7-A CANNON IN ROLE OF "CHOIRJNYISIBLE" Great Siege Gum of Teutons in Oper ation Against French Positions Cannot Be Seen. Train Robber Jumps train No. 301, the Sun!et Limited, near Colton lonlsht, and fired a shot In the Confesses Hired to Plant Dynamite Illegally In his possesion, made an said, by planting" ilvnsnilte, and then C"ntniitlv rttii'iltia bsrkwntd and for cKMecn-p.se signed statement to the "ol. m e,,- lt and reaping rewards. $Zll ' uSVXZX? 'inn a;,., authorities here late today, affirming e . i : 1 1 v . ' and It aoiintlmen hnin-ened thai mainly that he n hired by th onts ..e. In.,. rr.e." l'""" f'" ,n' thr'"' l ""' Kr""i Through Car Window I Het bounded from tho car a pusjtcnut'r In the rg. The rohher Jumped through an oeu win dow. He robbed, no one. .,f h Men lisnli' and Manufacturers' -! 1 "l"'"'. " "' re!, itr.l at on time to nv Olio hn t. ll I.03 ANGELES. Oct S.-A bandit en tered the day coach of Southern raolflo MAKTINIC7., Cel.. Oct J A. P. Kmor- j aociatlon of Stockton, where a lai'or wnri !. :i d. rr-nm In the f,ir .t h.-n 1 Pee Want Ads Are the rvst Huslnes. I'i inters. Bee Want Ads Produce Results, son. under arrest for having explosives, protect them. This h did, He ,,., .mo.. ,,, dur . ,,,,, Sunday, October 4, 1014- -BTOGES$-NA3IHI COMPANY STOKE NEWS FOR MONDAY BURGESS-NA8H COKIPANY Sixteenth and Marney Streets THK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOHEU 4. 1.14. BATTLEFIELD LIKE IRON PLANT Ome Artillery IMfe round Away Foar Dare at Lee Parorhre Without Loratloa BelaB Discovered. BERMN (Mr The Itague and London.) Oct 3. An orportunlty to watch closely the German-Austrian artillery attack on the line of Trench forte aouth of Verdun lift Saturday was given an Associated Frees correspondent, who had been with tha Germans at Met. An attack, which Friday led to tha tak ing of Fort Camp Romalns, aa tha first step in the breaking of the defense of tha fort lines, resulted Saturday In tha silencing of Fort Ls Parcches, tha correspondent aays. Towards evening It was reported that was replying to the Austrian fire, all tha other forts being silent. After that tha Austrtans concentrated their flra with precision on thin single turret from a distance of six miles, indicating that it was but a mntter of time when the de fense line would ba resdy for an In fantry attack. Vnllnntlr Defended. Fort Camp Des Ilomains was valiantly defended by the French. The attacking forces came within five yards of the only one armed turret at Fort LyonvlUe trench in front of tht fort before the garrison surrendered. Tha French ar tillerymen In the casemates of the forts had to be dislodged with hand grenades, smoke bombs and fire tubes, which Ger man volunteers placed against the open ing of the casemates, filling tha Interiors with fragments of bombs and sense-robbing gases. Even then the defenders refused to capitulate. Finally they ware given most honorable conditions of surrender, owing to the valor tlioy had displayed. The correspondent s trip over the bat tlefield showed nothing of the tradi tional battle tumult, such aa attacking Infantry, racing cavalry and galloping artillery. Artillery Invisible. Tha heavy artillery could not be seen. There was the tremendous detonation of siege pieces and large columns of smoke areas from burning villages. The black surface thus created was studded every where with the white olouds from explod ing projectiles. On the road a few wounded were mak ing their way to the base hospitals. Be yond that the battlefield gave the Im pression of a tremendous Iron plant, with Its masses of artillery machinery and the attending noises, a feature which seems to mark this war more and more as the preconceived plans are applied. Tho German and Austrian heavy siege pieces were marvelously concealed and placed and the working of them was like clockwork. Men brought ammunition and placed it with astounding regularity, as if they hail done nothing else all their lives, though now and then the