Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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    -- - 2
(Cmn T Ta4V knMA.. Reel,... Every Shape
aJllltlal A 1 llalllllllge llbl (A 11 VI A CVIIUJT UUIIUU3 All C
, crystal. Iridescent colored glut ud many other specials. 1 "X
dozen, at... 1UC pCT UOZeit
In silk. The latent for basques. In every color;
also In Roman stripe, north $1 per
dozen. Special at, per dozen
Lerfte assortment In Jet, metal, enamel, plush,
crochet end Ivory. Worth $1.60 a ((
dozen. Special at . .pl.UU
iRflgan Preparing forlt SixMonths Ago, Right After OurBig Sale Last Spring, That All Remember
' lourfclngs New chantillys,
1 ' ana 27 Inches wide; orient
embroidered net all-overs. 45-
V'lncb silk net. black ( rn
and colors, Monday, ydtpl.OU
Pretty New Patterns In Shadow,
Net Top, Platte Val Laces 4 to
8 Inches wide. Values up to
33(5. AIbo black Chantllly laces
in the lot Priced, per oC-
J-ard ZOC
Oriental and Shadow Lace Floun.
,' clngs 12, 18 and 2? inches
' wide. And a few black em
broidered net top laces, valuea
up . to 75c Also bretonne nets
v in .white and cream. qq
; Per yard -OaC
A pine Selection of Princess, LI
k erre, Oriental and Shadow Lace
r Flounclngs 12, 18 And 27 Inches
I wide. Worth 98c a rTi
yard, at VVC
ftlonal Values In Llerre, Prln
Shadow, Oriental and
jk Chantllly Lace Flouncing
A and 27 inches wide, worth
to H.9R a yard. Several
fries In all-over laces, 18 Inch-
tr.9:?:. si.oo
Assortment of Pretty Shadow
f ices For camisoles, In cream
AJbd white worth up 1 f'
to 0c, per yard 1UC
Princes Medallions,
15c and 25c Each
French and German Vals In pret
ty, dainty patterns. j
Good selections, yard OC
All-Over Black Chantllly Nets
44 inches wide, per QQ.
yard yOC
Fur Trimmings
Black, white and brown coney, 3
inches wide. Some with braid
trimmings. Worth fl.
Special, yard
Very NewTrimmings
In Gold, Sliver, Antique and Steel
Roses. Special, perf i E?"
yard pl,OU
Colored Bands and Edgss Gal
loon effects Jet, gold and sil
ver; also steel bands, colored
bead bands. Worth t ff
Special, yard J 1 UU
811k and Chiffon Roes Trimmings
In every light shade, mixed
combinations, many with gold
and silver in them, per C"
yard, 91.60, $1X0 aad...3UC
Colored Braids In all colors
Persian bands; gold and silver
braid edges; gold and silver
crystal colored bead edges,
light and dark colors. f
Worth 25c, per yard... 1UC
94 Pieces of 24 and 27-Inch Fancy Silk
Including Messallne and Taffeta
weaves, in stripes, f&ncy checke,
Jacquard weaves and hro- -
cades. Qualities worth up Mp
to 1 a yard. Special at...'''
840 Ysrds of High-Class Roman.
Striped Crepe de Chin 42 Inch
es wide. The last word in the
silk line. Worth
$2.60 a yard. Spe
cial at
790 Yards of High-Class Velvets, Nov.
eltles and Imitation Furs Suitable
for coats, suits and combinations.
Qualities worth up to 110 a yard, go
in this
sale Mon
day at..,
Black Satin de Luxe
23 Pieces of Black Satin de Luxe 38
inches wide. Soft and clinging.
Qualities worth $2
a yard. Special
Black Satin Duchesse
18 Pieces of Black Satin Duchess
For coats and suits.
Regular $3.60 yard.
Special at...
68 Pleoes of Boulevard Velveteen
Best fast dye. All colors and
black. Also Fancy English Vel
vets, Extract Velvets, in Jasper
effects. Worth 75c and o
$1.00 a yard. Special -SHC
Black Siik and Wool Pop
lins, Black Charmeuse
and Black Duchesse
63 Pieces of Black Silk and Wool
Poplin, Black Charmeuse and
Black Satin
Qualities worth
$2.50 yard, at....
