Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Mr. JackHe Gets a Kiss by Telephone
Drawn for The Bee by J. Swinnerton
DVI I itJoT rLwx uvtK ig tLJT ot
1 I To --Hec L klC 0ji . hr II I II I I A
a r a ?r r rvr : x m m
r M II I I I I I It I B ' , I I I I ' ' . I ID I i II I I I II
: ' '-v' r, "ill vrk- I
Stallings tnd Nearly All Hit Men
. Witness Tanki Slaughtered.
Mrk'a Playera Hammer Pleh'e Ie.
II very Hard, Partlralarly F.arly
F.arlr la tfca First Tin
PHILADELPHIA, Oct 7.-In their final
Kama of th championship awn. th
rhllalphla team thla afternoon x
hibtlod the beat form of their tunlnf up
exhibition for th world' aerlea and de
feated New York, by 10 to 0.
Mack'i playera hammered Pleh'a de.
lU'ery hard, enperlally In the flrat two
InnlnM. when they bunched nil hlta with
three paea and three ttolen baaea and
' rred aavan time.
Walah drova In four runa In tha flrat
two aeaalona with a four-baKfer and a
InKle. Oldrlng. Barry and Ktrunk aUo
hit ths ball hard. Four plti hera ware tiaed
by tha home team. Breler waa touched
up for three alnglea and Kva a paaa In
h flrat three InnlnKa. Buah. Hhawkey
and Tennock each twirled two InnlnKi.
They blanked their opponenta In every In
ami. One hit waa made off Rhawkey,
but thla waa followed by a double play.
Manager BtallinK and nearly all tha
Boaton Bravea wltneaaed the con teat.
u.i.i Ih . 1 I IMiirphr. rt.. 1 t
Htrtwll. It.. 4 It MdrlBI. If...
(Yok. rt 4 I arhninvwaa. It t
rw, r tail 'oiiim. ib.. t
i l
Mulln. lb.. I i I lopf. in....
rwkiopa', al I I I taker. Ib...
Hraiwrt. ... tall alh. lb .,
noma. tb.... I It ailruDk. ..
I'tob. a I 1 Jrrr. M...
Ip. .
, Tatala It IU1I IMrAvnr, a.
ftraaalar. p.
Huh. P
. Hhakr. f.
Panaock, .
i i
4 I II
4 111
1 4 1
1 1
l a
l i
' Twala U II IT I
New Tork 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0
Philadelphia I I M 1 H -W
Two-baae hit: Barry. Three-baaa hit:
Oldrln. Home run: Walah. Saorlfica fly:
Ipp. PouMa playa: Walah to Harry to
Walah, Harry to Walah. Hoona to Teck
InpaiiKh to Mullen. St ln baaee: Malael,
klurphy (i). Col Una, Harry. Hla: Off
Mreaaler, I in three Innlnnn; off Buah,
none In two InnlnKa; off Hhawkey, 1 In
two InnlnKa: 'f I'ennork, nona In two
Innlnpa. Struck out: By Breaaler, t: by
Buah, 2: by Fennock, 1: by ileh. 1. Haaea
. on balla: Off Breaaler. 1; off I'ieh, b.
Ift on haaea: New York, 3; I'hllaoeliihla.
4 fVat baae on error: rhlladrlphia. 1.
Wild pitch. By Ileh. Time:-1:10. Uro
plrea: Kvana and lUMebraad.
Keaatera Trim Real .
' BOSTON, Oct. 7. Waahlnaton won. It
to 4, over Boaton In the final came of
tha aeaaon today, tha fo;mr team galn
luar third nlaca In tha league atamilng
by the victory. The vlaltora hit Bedleiit
and Kiith nara. atiit waamnnu'n naa
obtained a good (tad I lie playera of both
tma made merry during tha final In
iilnga. rcore: H-H.1&
Waahlncton.. 0 4 0 0 4 0 1-11 W I
Boaton ...... 1 10002000-4 11
Batterlea: Waahlngton, Bentley, Orlf
fith and Henry; Boaton, Bedlent, Ruth,
Cooper, Speaker and Cady,
Meekla Waatt Kherlff.
Jouett Meekln. tha former noted
pitcher of tha Ulanta during the Fried
man reKlme, la a candidate for aheriff
In hla home county In Indiana, tta la
running on an Independent ticket.
