L V TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 27, 1014. 5-0 - ti l !!- I .. - X FOIl KENT Stores aad unices. Stores For Bent. 20th and Farnam Streets I 75.00 per month for rooms on 20th mrt; . fins hssfment. 1126.00 per month for rooms just west of Merritt's ilru store, fsclng on Far nam street; heat f irnlshed. These room are strictly modern and very desirable. Other Good Store Rooms I 22.fin HS1 Pherman Ave., I3xo0. I 82.00- Z!M Cuming atrert; new building, room 20xi, full basement, f 80.00 707 South 16th street, S'xIO, stesm heat. I 75.00 13 South lth atrert. fine modern atoreroom, 30xCO; full basement, electric light, modern show win dows. t 8B.0O-1021 Farnam street. 20x60, full basement. $125. 00 Iftii Howard street, modern store room, full basement, ateam heat will be Installed at on re. $160.0022 outh IfSth street, modern storeroom In oOO block, very de sirable. 175.00-3ff4 Farnam street, 2?x1"2 ft., suit able for automobile salesroom, also S-room apartment on Id floor. George & Company, Phone r. 75w. 902 City Nat. Bank Rldg. FINE, new, centrally located hall, well equipped for lodge purposes, 15th and Harney. Office room, second floor, 318 B. 16th. Utore. 1020 North 16th. Ptore, 1409 Hurney. . Store, 611 South 13th. Ptore, 2104 Cuming. Store, .136 North 2iith, South Omaha. O. C. REDICK. Attorney, 224 Omaha National Rank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 112. 14m Leavenworth, store rm.. 22xlofl. $J0. 2X4 So. 29th fst.. a'ore rm . "4t4i1, $30. FIRKETT Sc COMPANY. 42;t Bee Bldg. Doug. 6M. STORK ROOM. 1424 fl. lfith St.; large store room. II' 1702 N. 24th Pt., large corner store", $.10. H. A. WOLF. Ware Blork. Douglas SOW. ON ACCOUNT of factory . falling lB m going out of the ai'tomo'bile business: lease and fixtures for sale; rent very reasonable. See Lozier place, 2549 Farnam ft. Kric Nelson. Darns. GOOD barn, room for or 10 horse. 1917 Webater Bt. Call Do-iglas 41 BUSINESS CHANCES A SUBSTANTIAL corpotatlon wanta re liable party to establish office and manage salesmen; should pay $.VO to 116.000 annually; $-100 to $700 will finance business; you handle own money. Refer ences exchanged. Sales Manager, 441 Klsher Bldg., Chicago, III. o 10 AND 11 PER CENT INTEREST. Two gilt-edged first mortgages for sale at a sacrifice. $900 first mortgage on 640 acre Improved land, west central Ne braska, due In 3 years, with Interest at 8 per cent; price, ISM. 12,260 first mort gage on 640-acre Improved western Ne braska land, due In 3 years, with interest at 8 per oent: price, $1,960. These are choice loans and well secured, but owner must have cash. Address Box 8S, Blue Mound, Kan. BARBER outfit. chairs, for sale. D.Til! Confectlonnry store with living room; good place. $200: another dandy placo, $500. GANG EST AD, . Room 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. C. J. CANAN. Hea' g.'.at and Kxchangsa ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager; high class article: should pay 110,000 annually; SoOO to $1,007 capital; will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want. References.' Richardson, 37 W. Van Buren, Chicago. ELECTRIC PLANT One-half of an elec trical business In a hustling little town of 10,000; will sell cheap on account of Ill health; Is doing a rood business on cash basis. Address Y 202. Bee. EXTRAORDINARY FLORAL BEADS. Make your own beads In brilliant col ors; exquisite odors: can be sold at hand some profit. La France Rose, Irili Jjiddia, Roman Beauty, Ponvpien Prince, Persian Bouquet,, etc. Coin only. Send stamp for complete list. Miss Ekbergh htudio, 1298 Raymond Ave.. St Paul, Minn. EXTRA BARGAINS We have two busi ness propositions running here In Omaha. Paying good profit. Owners have other business which takes their time. Experience not necessary to handle them. Will trade for anything good. Four nearly new, strictly modern houses and cash for farm. Many good properties for sale or trade. Come In and see us. We have what you want. NO COMMIS SION REALTY CO., 316 Faxton Blk. Phone Douglas 1940. . EUROPEAN capital for investment In at tractive Incorporated enterprises. Ad dress, Bankers' Alliance, 11 Southampton Row. London England. . o FOR KALE Blacksmith shop and garage CHEAP. HI take one threshing engine or automobile at cash value. Box 106, Elm wood. Neb. FORTY-ROOM hotel, right down town. A bargain, $3,000. GAA'UESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477, FOR SALE $8,000 mocx or hardware and modern store building, located In good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing and fixtures for $1,000 les than they coat two years ago. No trades. Address. Y 173. Bee. FOR quick sale blacksmith shop. Includ ing two lot, tools and steel; town 600; good trade and territory; good reason for selling and price low. EaBy terms to good party. For particulars write Amer ican Mai Hang, eipringrieia, ixeo.