Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    TlF, HKE: OMAHA. Tlin?SDAY. (KTtmKK 1. 114.
Superior Plant Wants Railroads to
Enable it to Meet Competition.
Schrrtnlr, i rr Able. hlp Into
Krttrnakn at Lean ('out Thug
Rebrnaka Corporation.
(Trom a Staff Corr-scTondont.)
LXXCOLX, rpt. ."0.Sirclnl. Hearing
on the application of the IVrtland Ommt
company of Superior fir a bettor rat
for cemrnt ta all 1 "ints In th'.n .tntr was
tefora thft State Railway onmmt:-liin to
day. Assistant Rate Clerk Munson of
the Kansas rommlpvt 'i arM'arol In lie-
Hubka Loses Contest
for Place on Gage
Democratic Ticket
Members of Organisation Say Thty
Will Descend on Des Moines.
PEATR1CK, NeK. Sept. ..-( fprciaU
Jair.ts C. Huhka, of Virginia, lust his np
peal In the contest of tlie ptlmaty elec
tion for the democratic nomination of
sheriff, which was decided In the district
court Tuesday afternoon by Juilfre Pern
berton. At th I'Tlniary election U. X. Kulton
received the nomination for sheriff by
three votes, and Hubka tiled a contest
suit In the county court aliening that re
publicans had been allowed to vote, the
democratic ticket In the Third ward In
lleatrlce. Ilu also held that there were
i irregularities In a number Of county P-
half of the Superior tympany and said , ....,.., ,., .hM
have been counted for him. He asked
that the Sunflower stats hail nineteen
producing points and thai the Kansas
rate on cement was lower than the rato
In Nebraska.
Nebraska has but one producing point,
Superior and the company at that place
la ver yanVlous to t:n a rate in Ne
braska, which wll lenable. It to compete
with Kansas and other states which are
enabled on account of the lower re tea In
thOM states to shtp to this state In com
peltlon with the Nebraaka company.. As
H Is at present cement is shipped under
elaaa C, which is higher that tha com
pany thinks It can afford.
Two Requisitions.
Governor Morehead today Issued papers
for the return of Donovan II. Carpenter,
charged with forgery committed In Wis
ner, having forged a check for $24 on the
Wiener Stat bank, signing the name of
George Miller to the same. Carpenter Is
being held in Oklahoma City and la 1
years of age.
Qoverjior Morehead also granted extra
dition papers for the return to Dea Moines
of John E. Williams, wanted lor obtain
ing money under falsa pretenses. A check
was forged for $13. Williams Is being held
tn Omaha.
Tha department of wrelghts and meas
ures connected with the Pure Food com-
,.. Testing Wrights,
mission, will begin this week testing
scales and weights -tit the state Institu
tions. The law requires that this test
shall be made once a year and for that
purpose the work will begin immediately.
for a recount of the ballots.
Judge Walden d'amissed the caie tn the
county court and Hubka filed an appeal
I to the district court. Judre IVmberton
Tuesday in giving his decision stated that
there was no evidence to show errors had
occurred tn the count in any precinct,
and owing to the lack of specific evidence
ordered the action dismissed.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJNCOTjN, Sept. SO. (Special Telegram.)
J. .1. Tooley, secretary of the State
Normal board, whose term expired last
June and who haa been holding over be
cause no appointment had been made, haa
notified Governor Morehead that he can
not serve and requests that someone be
appointed to fill the place. Tooley Is the
only democratic member of the hoard.
The board will meet tomorrow, when the
resignation will be made. Several names
have been brought to the notice of the
governor for the place and it is probable
tfcat an appointment will be made at
Jefferson Republican Rally.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Sept. 30. (Special.)
Jefferson county republicans ar making;
extensive -preparations for a big1 repub
lican rally October S. The rally will take
the form of an automobile parade and will
be headed by the Falrbury oencert band.
It will be opened In the northeast comer
of. the county at Plymouth at a. m.
Saturday, and R. B. Howell, candidate
for governor, will be the principal speaker,
All the county candidates will be in at
tendance. The party will then rroceed
west to Daykln and then to Reynolds,
Steelo City, Endlcott and Miller, and back
to Falrbury after touching all the towns
In the county. The rally will be concluded
with an open-air meeting in the Fair
bury court house square,
z -
Notes from Madlaon.
