THE BEE: OMAHA, OCTOBER 1914 WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to lemur proper classification must be pre vented befor 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:80 P. m. for morning and Sunday edition. Want art received fter uch hour will he under th heading, Too LaU to Classify." CASH RATES. "even consecutive time. 1 cent word aech Insertion. ... Three times within one week. 1H cent a. word each Insertion. One time, t cent a word. CHARGE BATES. On tlma. 18 cent a line. Seven consecutive time. I cent a una tarn Insertion. Three time within one week, 10 cent a line each Insertion. CVunt all average word to a line. Minimum charge. M cent. The Bee will not be reeporislbl for rnor than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claim for error intiM be promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued mutt be stopped by writ tea order. Tea can plane your want ad In The Bee y telephone. TELEPHONE TTLKR 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Bondredt of other answers hare been railed for and delivered during the last week. It In reasonable to suppose that all ef the people below have made the desired swaps therefore, do not call for the bal ance of their answsra. Be Want Ads ure get results. B.C. B.C. SC. B.C. r. S m 10TK 1221 12 ! "74 loKK J2M 1297 f 877 inqi 32:s 12 oi rs linn nag ia n W1 1104 1240 i:s 11 1105 1243 1 12 112 147 112 l . K2 1114 124 Wt 54 v8 1121 12S1 13S1 irr v- 11a m i:3 M tm n ia.4 1.U7 a looi iit i im M 10O2 11 126J 1S42 m inns urj ij4 i4 88 1010 11M 13H7 1321 41 . 1023 IIS 12HS 1M HI 1027 13 1271 11 EH 1031 1304 1274 11 7 1077 1208 1250 U74 ft r. 13711 UU 1M ltf0 ISiZ IW i:m 1SW7 1 IMi 1400 1403 1403 1407 14i 140 1411 1418 141 DEATHS AWD FUNERAL NOTICE" JOY-Albert aged 1 year. September . Funeral from family residence, 634 Korth Twenty-seventh, Thursday at 8:80 a. m.. to St John's church at 8 e-m. Interment Sabula, la., leaving; via Mis 0 waukee at 6:60 p. m. LOHNFl-David T., September 80, 1M4, aged 71 years. . . . Funeral services Friday. CKxtovt V91' S p. m., at late resiaence, leenth street, inwrnwni twbi cemetery. Friends Invited. Lawn BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Peter and Bernlca Baltser, 7S South Fifteenth, boy; Oaetano and Guls pna Castro. lf.) South Fifth, boy; Albert and Lomo HuKe, hospital, boy; Charles and Rose Bunce, 2ill Kmmet. boy; Albert C. and Ida May Malum. 23W1 Pratt, girl; Joseph and Lucille Meyers, 8824 1eaven worth. girl: O. and Sophie Orlco. 1704 South Seventeenth, girl; R. C. and F. Rodstrom. m North Twenty-eighth avenue, boy; Verne and Oanevteve Siolth. hospiul. girl; Arthur E. and Mary L. Bloo. 10 Maple, girl; Emll C. nd Mary Elmmerer, iXl South Twenty-ninth, girl; u xi I m. wa V. liurcbmora. noa- and lajf V. liurcbmora, hoa i mail . P'r!athJohn McDonald, 41 years, hoa v4tal; Oatrich Trawley. t4 years, bospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed hava been granted the folT UPiV- Age. ? Gabln M. TolW. Blou City, Itv..orw II . YN1. I4-. r4l.ll. rrmsVhsl......... ti 24 , r immmu'v . sw-. i " ' Roan Da Mara, Otnahni - Robert D. R- Welgel. Oman a. over Mary C. reteraon. Omaha, -er is k Camuet Palais. Omaha Jl " Olive Kelly, South Oroah.,.....- " . Robert B. Doub. Tekamah -Tr J r' KoaetU Stanley, Tekamaa...- ver li o Cyrus Litton, Carroll, l.......-..-.... g l lorenoe Bartels, CarroU, 1 John Lorsch.'Fort Calhoun....... Minnla Wortmann. Council Bluffa Ti W4nrr 'Ashland M y Eugenia Manoey. Ashland.... - John F. Hens. Plattsmouth., - Luln Btotser, Platumouth.... l' Adolpb Florlan Rloa. Omaha. Paula Baumann, Chicago ... u . 22 24 BUILDING PERMITS, p P. Littleflaid. 4642 Nloholaa. frame dwelling. t.6O0; Skinner Manufacturing company. 1321-26 Jackson, fireproof f act ory. 150.000; Mra. Persels. 4422 North Twenty-fourth, brick store, 4.2U0; James Murtagh, 8318 Blondo. frama dwelling, !,s00; lr. K. R. Porter. 426 North Thhrty--vlghth, brick dwelling, 12.600. TODAY'S COMPLETE! MOVIK PIUX1RAM8 Exclusively In TUe Boa) Dawn Tawn. CAMERAPHONE. 1403 DOTJQL . face Value. 2-reel Edison, ather'a Timepiece, Vltagrapn. The Gambler's Reformation. Kalem. K.LITE NO. 2. . U18 FARNAM, Steve O'Orady's Chanre, l-r. Vltagiaph. Rastus Knew It Wasn't, Lubln. A Just Punishment, Sellg.- KARNAM THEATER. ' 1416 FARNAM First run Mutual movies. Mutual Ulrl No. 27. A Tale ot the Northwest Mounted, a-r. dr. Bombs and Bangs. Key, comedy. HIPP THEATER. UTH AND HARNEI. Home of Paramount Picture. PARK. THEATER. Sh. of the Wolf comedy. 616 N. ltiTH T. Brad, and a good PARLOR THEATER, 1416 DOUGLAS ST. Jhs Outlaw g afonm. PstlNCEHS THEATER. 1317-1 tOUULAii. tsry Pkkford in "The Dark Horse," dr. Till th Manila of the Desert Grow Cold. Thrilling Drama or the west, i reels. Norta. ) A LH AM BRA THEATER. 1M N. 24TH. The Curs ot Caste, 2-reel Donv drama. 1 he Butterfly Bug, Than, comedy, -And a one-reel comady. iLAMO THEATER. J4TH FORT, rurough the Iflames, t-reel Rex. Calibre rTlenusbip. Nestor. Irenes Musy uay, victor iwmsoy. ItlAUUNU THEATER. 2410 LAtLE ST. lui Who Waa Miaunderatood. a-reel Imp. Mistress of Dead wood Uusin, Rex. Love and uran. Joer cfinieay. FRANKLIN". 