Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Place Name 'of Five Candidates in
Field for School Board.
Won! the lilidrnll rrTl1e
wltk at I.rast One Hot Meal a
Par and AIm Wail Bird-
f, , ' Ic I tasnnrtlon.
ft, ForiaJlst hsve placed five mnrtlilntes
f Jn the field for the Fnarrt of F.duratlon
f tnr1 have prepared platform iiriclns; the
J nhollllon of "militarism" In the pulillc
J'erhools, the dlebsnilmwnt of th Hlnh
I rrhool cadet, reduction of tho sis of
rjlnsmts. one free hot meal each dny for
Frarh pupil, free and more tlioroiiRh med
ical Inspection and five salaried Instead
jpf twelve unpaid fnembrra of the Board
f Eduratlort
j The Boclallft candidates are:
i Fifth Ward C. Y. Iumheck, auto re
pairer. 1411 Wirt street,
t Etxth Ward E. H. Rrlmple. book
keeper. 219 Pratur street.
5f Seventh Ward-Mrs. Charlotte A.
Ttoere, poucKper, 3?T Marry street.
Ninth 'Ward Mrs. Anna Welner, wire,
?17 Cass atreet.
Twelfth "Ward F.llhn Bloch, school
tea-herVr twenty years,
Twenty ourth stret t
S.U0 North
TKf rlntfnrm.
Hrjvlf.J t the quotation-, "Ktlu.-atlim Is
a Wtter anf'gunrd to a nation than a
standing; army," the sminliat platform
We 'demand free disruv,n of all ques
tions whh h the owners of puliMr school
tuilldlnas ilesire to lii uss theraln.
We dMiian.t that the tear-liln- of mili
tarism In our publlr s' hols he dlsron (he hliiti ai hnul ,.,lt. K.
handeif and that e titration he carried on
HKxinst the h.jy si-out movement.
We demand that the slxe of the classes
le reduced to admit nf the greatest effl-
rlenry In tearhlnar, and that ample pro
visions f..r s. lmol hull. Unas le made.
He drmnnd that all Properties held by'
private Inntltutlons under the pretext of!
peine; s hnol property and not used fori
that purpose shall le taed In the same I
manner as all other property. I
We demand tho employment of no em
ployes exrrpt those In full sympathy with
our public si hool . svstem.
We demand free medical and dental In-1
tTwrtlnn ,.f nil nnhlU 1.. l k. 1 1 .t l. .. '
cometent physicians snd denllets. and
free treatment to all rhIMren whose par
ents are unable to pav.
We demand t'flat public school buildings
be used as v4lnr places.
We demand better pay for tha lower
paid employ), and that men and women
be paid equally for the same service ren
dered, and we dem.ind Increased effi
ciency for teachers.
We P"immrml that the Hoard of F.du
catlon he five Instead of twelve mem
bers, that thev devote all their time to
the work of tha school hoard and that
they, he, paid . a reasonable salary.
We demand that the school children be
liven ona hot meal each day free of coet.
Omaha Woman Back
to Paris to Study
Mia Mary Allkova, daughter of Joe
Mlk, the Hiirllnsrton statlonmaster, hsa
returned to Paris, he ssys. Hhe fled to
tha coast and planned to cross the chan
nel to Knxland, when tha Hermans neared
Paris, but went bark to the French
capital when the Teuton dander waa
driven back. flhe la xpected home for
Chriatmaa, and may remain In Omaha
a while. Instead of frolne- abroad aaln to
continue her music: studies.
Will Celebrate Columbus Say by a
General Jollification.
Two New Cases of
Diphtheria Found
Two new cases or diphtheria have heen
reported to the c!ty health office 8am
fc'ern, 6 year old, 71 North Seventeenth
street, and Clara Kiddle, 15 yean old, U21
South Twentieth street.
White a few new cases keep appearing
Health Commissioner R. W. Connell Is
taking unusual precautions to suppress
the contnxlon, which, ha fears, may
spread among school children.
Italia Jocletlee ta Seaa Deteajatloaa
of Marcher Sqaasl of Pollre
te Lead Wast Festival
Decorations Left t p.
A paareant vlelnsj in splendor with any
of tho parades engineered by Samson and
his cohorts will be the annual Columbus
day celebration to be put on October 12.
by Nebraska Italian societies.
A doien military hands, floats, and
thousands of marchers will make up the
line. Joe Calabria, superintendent &f the
court house, will be the grand marshal
of the day and Ms assistants will be Joe
Sesto and J. Octavlo.