- ftnnd nsvlns rutiunni for said cheap. g w - . GANGESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. GOOD picture show for saie; doing a good business in a good Nebraska country town of 1,80 Cash price, $l,T0u. Address Y 211. Bee GROCERY store with nice living room, 3702 Wherman Ave.; small stock, nice business and little expense. Bargain If taken at once. Webster 642. HALF MILLION DOLLAR CORPORA TION wants man of ability establish and manage branch offh-e. Put out sales men, handle funds. Investment, 3300 to I2.6U) necessary to handle. .Will ni $6,000 llrst year. DAY, boo, iO E. Jackson, Chi cago. HAVE A MAN WITH- $1,000. WHO WANTS PARTSBR IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. SMALL TOWN; ALSO OENKAL MERCHANDISE STOCK SMALL NEBRASKA TOWN. OWNER WANT8 TO SELL HALF INTEREST TO SOME YOUNO MAN WHO CAN MANAGE BUSINESS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-lb' CITY NAT L BANK BLDG LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 411 Bee Bldg. Pbone Red 1254. POOL HALL and barber shop, terms reasonable. 19o4 Cunnng. Call Red J1S. MAIL ORDER MEN-Would you- like to know how 61 successful mall order mea do business: get business; hold buaine? Especially If these men tell you their on experiences In their own words. The mail order business builder gives you such Information direct from these mens private offices. Send dime for sample copy of this t-psge magaslne. Kandoipn Rose, publisher, Itl Pine St., Chattanooga, Ter.n. NICE little grocery store with living rooms; pays well; t.'Ju. GANGESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. mmm 4 Our Nebraska farm morl- T gages are not affected by L European wars or panics. (l Amounts $400 to XM.OM. W ' i v collect all Inttrett and prin- cipal free of charge. 30 year 111 the Nebraska farm loan field without a Ions 1 our record. KI)KE IN VESTM eN"P COMPANY. Ml Omaha Nat. Bank Bldtf . Omaha o PATENTS secured or fee returned. Send sketch for free opinion of palenmM.niy, how to obtain a patent and wnat to In vent with list of Inventions wsntad and prizes offered for Inventions sent free. Patents advertised frae. Wanted. nw Ideas. Send for our liatv.f psient buyers. Victor J. Evans A Co., U7 Ninth, Wash tagtoot D C nrsixEss CHANCES Patents That Protect and Pay Books, advice and searches free. Send sketch or model for search; highest references; best results; promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman. Patent Law. yer. IS3 F flt N. W.. Washlnston. P. C.-o Quick Sales Co. 411 BEE BLDG. PHONE RED 3314. Offer For Sale BAKERY AND LUNCH ed, splendid place, good fixtures; will sell on good terms or trade. ifl 6nap arlce ?o,OVJ Quick Sales Co. PRINTING PLANT 0. plenrHd condition, good business and a bargain for a live man. Price $800 Quick Sales Co. GROCERY AND MDSE. business, splendid opportunity for some one. Rent $14. Vv Hi invoice or dl OiVi sell for -pl.aiUU Quick Sales Co. BAKERY-RESTAURANT" Ing room. Good paying place. A aure Ing rooms. Good paying place. Asure enough bargain, Daily Nles never under $30. Price .T-uo Quick Sales Co. We have many other places for sale. If you wrtnt to IUY or 1KADE a busi ness let US know your wanta. Quick Sales Co. 411 BEE BLDG. RED 3254. STOCK BROKERS Here s an industrial ..... ...... ivooifcamsation. Capital In crease offers you big opportunity. 25 per cent commission. Solid, substantial. World trade established. One of only three factories In world making product One pays 100 per cent yearly Article is world necessity. Demand enormous and In creasing. Low capitalisation. $10 shares below psr. Write quick for costly pros pectus and terms. Syndicate Committee, Dept. 17. Kenosha, Wis. 6TATE MANAGER W A NT El Illinois corporation Manage branch office this state, Put out talesmen. $500 to $1,500 necessary to carry stock. Position will pay more than $0,000 per year. PENDER, dth floor, 20 !0 Jackson, Chicago. KIONS, show cards. Clark Son. D. 1373. THEATERS Buy, lease, or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 14o4 Farnam bt uougias uii. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real raiate, write xvrnnvuecK uniKii TAILORING and cleaning business for sale in good town, population 3,000. Ad dress, Box 122, Canon City, Colo. T" OK'i in or out of nusiness. call on GANG ST AD, 404 Bee Bldg. D.S477. WANTED An idea. Who csn think of some simple thing to patent? Protect four Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write tor "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co.. Patent Attorneys, Wash ington. D. C. i ; Your Savings Account Can B Doubled A large Omaha factory worth more than $200,000.00 offers, for a short time only, a chance to a' few people with small means to Invest their savings ac counts or building and loan accounts In First Mortgage without any risk at all, so that your ac count will double. This Is as safe as the Best Bank I Or Building and Loan In Omaha and pays you much more. Ad dress 680, Bee. o YOUR 26-word advertisement placed In 100 monthly magazines one month, $1.36; three months. $i50. Write for list. F. L. Miller Syrscuse, N. Y. Rooming Houses tor Sale. ' TO buy or sell hotels or rooming houses quickly see us. BUY FROM US. LIST WITH US. Quick Sales Co., 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 3264. Quick Sales Co. 418 Baa Bldg. Phone Red 3254. Offer For Sale The following rooming bouses, all close In and well located: 7 rooms; large reception hall, new fur niture, good furnace, cheap rent; terms. rnce $350. Quick Sales Co. mom ' Kin rH mnA rntim 1mm baa well located, always full; terms. Price $500. Quick Sales Co. 10 rooms; splendid location and always full, good heat; -good terms. $750. Quick Sales Co. S rooms; new furniture, good heat, cheap rent, nets $65 a month. Snap at $400 Quick Sales Co. 11 rooms; exceptionally well furnished, good heat, close In and always full; quick sale price $575 Quick Sales Co. 30 rooms; elose In, always full, a MONEY MAKER. Great opportunity for some one. Good furniture. GOOD ir.uaia. iriee $2,300 'nick Sales Co. 40 rooms, furnished: stesm heat. Owner wants CASH and a QUICK SALE. Price only $400 Quick Sales Co. If you waut to BI'Y. SELL or TRAHBl a HOTEL or ROOMING HOUSE. TELL us. Quick Sales Co. 413 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 3264 EDUCATIONAL The Van Sant School Stenography Day school. 