MADISON. Neb., Sept. :. Special.)
clyenee Ray Thrasher snd Miss Clara
Hoecna Rem. both of Meadow Grove,
were married In the county court by
Judge M. S. McDuffee.
Marriage licenses were issued to John
C. Volk, son of William Viyt. snd Miss
Rertha Amelia Schmidt. . daughter , of
Claus Schmidt, both of Madison; and to
Charles F. Twlss and Miss '.cora Feral
Haner, both ' of Norfolk.
Mrs. Hannah Armstrong has brought
action in the district court for divorce
from William Armstrong. Plaintiff's pe
tition alleges that they were married in
1S and charges as reason for action
cruel treatment and nonsupport.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. (Special. Secre
tary W. R. Mellor of the State Board of
Agriculture an1 -Miss Marietta Parrlsh
wens married yei-tcrday at the home of
the bride's mother In this elty. -Mtsfe Tar
rlsh was formerly en, ployed in the office
of the state board for several years.
They left last night for a two weeks'
or more trip to Chicago, Washington,
Cleveland and New York, and upon their
return will reside in this city at 15 L.
ft W M
Declare Men V re on the Way from
Nrnrhr Itlra Iowa Will tlrln
De Molars Swells Knad.
Dollar Fwaa.
i From a Staff Correspondent )
PKW - MOINES, la.. Sept. SO-tSpeclal
Telegram.) Five enthusiastic Industrial
Workers of the World agitators declared
In police court today that though they
may go to jail there are WO others on the
way to les Moines to take their places.
They all demrnd Jury trials on accusa
tion of disturbing the peace.
The threatened Invasion Is from Chi
cago, Minneapolis and other cities,
i Swell Ilna4red-Mllllon-The
rcs Moines Clearing House associa
tion today gave pledge of l0.W in gold
to swell the $l,(M,V0 fund to be raised
Crlaln taxpayers enjoined collection
the tax. Now the supreme court sa
all proceedings were regular and right
and the tax will be collected.
C.eorge H. Mitchell against Charles City
Western Railroad. appellants; Floyd
county; Judgo F. M. Edwards. Suit to
enjoin collection of taxes, reversed; opin
ion by Peemer.
The Woodbury Company, appellant,
against William Tackaberry Company;
Woodbury county; Judge K. R. tJaynor
Action for rent; reversed; opinion by
Comes Out Flatly for Whole Dry
Program in Ohio.
Declares , Rrewera and Distillers
Have Taken Kiel Asialnst Kanal
Aviator Describes
View of Big Battle
from Height of Mile
I-iONPON. Sept. -A letter from
an officer of the royal flying corps,
under date of September I, describing a
view from an aeroplane of the battla
eastward of Parte, says:
"Testerday 1 was up for a reconnols
sance over this huge battle. Hut It will be
remembered as the M cites t In history. It
extends from Contplegna to Rclfort.
Dominance In Polities.
TO1.I0IX), O , Sept So Theodore Roose
velt came out flatly for tha whole tem
perance program of the Ohio progressives.
' "Conditions In Ohio this year are such
i that If I were a cltlien of Ohio I would
vote against the wet amendment and for
the dry amendment," tin said.
Colonel Roosevelt referred to tha brew
ers' amendment to abolish county option
and prohibit prohibition and the state
wide prohibition amendment submitted by
tha anti-saloon league.
He charged the liquor men with bring
ing the Issuo on themselves. lie said:
Take Field Aaalnst "nffrnar.
"The brewera and distillers have taken
i .... . .. . . .. . . i f at K n link In llin .t'nnltii, Atl
in ine e.isi io pay oil oeots owed in Ku- ... ... .-i --nni.n .uffr.ra because
that time the KNtlsn guns all opened "
fire together. From a height of (.0"0 fret I ' nPy TrKrn ,n" ""ry m T" . .
i.,ht i i,,. it ..Tn -..v.- h tlKhta of cltlsenshlp ss a danger t the
rope. The gold will be sectired from va
rlcms Iowa banks.
Jones Case Must Walt.
