34 THE IlKK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOUET1 7, 1914. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA JToledo rim Will rulfill Contnct to Buy City Bonds. I0CAI C0UJ7CILMLN GRATHTED Order of Pnll Akrlf Clear Tow a ef Loafrrt mmi aleon HaasTAra-em Doa t Rl Place f VaaValrafclee. In erder to expedite public Improve tnent work, the city rouncil Tield a meet In; last rilirht to attend to tomt business left mr from last week. ' City Clerk Wheeler announced he had received no tice from Bpitser-Rorlck of Toledo, O., that they would take up the rent of laat year' bond Issue, aitftreitatinK some jino ono. For rme time the city offlrlata and the rubllo Improvement men have been nerr oua because of the money stringency, ard while Bpltser-Rorlrk had contrarted for the whole bond Issue of tZAOOO, It waa feared the financial conditions would affect the delivery of money from the bonds. The newa given by Wheeler was highly satisfactory. i (harlea (orrlcan Held. Charles Corrlaan, Wllllamsflold, III., waa arrested yesterday at the Union Stock yards by Detective Andrew Lep lnrkl, who locked him up on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Conigaa la alleged to have bought horse from a firm at the yards, lie Is also alleged to have offered a check for M to the vendors. Investigation Is said' to have shown that Corrlgan did not have the funds to meet the check In the bank. He paid $10 down on the horse. ejireh for Cameron. Relatives at Atidulmn, la., have asked the assistance of the local police In locat ing J. H. Cameron, who la sald'to have disappeared from home a few days ago. HI relative believe that he cam to Couth Omaha, but so far the police have been unable to trace him. Death ml Mrs. Da via. Mr. Blanche Davis died Sunday night at tha residence of her parents, Mr. and Mr, rJ. B. Bartlatt. Twenty-second and Washington Itrenta. She waa M years of age. The funeral will be held tht after tiooa at 1 o'clock at Brewer's chapel to Oraceland park cemetery. Rev. Dr. Rob ert U Wheeler will officiate at the fu neral aervlcea. Made City Oewala). H. M. T ravers of Cudahy'a, formerly located here, but now In Hloux City, Is vuilting relative and friends In Houth Omaha. Office space for rent In Bee office, ttl N street. Terma reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. The Merrymakers club of flotith Omaha will give a danntng party tomorrow even ing at the Moose hall, Twenty-fifth and M street. The Mouth Omaha High school foot ball team will play the Coiinull Bluffs foot ball team on the Council Bluff field In Council Bluff. Cherokee coal, unscreened, $4.2T; screen ed. 84.71. South T. Howlnnd Lum. Coal. Mr. W. J. Kubat returned to hi home at Cedar Rapid, la., arter spending th summer with hla son, J. Kubat, of tX North Twenty-fifth street. The Mystic Worker of the World will meet this evening at the Independent Order of Odd Fallows hall at Twenty fourth and M street at I o'clock. A a Important meeting of the Pennant Kwige. American ""rder of United Work men. No. 24, wTTT be held next, -Thursday evening at the Workman tejnple. Th second Issue of the Tooter, the tilgh school pa afternoon. A picture of th JEFFREY ANNOUNCEMENT CALLS FORTH INQUIRIES Blnce the announcement of the Jeffrey Chesterfield light l Oeorg O. Mr Vlcker, manager of the Jeffrey Omaha company, has received and ha on Ms desk over SfiO letter and postals from owners of other cars gK-Ing name of their car, the condition It Is In and the price they will expect for their old car In exchange for a new Jeffrey. No other car announcement h ever brought In such Innulrlen as has that of the Wfi Jeffrey and only by the sys tem of the Jeffrey organization and ca pacity of the Jeffrey plant can th de mand be supplied. OMAHA MAN AND CRESTON WOMAN ARE MARRIED Wallace K. BlacVmar. traveling repre sentative for The Bee for western Iowa, was married Monday to Miss France Belle Hpare of Creston, la., by Rev. D. Ferguson, pastor of St. Paul Episcopal church there. After a wedding trip through the south the couple will be at home to their friend at 703 West Jeffer son trect, Creston, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES HOLD FELLOWSHIP MEETING The Dougla county republican candi date