7-v Kvn Ul IHIWU VIV
Canton, Printed Silk Poplin,
Satin Messalines, rich Black
Dress Silk Satins, Chiffon
Tare a i, Poplin Faille and
Georgette Crepes All 40
inches wide. Qualities worth
up to St. 75 a
yard. Special at. .
$3.00 Black Velvet, $1.00
360 Yards of Black Crushed Velvets
Worth $3.00 a
32 inches wide
yard. Extra
special Monday,
118 Pleoea of Ysrn-Dved Pure Silk
Messallne 24 and 27 Inches wide;
beautiful lustre and quality; guar
anteed to give satisfaction; every
fashionable evening shade, including
black, cream and ivory.
Regularly too a yard. Spe- Cvlf"
clal at
$2.50 Crepe Meteor, $1.79
98 Plecea of Crepe Meteor 42
Inches wide. Black and all col
ors. Beautiful finish and one of
the leading articles of fashion.
Regular priee
$2.50 yard. Spe-
i ciai ai
Black Chiffon Velvet
18 Pieces of Black Chiffon Velvet 42
Inches wide. Very fashionable. Reg
ular $3.75 yard. This Is an unusual
value, considering
the scarcity of chif
fon velvets. Special.
Pore Silk Crepe da Chine
136 Pieces of All Pure Bilk Crepe de
Chine 40 and 42 Inches wide; 37
colorings, evening tints; pat
also black. Regular $1.(0 HKp
yard. Special at KJXJ
Evening Shade Brocades
37 plecea of Beautiful Evening py g
Shads Brocades For lln- Up
ings. worth $1.36 yd., at... '
Muslins, Madras, Poplins, Etc.
Saby Flannel White wool, 27-inch, extra
fine Saxony weave, warm and durable; (or
i children's and Infants' wear. Our OP
pedal sale price, yard, so down to..&dC
iotton Dress Goods 28 inches wide (book
fold) t the season's popular black and white
uhecka and plaids, mostly ahepherd cheek
flXects. ao stylish, this fall; looks as pret
ty as wool. lo value. On sale . IOi.
..tond)-. yard 16jC
Blek Sateen Highly - mercerized, Blrap
jen'.fat black, hand-loom woven. The
ild reliable Beetle flnlah ao much In in
- uemand. 19c value. On sale, yard 1UC
IV Kite Shaker and Domst Flannel Soft,
fluffy weave, both aides napped. r
Extra weight. So value. Monday, yard...3C
Dress Ginghams In all the leading fall de
signs and qualities, such aa the well-known
Tolle-du-Kord. Red Seala. Utility, and A. F.
C. Makes famous for styles, fast color
ing's and wearing- qualities. HHc 1
and lie values.. Monday, yard (3C
.pron Ginghams Best quality. Amoskeag,
Lancaster, and other reliable makes. All.
the wanted blue and white checks; email.
meaiiun ana Droaen errects. I 'it a n
value Monday, yard.. D4C
Shirting Madras 32 inches wide,
teet select printing's in neat hairline
1, dots and figure. Beautiful color
atlons black and white, blue and
heliotrope and white, etc. r
ar price a 5c yard. Special, yard. 10C
Rlpplette Suiting Every yard
the old reliable wash fabric: In
all the wanted styles; neat stripes and
broken effects; 15a value, a
Monday, yard 03C
r i fin
- stampiV
Genuine English Longcloth 36 inches
wide, made from finest twisted yarns,
soft nainsook flnlah. For underwear,
eto. 13-yard bolts. Sl.St value. 7Q .
Monday, bolt I J7C
Printed Sllkollno 'F ins Quality, 38 inches
wide. In all the leading- Fall and Win
ter deeigne neat floral, Persian and
other popular effeots for comforter cov
ring-, drapery, eto, 11 o value, 1
on sal Monday, yard . UJC
Besutlful Welsh Flannel All white, ele
gant Fall and Winter weight. Strong
and durable; warm, fleecy nab. "7 ,
10c value, en aale Monday, yard.. I C
Bleached Muslin, Cambric and Long
Cleth ai Inches wide. In serviceable
lengths up to 16 yards. 80 and r .
lOo value. On sale Monday, yard... OC
Genuine Amana All-Wool Flannel
Comes la all the wanted heavy shirting
and skirting makee, as well as finer
weaves for ladles' waists and children's
wear. In plain shades, stripes and
checks. 27 Inches wide. Spe- ir
clal sale price, Monday, yard tjC
White Silk Embroidered Flannel 33
Inches wide. In a large variety of ehoioe
embroidered designs for baby clothes,
. children's petticoats, eto. Sale ytO
price Monday, $1.35 and down to...43C
Imported English Suiting In a choice
selection of pretty 1(14 designs, neat
small and medium rhecks and stripes.'