The parade will form at 1 oclock at
Sixteenth and Nicholas streets, and the
line of march will be south on Sixteenth
to Douglas, east to Tenth, south U Far
nam, west on Farnam to Nineteenth,
south to Harney, east on Harney to
Tenth, south on Tentb to Mason, west
on Maaon to Thlrtenth and south to Mets
After the parade, thera will be a general
Jollflcatlon and speech-making at the halt
Half a doxen Italian societies In Omaha
will send delegations of marchers, a
squadron of mounted police will head th
rarade. and then will follow the floats.
City and county officials In autos will
also be In the line.
Louis J. Plattl, Julius Cantonl and
Sebastian Salerno have charge, of the ar
rangements. Tboy will request met chants
to allow the Ak-Sar-Ben decorations to
remain until after the Columbus day
A big crowd attending a noonday suf
frage meeting at the South Omaha stock
exchange waa captured bodily by the Ak-Hs.r-Ken
wild west riders and Indians and
tha ramlval band, when the Utter visited
tha yards on a boosting trip. Several men
and women speakers had rounded up a
good audience and. were expounding tha
rotes-for-women doctrine. But at the
flret sound at the carnival band and the
first glimpse of California Frank's In
diana and cowboys and girls, the crowd
walked out of the building and left the
suffragist talking to an empty corridor,
while 'tha carnival booster did their
stunt. ,
Over Hundred Auto Loads Expected
from Fremont for Celebration.
Ma ale aa1 Addresses Saturday Af
teraona K. L, Italler te "peak
a "Earopeaa War Saaday
German l!aae.
8ome time before noon today a chain
of 100 automobiles or more will swing Into
Omaha from Fremont and vicinity. It
will be the automobile train of nerman
Air.erlcat.s from Dodge ond Washington
counties coming to the two days'' German
celebration In Omaha. Hundreds more
from these counties will come by train,
but as much as a week ago word was
received locally that at least 100 automo
biles would come from these two counties
alone. S
The celebrations will be held at the Ger
man Home and park on South Thirteenth.
Programs of music. Sonus, and speeches
are arranged for the two days. Many
visitors from all parts of Nebraka and
Iowa are expected during these festivities.
F. I., Hallcr of Omaha la to opeak on
the "European War" on Sunday after
noon. On account of the desire to observe)
neutrality in the strictest senee of tb
word and avoid any apperanco of
demonstration, the great Oerman rarade
which u a feature no well received last
year. Is to be omitted thla year, and tha
whole cdebratien U to occur quietly at
the Oerman Home.
The total receipts ef the celebration ana
festivities are to be turned over to the
relief fund for the widows and orphan!
of th soldiers in the European war.
The Saturday afternoon program la a.
pragram of music entirely. Th Sunday
program consists of musical number and
When Mr. and Mrs. Warren fihulthels,
newlyweds from Wayne, registered at th
Paxton hotel, they found that their com
ing had been heralded far In advance
and that a lively welcome had been pre
pared. Their suite of room was gaily
decorated with flower, and all the em
ployes and guest of the house were
waiting to show them a good time. Th
entire hotel had been placarded with
cards aent here by frlenc'a to announce
thelC marriage and urg everybody to
glv them a warm reception. Mra.
fhulthels was Miss Mary Mellor ot
mgS.Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors-Make This Store Yonr Shopping Headqnarters-AU Convenience, at Your Semce-Checks On All Banks Cashed HereSIS
Veiling -Vogue Increiging
Th uss of veiling la more than
ever favored this season. We are
Bow showing all the new styles,
the Filet meshes, plain and bor
dered, ths ail -over sprays and
scroll dvspma, also many bor
Aera la vol ret and ohenile dots.
AJ1 at very reasonable price.
Per yard, te, T&e, Mft asul
We Announce for Saturday a Sale of Latest Fashion
Fall Suits at $17.50 That Will Be a Revelation
New Collar and Cuff Sets
The demand for these Is Increas
ing every day. Semi-laundered
end cuff sets In Swiss linen and
Blque. Newest designs, r T
nusual value ahown :r
for Saturday, pair smww
Beaatlfel Maaraa Beta With
unique cuff, military style.,
Selling at T3 MXM.
Rail Callnra Hand embroi
dered. Very dainty. Me.