3:00 to 4:00. Night school. :U to 3:15. 18th and Farnam HU- Douglas 3047, MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL HERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Un.ur raised cIhsx.s In all business -and fcng 1'ali hunches, -rfiortl-.snd. stenotyry tsiegrsphy and typewriting. Graduates guuranterd good positions. Places pro. x ided fur young people to work for board For a new free rslslogu arMrea MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE UK Farnam U Omaha, Douglas Mia. EOICATIOXAL 19U FALL TERM OF 130YLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the dar and nlgbt sessions. Tst It Is not too late to enter. Begin t enoe to get that mental discipline that will double your earning rapacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmsnshlp, sales manship, banking, stenography, st.no typy. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. Vou may work for board while attending. Douglas IMS. BOVLES COLLEGE, . It. H. BOYl.KS. TRES, Boyle Building. Omaha. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unllm Ited scholarship la Boyle Business col lege. Omaha; good for either shorthand or business courses. Apply at the orflcs of Omaha Pea. LARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Threo months. $4.00. TUB OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO.. Douglas f91. 1908 Farnam. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business career. Private instruction If desired. 4624 IV-uglss St. TelHarney eStO. Omaha Musical Art Institute). Associated Moalo Instructors. Rsldrldce Blnrlc, SOth and Farnnta. MARTIN W. BUSH,' Piano. H. 8. Landsberg, Piano, Harmony. 1. 664S. Francis Potter, Mandolin, Banjo. 1. asba. HENRIETTA Rees, Piano. Pouglaa 4filg' FLORENCE BASLKR. Voice and Coach ing. Red MW1. . GRACE HANCOCK. Plino. H. 1SK0, J. H. tIMMS. Organ. Harmony. H. 4H1S. Ixiulse Zsbrlskle, Violin, Piano. H. Ami. Jessie F. C.inway, Dramatic Art. U. hal. Fun SALE Fnraltare. New A 2d-hand furniture, rash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. ltith. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some piano. Omaha Van and btorag Co., M f,o. lfith St. HIGHEST grade solid oak dining room suite, nearly new. Webster 3S2 after 6:30 p. m., or all day Sunday. THREE heating stoves for sale. W. 1876. Call BEAUTIFUL solid oak buffet, $39.30. cost $80; nearly new. Call Web. 383 after 6:30 p. m. FURNITURE, 4-room flat. No. 7 Ivy Apartments, Sherman and Sherwood Aves. $47 rug (new), $20. Can be seon Sunday or Monday, 1 to 6 p. m. M I a. I li.tpii..l WILL trade my $370 equity in a 7K0 new Baby 'jrana (jiiicKermg iin mond or $125 cash. Call Webster 68 AK-8AR-BEN SPECIALS In used pianos, new uptight grand piano player pianos, such as the famous Henry K Miller. Strict! & Zeuller, two oi me worm n makes. Laffargue Concord, Homer vv a pi..), ,,.m in t n 40 ner cent off of regular prlcea. Slightly used up right pianos a follows: $.V.O Strleh ana zuiier, na. $460 Emerson, $1. SltiO Kimball. 3136. 300 Kelso, $l2u. $160 Henderson parior organ, . s.v Tavlor A Horn trombone, new, with leather case, $26. $43 Martin mannoiin, leainer ran, G H. HARR PIANO CO. 3d Floor Boston Store Bldg. BUghfty used high-grade piano, W. 3726. PIANO player; a bargain. Tel. H. 4711. Typvwrlters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Centra' i vwni-- cncnn-,. o r-. Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. 307-309 S. 17th Established Twelve Years We offer choice of any type writer manufactured at ANTI-TRUST PRICES No matter what machine you want, we have it at a saving of 50 to 75 per cent. Underwoods, Remingtons, Smith Premiers. Monarchs, Royals, L. C. Smiths, Ollveri, Foxes, Densmores, Suns, Bllcks. Coronas, (Standard Folding, Hammonds, Chicago, ' Emsrsons, Bennetts, New Century. Williams. Continue paying trust prices If yovi have money to waste, otherwise come to us and pocket the difference. Rent one of our typewriters, and If you conclude to buy, apply the rent. We sell on smull payments, with liberal discount tor casn. ko typewriter escnange in me west can show a larger line nor offer better .Inducements. Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. . 307-303 80. 17th tot. Doug. 4121. ESTABLISHED TWELVE YEARS Kfc.-Vr Reining tons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Keiuiog. ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Lxmgias li4. Rental credited If you purchase, and nuly very newest and highest grade ma chin, sent out. Kales, three months tor $6 for understroke machines or $4 per month for latest mode visible writers. All makss typewriters rented, sold, terms Butts Typewriter. 