3-A RUSSIANS CLAIM MOREJICTORIES Reports from Petroprad Tell of Re peated Successes in Battles in Poland. i BALKAN ALLIES NEMESIS OF BRITISH TRADING VESSELS The cruiser Eraden, which sent to the bottom in the Indian ocean the English merchantmen, the Tumeric, King Lnd, Riberia and Foyle, and the collier Bursk. The crews, the British War office announces, were trans ferred to the steamer Gryfedalo, which was also captured, but later released in order to take the crews of the sunken vessels to Colombo. The first capture by the Emden was on September 10, when It took the Indus. On September 11 it took the Levat and on the 12th the Katinga and the Killin, The Diplomat wa3 sunk on the 13th and the Txrabbock on the 14th, and both crews put aboard the Katinga, which was taken to Calcutta by the Emden and there abandoned. REPORT YICTORY Servian and Montenegrin Troops De clare They Defeated Enemy i and Gained Advantage. Iaustrians SEND A DENIAL ALL ARE SILENT ABOUT CRACOW elther Side Gives Oat Anything Re garding Bl Battle Which llu Been Raarlnar Se.Ternl Dim at Ancient Capital. 'VV.' T11E OMAHA ST7XPAY RKH: OCTONKK 4, 1014. Cgnnmes??sMsK IONDON. Oct. a From rvtrorrsd there continued to pour In uninterrupted clalma of Runslan aurceesea on the frontier of Poland; but from Qallrta, where the Rue slan and combined German and Auatrlan force are at death grips before Craoow, baa com nothing to Indicate which aid baa taken the first honor. A belated despatch from Copenhagen asserts that Kmperor William has re cently been at Breslau, where he decided on a four-fold offensive movement against Kovno. Warsaw, lxds and Gallcla. When this waa under way. It waa added that he expected to return to the western theater of war. From the southeastern tin of Qellela, that Is to say Pukowme, filters news of the adyancea Russian forces - unheard from for days. It was said that the enter ing of Transylvania was already under way and that a battle between the Aus trian and the combined Ruselan and ftervlon force was In Immediate prospect. Rnnalnn Staff DeaKd. "No news could be more auspicious for the Russian plans," says the I'ctronrad correspondent of the Times, "thin the news now received that the enemv Is ad vancing In force from Silesia. It was feared that, having entrenched In the line from Kails and Cxenstochovaa, ho would await an attack, but It Is now ex pected that the main blow of the Her mans will be directed towards the upper reaches of the Vistula. "The plans of the Orand Duke Nich olas, the Russian commander, are not known, but it may be surmised that the Russlana will take full advantage of the splendid defensive line of the Vistula For the complete overthrow of tho In vaders It I essential that they should advance as far as possible from their baae of operatlona, especially at this season, when the roads are practically Impassible. Carpathians waa so fierce that there waa no time to bring vp ammunition. Nearly 1,000 guna were In action, but the rifle fire was so strong at tlmca tt seemed to rirnwn the artillery. "The Auatrlana obstinate defense of the pas caused them fearful losses. Kn tire companies were wiped out by the RuSHlan fire, and plica of Austrian bod lea choked the trenchea, many being In terlocked In the death struggle with thi bayonet" Russian Official statement. FKTROQRAD, Oct, S. The general staff headquarter last citght Issued the following official statement: "The battle on the front in eastern Prussia continue on the line of Mlriam pol. No decisive result has been ohtalned. W't have at least occupied the German positions at Preskasno, west of Symo. "Under a night of defense attack by the Russlana the enemy retired from Lel pouny. In the direction of Suwalkl. "On the road from Seyny, northward! to Suwalkl, the movement of the Germans pursued by the Russian cavalry, under the protection of artillery, became at times a disorderly retreat "Flerco fighting Is going on In the vl- C n i - V;v , ... ...... Kf : " . o v' w i,sr: tifc - i r Field Maranat I'nttnrek aya They Have, Been Vlrtnrlnna In Offen alte Movement and thnt Ile Been I'reaaed Bark. IlNTON, Oct. S.