Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE m:K: OMAHA. THURSDAY, CKTTOBEll 1, 1914.
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Om lffa Office at
e In to at 14 Hort
V TsUsa.a. a.
Committee of Knights of Full Moon
ji to Hake Canvass.
- Davis, drugs.
Vlrtrola. II. A. Hospe Co.
Plate lunch at Tony a cafe, fee.
Oorrigena, undertakers. Fhono Its.
GARDNERS FREI printing. Phons.
Iewls Cutler.' funeral director. Phone 97.
For rent, etrlrtly modern,, 8-room flat.
Inquire 231 Vine streU.
touy your cnal 'at cut prices J. Btaln
Coal Co. Weight guaranteed.
Mutual Hid and lo nn Ass n. 121 Iarl.
Dr. II. A. Woodbury. dtsnlUt. moved to
Bap block, phone Black 14: sanitary and
modern appliances, moderate prices, '
brilliant and beautiful, one-gallon
tana. II. W; half-gallon cans, Kr; quarts,
Wc; plnta, 30c. .
Cook Cleaning Works. Broadway.
Dion 17. Have your dry creenlng, dye.
ing and rcpalr'ng done how before cld
neather.. Velvet pollaia rut on overcoat.
Prices reasonable and ..first class work
guaranteed, i -, '
There will ha a special commuflloatlon
of Bluff City KwUev Ne. 71. Ancient, free
and Accepted Masons, on Wednesday
evening at 1-K o'clock, for work in the
third degree. All Master Manor are cor
dially invited-
The choir" of the Dodge Memorial
church will furnish special mush- thin
evening at ( the convention in session
at the First Congregational church. The
association sermon will be preached by
Ilev.-C If. Lock of Griswold.
Mrs. Mnrr.Frederlckson. n yeara old,
dkd yestorday from general decline after
an antU Illness of only one week.' Mm.
Fredertchson had been a resident of this
city for thirty yesrs. Plie 1 survived
by two daughters. Air. I. Paiison and
Mr. Anna A. Jora-ensen. both of thla eitjr.
Kin lit rrandchll.hen and 'four great
grandchildren also survive her. The fu
neral will be held on Friday from the
realdence, 1816 houlh Tenth alree.t.
. October I will be the last day 'for le
aning; certificate of rltlsenshlp to all ap
plicant a who were admitted at the Bep
tember term of the district court If
they wish to vote at the November elec
tion they must secure their certificates
by Octolwr 2, aa the law specifies thirty
full daya before the election .and the elec
tion this year comes on November t.
lJeputy Clerk Itoy Hardest yesterday
pent out notices to those entitled to certi
ficates, warning them that they must
act promptly If they desire to vote.
M. F. Cog has begun the semiannual
checking of the municipal offices of the
'City under the direction of tlur state
auditor, and experts to hsve the Job
finished In about three weeks. He is as
sisted by H. J. Weakly, son of the state
auditor,. and by Harold Cox. his own son.
It has been conHlderahly more than two
years since Mr Cox checked the city of
fices, but as the method of keeping ac
counts now are so simple end accurate
Ihe work of checking for a two or three
year period ran now be done In leee time
than was formerly required for one
year's business. The atate's present
method of acvounllng practically orig
inated here I A 'Council Uluffs, and the
city's books have the distinction of being
models. ' All of the department will he
checked. Including the parks, library and
Meter board, but not the school funds.
The first senior membership rally of the
fall season waa held at the Young Men's
Christian association Friday night with
about forty seniors In attendance, Secre
tary Hadley of the association. oatHnad
the nreaent condition f the 'memherahtn
and told the members whst wss neces
sary to safeguard the membership for the
year. . It la believed that with lftil boys
and men combined aa new members, the
organisation can come through ell. right.
This would make the membership near
the vuo mark. The announcement waa
made last evening that Clifford Powell
had been selected aa chairman of the
membership committee. The regular gym
nasium rlasa starta next Monday night
and a epeolal effort will be made to get
new members during the month of Oc
tober. Another rally meeting for seniors
will be held next Monday, which' will be
followed by two mure Monday night
meetings lor ail the membership.
