j L T1IK IlKK: OMAHA. WT.nNlND.W, IMTnlllllt 7, VMS. ( Blaino of War Not Entirely Upon the German Shoulders Aftrr i;olnn Into a recital of contradic tions of wsr reports sent out frurn tlic battlefields by Knfilish and Kronen hca'1 fl'iBrters, the last Issue of the Weekly Frankfort-on-the-Maln Zottunp. Germany, which has Just reached local Associated 1'ress headquarters, la chiefly Interesting In ita editorial comment on the situa tions leading up to the Kuropean con flict. Amors the features related. It la pointed out as simply an Idle Jest to try and maka the world believe that Germany la to be blamed In whole for the war and In cor roboration the preparations of other nations In their fighting potentiality la enumerated In detail. England la scorched bitterly, la stigma tized a commercial parasite and Is ac cused of silently and flagrantly pirating the textile and manufacturing patents of advanced methods given to the world by Touton inventors. "But the usufruct of these unprincipled piracies will not be of consequontlene f it." the paper declares In gist, ''and when the war Is over and peace Is re stored, the progressive Industry of tho Germans as a race will so fastly over come the thefts and advance beyond their usability that the loss will only be an incentive and 'stepping-stone' to still higher achievements. ''And when ponce Is again restored." tl paper continues, "and the black and white truth of the whole war Is before alt. Germany will 'stand out In the esti mation of the world higher than It ever hna lefore." Americans come In for their share of cinnments In that they are pleasantly lu tided for their high standard of national honor. ORDINANCE ON COWS IN CITY IS PREPARED An ordinance prohibiting the keeping of "more than one cow" Jn the "densely populated section of the city" was In troduced at the city council meeting by Police Commissioner A. V. Kugel. The boundaries fixed by the ordinance are Thirtieth anil Ames avenue, east on j Amea to city limits, south' to Center j street, west on Center to N'lnth, thence ! to IV r Tark boulevard, thence to1 Thirtieth street on the boulevard, west i o Hascall to the railroad, north to ! Hamilton, then to Thirty-eighth, thence to Hlondo. thence to Thirty-third, to Ike, to Thirtieth and to Thirtieth and - Ames. This ordinance will cause some of the dairymen to mov further out, If passed. i ' f t" a B. 1 1 Tne Imparlance of raaarve strength and pur blood al tala awrtoa caano a timlsnj aaa Nahoro's swariskssMrt hi 5rf Cnaa-fsfoss hajBaetatkat Mmitk that oarlckos the Wood, stronrthons tKo boao. askl aarWorat. too waola siasass. ajpsacfons Mnyvsifv fooovWaa it. It is free Ami AleoKmt r OoVotoo. i COMMERCIAL CLUB JOINS NEUTRALITY MOVEMENT Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The Omaha Commercial Club has allied Itself with the International Trades league, which has for lis purpose 'the malntenence of ahso'ute and strict neu trality toward all the powers engaged In 'war. A communication came from headquarters of the league In New Tork asking that the Commercial club Join the movement by electing an honorary vice president. Casper Tost was chosen. This makes honorary vice presidents from nineteen states. OMAHANS WILL HELP "BUYC0TT0N" PLAN Omaha business men witl likely go Into the "buy-a-bale-of-c.itton" movement, w hloh has fpr Ita purpose the Belief of th southern" cotton growers who have no market for a large per cent r4 their cotton this year on account of the war. At a meeting of the executive oommlttee of the club at noon, a committee was appointed to report on what can be done along this line In Omaha. The committee Is J. A. C. Kennedy. O. T. Eastman. J. Jf. Prentiss, II. A. Thompson and C. C. Host-water. WATER DISTRICT IS SUED BY THE REDICKS Futti against the water district for exi-enso incurred In laying mains In Oak Chatham addition, under the ap proval of the old water company, has been brought In district court by Oak C Elmer 8., George M. and William A. Redlckv It is alleged that the water dis trict has refused to reimburse the plain tiffs under Its contract to assume In debtedness of the water company. DODGE VIADUCT CASE TO BE HEARD LAST OF MONTH Assistant City Attorney W. C. Lambert has received notice from the supreme