THK OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: NKITEMBEK L'7. 1W14. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Exports in Wheat Puzzling to the Local Trader. ALL GRAINS CLOSE LOWER Wheat Off from Our anil a Half to Tito tents, torn Half to One t eal a ad Oata One-Halt to Oae teats. OMAHA, Sept. M, 114 There ana much mxriilntlnn us to the amount of wheat sold for export trom h-re -est-rday, and ninny In the trail Here lnrl!nd to bcllc'e t tilt t the figures revortv were far below the actual total. Humors rc current enrly In the sen slnn thflt murh wheat was being worked for export and they had tlie effect of l allying- the market, but only aB.otl bush el could be traced na aold ty loon! jeoplc and thla grain went out via the ilf. In addition vessel room for M.W l'iih'la of whent waa chartered, the rate being lc tj Huffnlo. ome of tha local tst'mstes placed yeterdny's export busl I:fs In wheat as high aa 1.300,000 buahela Wheat rrlces here yesterday at one time wore fractionally higher than the previous close, but the market ruled lieavy most of the day. The buy Inn on the breaks was a little better than re cently, but the trade waa Impreaeed with the continued free marketing of wheat ar1 heavy tone abroad. The corn market waa narrow affair and ranged lower moat of the dv. Home bullish sentiment waa aroused by the ex Jort sale of au.tfO bushels of corn and the tact thst local exporters were trying to ret more to (111 future orders. Specula tive interest waa lacklnK. however, and the buying power waa weak. It waa an Irrexular trade in oata, with Vricea at the finish urn hanged to c Jiighor than Thursday. There waa liberal buying of futures by export houses, which was otfset to a large extent by hedging rales by purchases of feed barley. ljocal rxport sales of oats were reported at fc'O.OOO bushel and In addition i;5.im0 bush els cash oats aold for domestic use. The reaboard reported l.OOO.uuu bushels oats tc Paeden. Wheat was 1H to 2c lower. Corn was e to le lower. Oata were c to lo lower. Clearance were: W heat and flour, ninsl to l.ftn.000 bu.; corn, M,00o bit. ; onls, 3w.K) bu. Liverpool close: Wheat, 2Vi2Hd lower; urn, Vrld lower. I'rimary wheat receipts were Z.SM.flno bu nd shipments l,M4,0ii0 hu., against re eipts of 1 47.",XiO bu. and shipments ol 77l.( bu. last enr. I'rimary corn receipts were 131,000 bu. nd shipments l!t.".,nci bu., against receipts of MC.oun bu. anil shipments of J'.ttMuo bu. Just year. It-lmary oats receipts were l.lfflMW) bu nd shipments I.&M.OUO bu., against re elnts of 1. "111. Mil lm. and shipments of 11,000 bu. lMst year. CAKIjOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Harlejr. Ilye. Chicago ,14 1117 Mln'eapolls.. Jiuluth .V.t Omaha 4 Kansas City 211 Ft. IjOuIk ... TS fWlnnlpeg ... ftsfi These aalea were reported today Jv'o. 2 hard winter: 6 cars, K-c; No. 8 hard winter: 1 car, '"tc a: 2 oars. 97'e: rare. i7c: No. winter: 1 car, Wc: 1 car, Hj'v; cars, lc Ko. 8 mixed. 1 car, No. 4 spring J rar, Sc; 1 car, c; No. I mixed durum. 1 r, 96c; no grade hard winter, 1 car, 9fo, Ko. S durum: 1 car, 92c: 1 car, mc. Uye No. 2: 1 car, Sfe; No. 1: 1 car. WSe. Data standard: 4 care. 44c; 1 car, 4.fc; Is'o. t white: 23 cara, 43c; No. 4 white: C cars, 4JVC; 4 cara, 43c; no grade: t cara, 42c. Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, 76c; No. 1 white: 2 cara, 76c; No. 6 white: 1 car, 75c: Jso. 1 yellow: 2 cara, 73c; No. 2 yellow: 2 rare, 73cj; No. S yellow: 1 car, 73c No. B yellow: 1 car, 72Hc; No. 1 mixed: 1 car. 7-c; 2 cara, 71V; No. 2 mixed: 1 car near white), 73c; 2 cars, 71 He; No. I tulxed: 1 car tnenr white), 7c; 2 cara, lie: No. I mixed: 1 car. 710. Omaha Cash I'rlcea Wheat: No. t hard. rVicul.UQ: No. 1 hard. 90Vicatl.O2; No, Jiard, 93c"tfI1.0U; No. 2 spring. VKViLOa; Mo. t aprlng, V7cil.nC; No. 4 spring, 9.V Ytl.00; No. 2 durum. No. t durum, 91(8 2o. Com: No. 1 white, "iXdi 7e; No. 2 white, 76tp7c: No. I white, nQTAe; No. 4 white, 7&!J7We; No. 6 white, 74t75c; No. white, 74a?4o; 2S'o. 1 yellow, 73iSP7!