THE HEE: OMAHA. SATTWDAY. SEPTEM HEW lV. 1114. 13 SWAI'I'Klt S COl.t MN H'iXH, mi,.) uiiN. Clin k A Son. 1'. 1. ,8 TV I'KW KITI'.U to w ip "for sinale harness In good If quick. TIiim is limited S f. HWl. Hee. II. I. fvl-iiici- Fox typewriter for any thinu of eiual value that I can use. AJ- ,lrr S I'. 14.0. Bee. . WATCH 1 have a good 17-Jrwcl silver case watch to trade for a revolver. Ad- drun 8 C. 142fi. Bee, m WANT to swap fur a s ngle harness and n liKht singe mnn, 1 have quite nn assortment of personal properly to Give particulars In first letter. S. C. K'TS. rare Bee WILL tmde pedigreed Boston bull for something valued at t- or over. Also have a $40 tool chest to trade. 8. C. 14.'.:;. Pee. Vll,I, trade sot of World's Heat Music IS volumes), practically new, for second hand typewriter. P. C. 1444. WilorKN TANK, In good condition; 6 feet P Inches hleh. 7 feet 4 Inches In diam eter: hoops with malleable Iron huts; tank Is taken apart and easy to handle. S. C. 146, nee FOR RENT Apartments aid Flat. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house of apartment when we have listed every vacent house and apartment In the city. Thone ua for further Information. Uouglas i' luein y nuirnm t v r- i I ." j r v ' r i - x . . . . i w . PARK AVK. AND JACKSON ST. The chuleeat 6-room steam-heated apart menta In the city with maids' rooms. If you wish excluslvenees and conveniences in a new apartment Duuuins, set References required. C H. Moser, 4931 I'n clerwood Ave. Tel. Harney 3167 or Jani tor; z2 2301 HOWARD St. 5-room brick flat, :. IMA 8. 27th St. 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. $716 Hawthrfrne Ave rooms, hot water heat, 140. ALSATIAN APARTMENT, 35th and Farnam Two ft-room apartments, 142.50. L. D. SPALDING & SON, 1818 Farnam. Tyler 100, ST. CUKE APARTMENTS, 13d and Harney Sts., 3 room apartments. Call H. f47 or D. 65C. 4-R , mod. ex. heat; $14, H. till. Modern. 4-room flat 316, 1417 Vinton St. Phone Red MS 1116 DAVENPORT ST. 4-r. apartment, mod., sleeping; porch, $30. C. O. Carl berg, 310-W3 Hrandeis Theater Bldg, OQDEN ANNKX looms, ettes Council Bluffs. witn kitchen S-ROOM modern flat. 1113 So. 11th. Gordon Van Co fgg tit N. 11th St. Phone U. 4 or H. Mil VERY choice 4 or 6-room, steam-heated apartment on W. Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBB1XS. 1802 FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM modern, water, curtains and odme in dining room, fret, $22.60. 21i No. 2Mb Ave. Phone H. fi767. The Knickerbocker Omaha's Finest Apt. House ONLY ONE WITH HEATED GARAGES 6 and 7-room apartments of 'extra large rooms. Marble and tile entrances, large verandas, reception halls with coat closets, fcun looms, faience tile fireplaces, cornice ceilings, oak, mahogany and white enamel finish, mirror doois, tiled In bath tubs, pedestal lavatories, elegant lighting fix tures, big closets, white enamel refrigera tors, double-oveii gas stoves; beautiful lawn: low rentals compared with others POSITIVELY THE HE ST AND ONLY EXi M'SIVE APARTMENTS IN THE CITY. Handsomely decorated to suit ten ants. Full information from Ed Johnston, fhone Harney IH6, or at residence next door to apaitmcnts, or from Payne & .-laier Co., Phone Douglas loiti. o C I .Ob E IN A pXrTMENTS. CARPATHIA, S.I4 SOPTH MTU STREET. Hr iutliul it-room apartments, modern in every detail, newly decorated, hardwood fin m, tiled floors In the bathroom; Ice boxes and gas ranges furnished; $22.60 summer 12H winter. Call at our office and we will show you through. FLORENTINE, 9t7 SOlTH 25TH STREET. ;! nnd I-room apartments, nicely deco rated, hardwood finish, very modern equli tneitt. Attractive rents. LEONE, S.12 SOl'Tl I 24TII STREET. Five-room npauments. strictly modern and up-to-date In eirpnient; leautifully decorated; $30 summer. $40 winter. We tan show vou through at any time. PAYNE SLATER COMPANY, Ulrt I tmaha Nat. Bldg. A-tTl'iN ERA l7c'ean-up sale of lot. Get off on Military Ave., on the corner of 41th and Parker. Salesmen will meet you. Phone Douclas 2"96. il. H. HARPER. 1013-14 City National Bank Hldg. THE SHERMAN. Elegant 6-rxm apartment, 2501 Sherman Ave. AN elegant 4-room apartment, with sleep ing porch, furnace, strictly modern; located 3115 Davenport Ht., for $. C. (1. CARL.BE KG. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. ciTkskTin-M(iT?;rn bricks. Five rixims. heated, over drug store, I4th and California. Eight-room, two-story, 1S12 Webster. O'KEEfFE REAL BSTATB . 1018 Omaha National. Tel. Oouglaa J715. Knrnlsbed Rooms. FOR RENT Front room, suitablo for two; modern; 5 week; board optional. 2317 IouglaB 8t. . BUNNY room, neatly furnished. $2.50. 