ET YOUK THOUGHT remain in the right direction for your new Fall Suit to Brandeis for we have a
happy surprise for you Saturday. Our buyers have been in New York for nearly ten days looking over
the latest fashions; they have made enormous purchases. The new garments are arriving every day the most
remarkable purchase of all being one lot of over 400 Suits that really ought to sell for $25.00, but we were so
fortunate in this deal that we can AND WILL SELL them Saturday at $17.60. ' ' " '
You will not believe that such fine suits .can be sold for $17.50 therefore you must see them Satur
day to thoroughly appreciate your opportunity. They are fashioned of fine Wool Serges, Poplins, and
numerous other fancy worsted materials. There are medium and long coat styles, plain tailored or
fancy cord, self strap and velvet trimmed models; with tunic, pleated or plain skirts. An unlimited
variety of styles to select from In all the new shades for early Fall wear. Values up to $25.00. Spe
cial Saturday at
Women'' and Ml' Dr la fine) wool
orgen, Ilk, crepe and aaMn; also aerge and
gllk combination effects - In. the new basque,
draped and tie-on styles. Plain or satin and
lace trimmed effects In a wide va-j
for early Fall wear. Bpeclal at. .. ,
Another Special for Saturday
Women's , and . M Dr In fin wool
serge, plain 'or self strep and braid trimmed
effects, with tunlo and pleated skirts. . Black,
blue and "brown. ' Bpeclal Saturday
Miss' and Junior College nd Sport Coat In
fancy plaid and tweed mixtures, pleated back
with semi-belts, 36 Inches long. These coats
are all the go In the East and are becoming
Yery popular here. All sizes In
Silk and Wool Sweaters
Women'a and Mi 611k and Wool Sweaters
Plain or belted style, with roll collars; plain
, colors or two tone effects. In a wide variety
ot styles and shades. All splendid values Sat
urday t $15.00 down to $5.00, $3.9$ tf0 Hf
$Z8 and psd.DU
Women's Skirt In fine wool1 serge, poplin
and fancy tweed mixtures; plain tailored, or
braid and self strap trimmed models; In
the new tunic , pleated andj
plain tailored styles. All colors.'
Special Saturday at
Silk Petticoats-Very Special
Silk Petticoat In fine Messaline and silk
Jersey, with deep tucked and pleated
flounoe, In several different styles. AH the
new colors for Vail wear, (I QQ
Special Saturday at LjO
The f imom Dttt" Mill
One of the most unusual of-
ferings we have ever, been able
to make, in view of the scarci
ty of kid gloves, this announcel
mcnt is most extraordinary. We
wilK place on sale Saturday
about 480 pairs of women's
12 and 16-button kid gloves
(the majority are 16-button) J
in white only. All perfect,
goods, at $1.95 per pair.
About two-thirds of these glors .
were bought from Deal, and ae- ,
cording to present conditions they
should sell at $3X0 per pair. A '
most unusual nd lucky strok of
hnalnstsa enahlna na in All tbta
tuj H limited quantity Saturday at '$!.&.'
g Kid (i loves, and particularly long
g kid gloves, are very scarce, there- .
Lj tore this offer at a much' lower '
6 price than regular, should ; attract
p the) widest attention.
. Sites from IS to 7., We can-,
g not emphasise too strongly the
3 wisdom of buying several pairs,
H and we urge early buying as we
p do not expect the lot to last more
,j than a few hours at the price we
J have marked them.
Our stock of kid (loves Is alto
il complete now. rrrln's Kid
Gloves, the wurld-over-famous for
quality, are la a full range of
; trades, colora, styles and alaea. and
"1 at before-the-war prk-ea. Not a
aeinale rlce has been raised or will
be retard until our present supply Is
eshauated. Perrln'a real Kid Jloves
3 sell at IUi S.oe. Sl.TB and BIJM a
Where to Eat?
No better plsc en earth than
Green thorn Cafe
Brandeis Stores
Splendid service, finest cuisine,
everything wholesome and pur).
Refined cabaret You'd think onr
prices would be high but they are
not look at this
Special Dinner Saturday
qhoioe of
Corn Beef and Cabbage,
Hot Roast Beet Dinner
Mashed Potatoes or Boiled
Bread and Butter
Green Room 'Cafe Open Evenings
During Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival.
