T1IK BKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SSKlTKMBKtt u 1114. 13 I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ! Bull News in Wheat Pit is Begin ning to Grow Stale. U. S. IS FACING COMPETITION Canada, India and Other C.rnln Pro rim-In Countries Arr Accomlng Active In Sales of Wheat to Belligerents. OMAHA, Sept.:.'.. I!'i4. It hs hccn nppsrcnt during the last few days that the bullish news emanating from the wnr. whlrh has been dished up to the trade for weeks past was becom ing stale The action of the wheat mar ket yesterday demonstrate! this to be a fart. Kf forts to draw the outsider In fa. led dismally, and the local trader not only refused to support the market, but pounded u on every opportunity. While It was generally believed that consider able wheal was sold from here for export yesterday., there Is nevertheless a con spicuous lull In the business as far as this country Is concerned. Foreign Interest hua temporary shifted to Canada for the reason that Canadian nheat for export i now cheaper than the American grain. India Is expected to sell more freely, now that its new crop Is progressing favorably and taking all In i ll it seems that the I'nlted States will meet competition of some Importance. There waa much unloading- of wheat .uy bi', hold,'r 'ho were disgusted with the action of the market. starting out firmer, prices suffered severe re actions. There win a little scattered buying for foreign account, but specula !'L?Pwer?ll,y WR8 poor- EjP"rt sales of 15fl.ono bushels were reported, but It. was thought that the total business of vester fiay amounted to considerably more than this. Speculation was at an exceedingly low ebb in corn yesterday and the market was governed by the actions In the wheat pit. i rading In cash corn was equally un important and gales of only 35,0(10 bushels were reported. Actions In other pits were duplicated In the oats market. th-Te being similar liquidation by longs and general specu lative lassitude. Ther was buying of futures by an export house., which gave riHe to the belief that there had been sales for direct export, but nothing to go abroad was reported from here. Light offerings and some scattered In vestment buying made provisions firm early, but the market developed" much weakness later and closed materially lower. There was selling of product by stock yards people and much st.ip loss pressuie on pork. Some improvement In the cash lard trade was reported, but the demand for meats Is still on a small scale. Wheat was lc to lower. Corn was Vc to I'.ic. lower. Oats were lc to He lower. Clearances, were: v neat and flour, equal to 881,000 bu.; corn, none; oats, 2.000 bu. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to Hd lower; corn, unchanged to Id lower. Primary wheat receipts were 2,k:W,000 bu. and shipments 1,373,000 bu., against receipts of l,6.0ii bu, and shipments of 117,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 310,000 bu. nnd shipments 343,000 bu., against receipts of 71H.000 bu. and shipments of fiS7,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 844,000 bu. and shipments 1,073.000 bu., against re ceipts of 1,017,000 bu. and shipments of 870,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn 337 m 5S0 133 117 !44 These cash sales were reported today: Wheat No 2 hard winter: 1 car. 11.00. No. 3 hard winter: 1 oar. 31.004: 1 car, $1.00; 3 ars, 99Hc; 2 cars. 99c. No. 4 hard winter: 4 cars, 98c. No. 3 spring: 1 car, 11.00. No. 4 mixed: 1 c'a. Wc. No. 2 durum: 1 car, 94Vjc. Corn No. 1 white; 3 cars, Tie No. 2 white: 4 cars. 77.