2209 Douglas St. , STRICTLY modem, for gentlemen only, 13 50 per week for two. 2212 California. Fl'R. rooms, private family, 825 Uo. 2Sth Bt.. or call H MOD., clean, single room. U-W, 434 P. 24th. fi. E. exposure, in private family; mod. room for two, 14. S24 So. 19th Ht. R. to7i. FURNISHED room for rent, near Creigh- ton university. Phone PougUs 72SI. WELL furnished modern room, hot water heat M12 Capitol Ave. Douglas Mfli. MODERN, quiet rooms, walking distance, 1150 week and up. THE KNA PP. WIS Cass Bt. REDDEN 41$ So. th. mod. rooms, steam heut; reasonable. Neatly furn.. mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20th. Mod, pilvate home, references. H. 5138. HAMILTON Apts.. iilh and Farnam' Furnished south room. Call D. 136. WELL FURNISHED modern room, hot water heat. 2412 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6k75. . FRONT room, newly furn., $4. D. t4;7. WARM, comfortable, modern room In private famllv, J10 month. Call W. 3H.1l. Fur. rma. modern. 16 &. Cass. Apt. . FURN. ROOMS PRIVATE home, walking distance II. 142. ,KEJ all all mod., beautiful, board optional, S3. NURSES Mod. room for one or two. close to car. $12 or 118. 1412 Wirt. W. 3061. FarnUhed Hooseker plntf Koonis. LARGE, mod., complete, $3.50. 2209 Douglas. Haasekeeptaar Moosaa. 2 APTS., furnished for light housekeep ing: steam heated: mod 4758 N 241 h. THREE nice rooms, housekeeping. 8. 11th. 11U Hotels Ajwrtsirsia CALIFORNIA Hotel. lSth and Oallfornls. Weekly rates U and up. Douglas tJbl DOIxJfc. lRJTEI Modern Rr-asonable. Board and Hoosus. ClOOI) tahle board and room, son street. 71 j Jack- FRONT room, modem. lose III. for man and wife, with hoard, in per week. II. 64o7. HOARD and room in Dundee. Tel. 11. 2!J2. Mosses aa lollaars. 323 No. 30ili St., 5-r , rod. ex. heat, $1S Vi. .22 No. i'.th St.. 7-r.. mod.. 4o. '520 Oastellar. 4-r.. mod ex. heat, $21. (1". So. 3't h St., 8-r., m id., $32. oo wrj t-o. .".'til St., -r., mod ex neat, $1n. 2S2X So. lMh St., 4S-r.. mod. ex. hctt. $21. :i,17 St., I-i., nid. ex. heat, $17. . Hi1 So Hth, i-r., niiMl. ex. heat, $12 "415 ErsUine Si . ,-r , mod ex heat. $hi. M'CAOI'K ESTM HXT CO.Ml'ANY. J. iNxigi SI DoomUs 4.-, H. HoLSE. 2C.J 1'alkcr. $.U. 11 'iJtAli. 1 OR RE XT llnnsea nnd I ntlaaes. K( ill KKN'T. well located new liutisalows close to car line and schools $.:'..VJ o $ per month i ISA N K KHS UK A I. TV 1 X V ESTM KNT j COMPANY. ! Ground Floor Hee Rldg.. Te'ephone I "on -IS'.'b o. .I'll" .lotus St . S rms.. all mod., $:l '.''.tl Indiana Ae , 7 rms . part mod.. $-"0. h'12 Piicific St.. 4 rms. part mod $I.V S'.'is Snhler St.. ."i rms.. part mod.. $I.Y 2:C-4t So. JSth St.. 5 i s., moil. ex. ht , $12 50. flT So 2."th St . :t rms . part mod. 19. HI 11 K KI T .V COMPANY. 4.':t Hee Bldg. Doug ' ROOMING HiU'KKS. Twelve rooms, unfurnished, X month; bedrooms; fine location for. roomers and boaulers. Address, J. W. Klwood. Riimre Hid Hid It KNT BARGAIN. All modern, newly decorated, on Sher man Ave ; 11 fine rooms. 4' month; but we can 'furnish tenant to take three up stairs rooms at II", leaving you only 122 for s rooms. Phone Miss Klwood, Doug las 2C21. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern, almost' new. 47"W Franklin St., Webster STtiS. i ROOM. ONLY 115. " ' I Modern ex. heut. Fine location. lH2il F.nimet St. See this, and Imiujre up- stairs o I i.-IUHiM. PART Mill' (MTT.MIK, $2 12.4 N. 24T1I. VKHV DESIRABLE. RED 42. MIOOM house, modern. 2CI0 South 24th St.. $21. Water paid. Tel. Red 2M. 6-ROOM modern cottage, 7IS So. 37th St., fine location. $25. Webster 2.W. 8EVF,N-R(H)M house for rent, modern except heat. $19. 2i26 Taylor Bt HHAL'TIFI'I, elirht-room house, modern, $40. 217 California Ht. Phone Harney n. FOR RF.NT All modern, five roouis and bath first floor, three rooms upstairs; hot water heat. 4120 North 17th. $l-fi ROOMS. RATH. 1703 M ANDER SON. PHONE DOl'OI.AS ittRt. WEST FARNAM 8 rooms, 2 baths; very modern. 323 No. 3Mn Ave. Doug. 2!47. 10-R)OM mod. house. nnlendld surround InKS. 101ft William. Call Red 3M. &-R. cottHKe. 112. 4'i22 luard. W. H6a. GOOD 8-r. house, all mod. except heat, on ear line 44S No. 24th St. Web. 6tW7. -R. house, tinfurn., mod., hardwood fin., water, heat; also ti-r. house, mod., fur))., all near ears, Dundee. Phone Harnev iVtf. STEAM heat, all modern, (-room house; also 4-ro-mi flat 220 No 2 Id 8-KOOM strictly uioilern house in Al con dition, location 212 Pacific St. Call at 1060 So. 2th St. or phppe Harney 234. iFlRST floor, 4-r , mod., KIT. So "xTt'h! Free Rental List Complete Information about every va cant houne nnd apartment In the city. This service is free. Tel. Douglas 28. Fidelity Storage & Van Co. COTTAGE. 4 roomsnni basement, lTper month, 2)6 S. 2Ktb Ave. Call D. L. Thomas, 4U Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 23M. $30.007 rooms, parlor extending across the entire front of the house, oak finish, colonnade opening.", four bed rooms and bath. Fine neighbor hood, nesr car. $22.00 Five-room cottage, almost new, ex ceptionally large rooms, strictly' AMERICAN SECCR1TY COMPANY, 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 6013. A GENERAL dean-up sale of lots. Get off on Military Ave., on the corner of 44th and Parker. Salesmen will meet you. Phone Douglas 2W. H. H. HARPER. 