Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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If as Hard to Take as to Pronounce, it Must Have Been Some
Bow the Bravei ud Athletics Com
pate' Around Diamond.
taaale' Stark's Maralae Una MlaM
ilmdf la the Dope do Far
aa the Seasoa's Record
NEW YORK, Oct. .-In the coming
series of th world's bss ball champion
ahtp th infield of th Boaton Natlonala
and tho Philadelphia Amrlrana are ex
pect! to contribute many sensational
rlays both offensively and defensively,
during tha struggle for premier diamond
honors. In fart. It would, prove, moat
xtraordinary If the reverse ahould be tha
caae alnce combinations which Include
player of the typa of Johnny Kvera,
; Kddle Colllna. "Rabbit" Marnevllle,
; "Stuffy" Mclnnla, ' Home Hun" Baker
nd Heinle Hhmldt ' execute thrilling
, catches, thrown and stops In every munt
f the pennant schedule.
A comparison ,of the two Infields allows
that both the Amu li in and National
Inegu ehamptonahlp clubs have quartets
t f playen stretched around the bane llnea
that are far above ihe ordinary run of
I thone of tha blf league clubs. Itcgardleas
l? whether the players are veterans or
lSrenomenai youngsters, with but a year
jar ao of major league experience. th y are
i either leaders or close to tne top In their
particular position. Juat how these two
! Infields will play agalnat each other In
tha aeries which begins thla week la hard
; to forecast, but an Individual comparison
f the season's work of each of the eight
i playera moat likely to cover the poaltlons
from first to third, shows that they are
.aulte evenly matched In general skill with
a love and bat.
Nil for Hai,
Heglnlng with first base the Athletics
will be ted hf Mclnnla and the
Uravua by 6chmldt. The National league
player la older and bigger physically than
Mclnnla. but the latter has the advantage
f longer base ball experience and the
J9i season records prove him to be.
stronger with th slick. Kchm'dt haa a
fielding average of .382 for 1) rrama
which puts him' third In the llrt of the
National league flrat bnaemen. Ill hat.
ting average for U3 game 1 .276. Mc
Jnnla la second among the Initial aackcra
f tha junior league with ,K4 for 147
gamea. At bat he hna a far better av
era than Schmidt hla record being .317
for lit games.
Kvera and Collins will tw opposed at
econd base and hero are two r.Mtnra to
IV conjured with. Botfi are famous and
loth have had plenty of world a aeries
experience. Aa the pivotal point In
double plays and Infield strategy there la
little to choose between them. Both
over wld areas around aerond base and
throw In almost any position. Jn t;go and
iperlanoe, Evers Is older than trolllna. bo-
Ing a yesrs of sge and with twel-e
years af league aervlce. agalnat Colllna. 57
years and aeven seasons on the diamond.
In' fielding the former Chicago Cub atar
Inads the Markmen by twenty-six points,
the average being: Evrs. .78; Cilllna,
' a Jn hitting, however, the positions are
reversed since Colllna shows .M to
Barry anal the Rabbit.
At ahortstnp It la a cum of a steady
eeteran agalnat a youthful lienomennn.
' 3iarry Is a years old. while Maranvllle
lias Juat passed Ms twenty-first birthday.
Full Dress
You ran bo fit at
nc with th vry .fpr sg5
a test .full dress fislXb-:p
,o waits, only oik- .XV ' WT,
once witu tn very
try on. New soft
roll models $32.50
and $42.50.
Let us. serve you
with full dress ac
cessories. Soft roll
V shape d vests,
musliPDom pleat
Hbirts, ties, buttons
fctuda, collars,
gloven, ete. All tho
vfiry newest.
r- n f
" Af WHAT , rr
Standing of Teams
I'layed. Won. Ioat. Pet.
Inilianapolia 101 K fH .f&
Chlcngo IF3 K, W .M
llaltlmore 1 NO Mi
;nffnlo M5 7H m .534
llrooklyn H 74 75 ,4V
Knn.ia City VJ 7 H .447
I'lttxliurgh H4 2 1 .4.11
81. Ixxila 140 64 H& .4.10
W.I..Pct W.IPct
Phi la.
,.IW M ,UH Ponton M ,14
.. n .bm New York...M .M!
Iwt rolt 7S 8t. Ixiula.. . .79 71 :
Waeh 7S 73 .M7 ( hlcago 79 78 .M.1 1
Bt. l.oiil...71 W .4f.4i Hronklyn ...7S 7 .47
tTilcago ...,0 S4 .4 PlttaburKh . "5 .44 .
Cleveland .U 101 .840 Clnotnnatl ..60 M .M !
