t T1IK OMAHA SIJNDAV HKK: SJEITK.MBKK '27. 1014. r v-r . .if r .03 r j eirv, snen . - a-' bit :f essol -aid. .ffW - . ,vlt- r iii . e,n' or ho W .:' .an!r-. .et frTS ft t,i.- -be WC.O bio.' tui. -3 VS.T lir .it nb ..n- l-xa .SJO mo " I'o f erit ro a " t J ,0 -ell liiw Of, :-W ."TOl erac in. Os . Vrl JMnb ,MJ c'l- -4 ";w nt( tuna f l;w i B i -.. -;a,. H ,11."! ?0 t Ml! REAL KSTATK -MISCKLLAN KOIS KEAL KSTATr) M18CKLLANKOUS HOMES Belle Isle and Laurelton Additions South of Millor Park and west of 24th street. We have pomo fine homos nearing completion in these two beautiful additions they are modern and complete and "different." We invite the closest inspection of construction and finish. $3,350 to $5,000 and from 5 to 7 rooms, all finished in beautiful oak, with finest grade oak floors, screens, shades, decorations, meters and all improvements paid for. "MARTIN HOUSES" Are complete and well built and we sell them before they are completed. A hundred satisfied clients to refer you to. Come Out Today and look them over. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. Tyler 187, Web. 8006. 742 Omaha Nat '1 Bank Bldg. Real Bargains Must Sell - $1.100 4-roont cotUte, Mth and Lake 8ti.( partly modern. II, SCO 4 rooms and bath, paving paid, Mth and Emmet Sts. $J,7r-Bemts Park, 6-room. all modern cottage, with lot WiHrt, on Boulevard, $7W) cash. $S,W0 Dundee, t rooma, modern, with psjvlng paid; Goth and California Bit. DundM, rooma and sleeping porch, modern and nearly new; ona-half block of car line. $4,500 Kant front on Blvd., room, strictly modern, with hot water heat; living room arrangement; enclosed Bleeping porch, hardwood finish. Price reduced 1600. $4,6K Hanscom Park, T rooma, strictly all modern, with sleeping porch; on Blvd., Just south of park. $4,00 Prettiest Mile, dandy -room house, east front on Blvd.; fireplace In living room; tile bath; garage and drlv e; terms. 14,900 Cathedral District; 8 rooma, with hot water heat; garage and clstsrn; built for s home, and actually cost 11,300 leas than three years ago. Make easy terms. ' $5.600 West Knd; Just finished; 7 rooms, modern and up-to-date, with the best of hardwood finish and built-in features. One of tl.c beat built houses on our list. Owner very keen to sell an d wants an offer. -. $5,700 Dundee, beautiful home overlooking Happy Hollow Circle; 4 bedrooms, i ' . large living room arrangement with fireplace, bookcases, beamed veilings; garage and driveway and oil and gaa tanks. Glover . l-20 City National Bank Bldg. CLOSING OUT Laurelton and Belle Isle Additions We are closing out these south of MILLER PARK unci , Only And we will sell them in If you have been considering' buying in this fine tract, it will pay you to ACT QUICKLY. We Have Sold 105 lota in these two additions in 18 months, and 54 Houses Have been built there Because These buyers, after looking at other lots, bought in this tract to get xn a good neighborliood, where they were protect ed by BUILDINO RESTRICTIONS, and where ALL improve ment were in. : ' .. v; Prices - $750, $800, $850, $900, $950, $1,100 and $1,150 Come Out Today And see this remarkable development. Salesmen on the ground. CHARLES W. Phone "Web. 8006, Tyler 187. PARKWOOD For many reasons the most desirable residence section of the city. Florence Boulevard Miller Park touches its southwest corner. You must see this beautiful addition to fully appreciate it. Water, Sewer, Walks, Etc. Every Lot Protected by Prices range from $550 to ment; balance in easy monthly Lots in this high class addition are being purchaed by INVESTORS and HOME BUYERS, because they are suro to rapidly increase in value. . Jjet us show you this addition. Salesmen on the ground today. NORRIS & NORRIS m Ike Building.' & Spain Douglas $942. two beautiful additions, lying west of 24th street car line. 17 Lots 30 days. MARTIN & Co. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. winds through PARKWOOD and Building Restrictions $1,000. Only u 6mall cash pay installments. IlKAl, IINTATF NOHTH HWK Beautiful Home Accept Small House In Part Payment This Is a new 7-rooni reMenc on Florence boulevard, In Norwood ad dition, beau t If ully finished In oak; large, living room, with fireplace and beam ceiling; dining room, with built-in sideboard; four bedrooms and bath; laundry tuba and toilet in basement. This Is a bonus worth $5,500, and we have a price on It of $4,950. See us at onee. Norris & Norris 400 Hee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. 2-R. House and Lot $375.00 See 4927 North 3 4th Ave Hera we have a dandy lot, with a two room house which has never been finished fnr sal a at IHTR- ten dmn and $10 a month. Ilrand new house next door; good houses all around it. (Jo out and look this over and atop paying rent today. Payne & Slater Co. is umana National Bank Bide Bargain New and modern five-room bungalow, just being finished, on Sherman Ave. car line, 22d and Ames Ave., good location, up-to-date. Webster 4228. 46th and Izard Sts. Four modern bungalows of S rnomi ea h which we will sell oh easy terms. Prices ranging from $2,60 to 2,ftno. just finished. McCague Investment Co., Ij08 MUST BE SOLD Six-room liour,, Wi N. 234 St, larsr it. ft tlf Vsl Ti UTiA ta MnliKw hnma - .... r a j viii v. oan i rtnt. ITIcs, f-'.WW. iva-rnom, nw, tni1rn cottage, closa In . inn win ri. Klv rxms iili H ITIh Rt 11 KUk KlKht fO'ttn M rnrtinr Aott.'an.4 Ti-. port Stn., 4,4ii. t'hena Douglits 3tiOT. Inquire 413 Karbath Ulork. An Acre And A Livin j Maklnr botb ends mwl la a marl Why not Raise What You Eat There's no friend like MOTHER EARTH. You can raise enough regetables. fruit and poultry on ONE ACRE to keD your family. Th oil will aupport you It you tickla It a Quarter Boctton farm. Work In the City and Live On Your FARM And you will find living cheaper, family happier, children healthier. the future brighter and more contentment than you ever knew. No Better Investment can be found than acres at the edge of a growing city auch as Omaha. You Can't Buy An Acre At 16th and Farnam nut you can buy an acre at Benson Gardens that will some dar represent a big value and In the meantime make a pleasant home. You oan buy a little farm NOW that will make you a comfortable living from the products of the soil. It is convenient to car, close to school and you have city privileges and markets. BENSON GARDENS Is a beautiful tract of land just West of the little City of Benson. It Is In line of the future and continuous growth of Omaha. Acres-$750. Half Acres $400 Acres $10 Cash, $10 A Month Half Acres $10 Cash, $7.50 A Month Come out today Salesmen at end of car line, 2 until 6 p. m.( or call at office any time during the week. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 HARNEY STREET. FOUR PHONES DOUGLAS 1C06. Special Must Dundee ft.600 ttoo cash and 40 par month, Inclu housa, south front on Davenport well arranged; beautiful bOxlSu ft. 7,S0u A beautiful Dundea homa, location room, extra large sun room and 11 bath on second floor; splendid ba beat. Kuud heater; good aaraga an 16,500 Heautlful. well built, modern, up low Circle; heautlful living room, bedrooms, tiled bath and steeping finished. Field Club Hanscom Park District S8.70O Heautlful east front, near Woolwor large lot; handsoma living room, d condition. Want an offer. 17,0(0 large 10-roou houa, well built, fu In'g room, library and dining room, white enamel on second floor; 2 r lot. with large garage; fine pluce f sold, want an otter. 15,500 Si Frem-ia St., rooma, large Mv built-in buffet, full basement; thr everything right up-to-date; full lo the car. West Farnam 18.000 A beautiful home. I rooms, extra well built, finely finished, well located, WIS lodge St. Want an offer. Won i rent, one of two years' lease. $5,S00 Near the Cathedral, splendid, well built e-room house, large living room, handsomely decorated; full lot; garage with atono drive. This la a bargain and must be sold. Brick Home On West Podge St., new brick house, asbestos shingle roof, I rooms, beauti ful living room with flreplai; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch; large attic; full brick, cement and stone trimmed porch; hot water heat. Never occu pied. Can be bought from P.oW to 1:10.0 less than cont to duplicate this property. Haa luo ft. front, full depth. Don't