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. TEN RKMS Modern, rteam heat. 2 S. 26th: corner; Close-in and , choice. Shepard. Weliater 2'112. I ATTHACTIVK liouse, nix rooms, modern, I 2S2T North 24th; corner lxicust, J7.5o. i Shepard, Wehster 2tlJ. HOUSE suitable for two small families. i Inquire 2M Capitol Ave. Phone 1 . 4,'.i, HOUSK 7 rooms, moOem, paved street, I convenient to car, school, stores and church; small family of adults preferred; 1 125 rent, pay water I. In. HAMMOND. Tel. Doug W"4. S.12 Board Trade. ir,niura 'n all parts of the city. nu list s Crc)Kn Sol, a. r-c,, flee Bldg. 1-HOO.M house, till muc.t-rn, Ireo water. It N. :th. Tel. I). 1530. .VIC. mod., collage. ;!."t4 Wool worth Ave. J. C. Reed tixp. Co.. moving packing & storaga 207 frarnam. D 61.6; Maggard's Van and Stor age Co Reduced ---- - " oray, i j ' ...... tiug, A-iyp. Fidelity Storage Co. btcrage. men, ,i per nr. mi Webster. Doug 11. "tn & Jackson Sts. Phone Liouglas 'OA. FOR KENT Va hsifai sa enm iUt m . -w''"ric i in i oi an nouMi, apaicmcutt and flats that are for rent. This tiftt un l.A .. . . - llKU ol cuarg al Omaha Van & Storage Co.. 806 8. 16th Bt. N to res and Offleea. Stores For Iicnt L'Otli and Fiirnain Streets $75.00-I'er month for rooms on 20th Kt ; fine basement. 125.0O-Per month for rooms just west of Mvrritt s drug store, facing on larnam St.; heat furnished, rarnani St.; heat furnished: these rooms are strictly modern and very deairahle. Other (Jootl Store iiooins $22.50-2!)Hi Sherman Ave.. 1x.i0. 32.002208 Cuming St., new building Z'mm '' full basement. 6100707 S. Ifith St., 20xo; steam heat 75. to I13 K lth St., fine modern store room, 2iixi; full basement, electric light, modern show windows. 125.09 hill Howard St., modern store room: full basement; steam heat will be installed at once. 175.00-522 South H'.th St., modern etore . w Coom..ln bur: very desirabl.4. liO.OO 2o24 tarnani St., 22x132 ft suit able for automobile salesroom: also 6-room apartments on 2d floor. 85.0i) 1121 Farnam St., 20x60; full base ment. George & Cl)inpany, Phone D. TFrS. IXC city Nat I Bank Bids 2ND FLOOR office rooms or suitable for neni iiiik. nngni a: j,asouiy, iH H ltith St. Doug. 152. ' ' 140S Leavenworth, store rm., 22xlDf, $.'0. 2354 Bo. 28th St.. store rm., 24x40, $30. BIRKETT & COMPANY. 41'3 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. Darns. GOOD barn, room for I or 10 horses, 1917 Webster fit. Call Dongiaa 43. REAL KSTATK FARM A R4M II LAM)) FOR BALE Colorado. $27 AN ACRE, improved farm, 320 acre cloae to Denver, improvements are new' fine well and water; gas engine, fenced and cross-fenced, one-half under culti vation; good terms can be made. This is offered at low prioe, as owner needs money. V. T. SMITH OO.. 1111 City Nat. Hank Bldg. Omaha. Neh.-o Montana. MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS fiO not acrea now open to entry in the famous Valier valley. An excellent opportunity for the hoineseeker seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. The rich soil. exhilarating climate and abundance of water for Irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Ureal for graiu alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming' Ideal spot for a home. Write today rur booklet ami particulari.. Vsiier Fsrm Sabs Company, Valier, Mont. Box No. 17. Nebraska. . RANCH HAHOAIN 19'JO-ai Te ran. h. elnae to Omaha; will take Omaha progeny or eastern Neb. land as part pay. Wilxht A I. subnet. 1". 1.2. RE i, ESTATE ACUKAtiE CLOSE IN ACRES Benson Garden Addition On Main Street, Benson Near Car Line An acre Is eu'ial to .i ill. lit Ion lots. You can raise cs'ot ables, fruit and poultry, gteath reducing your living expenses. There are no better acie tracts nnywhete around Omaha than these This tract Is a patt of ' The Post Farm'' and has been used for dairy purposes for over twenty years. The lanj Is rich and will pi educe splendid results. , Half Acres, $400 Acres $775 $10 Cash-$10 a Month Twenty per cent discount If you start to build before April 1 and finish Inside of ninety days. Moderate restrictions. These acres are the first unit of the Post Farm am', the part nearest car line. By purchasing now you have the advan tage of getting near car and on paved road. PLAN NOW FOR NEXT SPRING If you are pot able to buy and build now. start to buy your land on the In stallment plan an I get the land pnld for first, then you can get a loan to build your home and make your Improvements and be lndeendent for life. You can al ways make a good living and money heal les on nn acre or to near a large rlty like Omaha, and your land is Increasing In value every year. Don't do Ilk a great many othets have done, and say, "If I only nnd bought audi and such n piece of land some years ago, see what It Is worth now." It Is the one who does things that gets ahead In this age. There Is nothing more substantial to Invest your money In than an acre or two near Omaha. Our salesmen with automobiles will be at the end of car line Saturday and Sunday afternoon 2 until 0 p. in. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. HEAL ESTATK FARM A 114.X II l.Al I oft A1.K eWraskn. THIS TO YOU, MU. KKN'TKK Who are paing some landlord one-third of all you raise for inc privilegu of making HIS land more valuable every year. Isn't It lime for you to he be ginning to use that rent money to pay for a home for your wife and rlilldren, where YOl' will get the benefit of the rise In larm values Instead of the other fellow? You can make a first payment of say ll.auu on the nice K0 de scribed below and get long time on the balance. No. 612-A nice smooth SO, only 24 miles from town. All broken and readv for fall or spring crops. Put In some wheat this fall, some alfalfa and oats and some pota toes and beets next spring. Von will make money right from the start- Adjoining farms show splendid crops and the soil on this Ih Just the same. Here Is a chance to buy a home at a low price, on good terms, and It is handv to town and school. Price, tVi per acre. Kaav terms. Write todav lor free copy of the "Ijind owner." It toll what others are dolne there. LWYXK INVESTMENT CO., Ware Pinch, Omaha. o Sheep Feeding THE BEST well-equipped sheep feeding yards at South Omaha. Good 7-r. house, including lath room; water worki with hot and cold water In hou.o. lrge grain A'nv(,i,.r RiKKi to H'.UOO I'D. capacity, be sides plenty alfalfa room; equipped with ij(. .in fiitr..! etc.: 2 aasollnai Kl IMUiiiB mm, .inj ...... , ----- - engines; barn Tor 6 neaci, oesiue- um room, bay, etc; another granary. 5.000 bu.: good sheep sheds for 2,ro0 to 3.000 sheep. Pleniy good and well w'nter: cenn nt troughs throughout yards; 9 acres of ground: drainage good. In fact these vards cannot be heat. All ready to move into. Buy now while j-ou can before the aeason begins. Price only $!.); $2,500 cash, balance long time ( per cent, tlet Into the game. ORINS MERRILL COMPANY. N E Cor. 23d and M Sts., South Omaha. o f750 CASH-$l;J30 MA1KMI 1 7! ACRES I ' P LA N L Well Improved Douglas Co. farm; gently rolling: best of soil; choice location; extra .-rood goods for the money. Price $!. per ncie; j.wi cash $1,250 mote March i. balance five ve.irs at .'.V, ner cent. ACT AT ONCE. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, N. E. Cor. 23d and M Sts., South Omahn. Wlsconstu Upper Wisconsin . ..... ....a j.nrHi iron hiatB in the ti.t .... ,.n.) uencrui crou state in iuv union; settlers wanted, lands for sale at i.. nri. nn eauv t rms. Ask for uooli- let 4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. minted. Writo about our State acres SakV'kle't 'on rAP'Vrchardas"d"n AUK IOI- UUUfclc. Hr u Wisconsin. Address Land ueyi Line Ity.. Minneapolis. Minn. Miscellaneous. IF INTFRESTK.D In land In souinern i,vw nnd southern Minnesota write thai F. L. Jones Land company. tntcrjet. la, for their hat of a farm. KKAI KSTATJI-OANS CITY and farm loans, s. w. T;,r JuglrtCoJMitoiMi. OnM. WANTEl-CltyJoana1'lteIBIlj''t c- OMAHA homes. East Nebraska, farms, .... ,K??F.KEAI' fcSTADo..i:i.i'!715. b, per cent. mis uniui " . HARRISON & MORT02iO-nlNt'.: j ' vva-vtk.D City loans stxl warrants. W Farnani rtmlth & Co.20 Farnam. cTrY.Frerty. ' tino to $10 000mad Promptly. F.D' Wead "'d.. IMh and Kamem JU. MONET on hand for city and farm l"an H XV. Htndtr. CltyNanBankBldg. FrTcfTY LOANS. RemU-Carlbertf Co., "7" 310-312 Biandeis Theater Bldg. r,r rtn want a farm loan, 6EE us flist If you watn " 'nNeD. farm loan. Lultea tstAies v,.uivTIi' "ol "ii on niiNiary Ave., on tne corne KKAL ESTATE FOR KV" of th and Farker. Salesmen will meet T." . ...... nr I 'OU. TO KXl HANGK lor ini ni,t IiUHinees ci"- " income business i.l In I tali together with j ownership of complete Irrigation system. M i, proposition seldom offered In exchange and will bear closest investlga tkn. Price, $3uo.oi. To exchange for cheap western land Brick manufacturing plant located In a live Nebraska rlty. This plant Is a going concern, working night and day. and Is fullv equipped and has enough clay for the next fifty years. Price. $40,000. To exchange for general merchandise stork 40 acres in Iutimer county. Colo rsdo lint mile from town, all under cul tivation and Irrigation, good Improve ments fenced and cross-fenced, young orchard. Encumbrance $J.0uu; euulty $3,1100. To exchange for anything of euual value