing Flannel, all light col
or., yard! , TVfcO
10c and 12 He percales, dark or
light colors, 38-ln. wide, yd., 7 140
18c Beautiful Flannelettes; fin
kimono style. 15o
10c. Pllsse Crepe; all lllit shade,
for underwear I8H0
10c W leached Muslin, Hope, 86
Inches wide, yard 74o
I2Hc Linen Toweling- 7H0
16o Linen Toweling 10c
18c Linen Towellns; 13H0
8144 ajWaKVAVTaii
At :80, laae of c Apron Check
pure Indigo dyes; all Mues
as long as they last, yd., aT-80
1 case of Huok Towel: extra
large; regular prlc 12V,c each
while they last, ech...7H
m L n;i4'e,p'"f Alf?
-fl f-1 - ' ' ' " " ' ' "'"J
Our Blanket Sale Will
Continue All Week
$1.50 Blankets, per pair....
tZ.OO HlanKeta, per
2.50 Blankets, per.
3.00 Blankets, per
.50 lilankets, per pair
4.G0 'Blankets, per pair.
ts.oo Blankets, per pair.
Baby Blanket. ,
Bath Kohes
Auto Robe
Bath Robing, best made,
pair 96o
pair. fl.95
pair fl.eS
pair ...$1.98
, fJ.50
. . .BOO to t-3.60
9.75 to 3.98
93.B0 to 15.00
.B9o to 15.00
per yard, 35o
Bed Spreads, Sheets and
Pillow Gases Thursday
Hemstitched Sheets, x t r a
large size, made of best sheet
ing manufactured; worth
$1.39 each, at fl.00
Henlmed Sheets, 81x99 seam
less; extra heavy and dur
able; $1.00 quality, each 75c
Imported Marseilles Bed
Spreas, scalloped, cut corners;
$5.00 values, each, ;. .$3.50
Full size hemmed-Marseilles
ed Spreads, assorted; worth
$2.75 each, at $2.0O
Excelsior Quilted Tanle Pads,
hemmed ready for use; full
size; $18 5 values, uaeh fl.AO
New Yark Meaay Market.
CANT1LK rAPFTt SfiT per cent. Sterl
ing exchange, firm; tor, cables. 84.MU);
tor demand, !4.l.-i4..
81 1.V Kit-Bar. fc2Sc
BaBaraed aaples sat rtrlea frail.
APPLES Market nominal.
rUlt:i KRl'lTS-Prunes. nulet: ami
rot and peachea. Inactiv; raisins,' dull.
Cat to a Market. .
in inir a-inani: Anirnrin minnnna rair
t.34d; goo.! inwMllng. 8. Mil; middling, l.M;
low lulildllng. b.vid; good ordinary, 4. Old
ordinary, t.tTd; sales. 3.100 bales.
Dry Uoad Market.
1 otton goods quiet. Jobbers reported
llKht trade. Worsted yarns dull. Cotton
arua quiet.
Beaatifat Omaha la Paaaraaale
Th Omaha Be ha. spent mora than a
year In the preparation of a set of pa no
ramie vitwi which would give outsiders
a correct idea of what Omaha I. Ilk and
b a handabm souvenir booster for th
city. I
Thea blrd'.-ey vtew. how how th dif
ferent section of Omaha look ana glv a
splendid Impreaalon of Omaha', fin struc
tures, th wholes.) and retail districts,
hop., stock yards, residential and park
sections. ,
in booklet can be mailed or It inakws
an ornamental addition to photogTopbic
rollertions. On sale at The Be office or
at DCwstanda. Nu apiece.
Be WsnjyAOa Ar th Best Buaine
,v Tun
.. 414
.. IM
t U
t t
I 44
t T4
I 44
1 ..
.... M 11 1 1171
.... 742 I ii
4 45 4
4 44 4.
4 00 1
t 4
4 1
IX 14
14 I
6 . 1
....110 1 ,
t4 4 ,
t 44 11 ,
I t
tO 4 STt 4
SHE El' While fat lambs were In very
good supply for a Wednesday, and as
rule active sellers, prices wer unchanged
from yeaterday. The beat lamhs her.
sold up to 87.50. boing top for the day
and Identical with Tuesday's top price.
The bulk of the lamb sales ranged around
87 .(KVfJii.SS. The sorting was little !f any
different and th quality In general was
about th same.
A. to mutton th, supply waa not quite
as good, but the demand was better,
prices being strong to a dtme higher all
around. Early In the forenoon some
wethers and yearlings moved at 8.35,
and th bulk Of the fat ewes was snapped
up mainly at $4.50. 14.75 being practically
as high a. fat ewes are bringing at Chi
cago. A. tn the case of fat lamba trad
was activ and th clearance In rood
Feeder buyers were not aa numerous
this morning, though aa many feeder of-
r.rinr. nt all claaaea were available.