Tatwller Jola rVed Kaa.
Outfielder TTkifUer. who goea to the
Ked rkix from the Providence team, haa
had tao pravlou trlala In faat company
aa a member of tha lctrolt Tlgera.
Ebsd Sufferers
Want to Kntra
The Light U Turned on to a
Subject of Dsj-kxtegs.
Tha mere fact that S. S. S.. th famous
blood purifier, drtvea out dieeae la a
world's story, a topic of cenvereatloa whar
srer nea get together.
Tbey wonder wby, simply because mos
remedies are mystified aad put before them
as "discoveries." Th facta are that wa
pay too much atteatlon to possibilities and
hut enough to real, homespun accomplish
Baest. a. 8. a. is a remedy of ear father.
It haa a hiatory that la wrlttea deeply la
Bora a mlads because It has dca th work,
drlvea oat deep art ted dlaeas. revlTed
hope, put tha O. B oa appearsaca aad
rlamped dowa tight aay effort of germ
to get the upper haod. Aay 'sore spot oa
Iks all! Is aa Immediate demand for
B. S. B. slaes th first principle of thla
lamoua remedy Is ta strike out for places
af trouble. Thla la a physiological tact
had a. 8. 8. is true to to workings of
ur body.
, Oft a bottle of a. a. B. today at af
rugclat aad hegia blood health. It art-'
statu aay blood dlteaee and. do it la a
way to euphaatse Its Influence. Aad I
you weuld Ilka definite advice write Tha
BwlU Speclfle Co., ba Hwift Bldg., AtlanU,
Ca. Their medical dnrtmcat Is where
aaoat people first acek advica that pot
them earths straight road.
! 1 HUl-LO'. HULLO! 1 AtORwG KID'. , SS I
, k M KITTY? , ) IV MAW.'HAM.!SHES&ONt-l fN.
ruL be AvHjcwy I Y you., now cmt i 1
v " 7,, L sr IK, WEEMT Y-KlS OVER A X,,. ev
' ' i jgx
racers mmxtn plans
Burman and Ditbrow Approve Pro
moter'! Ideai for Auto Track.
Fa m naa Drlvera Make F.ffar im
Break Reeorda aa Waodea C ircle,
ta Be, fompleted. by
Jack rrlnce, prrmoter of the Omaha
automobile apeedway, la In receipt of a
letter from Bob Burman and Loula Dla
brnjr, klnga of the automobile track, de
claring tha conviction In the aucceaa of
hla venture. Both ride re are In favor of
wood track and claim record will aurely
ba broken. rMabrow aaeerta ha will circle
at a a peed of 100 mllea an hour, while
Burman la equally eangulna that ha can
ahatter tha recorda ha now holrta.
Both of tha driver will rid a on the
Omaha track thla fall, and their expreaa
purpose will he to break aomo of the ex
isting recorda. Prince expecta to have tha
track Itaelf built by Thanksgiving day,
and If ha aucuerda the trial spina will oo
cur on that day. The Rrandetand and
other construction will not be completed
uutil next spring.
What 4 he trlera y.
Following are copies of tha mlsalrea of
Plebrow and Burman to Prince:
Kindly permit me to state for Mr.
Prlnra's benefit, alao youra. that If he
builds your speedway according to his
present plana of construction, 1 will aay
from a racing standpoint It will ba tha
fasteat and safest speedway aver con
structed, and 1 am willing to wage 11,000
that I can ride the track, when finished
and ready for ranlng, at the speed of 100
miles an hour or better, and will be per
fectly eefe all tha way. I turned tha one-
mile motordrome speedway track la Loa
Angeles three years ago, that waa built
by Mr. Prince, In close to thirty-six sec
onds, and hla preaent plana of construc
tion. I am aure, will be four or' flva aeo-
onda faater to tha mile than tha Loa
Angeles track, Reepectfully youra,
Credeatlal frem lanaaa,
I have driven, raoas In different parts
of Europe, Including tha famoua Brook
landa apeedway: alao on all speedways
and dirt tracks In different parts of the
I'nlted States, from New York to Cali
fornia, and have had many yea re of ex
perience In driving races, and 1 will atata
that. In my candid opinion, a speedway
built of wood, of a mile and a quarter to
a ml la and a half, according to the pres
ent plana that I have Inspected and gone
over very carefully with Mr. Prince, that
hla Ideas of construction with a triple
radius, and the etretchea and curves
banked at a perfect angle, according to
his method of construction, will be tha
greatrat sensation af a apeedway tha
world ever raw, and I predict that all
world'a recorda will be broken on auch a
I have driven rapes on brick speedways.