Its) acres of land In Kinney county. I.,,,... near Garden City, smooth land In a we'll settled community. Euulty $a,20u. To exchange for an Omaha home 30 acres irrigated land in Sacramento Valley, California. tvJ.f-. Clear. V T. SMITH CO , 111I-1J City National Bank Rldg , Omaha. Neb. THREE hundred sixty-acre improved' farm. 20 miles from M'nnrapolls; n-room house, barn, windmill and other buildings, part under cultivation, balance pasture and ! hay land, no Haste land, one of the bent' stock farina tn trial vicinity; ,n., r, scie; will lake up to $IO..0 good property in exchange, balance some cash and mort - ' SCHWAB BROS . n k PI.iiiuuUi Bldg . Minneapolis. Minn REI, ESTATE ( REA(iE Acreage Six acres right in town, near boulevard system and lark, fronts paved street, ftj.oof). (Sure to grow In value.) Five acrea on corner, two good roads, located where land Is growing In value. t:.0, ."0 cash. Five acres joining above at same price. Fourteen acres virgin soil, fenced, on main road, lies well, t miles from p4 t offlce. t-KO an acre. Twelve and one-half acres, lies well, within five-mile circle from postofflcc. Scattered single acres near car. ta to $1,004. Harrison & Morton KKAIi KST A T K -FPU K X 'H A X i K iTctUSE and lot In Oaa nty. iTan . for sale or trade. Address MM, Adams, Neb. WANTED General merchandise, grocery or hardware stock, city or country, for cheap western land. VV. T. SMITH CO.. 1111 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha. o -KKAL KSTATK WANTED Free Advertising Give, us oxcluHlve agency for your farm or city property, cash or ex change, and we will advertise weekly until sold. W. T. SMITH CO.. 111-12 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. o WANTED A good Omaha residence up to $10, (Hi). Must he modern and well In rated. Will give rash and a fine quarter seetlon of land clear of Incumbrances for same. Address H. 371. Ilee. o LIST your houses and farms for sals with us. i im Farnam"8tDUMONT co' -o I 1 j ABSTRACT OF TITLE. nimi line cruaiaucee ana Abstract uo., modern abstract office. JOi t. 17th HL Phone Douglas 5487. RKEI) Abstract Co . oldest abstract of- flee In Nebraska- 2(4 Brandels Theater. UEAIj KHTATK WKST SIDK I Cathedral District ' $2,200. 7-Toom mndorn hnma- hi 00, 7-room. modern home: hot water heat; full cemented basement. with laundry; lot 50x128, 3outh ! front: fine shade trees and lawn: bher, and fruit trees; reception hull nnrlnr rifnfntr rnnm an A t,l..r.aH on first floor; three bedrooms and . umu un ar-i uuu nuur. bath on second floor. Will make ; reasona Die terms. TTT . T- -p- WeSt hmaiTl DlS" tnct i Modern home, 9 rooms, furnace . hMti ,ull cernent.d ba8ementi hard. i wood floors. Will take small amount j cash. balance same as rent. I W. T. SMITH CO.. inn. -.i... x'..i ,,. iiii'i v.iijr .Natiuiiai 11UI1K L)iag., Omaha, Neb. Sale or Trade Modern house. H rooms. In West Far- I nam district, adjoining Turner Park; j$l,7f(0 equity to exchango for lots, auto or land. ! Glover & Spain j Douglas ysll. I S-room house, to he sold ly owner, 1 i a,, muur, ,,, imi oircn finish; corner lot. south front; $4.!A Ad- year old: all modern Vlli1''0 SL T'' Harney 1704 A G K. V 1 H A I ., ..In t.t l..lM Phone Douglas II. H. HARPER. J01.1-14 CityNutlonal Bank Rldg. REAL ESTATE SI'IiUr IMS'- Benson. A GENERAL clean-up sale of lota. Get off on Military Ave. on the corner of 44th and Purkor. Salesmen will meet you Phone Douelas 2M5. II II. HARPER. 1013-14 city National Bank Bldg. Dundee. A GENERAL clean-up sale of lots. Get off on Military Ae., on the corner of 44th and Parker. Salesmen will meet you. Phone Douglss 2696. H. 11. HARPER. 1013-14 City National Bank Bid. REA Ij ESTATE SOl'TH SIDE A GENERAL olan-up sale of lot. of and i'ark I vou. Get off on Military Ave., on the corner Salesipen will meet ; Phone Douglas 2i,K 1 II. II. IIAKI'Klt. i 1011-H city National Bank Bldg REAL ESTATK NORTH SIDK I i Bargain Now ami modern five-room l,Ilmr!)LlW iiif Koiiwr finivlioil IU'1K'"0V JUl " "K I lIllhlK'H, S ICTTIDIIl V Cilr llll ''-'l V11 1 ,IIa, -. tcir HIM, -U j .,,,,1 ,in,.8 A VP., tfOO)! lociltklll, illll-to-lJato WtfljstlT 4 -,H I I 1 a' CUUI 1 O, , REAL ESTATE NORTH SIOE Lot Stvial sale of .$ti'J."i.(M) miu! (f(i.")l).(i() lots in (.'lairinoiit tomor row, Nat unlay, from .'I p. m. till night. Terms $10.1X1 cash ami iflO.lM n month. Lots .Mtxli',;. Tlu'sc aro not cheap lots, hut jrooil lots at cheap prices and on easy terms. Some of these lots are right on ear line, the farthest, '2 Mocks. Citv water. Fine j neiirlihoiiuxitl, new homes on recommend these lots either for immediate use or investment. You can't heat it any place in the city. Take Uonson car line and get off at 4Mh street ami you are there. Or, call Douglas Kl'l! and go out in an autonihile. If you want a lot for a home, or if you want to hegin putting away something each month and some day own a part of the earth, you can't afford to pass this hy. Benson & Carmichael (ill' Paxton Mlock. Telephone Douglas 172:1. 