The supreme court will appoint a com
missioner to take testimony In the case
of Earl Jones of Corning, seeking re
lease on writ of hshegs corpus and re
lief from serving time for abduction of
a young woman as an elopement. The
attorreys in the case have faded to reach
nil! 1TV, '!. !,. I atkloh
.. - .. t J . .,, iitiiiiiiiniira vi ii.mii in ........
incy nave uecn iryina more wkust hih w
were literally cut to ribbons all along the
south of lton It was marvelous watch
ing hundreds of shells bursting below one
to the right and to the left for miles and
then to see the Herman guns replying.
"I fvar there will be a lot more awful
righting nerore tins show ends, but we are
an agreement to stipulate as to the facts certain It will end w ith us on top, al-
Brlna; Body for Barlal.
GENEVA, Neb.. Sept 30.-(Special.)-The
body of Charles E. ePterson was
brought here today for burial. Mr. Peter-
eon was killed by an engine In the Chi
cago yards last Saturday evening and his
brother. W. C. ePterson, and J. J. Burke
went there Monday to ldenltfy the body
and brine it here for burial.
I .
Omaha to Become
Directory Center
of This Section
guffs Will Tonr Bnrt County.
LYONS, Neb., Sept'. 30. (Special.) A
woman suffrage auto party will leave
Lyons for an excursion over the county
on aSturday, October S. It will reach
Oakland at !':40; Craig,. 10:45; Tekamali at
noon for dinner; Decatur, 3 p. m., and
Lyons at 6. There will be speaking and
singing. Rev. C. M. Ray of tills place and
Mrs. Wfll S. Joy of Lincoln and other
speakers will accompany them.
Bee readers are too intelligent to over
lookHhe opportunities i;i the "want ad"
columns. They're wrlh while reading.
Mr. C. X. Thompson haa become man
ager of the Omaha Directory Co. and
haa located in Omaha with his lamlly
and Omaha will hereafter become the
center of the directory-making business
for Nebraska and the surrounding states.
Mr. Thompson has had many years' ex
perience In directory-making, and great
improvement will be made in the business
in this city. Besides enlarging and Im
proving the Omaha Directory, quite a
considerable industry in directory-making
will be built up here and many
Omaha people will be employed here and
then Omaha will receive the benefit of
advertising In many directories that will
emanate from this city.
Mr. Thompson,- who knows by expert
ence, says a directory Is of great value
to the community. It Is the work of all
the people.. It is used by every on as a
work of reference now, and after a while
becomes permanent history of the city,
the people and their Institutions.
Sir. Thompson Is surrounded with some
able assistants. He haa a large force of
men engagod in the canvass for the new
directory, which Is Just begun, and he in
tends to deliver llio directory early in
January instead of in the middle of sum
mer as heretofore.
Look out for the best directory ever
made In Omaha. It will not only bs used
here, but w ill be distributed throughout
the principal libraries and hotels in the
stat3 nnd in all the directory libraries In
the I'nltcd Stales and Canada. There'
w'll he no city on the- North American
continent of any sizr? where the Omaha
Iirctory will not be accessible to the
public. Mr. Thompson Is making a larger
and better collection for the directory
library which is maintained at the direc
tory office. 31". Ramge building, and the
free use of this directory library i' ex
tended to every citizen of Omaha nd to
every person who comes here to buy
goods or for social or other purposes.
The directories of the world are at yeur
disposal through the office of the
Omaha Directory Co. This circulating
library is a geat thing for Omaha. It
gives people here the benefit of all the
directories in the I'nlted States and then
unHlnflr the Clmaha Directory out trt el:
chanr for them advertises Omaha'
In th case, and this will cause delay
until the supreme court meets again with
full bench In December. The disagree
ment is as to the testimony that would
be given by the county attorney and the
district judge as to events happening at
the time Jones pleaded guilty. In the
meantime Jones is out on bond to await
the determination Of his case by the
Farm Hand Wanes Increasing.
The record shows that as to wages of
farm hands In Iowa they are steadily on
the increase. The- bureau of labor sta
tistics has secured from the reports of
though we all had our doubts about three
weeks ago during that nwful retreat"
Writing again on September 19. the of
ficer says;
"The huge battle still Is going on. Our
machines, after being out all day, still
bring in the same news. The Hermans
have got into odc of the strongest posi
tions posellile. Fortunately reinforcements
are arriving and are coming up on the
CJernian right at Solssons.