alao on cement speedways, and concrete
and dirt aa well. The vibration on dirt
and concrete la too much going at the ter
rific speod. llrt speedways all cut loose
and make furrowa. Tha heat on cement,
concrete or brick ta so terrific that It
breaks or crystallises the steel. They are
also very hard on tires, much mora so
than wood.
I hold the mile and other reoorda on tha
Indianapolis apeedway, and I will sura
break all these reoorda now held there on
tha speedway to ba built according to Mr.
Prince's preaent plan of eonat ruction. My
record on tha Indlanapolla apeedway ta
36, and aa I aald above. 1 am con
fident all these records can be broken on
ur rriora inn oponmc meet of. this new
speed wsy.
jwiapnvuuiiy youra
Official Standing
UI JNational League
maw TORK. Oct. ?.The nfflrl.1
standing of tha National leacua at the
close of tha 1814 season, aa announced by
secretary JOnn la. Heydler. Is aa follows:
Loat. Pet
M Mi'
70 .&
72 .629
it .DlDi
7 . .4X7
NO .41
KA .4
M . .3S0
New York...,
, 74
, t
, SO
St. Louis
h lea no
Pittsburgh ..
Cincinnati ..
Browns Beat Cards
in Second of Series
bt. loits, Oct. 7.-Pltchera on both
teams were hit hard In tha aecortd game
of the city aeries here today and the St.
Loum Americana won over the local Na
tionals, 7 to 4. Score: R.H.E.
Nationals ....0 1 t 0 0 0 14 IS 4
Americana ....J t 0 0 0 0 t 7 11 1
Batterlea: Sal lee. Perdue and Snyder;
Hamilton. Baumgardner and Agnew.
BUFFALO. N. T.. Oct T.-The Federal
league aeaaon closed here today. Brook
lyn taking He first Kama of th eerlee, 10
lo 1 Tha game wa preceded br ball
throwing, hitting and base running rn
teata. Oanderaon equalled the record of
:3l for a bunt and rua to flrat Score:
. R.H.E.
rmriaio lOOOOtoa 4 1 4
Brooklyn II 1 I It a M
(Called at end of eighth; darkneaa)
ltaltertaa: Woran. Moore and Blair
Brown and Owena.
Lajole laeda la ta.
Whan l.Jole, on September 27, made
the A.tuHb safe hit of hu major loaaue
career he aald: "I expect to reinaiu In
major company for eevrral year and
bafor I quit I expect to regialer al tea at
aaoUtar thousand lata" 1
v 1.
Speed Kings Back
a - S : ij .a.'tse ' -W
-Ax . y&? trs ;--mMB
. V-.V-1TTTC Ea rrsiiiiiisaiiamssMaaaaaaaaa
Scott, Ballyhoo Man,
to Announce Plays of
Series for The Bee
W. A. Scott, a ballyhoo man of S3 years'
experience will announce tha playa of the
world'a series came for The Bea from a
raised platform at the corner of Seven
teenth and Fmrnam streets this year.
Omaha fans will remember Scott as he
called the plays for The Bee last year
and hla clear, resonant voice was i
garded as the most efficient manner In
which to make, the public familiar with
each detail of the game at It occurred.
A temporary board will be erected for
the score by Innings, and Scott will read
the plays as Boon aa the newa cornea
over the wire direct from tha grounds.
By hearing; Mr. Scott fans will be able to
learn the procedure of the championship
battlea but a few seconds after their oc
currence at Shlbe or Fenway parks.
Scott has been talking to the public all
hla life, and he clearly understands how
to make a delivery that la understood by
all. He has acted as ballyhoo for some
of the biggest attractions in the world,
and ha haa circled the globe during his
career. From Omaha he will go to the
exposition at San Diego. The Bee In
vitee all fans to hear Mr. Scott each day
and, from his success of last year, there
la no doubt but that the vocal method
will prove to be the best way to "see
tha world'a series play by play.