Very stylish for ladles' house dresaes.
boys' waist and children's school dress
es. It Inches wide. Positively tr,
16a value. On sale Monday, yard. . . I JC
Slits, Coats and Frocks
lie newest models for early Fall wear, in the
i fitting and Redingote models, with sashes
Skirts are the new tunic, side pleated or
rges;'-wooi poplins, gabardines, Maritex,
he newest shades at
$49, $55' to-$89-
fSuits $25
New arrivals for Monday's sell.
Log. Models tailored along the
very latest fashions.
women's and Misses' Dancing and Bridg!
Frocks in dainty chiffons, laces, nets,
crepe de chine, and oth;r light miterials
and combination effects; some have dain
ty fur and ribbon trimming, in draped
and basque styles in a wide variety of
lieht jtnd dark colors at $19,
$25, -$29, $35 up to
Women and Misses
:lJths, chinchilla, plushes, Maritex, zib-lcths-in
three-quarter and full length
felted ffects, in a wide variety 2J)
rantccd Satin Petticoats.1 j J
in l wide variety of styles; in C!Q QQ
on Second Floor at tJJsJeaVCJ
Was There Ever More Timely Sale of
Fine Table Linens?
Th'.s is the sale for which every thrifty housekeeper was
waiting. Owing to the present conditions of advanced prices
on all household linen, we are offering the following Items in
this sale at a saving of 35 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent.
12V&C Toweling, Monday
only for 7lc
full bleached all Pure Linen
Toweling; fancy bordered,
heavy and absorbent. 71
Regular UMic; special... 2C
$3.00 Table Cloths, $2.29
$1.25 Damask for 98c
1.29 Silver Bleached Damask
In the Austrian make, 70 inches
wide, all pure linen, In a pretty
range of patterns to
select from. A lead-
er for this sale, yard.
$2 Full Bleached Table Damask
Every thread linen, in the
Scotch and Irish make, up-to-the-minute
patterns, our own
importation. 72 Inches wide,
double satin
finish. Spe
Napkins to Match m mt f
2nch sire; at, sO. 11
doren T,uv
39c Huck Towels, 33c
49c Hemstitched Huck Towels
German make, plain and fancy
borders, large size, ) -
all pure linen. While X p
60 doren last. aeh...-'
39c Quest Towels Hemstitched
and scalloped ends, embroid
ered crest and nov
elty effects. Special
15e Heavy All-Linen Toweling
The absorbent kind, u&ex
eelled for wear- 4 01
6Se Hesvy Table Padding Dou
ble fleeced to protect w r
your Uble, (4 Inches I
wide. Yard
Full bleached and semi-bleached,
hemmed, scalloped and hem
stitched; I and 2-yard slses;
erery mreaa iinen; ail beautl-
tui patterns. A
leader In this
sals. Each.
i tuicn; au DeautI-
bft $2.29
Scarfs and Center
M-60 Cluny Lace Scarfs In the
buffet and chiffonier sice, SOx
64 inches. A
special a t,
$3.00 Cluny Laee
Scarfs 20x38
lnch size. each.
$1.75 Cluny Lace Centers 20 in.
round, to match
the above scarfs.
Hemstitched Seta
$4.00 Hemstitched Table Sets
Consisting of one cloth and one
dozen hemstitched napkins to
match. While fft r f f
100 last, your IhZ. 50
choree, each V49JJ
Centers 20 in.
Qoalitiei op to $1.25
Per Pair
We have about 800
pairs of these fine gloves
left for Monday's selling,
so that every woman who
eould not take advantags of these
values Saturday will have another
opportunity Mondsy.
Women's Overscsm Sewn Kid
Oloves, lamb er rssl kids. Worn
en's Full Out seam Sewn Cspe
Oloves, Wemsn's Pique Oloves.
They come In black, white, tan.
brown and a number of other col
ors. In all sizes from t to 7tt.
The vast majority of these gloves
are new and clesa. only very few
pairs have beon slightly soiled,
and all of them are most estraordl
aary values at $6 per pair.
