C A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOUKU 4, 1914. What Women Arc Doing in the World President of Omaha Woman's Club !m Sifi'rnst-i I" p. in. Hen-1 tl I i I . Wr 11m. I nuxil-, hail. Inh alrndr.r. f VXPAT- M-ml" rship r Iv ves;.. r rrt re, Young oin n . ( 'iiristuiti 'i''ia- M"m A VJ'mi'lhn Woman's Hub. Metro politan I.h.i. : I'. ' "" . V to gether pm.' Vo. iik lih.-m i l.tir - t-an em i a I--'-' ' 'm 'I Conerti-in l.easn- .f Aiufiiu, 1 II Artv hvtein Tl;I-PAt '!!. me e.-..n.ml.-a rtepsrtment rinun "iiiiiiim u , 8. I rrl siure f.o.'l. ' 'i association. Illicit !'' J -Kim W rmiHii a (i i'1. Mrs. llOf t FS , ..... f VKI'NI-SI'W- l.il-mt r.' d.;nt!mnt of Oninfn Wo.ir.n.s .1.1. '-; ' " " ro...HMn M n, nl l'i".-....n at Hnill on !. W..m-ti - i-ml-imr, 1 """r an.c t ni n J- r-,i,-rnii-Ti of omaha. H.i- Ihl'ltShiv ' Hum. I'.'.'.i l e.-..nomrs dc. rHrtm.nt. Wl... Woman's 'hHv v ernmcnt . l.i.--. 'man VX. munis . M'. Vinif Votlici' Hub Mckinley i ,.. i I '. H n M. t r-MioliI h n p 11. Ki"" H-Kl'""l KI..T ml....on. IIU .Y-w.,.t nirar.a Mothers' C'Mtui c ub Mr- .1 T Co'.p-r ln-Mees Mrs V M Nnl.. pri-!.;.nt of the fimaha. I.' JL.'. :,t home I'.r Huh mem-, n"'icm for n.lt column ''""''1.';' mailed 'T telephoned U. the club editor before I'rl.luy nmm ) ONI'AY nfti rnoon will be the 1 opening tin i time of the wmuna y Woman Hub at the Metro- pOMIHIl . Mil' 0"lll. , mm- Intf will he given over to re iort. prim ipaliy of the blin- Ttinl convention of tlic (ivneral Federu tion of W Onion's flul. hl h i held in Chi. mo In Jutiri. Mm. I... J. Healcy will t. !l about the mx'liil u.n- t If the conven tion nnd about the homo ccnnomlo depart ment; Mrs. W'. r. Lamturt, clvks and conservation; Mrs. J M. Lord, art; Mrs. C". W. ll.iycg, suffrac; Jfrs. J. F. Johna ton, civil service reform, and Mrs. K. It. J. Kdholni. imbllc h'talth. Mrs. F. J. litirnett will slve a rMort of the district meetln which was hold In t'apllllon In the spring. All dtiartinents of the Huh will resume their meetings as iimihI with the exceptton Df the Fren. h and music dupartmi-nts. The music department will meet Wednesday afternoon Instead of Thursduy. No data iar the meeting of the French department will bo announced until after a mootlnK which wlil be held some time next weelt at the home of the Instructor, Miss May Jluhoney. The literature department will meet on "Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock, under the leadership of Mrs. C. II. Mullln. Kip linK's works will be studied, Mrs. John Huurmajin having "Folk Lore" for her X . r.; "" - n i. . ' -1 until Octolier H, on account of Ak-Sar-Hen fcftlvltb s. The next biennial convention of the C,i nernl F'edi-ratlon of Vntnn'l Clubs will be held In New York In 1911 Two members of fmiaa chapter of tha P-iuKriti rs of the American Kevolutlon he been trmle members of the national committees. These are Mrs. C. H. Aull, who hai tven appointed a member of the fontlnental Memorial hall committee, and Mrs. ft. K. MfKelvy, member of the l' i lnMren and Hon of the Itepubllc " The openinn mcetlnit of the Asjoc1alion of f'olleslate Alumnae will be a large re- ietin on Faturdav afternoon, October IT, the place of which will be announced I Inter. Colli. p. Kirls who are elotilile for im rnbornlilp will bu the srueatx of honor, l d ial Invitntiona bclnic extenled the ;(.mah Welltsley, Ynnmir and Smith jrliibt. In. Lu.lle Kaves of the socIoIorjt joVjaitment of the Nebraska university will be the speaker of the afternoon. Mrs. I Martin Dlmei y Is In charsi of the meet- Ing and Mr". Robert Gantt Is president of tho sssoelatlon are renrRanlzIng for of to association pre re-orgnr.lzed for tl - winter ;inil tho year book will 'be Issued tho latter part of the month. t Miss Alice Loomls. head