Veaterday'a Refalls.
KnHR Olty,'l-; Chisago, 0-S.
PltlKburKh, 1-1; Ualtlmoro, 11-1; called
einl of tenth, darhnea.
Prooklyn, 1; Huffalo, S.
tit. IjuIii. 4; Indinnaiiolls, T.
Washington. 4; Hoot on, g.
New York. 2; Philadelphia, 1.
Philadelphia, 1-0; New York. 5-S; second
game called end of neventh, darkness.
Hoc ton. 2-7;. Brooklyn, 1-3.
Ft. Ixiula Amerlrans,2; Ht. I.011I Na
tional. 1.
Physically there Is llttin advantage one
way of the other, both being about aver
age In wtlght and height. Barry has had
two years more experience In the Na
tional game, which, perhaps, accounts
for his better Holding average, which la
.67 for 133 gamea, to Maranvllle'a .94i for
IS! games. Tha youthful Brave la a more
consistent batter, however, showing
2tl 1
to Barry's .242. Both fit In to the de- t
fenxlve scheme of their respective InfWiIds
In splendid style, being- feat, accurate
throwers and capable or ranging over a
wide atretch of territory hctwren second j
and third bases. - ,
Tho one position In the Inner defena, j
where the world's champions appear to
have an advantage over the Braves, If
fltiurea for the past and present r-asons
can be depended upon. Is at third base.
Here J. Franklin Baker wilt hold forth
during the coming series. Bakr is 24
years old, weighs lit pounas, ana nas
had six years of profoalonal base ball
experience, "lied" Smith, Boston's regu-
lur thlrd-sacker Is out of the gamo with
a broken leg, sustainea at nrooaiyn looay.
Fmlth Is 34 yesrs, weighs 161 pounds and
has played bait for five years. The 1K14
records of the tio playera In question
show that Baker haa fielded .f 47 and
batted .910, to Smith's 913 and .2)0.
1 aof Metal Hevorda.
The unofficial tatting and fielding reo
ords of the two Intlclds Just previous to
the close of the pennant seaaon showed
the following standing:
' Fielding Batting
Plaver'snd Position. Avers. Average.
Schmidt, lb
Kvera. 2h 7J .179
Maranvllle, as 946 .3.U
Smith, 30 .912 .MS
Avemgea 96CT .H7S
Fielding BatUng
Player and Poaltlon, Average. Averace.
Mclnnla. lb . ite4
Collins. Ib U
Parry, aa 978
Baker, 31) 947 .t0
Be Want Ads Are th Best Business
9t9aaacoooocBcic;jjii',iw;atip;ioco'-avoq:i!t-oagoa a
- m aibm i i
.i v-:.. i,i i; uwaui i i i
MkimM Jim
v.. ri m 'A'v.y
Superbai, hy Grabbing" Game of
Double Bill, Finish in Fifth Place.
"Red" "milk. Breaka bear la latitat
Coatest aa Will Mot Be Able
to Play la Worla'a
y SeHea.
PROOKLTN. Oct e.-By ' defeating
to . in the opening game or
the double-header which cloned the Na-
tlonal league season here today. Brook-
, ' "
anead of Phllgdelphla. Thla Is the best
showing a Brooklyn team haa made alnce
'.n, when the Buperbas ended the seaaon
In fifth place. VRed" Pmlth, the Boston
third baseman, broke a leg In the first
frame today and will not be able to play
In the world's series against the Phila
delphia Athletics.
' Boston took the second game, 7 to S, In
seven Innings. The new champions put a
makeshift team In the field and Its heavy
hitting of Rucker'a offerings resulted In
an early lead, which Brooklyn could not
overcome. Strand, pitching for Boston,
made a good Impreaaton. Score, flrat
AM H O. A. E. AB.H.O.A.B.
rt.,.,4 9 19 in.lton.' ct... I 119 9
119 1 OHuramel, lb. 4 1 10 9
19 11 SStenael, rt... 19 19
4 119 tWhnl, U.... 2 4 9 9
19 19 9, vtitaiF. lb. 4 9 4 1 9
iUIi-, iu...,
Omnollr, If
W hlllKl. rf.
Mrhmmt, lb. 4 1 4 9 9Gti. lb. I I t I 1
Hmllh. lb. ...4 111 0Kan. m. 41 4 t
MarinvU', aa I I 1 9Mr('ulr, a.. 9 9 1 9
K. Trier, a.. I 9 1 1 9l'lfier, a.... 119 9 9
Pevnre 11999
finwlc. B....9 a a a a timIb an a n 11 1
Ivl. a 19 9 9 9 s
(ihirt .... 0 a -
Cochrh'n, s 9 9 9 9 9
ToUla It 7 24 I I ' 4 ;
-' .jhi .11 elghtht.
iatted for Lavla In elKhth.