-. No. 5 white: 2 ears. 76c No 8 white: 14 car, TV,c. No. 1 yellow. 1 car. 71c. No. 2 yellow: 2 cars. 74c. No. 3 vellow: lMt earn, 734c. No. 2 mixed: 1 ear, 7:ic; 3 cars. 72Vic. No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, 72c. No. mixed: 1 .cnr. 71c. Oats: Standard: 1 car, 44c. No. 3 white 1 tar, 44c; 7 cars, 44'c; ;i cars, 44c; No. white: 7 cars, 44c; 1 car. 43c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 424c. No. grade: t car, 3(c: i car, 43c; 1 car, 42VS 1 car, 42c. Rye No. 3: 2 cars, 84V4c. No. 4: 1 car. 84c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard, :kc1.04; No. 3 hard. 9NVicfil.M- No. 4 hard. WcfctLOlH- No. 2 spring, fl.00Wl.04: No. 3 surinir. 9Hcn1.03: No. 4 sprint'. e4f J1.01M,: No. 2 durum. 02'4?iWttc ; No. 3 durum. 91U924c. Corn: No. 1 white, 76VaT7c; No. 2 white. 76Wj-77c; No. 3 white, 7;Vfl7G'e; No. 4 white, 7fi'7fi14e ; No. r white, TSMPiSc; No. 6 white, irii 7"ci No. 1 yellow, 73474c; No. 2 yel low, 73'V74c; No. 3 yellow, 7'4i&731Vc; No. 4 yellow, 7W73V4c: No. 6 yellow, 72V1 73V; No. 6 yellow, 72"4i'sr73c; No. 1 mixed. 73V4iSj73kc; No. 2 mixed, 73073KC; No. S mixed. 72Vi4r73e: No. 4 mixed, 72Utf24c ; No. 5 mixed, 7272Vic; No. S mixed, 71i(i 2r. Oats: No. 2 white, WaWnc; standard, 44'tN4'l!c: No. 3 white, 44St4Hc; No. 4 white. 43ViB44e. Barley: Malting, !'a.V; No. 1 feed, oftfrc. Rye: No. 2, stgaivsc; No. 3, vawac. ne cobblers. fc'h.Oc: Miihigsrr and onsln red, ocfai;'-; Michigan and WIs n white, j(ivV; Minnesota and I'akota t'hl's. Hkniir. I'ul hTRV-Alle, loer; springs. 14c; fowls, llc. OMtIM KKKRIL MARKET. FITTKH-Nn. 1, 1 lb. cartons, 31c; No 1, Mi. tubs, 30c. CHKKSK-lniportrd Swiss. 3So: Amer can twiss, 2Sc; block Swiss. Me; twins, I,",.-; daisies liV; triplets. ISr; Young Americas lKc; blue label brick. )S'c; llm humrr. 2-lb.. JK-: 1-lb . 20c; New York white, 19c: Imported French Roquefort. 4c, K1SH Trout. 17c; large craprles. UVJfi 1.V-: salmon, 12Wl&e; halibut. PV; channel catfish. K.c; pike, 17c; pickerel, loc. roll.TKY-Hrollers, H'-iC: sprinp chick ens, 11 -.; hens. 11W120: COCKS, sp; ouck. 10c; geese, He; turkeys, l-'1-; pigeons, per doz., !"0c; ducks, full feathered. 1V; geese, full feathered. He; suuabs, No. 1. i ; in 0.1 lilCKr CI TS Wholesale prices 01 Deei cuts are as follows; No. 1 ribs. 2lc: No. 2 ribs, IteV; No 8 ribs, 2r. No. 1 loins. ZL'1!'; .No. z loins, lie; rso. 10ms, itv. No' 1 chucks. 12c; No. 2 chucks, 9c; N. 3 chucks, 9'c No. 1 rounds, lMc; No. s rounds, ISVi No. 3 rounds, 12V- f ' Plates. 9'c; No. 2 plates, SJsc; No. I plates. 8c. Market quotations furnished by Uilinskl 'ruit company: KKt'ITS oranges: Kxtra fancy Valeij clas. lls, His. 12s. ls. 17fis and TOs. M .0 per box; Red Ball Valenclas. all slies, f.l.M per box. Imons: Kancy Golden Howl. iOs and 3Os. 7 .00 per box; Silver Cord. 4:Vs. 3iXh and 30a, ffi.iO per box. Apples; Bellflowers. four tiers. fl.0 per box; four tiers, five-box lots, fl 4 per box; four tiers, ten-lKix lots, fl.40 per box; fancy Washington "Y" brand Grimes, tl.50 per box; fancv Colorado Jonathans, fl.w per box. Cantaloupes: Colorado Burwells. 