1806 Farnam. P. 6031. TYPEWRITER, desk and ojialr for sale? $16 Psxton Blk Misceliaaeoaa. FOFt SALE at a discount a fall, un llmltod scholarship in Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short bsnd or business course. Apply at the of lire of The Omaha Bee. GET IT AND READ IT Read what? Why. read TUB OOMPEL THUMPtT, a weekly religious non-seo-tartan paper. It will teach you how to pray; how to have faith In uod and get answsrs to your prayers; how to get saved from your sins and live a victor ious and happy life; how to get healed of your sicknesses and diseases In an swer to prayur. It will give you en couragement along the Christian way. The yearly subscriiHIon price Is $1.00, but until Jan. 1. lfrlfc. the paper will be sent 10 weeks lor 10c. ruoiisnea in years. Ask for fre book cataoirue. Andres tio8Pk.L TKl'MPbT CO., lept. Ki, Au- Uerson, inaisna. o 0uM. 11K1CK8 al $.160 per M. also 30uM. feet (d lumber at works, lltb and Jack son fctat Building bougat and wrecked, TrUr-KUy Wre klng Co. Wb. 4sos. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; eaay paynion'.. The Brunswick Balke-Collenler Co ft7-4 M 10th Bt. $r fin Buy brt coal for Ihe morev ; try .LOO if Web lUrrnon Weeth A NO. 1 BATH TUU. 3V, vet. Kelly Wi.cklng Co V. 4x0. Treai.r AN Acorn hard coal stove and Birming ham s-uover steel rang; reasonable. Harney 704. v tU. iiill of unor quality stesm and gssolia power; great money-earn-let; capacity. Lootnl Drill Co., Tlfln, O. von SAI.K Mlscellnaeoa. FrR SALTS A s-grldille kitchen range, Mlmoat new. I7S7 Capitol Ave. It. l. Walker. 3-hand nidi, Oross Wreck Co.. 31 Paul. LIVE STOCK FUR AUX Horses est Veklelee. LAROFX-'T itoek of dellrery wagons In the city; ull kind of blackamlth work, Painting and lettering Johnson-Dsntorth Co., new location. 15 -!-- N. lmn Mb POK 8ALK We offer for ale all our horses, mules and wagons, consisting of one pair big. black mul, one pair me dium sited sorrel mules, ons pair medi um slsed bav mules, one pair bay horses, one slgle gray horse; also flvs delivery wagons, large and small. We also offer for sale very cheap two Randolph auto trucks and one International auto truck. Karmera Co-Operatlve Creamery aad Supply Co.. Tel. D. fT . YOl'NO cow for sale. 131 Harrison BL, Florence, Neb. LOST AND FOrND OMAHA & CUL'C1L PLUrf 8 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cara. Many artlclea each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rigl.tful owner. Call Douglas 43 Found Uellvery auto. Tel. Tyler MuaW. FOlNI-RKI PTEKR. CALL W. ;. LOST Catneo ring, either at Hayden's or Rrandel stores. Reward. D. 277. L )ST Boston hull. Brlndls with white markings. Answers to name Dude. Re ward. J. A. ljingan, phone Harney $. LOST Ring with chip diamonds. Re ward. Call Earl Clarke. Douglas 1. 1AST $10 bill on corner lfh and How ard or H park car. Reward. H. 73H. LOST Small gold elk head lapel button; reward for return. Call Doug. K0. IjOST Near 24th-Ames, a black crochet handbag; reward. Web. HU. PAIR nose glasses In black case: think on street ear. Telephone 4637 Harney. Re ward. MTCDICAJm Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on metal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 l. 1 1 . Kupture Cured in a l days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray. 30 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established J3M. o Tuberculosis you want get well and build up your health, this Is your one chance. Ad- drees B 661, Bee. ASTHMA A wonderful new remedy for all asthma sufferers; no smoking, not expenslvs; send self-addressed envelope for Information. R, A. R. Co., 138 Grant St., Council Bluffs, la MONEY TO LOAN NKED WONKY? bee us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO . 808 Paxton Block. Dsug'as 141L rOULTItY AND SUPPLIES Mixed grain. $1.60 h'dred. Wagner. 801 N. H STEREOTYPE matrtoes make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 76o a hundred at The Bee offloe. PERSONAL IMPROVE, beautify and preserve your complexion; Kutl-Kreme will do this perfectly. Immediately and satisfactorily. Kend address and Wo for big package, postpaid. Money returned It not satisfac tory. Genesee Toilet-Good Co., II Elm Bt., Rochester, in. i . THB Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sine. We collect We dutrlbute. Phone Douglas 4133 and oar wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge at- YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are. Invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th Bt. and St. Mary's Avs., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE! furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. ! J. WE BUY td-hand clothes. 1421 N. S4th. WANTED To buy for cssh, five-passenger automobile, not older than 1913. Must be a bargain. Address C 86, Bee. OLD Coins Wanted $100 paid for dime 1814 8 Mint; 75 for Trade Dollar 1SH4. Cash premiums paid for rare coins to 1909. Send 4c. Oct our large coin cir cular. It may mean much profit to you. Send now. Numismatic Bank, Dept. 4, Fort Worth, Tsx. WANTED TO RENT TWO unfurnished rooma for housekeep ing, walking distance. Address U. 464, Bee. WANTED 6,000 TO 3,000 SQUARE) FEET WAREHOUSE AND OF FICE, GROUND FLOOR, GOOD. SHIPPING FACILITIES, WELL LIGHTED, HEAT FOR OFFICE. MODERN BUILDINC1. BT RE LIABLE CORPORATION NOW LOCATED IN OMAHA, ADDRESS O 681. BEE. WANTED Desk room In established of fice for mall address and headquarters of Chics go agency, stata rent. Address Y 208, Bss. WANTED TO HOKIIOW. WANTED to borrow $200 on farm of 340 acres worth $,000. Address D. 678. Be. WANTED to borrow of private party $00 on Omaha reddenoa property; three or five years' security; gilt-edge. Address A 67B, Bee. $750 B EC UK ED by first mortgage on nine acres and buildings, valued at $3,760. Address, K 684. Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST 6H1P live stock to Boulh Omaha. Have mileage and (hrtnkag. Your consign, menu receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lira Stock Commission tlerehaals. MARTIN BROS, as CO.. Kxchanga Bldg. LIVB WIKB BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A, B, C of Omaha ALL WATCHEn, diamonds and Jaw elcry. special prices, Sept. and Oct. Buy now, 31 a week. Western Watch and J.welry Co., Room 317, Kar bsch block. BEE Building company. Tyler 1000. Offices for rsnt In modern fireproof building, electrlo light and wetor free. Best location In too city. Bee us now. N EW aad second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electrlo Works, JIH H. K'th. Douglas 174 OMAUA tiuun CO.. t..t Cuui.ug Doug. -JMi. Konovate leather and maliroases of all kind, makag ftather niatretses and down covers. PIANO tuning, R. Brandon, 9 years at Hayden's. Recomiuended by best musicians. W. tiii 44 u N. ZMh Avs. REAL liaTATE DEALEIui find The Bee batlulng very desirable head quarters. A finely located ofiice available October 1. V ACUL'M clraitera for ala. Vscumn vleumiig don In the lionir. Hamtary w w wm.. . i-r .. , m i..vi.. huh ,.l . tor an sawing niacniites, nn.- BRAsKA CYCLE CO.. "Mick uua rv.,t ir rvi xu. i. al's," 13Ut and Karasy. Dougiaa Utl LIVE W1KK BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA Aeoaantaats. MFLVILLK D. THOMAS A COMPANY. 14J7-M City Nst. Bank Bldg. Tyler 110. A)alr Maeataes. Dalton Adding Machlnea. 411 13. T. 144. Adder Mch Co. (Wales W. O. W. I, MsV Ait. aad Magneto Repalrlaaj. Magneto repair work a srerls'ty D. 3413. A aetloaeers. Dowd Auction Co., 118 Vf. O. W. Red 33. A LI. . Clarence W, Wlglngton, Kfl . 13th. P. 437. A ttractlaae. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Barbers. 11 Chair, 10o shave, neck share, IfilT Far. BATHS, lie; H A V E. Toe. 8?6N. 16th. Hla lrlBtlaa. HORNB1 CO. nine printing, under new ownership. 303 Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 3167. Braes Foaadrtee. Paxton-Mltchell Co., Tth and Martha "ta. BalldlaaT aad Hepalriaa. E, FRANTA, 11 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1137. A, J. Johnaon,carpenter, rep'r'g ,D. 4MH3 tallfornla Lands, W, T Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. Calronraetore, J. C. Lawrence, I C PM Howard. D. Mt L. Geildl. L). C m Bee Bldg. Doug. 4333. W.E purVlanc. DC 408 Pax. Blk. D. 41H3. I C. HAYES. D. C &K Bee Bldg. R. lard Stan. Office door let'g. MytUf. Pa. Bk. D. 1BT. Calaa Painting. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4MJ. Clvll Final aeera. M. J. LACY. $13 BEB BIJJO. , D. 471$. Coal Dealer. fc-'i rC Johnson's special: al VO.OV nllt ij o phn, iS, 17 also Victor ot Cream separators. The Bhsrples Separator Co., 11th Pirn. Dancing Academies. Turpln's Dancing Academy, tth sV Fsrn. CHAMBERS' Acadsmy, claaslp. D. 1S71. Mackle'a Acsdemy. now open. 1S14 liar. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 131 Farnam. Dentists. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 4"8 Bran del. Ballsy. Ihe l)entlt. 70B City Nafl Bank. Ta7t Dental Room, 1817 Douglaa. 1. 318; Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcke. 754 Clfyat." Bank" Detective. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Nsvllle Blk. Evl dence secured In all caaes. Tylsr 113d. Dressmahlnar. Terry Dressmak'g college, 10th ft Farnam. MRS M'NOTT. tailoring and dre. .making, , tt-ti e. ztn nt. can tiarney tnyf. 1 ' Mrs. Lattlmer. 1911 Farnam, for fall co. tumes, latest styles, perfect fit. 1. 3S39. M1S.S STURDY. m Cass. Phone Red 73;tX Drnas. DRUGS at cut price t freight paid on $10 order; catalogues free. Fli-rman at MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Kleetrlo Snpplles. LEBRON Elec. Wke., 318 B. 12th. D. 3173. Concrete Rnglneers. Qagnebln-Wells Co. 420 Stste Bk. D. 2?Sf.. ETerythlnsr for Women. UEilSnTCIIING Idesl Button and Pleating Co., 107 B. 18th. Woman's Exchange, 431 Pax. Blk. R. 4813. ACCORDIAN, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sites and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1U3S. Pnrrlera. ' DEN FEN8TER, 1410 N. 14th Bt. W. Msg, Florists. L. HENDERSON, 1819 Farnam. D. 163. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS ft SWOBODA. Hit Farnam St. A. DONAHUE. 1022 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists, 1304 Farnam Sc. Hair Dressing. Harper Method. R. Balrd Bldg. D. 3311. Live Stock Hemedles. OMAHA Remedy Co.. DOT B. 13th. Red. 42ol Loan Offices. NATHAN'S loan office, licensed pawn broker. 109 80. 13th. Lighting Klstnrea and Wiring:. THOMAS DURiaN Electrlo fixtures and suoDlles. contract ing and repair work done reasonable. MIS CUMING. DOUULAS Kit. Mfra. and Winnow Shade Clenners. OLD shades made like new. Midwest (Shade f actory, 401 a Hamilton, liar, 431. Maasenae. Massaga Miss Walton, R. 224, Neville Blk. ANNA MARKS A8 1801 Fsrnam Bt., Apt t. 3d fl 8CIEN MA8.SAGK. 1801 floor. D. sthL Mia FUher. ma., elect, treat't. Red 60S41 MASSAGE, 10 8. 