14 A Till: OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: OCTOBKIl 4, lf14. FIVE DAYS FOR HOMECOMERS Monday to Saturday of -This Week QiTen Over to Ex-Omahant. AlfSWERS FROM FAR AND NEAR Replies Ak-Ssr-BeiTs las-ttatleBB Hare Bern Receive from M7rr of the Ka fir World. October t to 10 will be hnnic-oomltn I time for sll former Omaha rinplp who hava wandered fur nay from thn oil hsunts of Nebraska'! mtroiKill and have found employment and vocation rlw Whsm. Thla home-eomlnff week u planned elaborately lomt six months ago, and tha moat detailed efforts were made to get circulars and Invitation to all wtto were formerly Omaha pwple who -re now In other lands. Now aa they come In for AkPar-nn and rail at the Information bureau, 1513 Howard afreet, thry will I asked to rea-later the4r names If they were for- j merly Omaha people. Till will Rive the organization soma tab on them, so that entertainment and special arranRcmenta can be made for them durlna; the week aa the occasion may develop. eat Maar lat-ltatlons. fflx thousand Invitation and rt rciil ri r tf m sent to farmer omah fxrne on thia i home on mine afTg'.r. . Tne bureau of pub UclUy worUcu with Ak-Sar-Pen on the matter for month. Through the active ( ttiS splendid co-operation of the lodge, fratemltlis and other organizations In the rlty, lar;o lists of former Omaha people and their present addresses were accumulated. These were poured Into ttio Ak-Sax-Ben office day after day. Finally they were classified alphabetically anil catalogued In card catalogues. From this Uat the letter of Invitations were sent out to all parts of the world, for the former Otnahana for ona reason and another have been taken far from their native land. Thousands were aent out to Ne braska and neighboring- states. All Oftr the World. On the other band many hundreds want to foreign lands where traveling JCba and positions as special represent tatlvas of one concern and another have taken many foimer Omaha people. Thus many letters went to Europe, Asia and the Philippines, aa many Omaha people are employed there under the United States government Replies were received from Ikifland. Japan, PhllUplnes, parts of Asia and many parts of Europe and Bouth America. Great numbers are expected during the home coming week, and the only thing that Is puizllng th Ak-Sar-Ben author Hies Is the matter of getting them to- nether. The registration at the Informa tion bureau will catch many, but doubt-, leaa will not catch alL Arrangement will be made, however, as th week goes on. for the special entertainment of these people. cv?K'iv:K-;iii?r5: " w "i,uer Auveriisemenw in ioaay s raper rags o ana rage o. JiSis3JlSSS2 RBJOICH WITH YOU at the prosperity ol our country particularly at the unbounded prosperity of our own state. Nebraska's fertile soil has yielded for 1914, crops to the estimated value of 5279,702,81 1.00 an increase of $100,000,000.00 over last year. This means greater abundance, more comfort, more of the things tha t go to make the home beautiful, more conveniences, more money to spend for wearing apparel with the Brandeis Stores prepared better than ever to supply everything. The results of that unbounded prosperity have been felt in our stores already. People are buying better merchandise, buving in greater quantities, and bu'ing earlier in the season than heretofore. Here is a page of exceptionally good values. All timelv offers. TO AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS WE EXTEND OUR HEARTIEST WELCOME. ALL THE CONVENIENCES OF OUR MODERN STORES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL M'W a....n 1 1 urn 1 "w." ' n. 1 1,1 ,,, .Hi,,,,,, ..,. .11 .1. -A rarkairr delivered free to any depot In Omaha. Merchandise exports to assist jom in selection ptods throughout oar store. A coin we welcome 7011 to make this store your shopping head quarter and avail yourselves ( all Its conveniences. Checks on all hanks wllhoii charge. Free chock room for hamrairo and parcels. Free waillns; room and rest room for women and children.' Free nursery and children'! play room, la raarre of cosspetent HrMi Candidates