rail to lot ua show you this. Big Trackage Bargain Within I blocks of Burlington and ITnion Pacific freight depots, containing H. auuare feet. Track on one s Ida; private switch can be put In on the other side. Unquestionably the greatest trackage bargain wa ever adver tised, but the owner must seU quick and wtll consider reasonable offer. Property clear; terms can ba err nged. Investigate. Vacant 11.500 Northeast corner Cist and Davenport 6ta., choicest lot In Dundee for the price. tl.OOo-Heautlful 47x130 ft lots on Kth and Mason, close to 5.0U0 homes. These are bargains. D. V, Sholes Co. WJ CITY NATIONAL BANK ULDU. HKAL FSTATK MUtTH SIIK New Siucco Bungalow Kivc rooms on thp ground floor: bfiautifully finished In oak; atrlrtly modern; (empnted bHsempnt, with i frutt room rx'avated underground;) rreon. Ioeated on Kanniis Av., oppoKlte Miller park, between 24th St. and boulevard. This la a bargain at 3,250. Terms. Norris & Norris 400 Itee Hldg. Phone Doug. 4270. New Boulevard Home W arw offorlnn a now olirht-ronm hon at L.'7 N. Ontral (btiKoln) Houlevard. Thin is a sturco housr hullt by the owner ! llv In He Is for.-! to move and will sell at the rlK'it prtre. The ho'in con tains every comfort and convenience. Sun rnrlor. pleasant slecplnic porch, Inillt-ln buffot anJ ixxikci.ic. Mahogany fiiilnh tlowiiRtairs. irrmll aaraRe. Lot MixKlC. if yuii ure lookinK for a new, well built house In a "oi nelprhbnrhonfl anil still within walking cletante. Hce us A. P. Tukey & Son 441-2-3 Hoard of Trade Hid. Phone l. r2. $300 Cash and balance monthly buys at 3430 Parker bt., a very desirable 6-room, completely modern noime, that ws built for a home. Is on a larire south front ljt. One block from car and clone to a echool. l'o.s8e. sion can bo had tills month. Bee 4723 N 40th St., for n. good, medium priced house. Hns 6 rooms and Is partly modern. On car line and close to school. Owner will take vacnt lot as the first payment. Make your offer now. Pee 3M Vnplo St., for a cheap house. Thla can be bought for M cash and tlO per month. Has 6 rooms, city water, kss and toilet. Price la reduced to niake a quick sale. Bee tod ly. Creigh, Sons & Co, Douglas 'MO. 50". Bee Ulijg. Must Be Sold ICJt Crown Point Ave. My new beau'.: ful S-room, 2-tory, strictly mouc.n n..inc. Inclosed sleeping ' porch: front porch screened; faces Miller park; one block, from 24th Ht. car; corner lot; shade tree and fruit; nit conveniences; $i.5l. Como out and tnvestlsute it. KOUNTZK place. 7-room strictly mod ern. 4.ut. fall Harney 442. (JKT off on corner of 4h and Parker. la the right wav and you don't need Bargains Be -Sold ding Interest and principal; good 7-room St., near 61st bt.; all modern, wall built, lot. Idal, nothing better; living room, dining brary combined; s fins bedrooms and sement, with laundry tubs, hot water d drive; extra good and cheap, to-data house, b rooms, neur Happy llol wlth fireplace, handsoma dining room, 4 porch on second floor; third floor fully th Ave. and 85th 8t., an ideal home; Inlng room, 4 Kood bedrooms, splendid lly modem; beautiful Interior, Urge liv first floor; four extra fine bedrooms In ooms on third floor; east front, 60x160 ft. or large family; big bargain, but must be lng room, with fireplace; dining room, ee larga bedrooms, fluo large closets; t, shade, shrubs and fruit; luo feet from Bargains DOUGLAS 4J. KKAL KSTATK NOHTH SIDE HUY FROM OWNER savm Tin-: cx)mNiis.sion Itranrl new home, never occupied, fill' tly modern osk finish; has large liv li'tc room, llx;.1. with colonnade opening into rlliilnir room, 11x14, which has panel wnlls. plate mil nn1 window sent; nest den or eewiiiK renin Hnd hnny kitchen, with built-in cupboards snd refrigerator room; front and rear atairwav; three good t ed rooms, four clogi-ts, tiled bath and creened-ln slteplna porch with can vas roller awnings on second floor; easy stiilrwuy to atom room in attic. Full bHxuinent with floor eraln fruit cellar nnd enclosed coal bins; guaranteed fur nace and plumbing: nifty combination light fixtures, screens ond window shade.; decorated throughout; yard will be sod ded. Large lot, 4."xl20, on paved street t 2.