Trad was not as active as on th formr
dsvs or the weK, still values snowso no
material change. It might be added that
toward the close of the market yesterday
twelve double decks or lanma on me ,
faayr order, but carrying a inn ii"n. f
old to go to th country in lowa at 41-10.
fv, recainta thla morning wer esti
mated at some 38.000 ha4, being not j
quite as large a. -a week are, but a
little short of two weeks ago and a year
ago. This make, for th wea to oate
about 108.828 head, compared with UD.1H
for th .am daya last week, 114.S59 two
weeks ago and 188.404 a year ago.
Quotations on rang hecp and lamb:
. 474
. '
744 4
.117 I tt
I 44
t 44
1 V0
4 60
a 60
7 75
7 a
7 15
6 5
5 tft
4 26
7 00
8 bull 175
13 tUH-ker. ii
8 cowa. ...low
8 stocker. 770
7 st cows.. 800
M atockera til 4
7 Blocker. f
15 felerB..llT7
8 St. hfrs.. 777
44 feeders., Iv
7 feeder... 8M
1 rows 7x5
' 3 steers ... 8'JM
8 feeder..
7 SL hfr... 710
7 calves... JOB
7 feeders.. 730
t feeders.. a48
t feeders., am
4 cows SS7
1 bull l)o
1 heifer ... M)
( .terra.... tta
17 Blocker.. 7M
cow. .... t.o
4 OOWS...1.U1.M
Stockers. 69o
17 st civs...
S3 stockers. eiH
IW feeders.. H48
steers.... lml
17 st. lift a. . I4
7 cows 12M
S4 cows 1H77
M feeders. .loi4
8 cowa.... vr.b
bull 14,0
4 ateers.. ..1011
6 feetlers.. MO
11 feeders.. 7u7
8 calves... 318
8 calves... m 10 50
1 feeder... 710 4 80
t feeders.. 5ttf 7 00
8 cows 7 I 00
1 bull l'X) t DO
1 bull 1014 5 50
James P. UcKrntul It
S feeders.. 140 8 54 i feeders.. 1080
feelers.. IU44 t 65
R. A. Walker Wyo.
I cows 840 5 15 5 cow a?
3 feeders.. C40 I M cows KM
eows 1(14 8 75 18 cows...,. 17
4 feeders.. 1017 ( 50 '
F. J. Voss-Wyo.
24 ters....V?15 7 45 1 cow 1080
v . k. Taylor Wyo.
. 73 00 1 bull
.1010 t 50 53 feeders.
. K.A 70 18 feeder.
.! 7 40
larinii Bros. Colo.
.1um ; 7 rows....
.11(0 8 0)
A. Luman Wyo,
KWJ 50
W. A. Harclay-Neb.
. 8. 4 7 15
L. N. I Hwnln Neb.
14 feeders.. I0 7 15
A. A. Hunter Colorado.
54 feeders., sai 1 40 M feeders.. 808
44) feeder... Id 7 40 li feeder. .low
5 75
6 00
' 10
5 M
7 00
7 86
t! 05
7 15
6 50
i t
8 00
t 80
C 80
4 75
t 60
3 steers...
3 steers...
23 feeders.
3 steers...
17 raws...
I row....
11 steer...
8 feeder..
I 75
8 15
I 76
8 TO
T 36
7 40
t OS
For Misses1 and Children
Our dependable school shoes
for Misses and Children are
Drexel Quality every stitch.
Same styles as mother's
shoes and with wearing Qual
ities found in ue other chil
dren's shoes.
We have them in button,
kid and patent colt, sun
metal, cloth tops, and- kid
tops, common sense toes.
The sister shoe of our
famous Steel Shod Shoes
worn by thousands of satis
fied boys.
Children's 8 to 11 $2.00
Missea' lHa to 2 $2.25
Young Women's 2Va to
6 .$3.00
Visit our new children's
1419 F am sun
A Veritable Feast of Garment Bargains
Prepared for Ak-Sar-Pcn Uisitors Thursday
$30.00 and $35.00 Tailored Suits, all sizes for women QJQ fP'fk
and misses, at ' VlvivU
Two hundred elegant suits, only one to four of a kind; broken
lots from our regular stock of $30.00 and $35.00 values, and a
splendid lot of samples. '
Several Hundred Beautiful Dresses, to T $30.00 values -fp J?a
broad assortment ........ OliltOU
Afternoon and evening gowns and eharniing street costumes, in
charmeuse, crepe de chines, chiffons, nets, etc, all latest colorings.
Made to sell at $15.00; new bas
que effects with long pleatod or
plain tunics in serges, poplins,
messaline and other popular
fabrics; remarkable bargains
A big line of garments made
to sell at from $30.0.0 up to ,
$40.00; classy models in all '
v newest colorings and materials,
on sale Thursday in two big
lots, at
519.50(0 $25.00
150 New Balmacaan Coats Choicest materials and
colorings, specials at
Watch for Sale of Children's Coats Saturday.