wholly mechanical process was Interrupted for a lew minutes by new Inxtructions which were recived over the telephone, ob servations having necessitated a slight change in the direction of the fire. There was a pause for the noon meal. Loi-atioa ITever Discovered. One artillery, piece pounded away for four days with Les Paroches as Its ob jective, and the location of the gun never was discovered. During that time the men handling this cannon had gone to housekeplng most comfortably. St Mihlel had been evacuated shortly before the arrival of the correspondent. From hills near the battle ground 1 luuui iw seen max ine artillery on Doth sides was hammering Incessantly. To wards evening smoke columns rose south of Toul, indicating that a fight was going on there. Cossacks Adopt Flying Wedge as -Form of Assault (Copyright, 1914, by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, Oct 3 (Special Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Bee.) When the Austrian armies, defeated by the Kus sians in Galicia, were retreating In dis order toward Cracow, they were hotly pursued by Russians. The Infantry divi sions easily wera overtaken and offered no resistance to the terrible charges. The Cossacks adopted a apeclal format tlon, advancing In a triangle Instead of a 'Bne. When the charge took place the ""shock was Irresistible as the apex of the triangle pierced the Infantry Una while the sides advanced onward and continued to charge. WYMORE GIRL ENDS LIFE . IN ODD CIRCUMSTANCE BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. J. (Special Tel-egrm.)-MUs Edith Ehoff. lt years of age, ahot herself tonight after R. E. Hauier, who had been conducting a vot ing contest for a Wymore paper, accused her of retaining some funds which had come into her hands. - Hauser was to have turned over a new automobile te the winner of the contest, and when he found that the girl had com mitted suicide he endeavored to make his escape, but was raptured by Sheriff Bhlek. He la being detained in Jail here and It Is said that he will be prosecuted Belarrade'a History. Belgrade, the "White City," once again the storm center of Europe. has known many changes of masters, and more than once has fallen Into the hands of Austria. A military outpost of the Roman empire 2.000 years ago, the city has sustained mora alpaca In the course of Its long his tory than even Constantinople. In ISJ1 It was captured by Holyman It, wsa re taken by the Austrtans In IRKS, and lost again two year later, stormed by Prince Kugne In 1717. recaptured by the Turks in ITiCJ. seised by Austria In 17(0 and re turned by treaty to the Ottomans III J7W. Then In laud the Herbs themselves rose and took possession of their ancient capi tal, and a long series of bitter conflicts ended In the final departure of the Turk In ltJ. London Chronicle. Logical, Perhaps. A lesson in elementary anatomy had been In progress. Hut the teacher did not flatter himself that he had made any lasting contribution 10 the knowledge of Ins pupils. "Now, ran anybody tell ins," said he at laet. "nhat part of the body is the miirl hardly treated?" Only one youth howed any signs of ln tedWume. Gut he was most enthusiastic. "Well, famrny, you seem to be the only boy who has learned anything. Tell the clsfs what you know." "The part of the body what hat the worst time Is the eye." "How is that, Sammy?" "Because all dsv It I under the lash, and every night it gets a good hiding.'' Th Knlchte of Ak- OUM OTESTS Haw Captured the City tS3 AT THE bnnrjuet of good things pivv vided for Monday's shoppers tho , toast of honor will be "Our Guests." l.' . i e : i.4vv nuniuer ui uui pihiiiihiuimi j recognizes that whoever emers the doors o of this store puts us under obligations to look out for his or her welfare. nesldeg pergonal attention, that nothing may be lacking, we have arranged convenient rooms for rest, writing and to meet friends. You may have your parcels checked and your questions answered at the Information