(4c; No. 2 yellow. 78 T3ic; No. I yellow, 72373c; No. 4 yellow, 72MJ7:c: No. 5 yellow. 72"4UTO4o; No. yellow, T2iJf72Mc; No. 1 mixed, 71HS720; No. 2 mixed, 71V4W4C: No. 2 mixed, 70 7lc: No. 4 mixed. 704rMc; No. 6 mixed, WVifTlc: No. mixed. 7tr70c. Oata: No. 2 white, 4vtW44e; atandard. 4S444c; No. 3 white, 43fii14c; No. 4 white, 433 nariey: Malting, 626o; No. 1 feed. nfiWTtiOc. Rye: No. 2, 84'.i3i4c; No. 9, MjMMiC. 21 17 16 m 27 4.1 : Wheat 2 cara, : 0 car, 4 hard Tha recovery waa held by reason of 400,000 bushels having been sold today for ship ment to I-: 1 1 rone from gold ports. i'orn suffered from the dHssloii of wheat Ideal weather for curlnt the new crop tended also to hamper the bull side of the market. Weakness spread to oata. notwithstanding Innulry from tne sea board. Counlrv offerings remained small. Korelgn buying of 'ard gave some strength to prm lelons. An early anvamo In the hog market had some effect In starting an upturn. ij 'omtlons rmiged as lonnw ArticieiTVpen I High. I Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat'li'ro'a1 1 I 1 May. 1 bN Corn. I I ec. May Oats I iec May Poik Jan..! 19 W Lard. I ( ct. Jan. Ribs. Oct Jan 1 I 1 l'1 I 1 06V I 1 15S1 1 1 10 1 17 :o 4iH 1 9 r.2 10 05 10 K 10 Wl 15 4!t',l 4V 4S I rc M'V Msl 19 90 19 76 I 19 77,4I 19 77H v. W 1 55 'l IM I 10 07V4! 10 024 10 OS ( 10 00 ' 10 ' 10 90 ' 10 Ml I 10 70 10 W 10 4 I 10 hO I 1U 4 Helpful Suggestions for the New Home A Modern Seven-Room Home tubs; lUbs, un- Chlcsgo Cash Prirea-W rieat: Nd. rl. H.tftwl.'svS; No. Z nam, ai.wi'ftiai.wv Corn: Mi yeuor-, iir. i i-. o jm ir 7w,i7iA.c. Oats: No. 3 white, 47W7Vc; Mandard. te'oMK '--. Hye: No. 2. 3c. Karlev. bSV'Zr. Timniny, .. n(in.; cmver. nomlnnl. Pork, l0i). Lard, a. ,11 .2iKSiii.2t4. HI T I h-Kr-tteceipia itittiimrl. Mutv-Iir: receipxs . ii marke cases Ineiuneo, iavic; oiainary first 1!ti'Jr; Iirai. arjuiiio. iiT4TOK'J4-Ix)Wfr: receilnts m cars. M.m. cobblers. ff)e; Michigan and Wisconsin red, fK'-! Michigan and u-i.rniiatn white. M'(c5hc; Minnesota ana Dakota Obloa, tK.-B-nc. POI I.THV-Allve, lower; prlwra, lafcc; fcwla, 13c. . - i Kew York enerol fAorket. NKW YORK. Hept. 26. l OAR Raw. o.v mo asses, .jic; rirnuii, o-.tu. u.rin.d i-aIv: cut loaf. 7m!; crushed. Mk-: mould "A." 7 JOc; cubes, 7.00e; XKXX nowneren. nw ihiwuhwi, snoc, fine granulated, 7V; diamond "A," H7c; confetloners' "A," 6 6ftc; No. 1, .Mc. HI TTKIl Unsettled; recelpta, 7,900 tuba; rreamerv extra. 30(WIOAc: firsts. 274(ar21o ocnmia. 2btHFZ c: process eiims, .-w 2i!'4c; ladels, current make, nrsti. zvjj 3ic; seconds, 22423,.4n; packln stock, current muKe. ino. t. cmaiftv. r'lth-.lSK Firm: receipts. 2 300 boxes: state whole milk, fresh white and col ored, special. lftc; state whole milk, av erage fancy. UWvWv.; aklms, Ul4o. KO!8 riteaoy; tresn cauieien,' cxiras. 2.-,i.-i0c: extra firsts. 26r?7c; firsts. S4iiZof se.'onile, 22V:':ive; aline. Pennsylvania and nenr'ir hennery, white, 3(Va0c; state I'ennHVlvanla and nearby hennery gath ered whltea, 2Mi.c; rtate, Pennsylvania 4 and nearby hennery browna , tpuc; l,rownn and mixed colore. 2SU2SO. I'dl'LTHV Uve, stendy; western (hlckena. brollera. 14814V4c; fowls. Wnmr; turkeys lfifW6c. Iressed, dull; western thickens, froMn, IVa'iK; fowls, 144 20c, I turkeys, 2113c Knnaaa City tiroln avxtal Prortatona. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 26. WHEAT No. 2 hard, KHcfiftl.OO; No. 2 red, Wipitc; December, $1.01; May, $1.034. CORN No. 2 mixed, 77c; No. 2 white. 70s Ihna)mriaM' T7" MaW Tl tL. OATS-No. 2 white, toWtOo! NO. mixed. 