THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEilBER 27, 1914. J"- - - r"T"TT I iawawawMaawawawaaalaalawaannnMai CONNIE SAYSJE IS SAFE satisfied Red Sox Cannot (fetch Up with Him Now. EXPECTS TO BEAT WHITER Mark Sere " Wrnl If llaa aleart Practically All Ilia flayer. rnir.APEi.niiA, Pert. n-'Ti.a rted oa; mir l flylng better ball, but they cannot overhaul my team," ld fount Mark, manaerr r.f the world champion Athletics. "We lc4 th Amerlran lesgn by a f margin. The Athaltlca hava lost nm game rfrently almply t.--ns of a surprising (lump In ha Ulna;. After tn or two mn hava hit safely tha rica. aary punch to bring them horn haan't matf rlnllifl. Hut tha alump I only tain-p-irary. Th men will ba hltUng right up to their beat form when they begin th world'a acrlea. "Our pitchers are In good ahapa. Ttender and riank hava done better thla year Ihen avar before In point of winning per centage. Rmh and Phawkey alao hava shown Improvement. Of tha other pitch ara I think young Bressler, a left-handsr, may prova the 'moat successful In tlma. entailer haa learned rapidly and pca aaaaea much natural ability. Ha will ba raJlad upon frequently during tha raat of tha season, so that ha may Rain plenty of xperlenr. I don't ballara It la neoeatary to talk about my regular. They ara Juat aa form Ida bio aa a, year ago. They ara winning their fourth pennant In ftv yeara and that achievement apeak for Itself" HrGraif In Ham Mesa. "Mortrew la experiencing tha sam trouble I had with tha Athletic In 1912. Tha aianta hava won thro pennanta ao aaally that they probably hava bean over confident all aeaaon. Thay doubtlaaa hava believed that no other team could outfoot thorn. Maybe tha motor oar fever haa had aomathlng to do with their failure to a, time a commanding lead. "la IV11 th Athletic had their pocket filled with world'a aerie money. Thoy bought automobile and took Ufa eaay. Thay were aure that It would be a cinch to wtn another champlonalilp and they didn't wak up until they found tha Red to far ahead of them. "The trouble with bait player In the date I too much money and a tendency to par mora attention to outsld recrea tion than to their dutlea on tha field. But tha Athletics, remembering what happened In Wit, have been exception to tha rit thl year. They have at tended atrlrtly to bualn and there la no fault to find with them.' Mack la not worrying about tha Federal league. H algned practically all of hi player for WIS. Whe Eddl Colllna capitulated Mark waa happy. It ha been rumored that Colllna might jump to tha red; that he had received a big offer from th Ward and had agreed to eon alder it But whan Mack waa ready to talk business th famoua aeoond baeeman showed hi gratitude by putting hi nam paper. Colli na oapartaaltg. If It hadn't been for Mack' willing nea to try out Colllna th latter probably never would have rained renown. Ortf fUh and McQraw had refused to pri mrut with th former Columbia student before lie wa recommended to th Ath letic' ldr, Mask, therefor mad Col llna, and Colllna ald ha wa entitled to rtmt call. Its a trang thing that th Athletic hava not drawn th usual attendance la fhUedelphla thla year. Maok aay h oaaaot account for It Other baa ball men seem to think that th lack of In ternal 1 due l th superiority of th champion over th other American ktague teams. Quaker fan htv aoan to regard th winning of a world' eerie each 'rear aa a foregone eonolualon. Tat