(Continued from Page One.)
Baaeman leal, who will no into tha aer
les In place of Smith, who I lying In
a Brooklyn hospital with a broken ankle.
Deal waa given a good workout In field
ing, hard hit grounder and alao to face
aome atltf pitching.
talllaars Cheers l'p.
Stalling, who wa reported to have,
Decn greatly aepreased over smith s mis
fortune, began to cheer up today. After
the practice he aald he felt confident that
Ueal would, do hla best to measure, up
to Smlth'a ability t the bat. A majority
of the Boaton rlayers took in tha final
game at Shlbe park in the afternoon.
when the Athletics trouncehd Ney York,
10 to 0. They did not learn much about
their opponents style of play. The New
York pitching was easy and tha Phlla
delphla team laced the ball to all parta
of tha field. The Athletics took no
chances on tha baae and played straight
base ball all through tha gome.
While at Shlbe park. Oeorg Stalling
met Connla Mark. There waa mutual con
gratulations over the winning of their
respective pennants and each expressed
the hope that the series would be a good
one. While at th park. Stalling ar
ranged with Mack for the Braves 10 prac
tice at Shlbe park tomorrow morning
fater tha Athletics have their usual work,
out. There will be no secrecy In the Bos
ton practice. Th players will remain
only long enough to become familiar with
the grounds and tha shadows cast by the
high standa.
whoa g-M .. setapey gl ernfw w tnwww
Aaxleas Over Mclaale.
Some of the rooters of the world's
champions are becoming anxious over
Mclnnts, th first baseman. About ten
days ago he was alruck on his throwing
hand by a pitched ball In St. Loula and
has not played In a game since, although
ha has appeared- in practice. The club
management ha not said much about his
Injury, but there Is no doubt he will get
into tha first gam on Friday. Out
fielder Walah. who broke Into baae ball
. aa a flrat baaeman on the Niagara Unt
varalty team, has baea playing ta hie-
Up Jack Prince
Inaia' plana In fine style and hitting the
ball hard.
.Demands for tickets for tha aerlea was
nevW greater than It ia thla year. Tha
application for reserved seats at Shlbe
Park was four times greater than tha
capacity of the grandstand. A certain
number of tlcketa were held for prtvl,
leged persons, and the remainder were
placed on sale at tha ticket office of a
department atora.
Six Blocks Langf.
Tha Una of purchaaera at thla office
began to form early Monday morning,
and It waa mora than six blocks long
when the sale began. Tha line broke
when tha ticket office opened, and tha
police had much difficulty In quieting the
disorder In tha crowded shopping dis
trict Mounted policemen had to be used
to Bcateftho crowd.
Hardly had the ticket office opened
than apeculators began to sell aeata for
tha games S3 to to above the regular
prices. Five and tt tlcketa were quickly
sold ontan d all the 12 seats were dis
posed of early la th afternoon. When
the ticket of floe wlndowa cloaed there
was atlll a lonT Una oa the street.
Kntarprlsing householders whose homes
border two sides of Shlbe Park are erect
ing atands on the roofs of their houses.
'These will seat about 4,000 persons, and
tlcketa are being sold at from (0 cents
to S3 each.
Buffeds Win Two
From Pittsburghs
BALTIMORE, Md.. .Oct. T.-BalUmor
won both ends of the double-header with
Pittsburgh today, t to S and 4 to 1
Both team played listlessly, due chiefly
to the weather, which waa better suited
to foot ball than baas balL Score, first
game: R.H.E.
Pittsburgh ...10 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 S 1
Batlimore .. 0 1 0 0 t 1 0 0 - 10 S
Batterlea: Barger and Roberta; Vt'U
helm and Kerr.
Score, second game: RU E.
Pittsburgh ...0OOI10OD -S J S
Baltimore ...S 000200 481
Game called eighth account of darkness.
Batteries: Camnlta and Berr), Smith
and Kerr.
r - y
Indianapolis Defeats
Grizzlies in Ninth
DENVER. Colo.; Oct. T A ninth-lnnlng
rally by the Indlanapolla team of the
American association defeated Denver of
the Wealern league today in UjeTnter
leagua aerlea, by a score of 4 to 6.
A duulile by Bronkle. scoring Rellly,
followed by Met' single, souring Bronkle.
tied the soure aad won the game for the
vlaltora. Score: R HE.