4IS(943c. Hl'TTjCR Creamery, 2c; firsts, seconds, 24c; packing, 20c. KtJOH Firsts, 21Hc; seconds. 17Hc. POULTRY Hens, lto; broilers, 15o. This plan and exterior design aa lllua- trated always appeala to the person who desires a well-arranged and convenient floor plan, together with an exterior of maeslve appearance formed by simple lines of roof construction. The floor plana have been designed with large rooms In every case, together with all necessary details and arrangement, that ero to make a home romplete. The Urge living room with fireplace and open stairway, the bright gunroom with the double French door, the well arranged and complete dining room, with the plate rail and the handy kitchen and combina tion stairway are a few features which make this plan so dnalrable. The bedrooms are all large, with plenty of closet apace and arranged conveniently for the bath, linen closet and atalrway. The front bedroom la a special feature, having at one end a well lighted alcove and opposite a large storage closet. This house haa just recently been built In one of Omaha's prettiest additions. Anyone wishing to see thla place or deslr- P -t J lu 2 It u. -. .... I LUMBER TRADE UNCERTAIN j Wholesale Dealers Find Business i Over State is Scattered. BUT EXPECT A BETTER TURN I l-.i In thr Bliiea m!clpnte Con- alilr.rnble Activity A hen ( rnu Are SoM and I'nrniera prove HulldlnKS, Int. ycits. e:i r. conditioned only on a good crop Ing further particulars In any way, see I architects, ground Banker Realty Investment company, I Omaha. floor. Bee building, S 25c; Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. Hept. 26.-WHttAT-Bpot, steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 9a 7d; No. 2 red winter (new), 8a 6Hd; futurea, weak; Oc tober, 8 4"4d: December, Sa 7V4d. CORN Spot, nominal; futurea, easier; September, ss 4d; October, M M. FLOUR Winter patents, 36a. Jjpi'xnxo T3ajrVi at.TOsaatx IsJji ' :i J" 1 Ii j- ji Ji i ftinLii ''iiw' w'Us.d' ihmr jotkch I we4gsae, M SaIcowo CjOMt ii i j CHICAGO GRAIN AND PKOTISIOlfS l-atarea of the TradlauK and riealoa; Prices' ox Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Kept. 2.-8haxp reductions Of Prloea at Llveronnl ona.4 rfu etback today in the wheat market. Do plte general belief that to obtain war iilIlc to advantuge the Rrltiah gov ernment had arbltxarllv fixed the Llver IkmiI guotatlona and otherwise interfered vlth conditions likely to affect trade, the low, in Chicago waa steady, but lio to 3'4c under last night. Other net loaaes were: Corn, e to V. and oata, fio to Sfc'Vac. Provlslona flninhed the same aa last night to SV advance. According to cables which were allowed to pasa the English censor, there waa an Increased pressure of wheat supplies In Liverpool and a smaller demand, with a prospect or larger world ahipmenta, In eluding some from Russia. At first this view was given credit and made the mar ket heavy, later, however, asuerttona were current that Investigation had hown the Hrlluth government to have tieen responsible for nUhholding Liver pool quotations for threV days thla week while I m men He auppllea were being pur chased for England or Its allies. Ktatementa that the lowered prices for wheat reported from Liverpool today were wholly arbitrary and represented no actual business dealings led to a moderate rally here In the last hour of the session. t. Loots Groin Market. BT. LOUm Sept. 26. WHPAT-No. 2 I red. 1.0S; No. 2 hard, ll.nV&l.OS; Sep tember. 11.04; December. il.os. CORN-No. I, 78V4o; No. t whlto, S2c; BeptemDer, rc; uecemoer, gsq. OATS No. 2. 46c; No. I white, 47o. ClearlwaT TToaao Bank Statement. NKW YORK, Sent. 28. The statement of the average condition of clearing; houee show that the cash reserve Increased I oOme JUndS 01 lattle Steady, UtaerS .