-3I t,nure Ave. Trice reduced to tTM or more cash, balance $31.60 monthly. Hood lot taken as purt Pay ment. Key at 24.19 Iaurel Ave. Phone 'harles Horn, owner, Harney 5210, for more information. Wolf Offers 3 New Houses on Binney Street Will be fln'shed tills week. Modern, up-to-the-minute bungalows. Full cellar, stucco KBbles. brick foundation, 12-ln. walls, large lot, main rooms finished In the begt selected qunrter-a wed oak, built-in bookcases, beautiful fixtures. 1-awn Is sodded, street newly paved and paving paid for. Near car. school and church. See them, on the north Bide of Hlnney street near 2Xth St. Price is right. Terms to suit anyone. 2 Cottages 23d and Clark Sts. $675.00 The owner says before he spends any money fixing them up he will let them ?o at a sacrifice. The cottages are In a air condition; not modern. Iot 4xl40; Vj cash, balance monthly. ACT QUICK. An Investment Snap Double frame flat, 8 rooms each, mod. ex. heat. Klrst-clans condition. N'eur plumbing, newly decorated. Also six- room cottage in rear; walking distance. On 17th St. near Paul. Rented $700 per annum. Price, 13,900. Kany terms. H. A. Wolf Ware Block, 15th and Farnam Sts. Douglas KOtW.. liuilt For a Home WANT AN OFFER On this new all modern house; oak f!nlnh; living room across front of house, with vestibule and cloak closet; colon nade bookcases between living and din ing room; clnlng room haa window seat, with panel walls and plate rail; well ar ranged kitchen, with butler's pantry and ice box room; three-corner hed room, with clothes closets and a linon prep :n hall; bath room and sleeping porch on second floor: clothes chute from eeonnd floor to banement: walls all nicely deco- raiea; rurnace neat, with oil burner at tached; auto garage; fine south front lot, 50x124; paved street; close to car nnd school, and only Vi block from Kountze Park, Must he sold reirarrilea. nt niH.n Terms, or will consider lot or smaller i.uuse m nrsi payment. Hasp Bros. 106 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1US1 Bungalow A very pretty, up-to-date, 5-room, oak-finished home. The Interior of this bunnalow must be seen to be ap jireiiaiea. .et us show It to you. Open for Inspection today from 2 to 5 p. m. 3011 North 30th St. Price 3,250. Terms. A Norris & Norris 400 Bee Uldg. Phone Doug. 4270. Attractive New Buneralow J875 Maple St.; .swell new house, oak finish, nicely decorated, arrangement per fect; full cellar; hot and cold water in basement, floor drain, Yalo furnace; lighting fixtures to be aelected by pur rhaaer: full lot, yard will be aodded; close ... nviiwi, v o.m. jjjiu aim aiurcs. 2'nce Kasy terms. HASTIXCHSft HKYDKX, lfi!4 Harney St. WHY PAY RBNTT $100 cash. Price, 11.600. 5 rooms, modern except heat. XO canh. Price, ;',350. 6 rooma, modern except heat. 300 earn. Price, l.yK). 7 rooms, modern except beat. t40o cash. Price, fc',100. 4 ronmu mnH.rn .tc.nl i 7wi uniulia Nat. Bank. Douulaa V.u $950 Cash Equity For 500 Or Would Take In Good Lot -room, strictly modern house, built hv owner for home; only two vears old: oak floors, combination fixtures, etc ; full east front lot. Price, only 2.10iX J Ills 1H Certain V a ttnrirnin Ttiv quick Bale. Immediate posm'ssion. OSBOKNK KKA1.TY CO., 701-2 ()m X'at nk lllrlir rtniiir 1474. To see today cail Webster W.i. Your Kent Money Will Pay For 2.V5 Miami 8t; 4 lame rooms an I bath: stuirway to utile; full cemented cellar; nice porcn; cement sidewalks; 1 block to car line. Only M.iSO. Our easy payment plan will pay for It. MAS'fl.NtlS 1IBYDKN 1CI4 Harney St . PIUOrrlEST BUNGALOW OX PRETTIEST MILE $5,000.00 Fve rooms, strictly modern, unique decorations, fireplace, large lot; to blocks from 24lli street car. Terms, $l,uO0 down, balance monthlv. OALI.AOllKlt & NET-SON, 44 Mrandels Hldg. Doug. JISS2. It K NOHTH A HEAL BARGAIN 9-roont house, U rooms downstairs, t rooms and bath upstairs; located 2th and I'orby. modern but heat; lot 40x100; larise cistern with pump at eink; bricked cellar; fanccd; some shada; in good repair; at 118; tunant puvs water. Price II. too cash. Apply to owner, 2708 Lake. Phone Webeter 44; WANT AN OFFKR On a 7-rHm all modern house on