In gplta of th failing off In gat recelpU Mack baa kept th team rotas? at top d, with th result that bualneaa In other American leagu oltlea haa b greatly reduoad too, lr Thomas, one of Mark' lieutenant. aid that th Athletloa would beat th Kravea la the world'a aeries, provided Btallinga' IM finished em tep, aa aaally aa tney aiapoeed ox th Qlaata laat Tear. Taome seemed to think that In th big aaniea in Ainieties would hit tho Kravaa Ptirner wimout experiencing tnueh treubie. while Mack' boxmea would hold th bean eater safe. Former Omalian to Do Surcical Work , In French Hospital NEW TOItK. KdL K-.Th n n. Joaeph A. BUke, tho Amartoaa curfeoo In enact of tho American hoapital corps atuoaing th wounded aoldlera In Pari beeptial wtll be twaoonded la hv .. you stirgao, boeiUlal araduaUa. h wta sal front her tomorrow fur Liverpool Dr. eiaaa'a appeal ashed for el a ur- geoa -to lie and work U Aaaartoaa aoapllal during th continuance, nf the war." Th ai who are answering th coji era ura A. it Dugdale, Omaha. Mar- Blanchard, Cotumbua, Oa.; Pra Carry. J. IL lloguet. Xrenjamln Joblooa and Laotar nostra of thla c4tjr. Ta areata volunteer, who will remain for aooui a weeka, la Dr. Itlchard Derby wnoa wit wa Mlaa Ethel Rooaevelt. daughter of TheoJor Huoeevelt. Mr. Xarby and Mr. Ilofuat wtll accoanpany incur aaaaanaa Tha Dr. Duadaia Tafernrf ta I longer a reatdent of thla city. He came . her from th eaat a year u and . aided at KW Cuming etreet Two month ago be Weat to New York and .m.i a hoapital there t tan (oet graduate wera. lie l unmarried. House Passes War Revenue Measure WASHINGTON. Sept. M.-T admlnla tration war revenue bill. Impoalng addl. t tonal tae oa beer, dumeatlo w tnea, gaa ollne and atamp taiea, all eatlmated to produoa m, within a rar. waa by th bouae late today. Tbo vol waa KM to IK. Th bUi now goea to the eeaate, where U flnaaoa committee already haa begun avla the way for Ha prompt paaaaaa. AU lb republican and all th prugre. eaoept Representative Copley of tUlaola voted agalaat tb kill and thay er Jolited by th folloaln' eleven dent tore,!: ipreeentaUv Calloway. Texaa; CiiurcU, Caiifornla; Uobaon, AUbanaa; OlUir. i:aauU; lUgeaala, aouth Car Una: KlMoa. Slepneaa aad Vttherepooa. MlaaUaippl; 8Uoa, New lianipeharvi Tbuuiiieua, OkiahkHua. aad Uigu, At DRAPERY AND CURTAIN DEPARTMENT EVERY WOMAN will be in terested In theie values, because In every home there are windows where new cur tains are needed when Fall comes. They jr;et spoiled by the dust ana sun .during the summer. 50 Pisces of Imported Scotch Madras Very fine quality. Special, Monday, per yard Ona Immenae Lot of EUmine, Scrim and Voile. flth ribbon edae. eolorad bor- P dera. apeolel Monday, yd...X0C Mcrcwritcd Maftruiaett It Inch wld. In Ivory or ecru. A vry big valu for 10 Monday, par yard I7C 72 Piect Colored Mndraa Not tha quantity only Tl plecee. lxok juat Ilk th real Sunfaat ' r.lal Monday, yard 29c and 39c Bungalow NU and Quaker Art Craft Ucea 101 plane In thla lot. Nice aaaort- Hpec! a I M o n d a y,y d . 59c and 65c 120 Piece of EUmine II and 44 laehaa wide. Main aad fancy enter, with l-looh ribbon vlr;.V MordCSt.,29cand39c AU of th abov lteaa will be oa aale ta th Oartala Department tho Third leer. 19c Quaker Art Craft Net and Etamine. 