24TH A FRANKLIN. I'hs Devil s Dansant -reel B.alwn. A Village Scandal. Edison. Broncho Billy, th Vagabond, Ea. llit'POl'KMh; THEATER, 26 4k CunUng. Bank Burglara Fate. I-reel Reliance dra. Down by the Bounding Sea, Majest i dra. Bill Takea a Lady to lAincn. Komi com. St THEATER. UTH A liXTS'f Th Downward Path. l-r. Lub. Th Fabl of "Tli Differeoc Between Laarnktig and iMtniinx How," Eaa. Prlvat Den nis Hogao, Vltagrapn LoTHROP THEATBH, 24th and Lothrop. Trey e' Heart No. 6 and A good Unl- i veraaj prognini. IOTAL THEATER. S CALDWELL. ir. nurgiar, . u.. imy- ..... . The Man from Nowhere, z-reet Victor. Beach Romanca. Sterling comedy. PARK 1UEATEK, tl N. UTH ST. Air Topedo, th ree part. PALACE THEATER. isH DAVENPORT, A Lucky Deception, -rei enter com. Little Mg and I. Victor. And a good comedy. fctlU KIJAW. 24TH A AMti 1 he Fuse or Deatn, x-reel Kalem. Vtben Macbeth Cam to SnaksvUl, Eaa. The kiiowr, piograpn teats. tPI-OLO. t J-EAVENWORTU. tiersl-seilg. A Rich Revetig. Via I'r.l' of Brwweryvlll. Lubin. b l pr Hand. Vltagrapn. TODAY'S COMiLETB MOVIK riuxatAMs Exclusive! la The He gnat a. COMFORT THEATER WTH VINTOT. A Mothers Choice, l-reel Thanhauser. The Pound of a Seaehell. American. His winning War. Prim COLUMBIA THEATER. 1710 . 10TH. When the West Was Toung, Z-r. Beltg. fophle's Lernu'v, Essansy. The Cub Reporter's Assignment, Kalem. FAVORITE THEATKR. I7W VINTON. The White House, 2-reel Sellg. The Chiefs Ixive Affair. Blograph. Itella's Elopement, Vltag-raph. OEM THEATER. LV S. 13TH. The Half-Breed, Neetor, western. All at Pea, comedy. . HAN WOM THKATEK. 24th Castellar. Iietectlve Dsn Cupid, Nestor comedy. For the Secret Service, two-reel Rex. The Mind's Awakening. Frontier. LVHIC THEATER 117 VINTON BT. love's Refrain, Imperial. Trey o" Hearts, No. 8, t-reel. PASTIME THEATER, 24 Leavenworth. Thru the Flames, Vreel Reg. On His Honeymoon, Universal Ike, com. PA LA C K TMEATH R, 2308 Davenport Lnve' Refrain, Imp. Strange Signal, Fron. On Ills Honeymoon, U. Ike comedy. VENEZ1A THEATER, 1211 8. 13TH Bf. Tricking the Government, l-reel. MONROE THEATER.' FARNAM ST. invent ure. In OlDlomaiy. 2-reel Lolalr. Eddie Lyons and Victoria Ford in Frulta , and Flowers, Nestor, Denaoau BENSON THEATER W36 MAIN ST. Law of the Lumberjack, two-reel Bison with Wm. Clifford. Bob Ixsonard In Bowl of Roses, Ford Sterling comedy. Coancll Blaffs. ELITE NO. 1. f46 BROADWAY. The Moonshiners, two-reel Kalem. Broncho Billy Butts In. Kssanay. The Ageless Hex, vnagratm. ROPER THEATKR, 637 BROADWAY. Aiteo Treasure, two-reel Eclair. Be Neutral, Powers. oath Osae-a. . BEfWS! THEATER. 24TH AND M STS. Sheep's Clothing, two-reel E41son. Pins Are Lucky. Lubln. Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds. Vita. MAOIC THEATER, 24TH AND O. Trey o" HoarU No. . 2-reeU Man in the Attlo. Frontier. Vaadevtlle. I4TH AND M STS. ORPHBUM "War la Hell, 4-reel feature, Ratur- day. ANNOUNCEMENTS OET a prtvate bootl. m my grill room for noon lunch, rms Ljrt. , Everett S. Dodda. 012 Paxton Bk. P. rasl. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packa, ahlpa: -" Xi and 1 men. 11.26 per br.; storage W per mo Satisfactory guar. D. 4 a. Ty. 230. HAZEL I-eaf Pile Conea. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; Mo postpaid; samples free. Sherman LljCK Y wedding rings, tirodegsard's. Wedding announce menia, Doug. I'tg. Co. B1UNH. showrards. Clark Bon. D. 137t DON'T FORQET. WATTERSON'8 UNION ORCKE8TRA for all ootaslons. Strictly the best Ad dress 311 N. 20th St, or phone Doug. &t. AK-SAIt-MEU HINTS. REST BOOMS AND LUNCHES FOR CARNIVAL VISITORS All are cordially Invited to the four busy Rexall Store "The Bodoaala." Uth and Dodge. "The Owl'a Neat," 18th and Harney. "The Loyal." 27- No. 16th St The Harvard." 14th and Farnam Sta. where everything for your comfort and convenience baa been provided. We serve too kinds of dainty lunches, hot and cold drinks, sandwiches ana sweets. Music Make your headquarters at our stores. SHERMAN & M'OONNELL DRUG CO., Four Busy Rexall Stores. 10c PLATE LUNCH for Ak-Sar-Ban visitors. Headquarter for Willow Springs beer, best grade of whlaklaa and wines. Our 10c plat dinner beats thorn alU Henry Pollock, 122-24 N. lith St. SWITCHES made from combings, L 11 N. 16th ot Douglas XU43. CHAtf. LOFTMAN wTuus. liquors, cl gars, marchanl'g lunch, 14th and Howard LIVE WUUB BUB1NESS MEN OF OMAHA A, B, C of UmaHa A1 LL WATCHES, diamonds and jw- elery, special prices, epi. ana uci iiuv now. II a weak. Westsrn Watch and Jewelry Co.. Houin til. tr- bach block. VvEW and second-hand electric fans l and motor. Lebroa Klecuio Works, ' HH H. l.''h. IJouglas 217K. auttiv uumii CO.. "i.-i Cuuuug i.Kug. 240i. Henovatea leathers and maiixaases ot all kinds, make feathsr matreasea and down oovera. PIANO tuning. B. Brandon, I year at Haydsne. Rcomnendd by beat inuslolana. W. im. t N. 2ktb Ave. REAL ESTATfii una im Le Builaiog very deairable head tiuertcr. A final loonled ofile ava.iebi octolr 1. - VACUUM cleaner for eat. Vaouum V cleaning son in in noma. Beniiarr v bervtc Co., (04 Bee Bldg. Wi E rsut repair, sell needles ana pan for all sewing machine. no,. UMAKKA CYCLE CO.. "Mli.k- el's." unh and Harney. Deugia 1663. Aeeeaataate. MELVILLE D. THOMAS & COMPANY, City Mat, nana mo, xyier ww. Aeetegr Macalaee. - Dal ton Adding Machine. 411 8. U. D. 1448. Addar Mch Co. (Waits) W. O. W. D. 6388. lata anal Magnate At Irian- Magneto repair work a specialty. P. ttll. AsiIIssmn, Dowd Auction Co.. U& W. O. W. 114 838. llliasllaaa. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture maonlno ana turn wiaina Harsara. It Chairs. lOo hve, neck hav. 1CT Far. e HORNBt CO.