of tho home peonnml'S d-partnunt of tho University of Nobraska, will bo the speaker at the opening meeting of the home economics department of the South Omaha Woman's 'club. Tho meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs. W. 8. Derbyshire, O street, Tuesday after, noon at 2:30 o'clock. Assisting the host ess will bo Mesdames I J. Farrell, T. J. Ilulgron, C. W. Sears and J. D, Hinger. FIELD SECRETARY OF NATIONAL SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION. uxrozv II the home of Mra. Ilowella, 6111 Orant street, on Tuesday afternoon. Instead of Thursday. Mra. Hodder will be leader, and four papers on English authors will be read Vrs. Wilcox will gtva a reading from "Canterbury Talea." Tho annual meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union federation of Omaha will bo held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Farnam afreets. Election of officers will take place and plan discussed for the coming year. The next meeting of the Miller Park Motlien;' clrclo will be hold Wednesday, October 21, when Mr. Orletta Chittenden, kindergarten director, will give a talk. A series of domestic aclence lectures are also being arranged by the club. Tha Junior musical will be given the last week In Out'bcr and the school orchestra will also reorganize soon. The mothers aro planning to Inaugurate a story telling hour for the children. The Wycha Story Tellers' league meet "fng, which was announced for Thursday has been postponed ori account of the Ak-Sar-Uen parade, and will be held on Wednesday, October 14, at the publlo library. Tha Benson Woman's club will meet at Heirs of St.' Louis Millionaire File S Suit toBreak Will PT. IDUIS. Oct. I A ult to break tho will of James Campbell, multl-mil-llonalre railroad promoter, was filed In the circuit court her today by the child ren of John P. Campbell of West Virginia, a brother of the deceased. fader tha Campbell will tha entire estate la to go eventually to ft. Louis university. Tha validity la questioned on tha ground that It was changed after It had been witnessed. The petition also charges that "by rea son of Incidents In his business and aocliU Ufa and his fear of death and future pun ishment," Mr. Campbell easily was im posed on and Influenced to leave hla estate In trust for a medical school and hospital for St. Louis university. E. H. LUIKHA.RT BANQUETED AT THE OMAHA CLUB E. II. Lntlthart. who recently returned from Europe, was tha guest of honor at a banquet given him at the Omaha club Friday evening. Twenty-one members of surety bond companies attended the gath- I ering. Mr. Luikhart spoka upon his war experience at Paris, where he helpe h American ambassador In giving assist ance to follow country men during the rush following tha declaration of war. 1 It is Just Natural To Admire Babies Our altrustlo nature Impel lore for the Cooing InSjnt And at the same time the eubJecWof motherhood Is ever before us. To know what to do that will add to the physical comfort of expectant Motherhood Is a aubject that has Inter ested most women of all times. One of the real helpful things is an external abdominal application sold In most drug stores under the name of "Mother's Friend." We hare known so many grand mothers, who In their younger days relied upon this remedy, and who recom mend It to their own daughters that It eartainly must be what its name Indi es tes. They have used It for its direct Influence upon the muscles, cords, liga ments and tendons as it alms to afford relief from tne strain and pain so often unnecessarily severe during the period of expectancy. Every woman should mention "Mother's friend" when the stork la the subject of conversation. An Interesting little book Is mailed free upon application to Brad