25c ICatre laMtatMlla Ploor 110 piece of fin BtamJta, Mcrlm. Voile aad Quaker Art Craft Net. worth from II to 10 per ara. jui go in on Dig 101 v Monday on bargeia aquara, Floor. Mala at 2Sc YARD Scrims and Voiles Worth to 30c Yard Oa Sale Koadiy la Baiemeat at 10c yd. Two hi of Herlma and Volli All geo qualltlea. An oxoeptloaat bargala la our Drapery Depart ment in th baaament Monday. Qualltlea worth up to loo per yard to bo eold at to per yard. Toilet Goods Aad Hediclitl Prtptxitlona ,Ut. bottl IOC Aaaerta Tfclee 1 A. gr.. r don. VC Bore cat 'aria 1 25c 28c l-lb. paekaa lapoetlo mie ioo in bottle.. La rtora Alaoa4 Oaoaaa 10 ! Diaaaowe V teap .. bar fr Haaeon A Jeaka reWfoeaoawMpoelal for Monday ealy We will eat all the recular (4o 4A odora, per eoe..,.........J4, lAatertu , C9r i alt bottl ........ JC Beef, Iron and Wtao CI ltU quart bottle 7 J V t-rt. rttalleaeo Ite Itabbaa ra .(a Irrlagt Mad of oo plee of rabber. oo aeam. rapid, flow tubing. Aa extra vaioa. rc. ih apootai a......wwv Wort Knit Undorvoar We rt rita.taj-' Main o lleoce nae '' V' aeek, long aTeevee Dutch neoh. elbow aleevo - Low neea. vo !. la anhlo leatha. 7C- Sulla woria li. at ISC WmmCi l.taw aa4 Medina Welch t neck. elbow. al'WgldlamA 1 .laawaanuta'h taC i TA J neck alvla. in aakla length. T aueoial at. ault Gatldrea'a mm Hera PH WmI Untea Belie .Hlh aeca. luag leea, anhl laagth, drop aeaU ftuiu worth ta ll.s. at, auH kHdrawM aa4 U aad Mo ataaa Wetand rteoo Mnoa Vaiaa Belie atlah neck. Ieg aakl renata. dron Boat A 40 value, at 50c ,79c aleevea. ,29c HrKaM Waia foa CNrta aad A Key- aa qaaltt, eaeh 3C Nemo Corsets For Slender Figures I'1 ailE3 Maay women think Nemo ?oraeta are only or at oat ng urea. v bar four anaaual m o 4 a I a tor aleader trurea, but th Memo vale la th Th modal II loatrated la toade it Vael lota, boned verr lightly; aa Meal coreet for danelag and athletle wear. Med! a a Made of fane brohe In pink aad while, low buet aad leag hla NIW COAT AND DREtt BUTTONS Ltet novalUe and trl. Over a hundred atyla to lct from. o C f1 OO t. down ZOC tO pl.i70 BLACK SPANOLKO ALL-OVER II iochea wide. Exceptionally beautiful. Worth 3.60 yard. Special Monday. 8PANQLED BLACK AND SEQUINT Jot Dand and Galloon ffoct, Worth $1.50 pr yard. Special Monday at SPANOLeD AND SEQUINT FLOUNCING 14 to 17 lncbea wide. O O I I i II lib J I l.ll ,1 I, UT 1 I I "U I I niliTPa I I thl I '1 OC I ,1 r-afi I wl 1 A M K VI I I I I I! I M l I N mrm wkwbm m mm m m a) no 0r ep no II II Mm Jn1 I X II ill li WM II ir I' Hill I li ll ir- I . a mi. -n -i - - - - ......mi- '"" i in n i ii i i i i ....T..vw 0y..uui .r..u,wi eyeev I I I M 1 1 1 1 ITT 1 1 1 i ' 1 1 . ? ; i p 1 1 1 II i 1 1 J7 7i - Ti i iTl 11,1 f Tl T, 7 TTT TTTTTn 1 1 1 1 ) I M I TT 1 1 T i ! i i I ; i i , 1 1 1 ! M I II I rWJa I M I M 1 U W i I i 1 1 1 1 H M I M m li 1 1 1 1 1 H i U i m 1 1 U l li i 1 1 : 1 1 1 . , 1 VI HigMlPllliro J VtwWMII1MIW la-llnWaTaa aWJaWlW II allll IWtf III HI' laa Ulnni l aaaaaMn pB.yaBawar X" Jl" A Semi-Annual Event Awaited for by Everybody in Omaha and Hundreds of Miles Around. V5jje THE MOST WANTED DRESS GOODS 181 Piece 40-Inch Now Fall Berg, Whlpoord, OranKa Suiting, Diagon al, Roman Strip, Mlanga, Franoh Taffotaa and Pop- m gr Una Worth 7(0 ud 16c, L4r at. All Wool Dress Goods 1S6 Flca Beautiful AII.VVool Dreaa Good For draaaoa. t&annlaa aultlnga for UUorad aulta la vary concoirabla pjg weave. Worth up to -f 11.60. at. yard Hlgh-Claaa Roman Strip Suiting In poplin and earf wava, In beau tiful array of combinations to match tha now Fall aultlnfa. Worth $1.60 aad 11.60. Bala price Monday $1-$1.85 S4-lnch Black Valour ( Black Qabardlnee and Blaek Chiffon Broadcloth. All 11.60 values, yard. . 