-Blu printing, under new ownership. u umana rv pa. mj. sibi. Brass 8-eaadrt. Paxton-Mltchell Co., tTth and Martha Sta. Metldlaa- ss4 Haaelrleaj. E. F HA NT A, 611 Paxton Blk. Doug, lis:. A. J. Johnson, carpenter, rep'r'g .D. 4tJ (ellferala Usia, W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat Bk. D. 831. t airepraetera. J. c. lwrenoe. P. CPU Howard. DUAL U Oeddis, D. C. tA Bee Bldg. Doug. 4-Tfl. W.B.Purvlanc. D.G 400 Pax. Blk. D. 441. ( are Blaae. Office door let'g. Mynster. Pa. Bk. p. ttft. I alee falall. Ruth Letcnford, decorating, firing. R 441 t ivll toasrlaeere. U. J. LAC. 418 BEE BLDO. D. 47U. leal Uealere. rl Johnson' special; also pw-V rjut, lo Ou. Phone D. Lot Victor ( rea aa Beaaratere. Th fctiarpies Separatr Co., llth 4fe Fara, LI1T5 wihe BUSINESS MEN OF OM.AIIA Ieteetvea. JAMEH ALLAN. (11 Netrllla Blk. Ilvl denca secured In all cases. Tyler HM. During Ars4sil. Tnrpln's Dani-lng Academy, ttth Farn. CHAM BERS' Academy, classic. D. 1S71. Markle's Academy, now open. 1hi Har. Ifratlats. Ir. Bradbury. No pain. 1RU Fa mam I)r. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 408 Brandela Bailey, the Dentist. 70 City Nafl Bank? Ta?t Dental Rooms, 1517 Ponglss D. tlHT Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat. Bank. Dressmaking;. Terry Dressmak"g college. Hh Fsmsm. Mrs.. J. M. Todd. 114 N. Lrth; stylish fall costumes at Introductory prices. D. S47. MRS M'NOTT, tailoring and dressmaking. 7PA H. Wth Bt. Call Harney t77. Mrs. Latttitinr, 111 Farnam, for fall oos tumes, latest styles, perfect fit D. 22. MIelfl STURDY. 2411 Cas. Phone Red THJO, Drat DRUU8 at cut prices; frelgbt paid en $10 orders; catalogues free. Khermaa it Met'ennell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Fllmtrlo Mapplies. LB B RON glee. Win., 21 B. 12th. IX 17. Concrete Kaglaeers. Gagsebin-Weils Co. 420 StaU Bk. D. 2m Everytklaar Car Wo, llEMSTITCinNa Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 107 B. llth. Woman's Exchange. 432 rax. Rlk. R. 4011 ACCORDIAN, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Planting Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. Knrrlers. BEN FENHTER, 1410 "N. 24th St W. 22NS. Florists. U HENDERSON, im Farnam. D. 1361 M em per f lorist Teiegrapn I'ei. asso. HESS3k SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam Bt A. DONAHUE, 122 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists, U04 Farnam St. Hair Dreastngr. Harper Methid. R. . Balrd Bldg. P. mi. Live Stork Resaeles. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 S. Uth. Rad. 423 Loss Offloea. NATHAN B loan office, licensed pawn broker, log Bo. 13th. Lighting Fta-farea aad Wlrlag. THOMAS DUIUON Klactrto fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonaoia. 241 CUMINQ. DOUULAM 261. Mfrs. WIimw ! Cleaaera. OLD shades made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4q Mr'iesgrr and Transfer. WHITE LINE. 30) So. llth. Douglas 2312. Bee readers are too intelligent to over look the opportunities In the "want ad" columns. They're worth whlla reading. Masseases. Massaga Miss Walton, R. 224. Neville Blk. CiltTtOPODY Rheumatism treated. Mra. Bowen, 1802 Farnam, Apt. . BATH and mas a, alcohol rub. Laura Wil son, M02 Farnam. H, 2, u. sim. A XTKT A Hf APWH BATHS, 8CIEN- niuiuiuuiuiu TIF1C MAhSAOE. 1101 Farnam Bt. Apt I. td floor. D. Mil. Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat't Red 6031 MAS3AOE3, 100 8.' 17th St. Mr. Steel. MASS., rheu., liver, kidney troubles. D.712. Mr. Snyder, elec. trt. 140 S. 8th. D. 43SQ. Af A"JSlAd V Swedish movement. iU rtOOAUTj u,. umv. Dourlai 44 (372. Miss Oould, maea., 224 Neville Blk; 10 to t. K. Mack, message and manicuring. D.76K2. Mtlllaetry., ' SWITCHES from combings, 11.60. Psycha tree.. Mrs. H. M. Kck, S04 s. inui. u. eoi. Movlaa. Itoratt i Cleaning;. W. C. FKRRIN. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oenllata, Evsa examined, glasses fitted, pay a you ! can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. natronathto Physicians. Dr. Rerucha, 808-4 MoCagu Bldg. D. 8638. 1'ateats. H. A. St urges, S3 Brandel Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tl. Ited 11X1. Patent- DeveloBmeat. AMERICAN Maohln Co., 110 S. llth Ot Painting; and Paperlo;. HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. 6728. l'luuiea Renovated. PLUMES A flowers made over, cleaned 4t dyed. trtha Kruger. 4M paxton. i. aw. ft'rlni ins-. wTViin.iilKicninT Pi Co.. onlltv I printing. Tel. Doug. 2180. 624 B. 13th St DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644, COREY A M KKNZ1E PTO. C6. D. 2644. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 160 Capitol. D. 1103. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8764. koank Kxlersalnnter. . B. B. B. Roach Powder at your aruggisu Bel and Tlnse Local Uxgterta. t a tT"i" Opened, repairad, comb. SA H H cnauged. if, E. Davan- - port, 1406 Dodg. D. lsil. Shoe Repairing. Klectrtohpo Rep. Co., 1807 St Mary's A v. gtga khowcards. CTPMP AT CUT PRICES. V"'AVJAV' 4 Buahnell Block. D. U7&. tee I lelUagcs. CARTER Sheet Metal Work, lit & 10th. Blore ana Office Fix tare a, DESKS. . aafe. sarnies, showcases, shalv. log, etc. We buy, sell. Omxtia Future and Supply Co., 414-16-U S. Uth. D, Kit OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 8. Uth. D. 828. Trsssi and at leasee. FRKL1NU 4k STEIN LB, 1WM Farnam St Tailor. CHAS. C LANDER YOU, 108 N. Uth Bt Veterinarians. DR. Q. R. YOUNG, 4002 Center. H. 6063. Wlavsi and Lie iter. ALEX JETES. J01-S S. 18th St Wyiea, vnri. riaia ainner u to a, iuo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. Uth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. UlilKK Ununr Ihltiu 4.H ISIn Ifith nt. cold beer, e. Write for price list. D. 43at uvbim uiuuui a uuee, v vj, a WV LA. a J Vm I BUY your family liquor at Klaln'a yquor iiou, n. leta. Douglaa lsu. HELP WAMED FEULK and Baleawos C1UNA SALESWOMEN. Wanted thoroughly experienced aale. 