flld Regulator Co., 405 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Oa. It refers to many things that women like to read about Oet or recommend a bottle of "Mother's Friend" to-day and write for the book. mothers' meetings, Mrs. W. H. Pierce; 1 temperance and labor, Mrs. M. Ourslauer: medical tomperance, Mrs. V. K.' Othmer: press reporter, Mrs. A. V. Miller; Loyal I Temperance legion, Mrs. C. J. Smith. subject; MlHs Klla H. Knight, "Btory of A mednl contest for Iho children of the Him." and Mrs. Mullin, "The Umi'i Ilo- City Mission will be held under the aus Union." Following the program, there wilt pices of the North Bid Women's Chris be a luncheon at the Hamilton rafe for,tian Temperance union at tho Olivet Hap nu mbers of this department and their tut church, Thursday evening. October friends, llcacrvationa may Le mude with 1 16. The prize will be, awarded for tha , Mrs. C. It. HemiK!l, Mrs. L, M. I-ord and i Mrs. II. H. Mcbunuld until Tuesday. The oratory department, which regularly j meets on Tuesday, the same week as the club, has postponed lis opening meeting ' for one week, j Announcements of tho remaining depart j menta of the Woman's clubs will be mad I later. I The officers for the coming year are as J follows; J President, Mrs. N. H. Nelson. First vice president, Mrs. K. M. Pyfert. j KiH-ond vleo prtuMciit, Mr. John O. Reiser. i Itecordlng secretary, Mrs. F.arl Stan- , field. I Corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. It. . FemaAd. j Treasurer, Mrs. C. It. Murtey. . Chairman auditing committee, Mra, E. I It. Hunt. j Constitution. Mra. Harriet MacMurphy. Courttaieti, Mrs. Isaac lougias. t House and home, Mrs. t.l ward Johnson. I Library, Mrs. W. 8 Knight Membership. Mrs. V. F. Porter. Mrs. tUorno Wilson. Mrs. 1. O. Craighead, Mrs. C. P. Coon and Pr Farah Mumn. ' The leadcra of the dlf feront department 1 are aa follows: ' Household economls, I Mra, K. J. Burnett; literature. Mrs. C. U. Mullin; French, Dr. Katherln O'Connor; ' oraloryx Mrs. Grant Williams; art; Mrs. '. J. Itoberts; current topics, Mra Cuth bert Vincent; music, Mrs. John Haar- ' monn; philosophy and ethics, Mrs. 8. A. Collins; social science, Mrs. F. A. Fallens bee. The educational and civil service re ', form ociiimlttera will have a class In government, which will meet Thursday evenings In the Van Hnnt college rooms. I'rot. Ramsey of llm I'nivcrs.ty i,f Omaha will be the leader and Woodrow W.lson'a The Btat'" will be the teat book. The nineteenth meeting of th Nebraska j Federation of. Women's clubs will b held i at Pawnee City October 15-10, at tha Moth- tnllst church. Mr. A. Q. Peterson of Aurora, state president, wlU preside. Among the wumsn who will appear on the convention program are Mr. C. W. Hayes, ex-president of the Omaha "Woman's club, who is chairman of the tut legislative committee; Mrs. F, H. Cole, chairman of the scholarship trus tee; Mrs. ' pruce MeCulloch of Bouth Omaha, and Mrs. N. M. Graham, presi dent of th South Omaha club. Mr. Anns Morey of Hastings will give report of the biennial convention and Mr. Harry U Keefe of Wallhlll. re cording secretary of the General Federa tion of Woman clubs, w 11 give an ad drees on "Th Spirit of tha litemilal." Th Omaha delegate will leave the Ifurllngton station Tuesday morning Oc. tober U at ( S) o'clock. Among the dele gates will bo Mrs. N. H. Nelson, presi dent of the Woman's club, and Mesdames L. M. Lord. K. M. yfert. J. C. lUmmond, J. H. lumcnt, F. J. liurnett, F. J. pirss. T. H. Ward and li. A. Collins. The al ternate are Musilame Thomas Prown, John O. Yalser, Harriet MacMurphy, C. II. Townsond. E. Oehrle, K. E. McKelvy, F. A. FolUusbeo. F. F. Porter and W. 8. Knight . v Mra W. O. Pnlsley of Helen. Mont , formerly of Omal.a, arrived