bureau on the Main Floor. Then there is the Sub station of the V. S. Postofflce where you have every convenience of the Postal Service. In fact, we do everything in our rowir to inaHo you happy and conifortable in our store. It's our aim, you know, to be of "THE GREATEST SERVICE TO THE GREATEST NUMBER." Best of all every visitor to the store will have an opportunity of sharing In the great economies In force here Monday. Read tho store news through; you'll find lt most interesting. BUR'QESS-NASII COMPANY. A Partial Ust ot NOTIONS at Little Prtces for ' Mtonudlay y Uj U Girdle founda 1 1 o n s, all sizes, ea . . 10c Boned belting, all widths, the yard ....10c Twilled tape, 10-yd. bolt, iu all wldths.lOo Cotton tape, 20-yd. bolt. 10c Colored rick rack braid, 4 yards for. 10c Elastic Sani tary Bel(s.25c Glove darners, all colors. . ou Bargees-Has Co Celluloid thimbles, all colors . ... 5c Wooden glove forms for dry ing gloves. $1 Thread for machine, 200 yards, mercer- . Main floor. lied, colors, spool .... 6c Silk skirt binding, all colors, yd. 10c Shoe trees, pair ...7c Asbestos iron holders, at.5c . 'u-ruirijLrii-ri-riiLii ii.n ji.iuuui in rrs . em's "FMe's" Hot Oirs& Ocm- MDBg That'll Appeal t Yot ORRECT in style and in splendid selection. Come in and see the display you'll bo pleased with the new arrangement of our men's section. FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO SMUTS, $L60 to $7.00 "Arrow" and "Earl and Wilson" makes. "GOODFOW NECKWEAM AT 80c to 78c - White, black and gray, silk and washable fabrics. FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO VESTS, $11.26 to 97.80 Splendid line of the latest In dress hosiery, mufflers and hand kerchiefs. FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO GLOVES, 51.28 to 52.00 "Lion" brand collars. Ask for "Rushville" and "Wardine" for the correct dress collars. SILK AND OPERA MATS, LATEST SMAPES Barysss-sT tsh Co. Main floor. IHtomgwi3 Will B Interested in This OffleoBj off BED gPREAPg THIS as an idea of what to expect. Better still, come and see for yourself. DOUBLE SIZE BED SPREADS, 8c Crocheted la pretty Marseilles designs; an exceptionally big value. BED SPREADS, 9L28 Double size, Puritan brand, Marseilles design. BED SPREADS, 92 S 8 Extra large, beautiful designs, scalloped or cut corners. MARSEILLES BED SPREADS IN SETS, 93.30 Spread aud bolster cover to match, blue and white, yellow and white; very special. Baress-B"asb Co. Main floor. IRoyal-Serapi Wflten 9x12 MJ(G& That Are Vataes, 33.gQ THE celebrated Scrap! rug has been on the market for years, and Is recognized as the highest grade standard five-frame Wilton. Beautiful Oriental patterns and colorings. Some with linen fringe. They're all marked $47.60, Monday special 133.60. Ammiimsteir Rungs New Fall designs with a color eomhination to match any color scheme you may desire. 223G-in. Axminster Rugs, 11.25 27x54-ln. Axminster Rugs, 2.25 3x6-ft. Axminster Rugs at 3.o0 4-6x6-6-ft. Axminster Rugs at $9. 00 8-8xl0-6-ft. Axminster Rugs at $22.50 JJLL 9xl3-ft. Axminster Rugs at $26.00 Burress-Baeh Co. Third floor. You'll Have a Mardl Tim Match- g These Dress (Seeds at 76c THEY'RE the best values we know of, all wool includ ing French merges, batistes, wrol cords, granite weaves; a very complete line of colors; 41 inches wide. STORM SERGE AT 8c YARD 54 inches wide, in navy, hrown, tan, wine, black and Copenhagen blue; very special. GABARDINE SUITINGS AT 00c One of the most favored weaves in wool goods thia season. Monday 44-inch all wool quality at, yard, DSc. IMPORTED BROADCLOBi to $2.50 A remarkably complete line, including the very best qualities made, all the favored colors, also block; 5'J and 4 inches wide. Bnrg-ees-Hasli Co. Main Floor. TheseBeaetiM BattesAerg TaMe Covers Urmnsniial Valines at $1.50 WE CAN'T begin to describe thorn; you must see them to appre ciate the real Importance of this announcement; 52-incli round Battenhurg, also 4 0-inch square drawn work and embroid ered table