17th 8t. Mrs. Steele. MASS, for rheuintliu, liver, . kidney trouDles. Doug. 713. Mr, fcnyder. elec. trt. 1408 8. 8th. D. 430. M A SsSi fl P1. awediah movement. 44 MAGNETIC TRT.. Mrs. Urott. In city for non lime. ix. izin. nflss Qould, mass., 234 Neville Blk; 10 to 3. K. Mark, message and manicuring. D.7M3. Mersenaer and Transfer. WHITB LINE, 303 Bo. 11th. Douglaa 8J1J. Mllllnarr. SWITCHES from eomblngs. $1.60. Psyche free. Mrs. II. M. Eck. 3o4 B. 13th. D. SX.7. Movies, Storage and Cleanlaaj. W. C. KERRIN. 13th and Capitol. Ty. 1300. Maslo and Arts. WANT partner to share muslo studio; part time. Address C 114, Bee. Oonllets. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, psy as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathia Physlclaaa. Dr. Rorucha. 303-4 MoCagua Bldg. D.' 3036. H. A. Bturgss, M Brawdei Theater Bldg. t. O Barnell, PaxtonBlk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11 til 8t Plauire Henovated. PLUMES A flowers road over, cleaned 4k dyed. Martha Kruger, i' Paxton. D. s:i4. Frlntlna;. WATERS-BARN HART Ttg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 31 HO. Z4 H. Uih M. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644 COREY A M KKNZ1K I'TG. Co. D. 3644. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1103. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. $704. Hoach Citiriniaator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist. Safe aad Tisao Lxa afiaperta. - a T-Tr-.--. toened. reualred. comb rA H F- Daven. port, 14U Pudge. D. lita. gho ttcpalrlna;. Ele trio Bhoe Rep. Co.. 1307 lit. Mary's A. slajns aad Shovruarda. CTi"MO T CUT prices. I1t E. M. CLARK 4t HON, w 4 Bushnell Block. D. 1.7s. tae! Celllasa. CARTER Bhet Metal Works, 110 8. 10th. tor and Olflee 3'lstars DE8KS, safes, scales, showcases, shslv log, etc. W buy. sell. Omaha Future and Supply Co., 414-le-l 8. Uth. D. 724, Towel kappllti, OMAHA Towel Bupply, 307 8. 11th. P. I3L iraaai aad Sell. FRELINU sc 8TEINLE, 1303 Faraam Bt. Tailors. C HAH. C. LANDERTOU, 108 N. l&th St. DR. O. K. YOUNO, 4301 Center. H. S0C1 Wlnea aad Lie nor. ALEX JETES, jgil-t 8. Uth 8L Wines, liquors, cigars. Plata dinner 11 to 3. 10c. LIVE WIKE lUHINKSH MEN tK OMAHA lMdura H fl tin HIa. OLOBE Liquor Mouse, 43 No. IWh, 1 qts. cold beer. Dftc. Write for price list. D. 4:i.i3. Henry poliav;k Liguoit HOUSE. lMh and Capitol Ave. Teh-cent lunch. DUY your family liquors at Klein's U iuor House, b.'i N. th. Douglas lx)9. RWATrKH'S CX)LVMN AUTOMOBILE lllgh-grsile Aperson, low eat racer, 40 h. p.; In fine shape, for other property I can hiindle or use. Demonstration given to prosiectlve buy ers. . C. MW. lee. AUTO A good Stanley roadster. In flrsl class condition, for sale, or exchange for motorcycle, diamonds, or anything. Answer quick, for this car Is going to go. Address, S. C. lM, Bee. A iO0 STOCK of millinery. Whst havn you to trade Addnss. H. C. 1'i4. Hep. AUTO MO II I LKM For other autoTiiohll bargains see the "Automublle" claasifi ration. AUTO 30-H. P. Hupp "-passenger racer auto: perfect order: $2i oash. Address Owner, 8. C. 14.1)1, Bee. AUTO Wnat have you to trade for a . roadster In ths very best condition; has plenty of power; recently overhauled;! would consider a good lot; also one nigh grade piano, with outside player and roll music. Address fl. C. I43. AUTO Want to swap for a late data fully equipped touring car. Income brick business properly, well rented In South Omaha, on principal hualnes 8L, Kth and A Q streets. S. C. 1344, Be. BOOKS For sal or exchange, one set of T of Andells engineers' books, A-l condi tion, for typewriter or cash, or what have you. Address Y 103. Bee. BICYCLE Coaster brake bicycle, only used one year; cost Address B.C. 1443. B A BEBUIUNER-LARtirJiT H1ZE Riv erside baaeburner; everything O. K i also four-hole steel range with water back and connections; will sell either or both of these, stoves theap, account of moving, or trade for anything of equal value I ran use. S. C, 1447. Bee COTTAGK Nice Utile cottage, will ex change for grocery store, are GANG&STAI), Ttoom 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. CAMERA Premo, 3x7, almost new, com plete, with l plate holders; tripod, 3 supplemontsrv lenses and carrying case. Want typewriter. Addles 8. C. 14W. Bee. CARPENTER work and general repairing done at a low cash price, or for any thing of value taken In exchange. Ad dress, H. C. Hi7, Bee. CARPENTER WORK Will exchange carpenter work aa payment for plaster ing of new house; about 400 yards of work. Address B. C. 1417, Bee. CARPENTER and contractor want to swap work for a roll top desk. Address S. C. 14(11, Bee. COLUMBIA pre, 6x3, 13 esses of Job typo end rack; a Winchester pump-gun and leather case, for sale or trade. Ad dress 8. C. 14S2, Bee. DESK A golden oak 60-lnch roll top desk, In good condition. Address 8. C. 1441, Bee. FURNITURE Good carpet or chairs for electrlo work. Address 8. C. 14f3, Be. FOR TRADE We have all kinds of busi ness for trade. Restaurants, rooming houses, groceries, eto. If you want a trade of any kind see us. QUICK SALES Co., 413 Bee Bldg. Red SS4. FINK THOROUGHBRED ANGORA CAT and kitten to good home ror oia-rasn. toned walnut or mahoarany furniture chest, bureau, desk, chair or bed. Ad dress B. C. 14B4. Bee. FURNITURE for u 6-rooin hotel near Omaha. 