held another of their fellowship meeting Monday night at the Htate Bank building. "It wa only one of our fellowship meetings," said Secretary TH Simon of th county committee, "and we simply discussed th progress of the cam paign, together with the ways and means of going ahead with the campaign." Local Bankers May Send Money to Gold Pool Middle October It will likely be the middle of October before the barkers of Omaha and South Omaha send their first quota of the money to the federal government for the preservation of American credit In Europe. This will be one-fourth of the tTPO.or ssked for from Omaha. While thej Clearing House association ha decided to-comply with the request of the Re gional Reserve board In thl matter, It still remain for the Individual bank t take separate action on the matter of their respective quota. COL WELSH SEES GOOD WEATHER FORJTHE PARADES Forecaster Welsh declare that there 1 every Indication that favorable weather will greet th advent of the electrical pa rade Wednesday evening. While It Is still unsettled In the west and northwest. DIVORCES ARE GRANTED TO FOUR OMAHA WOMEN Mrs. Tlrxah Stonor. whose husband, John K. Stoner, she alleged, I an Inmate of th Missouri penitentiary at Jefferson City, serving a life sentence for murder, waa granted a divorce by district Judge Sear. Mr. Nellie M. KlmmeJ, who sued Ou A. Klmmel, on the gronnd of non-support, was granted a decree. Mr. Ilaael Taylor' petition for legaj separation from D wight Taylor wa granted. Bho allcga desertion. . Mra. Alice Anderson secured a divorce from Arthur I Anderson on the ground of non-support. ANTIS EXPECT SPEAKERS HERE LATER IN THE MONTH When Mrs. J. W. Crumparker was asked If the antl-suffraglst would have a float In the fraternal parade this week she answered In the negative. Mrs. A. J. Oeorge, field secretary of the Massachusetts Association Opposed to Woman Huff rage will be In Omaha on the V'th and will speak In the American theater that night. Mrs. Oeorge Is said to be one of the most able and eloquent women In America today. Mis Bronson, now In Montana, will ar rive later In the month, a will Mr. O. D. Ollphant of New Jersey. Miss Dorman leaves for the Gaxe county fair -today, now being held at Beatrice. Eva Lang Leases Boyd Theater for Her Stock Company Miss Eva I-an wltl return to Omaha for an engagement starting October 17, having leased the BofJ theater. Th name of her company la the Eva Lan"- C'herle Miller company, Mr. Miller, a jousln of Henry Miller, being her lead ing man. They are now rehearsing at Cort theater In New York the opening bill, which will be "Bought and Paid For." Thomas Mohr of Denver, who ha been j associated with Elltch Garden and I Vaudeville theater for the last fifteen year, will be Resident manager. , Harry Cockrell will be'local treasurer. OMAHA GRAIN MARKET SHOWS GREAT STRENGTH The Omaha grain market waa th strongest slncs the first of the month, cash wheat coming close to the dollar mark again. There were several loads sold at 994o, with the balance selling around 2 to W cent. Chicago was 11.07 to 11.09. On the Omaha market, com old at to 71V4c, the price being practically the same In Chicago. Omaha receipt for th day were: Wheat t.1 .i-.. - . ther are no signs of Immediate bad , etrg- . . ' weather for umana ana vicinity. ELSASSER FAMILY TO HAVE REUNION END OF MONTH Another family reunion of the TOaaaver family, of which ther are 3B0 member In the atate, I to b held at the German home the evening of October HI. The fam ily has annual reunion. , will appear tomorrow iir of the high school foot ball team I one of, th feature of thl edition. Darkle' Arnica "aire For a cut7 bruise, sore and skin trouble a box should be In every houaehold. 