64-Inch 64-Inch $1.50 760 Fin Draaa Pattern Of faahlona bl matarlala. Including medium and light weight Sergae, faney Suiting, fancy Checka, mannlah Suiting and Whlpcorda 13.00 1 QC Qualities tor p A UD 150 Plec 36-lneh Wool Plalda Representing the beat Scotch and French combination. Style cop led from Imported g-a aw) plalda. Regular price S.Tlf 60c. At. yard &JK French Challis 368 Plecea of Beautiful Printed French Challla In full plecea, 39 Inches wide, light and me dium colorings, , 4 very low price, per J y Q 86 Plecee of 02 and 64-Inch Import ed Chiffon Broadcloth The height of fashion. Shrunk And eponged; an extraordinary offer considering the scarcity and pop ularity of fine broadcloth. Reg ular price. 92.&0. Monday at, per yard.. laqcioui. 11 eg- $1.85 98 Plecee of 62-lneh Hlgh-Orade . American Made Broadcloth- Black and all color. Reg ular price 11.69 a yard, at. yard wewa ar siva) $1.00 Black and White Checke So much in favor 38-lnch, worth q r 60 per yard, at OiC 145 Pleeee of Thla Season's Finest Dresa Goods and Suitings Gabar dines, French Bergea, Ottomana, Bplngle. Novelty Suitings, fancy crepe weavee, etc. Worth up to $2.00, at. yard... 98c Suitings and Coatings 2,000 Mill Ends and Sample Plecea of the Highest Grade Suitings and Coatlnga Worth by the yard up are matched nOr-f?Qp up. per niece VVL"Ui7t 248 Plecee 27-lneh Genuine French Flannel Reversible back, in Roman and Pekin stripes, monotone prints, checka and barred patterns, dota of all alaea and Oriental de- signs. Regular price 76c. Up Bale price JVV 187 Piece' of Pacific Mllla Ail-Wool Serges In 36 different r r ahadea. Alao black at 68 Plec Elegant 64-lnoh Imported rieveixy boating in stunning material. Worth $3 95. At, yd. 168 Plec of 86-Inch Granite Suiting and Whipcord All colors. Q Q ' BOo quality, for 33C Wf lllll tlVI $1.39 Linings SsUene So much in demand thla Fall. A auparb assortment 36 inches wide. Price, Q C per yard..... ,&aJu Stunning Brocade Vanrt'ena Very fashionable tor linings. 87 inches y:.:!??f.r.r. .S0c All Linen Canvse Fine quality,, regular prion 89c, at 25c 36-Inch Brilliant Silk For founda tions, wsiata and allpa, f at, per yard.. ,jJC 1,000 Yards I So Grade Sateen All colors, in mill ends, 8 to 5 yards; 36 Inches wide. Price, r)1 .at AV per yard... Ribbons Dresden Ribbena and Persian De signsFor trimmings and baaque girdles, per yard. OC 89 and awaJC Beautiful Reman Striped Rlbbone of All Combination Just the thing for the new aland- nn tag collar, per yard JC Twe-Toned Rlbbone In all the new mUUnery ahadea, from t to 7H lachea wide, per yard, og 39o and efaOC Very Pretty Rlbbone Six Inches wide, eultabla for Kensington and vanity bags, In all de- nr slrsble colors, yard OC School Rlbbone la plalda, Roman stripes and moire, all popular ahadea, yard. 25c Read How Much You Will Save on Blankets and Comforts $5 and $6 All Wool Blankets, $3.69 Pair Vefy fine, all-woqt sample blankets from the North Star Woolen Mills, known to be the finest wool blankets made come in plaids, checks, white, gray and tan. Full 11 -4 size for double beds. Made to sell regularly at $5.50 and $6. Tomorrow we offer about too to aCQ pairs, at, pair. . pOOe7 $2.50 Beacon Blankets at $1.69 kThe Beacon Cotton Blankets are the very best cotton blan kets made. This lot is for large beds in white, gray and tan, .short