't.dOO. Low rate rent on the building, wnat nave you 10 umn Addres H. C. 1?i:K. csr Hee OOLDEN osk chiffonier and drer, new; will exchance for solden oak buffet. Have brand new "Lion" brand gaa hot water heater; will awgp for roll top desk. Address 8. C. 1430, Bee. 12,000 grocery stock, ail new goods. Will take In good car and cash for difference. 1 1 1 n 1. l.ii.ln.iu MAArmm fl. i lunii .11 vain "',.. " - - 1435. Bee. HOME Have small -r.. house located In Omaha, wheru It will always rent. Now bringing In 313 per month. Price 31,600: mortgage $000; will trade equity for rord car, a. O. 142. Bee. H0R8K Want to swsp good horse for a Brush one-cylinder auto In good shape. Will give you the best of the deal. 0. C. 141)1, Bee HARD" coal stove and sanitary davenport. win trans ror piano or oi" payment. Address, 8. C. 14RS, Pee. JOB PRINTING PREHri, Kelsey hand lever; slse 7'4xl3 Inches Inside chase; suitable for professional men to do their own printing; good as new; swap for roll top nesK, wincnesier pump nun. hlrviU ne what have you 7 A. D. Rut- ledge, Clark. Neb. KODAK A new Anaco folding kodak. uiu. Inathar tourist case for same end portrait attachments. Will swap for bsrd coal burner or ranga with hot water attachment, or good btcyoU, Address a. C. 1081. t LAND 1110 acres West Kansas land for sain or trade. What have you. J. M. Lynch, 208 E. Kansss St., Bt. Joseph, Mo MERCHANDISE (lock at halt price. I offer good, small stock of rnerchandlss (no groceries), cssh business, good loca tion, In Omaha, cheap rent, worth $a,600, sell for $L2uO cash. Might consider small house or equity In bungalow If price very reasonable. Address, 8. C, 1437, Bee, Omaha. MOTORCYCLE TWIN KXCELHIOR. Wit model, fully equipped. This ma chine has been run very little and en ttinel and engine In A-l ahapa. Will trad for roadater or runabout of equal value, or make an Interesting price fur cash. 8. C. 1448. Boe. MOTORCYCLES Have a nearly new 1313 Flanders slngls cylinder motorcycle; used only three monthsi would consider lot, or what have youT Address B. C.uii, Bee. MOTORCYCLE My new twin-cylinder motorcycle; will trade for good car and pay some difference, or city property or anything of good account. Quick. Tel. Webster 423. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hsnd office furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address t. C 1240, Bee, PHOTOGRAPH high grade outfit com plete. Wa forced out of bualness, as the city condemned the lot for a atreet. Consisting of 1 No. 7 Series 3 Voight lander 11x14 lens, costing some $300; also 1 3-7 portrait lens, 1 14-17 camera and stand, and 1 3-10, 1 enlarging outfit, t-ln. condenser, 1 air brush outfit, all cutters, printing frames, posing chairs, stools, etc., all In first claa condition; every thing required for a firat-class atudiu For an auto If in good condition. 8. C. 1074. Bee. RACKS Two ft-feet metal double over coat racks. Addres. 8. C. 1440, Bee. RANGE Have a good ft-hole range, large size, that I have no uee for; will ex change fur a small ise heater. Address 8. C. 101,2. cara Be. RADIATUR New stovepipe radiator, to heat an upstairs room without aav cost. Address 8. C. 1462, Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trede or riwna iwi, council rjturrs. la. tCALE Have a Toledo J-lb. candy ecale, nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Addreaa 8 C. liw. Bee. STOCK Will trade tock In Omaha cor poration worth J6.00 per hare; paid 12 per cent last year; for good auto. Ad dra 8. C. 1484, Bee. STOCK FOR esALK DON'T INVEtfT blindly; look m up and buy my atock at l.t per. Company doing large busi ness and paid 12 per eent dividends In 1313. Address 8. C. Its. Bee. 8IONS, showcards. Clark A Son. D. 1378, 34.000 This well established buatneis, the brick building and lot thereon in the business center of Houth Omaha. Now paying 4 per cent rental on $o.0u0. alao containing over ll.Ono of up-to-date ma chinery and all appliances pertaining to the business; nothing to buy. Known as ths Uluhe Cleaners, Dyers, Repairing and Pressing. This Is a money-making busl ns In full operation wltnout murh com petition. Will consider a lata data fully equipped auto. If you want to secure a growing business look UULs up, S, C. 1443, bM. TYl'EY RITEH Have H First rTasfc landard make typewriter, two-cxlor ribbon, etc will sell for $:tf or trade for anything of equal value I can ue. 8. C, 1 VA, Hee. WILL exchange Fox typewriter for any. thing of equal value that 1 Can use. Ad dres S C. Mil, Pee. WILL trade pedigreed Boston bull foi something valued at 3-0 or over. Als have a t0 tool chest to trads. B. C. 144.1, Bee. N ILL trmle m l of World's Best Music t. volumes), practically new, for second hand typewriter. P. C. 1f14. wTmTi" TTn TANK, In good condition; & feet l Inches high. 7 feet 4 Inches In diam eter: hoops with mnlleable Iron lugs; tank Is taken apart and easy to handle. S. C. 144S. Hee. WAGON Want to swap for a light cov ered single delivery wagon. S. C. 1450. Bee. WATCH I-adv open fare watch. i year gold-filled case, good timekeeper, to trade for small kodak. What have yol. S. C. IK, Bee. W A NTED Driving Iron, cutter, brassle! lofting iron, caddy bag, for cash. P. C. 1463. Bee. Invest Your Honey Witt Us In our raw profit-sharing plan. In amounts of 3100 or mora and be assured at least 7 ON YOUR MONEY nm3fT47LAM BCrmtTT. Bee or write us about 11 HASTINGS & KEYDER ii4 lutm-rirT bTT-MTBT. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNIUN STATION Tenth and Mon Pepart. Arrive. K. C R I. Etpi K I', t II. U Kip K. C. iu Paul... Chicago Ureat m loom a Til m a .11 11 r rm .... l ot sai a a Western s I'M em s 3:W Twin lty Limited Twin City Eiprea. Cblcai) guprwas Union Pacific Or.rland UmltM Callfiaia Mali Omaha Kiprva. Atlanta Kipresa Loa Anf.les Limits Denear Hp-rlal ColAra.ki ,Kipr-a Oolnrado 'Hp-tal Dan Kran.taoo Linltad Parltle l.lmlt.4 Oriic'ia-VVaiihlnitnn Limited North Plait local .a so am a I SO sm ,4l:Sa s 110 poa ,.. 3 is) am a I 41 pa .. pm a 3:41 am al.Mpm alto am ..alt Ham at.Mia ..a T.H am a 3is am ..a 4 to pm a 4 00 pn ..alt .1 an a t:e am ..tin Km ..all :M am 1 1 It pm ..al4 am H pm ..a 1:11 am 4 tt pm Orana Island Loral Btrom.Wi Local Illinois Central ,...liopm aisixnam ...bll:4l pm b 1:3 pm Ctilnatii l.lmlt. Chlcaso Eaprea a i M pm a I t am s 1:10 am a 3:0 pm Chicago, Mllwsakea A It. Paol Pari no Llmlt4 t TM am allill am ChtMio HixKial ..a I :iopm J.ram San y ran rl-i-a IJmltKl all. Mam a I H pm ChlMi Dajlifhi gpKlal 7:10 am all Upm Manilla Local I 00 pm all Mam Wabash- Omah-Ht. Loula Kiprwa a 3 an pm 4:11 am Mall and Bipraaa ...a 101 am sll'.ll pm Htanbarry Looel (rem a D...S l:W pa blOilftam Chicago A Northwestern. NORTH. Twla Cltr Kxprai a T a sm alA 88 pm a :4 am s I 41 pm blO SO pm a t .l tm at Ham a I Mfi all :ll pm S 8:41 pm al:M am T:4 pm l:ll ana a 7 80 am all II am aU:3 aaa Dakota l'aaa.nr ... Sloua Cltf Lm4... Mlnnwpalla Bxpraa Twia Cltr Llmlttd.. bit) ilHpa a t Upm a 8:01 pm BAST. a 8:41 am a 7 00 am a 7:4 am , all Upm a 4 so pm Danvar Bpaelal ......... Oarrall Local Hawk.r Kipr.4 Chlraso lK al Carroll Lneal Oilcaso gpealsl gaa Fraaclaos IJmlUd ..a f '00 pm ..a I U am Ov.rl.nd ljlmlt4 a t 00 pm Or.nn-Waahlnita LlnlMd.. I II pm 1m Assla Limited a;ttpm WB8T. phadre Local a 1 :00 pm Llnoala-rJalla a 3:00 pm Llnooln-Long Pin :llpm Maatlns.-f4up.rlor a 8:1 pm Daadwood-Hot Sprlnss.. ...... .a 8: pm Oaapw-Land.r 8:Mpm Alblon-Oaaoala M hliMpm s I 0pm 1:U pm bipopm 3:80pm all oo am. bl:t get Chlcaaro, Rook Island BAST. Rocky Mountain Ltmltd :hlcas Loo! Paaam(.r Paolfla itBia tl.M bio 00 am blO U .a I 10 am 4:40 . 4:1 pm 1 St pm pm (.Thlra Day Eipraa.. Chloaso Nlsht tipna. t Moln. Lasal Paaamsar Chlcaso Nabraak Limited.. .. WBHT. 4 n pm au it al oipm al .al:tam a 8:47 Chi -Nab. Umlt-4 to Lincoln. Colorado California Kip.. Oklahoma Taiaa BiprMt. Hockr Mouatala Limlud. A 1:40 pm a 4-0 ..a 4:00pm all SO ..11:17 pot all Bl P am a Bt'RXINGTOX STATION Tenth aad . Maeoa. Dorllngton D.nv.r Llnilt.4 ihte.xo-Omab Dinner and California ... Depart, .a . 40 am ,'.' "lV pm ,. 4:10 pm ,. I to am Arrl-a. a 7:0 am a 8 80 am a I s pm a 8 po pm a 3 -1 pm 3 W pm al3:ll pm a 7:00 am a 3:1 wm b 8 8 am bio jo am a I U am I'usat Round Bipra..... Nabraaba Polnta Black Hllla Lincoln Mall Northwest Eipriss Nabruk Baprwa Lincoln Ixral arburler-Plattammith PlaiiHnuth-lowa BelLvu Flatumouth Ctilraso gpeclai r.nT.r 8pclal Tilca ETipr-a rhh-a. Past Bxpr-a .... Oraatoa Ll gt. I A K. O. Spaetal.. gt boat Special K. O. B let. Jrmpk Useela-riatUmoath . 4:10 pa .. 1:1 pm ' .J1: pm ..a 1 11 am ..a 7:1 pm ,. 1:04 pm ..a :ll am ..all ts pm ... 7:11 am ...ell:4l pm ..a l-4g pm ..a 3 so pm ,.b 8 M pm a 1:4 pm aUiM pm s'V-M sm s 9 m sm Blt:M sm aU:is'sai a 4 OS pm a I B pm . a j pm .'.a ' Vl am ..a 8:30 pm WEBSTER STREET ST ATION Fif teenth and Whtr. Mlaeaarl Paolflo Ttmrt. Arrive. ..bl iOpm biaUM ..b I 40 am b 4 pat MlnnenpolU A Valla Cite twal PrelKht Chicago, St. Panl, Omaha Twin City Paaaenrar Sioux City Bipraw tnwl OlJ PaaMniw .h IBM bS SIpm b t pm hUit am Mi l. B Emtnni Ixcl 1. 4 00 pm t3:tm s dallr. k dally exeept bundap 40,000 GERMANS CAMPED IN WATERLOO ENVIRONS LONDON, Sept. 8. The Oetend oorro spondent of ths Reuter Telegram com pany ssnds the following dispatch: "Forty thousand Germans have been encamped In the environs of Waterloo lore, Saturday, headquarters being es tablished at Ruysbroeck. AU passport! to Mons at being refused by the German authorities at Brussels, the object BP parently to prevent travelers seeing; the great amount of army transport which, has already returned thro from France. "The Germans have Installed heavy siege guns at Grimberghen and Meysse. To prevent the Inhabitants of these plaoea from reporting this fact the men have sll been shut up In a church and the women have been sent to Brussels." BAVARIANS IN BRUSSELS ACCUSEDJDF TREACHERY LONDON. Sept. . The correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph company at Ostend Is responsible for ths statement given out In London today that a num ber of Bavarian soldiers are under ar rest In Brussels, charged with facilitating; the escape of a large body of French prisoners from the Belgian cspltaL A court of Inquiry Is Investigating;. ThS number of Frenchmen said to have got ten away has been placed at several thousand. The Baravlang are grsatly Inoensed at the charges against them. This story lacks confirmation from othar sources. . IV.l V. Tit .rv 1 A; at n i' int. t7' si . - v .t:r." , J r' 7.t n " no 1 1 i A !.'! TV I r.;. j, li. ) :-z '7l;:j i n iO nu !i(3 i .11 a 'm . 1 . Tl it;.! :oo' ls( Ti 0- ; , .IT - 1 ( 1 i.