The officer mentioned that aeroplanes
are shot and shelled by friend and foe
every time they ascend. They hardly ever
descend without bullet holes all over the
assessors made the last few years the I plane, but fortunately, the writer says
facts regarding average wages paid farm, the flying corps, has lost only one pilot
hands in summer and .a winter In all . and passenger up to September 4.
the various counties of the state. These "
show the following general facts: j MICC nCDD Tfl CDCAV T
Summer wages on an average have in-'
creased from $28.15 in 1910, to S2S.M In
1911 and to $.10.35 in 1913. and the next
year to $31.48. Winter wages have In
creased as follows: For 1910, $21.13; for
1M1, $22.35; for 1912, $83. ; for 1913. $24.86.
Sop rr jn e Conrt Derisions.
The supreme court today upheld the
action of the voters In a certain district
of Floyd county In voting tax aid for
the Charles City Western railroad. A
district was formed and tax aid voted
for electrifying an old road from Marble
Rock to Charles City and extending It
on northeast and electrifying the whole.
The first fall meeting of Uie Political
Kriuallly league will he held In the oouncll
chamber of tile city hall, Thursday even
ing at 8 p. m.
Talks will be given by Mrs. Rheta
Childe Dorr, Miss Jane Thompson and
Miks Klsle Vondergrlft. Mrs. Dorr Is a
former Omaha woman, a well-known
writer on th suffrage question, and Is
familiar with the western situation.
Music will be furnished by MrH. Edith
Wngoner, Miss Belle von Mansfelda and
Miss Mnrjorle Shackleford.
"I saw this In Michigan, where every
saloon was headquarters for the fight
against woman suffrage.
"In this state I nsk you to remember
that the lesito was forced by the liquor
Interests. I have not been one of those
who wanted to bring up the Issue, and I
regret that It has been brought up; but
when It Is brought up I am not afraid to
face It.
Dry Counter Attack.
"In this state a counter attack Is signl
fled by the diy amendment The brewers
and people subservient to them tparfe it
evident that only one of two aiernatives
can be taken.
"Do you want to let the liquor Interests
dominate your parties, your public life
and your government 7"
PRNVFR, Colo., Sept. 29. (Special Tel
egram.) After lying nearly fifteen months
In Drnver awaiting burial, the body of
Mrs. Rebecca Klbert Clarke, sister of the
late Governor F.lbert of Colorado terri
tory and mother of W. E. Clarke of this
city, will be taken by her son tomorrow
to Reatrlce, Neb., for Interment beside
her husband, who was R. M. Clarke of
Mrs. Clarke died July . 1918, of hemor
rhage of the brain, at the age of 81 years,
The funeral was held two days later, but
both Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Clarke, her son
and daughter-in-law, were too 111 to take
the body back to Nebraska, t'ncertalnty
tn the plans of the Clarkes further de
layed the Interment. The deceased was a
resident of Denver since 1905.
Jjr C773 VV
11 ' II
Omaha Attorneys to
Go to Washington
Half a uoien or more Omaha lawyers
will attend the meeting of the American
Hir association to be held in Washing
ton h llen.1 (.Irl Wins. Ion. 1 . I'., in octooer, according io uieir
NORTH BEND, Neb.. Sept. JJ. (Spe-; present plans. Judg" W. D. McHugh, J.
ilal.) In the state contest for prize es-C. Kinder, W. F. Hurley, J. W. Wood
says from pupils of the public schools, I rough and F. A. Uroga.i have definitely
conducted by the scientific temperance ' announced their Intention of making the
instruction department of the Women's trip. It is expected that ptbers will de-
Chriatian Temperance union of Nebraska, Ude to
Misa Marjorte Fowler, the 12-year-old
daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. T. H. Fowler
of tlila city, woiT the first prize of $10 In
her class of sixth grade Her
essay now will he entered In the national
contest to compete with first prize esuaya I
from other states.
ittend, Including John L. Webster.
LaXrippe and Colds
lalOrlppe and Colds. Antl-kamnla(A-K)
b. ,To"nd no otlier remedy more useful la
l"se conditions. Aotl-kainnln Tablets are
nnd ooldOy clean.lug the
torn salt. cr'-Actolris". a very good ca tuar-
r: n.ii.mon a limited diet, anx
rtn on. A-K table, -ery two o
three nours. Tnls treatment will usually
"reak u worst caw In .day or two.