at High ... Schbol Are to Run. The pupils of Central High, who passed the executive committee of the Register, and are to be allowed to run for the posi tions that they filed for, havo been an nounced. Thoy are: Editor-in-chief Kdwln Oould, Earlo Tick nor, and J. Porter Allan. Assistant editor, Kltsaheth Bertsch. Geraldlne Johnson and Haiet McMullen. Business maascer, William Campen and Robert OdelL Russell Peters is the only candidate for assistant business manager. The election will be held net Friday. BERG CLOTHING CO. TO CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Starting Monday morning, the Berg Clothing company will, for the remainder of the week, celebrate the first annivers ary of the woman's apparel! department sf tha store. For thirteen years the Berg Clothing company has catered to Omaha men successfully and the first year of the women's department has manifested that the management muy expect aa long and healthy success in the newest venture. In honor of the birthday, at has been Idanred to offer any garment In the women's department at a reduction of 30 per cent on tue regular sale price. The Berg Clothing company extends an Invi tation to all Omaha to attend the anni rersary week. FUTURE AMERICANS IN CIVIL GOVERNMENT CLASS A ... . . a ims roomrui or ruture Americans as sembled at the publlo library Friday evening for the opening of the men's free class In civil government and United States history. Several score listened to the preliminary lecture by Mrs. Ida M. llanchett, the Instructor, and even mora are expected at the next meeting The class Is Intended especially fur ap plicants for first and second cltlicnslilp papers, and is a great help In preparing them for the naturalisation testa. It Is entirety free to the students, being main tained by the library board out of the city library fund. The class meets every rrway at 7: o clock. CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN MAY WORK CONDITIONALLY tjnuaren under 16 years of age who have completed eight grades of school work will not be required to attend Hlirh vnooi, oui win oe auowed to work, ac cording to rulings of County Attorney aiagney and Juvenile Judge Seara. Hertba Lauuier, axed U years, whose casa was brought up In juvenile court tv Tr.mnt Orflcer McAuley ,f Pouth Omaha, win not be required to attend inso sonooi, ana ine truant ornrer was . Instructed to bring no more cases of tha kind Into court. OMAHA MAN IN RACE FOR CLASS HONORS AT VARSITY -nie 01 tne ciosesi races or the year will be staged at the 1'nlverslty of N " 1 uruy ior me orrtce o freuhman class president This office I always hotly fought for by the Omaha and Lincoln contlngenta. This year Un coin Is represented by Ja-k Lyons prominent graduate of the high school of that city, while the Omaha delegation toostlng Kenneth Martin. Martin graduated from the Omaha High jn jvi a very popular member of his class, He was noted for his hlh grsdes and held the office) of captain and ranance officer. Tired out. weak, nervous men and women need 3 c trie Bitters. Helps the rves and tones up the system; 80 cants and Ail druggts.-AdverUement. Just Received a Large Shipment of the Newest Fall Silks and Velvets All specially priced for carnival week. We have earned a repntatlon for felling always fashionable nnd dependable allbs at the lowest possible price. rr,n.HUea and style considered. For Monday we offer smart f'...ian Stripe Silk and. Satin, Poplin aDd Taffeta vearea,' In ir.te and roar tone color effects. It and 40 Inches wide, at $1.25, $1.69 and $1.95 Yard 40-In. Silk Faflle Sublime i r; r Un Our famous hik Square We Place on Sale for Monday 5,000 Yards of Popular Price Silks A beanllfiil nulttnar ,sllk In IS - fashionable ohndes with Itoman atrlpt a to match. ipe- clal prloc, yard. . :$L50 Beautiful Satin Qianncuse 40 Inches wide, very luntrona. The height of fashion for reception and - party eowna. Street, and evening shades, Stwclal prices .......$ K79-$2.25 "Chiffon Velvet The lant word for anjrt strrirt gownt. Eminence, nicu.Rfrral, Ktaln, Vert Huhho, Bleu Danoia, Maria, Marron,; Tabao,' Auber gine, Dordeaux' and Black. All p2ricne..a..