court that the case of the Missouri Pacific railroad against the City of Omaha over the council's order to build a viaduct on Dodge street between Forty-fourth and Forty-sixth streets will bo heard In that court the hitter part of the month. The rallroadV protests against building a viaduct suff'eirntly strong to support street car traffic. ; : :(J Groccryman Fined for Buying Goods Stolen from Woman For more than si tniftha. Mrs t'.na Melcher, owner of a rroierv at l!M gonth Fourth street, worked emly and lato In order to make both ends meet. Her fsm lly did the same. The little store ns enjoying a good custom and goods were being sold at a fair margin of profit, yet It did not get ahead Sunday they caught l year-old Jne Tomarek. a neighbor, pilfering several pounds of butter. They watched him and Inter called the police. The young man admitted stealing merchandise from the store ever' day for the last six months and selling It to lan Smith, keeper of another store a block away and told the police that he did It because he was urged to do so by Smith. In police court Smith admitted buying the stuff, but pleaded that he did n t know It was stolen property. - Magistrate Foster after administering a sharp reprimand to Smith, fined him 40 and costs. The boy was given another chance to be good. Mrs. Melcher says young Tomacek's pllfarlngs mount up to over H.jOO and that hla doings have plunged her so deeply Into debt that she ta almost on the vergn of bankruptcy. WEATHER IN STATE IS CLEAR AFTER THE BAIN The rain that without being predicted, last night slipped in on Omaha and Ne braska, was general over practically all the east half of the state, according to the reports to the rallroada. It coal men red Just before midnight and contin ued until nearly morning, the precipita tion ranging from one-fourth to one Inch. The heaviest rain of the night was at Salem, Neb., where there was an inoh. TtiTf It. foe fmiflii si ,. I I'i'r and all it war d") fh Mi"nl ' rli'f as fsf si At -Men a, has) Tn h west thef am a r-es tslaj s tof e-'it a Norfolk, llrsnd Island sM lfHi New ths weather Is clear Sfid ws.tnef In Nebraska with atmnf the same effvllllnsn niKimsitilng I hfius 'oit tn lies 17Iiqpo Ig Your Eiupturo? If Trail Hark IU Location eo th Bolow Diagram and 8n4 It la W Will Mail Treatment ABSOLUTELY FREE, .atOUIAITOI WJUTI VS OF OVtM. Ths Rice Method has brmighl snea ra narsania reauu 10 suea a muHlttirfe ol former rupture sulTerers. that H cwrriy svrdi onr einsr proof 01 its rnius, However, we are aiwsys willing to prove it to any one who may no inieresiea, and I no wt proof is an actual trial. That's why we now offer you kUnlr free mt fcsra asrd T Id a trial treatment to atiew what this wonderful method ran do In war rase. Just mark (as near as yon onn) the location of yoor f j rnpmre on this dins ram of a 1 X001'. marking right over If x toe type, henci this to W. SI. KICK. BIB Main ru.. Aiiam, . New York. tlltt tat Tkare Is Bonwanatatfce wsrla why roe sbouHl emttnus e snffsr tke Sienosj- fori and tortare of i that blading, ebsaag 1 trws wlihoat auk- Ing sa effort to Ire )'oarsslf tenm Its slavery. es4 far thUl f roe IrMiatant 1 today. Is lal Too.il asvor aeearoa aad roail an hrawtk llftwlik ths I rurtsrs If roo Son I so smns- thing shoot It. Wky not, at Usst, see what this free, Iresimm eaa ia for yonr b4 for it rlgkt away this vary aitssts. Crowds Visit Beautiral Studebaker See The New Stodeba t.- -r vt ... .--i-.. -i-v oom to Show ker Gars OMAHA BRANCH, 2550-2556 FARNAM STREET If you will make your decision on points of real merit, your next car will be a Studebaker. Studebaker should be able to offer you the best proposition in the world: It has one of the largest factories; it has the longest manu facturing experience 62 years; it has the most complete engineer ing laboratories in .the manufacturing business ; it has great business resources, and, best of all, it intends to manufacture a car equal to Studebaker reputation and Studebaker opportunities. Its idea is not to produce as many cars as possible at the lowest pos sible price, nor, to produce the biggest car for the least amount of money. .' 