Boaton 1 0 V 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
Brooklyn ;.l 0 I 0 1 0 0 o 1
ltt on baaeai: Hoaton, 6; Brooklyn, 8.
Two-baa hlta: Connolly, Kgan. Home
run; Kvera. Connolly. Buaea on errora:
Boaton, 1. Stolen baeea: Connolly, I'alton,
Wheat, Gets (2). Double playa: McCarly
to Culehaw, Smith to Uugey to Smith.
Baaea on balla. Off Davis. 1; off Ffeffcr.
a. Struck out: By Davie, 0; by Pfeffer. 6.
lilt by pitched hall: By Davie, Daltnn
and Stengel. Hlta: off Davis, t In seven
Innings; off fochreham, 1 In one Inning.
Time: 1:5n. Cmplrea: Hlglcr and Hart.
Score --" b'ame:
Mum. rf ... i
tuar. Ik.... 4
('ihr. It.... 4
Whined, lb.. 4
Iieror. rf . .. 8
I 9 9 tjllon rf .. 4
111 lumtnel, lb. I
t l.nirol, Tf.. 4
1 9 9Wheit, If.... 4
4 9 9 uthaw, lb. 4
1 8 Jt f
9 1 lKgaa, aa..,. I
I 9 a.vtillar, a.... I
a I SMuekwr, p... I
1 I
1MI, III 4
.Martin, aa... I 9
K Trlar. a.. I 9
tttraed, .... 2
Khii.siana. m i
ji4 TaUis 19 T U 9 9
Boston a t , u w .
Brooklyn 0 U 1 0 0 0 21
' Called end seventh, by agreement.
Left on bases: Hoaton, f; Rrooklvn. 8.
Tljree-haae hits: Coiner Hummel. Home
run: Pevore. Has on errors: Brooklyn, 2.
Htolen baae: Cutahaw. Paaea on balla: Off
Rucker, : off Strand, 3. Htruck out: By
Ruoker. 3: by Klrand. I. Hit by pitched
ball: By Pucker, Mann. Hlta-Off Hucker.
8 In five Innings: off Enamann. 4 In two
Innlnaa. Time: 1:S0. I'mpirea: Hart and
Malael. lb... 4 149 turak. rf . 4 9 t 9 a
I IUrti.ll, II.. 4 119 9 Irlns. If... 4 9 19 1
' I'.nk. rf 4 119 9 Ulna, lb.. I I a I a
Otm. of 1 9 9 9 ker. b..- 4 t 1 9 9
Mtiiiin. lb...l-9 9 9 9 iim. lb.... I 9 4 a
i Px-kinpa', aa 4 9 9 4 9 ruak. cf... I a I a a
i 'kwart. a... 3 9 1 9 9 rr. m 4 9 111
aa, a... a a a a a ee. v..... m w w
4le. a...
.1 4 9 9 9 ", .... 1 9 S 9 I
eio.k, a I 1 9 1 9
.81 4 till Aycai(f. .. I 9 9 9 1
TaUll 81 18 I I
New York I v. v w i. . v
Philadelphia 0 0 v 0 0 1 0 0 01
Two-bun hlta: Baker. Lapp. Sacrifice
Mt: Mulltn. Left on bases: New York. t;
PMlsdelphla, 8. Buaea on errors: New
York, 1: Philadelphia, 1 Hlta: Off Bender,
2 in three lnnlnn; off Plank, 1 In three.
Inntnaa: off Wyckoff. 3 In three inntnge.
Struck out: By Cole. I; by Bender, 6; by
Plank. 2: by Wyckoff, 1. Htolen baaea:
i Malael (, Cook. Baaea On balla: Off Cole.
3: off Bender, t: orr nana. l. Time: i:so.
I'mpirea: Hildebrand and Evana.
Brewers Win Third
From Birmingham
,' MILWAUKEE, Oct. I Mllaaukes won
jth third game of the series for tha cham
pionship (f tne minors ieagie. iron inrm
Inghami by th acore of 10 to L Bcore:
I Plrnilnahain. 000100000 l&l
sniwuukee I091b W 1J
Batterlea; Birmingham, Hargrav and
Wallace; Milwaukee, Hovilk and Mc
NEW YORK. Oct . Jame C. Smith,
third baeeman of th Biaton National
League club, broke Ills leg above the
ankle In ellllr.g to aecend base In the
ninth Inning of the flrat game of the
double-header with Brooklyn today.