(. yw, leaving a or F),7u.tno beiow legal requirements.. The statement follows Amount. Decrease, Ioana 2,ri.7ci ooo $a,676,ooo Specie S2A.6T7.00O ft,225.aiO Legal tenders St.ttOA.OOO 1.657.0H0 Net deposits 1.H3.246,OttO m.ono Circulation lST.Wl.OOO "T.f.OOO Deficit cash reserve. 3O.7Oh.400 7.674.700 1 I- 'XVlMKICniO riEACnr INVE.&TMRT4T CO " vs.jC-IITE(CT- i "S t' mmmtm- mmm owuw. nw. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Lower for the Week. HOGS SLUMP DURING TEE WEEK Banks' caeh reserve In valuta.. .34ft, 402,000 Trust companies' caah reserve.. 66,187,000 Aggregate cash reaerve 41t.67.OoO Trust companies' reaerve with celarlng house members carrying 26 per cent cash reserve, iiwf.x.l.ouo. Summary of state banks and trtmt com panies In Greater New York not Included In clearing houee statement: Amount. Decrease. Loans and lnvatma...!64.6S.l00 1S.I24.4H) Gold 41.14H.0l4 260.100 Currency and bit. nts.. 18,477.600 (At) Total depoalts 66O.t34.JO0 J. 917, WO "increase. Fat Sheen Ftfty Lower and Fend re teadr (or Week Fat Lavmba Sventy-rive and Peodora Tom to Qnarter Down. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. So. 1W4. Ilocelpta wore: CatUe. Hoi a fcheep. Official MonrtMV tin. Ofilclal Tuesday 1J,'87 yuiciai vieaneaday .... 6.1'47 Offlolal Thursday 4.3W Official Friday l,ui7 "nni oaturaay.,.. to, mi 42.4JU1 Xl.dlW 23,7& 6.I4 Rank Clenrlnars. OMAHA, Sept 36. Bank clearings to day were $2,810 725.61. and 22,538.667.10 for the corresponding day last year. Bank clearings for the week ending Heptember 26 were f 111,432. 198. 80, and $17,566,111. M for the corresponding week last year. Sum mary for the week and that of the corre sponding week last year la as follows: 1814. 1U Monday $8,041,829.(4 f Tuesday Sft45.M2.24 S.870.637.81 Wednesday X,M,Kn. S.42S 843.12 Thursday 8.641.6X7.96 J.S82.4H2.00 Friday 8.032 140.46 Saturday 1810,726.61 2.538,667. 14 i.a 4.464 6.843 4,W 1,1X1 X7U0 21,268 Ul.i 16,71 10,0H IN.V70 lli.W) 81.902 1M,W 4J,.'6 1U..'.4 26,80 lo,Si3 Six dava thla vok. xi KTa Bame days laat week.. 83,816 oame days 2 wka ago. .S2.M9 Same days S wka ago. .Kb. IMS Nrne days 4 wks aMO2:,lVS bame days laat vur tiiu Too following table shows the receipts of aitie, bogs and sneep al the ttoutb uiuaha maraei lor tne year to date, as conipai ed with laat year: mil 1011 Ton Dae Cattle fca.290 2.61l 40.828 "s L781.tuS 217,817 tihoep i,0Tt,04 i.vXl.lM 87,0118 Hie following table snows the Dries tor boas at the Houth Omajia liva lo:m mar. ket fwr the last few days, will) oooiiiarl-una: Totals. . ,.$1M32.1 80 $17,566,111.66 Hew York Money Market. NKW YORK. Sept. 26. PRIME MER- camiln PAl KR 7 per cent. KTERL1NO KXCHANQE Strong; for ranies, 84. K, for demand, 84.96. SILVER Bar, 5jv0. u , ., j urect Tnm nine To Coosijrrr Follow These Wise Coal .Buyers Order Tecumsoh Now Thousands of careful coal buyers In your city now buy Tecumseh Coal. . ... ' ",ni ro"' " on the season's supply. They have out out the middlemen end make middlemen's profits their savtnaa You can do the naJiie. You can cut your coal bills nearly In two. IJuy your coal direct from our ing for yourself "uw w,wl guarauieem coal and rj.ak. thla sav TECUMSEH COAL IUHKCT TO YOU' AT MINK PRICKS. We guarantee on-time critical times, deliveries. If you are a small user and can't use a whole carload try the coal club plan. This plan has worked aucc-esafully wlUi many of our customer. They buy a carload and split it between themselves. The saving for each Is worth It. Is mined. In our mines near Vlncennes, Ind., aitd every pound Is guaranteed to prodkjee 13,400 B. T. U's. with only tali and moisture. Tecumxeh Coal is clean, free burning and clinkerlesa. Take no chances on the worries and tuaaes due to the failure to get coal at CAS VOl 11KAT THIXi: PRHTaf x3-U. SomeatU Err . . Sa.oo per toa OrwshedaClaeaaa.aar eiM 1.10 ner ton al 4,-ta. Bomestlo at at . . g.00 per ton Boreenlags . . . .77.. .77 V 10 Vor W. -U. Douesua Uap,... 