1 'Its idea is to produce a really good car, the price to be the secondary consideration. The Studebaker SIX Two year ago when the Studebaker light SIX wa first Offered at $1S50 it created a sensation. The world did not think that a six-cylinder car of quality could be produced at this price: It did not consider the resources of Studebaker. This car has not only fnade good, but, it has done two very important things besides. In the first place, it has practically put the heavy four cylinder car out of business. In the second place, ft has revolutionized the price of six-cylinder cars. Other manufacturers have found it necessary to com pete, but they haven't the resource of Studebaker to give you the same quality at the same price. Remember that Studebaker manufactures its six-cylinder car. It does not buy the parts from various' manufacturers. It does not have to pay the profits on these parts to other manufacturers. It does not have to take chances on whether they are good parts or not. Studebaker makes them and they are all - uniformly excellent. If you have made up your mind to buy a light six, why not buy the original light SIX, the car that made the light six popular the car that has every advantage and every reason to be the best light SIX car in the world for the moneyj or at any money. The Studebaker FOUR Like the SIX, the Studebaker FOUR fills a distinct place in the automobile field. Like the SIX, it has been manufactured with the idea rof quality first, price the secondary consideration. There are a great many "Fours" built because you can "build" or "assemble" a "Four" cheaper than you can anything else. A "Six" has to be good or its power will pull it to pieces. The Studebaker FOUR is made as good as the Studebaker SIX, in fact, many of it parts are interchangeable. FOUR $985 F. O. B. araat Electric Starter, Electric Lights Full Floating Rear Axle Extra Size lines, Complete F.mitpmeat (Three-PaMenger Roadster $m) . SIX $1450 r. O. ft. Daaraat Electric Starter, Electric Lights Full Floating Rear Axis Complete Equipment (With Frre-f assenger Boot fltt5) SPECIFICATIONS! Eartric Surtar, Domic Lianas. I wo hair Scrtaa: r iva-PaaMasr saa Saveo-raaacnsar Tawhsf . Wheelbass 121 iscasa. Lum troka (5-ioch). SmaB-lort 3 W- ioch Motor; Sti Cyllooer, a Bloc Spacial Dimming Hoadliffvta. biaosciua, rWLaaauf Labriastaaa Svataaa. Ntw raatOaaoag Mato. Cooovatrtc Puaoa Urns, CatiuUf Radian. Cfowa Feadars. !Ss2Xia.raiaa. ' H s t-ia. Goodnra. TVaa aa Q. D. DcnoaataM Ktaaaj Saiotf traaa os Rear. Eatra Raa sai Lochias Tk Csrriar. Haoaaau FiuK saa JUas Caaaaoxt- CoaunaottS AJaBMaoaa atsaanaf Hoars. Ona-MaaTrasToe. Biult-ta Raia ass Oaa Vtaiaa Vaaci- latto Wi.iliaiaU. Auaiaf lr i Too). Sciaat isc Aao- bU Caaoaaa Taae la CowL Matsat.c, KWLaakias Gaaotlas (itqi, tka ooiv Osa Asstvaos ay laaurasoa Unilai oiilara. PaU Floating Rear Aim. Saaft Ul, mt miu. Tapar st Has. Tiaakaa BVanofft. Full EaioaMBt of 1) Tbakas ilst fiaanuaa. Irraaartibla Staarla Gssr. Istac-LockiM Usiuoa sa4 Liesi bwttcaaa. KOpofauo alias i ia Turn im4 BuSaia. Tka Now FOOT TssnstU Elacufe Startar. Dsctrk Lbhta. Two Bodf StrLra: Fia - Paaaaasor ToonMiTkraa-Paaaoatsr Roaoatar. Waaribaaa 1U iackaa. Loci. Siroit (S.iacsl, StaaD Bars (fH-ioca) Motor) Pour CliaoWra, aa Btac, Kaaaaot aiaaiiuaa CaM Sosaiats. ' Baaoaolcaa, Noa-Laskiat LaMcstloa Srataaa. Spoaal DhaiUg KaaUiau. F-raaaas Stoat foas-Roda. Coooaotric Piaaoa Ruifa. Tabalar R.diaoac am Aasilisrr Ws. tor Taak. . , Oawa FasaWrs. UslH-sx-Brasaa. Hot . lacsatad btsaaaaaar- aaoMor CaxVaaator Boksd a CrfeaoWa. Maaaatk, Noa Laakats Gaaoliss Oaoea, tko (katr Om A a ir ad by toaofaoat UaOanaritara. Caoaioaa Faotraosi ia Both Csa sortaaasrta. Ilila (iooaVicaTWasQ D Do- aasuubis Raos, Saiat Traad oa Raar. t Oao-ataa Trs Too. I BoAt-ta Rata aad CW VUoa Vaatt- Uua Wiadobtaai, Atia.kalisalr Pd? fW Roar Asia. SaaJt Lock toe lso Tssor st Hao, Tiaakaa B.ariaoa. PaU Ea JpaaoM af IS Taaaos RaoW Baanasa. IrravordUa Staartae Ooar. riasi lak towoMC tUirs Rioi aaj Lackat TVa Csnaat. 