Whiteand Colored
Wash Goods
Blaek Bad WMIt Bilk Cetteej
Cswpe ) Chlae In all the new
stripes ao much In demand r?i"
for blouses II inches 3HC
' wide, at, yard
Bread Silk and Cettaa Drees
Fa brie. Hcroll deslm In Jp
all wanted eventna; ehade Arif
IS (aches wide, at yard.
nueet iMported Silk Prm For
blousee and evenlna: frooka k m
In dainty French shades ?K I
Inches wide, yard
frtnted Silk and C'tej Creyea In
white and tinted around re
Neat Horal deelsn It .HC
inches wide. at. yard s-W
Satla VeaUrd . X new fall printed
. dress febrta In black and e)
colored around IT lnehes S rf
wide. at. yard sw
SliwstaBt , Cerda In blaek and all
. plain shades. medium heavy
welsh t. fiplendld for house dress
es and children's school r p
drse IT Inches wide, hf
at. yard aWW
Cklffea Prmi In dainty rosebud
floral deslarns. Can be used for
dreeses. hlouae. under- p
muellns. etc., 14 and II I
Inches wide, at, yard
Aa wrM 1.9 f Flae Silk aad
Cettea rabrfe-In Jacquard. dot.
(lain silk. Kajah weave 1 r
4 to IS Inches wide, In I riP
remnsnu aad full bolts, yd.. w
Cream White Irish Llaea Round
thread, estre heavy. Can be used
lur an purpoaee, aressea, waists,
f rt work, pillow eaaee. eto. Abo
utely free from any filling. This
linen was purchased at a blar re
duction before the advanoe In the
linen market. II Inehea r f
wide. 66o valuea. Monday. Hf
while this lot lasts, yard. . .
vVhlta Crde1 rpeaee OEf
Fine quality If inches S.T
wlde,jer yard v
White PaJajMa Check For under
mualln. apron, chll- n
d ran's wear II Inches I Af
wide, at, yard ae
aVeautante aad Fall Bolta ef Flee
iftVhlte Ude Dimity In plaid and
ehecks. madras. Hwln py i
and other novelties -At
worth to 0o yard, at
Several new arrivals Just re
ceived through our New York can-neotlens.
Rich EugS 1
Very Moderately Priced
IN fixing up the house and
making; it comfortable for
the coming season you, no
doubt, have come to ome
rooms where new run will be
needed. This sale Monday is fe
your opportunity.
Axmlnster Rugs
la beautiful Oriental and floral pat
terne. tplendld Qualttlee and big
valuee at these price
Rise ll-lall feet. SfcOO Eft
speelal at....... f4i,OU
"rpe.faV.rc $18.00
B,:; .fr?h $16.00
Pise 1x1 feet. StO 7C
special at HU. i aJ
Slse 1-1x4-1 feet, 41 7C
special at 7li -
WUton Velvet Rugs
Seamleae Neat Oriental and small
?ll-over effects. Two big specials
or Monday
"SseVaVarc $18.00
"rpeVii!1...'.1: $16.00
Hartford Kerman Wilton
Without doubt the Hnsst product
of the power loonj. Bplendld
reproductions of the hlshet
prloed Oriental rues In wealtn
of designs and ooiora
8".p.Vi.? :rh $55.00
(Use lit feet. ff
special at yOOiVU
Bis !xl-l feet. (Q flfl
special at ....,3,UU
Slse 1-1x4-1 fseU CC Cfl
speclsl at yO'OU
Charming new models In Canotier, Cavalier, Adlcorne,
Trlcorne and Envelope shapes, and many new and chic
turbans a la militaire with garniture of "fourrure de singe"
(monkey fur) and other fashionable adornments. Also a
very straight and 'very shallow felt sailor with gros grain
binding the smartest hat shown this fall for street wear.
Inlaid Linoleums
The gonuln good In beautiful tile
patterns. l feet wide. ORr
speolal Monday, square yd.. Oev-
Best Quality lalald I.lnoleesa Wood
effects. Also beautiful tile pet
terna. flperlal Monday, 4t Cfl
per square yard V v
Printewl LtnoleURlS
Extra a-ood quality. 81a feet wide.
Special Monday, per Sllr
squara yard UVV.
FHated l.laolemaa AU new Ptrn
tile, wood and Inlaid effects.
Very best quality
I feet wide, special, HSr
per square yard v
II feet wide, special. 70c
per square yard v w
Wool Fibre Rugs
Just the thins for bedrooms.