-The Msh, Servla, corrrspou.li nt of 1'cu(its Telpgrnm coiii pmiy has forwarded the following Servian official communication: "The Servian and Montenegrin troops, which are marching on Sarajevo, ltosnlu. have left the lino between Srebnlta, Jahornla and llonmnye, and after dee ter;te attacks on the 1,-rHhta and Kar. Ile t positions have gained a brilliant victory and occupied Vafresnlta. "Tle enemy has bombarded Shabats (ServlaV It Is estimated they fired 10.0H) shells, but fho town was little dn.maa.cd. Auatrlana Report Advance, VIKNNA. Oct. 3-lVtn london. Oc( S) An official communication signed by Field Marshall Potlorck baa been given out hero as follows: "For the last two days our troo(a In Norvta have been attacking the enemy. I'p to th, pri sent time out offensive move ments bus Inst tho enemy, which Is strongly fortified In positions further pro tected with barbed wire entanglements, have proceeded slowly, but favorably. "The announcement from Bervla con cerning tho annihilation of the four tloth division of tho MunKarlnn honved Is further proof of the vivid Imagination of tho Servians. This division of troops, hs tho Servians during the last few day have hnd repealed opportunity to learn. In In the best of condition at tho battle front and It participated gloriously In engagements laxt week at Vlshlgrud and elsewhere." tries and for the women and children overwhelmed by the pain and woe of war. "International peace arbitration com mittee, Mrs. M. J. Wlckersham, chair man: Mrs. I. N. Woodford and Mr. W. IL Fuller." ALLIES DEIVE BACK GERMAN Roumanian Monarch Branded Traitor by Legation Secretary LONDON. Oct. 1 In a dlapatch from Paris a correspondent of the Dispatch said that a signed statement attaching A mm A fWT fWT T) rtVr the attitude of King Charles of Ron mania, (Continued from Page One.) tended to harass the Belgians and prevent them from tampering with the Gens an lines of communication. Vienna, according to roundabout dis patches, purporting to emanate from the Austrian capital, Is preparing for a siege and there is even talk of removing the eeat of government Tho decision of the admiralty to mine a certain area of the North Sea has given England an added feeling of security. While no alarm ha ever been manifested, the move U hailed as one shielding the Dover Straits and the Channel without Interfering with the southern exit from the Thames or the route to Ostend. uDn klrk, Calais and Boulogne. Germans Renew Attack. PARIS. Oct S. After having tried In vain recently In the north of France to break at Tracy-be-Mont and then at Roye the strong line of the allies, the Germans have renewed their fierce at- clnlty of Suwalkl. German relnforcoments, ,acka between the latter city and the hurried by tho railroads toward Marg grahowa to the rescue of the retreating troops, took the offensive In front of Augustowa and Suwalkl. "Near Raczka the Germans made night bayonet charges, met with heavy casual ties, many of our men being killed or wounded. "Th enemy waa also forced to evacu ate St. Shutshln and Grajevo, where the Russian troop Invaded German territory. "Th Russian have captured some automobile trucks from a German column operating agalnsOssowets. "On the Mlawa line the enemy made an offensive demonstration, but was re pulsed by the Russian troopa. MILLIONS TO PRAY TODAY FOR PEACE (Continued from Page One.) prayer was received In Omaha it met with approval and support from all quar ter. Although it has been generally en dorsed by divines and people of all faiths, It ha not, however, been oflclally adopted one considers that after hardly by any of them, because It waa thought of fighting the enemy waa nearly at the best to allow every person and every i gates of Paris, It can be Been how much region of Arras. Their latest efforts. In which they have been hurling their ofrceB against the French and English, have had no better results. The French, In an official statement, frankly admit a slight falling back at the left of one of their detachments. On the other hand, the allies have not only suc cessfully opposed the terrific onslaughts of the enemy at other points, but have made gains. The allies continue to pour In their troops at points where they are needed to replace thoise worn out by the hard fight ing, or In filling In paps In the ranks. It Is assumed that England's native n dlan troopa, whose arTlval at Marseilles lat week has only Just been announced, are either at the front or In Its vicinity. They have greatly strengthened th French line, which. It la roughly esti mated, now numbers 750,000 men. Lieutenant Colonel Rousset, th mili tary crltlo of the Petit Parlsien. In re viewing the situation, saya: View of French Expert. "It la on our left that the battl takes on the most imposing proportion. When month the present Europeun crisis, has been given out by Victor Jonnesoo, nephew of the prime minister of Roumanla and at present holding the post of secretary of the Roumanian legation in Parts. M. Jonnesco saya In part: "From the commencement of this Eu ropean conflict the Roumanian people have been hostile to Germany and Austria This heartily la pushing the people to drastic action. The