Today Is the last day when taxes ran
be paid without Incurring the penalty. An
unusually large number of people have
neglected to pay the last half of the 1H1S
levy and the rush today will probably I
very great. Tomorrow the Density of 1
per cent a month attaches. If It were
not for the fact that the work of making
up in, Donmiunni its uai mun ne com
menced at least In the latter Dart of
uoiorwr. inoae who liHin the first
month's penalty might safely let the bill
remain unpaid until the Inst of the, month,
but If the names have been sent to the
prititera for publication the extra cost of
advertising will be added. In tnaklns ud
, the 'tax llt for publication. suIkIIvI.Ioiis
or the. city are arranged alphabetic ally
ana' people owning property in aaoillc
represented among the first lettera of
alphabet will incur trie greatest danger
or paving to pay the advertising cost
It payments are delayed long In October.
Oraaalaallon Hopes to tiet Circa t Ac
reaaloa ef New ernes 1, 1st
to Make It Vital Feree
IN tommenltr.
The Knights of the Full Moon will
today begin their active campaign for
a-membersMp of 1,0ft for the purpose of
raising the tlO.Ono necessary to properly
carry forward the great plana that have
been made for the winter season. Three
Committees will start Out this morning
and expet to meet a pleasant welcome
from every business and professional
man and every other live Juan In the
city who wishes to . his town placed
In closer' and closest touch with the
epoch makers of western Iowa. The Full
Monnera have done more to arouse' a
friendly Interest In Council Itiuffs than
all other organisations in the city, 'And
are 'doing for Council Uluffs a propor
tionately greater amount of 'effective
work than the Ak-flar-Ren knights are
doing for-Omaha, Tor the" Full Mnoners
entertain their visitors every week dur
ing the trade season.
The knights give their time and. un
mistakable talent freely -and without any
thought of compensation, for a period of
more than six months each year and
they naturally expect the business fnen
and capitalists, ' Who reoelve' the benefit
of , Increasing good will toward the town,
to do their share by at least becoming
Memlters. The 110 fee, however, will be
Invested in an amusement enterprise that
will return many times the cost.
Membership tickets will also be Issued
by the Commercial club and no one need
wait for the solicitors.
nun Killed in Antn rpset.
WKKBTBR CITY, la.. Kept. . -(Special
Telegram.) In an auto accident in this
city thla afternoon the only child of Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Tyler, aged ( years, was
killed. The car In coming down a hill
truck sand and turned over In the ditch.
The parents were In Chicago visiting and
had left the baby with Its grandparents.
Mr. Tyler Is Junior member of the auto
firm of Hansen Tyler of Fort Dodge.
IXmiENT. France (via Paris, flept 30.
Count Von Bchwelrwln, the Oerman em
peror's nephew, who was made a prisoner
at the battle of the Marne attempted to
escspe from Belle lle, where he was held
and aa a roneouence has been trans
ferred to Ihe Citadel at Port Luis (a
fortified town three miles from Trent,
where he Is being kept uVr a strong
Beeeflt Rail arae Today.
A benefit gall game will be played Ibis
afternoon between the local Marrara team
end the Council Bluffs Young Men's
Christian association team to determine
who ia the champion In the Church
league. The game will be staged at
Chris Lyrk's park and the receipts will
be given to the City mission.
Echoes of the Strife
City Off jcialTirow Five in Jail for
Talking nfithont Permits.
.. ...
Aallatora Threaten, to Brlns; Host
Down t'pon City and They Were
t.lvej ( ertalw , Kreeta
Which io Talk.
light plant to be operated In conjunction
witn the water worn, tne conn carry
ing by sixty-five votes. A yesr ngo when
the same question was voted on the bond
issue lost by seventy. t
I'A RIP. 'Kept. 30. "Cheer up. we'll apend
Clirletniss in Herlln" lit he encourage
ment wtiicb General ItcnnenkanipJf has
offered to hi men. according to. a report
received from Russian headuiyters. The
general proffered this word of beer for
the purpose of helping his officers and
soldiers stand fast ' during the discom
forts and sufferings of war. ' .
Sfevep Cmn fe Restored,
PAP.IB. Hept. M-The artistic beauty of
ie cathedral of Rlielma, which Buffered
the (Ici oian bombardment of that town.
never can be restored. In the opinion of
Whitney Warren, the New York architect.
ho has Just returned rrom Ilhelms,
here he made a thorough Inspection of
the famous structure
Aid for Wall Street Poor.
NKIV YORK, Pent. . A committee
as formeri this afternoon to nrotect the
poor of Wall street against want. The
committee la composed of wealthy brok
ers nnd the persons who receive Ita at-
ntlon are the army of clerks and em
ployes of stock exchange houses, who
ave lost their places, or who are work-
ng at reduced salaries, because of the
closing of the world's stock markets.