KMnasi la Braadela Theater Lekky
V Handkerchiefs
7,uo Big Specials
Women's and Man's All-Linen
'Handkerchief With fancy or
new long Initial, new wide hem,
'.embroidered corners. Imitation
Armenian lac edges; also fine,
sheer, plain narrow hems. Worth
20c, special Sator
day at .-,
Mrm'u lis la White I a la I.laea
MaailkerraUra W Ith narrow
hems. Women's Fine, Sheer t.lne
weave Hendaercbiefe kimbrcld-
ered rnrners In colore and white.
also wide bems and "corded
borders. Worth 10c each,
on sale
rrsr.swa.xs3iE Yr jji Underwear
Here is THE LATEST in
The new ."Stage" last wilb' short
vamp, wide toe, high heels,
cloth top. This style has again
come in popular favor. We
have them in all sizes "and
widths. Sat- tiit . tmc
r., 10 VV
'Baby Doll" Shoe for
Woman I'ateat leather
with cloth or kid top;
or gun metal calf with
cloth top. Wide olain
toe with low bet-Is. All
sixes. Eatur- ' CO 4 0
day. plr;....;5sO
500 pairs ef Fancy Satin
Hlippers wortn to $3.60.
Baturday, 1 Q?
per pair ,pIIO
Women's Union-Suits Part cotton
and part wool. High neck with
long sleeve, and Dutch neck with
elbow sleeve. Both ankle length.
Worth to $1.60. Bpe- (1 An
rial 8aturday. sutt pl.UU
Wemen'a ' Vests and Pants Part
, . wool. long sleeve vests, aokl
pant. White and natural. Vp
to $1.00 values.' Sat- jr
,. urday, garment OC
Women'' Union Suit Medium
weight and flcy lined cotton,
In U th wanted stylea Worth
p to $100. Bat- - syr
urday, ult .IDC
Children's Underwear
Main Floor
Misses'. Children's and Boys'
Unoln Suit In cotton and
part wool. Worth up to $1.
Saturday, per rfC
suit ....OC
Ml', Children's and Boys'
Union Suits la fleecy lined
cottons, cream and gray. All
lies to 1$ years. Bpe- A Q
clal price Saturday, suit UC
M" Knit Union Suits for Girl
and Boys Patent taped
Special Values
You can always do better at Brandeis
when outfitting your children, but we go
further than usual on Saturday, by offering
special values in so many departments
that you must be interested, if you have
children to clothe. We describe a few of
the many specials for Saturday.
Children's Co&is
Second Floor
Coats of splendid quality; heavy
cheviots, chinchilla, fancy tweed
and plaid mixtures; In plain or
belted strap and fancy piping trim
med effects In a wide variety of
stylea All slses. 6 to 14
years. Special Saturday pO
Children's Dresses
- Second Floor
In plain colored serges, Taney piald
check and auiped materials In
plain or self strap, and colored pip
ing trimmed effeot;. In light and
dark shades;' aU slses, to 14
years. Special Saturday at $1.50
and $1.98
' Children s Millinery
Second Floor
Six Different Style of Mi'
and Juniors' Trimmed Hats
Made of good quality of zibel
In plush, some trimmed with
Roman ribbons others with
satin rosettes. Suitable for
girls of 3 to S years. Colors
principally browns, nary and
cardinal; also black. Hats
that we aold for $1.75 and
$1.00. Special Sat- 4 r
urday at $ lea0
seams and buttons 60c
quality, Saturday, sutt,
"M" Knit Waists fer Qlrla and
Boya Patent taped seams
and buttons. 25o "1 Q l
vala., Saturday, each. laWC
Children s Hosiery
Main Floor
Beys' and Girls' Heavy Fin
Ribbed Ho "Th Black
Cat" fcrand. A splendid school
hose with double soles, heels
and toes, and double 4
knees. Per pair IOC
- . glass stoppered
bottles, and each bottle handsome
ly boxed. New Eng
land "Lily ot the Val
ley" odor special sals
price, each
Other Specials for
Jer-en'e Benzoin Almona Lotion le
Epsey't Fragrant Cream, 25c alse ISe
Kirk's Jap Kose Talcum Powder Se
Hat Hepatlca, 0e alse bottle. .. .!