'P"'"1- APF'y superintendent balcony. ndent. balcony, BURGESS-NASH CO. Clerical and Office. FOR a high grade stenographic or eler- Faetery aa Tra4ee APPRENTICE girt. Oppenhelin Parlor. Heasckecaeire aad Dea OIRL for general housework;; au waahlna- WANT EI-Mlddle-aged woman for gen- eral housework; must be goodcook: ref- rence rag u I red. 6014 Chicago. H. tr. NURSE for 1-year-old boy: refamnra r.. quired. Mra. June Barker, 16uo b. 8th Bt. u. tx. GIRL for general housework, sntall fam ily, good juac lor good girl, tall x8 Jones St. int none Harney 743. OIRL wanted for general housework In . iiuiiuy oi iiwir. n n. tutn Ave. WANTED Competent white alrl for sen. ral aouxwork. JipJS Dawcy Av. H. lajj. IIKI.I' WAXTi:i I'T.MALK Hssiekerperi aad Domestics. GERM AN or Danish girl to anslst with housework; must go home nights. Web ster 470 WANTFr A general housework girl; wagea t& Mrs. A. W Friend, 3H Dav enport Ht. Harney 2807. WAN! ED fiood cook and second girl; must be white. Phone Harney 1141 WOMAN to do chamber work In fore noons. Call at 2Tog Harney St. WANTED Oood girl for housework. Mrs. B. Crummer, Apart. L Beaton. THE Bervant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired resulta This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad U The Pee f fire or telephone Tyler l'0. WANTED OIH for general housework. Good home offered. Phone Harney 4KM. Call at 2X20 Harney Bt GIRL for general housework; no washing. Mrs. Rogers, Apt I, The Normandy. H. 1SI6. THOROrtlHLT competent girl for gen eral housework; one wno can go noma nights preferred; I in family. H. WANTED-rOtrl for general housework. In famllv of 1 adults: rood Day and good home to right party. Harney (8i. COMPETENT girl for genoral housework. GOOD cook wanted, white, must be neat and clean. Some housework; no washing. KW3 Dewey Ave., Telephone Harney 1623. WANTED Cook, white, to assist In gen eral housework. Call Harney 1B23. WANTED girl for general housework. Must be between 20 and 20 years old. Harney 2208. Mtscellaaeeaa. WOMEN Get government ob; thousands vacancies yearly; list positions ojJen to women free. Franklin lnatltute, Dept fcSK. Rochester. N. Y. "WANTED A first-class, experienced marker and sorter; good salary ror right party. Kimball Laundry, liU Jack son St Bee Want Ada Are the Best Business Booster. VOUNU women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women'a Christian Association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and l7tn Ht. wnere utey will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for out travelers guide at Union Station. ME LP WANTlvO MALH Clerical aad Of flee. FOR COMMERCIAL POHITIONS You will find our office the most effec tive way of reaching the employers In all lines of business. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE unless position la secured and then only . a nnomtnal fee. ROGERS REFERENCE CO., 628 State Bk. Bldg., - FOR high grade atenographio o cler ical position. "See" Watt Kef. Co.. 840- 43 Brandel Theater. IF you are looking for a high-grade posi tion sse the CO-OPBRATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-1U CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO. HIO 1-1 -GRADE commercial position. WESTERN REr . & BOND ASUN. 762 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Wanted Exp. man to take charge of col lection In a large dry goods house. Only one with best of ref. and considerable ex. need apply. Address E 694, Bee. Young man! Study law! Downtown even tng session. TJnl. of Omaha. Inquire of Secty. Arthur O. 1 homsen, 4uo Omaha Nat Agents, salesmen aad Solleltars. SALESMAN wanted; fins opportunity for Krst oiaas salesman to sell to the retail drug trade aa a aide line In Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. Chicago Label and Box Co., S12 N, May St., Chloatro. 111. WANTED Salesmen of ability, hustler. to sell our line direct from factory to dealer. Our price enable you to sell th largest trade In the country, a well as the smaller dealer. Are you worth KMNO per year? We sell both the premium and regular trade. A good job and good money for the right man. We also nave soma A-l propositions ror siae liners. What we want 1 producer. Would ad vise experienced premium men to get in touch with ua. Addreas W. B. Jamoa. Hales Manager, car The Trltt China Co. Nile, O - WANTED HIGH CLASS SE CURITY SALESMAN. EXCEP TIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT MAN. ADDRESS P. O. BOX K. OMAHA, NEB. LOCAL salesman covering Omaha, and surrounding territory, to carry wun present line on commission, me uaiawni Double-Service line ot Patented Dresses. Give territory covered and reference. Address Y 212, Bee. 1 1 .irrtM a N Home -railroad experience pleaaant ana promauie won, ia.uiij educational courses, rotwuiui uu Omaha. WANTED SEVERAL YOUNG MEN OK omin AVPKARANCE TO SOLICIT AND COLLECT IN CITY; PAY DAILY; REFERENCES REJUlKlell. AT 8S8 BRAN DEIS THEATER BLDG., $ A. M. CIGAR salesmen wanUd everywhere to carry line of cigar on the road; $26 per week and expense; experience not necessary. Union Cigar Co.. York. Pa. Boy. WANTED 100 boy to sell peanut dur ing parade. Apply at in rarnam. Factory and Trade. Kneist. Bee Bldg. Drug etor snsps; jobs. WANTED Competent drug clerk, regis tered In Nebraska. Sherman A McCon- nell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Bts WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR KER TRADE. ew wueKS complete. Good money mad. Best trad In exist ence for poor man, ence for poor man. juacninery can i kiii it Our graduates greatly in demand on account of our thorough, training. Coll or write. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St Mlacellaoeeaa. PAXTON Blk.. Lettertna Bohoot Rm. HI Wanted at Once MEN to learn th automobile business, ih. demand la sfeat for our graduates; we have trained hundreds ot men; let us train you. Writ fur free booklet IN at 'I Auto raining ass h. 2814 N. toth St. Omaha. Neb. mn with patentable Ideaa write Ran- I UOlDn CO.. nHUUiimii, C. friiTTi XT TT.RW AK' A ATITO. eV eVsVX a fci.aaaev saa aa MOBILE SCHOOL ku turned out more successful graduate iii.n ,nv achool in this country. "There a reason." Writ today for our catalogue tC). 1417 Podge, tumtna. neo. THOUSANDS government lobe open t men ana women; oig py. v,iuji -amtnatlona frequently; lit of poalUou free. Address Y Iks, He. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, $J6; set ot tool given; wage paid, 'i'rl City College. Uth and Douglaa Sta. I wikteu-'a I . ftrat.i-liLaa as nerfom-ed I marker and sorter; good salary for right party. Kimball Laundry, UU Jackson St. HELP WANTED MALIC AND FEMALE. MEN WOMEN Get government lob $ha to $164) month. Write for list of po sitions available. Franklin Institute, THOU BANDS government Jobs open to men and women; $66 to $1j0 month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept X 8, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man of good habit and w.luug to work, aants employment t any kind. I where ther is chance ot advancement. Can drive and take care of ny model car. Will conaidt-r anything. Wall reooiu mended as to ability Call Harney 0uo. YOUNG man 23 year of aa wlshe po sition wun a corporation or a detective agency. Am a gradual of th C. T. Ludwlg Lieieciive i raining school. Ad dress H. bhoehlgh, 4th and Harrison Bis., South Omaha. R. R. No. L CHAMHEKM AID or nuraa dvsirc good poslUon. Can furnlwh excallent refer- I eucea 1 ei. uougiaa ao-i. WA NTED SITUATION WAN TE1 Work as cha:nierinald In hotel In Omaha or South Omaha. Phone 8. 3f - v YOL'NU man wants place to work for board while attending Boy lee' college. Telephone Douglas 154. . EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes to drive private car; careful driver; knows city very well. Address V W2 Bee. RELIABLE practical nurse wlsles po sition. Mrs. Hlbbard. 213 N. lth St WANTED position In samll family by good girl. Phone Belleue 11 WILL do stenographio work partly or ex clusively; can keep books; young man looking for connection with amall Inn where merited) service will count Ad dreasH 6fiS, Bee. CHILD'S nurse wishes position; best references. Call Red 684. AUTOMOIHLES 100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re palr. Coll repsr g. O. Uaysdorfer. 210 N. II 20 H. P. Hupp roadster; splendid condi tion: big bargain. Phone Douglas Sj04, branch 47. Ask for Jodelt "Lin d berg" r ore uoor. body bidg..40 . Far. Oreeauugh Omaha Rad. Kep. Co. 2020 Far. Industrial Oarage 'o , With A Harney 8ta I HAVE a 1910 model Detroit Electric, In good shape. Will sell for 1800. Addreas A 13, Bee. BIO snap, nearly new National. Must sell.- Middle Statea Garage. BARGAIN Used Veils and Overland, both In good condition. Will sacrifice for quick sale. No trade. Auburn Auto Co., 2569 Farnam St. WILL trade runabout, good running or der, for noise, buggy or motorcycle.. Tyler-190S. MatorcycWa. HA RLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargaina In used macWnes. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. Llndborg Bros.. 2.172 Leav. (Flying Merkle). NEARLY new motorcycle, cheap. D. 1M4 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready bargains In ued machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago. D. 872. BUSINESS CHANCES BARBER outfit, 3 chairs, for sale. D. 718. BLACKSMITH shop, best equipped shop In county seat town of 7,0uu. Invoice KtXM. Will sell for 2.1,000; half down and balance on easy payments. Address N. M. Ooeden, Nebraska City, Neb. BUILDING, stock, fixtures, of grocery, lunch counter and notion store for sale, cheap for cash. 6224 N. 8fith St C. J. CANAN, Real Estate and Exchange ELECTRIC PLANT One-half of an elec trical business In a hustling little town ef 10,000; will sell oheap on account of Ill health; la doing a good business on cash basl. Address Y 202. Bee. , FOR SALE wTooo stocv or hardware and modern store building, located In good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing nd fixtures for 81,000 less than they cost two year ago. No trade. Address, Y 178. Bee. FOR SALE Bankrupt stock of general merchandise. Invoice about $3,000. Will aell at Oxford, Neb, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1814, at 2 o'clock. For further Informa tion writ U. L. Lee, Trustee, Oxford. Neb. GROCERY and confectionery atore for sale, up-to-date stock, established trade. 2913 N. 24th. Webster 7315. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with u for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 8264. SIGNS, show cards. Clark Son. D. 1378. THEATERS Buy, leas or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 14o Farnam bt Douglaa 197. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real state, write Kennebock Co.. Omaha TO OK'l in or u of ousineas. call on OANGSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D.3477. WANTED An idea. Who can think, of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph tc Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington. D. C. Rooming; House tor Bale. . TO buy or sell hotels or rooming houses quickly see u. BUY FROM US. LIST WITH US. Quick Sales Co., 418 Bee Bldg. ' Phone Red 8261 EDUCATIONAL EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete .training given for business career. Private Instruction If desired. 4624 Douglas St. Tel. Harney 6340. Young man, study law, downtown even ing sessions. University of Omaha, See Secretary, A. C. Thomsen, 406 Omaha Nat 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both th day and night sessions.- Yet It 1 not too lata to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Bualneaa practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, steno typy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses ar open to you here. You may woik for board while attending. Dougla 1666. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. H. BOYLES. PRES.. Boyle Building, Omaha. FOR SALE at a discount a full unllin lted scholarship lr Boyle Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or business course. Apply at th office of Omaha Bee. MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL HERM IS NOW OPEN Student admitted any day. Unsur passed claasea In all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand. . etenotypy. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided lor young people to work lor board. ror a new Tree catalogue afldress MOSHEIt-LAMPMAN COLLEGE IRS Farnam St. Omaha. Douglas 6618l The Van Sant School Stenography Day achool. 8:00 to 4:00. Night achool. 6:16 to 8:16. 18th and Farnam Sta Douglaa 6647. LEARNTYPEWR1TING AT HOME. Three month. 84 00. TUB OLIVER TYPE WRITING CO.. Dougla 2S19. 19 Farnam. Omaha Musical Art Institute. Associated Stasia Inatractor. Balarlagre Black, SUth aaa Faraa WANT partner to shar music studio; part time. Address C 114. ft tee. MARTIN W. BUSH, Plsno. H. 663. S. I-sndsbrrg. Piano, Harmony. D. 6646. Francis Potter, Mandolin, Banjo. D. U&a. HENRIETTA Reea, Piano. Dougias 4618. FLORENCE BASLER. Voice and Coach ing. Red 6081. GRACE HANCOCK. PUno. H. 1. J. 11. 81MM.1, OiKtin. ItHiniony. H. 4163. ZabrUkio, Violin. Piano. H. 6ubt Jeale V, Cvinay. Dramaliu Art D. 657i. FOR RALE Faraltere. AUCTION SALE. ' Saturdayt Oct 3, at 10 a. m.. and lasting all day. at the Omaha Van at Htorake Co.. corner ot utn aim iavcnworth. Another lot of good laj gains In furniture and household goods. comiUtinx of dreaaers, dining room tables, chairs, runs, curtains. rockiug chairs, library tables, center tables, dishes and cocking utensils of all kiuds la fact everything to make ud a complete household, to be sold to th highest bidder; don t forget the date, DOWD SALEri AUCTION Co. AUCTIONEERS. For auction date call lied 326. FOIl 8 A LIS Ksrsltsr. New A Id-hand furniture, cash or terms, ressonblo: Anwr. Furn. Co., QS N. Wth. ANlSo.rylick Meal steel range for sale, cheap. Tel D. 43K3. SEVERAL van lada of furniture and some pianoa. Omaha Van and Storage Co., sos h). with St BEAUTIFUL solid oak buffet. H9.M, cost I); nearly new. Call Web. 2S2 after :30 p. m. Viilcal lastrnasewfa. HO, AK-SAR-BBN VISITORS! Why Not Get a Bargain In an Edison Talking Machine Before You Ieave? Special prices In Edison Talking Ma chines during Ak-Sar-Ben week. We offer an Edison Home, late Style, Record Cabinet and Wood Horn. This is a four-minute machine. Original price on this machine being 290, we are offering this splendid machine for quick sale at $14. Edison Standard and Record Cabinet, two and four-minute machines, price new 45, In best of condition, for $10. A great deal of pleasure can be derived from one of these fine machines, espe cially on winter nights. You can enjoy grand opera, great singers and famous orchestras, or popular and danc music, according to your taste. Come In and Hear Your Favorite Played. VtCTROLA DEPARTMENT. BRANDEIS STORES. FOR SALE On Gibson mahogany back mandolin with case: perfect condition; cost 2S, sell 210. Phone Harney 846. Slightly used high-grade piano. W. 87?. PIANO player: a bargain. Tel. H. 4711. Typewriter. Free Railroad Fare to Typewriter Buyers During the Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival we will pay the railroad far of any btiyer In the radius of 100 miles of Omaha on way. This means that you will not only get a free trip to Ak-Sar-Ben. but that you will save from 25 to 60 per cent on any standard typewriter in our nouso. Tins OFFER 18 GOOD ANY TIME BETWEEN OCT. 1ST AND 10TH. Traveler will be Interested In th Corona Folding . Typewriter a light, compact typewriter, equal In' efficiency to any standard machine; can b carried about In a small parcel. The Price is Only $50 Butt's Typewriter Exchange, 1806 FARNAM ST. AU atandard makes of typewriter and supplies. I YPE WRITERS soul, rented, repaired Central lvoewrlte Exchange. 807 S. 17th. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 1805 Farnam.- D. 6031. RENT Reinmgions, Muiiarcha and Smith Premiers of their makers, The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougias UM. Rental credited if you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates.. three months for 86 for understroke machines or 83 per month for latest modrl visibl writer. MlsceUaneon. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyle Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at th oil Ire of The- Omaha Bee. 6x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold er. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at (110. Address A 680, Be it (iff Buy best coal for the money; try JBJ.UV lt Web. Harmon A Veelh. L NO. 1 BATH TUB. SVi wet Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 4808. Tresier 00M. BRICKS at 8,1.60 per M. ; also S00M. feet of lumber at works, llth and Jack son Sts. Buildings bougnt and wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. 4808. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessoriea; bar fixture of all klndB; eay payment). The Brunswick- Balke-collenfler Co 4fl7-4n s. loth Bt 8-band mch. Gross Wrack Co.. 21 & Paul. LIVE STOCK FUR SALE. Horace and Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagon In tbe city; all kinds of blacksmith work. painting and lettering. Joiinson-Danforih Co.. new location. 16l'-31- N. 16tn St FOR SALE. 7 head of heavy draft Horses, weighing from 1,400 to l.fWO pounds and In fine con dition. One team ot mares, 6 and 7 years old. weighing from 1.4u0 to l.boO pounds. light and heavy dray wagons, in first class condition. One delivery wagon and one buggy. For further information call Fairmont Creamery Company, Omaha, Neb. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, Person having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in th street cars. Many ertlcle each day ar turned In and the company is anxlou to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. ' TAPESTRY sofa pillow between 81st and Farnam and 3th. and Dodge, newara. Phone Douglas iHX. LOST Lady's gold watch and fob. Initials M. E., on Dougia County Fair ground at Elkhorn, September 26. Return to post off ire at Klkhorn and receive reward. BOSTON bull terrier; golden brindle and white; male; screw tall. Reward. Re turn A. L. Alexander, 2607 Meredith Ave. LOST Valuable bunch of keys. . Finder return to Bee office and received $1.00 reward, or call Doug. 4231. LOST Between 24th atreet, St. Mary s avenue and Dundee, brooch pearl ter melle. Reward. H. 1572. 6002 Davenport St LOST Jewish brook arm shawl, 16th and Chlcaxo or on 16th street car. Rewara, Empress Market LOST Bunch of keys. Sept 30. Reward Return to Harney Hotel. LOST Bridle, with lines attached. on September 28. Phone Hsrnev m LOST Two small pocket notebooks near lfith and Farnam. Return to X. i. South OniHha Bee Office. MKDICAL. ?.iv.t,.0 Cured in a few days without liupiure pitln Cal or write Dr. Wray, 106 Be Bldg.. Omaha. Entablished 1894. o Piles,' Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry curea piles, fistula and other rectal diseaaea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. Lit E. R TARRY. i40 h Tuberculosis d you want get well d oulld uo your health, this is your one chance Ad dress K 661. Bee Tiu-tnv.iCured .in a few days without nupiaitpain Call or write Dr. Wray. 80 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1S94.-4 MOXEV TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us Quick service Half usual rate REL1A1U.E CREDIT CO . Xt Paxton Block. D'ss Hit rovLTiu ati d surruEs Mixed grain. $1.6 h dred. Wagner, koi N. 18 . ,r , : M EiKrAJi ) rr. iui ru. j niti-i ubji ml rheantat lining fjr poultry houaea They ar 17x! Inchca, atrongar and mora durxbl than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 7bo a hundred at Th B uflioe. PERSONAL THE Salvation Arm industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, rnga- glnea. V collect W distribute, Fhpf Douglas 41.16 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our nw home. IU-1U2-U14 Dodge St . YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to vltt th Young: Women' Christian Association building at r7th St and St. Mary' Ave., wher they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look tor our trav elers' aid at th Union Station. WANTED TO BUT FLOOR CASES WANTED TO BUY-8, 10 AND 12-FOOT GLASS FLOOR CASES; MUST BB IN GOOD CONDITION. ADDRESS B 866, CARE BEE. SMALL cadet suit. Tel. D. 4263. OFFICE furniture bought and sold, C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. (144V. WE BUY iid-hand clotbes. 1421 N. 24th. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WES SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Sav mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments recelv prompt and careful atten tion. , Live Block Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO A good Stanley roadster, in first laas condition, for sale, or exchange for motorcycle, diamonds, or anything. Answer quick, for this car la going to go. Address, S. C. 1466. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargaina see th "Automqblle" classifi es t ion. AUTO Want to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car, income brick business property, well rented In South Omaha, on principal business St, 25th and A Q streets. 