Denver 0 H I 1 I M M II I
Indlanapolla .0 0 0 0 0 1 S 10 I
Batteries: Harrington and block NMera.
Schardt and oUaaell.
talkenberg at Best
and the Hoof eds Win
INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 7. Falkenberg
waa at hla best today and tnoianapoiis
won from St. Loula, 4 to 0, and clinched
the champlonahlp. The looal pitchera al
lowed three hits, two of them in the ninth
Inning, struck out eight batsmen and gave
one base on balla. He waa given perfect
support Fielder Jones. St Louis' man
ager, batted In ths ninth inning and flew
out. ,
Score: R.H.E.
St. Louis 0 0000-0
Indiamuoli.. 2t0S0 4S0
Bkiteriea: Davenport and Chapman,
Falkenberg and Karlden.
Cheek Kidney Traahle at O
There la such ready action In Foley
Kidney Pllla you feel their healing from
the very flrat dose, backache, weak, aora
kldneya, painful bladder and Irregular ho
lloa disappear with their use. O. Palmer,
Greea Bay, Wis., says: "My wife ia rap-
Idly recovering her health and strength
due solely to Foley Kidney Pllla" And
W. T. 1 1 uti hens. Nicholson, Ga., aaya,
"Just a few doaes ntade me feel better.
and now my palna aad rheumatism are all
gone and I sleep all night long." All
daalera every where Advertisement
Hoofedi, by Beating St. Louis, Win
Federal Flag-.
Credit ta I. a rare Mraiar Given 1
Whoa Bill" Phillip, Man.
aster af Team, for
INDIANAPOLIS, tnd., Oct. 7.-By win
ning from St Loula today the Indlanap
oils Federal league team, for the second
time In two years, captured the Federal
league pennant.
To Manager "Whoa Fill" Phillips, the "si
lent leader" of the team, who also was at
the helm of the club last year when it
won the first flog of the league, credit la
Klven In a large measure for the winning
or tho second championship. He, how
ever, ascribes the victory to hla players.
The feature of the local team' work this
season was Ha strong attack.
The race between the CIiIcsko and In
dianapolls teams has been close almost
from the start of the season, with first
one club and then the other In Jhe lead.
Yesterdays victory for Indianapolis,
while Chicago was losing two Karnes,
gave tna local team, which waa a half
game behind, a ona-game lead.
i-reaiaent Qllmore of the Federals haa
announced that he will challenge the win
ner of the world's series on behalf of the
winner of the Federal league pennant
out mere is lltue hope that a series can
be arranged.
Fierce) Flab far Plaar.
The Federal league race waa one of the
hardest fought of modem baae ball hia
tory, nearly every team at one 'time or
another taking part In a rally that gave
It an apparent chance for the flag. At
tha start, St Loula Jumped to ths front
snd at the end of tha flrat two weeks led
tha leatrue. The first elaah with eastern
clubs proved dlstroos for the Mound city
crown, and after a campaign of two
weeks around tha western circuit Baltt-
-TuxeJo can't u tailed
IrwiiS llutinokl the greatest cartoonists in the coun-
. Wa. .
creator of ''Foollab OuestioBa"
Tm theUay"
" find In TuxeJo a gooJ to
bacco. Its fragranc and fiaoof
ant fine. I toe tt regularly and
anion tt highly lo ell my friend. "
creator ot " Mutt aad J8.
"Tuxedo has made a pipe tna
faoortte form of making. Its tool-
ness and mildness make pipe smokj-
ing a real pleasure."
Standing of Teams
W.LPct W.L.Prt
Phlla ! M .flftli Indlanap's...8 6 .BtW
Boston ....91 2 Chicago R5 Wi .fWS
Detroit ....SO 73 .5231 Bnjtlmore ..82 6S .547
W ash 7(1 7S .KJftl Buffalo 7t !
St. IxilllS...71 S2 .4MI Rrooklvn ...75 7o .h"0
Chlcairo ...7n M .4R.V Kan. City... 67 S3 .447
New York. 70 M .451! St. Louis. ...4 (W .432
Cleveland. .62 101 .,w Plttsburch. .Si 84 .42S
Yeaterday'a Beaolta.
nttnburKh. 3-3: Baltimore, 6-4.