-Mia tn milder cases, ease snd eomfort lol
rowmolmmedletely. The., tablet, ar.
ITT Bexeiiled for 'VSion
Mas Ton Pains of Women, Indigestion
d ln.oLl AU ttrnggut. bar. them.
W. P. Bishop.
PKKI". Neb.. Sept. 30. iSpecial.) W.
P. Bishop of this place died yesterday
horning after a lingering Illness caused
by cancer of the stomach.
William e.
SHENANDOAH. la., epl. 30.-(Sp-j
elal. W'llluiu Nye, a pioneer settler of i
Page county, who was 70 fears of age,
died at his home, seven miles southeast J
of here, at 3:W o'clock yesterday morn-1
ing. Ills death was caused from a com-J
plication or dleahe.. having ieen in poor
health a number of years. He Is sur
vived by a widow and four children.
DOUBLE strength flavor
of delicious Peppermint
Lots of "Pep!" The flavor
won't chew out it l-a-s-tsl
Jt is DOUBLE wrapped
which costs us a lot of
money but gives you clean,
fresh, full - flavored gum
whenever and wherever you
get it
And with each 5c package is
a United Profit-Sharing Coupon
good toward valuable presents
gifts for the whole family.
companion to the famous
Zimmerman-Met lay,
P II EN A X DOA H. Ia., HepW 3u Spe
cial.) Miss Kmma MeCloy and Fred L.
Zimmerman were married yesterday
rooming by Rev. Klgir Price of Council
liiuffs at the home of the bride. The
young couple left in the afternoon for
tenver. Colo., where Mr. Zimmerman U
employed by the Denver Kspresi. and
where they will make their home.
Bee Want Ada Produce KasiiiU.
Ns. made by the fcame manufiactarers. s
XSCJet the WRIGLEY "twin mints
for quality, flavor and
hygienic package, jr
Look for the jr
FYS. spear.! WWGIEtSI
4 trh Leaf judc
leUcUos Pcppcrtnunt
Are you anxious to
have your boy clothed
well, yet economically?
That's the sole business
of our Boys' Clothes Shop
Our extra special value
suits for boys, at
-r.j1yngJLwondrfl1 part Injhls store's popularity
!-'0mLha.?0,Aer"- Kvry ultbnlirtc7 withstand
tht moat sturdy woar, yet ntyi
neglected In the loast desreo.
haa never been
s Ft K V VJ Ti t' n
1 a3?li!
Boys' Furnishings
Every need best supplied here
Ton'll delight at the manner in which
we atrive to suit the youngsters; at the
aama tlma you are sure to suit yourself.
Shirts and Blouses
50c and $1.00
Nobby, Fall Hats
50t $2.50
Attractive Caps
50c and $1.00
Smart Neckwear
25c and 35c "
(J Giving 'every 'car
its due, we maintain
that the Hup affords
greater value at the
price. The eager-)
ness of the buying
public bears us out
2W51-.MJ l'aroAni HU, Omaha, Nell.
VnMVnlnVtfpP nntnWknP'
ock Springs aai
Mined by the Original Producers, Sold by the Following Dealers
Jeff W. Bedford
Ilmry Joley
Harmon St Wert It
Howell & Son
C. W. HuU Co.
C. S. Johnaon
Keya Lumber A Coal Co.
Lncaa Coal Company
Teoplea Coal Co.
I'nlon Fuel Co.
I'pdtke Lumber & Coal Co.
Ut Omaha Coal Ice Co.
Tworak Wrerklnjj Oo.
Havraa Omal Co.
llcCmttrvr Brum.
Nebraska Distributers.
.f 9 .
- - . . ..; , - .
f SO- OMlM,N6B
Moat Modera and Haul tar jr lirewery la the W'eai.
Family trade supplied byl Bouth Omaha VM. JITrTKK, liflOU N Htreeti
Telephone Month M8. Omaha HUGO V. BlLZlini ioutflaM Street 3
Phone Pooclaa 80-40. Council BlalfaOLD AOK hXU, lift bwuth aUUl
fttraeti Phe-n aoa?-.