10 Ouaiauaaa ia Paua BuSMa. This is & Quality FOUR It is low in price only because the Resource of Stude baker make it so. Now let us check point by point, the indications of qual ity in the Studebaker FOUR and in every other automobile. Read this carefully Thinl."orer each point as you check it off: j True Full Floating; Rear Axles not semi or three quarters, but full Floating. ) Tim ken Bearings in every vital spot. y Chrome Nickel and Chrome Vanadium Steels in the Transmission, Propeller and Axle Shafts; high grade, heat treated steel to give life-saving factor of safety. I l Beautifully simplified Motor design; small bore and long stroke, silent, steady, vibrationless running, Force Pump Lubrication System. y Centrifugal Pump Cooling System. A thoroughly tried out Two-Unit Electric System. y A beautifully finished body twenty filling, coloring e and varnishing operations; everv part of the body ' inside as well as outside, carefully finished- no unsightly nooks or crannies. Beautifully crowned fenders of heavy gauge steel enameled tnsnuUJ, not painud. High grade upholstery; deep cushions and seat backs. V Drop forged steel, where other ears have malleable castings. Drop forging and steel stamping in the body its place of wood. Result: reduced weight and multiplied strength. High grade equipment, extra sire safety tread tire. Before you buy your car insist upon these things. You can $et them all in the Studebaker. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA OMAHA BRANCH, 255C-255S Farnam Street. E. R. WILSON, 2429 FARNAM ST., Local Dealer. CONIINUINCs ALL WEEK! First ANNIVERSARY SALK 1NOUK NLW WOMEN'S DEPT. IT ) Ihm fs(f rnonof aarinc fhatira ftf tha ttnn, Ws'fa rl f.rllft tbo stirraas of fnf first f th wotnon'a wmr. W lnn ret In Join fta In r'lfatnf . and wo hall ftiska fha r"-rslon rna fr-f ton in lona-roimoftibf r r flrlna; a dlsrount all w4k of 20oT?. I ii I THINK WHAT THIS MEANS TOTOU RIGHT al the START of lb SEASON! The stock it entirely new the tlylei are the very ttte$t, a'd the prices are marked in plain figures. Select your garment, read the price then pay us 1-5 less! If yow solort a 2f. On Unit only $21.00 If you solM-t a t:, no Drrs -pay only Sli.00 If yoti sHrrt a flft.00 tost --pay only $ i ()0 If )Oti sr-lort a .00 Waist pay only & t!00 ,nt an on all through th stork, whthor th aafrnont la $100.00 or $1.00 - pay us ONK-r lKTU I.KS.- this aok. TJIarnunt appll t alt womn's itar anta. It's Anniyersary Week Oct. 5th to Saturday, Oct 10th - 15 a & DOUGLAS IF THE BABY IS CUTTING ItLTh v use Mrs. VYinsIow's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE-NOT NARCOTIC iKay.Lg i a.;W I i i f'-. V- ',' , atr? L , ' Moot Modorn sfnd Savnltary llrtrwrry la tri wa a Family trad rappll ly oOi Orrtaha WM, JKTTKIt, 1302 N Stret Telephon Hemth 0.1. Umahavlll'tM) K. Itll, I ipt-i j). ugH Htmrt; ' I'bono) Doaglaa 8040. Council lUaXfa OLD AOS BAA, aG.' BuoUa Hixth fitrtwtt PlMMM S33; fe "lassSCSlSS IF YOU ARE BUILDING A NEW HOME OR IF YOU ARE USING STOVES tOR MATING- by all moans be sura and InveMlpate m , 'l"-ns" ACUUEfl FURMC.E ITM nnHT OOHT IS l.Sri thaa any other standard furnaca) b auae of IU slmpllrlty of Installation, aa. better still. It Is OUAIUXTKEI: TO GIVE MOKK HKAT WITH OVK-THIIID I.KKH 1'1'Klj than any otlrr furnace on the market. Wo can install It In an old house In one day without marrlnar or euttlnsr the walla or weak-Ding the construction. o:,'LV-OXK HOLK l TIIK KMMU required. The vacuum priclple of hot air heating is the inoat.ri ACTICAL, most fMIKNTIrlC and moat AIV.AN( Kl idea of a genen tlon. VOir TA K K N CIIAMH in Installing the VAt'lTM I UKNACK. Everyone Is HOLl I DKIt AX 1IUX4'I.AI f U'AKAXTIi.fl to hat juur noma saumai iui ny ana more economically tnan aor other ruroac. (all at our office and see this furnace and )st us etplain its etcellnnt features tr write for free descriptive literature. Don't delay rold weather is coming. , II. D. MORRILL (a CO. v ,v Mannfacturcr'a Distributor. . o t 203 Ware Block, 15th and Farnam 3ts OMAHA, NEB. N. D. We have an Interesting and profitable proposition fur dealers In Nebraska. Wtwtern Iowa, Houth Dakota and Wyoming. vher territory Is not already tlod. )- An inquiry win bring full ov S nartlrulars . jf - - - x a .a .v ti" rvt xjtwnmvam'rxsrnwwmm' (2) fJoHonoy Till Cured rialula aoMl All BsaUl Silaouooa ra1 Wa- aalla. foroaaooot at . aoorootoo. Wrtta taw Vraa tiu,.irsta r.h oo Mo-stol Waoaaoo Ma .stf snanlata ot Kvaareala af sawaa aotl.at. la Maraaa s so) tttmm. OR. E. R.iTAHRY 240 Dee Did.. Omaha Neb. r -s Swap Anything' in the "Swapper CcVamn"