Newspaper Suspended.
TOt'lOrSE, France, Pept. 30. (Via oBr-
deaux ) Ex-Frenilcr Oeorgea Clemen
ceau's newspaper. Homo Ilbre, which
aa transferred to this city from Paria,
ss been susteniei ror eignt nays by
Oeneral Balllond, military governor of
Toulouse, herauxe M. Clcmomcau refused
take out several passages of an
rtlcle which the general considered too
violently worded.
Addition Planned
For Big Grocery House
Groneweg ft Bchoentgen have ' bought
from the Ernest E. Hart estate sixty feet
of the plat of vacant grouM adjoining
the bjg wholesale grocery plant at Broad
way and Ninth street The ground has
been acquired. It la understood, - for the
purpose of enlarging the building to .meet
the demands of Increasing business.
Aa addition of the same character aa
the parest plant will be erected, but will
extend from Broadway to the alley.
distance of in feet. When the present
building waa constructed apace waa left
In the rear for the' railroad trackage.
The new structure will , extend to the
Hey,. with an archway left on the first
floor for the railroad, track- ,Tbe new
structure will be of the same height as
the other and will have a cemented base
ment under all except beneath the alley.
Thla basement. 0xl50 fC wlt be used
for a 'cold storage plant for the exclu
sive use of the wholesale house. If the
financial conditions are . not unsettled
next spring work on the new building .commenced. When this addition
la completed Council Bluffs will have the
largest wholesale grocery bouse ia the
Real Estate Transfer.
The following real estate transfers filed
Tuesday were reported to The Bee by the
Pottawattamie County At stract company:
Louis N. Oreen and wife, to R. O,
Williams, lots It and 12, except thn
s45 feet of lot ll of O P. 74 . w. d. I .900
Roy Ryrkmsn to R. O.- Williams,
reel of w of lot 17, block 1,
Harrison fit Add., w. d
. T. Collins and wife, to C. Oelse,
ir., and C. W. iHicntler. lot G,
lock . Williams' First Add., w. d.
C. W. Bruce and wife, to W. P.
Arnold, sCO feet of lots 7, S, t, 10, II,
block , Hancock, la, w. d
Owen J. Mo.Manus and wife to Nellie
F Measmore, lot 12, block 4,
Wright's Add., w. d....i
Mary I. Coyle and husband., to
James W. Coyle. lot 17, block 10,
McMahon, Caoper and Jef fails
Add., w. d i nm
O. w. Barton to Clarence Barton,
ft all. lot 11 and west one-half of
lot 13,' block 2,- Matquardt'a Hub.
of part. of lot 23 ajul nH of lot 22,
Avoca Land and lan Company's
ahjbdlv. of parkat r-Kr89,f,'d HO
Total 18,701
Cleaning and pressing Is an art only
known to a few. We are one of the few
that know how to clean and press clothes.
We bring the cloth out bright' and clean
and do not Injure the texture of the gar
ment, Hend your garment to us. You
certainly will be pleased with our work
and price. Bluff city Laundry, Cleaner
and Dyers. Phone 2U. i
Culls From the Wire
Announcement of the failure of Cow
Perth wait ft Clark, a small New. York
stock exchango firm, was made yester-
Three occupants of an automobile, which
collided with a street car at Portland,
Ore., died several hours later., as. a re
sult of tlielr injuries. The dead are W
K, Hendricks. W. 11. Thurston and. Allen
teoa. i
Four directors of the New York' NeW
Haven ft Hartford Railroad company,
William Rockefeller and George F. Baker
or New York, Charles F. Brooker of An
eonla. Conn., and James T. Klton of
w aterbury. Conn., resigned at a special
meeting of toe board of directors at
New York.
Military authorities emptied the "wet
goods of one of Hutte s largest saloons
Into the gutter. The saloon of Jack
Crowley and Harry Lorkbardt waa raided
after Crowley had been convicted In the
military court of having violated military
regulations in having his saloon open
Punday morning. Crowley waa fined $Mtt
ana ordered, ya Jail until the line is paid.
A novel method of distributing "votes
for women literature waa Inaugurated
at Philadelphia when the balloon "Greater
Philadelphia made Ita Initial ascension
Carrying .X pieces of suffrage liters
ture as ballast and four Passensers.
Msyor Blsnkenburg christened the balloon
by breaking a bottle of champagne over
the basket and many suffrage leaders
witnessed tho asoeneion.