8.00 pr tan 1-la. LuLp I.!!;;.!!! iiooMtoT KHE10HT RATrJ TO OMAIrA ONLY $2 40 PEUi TON- MARTIN-HOWE COAL COMPANY BUSliSS ST9 HOTIES, Jes Vreomaa, Ties Srea. IMS Sc(!mi.I.V wll. r-1 w-ew. - " , ,uwwe-v. w. M. Hews, Vres. Hand lagle. Yloe Ftos. ioag- Distance Telephone Haxruoa lll. AntomaUa 2raoa X-4M. fr" IJate. I 114. lni.;Ulii.ili.!ii0.a0w.19iNi. bept. Jl. 41ty 1 ; 1 8 7 1 W 6 71 opt IS. I T 87, 88, 6 t 1 7 Mi 14 8 80H, V: 7-. im 1 s 8 "PU UsvTky I S 7s 8 M 6 Ui 6 8 oept. la.) avtei V 8 43 8 all tsi 8 Wx 6 i ept. li 4i 1 V wi j s lo 6 u oept. U. s lum till S lol 811 i li SU IK. 8 40-) J M 8 1, Ji 8 2 I W bepL 8 tk( 3J i 8 17 bept. il 8 6btk, I 411 M 8 47 1 8 Li I 87 bept. JU.I 8 40 I 8 081 1 6 &sl 8 441 8 lOI 81 oeui. u-i 8 Mini 8 Osi 8 4i k M 8 ei 1J 6 H 24.1 8 8 Wi 8 411 I 8 44l lto, 6 lo bepi, it 8 nl S 07i S M 461 4 8 161 71 ?ept . 8k i iji ool j,. 8 4fc I h, CAiiii, '1 Iiere wvire no ,-j.iiim Ii.ta touay, at leaat nothing of auy consa- ".umuco, but i6r tne week receipts have motm loiae, snowing a aught gam over laat woea, but a slight decrease as com pared with a year ago. Corufed beeves ot ail kinds have neon scarce, wlU very lew sUlciiy good kilters biiiuus uie arrivals, liv reason of tha supply such oattte have remained about atettay throughout the woes. Good to choice range beef haa aiso conuuued about steady. Medium crades of irui catUo havo shown more or lees weaKara and are around pyuc lower tban a week ago. Cows and heifers have ahown a little Inclination to drag on most days this week and price at the close are any wuero irom lOo to as much ss 3uo lower than last week. h.ven cannera, which havo been in splendid dainand lor some time back, havo eased off. While tne best fleshy feeders havo heal up pretty well, there has been a weak ening on the general run of stackers and feeders during the last few days, and prices are around INuJuo lower titan the close ot last week. Homo ot the cuunmia kinds possibly havo ahown more loss than that. Tight money haa aooarentlv ora- venled many would-be buyers from tak ing on catU. quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. SV.Untl 10. JS; fair to good corn fed beeves, 8.7LyV60, common to fair corn fed beeves, 7mi8.76; good to cholco range steers. 87.8oo.7&; fair to good range steers. K . comuton to fair range steer. K'u.!Ki; good to choice grass iiriit'r. o.4"ii i mj, iwiij to onoice grw oows, it.lixyi.Th; fair to good grader. 8b 60 ctmumin to fair grade. t4 (iLj ti; good lo choioe Blockers and feeders, 87.80 ti82S; fair to good atockera awl feeders. 8ti.ui7.0u; common to fair stockers and feeders, S6.0WP8&0; stock heifers. 86.76x8 7.00; stock cows. S475?6.6; stock calves, ST.tMleW; veal calves, 8s.0O5ra; bulls, staaa, etc., 85 257 00. Representative aalea: HOOlt Receipts were very moderate. oven for a Saturday, about forty-three cars, or 2.700 head, allowing up. The week a total la 1.2tS head, being about 4,6u head larger than last week, but more than S.ioi) smaller than laat ryar. There were no shipping hogs of ronee auence on aale and ehippers and specu lators filled such orders as they had with mixed hogs. Prices were quoted as weak ' wiin yesterdays shipper trade. borne pretty lair lights reached $8.80, but most ot the auipplug eaiea landed prlcea tnai were utile better than those paid by pack era In a way this was to be expected, as the quality ot the shipper puicnaaes was not a great deal belter than that of the killers. backer opened out slow and during the aariler rounds acted very Indifferent bla ding all of a ulme and In a good many cases lmaluc lower. With