Beturday morning to b the guiwt of Mrs. Tuthbeit Vincent. Mr. Paisley wu an active tnomber of the Omaha Woman' club, having held the offices of assistant leader of tho current topic depai tuwnt, assiaUnt lesder of tK household eccnom , ic depart nu nr and chairman uf the conservation committee, when she move I to HeUnu over a tar ugo. Mrs. Vln- eent entertained a large triage party in kef hinn- PutJiday afternoon. heat temperance oration. Hpoclal inuslo has ben arransud by the society for thi occasion. Th moellpg of the West Bide Woman' Ctirlstlun Temperance union which was announced for Thursday, has been post poned on week on account of Ak-Rsr- Btn. Mr. Blaine Trueadell, secretary of the club, entertained the member and their huahands at a social meeting at the home of Mrs. Trueadell, Friday evening. The Dundee Child Conservation League of America was organised Monday after noon at the Punde Presbyterian chureh by Miss Char't White, national lc turer tor th league. Mrs, N. K. Sype was elected President, Mrs. J. II. Beaton vice president, Mr. I, It. Arey secretary and Mr. F. B. Martin treasurer. Th first regular meeting wlfl be held Mon 8ay afternoon at 2:) o'clock at the home of Mra I. H. Arey. 8201 Can street, after which meetings will be held at th same time on alternato Monday afternoon. The program for th first meeting I on "Habit," and I as follow: Roll call, quotation on "Habit;" paper. "Estab lishing the Habits of Early Infancy and Their Value to Child and Parent," Mra J. H. Ileaton; paper. "Habit and Its Re lation to Character," Mr. F. 8. Mrtln: reading. "Karl King." Mrs. IS. Doty; music, selection from )chubert. Th Omaha Suffrag association will hold It regular business meeting Tues day afternon at l:J0 o'clock at liarlgnt hall, Nlneesnth and Farnam. Important bualness will b transacted. Mrs. P. M. Trltchard of the Ptory Tel lers' league will tell atorte and organise a department of story ttlllng at a meeting of th Monmouth Prk Mother' club, which will be held October 13. The club will also study American women writer. At a recant election. Mr. Charles M. Plotta was chosen president; Mrs. I). C. Latham, vice president; Mrs. J. C. Cope land, secretary, and Mrs. Q. H. Burcham, treasurer. Miss Etta Smith, principal tha Monmouth Park school,; Mrs. Uurcham and Mrs. Galbralth, constitute the pro gram committee, Mrs. F. I Pftasterer entertained the members of the Sermo club at her home Tuesday afternoon. The subject of study ws "famous Women of Hacred and Profane History," and papers on "Eve" and "Queen Zenobla of Palmyra" were read by Mrs. Taul Themanaon, the presi dent, and Mra O. K. Hawley. Following the program, a luncheon was served. The decorations were, carried out In the Ak-8ar-Ben color scheme. Mrs. V. R. Cruner was the guest of the club. The first regular meeting of the J. F. W. club will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. Thurma Ellis, Thursday. October 15. The Montessorl method , will bo among the subjects of study for the coming year. The first meeting will be In the nature of a social affair. There have been several social meetings of th club at the Field and Carter Lake club during the summer. TPllfe it H Tho regular meeting of the Central Park Mothera' Welfare league, which was announced for Friday, has been postponed The political and social science depart ment of the Woman' club la sponsoring a new department this year. It la a child's welfare department, of which Pr. Orace Wlghtman will be the chairman. assisted by Mra. C. W. Hayes and Dr. Margaret W. Koenlng. In adding the child' welfare department the social science department has In view the estab lishment ef a parent educational bureau, where the child may be examined, stu.liod and helped from the time when It