soft nap lhat feels like, wool. a Monday at, pair 107 $2 Comforts, $1.25 Extra large size Comforts many are 80x90 Inches fine quality silkoline and chintz covering white cotton filled medium and heavy winter weights fancy scrolled stitched and Mohday at, each hand tufted. $1.25 $3.00 Beacon Plaid Blankets at $2.39 Extra fine soft blankets, size 66x80, sold elsewhere for 3 or more; broken plaids, blocks and checks, wide range of fast colors. ForMon- dQ qa day only, at, pair pujJ $7.50 tnd $8 Fine All Wool Blankets at $5.00 Extra Fine All Lamb's Wool Blankets Come in plaid checks, white, gray and tan colors extra large sizes. In this lot are some of the finest wool blankets made.' It is very doubtful If we will ever be able to offer again blankets of this high quality at such low price. .$5.00 $5.00 Satin Covered Fall Size Comforts at $2.98 A lot of to dozen Comforts bought extraordinarily cheap covered with the best qual ity satin finished mercerized sateen, filled with pure white carded cotton, hand tufted ' scrolled stitched. Material alone would cost 4. While to dozen lasts J?0 OQ Monday at, eachpsbee70 OCEANS of NOTIONS J 500 - yard i Rustproof spools Bast- ! Hooks and ing Cotton, ; Eyes, j : 2 spoolsr j dozen r ; 'or DC I 4 for OC j King's Machine Thread 200 yard spools, 19c doz. spools. Boaea Beltlaa 8 to S lnoh- wide, black ana white. Regular He grade, at, yard IS.Yar Belt Blaa Tape, per bolt...... Vi-lb, aoz Dreea nakrra' Pine. ... Men'e Shirt Week Baaaa, each. . . . Large Setaaere aad Shear for Dreeamaklnar Regu lar 78c. Spe- OO. clal at IVC Table Cor Blaek and white; apeclal Man- day, par yard.. 1C lewtaar SUk 100 - yard pool; specie! Monday JjC Dress Good qual ity Pearl Buttons, 3 dozen r for OC Best Gold-Eye Needle price 5c; special, lc 10c ....5c ..19c 3c Tana Flarea for C M edict Collar, eaeh. i.3C Itoat-Preef Dree Claapa, card 4 Dreee Sblrlde Any al and style, auarao- 1 n teed. Special lUC 1 Meal rieater . Rea;- tr ular (0c value, for., aid C Bene Batten Hold r All (lie, at, dosn..,3C Llnva aad Cottea Tape, per bolt 1C leaa Blndlaa SUk Very apeclal (or Monday f aala. per spool 11C laa SilkAnother very un uaual value for j 1 Monday, per spool... J C Forms Adjustable Dresa Forma Perfect pro portions and lines, can be adjusted In any part. Regular 110 values, at Full Forma Cornea in small box to be put away when through using. Reg ular S5 values, at $4.98 $3.50 Ginghams, Flannels, Challies, R Persian Challle 88 Inches wide (book fold), tn all the choice Peralan, Oriental and other printed dealgna. Mostly dark eolor.. liVie valuea.. Mob. 7 . day, yard JC Eponno Bultlno 27 inches wide. Beauti ful woven fabrlo. Fall walsht. Kalsed atrlpe and nub effect now ao much In demand for ladles' atreet eostumea aa well a children wear, lie quel- n Ity; apeclal aale price, yard 1UC Dreaa Print. Remnant and Shorts la all tho leading- makea, such as American and Slmpaon'a famoua Eddyatona brand; In all wanted atylea and color orlnsa. (0 valu. On sal Mod. o . day, yard oZ Wool Flannel Beautiful quality, extra heavy walsht: In -all colore, llsht and dark shade, in lnche wide. Tor men' shirts, ladl' aklrta, etc. Xio value, OC Monday, yard.,,.,,., ,....CjC Superfine Cotton Flannel 36-lnch (book fold). Ia all the Wading fall style, neat floral and Peralan printings. Ex tra weight, warm and durable, for ki mono, wrapper. te. On aale A. Monday, yard lUjC Imported Poplin Highly mercerised, 