3. C. 1344. Bee. AUTOMOBILES I have a Brush run about recently overhauled and repaired and In good running order, which I will swap for horse, buggy or motorcycle. Ad dress IS. C. UX&. BARBER fixtures, practically new. con sisting chiefly of three-chair caae, Koch make, three hydraullo, Koch Make, four-plate back mirror, two-hole lavatory, etc. Value $600 to 8800. Will trade for any thlng of good value. Addraaa S. C. 146K. o. BOOKS For sale or exchange, on set of 7 of Andells engineers' books, A-l condi tion, for typewriter or rash, or what have you. Address Y 195, - Bee. CAMERA Premo, 6x7, almost new, com plete, with 6 plate holders; tripod, 0 supplementary lenses and carrying case. Want typewriter. Address 8. C. 1400, Bee.. CARPENTER work and general repairing done at a low cash price, or for any thing of value taken In exchange. Ad dress, S. C. 1467, Bee. CARPENTER WORK Will exchange carpenter work as payment for plaster ing of new house; about 400 yard of work. Address S. C. 1417, Bee. CARPENTER and contractor wants to swap work for a roll top desk. Address 8. C. 1461, Bee. COLO. LAND Your choice of 100 forties within five mile of Alamosa, San Luis valley, Colorado. Alamosa ha 3,000 peo ple, on the Rio Grande Ry., and every modern convenience. For grain growing and atock raising, and healthful climate, this locality cannot be excelled. Price $60 per acre; no incumbrance, for Omaha property; snap for someone. Address B 6ai, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha Bee Bldg., Omaha Neb., for particulars, or what have you? CORN POPPING MACHINE A $300 automatic machlne.juet the thing for confectionery or cigar store. Reuulrea no attention. Just "load" it The cus tomer Inserts a nickel, turn the crank and, presto! the machine doe the rest. Will trade for what? Come on, I'm gam. Addreas 8. C. 1467. Bee. FINE THOROUGHBRED ANGORA CAT and kitten to OOd home for nlrl.faah. ioned walnut, or mahogany furniture: chest bureau, desk, chair or bed. Ad dreas S. C. 14C4. Bee. FIVE-PASSENGER Hudson car. In first class condition, newly painted. Would exchange. for a good vacant or Improved property. Scott & Hill Co., 306-7-s Mc Cague Bld(p. Douglaa 10O9. FURNITURE for a . 46-room hotel near Omaha, l,600. Low ral rent ou the building. What aav you to ufferf Address B. C.-1268. car Bee ' FURNITURE Good carpet or chairs for giecino worn, A a dress S. C. 1463, Bee. FURNITURE Golden oak chiffonier and dresser, new: will exchnnse for rnlH.n oak buffet Have brand new "Lion" brand gaa hot water heater; will swap for roll top desk. Address S. C. 1430, Bee. HARD coal stove and sanitary davenport. Will trade for piano or chairs In part payment Address, B. C. 1456, Bee. HARD COAL STOVE for good single harness. Tel. Tyler 2147-J. HARDWARE $16,000 hardware stock do ing excellent business In town ot 20.0W), will bear closest instiectlon. For sale at a discount. Need the money. Address 8., C. 1087. Omaha Bee. HOME Have small 6-r., house located In Omaha, where It will always rent Now bringing In $12 per month. Price $1 500; mortgage $9(0; will trade equity for Ford KODAK A new Aneco folding- kodak, 2Hx4. leather tourist case for aam and portrait attachment. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment or good bicycle. Address a C 1091. MEAT MARKET Will sell or trad for property, lirst-class meat market Ad dresg, -T." Bee offico. South Omaha. MOTORCYCLES Have a nearly new 1913 Flandera single cylinder motorcycle; used only three months; would consider lot. or what have you? Address S, C. loa2 Bee. MOTORCYCLE TWIN EXCELSIOR" 1918 model, fully equipped. This ma chine has been run very little and en amel and engine in A-l shape. Will trade for roadster or funabout of equal value or make an Interesting price for cah! 8. C. 1448. Bee. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy soma good second-hand office furniture; must b cheap lor cash. Aadreas S. C, im Bee. f PAINTING and paperhangliig, first claaV work dune, low cash price or will ex ' cnange ior anything of value. Addresa a. C. 14m, Bee. PRESS Columbia, 6x9, 13 rases of lob tyiie and cabinet; a Winchester pump gun and 'leather cas, for aale or trad. Add res S. C. 1432, Bee. RADIATOR New stovepipe radiator, to heat an upstair room without any cost Address S. C. 1462, Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or . Phone 21 pel. Council Bluffs, la. STOCK FOR SALB-UONT INVEST blindly; look m up and buy my atock at $ per. Company doing larg busi ness and paid U per cunt dividends In 1913. Address S. C. 149. Bee. SIGNS, snowcarda, Clark A Son. D. 1S7. SlIOEriHOP Suburban location in South Omaha, good trade. Mach.n. jack and some atock; will trade tor cheap lot or will sell cheap or lease. Address g. C 14ii4. Omaha Bee STEEL RANGE High class $42 steel ranne wan water oack to trade tor weathered oak buffet, good rug visibl typewriter, or what? 8. C. 1447. Bee. STOVES Two old healing stove, suit able for store, etc.; will sell or trade. Addreas S. C. 46J,Bee. $4,000 This well established business, the brick building and lot thereon in the business center of South Omaha Now paying 6 pur cent rental on $o.up0. also containing over I'.Ouo of up-to-dat ma chinery and all appliances pertaining Id me uuKiiiaaa, iiuiiiiiim iu uuy. Knnan m -c'.r,n '(ii iiiuuvi-utaaKi-r DUatd- j iicn in iuii uutriuun wiinout niUcn com petition. Will consider a late data n equipped auto, if you want to secure a growing business look, this up, u. C. 1449. Bee 4