eligible to examination until It leaves the public achool. One aim of this bureau Is to bring the parent and teacher Into closer union by Interchanging Ideas. lec ture to parents, given by men and women who are at the head of the pro fession of scientific child culture, are being planned. Mr. Frances A. Follans bee la leader of the department, assistant leaders being Mesdamea Corrle A. Plrsa, Mary Ellen Hayes and Janet Craighead. The secretary Is Dr. Jessie n. Scott, and treasurer, Maria Itrown. Chairman of committee are as follows: P.lancne Mo.1 Kelvy, educational; Harriot S. MacMur-1 phy. civics; Henrietta I. Smith, aortal, service; K. U. J. Kdholm. health. Kmma; P. Col, legislation; Agnes 11 Roberts. In.: dustry; Fannie O. Coon, courtesies. Mrs.! J. H. Dumont. Mrs. Grace I.. Carmlchael, J Mrs. U M. I-rl and Dr. A.liia Wiley, Ralston constitute the program commit tee. Mrs. Charlea McMahon of Salt Ike Cltv. auditor of the General Federation of Women's clubs, arrived In the city Frl-1 Everybody Loves A Lady Fair And a Lady Can Have a Fair, clear Complexion by I'slng Htuart's Cnl cluiu Wafers Altrr Each Meal. You women ought to hear some men Is I rav ov"r beautifully clean and she.ll ."-.r sum. mere is nothing that so ?..frmV' man or woman a this. Where there are pimples, blotches, liver ii"i, eir., m Mood la a(Credlfi1l XcBiPinnis The Rubel store brought to the people of Omaha Inwpr fprmc nf rimmpnt- fhan fhpv Vmrl pvpr hppn crivpn hpfnrp We were the originators of lower terms we still make the lowest and S easiest terms to be found in Omaha. Our New Terms are so much lower 8 than the terms of other stores that you should certainly call here before opening a credit account anywhere. ELEC' ft TRIC 4l, LAMP rW FULLY w ' ' i- "-'ni'iTiiit'rsiiftW'iTn riiiia ' ' -asisiTiBVi'irrr filled with Impurities. diseased anil I (-lean th blood ana mess erred disappear at once. That Is what' Stuart'. Calcium Wafers uu annum oeyona oeiier. he Was a Pimply fersea Oaoe tTpoa a Time." j Stuart's Calcium vtafers are known of thousands of men and some of the faces you re made beautifully free I from skin blemishes t y Stuart a Celi-tum' - The Korth .ido Women's Christian Temperance union hld a special moriing ; Friday alternoon Bt the Hirst Memorial church. I Ui, of work for the coming year were diuused and the following I department suprinundni elected: Purity, Mr. It. )f Moiton; ablath ' observance, Mia W. U. purkmaa; orlal meetings, Mr, il A. Cery; red letter days, Mra John Dalit y; legislation and lf sbfurecnteot, Mrs. A. If. JtaUbum; d.v evening and was th. house guest of j d'-d. ..I Mrs. N. H. Nelson, president of the I .ami,. now m, Omaha Woman's club. A breakfast wa given In honor of Mrs. McMahon at the! vtar.ra. Hotel Loyal Saturday morning by mem- your frlnd tun'lf Ulni , bar or the oman ciuo. airs. ; your 'Dr.Ken-out lace. If you giv Mahon continued on her1 Journev home . the, wonderful little wafers a chance, ; ' " Thais becauie ihey go r ght to the Saturday noon. j Mal of th, .m,. iUt. i.i.tod. driving . out ell Impurities. strengihrMlng It, ton Mrs. J. P. Cooper will entertain the in, u uo. And when the blood is clr West Omah Mothers' Culture club at the skin is free from blsmlsh. . ,i t ,i ..., i I rH'jart'a Calcium Waters are perfuctly , her home. H5 Jackson street, Frldsy i nrnile ani may i tak-n fr..ly by afternoon. Th program will be a fol-1 any un. Tli.y contain absolutely no lows: Pr.per. "K'eals "f Various Group ! nerruf no po son.nis drug!, no .piat. ; . . . , , , PtusTt's I ali'lum Wafers contain Cal-. of Colonists and Their Permanence in ( c,(11)1 Sulphide, and a mild alterative- Our National Life," Mrs. W. W. Car- every doctor prescribes them a humlpeJ ml. hel and rsoer "lllstorv of Poca. : times