cry is for a greater Roumanla and the liberation of our brothers In Transylvania- Undoubtedly the altuation has placed King Charles In a dllemna, for he already has made his choice between his duty as king of a free people and his duty a a Ilohcnzo'.leren. The later proved too dear to hla heart; he is serving hla caete and will do so un til his death. "When Russia proposed to King Charles that he occupy Transylvana and Bukowlna he refused, declaring Ills troop were needed to guard the frontier. "Today Bukowanta witieh Is Just as much Roumania us Transylvania, Is oc cupied by Riwh1u.ii troops and has been declared u Russian province. "This policy of King Charles will give him In history the rolo of a traitor to the Interest of his country, although ho Ib a hero in his staunchness to the llohetizol leren and Hapsburg traditions. "If his policy Is persisted In It will meun thut the RoiiniH.niu.na in Transvl- ! vuiilft. vl-111 Khortlv bo delivered from the Austrian yoke by Russia, and henceforth Incorporated in the Russian empire " hospital within an hour, some of them believed to be mortally Injured. John Andrews, superintendent of the plant was placed under arrest. American Relief Party Returning LONDON, Oct (12 noon.) Among the Americans who sailed from Liverpool for Now York today on the Lusltanla are all but two members of the party that came Youthful, Beautiful Skin Easy To Hive You Iimv be as healthy as a bird In the ulr uiid still have a poor complex ion. CliiuiKiiiK seasons anil leiiiwi atiireH, wIiiiIh, dust and dirt, ar apt to in.iuic any skin, even though the Rcneial health he good. When theao external Influences spoil the complexion, the natural thing Im to remove the spoil by external means oplituirv met colt.eil wiut will do this. It will in luullv absorb tho weather-beaten rilm-skln. a little each day. Ill a week or two vou'll have a brand new complexion, a new skin. The exiiuiHltely beautltui over on the American cruiser Tennesee. I and youthlul 'W"" 1 'ST.- with Assistant Secretary' of War Hrecken rldge to distribute relief In Europe. The exceptions are Captain II. F. Daltoti, IT. 8. A., and J. L. Wilmeth, chief clerk of the United States Treasury department Mrs. Herbert C. Hooever of California, who has been chairman of the American Women's Relief committee also was a passenger. comfort, there s no reason wnv any wo 1 1 1 U ii xliinild not adopt thin simple treat f inercollsed wax at any drug store, apply nightly like colli) creain. washing It. ofr mornings, nno will not fall In any case. To quickly remove wrinkles, signs of rare and aae, bathe the face occasion ally In a Molutlon of powdered saxollte. 1 ox., dissolved In H pt. witch haxol. The results will surprise you. Advertisement. church to participate in the peace move ment at the time and In the manner they should think most fitting. All Will Participate. Tho Ministerial Union and Church Fed eration decided upon the half hour of spe cial peaoe prayers in Protestant churches. Other denominations and faitha will put the Idea of the day Into effect in their own way or have already done so. The same la true of many organizatlona that are not religious in character. Either before or after this morning's aervlce a half hour prayer service for the restoration of world peace will be held In every Protestant church In Omaha. In the Catholic parishes the prayer for peace will be read from tho book of prayer during the services. .Mas. .Mrrtlnic at Y. M. '. A. In addition to the church and syna gogue observance of the day, a big mass meeting will be held at 4 o'clock th afternoon at the Young Men's ChrlutriTn association. William Balrd, an Omaha ! territory we have gained on the Germans, who counted on crushing us. "The enemy has brought to Its right Four Men Killed by Explosion in Fireworks Plant tu,lm;ijHvJ niiy l.i iiiliiim m ii ii.ywysypija w uju..l'iMi mmmmnnmmm E.- .: tfliiiiii,afcaMaitttt'tiiiniiiH '"' 'VHftrwiiM't Mirl i mm ii mil hmm (M.UE SERGE IF SUIT SPECIAL JERSEY CITY. N. J., Oct. S.-Four men were killed and many Injured today by an explosion of the powder magazine of the fireworks manufacturing plant of the Detwlller & Street company on the Hack ensack meadows. Just outside the city. It waa reported to the police that the number Injured was probably forty.