$2.50-$5e50 High Class Silk For Imitations TIkw, Leopard, Ioutro, Dear and many other animal skins, rang- ins; in prices from '$139-$6e95 tflOO Tarda of ULrh Claaa mika and Fancy Satin brocades ('re,pe de Chin Brocade. Iitm Tor felaa. Faille hobllme. Smart Printed Lyons Kllki Formerly selling aa high . aa 2.95 yard. Remnant lengths 24 to 6 yards, and 40 Inches wide, on special sale Monday, Q9 at, each . 70C Comprising 17 to 41Mn. Crwps de Chine, Crepe Meteor, Fa- cxmne. Crepe Canton (printed poplins oa " dark grounds) Block Peaa do Sole. Black and Colored Meesallne, and Peao de CyRDe,' Kancy Stripe, Checks P.nd Plaid Silks Worth from 89c to $1.95. Very special Monday at 98c. 79c-39c Yd. Exclusive Novelties High Class Imported Ex elusive svelties Our own direct Im portations, Metallic effocta - on satin and gauze, beautiful tinsel silks for smart evening gowns. , Many are especially adapted for combination costumes, worth JIB. At special price of .$8.95 Three Special Offers for MoiiJay. D4-ln. Beaded 8atln t") CA '. Duchesae, yard tyJLtJy 42-rn. Beaded Sattn de Luxe, yard . ., 88-ln. Chiffon Finish Black Satin Charmeuse, ti C f t! .i ew' $1.95 yard Blouses-38 Imported Models , By Famous Paris Model Designers Elise Poiret, Samuel, Drecoll, Agnes, Paquin, Callot and Other Fashion Creators. At 13 Off the Selling Price Monday ' They Are Now Marked $16.75 to $39.75. Kxaet duplicates of which are now selling In the exclusive shops on Fifth avenue. New York, at from $35.00 to $100.00. We have been fortunate enough to secure these models through our Paris representative. .They are the last to come over. Every one la a creation which 'reveals the inimitable art of the great style masters of France. Each is different and of an exclusive design. Also Many Other Stannlng Fall Blouses emanating from the fore most houses of New York and portraying the style ideas of the premier designers of America. We hare just received large ahip ments of the' newest and moat beautiful models in velvet baa Quettes. to be offered Monday at $6.98 and $8.08. Chiffon Silk, Shadow Laces, Crepe de Chine, Pussy Willow Crepe and rich Satin ' Blonaes. on sale Monday at $15.00, $5.98 . and up to $29.75. Notions and Dress Forms 8 e w I g Needle With gold eyes, per 1 paper iC Daral ng Cottoa Black, white and tan, per spool ...... 1c Neckbands for Men's Shirts, 2c King's ThreadBlack and white. Per 1 C dozen iJC Dress Ralelds Good gnar tvsAeed quality, any size, ay style. 1 A- Pwr pair JUL Trfui Bnttona Good qual ity. Per dozen . . . k Basting Thread )f 600-yd. spool... SV'jVe Cotton Tape Special, roll.... 1c Regular 50c Floor Mops, Special 15c Machine Oil The famous "S-ln-1." per l bottle C Knitting Cottoa M A K best knitting cot ton. per ball.. JL Sewing Silk O t 100-yd. spoola. ... 0"2"L San Silk For tat- It. ting, spool.. J'jC BelUng for Inside of White Girdles From 1H to t inches wide. Worth up to 39c yard; spe- 1 A clal Monday, yd.. JUL 4 Sectional Adjustable Dress Forms Perfect proportioned and perfect lines. Arm pieces to show exact setting of sleeves. The regular price ia $10.00. i AO Special MondayPTT70 $1.50 Bust Forms, Special Monday 85c Hose Supporters Brandeis Special for women and children, mads of heavy clastic. Per pair, 10c Shoe Trees Very special. Monday, pair, 6c. Safety 11ns Good quality, 4 dozen for 6c. Don't Fail to Head Our Other AdTcrtifiemen a in This Paper Today, and in The other Sunday Papers. We Announce Special Sales in Laces and Trimmings, Bed and Table Linens, Curtains an d Draperies, Rugs and Linoleums, Blankets and Comforters Men's and Boys' Sweaters Ms sassssjssasasavasasaBBBBBBjsjaas fjssBBBBiBBBBa sjbsmbbbjbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbsbbs -I PIS 'liig Tho greatest values we hare of fered In years. Orer 200 dozen manufacturers' samples of fine woolon and worsted 8weater Coat a for men and boys. Some are without collar, others come with tho large ruff neck col lar. All the new fall styles and colors. All will go oa sale Monday aa follow a: Men's Fine Worsted Sweater fonts Worth up to 110.00, special at I.V.9S, n QO $l.9S and J70 Men's All Wool Sweater Coat Worth up to 15.00, special and,i,S.,2f. $1.98 Boys' Fine Wool Sweater Coats Worth up to $3.00, apeclal at tlM, tlJt QO and OC On Sale All Week-October 5th to 10th 10 Dozen Men's Fall and Water Weight I'nloa Suits Worth up to $.