a J ear. Tli-K are the most effeu nib ran. ami PSP"'. r ."" live blood-ei,aneer known to man. hontus. Mr. U C llulchlnson. Lacn i u doesn t matter h.ther you have memliere will nsm a great man of the ! blackhids ar-d rlntplr "om.thlng colonial peHod. ..via, a one-minPt. .Ute- I sj, T.WuT Wa-' ment of his public accomplishments. The cl.. ers.ma. liver spots or a muddy i n-embers will then red and discuss thts ! fers and set a surpri la a short tim.. j topic: "American Be.pon.lbil.tio. daii" them" I. "TasatUa and Government." and "Laws of the Land." Mr. J. A. Hamilton, president, aa4 'Ik Homethlng entirely new and very artistic. Venetian lace effect in ahade. with dull gold, bright gold or green, fully equipped. Bee this lamp. 15 value, special til... . . 9.75 These new terms, are much lower than you ever secured before these new terms went into effect. We grant favors and help to cus tomers and treat every customer generously in the matter of making his payments. Dining Cnair t S -1.98 H .95 : E Made of solid oak, genuine leather seat. strongly made. Special at. , tiuo-Fold Davenport It occupies little apace In the room (being long), and yet it opens to a full slse bed. f solid oak. fumed, upholstered seat and r 1 mm&m wrrrrm Bed tin rr I I I I I Ml Now u .il l 11 vw a 1 an m m era mmi m m Mjrm s hi err rsa sv m sj ' asm si 1 iiij . m w v mim m m bi-iiji 1 ,j- . ju jf 'imek . swji 1 1 . . Din ia . , mi ms t only 64 Inchea The frame Is heavy Morrocolln Leather, flt loiproved saglesa springs, very comfortable bed; sale price 27 .50 DINING TABLE 75 1-1 this A strong, substantial Table, In genuine olid oak. Extend to ft fe.L luktra spaclal nrica this sal at only. 2-inch Post Vernis Martin Bed A large heavy bed, full t-lnch continuous posts, ' In guaranteed Vernt Martin gold bronae fin- A QC inh. furnished full siae, roller bearings cas- mA" ters, easy to mov about, A splendid value... litmrr Mpmlii 1. zzwrr L mU v.- hi r JsrKwS Easiest Terms On Stoves fV'-" "'-T--T Peninsular Steel , Range The as Ban- for the Koasy la Omaha. The body of this steel range le made of heavy st.el plate, riveted together like a steam boiler; la a big fuel aaver. la guaranteed to heat, bake and oook to your en tire satisfaction: circulation of heat around entire ov.n, Insuring van baking, ha sis large holae, mok consuming flue, sectional Inn Ut i kn 11a r. nv.n IfUDlas Mr tor coal or wood, patent balance Krai., two screw draft ev.n door, t.apot sh.lvea. laig. registers, si roomy warming closet, ventilated 'r durable flr.bos. Uiiging. large nsh pan tuiJ flreboa. Price. Oak Heater A 1 irced lining, rale, two cr Q.05 Your Old Stovo Taken in Exchange MU Dresser Made of solid oak. well finished. good French Tlate mir ror with bevel eifcre. A special value at. , . 10 .75 splendid Heater, rein. rrat. forced lining, duplex YOUR OLD STOVE TAKEN in EXCIIAI.SE imummmt Kit iuu mimt tianu M naimc J.w-a. Mi '7 J S'iSKr?2Vy'''S irf ffi tl 6nwrTT'T HifJudiiiiE ItTjJ r-- ' 1 j K jfj UshiiikifcltaiVB ! II. Ill li Of UV UI HtAtt SMI V 4 r, 1 11 111. k. The Peninsular Heater stock. Price Kir. A small sample pack-! age will be rjalled free to anyone- whel will address P, A- Btuart Co., ITl Stuart I "in j,au rjgsj . ra. aj-s sea Bids.. Msrhl Mtakv only Or A1 Tunas ) alt. li 0D that jrou eaa xamlne th more yqu know of It tb mora you can that It is the best beater mad. -Study tha above picture, note the longer and larger flues, from 800 to 1,600 more square Inches of radiating eurface than any other make of heaters J 5 to 60 mora heat a saving rrZ,.Vdfdan!,i,l'lQs50 of 15 to 50 on fuel. Come frwi "sUseisli It. . . " nd le u demonstrate these marveiou oeaiers luT you. Hot Blast Heaters Ptirn soft ee hard eoai. p&ka wood or rubbish, most e- to 50 more heat