Pratt street. There's a sleeping porch, good furnace, e.ectrie lights, larpe corner lot. paved street and you can name the price and terms. ANOTHER OM P1NKNEY STREET New, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, noth ing but new homes around It and non resldent wants It eold. Very eay terms on cither of these, say .UI down and $35 ier month. PA V N K INVESTMENT COM PA NT. Douplas 17M. . Ware Hlo. k. $.,,j50 BARGAIN S-room cottage, all modern except beat, ment, strn tly all modern except heat, floured attic, screens and storm sash, larve eaat front lot, rear lot fenced, rhlck enhouse, fruit and shrubbery; located near Slat and Meredith Ave., one block to car. Can arrange terms. C. G. CARLBERG U0-3U Brandeia Theater Bldx.e ' m fan n ii I iftfiSiY'il ilTTirii'i i mini KKAL KSTATF NOKTH SIDE A (leneral Clean-up Sale of IOTS in Maplewood Addition. Prlca $325 to $476. Terms $6 caah and $10 per month. KALE TODAY and continues until all the lots are sold. For tha convenience of our buyers Our office will be locat ed on Military Avenue, on the corner of 44th and Parker, in Creighton'a Second Addition, known as Bungalow City. How to Keach the Sale: Take a Deaf Insti tute car, Benson ear, any car that goes on Military Avenue, and get off on the corner of 44th and rarkar. Salesmen will meet you and take you In automobiles to Maple wood Addition and other nearby additions. Wa have a few lots left for aale In Creighton'a Second Ad dition, Known as Bun galow City. Ths lots In Creigh ton'a Second .Addition have all modern con veniences in and paid for City water, sewer and sidewalk, with reasonable building restrictions Just enough to make your borne valuable. Other Additions Salesmen wtll take you to other additions where wa have) lots for aale on terms of $1 down and $1 per week. If you want a build ing giU come to the sale. In the different Ad ditions the price wtll range from $140 to $1,200. If you can't come In the daytime, come early In tha morning before working hours or In tha evening. Telephone Douglas 2o06 and reserve a lot until you can reach the grounds. H. H. HARPER. lQa-14 City National Bank Building. REAL USTATK NORTH SIDE 1'Ol'R nw i"-room hmiKHlows for le Irt Maplewood addition. $27.50 to 1o pet month; a reasonable cswh payment re quired. it. ii. HAitrrn. Phone Ioug'n 2."W. 1')i'14 City XntlnnHl Hank Hldg H f ; ii TfTv s;' i7 ts. ct i k a p. Webster and th Pts. ; paving, all 1m prov ments. Anna Axe. and 3Mh St.; all Improvements. WRIGHT A LASB1RV. IVuiglas ir.2. Bungalow $17") Cash Brand new. osk finished 5-reom bun galow. full cement cellar, furnace. laun- dry. tiled bath. F.verytlilng of the very best, with leree lot and In nice location. Kaslly worth $.1 "i. but c an sell for $2,7.4), with psvmenls 1'ke rent. Jeff W. Bedford & Fain, State Bsnk ttld. Dong. 3320. 81X-Ri"M;M house on the corner of 4!t snd I.afHvette; p;ived street: $100 rash. $2.uQ per nvmth. Price It 000. H. II. It ARTEH, T'hone Douglas 2V.i. tnr-14 City NatlonsJ Hank Pldg. BKAVTIFI'I. HOME. Containlne; llvinir room, cining room, kitchen and sun room on first floor; fin Ished In oak; 3 bed rooms, sleeping porcrt nnd bath upstslrs: finished In b'rch; full basemont; everything strictly modern; laree lot and gurace. Price. JS.R-iO, less than It cost to build It. Icoted In Kountxe p're, near school end 24th St, car line. $Y cash will handle It. C. C. I'ARI.BKRG, 310-.112 p.ranrTels Theater r.ldg. FOR SALE Ilv owner, in Ilemis Pr district. 7-room rrndern bouse, nearle l ew, on cpr line, paved street, paving nil Paid, ft.r $2.K4); 12nn down, balance like rent, fall Ptrson 565-J. Walking Distance Real Bargain Extra Easy Terms This house bas never been advertised before. We Just listed It today and It muHt be aold this week. 1118 South 27th street, a beautlfl two-story houac of 'i' rooms, vestibule, living room, dining' room, den und kitchen downstairs, and three large bed rooms und store-room upstairs. All the bedrooms have very larse closets, Honpe has brick founds tlon, heated with furnace; is strictly mod ern throughout, with electric light, open plumbing, laundry, city water, sewer, screens, storm