1UIY FItOM OWNER SAVE THE COMMISSION Brand new home, never occupied, strictly modern, oak finish; hss large llv. Ing room. 11.! with colonnade opening Into dining room, 11x14, which has panel walls, plalerall and window seat, neat den or sewing room and handy kitchen with hutlt-in cupboards and refrigerator room, front and rear stairway; threa good bedrooms, four closets, tiled bath and scrrened-in sleeping porch with canvas roller awnings on second floor; easy stairway to store room In attic. Full basement with floor drain, fruit cellar and enclosed coal bins: guaranteed fur nace and plumbing, nifty combination light fixtures, screens and window shades; decorated throughout; yard will be sod dd. l-argr lot, 4rxl2D. on paved street, at 2633 Ijiurel Ave. Price reduced to $3,900: $X0 or more rash, balance $31 SO monthly. Good lot taken as part pay ment. Key at 24S Laurel Ave. Phone Charles Horn, owner, Harney 511'), for mora information, Bargain Home Kountze Place $200 Cash I'll" Evans Kt., brand new, modern home, largo living room, vestibule en trance and coat closet, dining room, with' panelled walla and window seat, kitchen, flnu pantry and vestibule, all on first floor; three bedrooms, sun room or sum mer sleeping room and bath on second floor. This Is a well arranged and beau tifully finished house; plumbing and heating guaranteed, limine has Just been decorated on both floors with expensive paper. Full set of screens and shades go with the house. VbM I" nicely sodded nr.d street Is paved. Hee this todav. Price, $4,:KX); $200 rash down, balance monthly. Payne & Slater Co. fll Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. The Best Northside Bargains 5-room bungalow, located at the north east corner of lXth and Evans Sts. ; ex ceptionally well arranged and especially attractive; price. $4.3T,0. 7-room, WK Spencer St. ; seven rooms, consisting of reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; four tiedrooms and bath on serond floor; south front lot IiOxIZfi ft ; paved street, with paving all paid. Both of these beautiful homes within one block of car line and in locality among beautiful homes. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 2(0 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg D. 4W(. New Stucco Bungalow Five rooms on the ground floor; beauti fully finished In oak; strictly modern; cemented baeement, with fruit mom ex cavated underground; large attic; win dow shades and screens; located on Kan sas Ave., opposite Miller park, between 24th St and Blvd. This Is a bargain at $3 SCO. Terms. Norris & Norris 4)i0 Bee Bldg Tel. Doiiglss 4270. Homes Built and Financed Kasy Payment IMan Will furnlah the money and build you a home to order and draw plans to suit your taste. Will build on your lot or sny lot you select. Telephone for par ticulars. , Hankers Kealty Investment C o. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. KOI. JDHAli IIOMFaS REASONABLE $4 (HO - Seven - room, strictly modern house, south front lot 40xl2S; close to car line, chun lies and school, close to 'iid and Evans Sts. $4 20o ath snd Woolworth Ave , seven rooms, strictly modern, lot 42xlou; must sell within thirty dsys. Easy terms. (tALLAflHEK & NELSON, rj4 Hr.nd.'s BldR. Done. 3SK2. A GENERAL dean-up saie of lot. Get off on Military Ave., on the corner of 44th and Parker. Salesmen will meet vou. Phone Douglas 2M1. II. II. HARPER. 101J-H Clt National Bank Bldg. 1 U : A I. EST A T E M I Nt'E I . I . N EO I'M Complete Suburban Home lt bbx-ks to car, high ground. l.'0xl2S. t rooms down, 4 up. Best furnace and plumbing. Large baement and storeroom. Cistern Into bouse. City water, gas. electric light Auto bouse, cement floor, barn and chicken house. $!.;) cash or clear cottage for first payment, balance monthly. O'Keele Heal Estate Ox 1016 Omaha Nat l Doug. $715. Evenings: H. S-tx or H. MS4. The Be Want Ads Are U Best Business Boosters. HEAL ESTATE NORTH SIDK Sale everv side. We confidentially ItKAL KS TATK MISCKIXAXKOf. M Small Payment Down Balance about the same as rent buys your choice of the following good prop erties; H.KMronm bungalow, nicely arranged, gool basement, good-sised lot, nice ( hi. ken house and yard. High and sightly location. Half block to car. Near fine school, on 41st Bt. near Grand Ave. $2,000- ( room cottage, dose In, partly modern, south front lot Will tnske someone a nice, cosy home. If'th and fierce Sts. $2,7'4 New fv room cottage, modern except heat, cemented basement, ground KxtV 40th and Parker Hts. $2.t6 rooms and reception hall, there being two bedrooms and bath up stairs: strictly modern. Near ltd and Decatur