Proklyn. 10: Buffalo. 4.
St. Louis, 0; Indianapolis. 4.
Washington. 11; Boston. 4.
New York. 0; Philadelphia. 10.
Chicago Nationals, 4; Chicago Ameri
cans, S.
St. IjouIs Nationals', 4; St. Louis Ameri
cans, 7,
names Today,
Federal league: Kansas City at Chi
cago, St. Louis at Indianapolis, Brooklyn
at Baltimore, Buffalo at Pittsburgh.
more was In front and, retained the lead
until June W.
The addition of Cliarlea Carr, the vet
eran, put such batting strength Into the
Hoosler lineup that Indianapolis began to
climb In June, and June 14 a double de
feat of Baltimore by Kansas City and
Indlanapolla' win over Pittsburgh gave
the Hooslers the lead.
Chlfeda Go on Top.
A serious slump by ?t. Ixiu's late In
June let the Chicago team Into the race,
and by beating Indlanapolla July 2, Tink
er's men went Into first place. The
Hooslers for a time suffered a decline,
once on their downward glide landing In
fourth place, while Baltimore again be
came a factor.
August 18. the Hooslers went to th
front, and from that time on the race
was mainly between them and Chicago.
The Chicago team waa on top In the last
few daya until a double defeat by Kan
sas City in Tuesday'a game pushed Tink
er's men into second place. Indianapolis
beating St Loula.
Leading factor in the Indianapolis vic
tory were the pitching of Falkenberg and
The Men Who Put The
Fun Into Your Daily Life
WITS well sharpened and minds
in good humor. The man who
has these generally knows what he
is talking about. Read the testimoni-
in als on this Dac
They wouldn't smoke Tuxedo if it didn't
keep their minds alert and cheerful all day
long, day in and day out. A tobacco that
can do that stands in a class by itself.
Tuxedo is made of the very highest grade
of choice, mellow, sweet Kentucky Burley
leaf treated by the original "Tuxedo Proc
ess," which removes the stine; so that it can'
not bite your tongue granulated so that it
smokes freely and uniformly packed 40
pipefuls to the 10c tin.
Tuxedo deserves
every good thing that
has ever been said of
it and to prove it
Tuxedo sells by the
millions upon millions of
tins annually.
Faanoua gra tia with goU la- 4 f
teriog, curved ta fit the pocket X Ut
a, .. a . f 3 a
tanvamiant poucn, isswasw -
wila. naoUtara.praol papas
h Clot HwmUon 60 emd 90
Kalserllng, the batting of Its team In
general and the all-around playing of
Bennle Kauff, who leads the league In
stolen bases tnd for the greater part of
the season has been the leading batter.
Cubs Take Opener
From White Sox by
Four to Two Score
CHICAGO. Oct. 7.-The Chlca- Na
tionals drew first blood In the series to
decide the championship of Chicago to
day, when they defeated the local Ameri
cans. 4 to 2. The older league represen
tatives bunched their hits off Wolfgang
and won easily. Good's double and Saler'a
single gave them the first run, while
singles by Bresnnnhan and Good, a field
ers' choice and loach's double netted two
more in the fifth Inning, which waa
enough to win the game.
Inability to run the bases cost the Amer
ican leaguers several runs and probably
the game. They had men on tho bases
In every Inning, but one and almost In
each Instance a runer was run down in
the path. They saved themselves from
a shutout when Schalk'a double, Bre
ton's sacrifice. Bodies single and errors
by Good and Derrick' on Weavers
grounder and Infield out scored to runs
In the seventh.
The total paid atendance, aa announced
by the National commission, was 21.4t.
Total receipts, Ml. 172. 50. Of this smount
the Nstlonal commission receives Sl.417.25;
the players share $7,663,16; aach club,
S2.561.06. Score: R.H.E.
Nationals ....1 00020010 49S
American ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 8 9
Batteries: Vaughn and Breanahan;
Wolfgang. Faber, Clcotte and Sch&lk.
Bee Want Ads Are the Beet Business
Itohlltael's Stick Work Varies.
Hoblltxel's batting average In the Na
tional league wss .210; with the American
league, .844. He must have left his groove
In Cincinnati.
Bee Want Ads Are. the Best Business
riere are some of
Tha Perftct Pipm Tobacco
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