Woodbury's Facial Cream He
Rubtfoam or Sosodont. 16c alse, Me
4711 Whit Rose Glycerin soap, 10
Caathrex Shampoo, 0c else.... We
Melba'a Face Powder, all shades,
toe alse , SSe
Ingram's Milkweed Cream, 60e
alsa, for , TH
Carter's Little -Liver Pills, tSe
sis, for 11
Fletcher'. Caatorla, I6e six 10
Peroxide Skin Soap, rake Se
Boraclc Aold, l-lb. package ,le
Peroxide of Hydresen, l-lb..,..le
Kenl-Kliuh, 2fe sit can le
Horltck'a Malted Milk. 11 alse. 7
Allrock's Porous Plasters, I for X
Asperln Tablets, & sr. per doxen 1 Or
Lapactlc Pills, 10 In bottle SSe
Hromo 8elt(er. II sire bottle... B.le
Lustrlte Nail Enamel, lie slse..M
Danderlne, 10c site bottle l't
Charming Blouses
DAINTINESS of the highest degree. Our buyer
for this section has Just, returned from New
York with models that will captivate Omaha's
mart women correct reproductions of the very
latest creations. Three of these are specially
priced for Saturday:
is r t t 1 Trotteur Blouses la Crep d Chin.
Ai Jl i MX other with Military collars; rich satin
at sweeW BOUMa with vestee of sslf-colors; lac
and chiffon Blouses with silk girdles. 6.00 values g
at 3.8. g
K g s ol A A About 1,t4t Blouses In Crepe da Chine, K
P Ar Sn llll Oeorrette Crepe. Washable Satin, Pus- g
h tfWW Willow Crepes In Trotteur Blouses g
m and dressy styles. Also an excellent, selection of e
T Basque Blouses, la black, navy, brown. g
fi 1 i fri Af? Tn Bew Sash Blous combination ' of S
a At Jtt 1 and satlfi, dressy chiffon Blouses, g
g if V xlao lace and crep d chin Blouses g
S in dressy models. p
W r
Lyons Silk Velvet Shapes 5jj
UU Will
too dozen of them -but when you remember
that they are the very latest styles and of
up your mind to be here
early, for even 100 dozen
will not last lonr at......
They are the newest French sailors and soft
crowned military -turbans. BLACK ONLY. The
regular retail price of these shapes Is $6.00. 100
dozen to go on sale Saturday at $2.45 each.
$3.98 Ostrich Plumes for $L95
'.'There are only HO of these plumes all this
wholesale house had on band. We bought them at
about half price and will sell them the same way
about half price.
AU prim atock, 13 to 14 Inches long. Big. fluffy
broad French heads. 8 inches wide. Twenty-fWe dif
ferent pastel shades.
Ostrich Pompons and Stick-Ups
About 7$ doien Fluffy Ostrich Combination Pom
pons snd 8tick-Up Fancies, made of five pieces of
selected floss Dstrich. They com In eight of the
season's best colora Regular TSc ral- Of
uea Saturday, the prloe will be syC
vs u , -
Boston Fern Sale. Saturday f
Mor! than 1,000 beautiful, larje, 6-inch Bos- Oi
ton Ferns, in fine condition. Worth $1.00, Mf
to on sale Saturday, each v j
Don't Miss This BargainThe Biggest
$j Ever Offered in Vmaha. g
svt . i ii r
iiaiurai wavy nair mnsirmwmwi&ra
SWITCHES 3 Women's Fibre Silk
For the Fashionable New Coiffures.
Regular $7 value. fr? ff
Very spacisl pO.UU
These switches are of first qual
ity human hair and made la tar
separate strands. 22 Inches long.
All shade. An extraordinary offer
for Saturday at $&.0Q.
Ice pack massag and oil aoalp
treatment performed by the High
Frequency Generator. Manicuring
and Shampooing.
Don't Fail to Visit the Basement-It Is Full of Bargains
Your visit Is not complete If you fall to go through tha busiest place tn all Omaha Brandel BaaemenL New lots go on sal here every
day. Wherever you look you'll see good, dependable merchandise and all of It at very moderate prlcea You'll se big crowds around the
tttioe Fecilon in the basement 8aturday we are selling Women's $3.00, $3 0 and $4.00 Shoe for $1.00 per pair. And tt Is that way nearly all
throtiRh a real meoca of, raluea '..'.."
In black and white, with double
ole, heels and toes. Also Silk
Llala, full faahloned. Regular price
lie. Special Saturday, pa!r....5o
Woman's Pur Thread SMk Hon
In black, whit and color. High
spliced solas, he Is and toes, and
double garter tops. A good $1
quality, for
Woman's Lisle Thread Ho In'whlt and black.
fTh Black Car brand. Frill, regular mad with
high apllced hl and toes. 26c Quality. at..U',e