In blue, tan, sreen and ross i col
ors. They are revereible, syra
e;ood quality and very serviceable
"llXVZh $5.50
Bl.P.eM?.f?!h $7.50
Slse Ixlt feet. Q C(
special at O.OU
Art Goods
THIS department . Is very
busy these days. We are
showing an innumerable array
of beautiful novelties. Free
lesson In embroidery every day
from 8:30 to 5:30. Every
thing you need for fancy need
lework will be found here in
plentiful assortments always.
Dlreet Frea the OHeat Japanese
Villages, oontemins; t piee
The latest decoration 4J 1 ftfi
for tablea. I'er aet....l.UU
SUk Tapeetry Plllewe All
made ready for pillows. In all
colors. Values up to It 1 OfZ
11.10, at
I temped Pillow Caeea On
quality tubing neat dealans.
I of ease iixzu. XMr
2 to I
valuea, per pelr,...
ChlldreB'a Staasped D
white and colors, sis
years. On oatmeal cloth.
1 1.2ft valuee. at ,
Mereeriaed Orehet Cettea In Costs,
Merser and KloitersiiK uoraon-
net speelal white and
ecru, per spool.
t). M. C. In white and ecru, all slses.
Picture Frames
Art Craft f-sTisshr
ture frames cost no more
than ordinary frame makers
charge for ordinary frames, but
there Is a DIG difference.
And, furthermore, every pic
ture frame we manufacture Is
guaranteed for the entire life of
the article. Isn't that worth
remembering when buying pic
ture frames.
Wall Papers
Special Values For
Monday's Selling
ra-rre Choice collection.
Ursa variety, the new ehlnts
stripes, florals in dainty colorings.
Sold all over at Ho ey l r
ta lOe, Monday, fe'l. . . jC 1 OC
Vaimlshed Tile Favera For kltrh
en and bath rooni the re;-e r
ulav iwe arade, yonday, roll. 1 DC
IS Fatter ef Reaalar Te Peer
Kor bedroom eel hltcben, vith
borders to snatch, ixoij. r ,
day apeclal. per roll aC J C
tThele ef All Our Imported Oataaral
Pare Hala aad flsrured etylea.
Wall Papers Third Floor.
Eattern College Elevens Prepartni:
for the Season's Qames.
I.aat Yeara Champlona Are Well
Kqeipped to Meet OneUasht
ef All Asplraate to Top
of Knot Rait lloaora.
NEW YORK, Pept. M.-The heavy artlU
lery of the eastern collnse foot ball
brlsnrle unllmhers today and the been
of punt and drop kick Is heard on msny
a varsity arldlron. Harvard, Tale, Prince.
ton, Pprmsylvsnl. Cornell, PartmoutH)
and msny other elevens enter the field, a
majority playlns the Initial same ef thslf
Khertules. While all report ecllent ma
terial from which build up teams,
which late In November will be bettllnsj
for eastern foot ball supremacy, the
coaches make no aeoret of the fact that
In almost every esse they are eoimtlnsj
resvlly upon veteran players about whorsj
they will build ttio 1914 foot ball machines.
In this respect Harvard, which holds
the 1!IS honors, Is uniuaUy well equlppsi
for the hard campslsn, which Includea
tames with Tsle, Mlchlsan, Prlnoston,
lirown, Washington and Jefferson an
Pennsylvania state. This schedule, prob
ably the hardest that has been undertaken
by an eastern teem In reevnt mars, place
a heavy atraln upon the team, and It IS
certain that far more than the usual
number of rlsyers will be used la beth
the major and minor contests. It IS
fortunste, therefore, that Harvard la well
supplied with first and second strip vet
eran material. In Captain Brlckley the
Crlmeon has the most consistent dreg
kicker f modern toot ball. This is a
great awt, but the team as a whole must
bring nrli kley to within striking distance
of the goal and hold on defense while
he gets his kick awsy safely.
Harvard Una Old Ttaekfleld.
For this purpose Harvard has a ma
It.rlty of the line and back field which
ast autumn brought a championship to
Cambridge. On tha line Cowan and Fen
nock are again available aa uards
Trumbull and Houcy for either center et
tacklo and Hardwlck and Coolldge at
ends. The bark field la Intact with toeran
at quarter, Mahan and Bradlee at half
back and Brlckley at fullback. Coaohl
Haughton's rroblem Is to dsvelop from
the second string snd 1013 freshmen equaH
two tacklea and one end. To select three
cr four suitable players from a squad of
some seventy candidates Is net a teskj
beyond Haughton'a roach, and with si
satisfactory second string, Harvard a
lineup problem should be solved early)
this sesson.