Hta. $3.M0 Good dwelling: of rooms and re ception hall, the upstairs having $ nice bedrooms and bath, fine large rooms downstairs, strictly modern. On paved street, not far out; near car. 2'Jd and Grant Sts. $3,(W0- Fine stor-and-half cottage of h rooms and reception hall, entirely modern, oak finish In hall, parlor and dining room, nice basement, paved street, south front. Not far out. Near car. stores and school. On Spruce Ht. near Kith Pt. Call us up or come to our office for fur ther particulars. Good clear lot consid ered as part payment on any of these properties. Scott & Hill Co., Douglas 1000. Hns-7-g McCagtie Bldg. Must Be Sold 2MJ and C4 Pupont t. These houses are so arranged aa to make four good slxed apartments. They are nearly mod ern. Are close to school, stores and car, and you can buy either or both on easy payments, and at a low price. Live In one and rent the balance for enough to pay for tho places. Better think this over. .Tkl.l P. tilth Ht. Is a cheap house that you can buy for $M cash and $10 per month. House needs some repairs, hut at the price asked you will make money If you buy. 141$ Westcrfleld Ave. Is a small. 4-room house thst If you buy and enlarge will be worth the money. You can buy for $00 rash nnd $10 per month. It Is worth the price asked. Creigh, Sons &Co. 'Phone Douglas 3V Wilt Bee Bldg. New Book of the latest modern dwelling house and bungalow plans will be off the press ready for delivery October l. The finest ever published In Omaha. Price 50c. FIVE IM'NDRKD COPIES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FREE OK CHARGE TO THOSE APPLYING BEFORE OCT. I. Home Builders Ground Floor. Brandels Theater Bldg.; 17th and Douglas Sts. o Homes Built and Financed Easy Payment Plan Will furnish the money and build you a home to order and draw plans to suit your taste. Will build on your lot or ""ul '"t yoU 'ec1, T'Phona for par- Telephone Webster .1879 o BARGAINS IN HOMES. Eight room, new 3-story house, 2th and California 3ts., snsp, $4,200. Eight-room, new modern, Mth and Cen ter, only $4,i00. Seven-room, new modern, JCth and Lea venworth Sts.. $4,300. Enquire 41S Karhach Blk. Phone D. A GENERAL clean-up sale of Iota. I Get off on Military Ave., on the comer ii mn inn raraer. naiesmen will meet you. Phone Iouglas XM. H. H. HARPER 101 J-14 city National Bank Bldg. I Wilkie of North Bend Is Killed by Engine A man. believed to be William u niiu jaged 30, of North Bend, was almost In jstantly killed Thursday when he was hit ny a switch engine near the Paxton-Gal-lagher plant. Wilkie, It Is said, started to cross the street and noticed only th switch engine coming from the south. The other engine, from tha north, pro ceeding at a speed of probably twenty five miles an hour, bore down on him and crushed him. The coroner has charge of the body. A letter found In the pockets 0f the dead man was from North Bend, Neb., and tha police bellv he lived at that place, and was a prominent citizen there. Time of the In'iuest has not been de- j termlned. POLICE CHASING OUT VAGS FOR AK-SAR-BEN FESTIVAL The police are "vagglng" every auspi cious character unable to give a good ac count of himself. The rlty Jail Is full of men and women, most of them police characters, who will either be given an opportunity to leave the city or sojourn In the county Jail until after Ak-Sar-Ben. When the carnival opens there will be half a doxen detectives here from other cities to watch for crooks from their homes. HOMESICKNESS IS WORSE JTHAN PAIN- German Wounded in Trench Hos pital Bear Suffering- with Patient Resignation. MORE BADLY HURT THAN rOES A Mule Kaiser's Mnlitlrra Injuries l.realer Than Those of Tfcelr Gallic F.neniles. BORDEAI X. Sept. 26 "Treat the Oerw man wounded the same as our own," said President Polncare during a recent visit to the hospital here. That his recom mendation Is being carried out to the let-!',, ler was seen by the correspondent today at the Bordeaux High school, which, after ' weeks of hard work, has been converted'' Into a 700-hcd hospital. Hera are sixty of the worst rases of German wounded. moat of the. wounds having been received In the battle of Marno. In charge of the hospital la an Ameri can, Dr. Westermann of San Francisco, and a Bordeaux doctor ho has given up a large part of his extensive private prac tice to devote himself to aiding .the,, wounded. . a Will lie grAt Back. Eight members of a German hospital,, corps, who surrendered to the French and were requested to care for the v wounded and came on here with them,,,, soon will be sent back to Germany, as-; ptevided for by the Geneva convention. "' The Germans are being treated In the , lofty class rooms of the high school, which i look out over the sunny school garden. " The men seem to suffer more from home-' sickness llinn their wounds, which