S5.93 to S10
is - i
High Glass Trimmed Slats
From $10.00 to $12.50 Values, Choice '.
5 afn
as ...
Some 250 elegantly trimmed hats in fact nearly
every $10.00 and $12.00 hat in our entire stock;
copies and adaptations of expensive Parisian
models. All artistically trimmed in Goura, Para
dise, also Numidy arid Ostrich effects; the most
wonderful values in high class millinerv ever of
fered in Omaha during the height of the season.
Don't Fail to Sea This and Other Wonderfurv.lues Offered Thursday
wet Fall. 1914, Effects Tiles, Wood, and
Carp Effects. Very Beet Vitalities:
Domestle Inlaid Linoleum, sq. yd 05o
Imported Inlaid Linoleum, sq. yd ....3)1.40
6-ft. Surfaced Linoleum, sq. yd Site
12-ft Surfaced Linoleum, sq- yd. .. 08c
JIcw Rugs
If you are contemplating new
floor coverings, see these special
values at the earliest moment:
Seamless Wool Wilton Rugs,
small allover effects on medal
lion patters. 9x12 slte..$U2.50
Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs,
8-wire quality, 9x12 slse, special
at, choice ...... 12.98
Seamless Velvet ' Rugs, heavy
pile, 25 patterns, 9x11, at 918.00
A $25,000 Mill Purchase on Sale In Four Lots
Curtains made to fell at $1.25 pair, sale price, 6c
Curtains worth $1.50 pair, at 98c
Curtains worth $260 pair, at.... 91.40
Curtains worth $3.00 pair, at HI. OH
Curtains worth $5.00 to $8.00 pair, at 9-.9S
New Patterns, Big Assortment.
Ak-Sar-Den Sale of Fine China,
Dinnerware and Cut Glass Thursday
un toe tin i-ioor.
ve IMjr Kpedal Tables of Fancy China
fliuroday, iOc, 2.V, 40c, 08c, $1.49.
tvery article worth 25 to 50 more
than th,ese sale prices. You- will be sur
prised at the immense assortments and
low pricings of our showings in Fancy
China and Cut Glass. Splendid oppor
tunities for savings on all line) during
our special Ak-Sar-Ben Sales. 1
Haydcn's Grocery Dcpt.-The Talk ol the Town
Quality roas aa aavta; af U
4a SOSL aa ta aoat ef 11 Tins'
18 lbea beat pur Caji Oranulatd
Bugar for "IjO
tt-lb. sack, bast hli srad IManiond
It Hour; toothing finsr niai fur
bread, plr or raka; sack 91.36
18 bars whit Husalan, Ltamond C.
Unui, Heat 'Km All or ljiunJry
Qund Whit laundry Koap S5e
The beat Domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti V H
10 lbs. beat Whit or Tallow Corn
mial for as
t lb, fanry iapaa Rio. 10c duality,
for 7 as
t cans Oil Hardin 8 a
t lbs. best No. 1 Hand Plukad Navy
Beans for ta
Macltren'a Peanut Butter, lb...l3H
barker House Catsup. Worcester
Sauc. Assorted llcklea. Prepared
Mustard or Horseradish, bottle al
2 2 -os. Jars Pur Krult Preserves. 8o
1-lb cana Aaaorted Soups 8li
Corn r'lakes. pkg. 6
Quart cans Tnnse 8orgum. . . .16
Breakfast Cocoa, lb ftuo
Choir Hun Dried or Basket Flrrd
Japan Tea. lb SS
Golden Pantos Coffee, lb Sue
tm nom oa oxixi.
15 Iba. PoUtoea to the peck SO
Tou get what til law require at
Large market basket Qreeo Peppers
for .-or. aoo
Large market basket Green Toinatoe
for I
Fancy Colorado Cabbage for krut.
per pound . . . aa
Fancy lied Onions, par lb aa
4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots. .&
Good Cooking Apples, pack 80o
3 heals fresh Hothouse lettuce... fte
Hubhard Squash .. ... 10 and Is1-!
Fancy Tokay irars. basket aso
Italian Bin Plant 841 lut them tp
now. Thuraday. t-oasket crate 85o
peclal Box Apple Bale Jonathan
Oriinea tiolden or California Bell
flower Apple; all fancy No. I fruit,
per boi lui
Colorado 3Clf er Fears, soz ......
Th Best Strictly frnk Xggs, aoth-
las? flaar, per dosea 82 Vt
The best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, per lb 31,
rimy country creamery nuttar.
Good Hairy Table Butter, lb...
Full Cream Cheese, lb ,
Imported Hwlm 1ieese. lb.....
Imported Roquefort CUee, lb.
I It pays Try HAYPEFTS First It Payo