covers; values to $2.9$ for 91. no. . BATTENBERG TABLE COVERS AT $2.08 Beautiful designs, 62 and 72-inch; really values to $4.98. Burrses-Basb Co. Mla lloer. NEW ARRIVALS Tafiloiredl )uits at A Particular Werdl f Styles That Fit Manny We IIATis the secret? areful shaping- There is no secret. It's the clever, the building of a suit to fit the fig ure in various sizes. It is a fact that many of these suits at $L'.").00 fit ndinir ably without alterations. Then we have selected styles with the thought in mind of individual type of figure. Many of these suits are copies of much higher priced moduln, so when you see these gnrinents do not be surprised to find Btyles here at $25.00 that would cost you a great deal more anywhere- else, all due to our splendid buying facilities. Suits that are not equaled in point of style, quality or character by any other store In town at near the price, Monday. An Attractive Display eg Eemi tog (GowmiSe Dance Frocks, Wraps INDIVIDUAL and exclusive creations most desirable for the Ak-Sar-Den ball and other social functions scheduled for the near future. A display that will bring forth the most en thusiastic admiration. $!6,'$2B;::$36 imp to $22S PRETTY NEW SATIN DRESSES, $12.60 ' THE biggest value we know of. New basquv styles with aecordian pleated skirt. Black, navy and green; all sizes for womeu and misses. MONDAY WE INTRODUCE THE NEW COLLEGE COATS FOR YOUNG WOMEN IT'S a charming creation. One of the newest things In coats and Its just such a snappy garment as young women will want for general wear. Made of plaids or mixtures, distinctive in cut and full of dash, patch pockets, belt aand button trimmed. Price, $10.ou. . . Blrssss-Basb 0i teoond flour OpeKitog Omit China Dpartaeniit b the New Fouiirth Floor With a iMe off D I N N E M W A K E" for Monday of Uennsiuial toportaimce YaJK want you t come and get acquainted with this conipara Vw new department In its new location. It Is certainly a bca tlvely utlful display up on the Fourth Floor with lis perfect dii) light one of unuHtiul interest and attractlve iichs both in the display of tho merchandise and the very low prices throughout. As nn Incentive to come Mon day we offer thene extreme val ues In dinnerwnre: $24.00 DUNNER SETS FOR 510.410 100 pieces, Austrian chinn, as sortment of shapes and decorations. $28.00 AND $20.06 DINNER SETS, $10.40 10U-plece set. Including Limoges china, several pretty decora tions. Some with green border, festoon of tiny roses and green spray, gilt edges, etc. $40.00 DINNER SETS FOR $20.30 100-plece sets of Limoges china, conventional doslgns in old blue. ODD PIECES OF DINNERWARE SACRIFICED This assortment includes domestic, Oermon, liavarlan and French wares tea cups and saucers, fruit dishes, plates, platters, covered dishes, sugar bowls, creamers, pickle dishes, butter chips, bowls, open vegetable dishes, etc., plain or decorated designs. Three groups: l'lecea worth fl I Ploceg worth fl (Q, I Pieces worth (HXOX, 15c to 35r, at. JivWCI Sftc to 6r.c. atll0'C 7Tc to $1.25, uQlfC Barress-Kesh Co. Tourtn floor. ' BeaetiM FAncy DREgg SILKS at a Third UmTderprlce, at $1.11 TJ1EV are sample pieces from one of the largest silk man ufacturers in the country. Including neat figures, utripes and brocaden; all this season's new shades, also white and black; of inches wide. MESSALINE SILKS, YARD WIDE,, AT 00c Not the ordinary flimsy, light weight, but a heavy soft quality. The desirable shades and black. STRIPED HOSALINE SILK, 06c Full yard wide, In a big assortment of colors; very desirable for waists and dresses. FANCY SILKS AT 60c YARD A big table Including foulards, messallnes, taffetas, etc., atrlpts, checks and figures; also plain shades. Bora-sss-VasU Co. Mala floor. Kid, Lammbskiim, Washable Doe skim amid Cape (gloves at $1.80 AHEMAUKADLE assortment In all the popular styles, best makes, newest stltchings and colois, 1 and 2-clasp (fasteners; every pair fitted to the hand. We consider them very unusual values. LEATHERETTE