o Advertiser There's never been a time in the history of Omaha when interesting, strong news paper advertising was more effective than it is now,, or could be bought at so .low a cost per reader as it can be bought today. There's never been a time when The Bee was so eagerly read from 'the front page to the back by all classes of people. There's-never ... been a time when wide awake advertisers could cash in so quick ly, could get back Vich big returns for every advertising dollar spent Don't overlook your ties. Don't dillydally) present opportuni and hesitate when you've got the chancef of ;your lifetime to . move forward en masse and strike a de cisive blow. Now's the time for full-page ads instead of halves and quarters. Now's the time for half-pages and quarter-pages where you formerly used six to eight inches. Now's the greatest chance you'll ever haveu. in the world to impress your own bigness and stability on the minds of this great public in and near Omaha. One hundred and fifty thousand human beinks in Omaha, and one hundred thou sand more in the towns close to Omaha, are buying hats and gloves and shoes and stockings and underwear and suits and dresses and furniture and jewelry and food right now every day. And your story of merchandise value, of quality, of convenience, of style, of bar gains to be had will reach 250,000 read ers daily, at a smaller cost to the adver tisers than all other advertising mediums combined. Did you ever hear of such a bargain be fore? When you've got a chance like that, isn't it only common horse sense to take TWO PAGES NOW for every ONE you used heretofore? Are you going to let this chance go by? Are you going to sit in your swivel chair and twiddle your thumbs when you've got a chance to make a ten strike? Are you going to spend your time dis cussing the advantages and retreats of the European armies and the different shades of color used in European uniforms while you neglect the biggest chance for live commercial strategy you've ever had? Are you going to spend your hours dis cussing the merits or demerits of a for eign fight while customers that might be yours troop past your doors to OTHER STORES. Don't dillydally. Don't wait. If there ever was a time for action, that time is NOW. The harvest is ripe, waiting to be reaped. Sharpen up your reaper blades and REAP IT. ii la Try)