75c per crate. Watermelons: lc per In. Plums: Italian prunes. $1.10 per lb.; five crate lots. fl.On per lb.; 10-erate lots or more, f 1.00 per lb. Peaches: Klbertas, c r. k - innKrt intm fi!uc ner box: Wio- hnx lots' oc per box. Pears: California i'i,. a , , a vi im Tmr hnv five-box lot 119.-. ner box: ten-box lots or more, fl. 90 per box; extra fancy Bartletts, fJ.oO per OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Prices Steady with Previoui Day. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER Not Many aheep or t.amna of Any HI ad In Slant- Trade Is Fairly Actlre and Trlrea Ina- No Change. lower. Movement was fsr from lively st any time, but the light supply bsd been pretty well cleaned up shoitly after 10 o'clock On tin hole prices ran be quoted as steady to a nickel lower, and the fact that the average shows more decline than the actual sslea Is due largely to the absence of high shipping sales. Hulk of the killers landed at fft.lKi'.lh, with tops at $ 45. Nine Hundred French and German Russ Red Fleeing Soldiers Are Buried in One Trench Siberia Back to War KSTOCK Kl - l.KAU UV sot-Ttr'bMjrriATset Receipts were: rattle. Hors AheeD Official Monday s.219 1.2iS 40,ftl -'micih1 Tuesday 13.787 offlcliil Wednesday .... 1.247 Official Thursday 4,S9' Kstlnuite Friday l.ooo 4.4M 4C. 419 I mm .; 4.!t:.3 .S.-TO 2.,Vli 4,440 1H.UX 142i.ru 14. 2t 10i,O: ir.4hi lii.aiNi 2S.R7S 122,232 J7.2S4 HU'44 22.81 18.410 Five davs this week. J4.o;': Same days Inst week. .S.I.7M Same days 1 m-eeka ago 22.772 Same days S weeks ago JMW Same dsye 4 weeks ago 22.0MI Same days last vear...S6.70 Tua following table shows the receipts of tattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha ilve stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: Isl4 nil Inc. Dec. Cattle 67V.27J U0i 38.S.T: Hogs 1.77S,2ti 1.993.R79 216.413 heep 2.073.400 2,014.010 67,450 The following table shows the prices fur nogs at the South Omaha live sunn mar ket fur the last fsw days, with compari sons : . Date. I i14. IU.;U12.111.1IH0.I1MH.I1W; Sept. Sept. Bept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Chicago Minneapolis , Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. louiB .... N innlpeg 97 39 20 18 Oats. 212 CHICAGO GRAIN AXC PROVISIONS Features of the TrndlnaT and Closing Prices 011 Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept. 20. Expected enlarge ment of the domestic visioie suuiuv loiul Monday handicapped the bulls today In wheat. No important rallies took place and the market closed steady at the same as last night to d decline. The outcome In corn was unchanged to "4c lower and lor oats a shade otf to 'c up. Provisions finished irregular, ranging from 40c down to i'ic. advance. Arrivals of wheat at primary points today were 2,K19,000 bushels, as against j,b,ow bushels fur the corresponding day a year ago. Another bearish circumstance m this connection was tho fact that north western stocks showed an increase of about 4,000,000 bushels for the week, com pared with 2,C0.000 bushels last year. The outlook adverse to the bulls was made more so by absence of export business no sales to foreigners being reported ei' cept 240,000 bushels at the gulf. Difficulty In arranging New York ex change was aald to be the only Impedi ment to larger shipments of wheat from Winnipeg to Kurope. The transatlantic call fur cheap cargoes from