25c. AH druggist. Advertisement. Rlieama-tlam Advice Here I a prescription for rheumatism need all over th XT, 8. for many year ami said to be the surest known remedy: "On ounce of Torts compound and on ounce syrup Harsnparllla. Put these two Ingredient in half pint of whiskey. TTse a tablespoonful before each, meal and at bed time." Put the saraaparllla In the whiskey and let stand for two hours be fore adtllng the Torls. Ho It I better to mix at home. Get ingredient at any drug store, tannine Tori come In sealed yellow package put up by Globe Pharmaceutical. Dayton, Ohio. Nsw York Mortality Iftate Lower. NPSWi YORK. Oct. . The mortality rata during the last week of 10.M ler 1,01 was the lowest on record in trie history of New York, It waa announced today This waa l.M point lower than In thl corresponding week of 1013. being equiva lent to a decrease of 106 death. In all Veathers AnA in all lemperalurcs No matter how quickly the temperature ritea, no matter what the weather, fresh, rich cream and milk ire always waiting for you if you have Cottaqc StartUseJ UaswaaU J n year pantry hlf Cottar" Milk meant milk economy and milk efficiency. It meant uniformity. In freth milk th food valu it ' nearly all in the cream at the top and nearly all out of th blue milk below. Cottage Milk it rich and creamy condensed under the mm MatMty mmimsm rtikt wkrs Mm nn tntvf li sum Mitrosd Siract M run (roof tfetn Isntist Irti. SM SI 111 11 KM. Th M0h WitAouc (A Coohud Tatm InTwo Size-5 and 1 0 eta. At All Ceed Dealer AMERICAN MILK CO, Chicago fV-TV I mm it x'B I mUmmmr' '' mnrimtui m aswng irrnraaTW 11 ,wmBfBmjgmmmsj , j i, lHVOA-"M . A . ,. a, l&r 4) price f mri LdL J SALE OF ' ' V. :!; r mi HAIR GOODS A Aggte. I -jC, '"'jj Second Floor and Poinpfilan Room. . CiYjikfc-' " ' wPi v .a;tu.r.tt.c.b.?....50c V;!3:' .Nr"i?..:'.'.......$i.5o tw&aS ri T ,22-lnch natuml wary rf -Jvr Wmfr T J Switchea, 95 values, at v. aC.JU V' JJK, ( 28-inch natural wavy AA IV S J -' Switches, 110 values, at p).UU V .V ' ' HAIIt )RESHIXG. HHAMPOOIXG AXD MANICUBIXO. AITOINTM1CNTS BYPHOX. h j ! zrrr ,. .1,... v , , , ' i I Sale Wednesday and Thursday fcRffftW-ScW'' Trimmed bats that measure ( up to the hlftbeat quality. style and merit of 110 hatiY offered anywhere else. Not a hat in this lot but wbat la ' worth" at least $10.00. Most of them are worth more. They are mad of silk velvet and atbeline plush In all the new soft Crown Sailors, Military Tur bans, Basque Turbans, ete. All clean, freth merchandise that ha$ never been on Bale before. Beautifully trimmed with new norelty Ostrich, Vulture and Flower effects. Also banding of Ostrich Plumes, novelty bands, Coqu 'sucups, etc. -you will rind in this sale black dress bats, fu shades In brown, the very popular bluee such aa rorbeaux (night Diuej, Military oiue, tDngni navy) ana navy. Untrimmed Hats I But not one of them Is worth less than 12.00, and many of them are worth up to $3.28. All the desirable colors In cluding plenty of blacka. $1 There axe 811k Velvet shapes. Beaver shapes, both white and black. Austrian Velours, Plushea, etc. In Bailors, Turbans and new Side-Roll effects. la order to facilitat buying whoa theoe hai m on sale Wednesday (Mtd Thursday the, ui be displayed In our Military section on tho riM-ond Floor, and on bargain tattles on our Mala Moor. Beautiful Omaha IN Panoramic Views The O&aha Bee has spent more than a year in the prepara tion of a set of panoramic -views which-would give outsiders a a correct idea of what Omaha is like and be a handsome souvenir booster for the city.. These bird's-eye views show how the different sec tions of Omaha-look, and give a splendid impression of Omaha's fine structures the wholesale and retail dis tricts, shops, stock yards, residental and park sections. " . . " The booklet can be mailed or it makes an ornamental addi tion to photographic collections. On sale at The Bee office or at Newstands, 10c apiece. . jOOA.it or anc at THfTsitGC or outlaws -rut ecta r AtaoLam wunrc f ri i-i'iiis A-P' a Tn7jZZrWjt Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors to Omaha and Omaha's Style and Bargain Cyiter. Askf Aeeommoda tka ta ear power will be moat ehear fally cranted. Jaat command us. XTry rf fort . bat bean airpsndea te make your visit bath nlassnrabl and premabl. 200 TRIMMED HATS J8.SI to (.SO Val- 4.98 ues, on Sale Wed nesday at . . The choicest shapes of the present season, elegantly trimmed with ostrich plumes, fancies, bands and stick-ups. See them Wed nesday. The values will sure ly surprise you. 9A.no Ostrich Plumes $3.f 20 Ins. long, black and white only, ere a t est values nhown in years. See them Wednesday. rres Hats, Untr 1 m med, $1.50 08c - large and small style sailors and turbans, made of 3erman velvet. OUR BLANKET SALE Will continue for all this week. New line every, day. Watch the papers. 