the shippers anu speculators buying up lust the hogs pack ers neeaed. however, trade looa on a new aspect, and while the market failed lo become veiy llveiy pries undoubtedly showed considerable Improvement tow ard the close. On the early trade, with the killing demands so alack, and one packer not even bidding, quite a number of aalea were made that looked rignt at a dune lower, but with things airenglhen lng later, the hogs aold toward tne nuit end wore not over a nlckei lower, and in a few Instance were quoted aa aimost steady. As will bo unuerstood, the un even markets ot the last tnree aay make the average a very poor Indicator of the general trade, and U la a difficult propo sition to quols a market on the strength of Individual sales. Therefore, while com parisons loduy are lar from accurate, prices are al least weak to as much us 10c lower than Friday. Most of the saiea landed at $H .Ofi .15 and top laiied to go over 8.Ju. The week's trade haa beeu far tiuiu sutlslao tory to the soiling Interests, and tne trend of prices has been lower all the way through, today's trade showing a decline of Una as compared with the ciose of last week. On Monuay, with me lightest run of the week, the uaue showed a little strength, but with that exception the market lias gone stead I iy downward and the close ot the weeK finds prices in the lowest notch since the big break at tne outset of the big European war. fair to good, $4.60(34.75; ewes, feeders, $3,60 4 aa. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Wholesale lmnlier dealers ire flnillng the lumber tr.uie In the pta.e soticwhut ! scattered and uncei-t.Vn. Tluit Is. they I 'rny they cannot tell where they nr Rolnit J ! to find a (food demnnd for lumber and ; j where lliey are not. At the pnsent1 moment they say they cannot determine i what paiifre.i It. A report from an aver age Nebraska town ot less tlmn l,C- in h:iViilan(! thows ' a Kale by the local yards there of $12..'iu0 worth of lumber In the month of AuffUFt. Another report from a similar town shows a sale of $f"i worth of lumber In the same month. There was no boom In the firmer town and no depression In the latter. Thus the demand fluctuates at this particular time. Southern lumber dcnlers are part'culnrly anxious to determine what they may look for In this section In the next eix month or a year. Representatives oi tne uig southern mills have started making trips throuph this section with a view to gathering psapects and making n re port on general conditions of the lumber market back to the mills. Some of these have been on the road for some weeks. beginning In Louisiana, going through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas. Nebraska and i on through Towa and Illinois. The fluc tuating and uncertain condlUm of the demand la what they are finding to a I larce extent, especially through Nebraska i and Kansas. Kxpeet Increased Trade. In "Bplte of the war In Europe, however, lumbermen look for an Increased and steady demand for lumber very soon, aa they hold that the extra money the heavy crop and Increased prices will pour Into the pockets of the farmers this year Is sure to tell In Increased building activity. Old lumbermen say that when the extra Sr-7,000,000 that this year's crop Is yield ing gets Into the pockets of the farmers of the state they will begin to build the barns and other outbulldlntrs they have neglected for somo years. At the same time they hold that when that extra money begins to clink In the pockets of the farmers nothing can keep the house wife from having that new house or that naw addition she has been promised for COMMISSION WON'T GIVE OUT NAMES OF DRAFTED MEN CINCINNATI, .. fVrt. y. was in nounced at the heailiiiarte-s of the Na Hase Hall romm'srlon here 1 '1:iV