&), to be sold at tM, 11. OS, $l.4 and Hr. It Is wise economy for every mnn to come In Monday, or as early as possible this week and buy a, full supply of fall and winter weight uulon suits In thla sale, and save half, and more. The union suits offered here are made of fine silk and wool, wool and cotton, lambs' wool or fine cot ton ribbed. They were made by one of tho best underwear mills In t le east. We bought their entire surplus stock at a big dis count. Every garment is perfect fitting and will give you splendid service. rW Dozen Men's High Grade Fall Shirts, W orth p f $2.00 Choice at $1.06 Kara. All neat patterns. Collar attached, neckband style, laundered or soft cuffs. All sizes 14 to 1. Here Is your greatest opportunity to aave halt on a' full season's sup ply if tine shirts. IZi Pesen Men's Sample Dress, Street and DHvIag Gloves. Bought from one of the foremost manufacturers of New Tork, who had the entire lot of 120 dozen canceled by an eastern store and turned them over to us at practically ourjirle. They are worth up to ;V per pair. All go on sale beginning Monday. Per pair, $Ui Qo and Wherein Do Corsets Differ ilW MA IUfflfl 7f FT? From the former mod els. Is best answered by seeing the won derful variety of cor sets shown In our complete department on our Second floor. New Models lew models hav been planned with great est care. The figure above the waist line, with the slightly higher bust, must be perfectly comfortable but held with suf ' flclent firmness for n'Th more closely fit ted costumes. More Comfort rhere must be no com presslou of the dia phragm, and nc crowding of the fig ure, but the corset must be full enough above the waist line to let the wearer rest comfortably and still have the proper support No gown can 0t Its best over an Ill-fitting corset Our corsetieres are at your disposal to fit you correctly as to styles, bringing out your good lines, subduing the too prominent flesh, and fit you hyglenically, so that there will be no pressure on sensitive nerves or vital organs. Our fitters not only help you to select the proper corset for your individual need, but tell you what it will do most to bring out the fashionable lines of your figure, what part of your figure needs support, and how to support it and bow with Nemo Corsets this can be accomplished without Injury to health. Seme Corsets. Are made for young and slender women, for tall women and for stout women. If you have never tried a Nemo let us try one on you. Our fitting service 1 free of charge. You will have Corset Service and Corset Com fort Model e20 Will prove a wonder ful favorite tor slender figures. It has entire side Insertions of lAstikop webbing, eliminating the hip bone, which slender and medium figures find annoying. Price .... .$5e00 Model 303 Haa a long webbing section over the diaphragm that glvea at the top. An especially good corset for young girls and pt: $100 Model 403 For stout figures, me dium height bust, long over hip, with lAetlkop bsndlet below front steel which supports the abdomen; a wide band of elastic at bottom of back holds the cor set firmly and prevents corset line showing. Sizes i A A 20 to 36. Price 44eUU Other Models from 12.00 to $10.00. W have tplendidly appointed Fitting Rooms and Fprt Cortetiere to jit you exactly aa you rhouid be fitted Brassieres Absolut ? Necessity Kor most every figure. Here are models to meet every requirement and to fit every type of figure, and our fitters will i Q i sr see that you are properly fitted. Prices tC 10 jO The Very Latest Fall Suitings and Special Values in Dress Patterns Monday we place on special sale 1,500 full Dress Patterns, each con taining ample material for any style suit; consisting of plain and fancy Victoria Suitings, Wbtpcord, Gabardine, Serges, French Pop lins, Sebastopols. Fancy Checks and Stripes, at $1.85, $2.48, $2.95, $3.95 Each pattern worth from $3.00 to $6.00. Imported Broadcloth The height of fashion for tailored suits. Here Is whpre we are leaders, having anticipated our wants long before the declara tion of war. We offer for Mon day these superb cloths In every fashionable shade, Includ ing black, at yard $1.50, $1-85, $150 Imitation Fur Coating The entire sample line of 2 to 4-yard lengths, no two alike, giving you a better assort ment to select from. These coatings are worth. In the usual way, $2.50 to $3.95 a yard. Special Monday $1.39 Fine All Wool Serges Pacific Mills Ifell Known All Wool Serges Are a Special Fea ture These Serges are suitable for suits or dresRes. Prices Monday 36 inches wide, yard HOf 52 inches wide, yard 70? Black French Serges Very fashionable for the new style basque dresses. Rich, deep black and chiffon finish. Prices Monday 42 inches wide, yard... 70s 50 inches wide, yard 98c Costume Serge Very Popular A special 54-inch Serge is placed on sale Monday on Main Floor, Dress Goods Section, Including all the wanted shades and black. Regular price QQr $1.50 a yard, at 70 Genuine French Flannel 8,250 Tards of Genuine French Klaanel Many are reversible. Used as trimming they look like broadcloth, and come In taupe, raisin, Bordeaux blue, stone gray, brown, green, and the lighter tints in stripes, plaid and fancy patterns. Worth QQ,, 85c yard. Monday JC $2.25 Finest M-lnch I) rap D'Alma and Gabardine In the Market All shades and black. At, yard, Monday .$1.50 Dress Goods Specials In Basement Monday .39c .29c ..49c .69c '.Id.. 79c 36-lnch Whipcord and Granite Suitings, yard. 36-inch Wool Plaids, yard , 42- Inch Costume Serges, yard 43- Inch Finest Botany Mill Serges, yard 36-inch All-Wool Batiste and Granite Suitings Women's Fine Fall Dress Shoes on Special lot of 500 pairs bought at a big advantage in price. They are regular $4 shoes. Al sizes' in Jot. rne entire lot goes sale Monday, Mam Floor Shoe Depart ment, at, pair fhey are Patent Kid Shoes with whole quarters in brocade or dull kid. All new nd solid leather. Full Louis heels. Plain toes. Very stylish last. Perfect fitting. All sizes and widths. $2.85 Infants' and Children's Shoes Tan and black, patent leath er, and soft kid skins All hand turned and sewed soles. Beautiful little shoes worth up to $1,75 a pair. All sizes to 8. At 1S Boys' Battleship Shoes The strongest shoes made. Neat styles, button and blucher lace. Guaranteed to be absolutely the 'test shoes you can buy regard less of price. All sizes and widths. . . $3.50 Imported Camel's Hair Slippers for Women & Children Soft, warm and very durable. All izes. Women'a N QQ I Children's sr Slippers 70C Slippers ; 07C ssavwrts UaM The Suit with twelve extra features ha make Brandeis' Boys' Suits the best of all. You can take your pick of 25 dif ferent patterns of new Tartan plaids, fancy stripes, diag onals, . homespun weaves, cassimen kt and blue serges Strictly ALL-WOOL fabrics Nothing else used in these suits. They are tail ored so well that you could not find a flaw in them. They look dressy, and you can't beat them for wear. To equal them anywhere else you would have to pay up to $7.50 for these same suits that we are offering you here at... BOYS' OVERCOATS All new s'tyles and models. All wool fabrics. Overcoats for boys 2 to 10 years of age. Good values at $5.00, offered special for Monday at .. Boys, Here Is Your Suit 'Mm I f iii v"i ryvi I J V mj All "Miuts ufi $4.95 .'$3.45 BOYS' MACKIXAWS. These are dandy coats for boys be cause they are warm, comforta ble and look nice. We are show ing the very newest Macklnaws in pray and black, red and black and In the new Tartan shades. Tell your parsts to see them Monday. The price will be only .$375 Neat Little Suits for Little Chaps Just such suits as mother wants to have her little fellow wear so as to have him look his best. Oliver Twists, some with hats to match. New Scotch plaid and -velvet effects. Serge and shep herd checks. Blue and brown corduroys. Many other color com binations. Middy styles and splendid selection of Balkan styles at $2.98 to $6.50 I H St ft i