85c Cotton Blankets. . . . .59 $1.00 Cotton Blankets. . .693 $1.25 Cotton Blankets. . .883 $1.50 Cotton Blankets. . .951 Wool Filled Blankets . paf $2.50 to S0.50 All Wool Blankets pair. .$2.98 P to 825.00 EXTRA SPECIALS FOR OXK DAY OXiT. A $4.00 Wool Filled Blanket S2.95 'A $6.50 Wool Filled Blanket 84.85 Several bargains in blan kets not advertised. Linen Specials For Ak-Sar-Bcn Visitors Guest Toweling, fancy figured or plain huck, pure linen, values to 79c,'yard 50 Guest Towels, dainty hem stitched, , with place for ini tial, 39c values, each, . .252 Pattern Table Cloths, pure XI ax, assorted designs, worth $5.00, each . . . . 82.90 Circular Scalloped Table Cloths Dew bleached, pure linen, $3.98 values, each... 83.00 In Our Popular Domestic Room Khta, atusllns, BMrtlnr. OnUa riannala. Flannelette. Amoskea; outing flannel. Teazel- down, yd. .....10e Amoakeag apron check ,...6H j..nnarie)e, arannine vtioie, 3d in. wide - THo Anderson's 10c outing; flannel THo, litc and ISr Dress ginghams lOo 36-Inch percales H 72-ln. full bleached Irish llnon, $1. 88. and ..SSe 68-inch German silver bleached, fl.00 grade 8So 11.00 Pttttern Table Cloths... eo $1.60 Pattern Table Cloth. ,. .9So 10c Towels 7140 15c Towels 10o Beths, bleached cotton, 7 Ho, 10c, 13 Ho, 16o and - ISO Larire Holl Bath, quilted, each . from SSe to $1.00 Truo Glove Economy Consists not so much, in low price as in the high quality glove you obtain at the price. In Fownes, Monarch and Derby Gloves you have the best at every price. . Long Kid Gloves. .2.50 to $4 Two-Button Kid Gloves, $1.25 to ......$2.50 Lamh or Doe Skin and cape gloves, fcpocial values, at, . pair 65c and $1 1st assortment and values vlliown in Oinafaa All newest styles.- Three Things You Demand in m Corset Namely, x Gomfort-Grace-Flexibility AT9 rcriecii j met in Rustless oio m m Corsets for the sake of your good appear ance, wear R. & O. Corsets. De signed not only to emphasiie the natural beauty of your figure, but to give you an eaay, youthful carriage modish In the extreme and comfort--able to the last degree. We show new models f 1.00 to $5.00; Uayden's Grocery Oepf.-The Talk off Omaha Quality rod and a" savin; tf 83 to SOT. on th coat or UvlsE. in Ibe best pure Cane Uranulated Suitar for; .. 91.00 48-lb. sacks' best hlgli ifrade Ilamnnd H Hour;-nothing;, finer made for bread, pies or rakes; sack $1.35 10 bar White Russian, "Diamond C, Lenox, " Beat 'Km All or Laundry Queen White Laundry ffoap S9o The best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaahettl 7V0 10 lba. best White or Yellow Corn- meal for 85o 4 lba. fancy,Japan Rica, 10c qualitv, for aa rana Oil Sardines 360 4 lba. best No. 1 Hand Picked Nsvy Brans for .....S5o MacLaren's Peantit flutter, b...ia Parker House Catsup, Worcester Saure, Aaaorted Plcklea. Prepared Mustard or Horseradish, bottle IWo t2-os. jar Pure Fruit Preserve. .8S 1-lb cana Aaaorted Soup Slo Corn Flakes. pk-.., , 6o Quart rana Tsnnese 8orgum . . . ".ISo Breakfast Cocoa, lb aOo Choice Sun Pried or Basket Fired Japan Tea. lb. '. S5o Golden Santoa Coffee, lb aoo Th Beat trlotly rm Xrr. noth- lUTtlY HAYDEN'S FIRST mi Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale,v column; read it in; I mar, par anssn. .as He The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb 31 Fancy Country Creamery Butter,, per pound . Good Dairy Table Butter, lb ae Full Cream Cheese, lb.' . .800 Imported Hwiss Cheese, lb 40o Imported Roquefort Cheese, lb...40o thi vfoi:tabi.e lcamarET rom TBI rXOPI.ll Or CK1EA. 15 lbs. Potatoea to tiie peck SO You iret what the law require at Uayden's. Lrg;e market basket Oreen Pepper for too Lara; market basket Oreen Tomatoes for ,. ...is Fancy Colorado Cabbage, for kraut, per pound a Fancy Red Onions, per lb 8 bunches fresh Beeta or Carrot.. 8 Good Cooking; Apple, peck 80o head fresh Hothouse Lettuce... 5 Hubbard Squash lOo and lt40 Fancy Tokay Orapes. basket. 85c Italian Bine nam Bala mt theaa a new. Wednesday. 4-basket crate to peclal Box Apple Bale Jonathan. ; rimes (k1den or falifornla Hell flower Apple; all fngy No. 1 fruit, per ho . .l.as Colorado Xolf rear, fcoa . : , . . . tl.W