thai the na'iics of players drafted Iy the National ami American !ei:R ics would n 't be given o it by the cummlaa'on. but that the lodivdunl chilis would ma1;e them pi:Mlc when they so desired. In forrmr yea's the p.ayers were drafted nt a ineot'nK of the commlFsInn on or ahcut September IS am' the list given out by the commission. Tills year the drafts were made secretly. i ft A le. K e r- ' ou CAN MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN more than 7 Interest by rut ting It in Home Builders' Shares. For they pay 7 guaranteed, besides participat ing in the builders' profits, which amounted to last year. Protection the Best Kvery dollar "Invested In Home Builders is protected by real estate mortgages and rash and not by real estate im proved or vacant. Open for Investigation Home Builders' Charter, regularly issued under the laws of Nebraska, Its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws and also its books of records are open any time for serious investigation. Our free booklet, the "New Way" explains our plan fully. Write for it today! t: . i N. as... ... at... 6... At. Ph. rr. ...1140 l.M I M ...lit 0 t CO V: .-Jut-) I 04 M. ST.... M... .... M.... J.... .... 44.... 11.... 67.... M ... ..Ilt'J ....ail ..I' .. ..Ml ..Ml .set .UK .34 40 M 'ii 40 to iio 140 No. ... 41... &... a... 47... ... ... 14... 44. ... 4... 77... 7... HI... At. ..(14 ..lM Bo. Pr. loo 10 MO la iaO 10 IM I 10 ...Ml ...t2 ...I.I ...rt ...Ui ...ii ...U7 ...Ml ...iK7 o 1 10 ( 10 S 10 S 10 I 1 I u S II l. I 16 ... 6 71 1114 (7 261 tu ' M IN 40 U lit SO II 16 UO I U 140 I 1I 40 11 ... M lis) DO ... a Ml 0 I ( x I 04 04 t M I i I Aft v: a o; 10 I S7 to i a i ie ... I 10 ... I 10 ... I 10 ... I 10 U0 II 10 147 ltd 10 r- h k 'i ni wtjie no receipts of sheep today. For the week the receipts were about 143,!M head, si.sw more man last week, still 26.000 short ot the same week last ear. Trade opened here aionaay very now, little doing until late In the day," with the packera bidding all of 7c lower than lt week's bd close. At the wlndup or Monday the bulk of the larobe showed a 7oo decline, and In the neighborhood of a dosen loads were carried for Tuesday's market. Other markets reporiea similar conditions, the extreme bearall Influence being attributed to excessively large re ceipts at all points, and especially to a large run of native olferinga at Chicago. Mince Monday the receipts continued of fairly liberal proportions, but prl e In the main have held up fully steady on both sheep and lambs, yet lambs are still Tbo off from last week's closing prices and. mutton averages a half dollar lower. Mutton on Monday did not suffer as inucn decline aa lainus, i.-uiiowm""1 the decline of the week la not aa great. w lie IV' inej At as at the high time in August. In Septem ber of last year the highest price paid for html waa r W. Feeders, especially lambs, have been In generous supply all the week, and be cause of a l(l(lie decline on the bet grades of feeder lambs couutry buyers have taken advantage of the situation resulting in a big feeder movement to the country this week. There haa been a l&'g'iVi decline on the common to pie dlum gradea of feeder lambs, and possi bly more in some casea. Aged feeders are still scarce and on thla account are ,,!) triv l!h a week ago. Another good run of fat and feeder offerings Is locked for next week. Uuotatlnne on rne abeeo and lambs: Lavmba, good to choice, fT.4c4o7.4u; lamha fair to good. tT.lwu'I.ei); lambs, "feeders. $" HHfI.10; yearlings, good to choice. ta.M) t;.10, yearlings, fair to good. iWii5); yearlings, feeders. tSiiS; wethers. gmd to choice, j.3CKff5.50; wethers, fa'r to good. $' 2or.on; wethers, feeders. 