Four Hundred Asked .
to Insnect New Plant
Four hundred special Invitations were
Issued, yesterday by Secretary Mitchell
of the Commercial club to members of
the club to spend a portion of Friday
afternoon Inspecting the city water plant
la accordance with the Invitation that
A Hint for
(From a ISsff Correspondent.)
DES MOIX E, 8apt. V (Special Tele
gram.) War l .-Imminent between the
city officials and trators of the Industrial
Workers of the World. Following the ar
rest of five of them for speaking on the
streets1 without 'permits, threats were
made to bring In hundreds of speakers to
Invade the city and' OH the Jail and force
the city to care for them all winter. Put
today a temporary arrangement was
made by which the Industrial Workers
orators are to remain only on certain
streets assigned to them and to Salvation
Army and other organisations. The city
council will pass an ordinance defining
the limits In which they can spenk. It Is
supposed the agitators will desist for a
time and until they eectire reinforcements
and then spread their movement all over
the city.
They say they have nothing to agitato
about, but simply want to talk on the
streets and have the right to make what
ever talks they please.
.Washington Affairs
a rivers and
bill. In Ike form of a aenutt substitute,
carrying? only a generaf fund of t-'O.Oi fl,0
for .continuing preeent pro)eotn- in the
discretion of the War department, was
PssmkI by the house. It now only needs
the president's approval to become law.
Senator ,Rned of. Missouri romiuded a
two days' speech In .opposition to the
conference report? 'on the Clayton anti
trust bill with a final bitter attack upon
his collcBRiies for eliminating specific
penalties from the measure. He predicted
that the time, soon would come when
they would be compelled to write Into
the law more severe penalties for Viola
tion of trust laws than had been cop.
templated originally In the Clayton bill
Blntr Votre Light Bonds.
BLAIR, Neb., Sept. 30.-(peclal Tele
gram.) Blair today voted to Issue $35,000
bonds for building a municipal electric
To help patrons finding the various de
partments, windows and mall chutes In
tho corridor of the poatofflce custodian,
Cadet Taylor plans to Install some sort
of electric signs over the various chutes,
doors and windows. It will not only aid
In getting mailed matter into the right
boxes, but will save visitors time and
trouble in finding the department sought
District Finds Encouragement in
Record of Exports.
FlTe Reaerre titles Announce AV 1 1 -llnnnesa
to Subscribe More Than
Their qanta of Hundred Mil-.
Hen of tiold Pool.
NEW YORK, Sept. SO. -The ftnsnclal
district found encouragement today In
the record of exports of mrrchsndise from
this port for the last w eek. The f gures
exceed by almost 13, 000,000 Ihe total for
the previous week and show an Increase
of 13.222,000 over the same week of 113.
To this important factor and Increased
offerings of cotton and grain bills were
attributed the diminished activity 'n for
eign exchange at lower rates. . . .
The gold pool continued its activities
with Intimations of a definite statement
of ita accomplishments before the end of
the week. It was learned that at least
five of the reserve cities hsvo announced
their willingness to subscribe more than
their quota to the $100,000,000 fund if neces
.Steel trade advices offered little, encour
agement, incoming business being re
ported as the smallest in some years.
Approval by the Interstate Commerce
commission of the application of the east
ern railroads for an Increase in passen
ger mileage from 2 to 2V4 cents sered as
a partial offset to the' announcement that
shippers In western and central states In
tend to combat the proposed freight rate
ir.crease which comes up for rehearing
in the coming month.
Three Important roads the L'nlon Pa
cific, Canadian Pacific and the Southern
railway submitted August statements to
day. Union Pacific showed a fair net i Bee Want Ads Are
gain, but the others exhibited substantial 1 Boosters.
losses, Canadian Pacific falling back a'
most $'.oo,(0;) derplte a big reduction lil
operating expenses.
Ptnrals Man Files.
PI ERR K, S. Ii Pept. -(Special Tele
gram.) Opposition- to the isndldacy of
Judge McNenny of the Eighth circuit
shown In the filing today of a petition by
Claude C. Gray of Sturgls aa an Inde
pendent candidate for Judge of that circuit.
Fireworks Explosion
Wrecks Building and
Kills Three Persons'
CHICAGO. Sept. 30. H. B. Thearle,'
president of the Pain Fireworks Display
company of America, and two employes
were killed here today In a fire and!
series of explosions which destroyed a
one-story brick building occupied by the
company. One missing employe Is be
lieved to have lost his life. Four persons
were injurtd and taken to hospitals. The
dead: ;
H. B. THEARLR, president of the com
pany. K. M. CONNOR, a salesman.