they .. bear with patient resignation. ) The cheeriest of all the men Is a Berlin street car driver, who hss a dreadful"' wound In the head which already has., destroyed one eye and threatens the eight'' of the other. He always has a smile for', the doctors and nurses and his delight when a kindly doctor places a cigarette between his Hps Is pathetic. . ,, Calls for Ilia Mother. In another ward Is a young giant, the ' back of whose head was almost shot away by a fragment of a shrapnel shell. He tosses about on his cot railing out In his delirium for his mother. Near him : lies an emaciated youth with a shattered thigh. In most rases the men In the: ; high school hospital are suffering from -shrarnel wound. As a rule the Germans In the hospital, , are more badly hurt than tna French soldiers. JERRY HOWARD GIVES TRUST ; LAMBASTING IN STREET TALK Candidate Jerry Howard lambasted some of his trust and monopolistic . enoniles In a street speech at Flftenth and Farnam streets at noon yesterday. His inherent enemy, "the beef trusf" came In for a scourging, as he tried to,1'1 show by the amount of money they had... made that they had not paid their help-' enough wages, even though they gave out figures on average wages they paid for a year. Washington Affairs ; Debate on the administration war rev enue hill was In full swing whan the: house adjourned last night, with passage , today by an overwhelming majority as-t sured. The measure was taken up under a special rule, limiting debate to seven hours and barring amendments, over vlg--rous opposition from the republicans -and progressives, supported by thirty democrats. President Wilson let It be known that he endorsed the Clayton anti-trust bHl -aa agred to In the conference report w hich will he taken up for disposition In the senste probably today. The presl-d dent, It became known, does not agree i with some opponents of the report that.i the conferees "took out the teeth of tha , bill." Culls from the Wire ii The administration of President Wilson was warmly endorsed and tha con- ' gresslonal ticket named at the recent " state primary and headed by John Walter Smith, renominated for the I'nlted States sent, was formally ratified by the Mary land democratic state convention at Balti more. The aoverelgn grand lodge of Odd FeU' lows at Its session at Atlantic City de- ' cllned to adopt a resolution denlarlng for I the restoration of peace In Europe. Those'' opposing the resolution held that mem bers of the order In both England and-' Germany might misunderstand the pro- ' poaed action. , ". That the handling of tha anti-trust law., of recent years has been a distinct failure ' because of a tendency toward Inef- , fectlvely attacking big Industries, which'' have done wrong, while harrassing honest"' business effectively, was charged by' Theodore Roosevelt In his speech at ' Springfield. III. Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore and Car- 1 dlnal O Cnnuell of Boston, returning from'' Rome, where thev had hastened to attend ' tho papal conclave arrived at Boston yea- terdsy. "Pope Benedict XV, the new pon tiff, has a great love for America and -Americans, looking up to our government as a model to all and an example of tha best of this earth," said Cardinal O'Con nell. "Tha holy father sent a message of sincere good will to the people of this t land." he added. .. LEG A I, NOTICES No. 1173. ' REI'ORT OF THE CONDITION OF ' TIlK STATU BANK OF OMAHA, In the state of Nebraska at tha close of business September 21, 114- i REHOCRCE8. oans and discounts fl.OfiS Sis "1 Ove.rdmii Bonds, securities. ' ' judgments, claims, etc Furniture and fixtures..'.!!!!!!'!! Current expenses, taxea and In terest paid Cash items Due from national and state banks $ Checks and Items of of exchange 17,212 05 Currency rj.445.00 Gold coin 1.30 00 Silver, nickels and cnta 1,68.U $.075. W 21.S02.77 ' 18.KA.3C ",4 10 mOrl ' S1.S96.47 , Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund .. $1,432,457.85; ..$ soo.oooii t'ndivlded profits Dividends unpaid reserved for 25.4tB.tit taxes 1,214.75 I n d I v Idusl deposits subjoct to check $626,M U IVmsnd certificates of deposit ,472.ri3 1 Time certificates of deposit 339 S07.2I , Certified checks 122.21 Cashier's checks out standing 6,40.!rJ Due tn national and state banks 190,&a.lT 1.086.118 M Depositor's guaranty fund J.iM.Di Total $14. 467.85 : State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss. . I, F. N. High, csshter of the above ' named bank, Uo hereby swear that the , above statement Is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Banking board. F. N, HIGH. Correct Attest: Cashier. ; E. H. W'ESTERFIEl.D. ' . J. R. CAIN. JR . Directors Subscribed and sworn to before too this 23lh day of September, 1K14. j:. A. I'ONAW.IY , Notary public.