Smith all! be unable to play In trte
world's series. IXal. Dugey or Whit tod
will probably play In Smith's plac In the
big series. ,
riatlaaaaatli Blaaka Ifara
AVOCA, Neb., Oct. l-MSpclsl i Th
A voce ball tram cloeed a'aaorenafui sea
son yesterday when they loat a cioae
Mack Sends in Two Veteran Hurl-
en and Wyckoff.
Reader In Three laalaca Allowa
Hit and Paaa, aaat Plaak Rlas;li
4 Pass la' laallar 1
PHIL.ADELJ-HIA, Oct (.-Manager
alack sent in two of his veteran pitchers
and Wyckoff In tho (am against, New
Tork this afternoon, the visitors win
ning, by I to L Only tone hit and a pass
were allowed In three Innings by Bender,
but errora by Barry, Oldiing and Bender
permitted Malael to get to third base In
th first Inning and the latter stole home.
Plank also allowed a single and a pass
In three Innings. The visitors got tho
winning run off AVyckoff In the eighth
esidon on Malsel's single and steal of
Wyckoff wild throw and Cook's
single. Bender struck out five batsmen,
Plank two and Wyckoff one. With the
exception of Baker and Lapp, who made
a alngle and a double each, the home
team did very light work with tha stick,
they securing only six safeties off Cole.
Mltchel, Whaling and Rudorph of the Bos
ton Braves witnessed the game. Score:
"eaatora Lew to Boatoa.
BOSTON, Oct. . By loalng today'a
game to Boaton, 4 to 8, Washington went
back Into a tie for third place with De
troit. Foster held the visitors to two
hits, while Shaw was wild and was given
rasged support. Harper, who pitched the
final three Innings for Washington, was
hit freely. Score: R.H.E.
Washington.. OOvOOOO 44 I !
Hoaton 10120111-3
Batteries: Washlngon.' Harper, . Shaw
rinton-SIem, N. C
' V t J e.Y-vnmT : ''x'Sift:j:x'x'S:yf J v
i - asarsi ..!., f Xmmx&x?
, :-:-:-x-:---:-:-'-' '; & , , . --r , - 'nn . , .-, ..w-...-.. l!ti
and Henry;
Mackmen Begin
Secret Practice
PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Sept. . SecreA
practice In preparation for th world's
championship series with the Boaton
Braves was started today by the Phila
delphia American league team. It was
planned to give the Mack men a hard drill
for two hours In the forenoon today and
tomorrow, while both morning and after
noon on Thursday will be devoted to plays
that It Is hoped will be effective against
the National league champions. The
Athletic will line up against the New
York Americans this afternoon, while the
final game of their regular schedule will
be played tomorrow against the same
team. ,
- Manager Mack announced laat night
that th National league winners will not
hold their preliminary practice at'Shlba
park, th home of the American league
here, but will practice for the world's
series on the grounds of the Philadelphia
Nationals. They are expected to come
her from Brooklyn Immediately after to
day's game.
Robert McRoy, representative of the
National commission Is expected her to
day to consult with John D. Bhibe, secre
tsyr of the Athletics, regarding the public
sal of tickets, which open tomorrow.
law Varsity Registration Larare.
IOWA CITY. Ia., Oct. .-(Spclal.
Registration at the State University of
Iowa this year will total 3,876. according
to an announcement made by university
officials today. The figures are the larg
est ever compiled here. They represent
an Increase of approximately 8.5 per cent
over last year, when the total was 2.829.
University authorities announce them
selves as well pleased with the showing.
In view of the unsettled conditions pre
vailing. .
about time
you got yours
The limit of going tome in the smoking s line is to
make fire with a match, then hitch it to a jimmy
pipe oramakin's cigarette packed brimful of
Prince Albert I Me-o-my! Gets you mighty
pleased-like, and turns on the sunshine spigot
in your system very early in the A. M.
Prince Albert wins every man who's game
enough ta.hit the high' spot at the cost of a
dime. Doesn't make any difference what you .
tiling about being able to smoke a pipe or a
roll-'em cigarette, you can and you will and
get happy on every pull if youll nail your flag
to thetaaast of
Mhhge Albert
th national joy amok
Men, here's daar -and quality and flavor and
fragrance. Get a whiff or a puff of P. A. out
of a pipe or from a makin's cigarette and you've
just got to have more. Tastes so good it's
right hard to wait till the next fire-up. Because
P. A can't bite your tongue ! Bite's cut out by
a patented process. Paste that fri yout halt You
put yourself on the road to contentment.