Kt.ORF.NCK HILL, stenographer.
R. V. Wolf.
The victims had scarcely a chance t ,
stir out of their tracks, so rapidly did
the explosions follow, and the building 1
became wrapped In flames. The north
wall of an eight-story building on the
south was blown In, causing a panlo
among the occupants, who, however,,
reached the pavement safely by fire es
cape. Across the street similar scenee were
witnessed, when flaming debris was ahot.
by the explosions shattered the windows,,
but there was no loss of life. Monetary,
damage is estimated at $50,000.
the Best Business
Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors- Make This Store Your Headquarters
Free Conveniences Pf
ww w wMaaawav tne convenient
rooms and
rooms for
nee nf la
dles and children. Uniformed maids In attendance. Free
writing desks and stationery for correspondence.
Checks on all banks
cashed without charge.
Free nursery and play
room for Infants and chil
dren in charge of trained
nurses and matron. Chil
dren may safely b
here while parents shop.
Free check room for bag
gage In our basement.
Free delivery of all pack
agea to any depot In Oma
ha. Free use of telephones.
Three huge
Great Attractions
re. tunneled
arcades wide, brllllant-
lv HfrhteH unnrrrnimn
salesrooms connecting our buildings on opposite sides of
the street main floor with main floor. A sight you can
not see anywhere else in America.
Brandels' Pompelan room,
located In Brandels Theatre
Building and connected
with the main atore by ar
cade. It is a spacious and
lofty passage 1 room.
Flanked with little shops
on main and mexsanlne
floors. Most unique and
beautifully decorated room
of its kind in America.
Omaha's Fashionabk World Will Receive With Enthusiasm This
Masterly Display of Women's and Misses' Newest Fall Suits
Thursday should be the busiest day
we have seen this Reason on our Sec
ond Floor. Women and' Misses who
hay waited to buy Fall Suits will be
presented with an opportunity that haa
not been equalled thus far and most
likely will not be In the Immediate
future, for It Is very unlikely that the
advantageous purchases by our buyers
In New York last week will be duplicated
this season. Many hundreds of the
smartest suits for rail wear have arrived
and will be on sale Thursdsy at $19 00
Ultra-Fashionable 8ult fashioned
of fine serges, broadcloths, poplins,
and fancy worsted materials. Me
dium rd long coat styles In plain
tallortor trimmed with braid, sat
in and velvet bands and piping and
button trimmed effects. Skirts are
In the new tnntc, pleated and plain
effects. . The colors Include ati the
new shades for early Fall wear,
suits that you would not expect to
see at such a low price $19.00.
Women's and Misses
Fall Dresses
Fine Serres, Silk Messa
lines, Satins, Crepes and
combination silk and serge
effects. In the new
Basque, Draped and Tie
on styles Plain or fancy
trimmed. " AH the new-shades--.for
early Fall
wear. Splendid values of
fered for Thurs
day at.
The Aristocrats of Styledom.,,,,
uita that fashion critics unanimously associate
with garments priced at $30.00 and (36.00 although
"Fashion Seal" Suits soil at a uniform price, Sio.OO.
Models that possess sll the style elegance of the
very lateat and most high priced garments shown.
Suits that have positively no equal In quality of
materials, In stvlp excellonce and flnteri at San.oo
Dress Skirts
serges, poplins,
In fine
fancy striped and plaid
worsted materials in the
new tunic, pleated and
flain tailored styles; All
enrths and colors. One
lot just received and of
fered very special 5C
for Thursday at 0
Zibeline Plush Crowned Sailors
A Noetlty Smart Chic Popular
These new ironed zibeline plush crowned untrimmed
sailors (as shown in illustration) come in black only.
The smartest shapes shown this season are included in
this lot. To make the sale Thursday still more inter
esting we have added to the above lot 25 dozen Plush
lUu, with mirrored velvet facings. Large, medium and
small hats in all the new colore Mili
tary Blues, Negre Browns, GoKJ, Pur
ples. Actually $3.00 val-
ues. Special Thunuav at.
la a little book designed for expectant
mother mora . complete Instruction
vtven In the use of "Mother's Friend.'
Thla is aa external embrocation applied
to the abdominal muscles for the purpose
of reducing ths strain on ligaments, cords
and tendons.