14 Sri i hi., ewes, good to choice, K'l&ue lo; ewes, Cattle Slejidy Hosja Weak 3 keep Steady. CHICAGO, Bept ' 38. CATTLE Be- OA! fit 9llA IibhH MB.lri- tw... "iu inai fv tj t. ovevtuj uwrHBf t6.itm.X; steers, .25iii9.15; atockera and feeders, 5.40 8 36; cows and helfera, S3. 60 u).lb; calvea. tH.004cll.76. llOOS Receipts, 5.000 head; market I weak at last night's figures; bulk of sales, $7.9t)i8.SO; light, X(W9.00; mixed, IS.Wit .(; heavy, 7.70ti.7l); rough. $7.7ft5j'?.8u ; plKs, M.75f(8.0. HHKKI' AND LA M B6 Receipts, I.OnO head; market steady; sheep, $4.Sg5.IW; yearlings, 5.75i!5.40; lambs, t6.2&tfl . Kwnsaa City Live, Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 26.-CATTLE Receipts, SIX) head; market steady; prime fed steers, tlOOfall flO; dressed beef steers, H.00iif.75; western steers, H7f-M; stock era and feeders, 6.00.00; bulla, 6.2C&.50; calves. Iti 50-u 10.50. HOGS Receipts, 1.000 head; market strong: bulk of sales', ?$ (Xt(H.40; heavv, txiros 40; itackera and butchera. 8.0iyiS.M); light, $S,00-.50; pigs, $7.25iSr7.S5. llKEP AM LAMHn Kecelpts, none; market steady; lambs, $ 0if7.4O: yenr- lings, S.60uti.i.; wethers, $.6.60: ewea, U.V,tii.S. St. I.onls Lire Slock Market. ST. LOIIS, Fopt. 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, l.OOo head: market steady; native beef steers. 17. 6tftl0.85: cam and heifers tb.iXjiW.T&; stockers and feeders, IS.OOii.&O: southern steers. tn.(i.0O: cows and heif ers. 4.00f.l.,'VO; calves, JS.OOtS'll.OO. HOGS Receipts, 1.6t0 head; market steady: pigs and light, $7.00y.; mixed and butchers, S.70i.9O; good heavy, S.50 tHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts. J.300 head; market steady; muttons, S4.00u.00; lamba, $7.4if T.60. Paint the Outside of Your House Sherwin-Williams Best Paint (BO colors), per gallon. .. .$2.00 Porch Floor Paint (8 colors), per quart 55 Black and Green Screen Paint, per quart 60 Outside Spar Varnish for doors, etc.. per pint GGt? Marnot Floor Varnish, for inside floors, per quart 85 Pratt Lambert s No. 61 Floor per quart 85t Also Lead and painting necessities. Oil, Turpentine, Putty and other house Barker Bros. Paint Co. Douglas 4750. 1609 Farnam St. Let Us Move, Pack, Store or Ship Your Household Goods or Piano St. Joseph Live. Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Kept. 26. CATTLK Re ceipts, 50 head; market ateady; steers. I7.Ohw10.SO; cows and helfera. K.SwjjS.aO; calves. $0.307T10.5O. HOGS Receipts. 2,?00 head; market strong to W higher; top, $8.60; bulk, tS.lOtt H..V1. SHEEP AND I,AMBS-No sheep .on sale: market nominal : lambs. 7.0ftlW,7.SB. the decline of the week la not aa great Kat lambs are now about wheiv thej were two weeka ago, or on a P I' with the low time for the season to d 1 v Ai that current prices are t 11 as ,,h ai Everett S. Dodo's Architect Phone, D-2981 612 Paxton Block STORAGE GO. 1is - QSP Tf vnn want ah. WWH . . 'If you aSd.;i?: ou oi getting an unexcelled service. If you want your goods moved or packed aafe ly, if you wish your good shipped to your """"us", men ibi us take Tun charge. Our rates are moderate, our service of high quality. Our special repre sentative will be glad to call and give you full information without charge. Separate locked rooms, heated piano rooms, silver vault, etc. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. 806-818 South Sixteenth St. E. J. HJavis SAFE HOVER Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam PHONB DOUGLAS 353 Customers will not hunt for you Only when your location is right and easy of access, will they look you up. Otherwise, they go to the man who la mors easily found. THE BEE BUILDING (The building that is always new) Is Well Known and Well Located and therefore EASY TO FIND OFFICE ROOM 103. ipffi LW-TEX E5RIOCC"Thr!in3du'?,,ty HYDRAULIC PRESS CRICK COMPANY, 1302 W. 0. W. Call and se the I euutllul New Colors