27 Inches wide, In all the new ahadea of the aeaaon. Beautiful lustrous finish, washes perfectly. Regular Zoo valu. To eloa out Monday, special iai sal price, yard 1.JC Genuine Imported French Gingham The latest Fall atylee, neat plaid and checka and beautiful color combioatlona. Absolutely feat, tl Inches wld. For ladlee' and children' wear. te C. value. Your oholc Monday, yard-eWC New Dress Blouses Charmeuse, Chiffon, SUk Shadow Laces, Charmcuse & Chiffon Comhinttions, 55, $6.95, $8.98, $10.75 They embody all the newest features "Cape Back," Military Collars, Set-In Transparent Sleeves, Low Neck, Lonj and Three-Quarter Sleeves In all the fashionabla colors, Russian frecn, navy blue, nirger brown, new blues, black and white. WZLCO TheCarlisle Shoe for Women $3.48 J3.95 Patent fcld with aUk brocade, cravesette or dull kid top. Nw leather, French heels, kidney heels or straight Cuban; plain or tipped toes; long, slender lasts or th short stage effects. An. exceedingly good variety of atylaa; ia ail elsa and wtdthe. f Dancing Pump. Compltt foc (A mmt faihhnaUt footttoar. Genuine Valour and Duckling Fleeced Flaaael Beautiful printed kimono and roba flannel. In all wanted dainty de- Trm, ueecy nap. ISO vaiue.. Monday, yard.' 9ic Beautiful Scoteh Plalda In ail the lead ing Highland ehooka and coloring. 27 Inches wide. Extra Fall weight: verv stylish' and serviceable for children' MrnAnl r k.lnll. a . ' minus, sashes, ate, 15c value, yd. 10lc Outing Flannel 38 inches wide, extra weight, warm fleecy nap: In pink, light blue atrlpe and chaoka. IS Ho n, value. On sal Monday, yard OjC Unbleached Mulln J6 inches wide, fine, soft finish, easily bleached and laun dered. Etra, apeclal Monday, , " I'M 4jc Dress Percale 36 Inches wide. The best 14x84 cloth. Manchester, Rumaon. Plcar tine, and other staple brands. Jn black and whlta India gray and ahlrting atyles and figures. Worth si lt He. Monday aale price, yard..,. 4 C Light-Ground Shirtings 3) inches wide, cioin, in ail in leading; shlrtli tyies, neai stripes, aola a: r or cnuaran s miaay Dlouses, in, ladles' walata. eto. Ite value, yd lUv Mercetta Cloth T7 inches wide. The latest creation la kltnena mi k. .. tlful messalln finish, oorablned with the neatest floral and Oriental printing Very attractive for kimono and wraD r... it. .. i . n . i i day, while-lot lasu. yard 12C Ba ( 1 c Col 1 Bit (VI Dn Ap I t r ng En es, i Women's Newest YbSM A. U & Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits in all the short, semi, and full length coats; semi-loos; 1 Fur Maritex and satin trimmed effects Sk plain tailored styles, in fine broadcloths, ..sergi velvets and fancy worsted materials, in all the $35, $39, $45, $ Aristocratic The acme of style excellence. Suits that possess the merit and value of $30 to $35 garment. Beautiful Dressed in finest 4ih Women's and Misses' Dresses wool serges, satins, charmeuse, crepe de chine and combination serge and satin effects in all the latest models in basque, draped and tie-on effects, with pleated or draped tunic skirts in all the new shades for early Fall &Qf wear; special for Monday al. . . JauO F c a t; a li 5 1W New Fall Coats for Women's and Misses' Coats in fine broad -; eline, fancy plaid mixtures and novelty cjci piain or rancy inmmea and hj-i1 styles in of style and colors, at. Silk Jersey. Hemline and Guar; tucked, pleated and strap trimmed flouncst ill lha nu ch4.-(c Vu 1 if -J ..