In thus bringing relief and avoiding
has been extended by the Water board pain great good la . accomplished. It
s,nd Superintendent Etnyre. , The execu- ' serves to ease the mind. Indirectly ha a
tlve committee of the Commercial club aout ber,cll effect upon the nervous
I delightedly told how they were free of
nausea, had no morning slcanesa ana
went through the ordeal with most re
markable success. "Mother's Friend" haa
been growing In popular favor for snore
than forty years. In almost every com
munity are grandmothers who used It
tho rase Ives, their daughters have used It )
and they certainly must snow what a (
blessing it la when they recommend It :
so wsrmly. Rtrlctly aa external application: !
It K tin Alhar efT.- than ta MM the '
muscles, cords, tendons and ligaments t
Is anxious for every member to accom
pany the Inspection party and get out
aa many automobiles as possible.
The trip planned will . Include rtslu
to all of the producing units of the plant,
including 'the reservoirs and subsidiary
stations ta tho hill districts. Experts
wul be present to fully explain anything
that xnay not be understood at a glance,
and an hour or two of very profitable, as
areU a pleasant, time will be spent.
. i Involved heiic la narftlv safe to use bo
A cooker and heater all In one. iome .. u U.A .UcceasXully !
ia ana see tne unsi nifit uvea iwnit.
Price r. P. C. D Vol Hardware com-
st- w nat ww
Most Complete Line Trimmings
1 ''
7 I LA
I Corsets and i
1 r B
Women's and Misses'
Fall Coats
In fine broadcloth, heavy
serges, plush boucle and
fancy plaid and tweed
mixtures In light and
dark shades Three-quarter
and full length styles.
Neat plain models and
others beautifully trim
med. All sizes.
Very special
Fall Petticoats
In fine messaline and silk
Jersey tops with deep
tucked ana pleated floun
ces. A wide variety of
this season's newest
shades and styles shown
in tms special lot to go
on sale Thurs- tf
j . .
uay ai
Largest and newest storks of hat trim- N
mings in Omaha, and for Thursday we
emphasise particularly a wonderful show- Jr
lDg of the new Military 8tlck-Ups, Coque y
and Hackle Combinations aq
white, blues and colors, at 70C y
pany, 104 Broadway.)
to prevent caking of breasts.
"Mother's Friend" Is prepared In the
laboratory of Bradftald Regulator Co.,
40 Lamar Uld-, AUaatA, Ce.
Tt'snt Ads Pi educe Results
Thursday Special Sale of Switches
The new millinery styles call for mora hair.
The prices Thursday offer exceptional values.
$3.00 Natural I $4.00 Qriyl $8.00 Transfor
Wavy Swltchea owltchoa 14 matlons For
Triple stems, inches long. An
26 Inches long, unusually good
Special Thura- value. Thurs
day at dr at
tor Thursday J
the soft pomps- r
dour effects
Special price
Egg Shampooing. Hair Dressing, Manicuring
by expert operators. Appointments made
Dhone. Second
.50 V.;a
I Floor. 3rybs
Dainty New BLOUSES Just Received g
Our buyer has just returned from New York with the
newest and best that New York had in Blouses. The 1
very latest ideas are here for Thursday's selling. Charm- g
ing Blouses in crepe de chine, shadow lace, satin and g
a imiJUil. 1 lit tlllUWUT All
zj7 the new features: Low neck
75 A. and long sleeves, mili
tary collars, gauntlet
cuffs,' transparent
sleeves. All at
a very popular
assier es
Odd Sizes and Broken Lots in
Well-Known Make of Corsets
All good models made of import
ed coutil, boned with whalon.
These are unusual val- n
ues Thursday at aCeUU
Corsets For Large Fignres
Splendid rriodels, made of coutil;
medium bust; long skirt with wide
front steel; reinforced over ab
domen. Sizes 21 to 3($i nn
Special Thursday at XeUU
Brassieres Special Lot
Embroidery trimmed. Front
hooked. Values up to
Si, special Thursday at
1,000 LINGERIE BLOUSES at $1.98 1
Copies of Latest Models From Paris.
Blouses of Simplicity and yet they are not what
might be called plain. Their beauty depends upon th
line iiijici idix tnu w ui aiiiaiisiu' iiiu si iic.
Black Silk Lace
U Blouses, $5.98, $6.98
I and $8.95.
Blouses of Pompadour Chif
fon, with Shadow Lace Sleeve
at $3.95.