- All the ambulancea In Jersey City were sent to the scene. Windows were broken a mile away. Of the ITiO men usually employed at the plant approximately half were on duty today. The plant consisted of a dozen or large forces, hoping to break our of- j niore m11 -hulldlng scattered over sev- fensive, and, at the same time It returns to attempt the passage of tho Meuse. It is making thus a visible effort on two wings and at the same time guarding on the rest of the front in an expectant at titude. This Is the old tactic of flanking which reappears, unfortunately, for it ha no more the merit of secrecy than that of surprise. We know it too well now to have it still imposed on us." The troops In the'trenches are suffering severely in the chilly nights and conse quently a number of Hritish supply offi cers have visited Paris and have pur chased all of the available supplies of warm clothing, furs, comforters and sweaters. Each man in the field has hern supplied with a blanket, a waterproof sheet and an overcoat, but the districts where the flighting Is proceeding are sub jected to thick mlHts, making a long eral acres of ground-at distances of forty feet or more apart The explosion occurred in the drying room. Twenty -one persons were taken to EVENING APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES Authoritative stylet that mark the wearer as a man of fault less dress ideals. :: :: AK-SAR-BEN BALL CALLS FOR Full Dress Attire Thoutanda of knowing men and women will be preaent: You can not afford to be other than dretS' ed in the height of good tatte. Our Evening Apparel section will prove the one beat place to supply your needs. :: Dress Suits - - $25-35-45 Dress Overcoats - - $15 to $50 Full Dress Tan go Vests - $3 to $6 Tango and Mushroom Dress Shirts $3 to $5 Dancing Pumps $5 White Gloves $1.50 up For one week I offer a regular Made-to-Order fast-color blue serge suit for $30.00. I positively guarantee you a porfoot fitting, fashionable suit and iii'iintofi is worth something, as I have been in the tailoring business in Omaha for over 15 years. You get the same attention and the same skill, de signing, fitting and tailoring as if tho regular price were paid. Special low prices on Tartnn Checks and fancy styles. Come and look them over. iMHM.i; KTICKKT MaMamMMaMali ah! Dsi.Bt.fitj f Bailcy Sanatorium attorney who recently returned from the i ,olollrn n the open air unendurable. war son, will mane an aaarees. jus re marks will include mention of his ex citing experiences abroad and hla ob servations of the condition brought about by the war. Ills theme will be In keep ing with the Peace day Idea, nnd it Is expected that what he tells of the pres ent Kuropean situation will be a power ful, practical argument of peace. Women as well as men will be welcome at the mab meeting, wliieh will take the j place of the regular men's Sunday meet ing of the association. Inspiring music will be played and ung. W. E. Williams will sing several solos, and a apeclal orchestra wllf play. I. R- Line, new di rector of rellglou work for the associa tion, will offer th mass meeting's prayer for pear. 1. A. R. ttttertal Request. Omaha and Major laoae 8adl.r chap ter of the Paughtera of the Am-rlran evolution are In receipt of the follow ing notification from Washington: "You are aaked to observe devoutly I'eac day, October 4, the day set aside by Preeident Wllaon. imploring relief for th patriot of th blood -drenched coun-j This Institution la th only on In the central west with separata buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dls ,111.1. and rtudering it possible to classify case. The one building belDg fitted for and devotod to the treatment of non-contagious and non-inerial diseases, no others be ing adnilitrd. tbe other HeBt Cot tage being designed for and de i .lie ficljsive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK i 7 JSEEl! THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLK I Corner 16tli and Farnam Street: Telephone Douglas 1085. . ASSOCIATES: Dr. Wilcox. Dr. M. Mach. Dr. Doughs. Dr. Scouten. K I This la the Largest and Best Kquip ped Dental Office In Omaha and In the went. Seven chairs, white enamel, san 1 ltary equipment. Kmploylng in all 10 ; people. The foundation of this large practice Is , High Grade Mentistry at IteuHonahl Prices. , Tlaltora to th Ak-Sr-Bn reatlTlUaa make , It a point to visit and inspect our modern aiui sanitary office. The Dutch Bulbs Have Just Arrived From Holland. We Have a . Complete Stock of TWtaa. la lUou of slngl o double flwr4. at lto to Wo per doasm. Hyaetatfca la MUeMon of alngle or double flowered, at (Oo to tl.lt per . Wsratai. In eeleotton of stngl r double floweted. at Ito to (So per doaaa. rrmi. DilMHIi mm UMm Bpeolal prloea ea quaatltiea. STEWART'S SEED STORE Daetta 977. 119 North IJth Twentieth Century Farmer THE MISSOURI VALLEY'S GREATEST FARM PAPER 110,000 Copies Weekly Sample Copy anp : Rates Mailed on Request : ;) TWrETHTENTDRY FARMER OMAHA BEE BLDG.