sash, etc. House is not new. but Is In fine repair, owner having built It and lived In it since completion. Lot is 61xb"i0, on Krade; street Is paved in front with asphalt and paving is all paid for. Nice shade trees and shrub, bery around the yard. This proirty 14 within very easy walking distance of down town and even a small family can save two or three hundred dollars a yca In car fare. Owner is very anxious to sell, as he is moving Monday or Tues. day Into a new property. Ilia price I $4,000, but he might take less. JT.00 cash will handle the first payment and the balance you can piiy off monthly, llkn rent. Owner will be home all day tn show you thla property. Don't delay, but go out and see It not tomorrow but to day. Payne & Slater Co. Sole Agents. 61 Omaha Nal'l. tank Bldg. Close In Corners ' Best Buys 02x132 N. E. COR. 26TH AND DEWEY. $6600 One of the most desirable locations iq Omaha for apartments or a family hotel. Price in very low. Cottage now on lol will be removed. 73x132 8. VV. COR. 21ST AND LEAVENWORTH, 1 8,000 1X2 feet frontago on Leavenworth, Frame house on It renting for $:. Worth $500; to be removed. Have excellent trnant for one-etory building on this ground at good rental. 72x147 Ny E. CORNER 24TH AVE. AND ST. MARY'S AVE., 112,000. Two good two-story frame houses on lot will bring good revenue until you ie move them for brick improvements. Enough vacant ground now for fair sized building. Right on rrosatown car line, ture to Increase In value rapidly. All of these lots are cracking good buys and sure money makjrs for nome one, Hee us about them at once. We ure sole agents. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 15.16. State Bunk Building. House 2 Lots $2,150 $150 Cash Balance like rent buys the neatest 5-room house you ever saw, at 5yth and Erna Ave. (one block north of Center St.) Finished In hard wood throughout. Large rooms, well ar ranged. Two big south front lots 46x129 each; chicken house with brick basement. The Byron Reed Co Phone Doug. 297. 212 So. 17th. Your Choice of 30 Fine Lots 10 minutes from Farnam street on Rellej vue Boulevard. Price. $160 to $S.; U down, $5 per month. Paving, wate., ga and sewer. By making a eulmtaniiul puy ment on one of these lots we will fur4 nish you the money tci build a neat tii or six-room bungulow or cottage. Sliulcr and Cary, T'ouglaa 4233. 224 State Bank Bldg HEAD AND ACT AT OXClJ Modern cement block houses, rooms toilet and bath; furnace; electric light; city water; full cemented cellar, one part for laundry: one-third acre of ground; all fenced; modern thicken house; shade; 4 fruit trees, grapes anJ small fruit; vege table and flower garden; right by River, view Park; 4 blocks to S. ISth and suth nmh. un,l kMward Hosewatef school; good i.elghborliood. Price, only J3.000. $1.0CO C;iBU will get it. Biggest: snap cn account of moving south. Sed owner at rreinlses. 4111 tt. iU oi I'none ikiukiii sun.- Going to Oregon Must sell my l-room house; built byi myself for my own home. The housa la extra warm and well built and will stand tho closest investigation. Priced low for uuick sale, fcee me at once. Owner and builder, 1007 S. 17th Bt. Tel. K 1S74. WAR TIME BARGAIN" Brand new rooma and bath, Z rooms finished in oak; living room across front of house; dining room bus window seat, panel walls and Plate rail: den has oak finish, with four windows and clothes closet; could be used for a bed room: two ld rooms and bath on second floorj bed rooms have laiKo clothes presses, linen closet in hall; foil cemented base ment: furnace heat; laundry connections; lighting fixtures csn he aelected by pur chaser; full set of screens and ghades; corner lot, 50x133, sodded; street paved; close to car and school. A little noutli and west of Hanscom park. Priea cut to 3.!u0. Terms, or lot taken as first pay ment. Rasp Bros. 108 McCague Bldg. Doug. 15J. REAh KSTATK AVKST SIDK Tr'N-RtX M modern dwelling at 141? Casa 8t., at 4'i.0ii per mo. Have a good party who will rent two rooms and pay $-'0 per month. BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 74. s Glk'f uff oo cwruei tf liih tvud Parkw. Phone Douglas 4270. ' I ...