OR CHAKIOISETTE GLOVES, 60c Klther long or uhort, washable, all sites, natural or white; extra values. Burg-sss-sTaslj Oo, Blaln floor. FANCY RM210N3 AT 10c AN unusually pretty as sortment, including pure all silk, plain and fancy taffetas, and fancy moires in a big wide range of new shades, also black or white; six-inch widths. Bnrgess-sTasb Co. Mala floor. STAMPED SCARFS, 26c For library table or dresser, newest basket or French rose design, slso 18x4 5 with six skeins of mercerized floss for working. CROSS-STITCH PILLOWS; all the new designs with backa and u kelns of mercerized floss for working, for 25c. Barrssa-lTash Co. Scoa4 floor. The First Otep to a (Sood Figunre Is the MGIHIT CORBET Properly Fitted to Yom TtAIT AUXEK UKOTllEllS Corsets for years yy have had a high plact iu the esteem of w. incn who take pride in their figures, yet who are careful at the same time to enjoy comfort in their corsets. No matter what one's figure, whether slender, average or full size, some one of the Warner brothers' Corsets is exactly design ed for your figure. Prices from $1.0;) to $'5. And fitted properlyas we fit all our corset3 whether $1.00 or $20.C0, a woman may be sure of a smart, stylish appearance. Bor;oss-Bash Co. Bscona floor. ill ! mm M(Q)AY W TEE BUG MEW ECOMOMY BASEMENT SALESMOMI AOliEAT big supply center a complete store within a store with big generous assort ments of merchandise of the most wanted sort offered at below the usual. gale ol BLAMKETS amid COMFORTERS I Plaid Mazikets. $3.00 TTT IN in reality a true economy center 1 irom every section everv counter. Come, share in them Afondav. Blenket Sheets, 30c Full site blanket sheets, white, gray and tan, 6T fa medium weight, spe., esUO'VL Siteen Comforts $2.90 Fancy French sateen coTered white cotton filled comforters; full site, Monday ' " " T " ' $3.00 Wool Blankets Strictly all wool and wool filled full size for large beds, fancy plaids and black check, tans and grays, 16.00 fo FFB values, pair Q)Ue 0 U Indlsun Blankets, $3.00 For; couch covers and bath robes, fine variety of color combinations, ?5 !D (TT 5 each )i2),!0(5 BABY BLANKETS Large assortment of white and fancy colored cotton and wool baby blankets, price range lOc to $2.80 Blankets, Pair, $1.69 Pull sized wool finished fancy rlaM anil clevkM (PJ) fl g3 UnkftU. It. 00 vaJ. 511.013 use. special, pair. . . . ese'ss' C-lnch block check, splendid color com binatlon, pair . . 72x84, 3e $3.00 Blankets, $2.26 Slie 78x82, wool finish, fancy bordered gray and tan blank ets, $3 values, ?$n) T1) pair oeCJ Wocl Blankets, $3.60 ise 62x82, extra heavy, made from fine selected stock, tu- pp.fl.n.,.s!,.....3.g0 Dress Percales, 31 2 He New stock, light and darn, yard wide drexs percales, all the new pretty Fall fl (H) I styles, at, yard, . . 112 Dress Ginghams, 0c Fancy Hed Seal dreHH glng hatuK.'i styles and colorings are the best, hundreds uf patterns to choose from In dress lengths, d...fijC Dress Percales, 6c 3C-inch, full standard drean percales, light and dark col orings, mill lengths, Monday, yard . . . . .6e 6-En. IRibbona, He All silk, fancy prints, plain satins and taffetas, wld se lection of colors, also bla' k ddwhi::sr.u,:..Mc Neckwear, 16c Women's neckwear, Includ ing flat collars, vesteeh, fichus and gulnipcH, in nets and organdy, Kpeclal, fl 3 each JlOe Veilings at 116c Silk niesh veillngx. plain and dotted, best r;lov.. black and white, very ft ... li speci.fl, yard. Economy of an unusual nature beckons to you I his as an idea only: TMs $3.S Cast AMmnilirium Tea Kettle, Monday, 0'2e86 EVEHV housewife who reads or hears of this announcement will be interested because the values' are moHt unusual. '1'he kettles are No. 8 size, strictly peifect, made of aluminum with no seams or rivets. The beat possible kettln made and will last a lifetime; Exactly as Illus trated. A positive S;i.9o value Mon day, while a limited junntity lasts V;.. - ; B u rgess-Wash' Company. 'everydodys store' Se00 Wasu Co. Baeeaneitt,