. frliiei A Hmrl im mmlj in twmy rJ hmjfm. Set in
tidy nd lima. 1 Oct mU in Hmfaai swamW S?:.-'
mmm aair-swautar auaudaea. ,r.
Drawn for The Bee
M V-
Drop Behind Hoofedi When Beaten
Twice by & C.
Tinker Maat Take Laat.. Reaaaln
laa; Gas and Rlvmla flatter
Two Defeats If Ckleaajro
Get Flagr
CHICAGO, Oct l-Chlcago' chances
for winning th Federal league pennant
grew dubious today when the locals
dropped both games of a double-header
to Kansas City, 1 to 0 and & to s, while
Indianapolis was beating St. Louis. In
dianapolis ' now la a full gam ahead of
Chicago, and If it wins on of Its two
remaining games will retain the cham
pionship. For Chicago to win the pen
nant Indianapolis must lose both remain
ing games and Chicago must win its
single one. One of the games played to
day was scheduled for tomorrow and set
ahead to avoid a conflict with the open
ing of the Cubs-Sox series. The final
game will be played her Thursday.
Kansas City won th opening gam on
Chadboum's single and Perrlng double
In th fourth. Th visitors routed Flsk
. I ,
and hi. emery ball In the second conteet,
which went only seven Innings. Score.
. -
rK L 37 A mt ' TJ XT m
" " u
Kna Clty...O 0000 1 00 0-17 1
Qhlcago 0 0000000 61
Batterlea: Packard and Brown. Hcndrii
and Wilson.
Secosd game:
Kansas City 0 0 8 0 1 0 6 9 0
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 8 03 8 0
Batteries: Johnson and Brown; Fisk,
Lenge,- Prendergast and Wilson.
Hooalers In Lead.
' INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 8. Indianapolis
took the lead in the Federal league race
today . by defeating St. Louis, 7 to 4,
....... ....
Xv.X'ivXv:ivxWx':":':.': ;
by "Bud" Fisher
G&e "vnrw.
HtM4 TO Tfc.S
while Chicago was losing a doublo-heaider
to Kansas City. Score. R H E.
St. Louis 0 000001 V 2 44
Indianapolis 001 20021 7 13 I
Batteries: Ketipper and Chapman,
Moseley and Rartden. 1
Terrapin Have Walkover.
BALTIMORE, Oct. 6.-Baltimore had a
walkover with Pittsburgh In the first
game today, defeating the visitors, 11 to 1.
The second went ten innings to a tie. 1 to
1. when darkness stopped the game. Score,
first game: R.H.E.
Pittsburgh ..0 0 090000 1 1
Baltimore . ...0 0 4 4 2001 11 11 t
Batteries: Walker and Berry, Roberts;
Bugga and Jacklltsch.
Bcora, second game:
Pittsburgh 000000100 0-1 1
Baltimore 000010000 01 fi I
Batteries: Leclalre and Berry, Smith
and Kerr. f .
Tiptops Lea, to Baffs.
BUFFALO,- N. T.,' Oct. , The Buf
teds made it two straight from Brooklyn
by winning today's game, 3 to. L. Pitcher
L&fltte scored the visitors' only run on
his single, followed by an error and an
out, a force And another single by Evans.
The other four hlta off Bchultx were well
scattered. Score: R.H.E.
Buffalo O 1 1 0 1 0 10 1
Brooklyn ....0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 6 8
Batteries,: Schuli and Allen; Laiitte and
I u
Browns Beat Cards
By Two to. One Score
ST. LOUTS, 0t t Rune by Wetlmaa
and Shotten on Fratfs single to right.
I wuu alio Vw"iiiB gauis7 vr . lull BVirosj
for thr st Amertcan today, the
L i . i --.i i-
' 1 irani uvicuufj iuv iuts.1 tjbuuuaiss, m
1. Score: .R.H.E.
Americans .-00300090 0-3 SI
Nationals ... 00000000 1-1 80
Batterlea Americans, Wellman 'and
Agnew; , Nationals, Doak, Grlner '.and
Dr. KlnaT's New Life Pills
for constipation, torpid Uver, sallow com
plexion. Their frequent . us will
strengthen and add tone to- your system.
Zso. . AJ1 druggists. Advertisement..
i :.: .."3
game to the Plattsmouth Bed Sox through
errora. bcore:
(rmarlj, Mag aft ZHmsmt
4 &. tfctb
Avoca 4 P -4
flattamoutn ti a i o
Hattertaa: Oenallagar n ateaa. v
boo aa Harold.