At Tale the outlook la not so satlsfao
tory. graduation cut heavily Into the 11S
eleven, and Coach Hlnkey will have ta
find new players for a number of posU
tlons. Of the regulars, but three ef last
year's veterans are left la Captain Tal
bolt, left tackle; Quarterback Wilson an4
Halfback Knowles. Wilson and Knowlaa,
between them, scored close to M ser cent
of Yale's touchdowns last autumn. Tbsre
are several second string letter men whe
should fit In scceptably In Carter, Hub
bard snd Urann. ends; Way, substitute
tackle, and Wiser, Ouernesy and Ma
Lelsh for the back field. ThS frsshme
eleven should also yield some powerful
linesmen and back field material. anS
since Coach Hlnkey will undoubtedly In
augurate new Beaching policies, It may
prove that he can dsvelop a stronger ma
chin from this more mouldable res
terial '
Prlaeetoa riaya Ope Oaaae.
New coaching methods at rrlnostosi
mark the risers' 114 season and undeff
the circumstances the veterans available
may not prove as valuable aa would be
the esse were the old policies to be eon
tlnued. It Is gensrally understood that
Princeton will play an open game, using
many forms of the forward pass modelled
along the lines of the Notre Dame at
tack as shown at West Point against the
Army. If this proves corrsct fast, active
and rangy players rather than heavy
welrhts will be In demand. Berne of the
letter players will undoubtedly prove
acceptable, while new regulars may have
to be developed from former frsshme
and second string material. Princeton la
wsll supplied with veterans, having Baker,
Brown, Shea and Lamberton for ends!
Captain Ballen for tackle, Longstretch,
W. fcHuart and Bhenk for guards, F,
Trcnkmann, J. Bwart, Havlland an
Nourse ar the beat of the center candi
dates. A nsw back field will have to be
formed with F. Trcnkmann, Boland,
IUckeman, Drlggs and Lav as the
Pennsylvania and Cornell, which close
the eastern college season with the
Thanksgiving day gam at Philadelphia,
report larg squads with a fair numb
of veterans and many promising novices
and substitutes. Coach Brook must build
up a pair of fast ends and a steady cen
ter In other respects the Quakers are
well supplied with veterans. Butler and;
Burle are the best candidates for centers
Murdock, Kuons and Kelly furnish a nu
cleus for ends; Harris and Carter are
veteran tackles, whll Captain Journeay,
Russell, Wolfe and Pepper ar th lead
ing guards. In th back field Moffith,
Avery, Bolger, Merrill, Irwin and Jones
all have had experience In big games,
and with the new material from a squad
from which a fast offensive and afnlv
quartet should b selecteu.
Ir. A. Is. Bherne ha an escelleot squad
of experienced players with which te start
the season at Cornell. For linesmen there
are avallabl Captain O'Hearn, Shclton,
Mehaffey, Zemin, Iautz, Hart, J. D. Mo-.
Cutrheon, Williams, Cool. Prick, K. C
McCutcheon, Munslck, MsJlory, OsMogly,
Snyder, MacDonald, Sherwood, Oilman.
Carnal, Oaaa. Holts and Jarolseoa. In the
back field I'hillppl, Barrett, Collyer. Lehr,
Bhuler. Tabar. Hubbard and Schllchter
form th foundation of a formidable se
gregation of fast, active candidates.
Cap lllto Keae and Tee Ar Hart
When Driver Pall fra
Stricken with apoplexy while driving
his automobile on th Bustlston pike, ner
th Welsh road. Robert Robertson,
j year old, IU Mercer street, Trntoa. and
hi wife were hurled into th road and
th machine was wickd agaJaat n
Iron fence. Mr, nobertsen wa not seri
ously Injured, but her husband la In a
critical condition In th Krankfotd hospi
tal, where he and Mrs. Rubartsoa were
taken after Policeman Wolfhart found
them following th accident
The woman said she and her husbsnd
were driving at a fair rat f speed, ga
ins north on tb pike, when sudden'?
Kobertsoa uttered a groan and sank un
conscious by her aid. As h dropped hie
hand fell from the wheel and a second
later the machine crashed afvlnM the
feac.-J'liii4elihl jweord.