Canada, how ever, waa discouragement rather than stimulus to holders here. 80 also was gossip to the effect that Liverpool was counting on receipts there being liberal in tne luture irom Argentina. Corn held relatively steady as a result of export sales at Koston and of clear ances at New York for Bordeaux. Wheat weakness, though, acted as an offset. Outs, like corn, received support owing to reaulremenrs of the export trade. As much as l,0ii0,000 bushels was said to be loading to go to Sweden. I'rovisloni scored fair gains In January contracts for meats and on all deliveries for laid. Nearby options of pork and lard were bearlshly affected by smallness of cash call from the soutn. Articlel Open.! High. I Law. I Close. I Yes'y. Wheat' Sept.) Dec. I May.) I 1 07 I 1 mt 1 eV 1 17'(fj 1 1ST.1 Corn. ! sept. 77U llec..!70Va'7 May.i73VWl Oats. I I Sept. I 47VI DeclrtVOI May.52W!! Pork. I I Sept IT fr 1 07 j 1 10Sj. 1 W I 77Vt 71 73. i I 47W f.0 1 1 07 1 09 1 16V 7T, 704, 4V 49S! &2l K I 1 07 1 10 1 17 I 77 I- 7S 73V 47V 49S . 62 1 07 I 1 10H 1 174 77 704 73H 47 49H 52, t 17 37V 17 S7V 17 22V i7 224 17 2t4 Jan.. 19 u 1 i y.vsi i i 1 1 is iu trd. I I I, I, Spt. 9U. 9 50 I 9 50 1 9 W I V Oct.. 4fi 9 50 45 I 9 SO I t 4" Jn..l 9 95 10 02! 92V 10 Oo I . K Ribs. I I I I I setx.i 11 s7Vi 11 S7V 11 rvi! 11 ST4I " 1 let .1 10 I 10 T5 110 70 110 70 10 NO Jan. . I 10 Hi I 10 45 I 10 So t 10 43 I K S7H Chicago Cash Price Wheat : No. ied I!.WN,(hl.K; No. 2 hard. fl.MVa1. 'orr: No 2 yellow, 7fj'7Se; No. S yeU ow. T!'nlf. iats: ino. i wnite, 7H9c -t.-i'idard. 4u-i19c Rye: No. 2. 93V.J94C lliirlev. .1i73e. Timothy, H"((00. Clover, eoTnicni. r-ora, ii.uu. itrci, iva:. ivios, 1 Ji-'ll.S7V 111 :TTt;R-Receipts, 9.64C rases; un , luiiiged. K liS lwer: receipts, song cases: at mark, cases Included. IiWTJOSo: ordinary firsis ri20l4c; rirBis, Jic. JVTAiyiS-ixiwer; receipts, W cars check box; ten-tox 101s, i w 11 five-box lots, f23o per box. Clrapea: To kays, tl.2r. per crate; Michigan grapes, per basket, 19c; iw-pbskci iois, isc. 1'er bunen, i.ia.i.w. Ti VK11KT AB1,I'5S t nuunower: --m--, , ' c per In. Cabbage: 2c ler lb. Onions: Yellow, 2V per lb.; red, 2c per id. r-ep- 50c per basket, l omaioes. r on. . r basket. Cucumbers: Hothouse two doz In basket. ',.ic per basket. .-New beets, carrots and turnips: c dot. c el- ery: Michigan, ..c nois.: 1 -n n $1.00 per don. lettuce: 'lP',1f,1,1.1?! per dos:. ; lear. per am. ""'"""V," ,; per doz. Hadlshes: STxi per dog, "j0- tallaji, 30c per lb. llorseraaisn : e t- case. Asparagus: nomn-arow ... do!!. Potatoes: New V.e per bu Sweet potatoes: Virginia, f3.50 per bbl.; Jersey. $4 50 per bbl. . M . Nl'TH salted peanuis. . ,, p--; No. 1 California walnuta. ft". pecans. 12Vo per lb.; filbert. 15c per lb., alminds,.30.' per -lb. t . n MISC1'.I,I,A IN Ktll'S-eni.11. " K.. per lb.: sugar walnut isies, - nwii si m ner i.aj-n.-i, . . a - 1 . kdf esse. II. .5: ors. $3.50 per ease; per half case, 1.1&. HON KY $3.1 per caiw. ?ew York General Market. NKW YORK. Sept. Xlv!'- eaFy: nioiasses .. i-.e- m.r fined, nuiet; m n . ,, loaf. 7.Sc; crushed. tc; ; o u 20c: cubes. "":": ; powdered, 6.RSC; fine granu aie.i, dTamond "A,". 6.75c; confectioners "A. 6.c: NO 1. 6.60C. TO.TO.nK.. .lmfrv extra. 30P4c; firsts. J7V4t29Vrc seconds. 2.rVtsr' c ; nr" " . " ocitn. laois current maan, innm. 2Pc: seconds. 22022 V; ..pafktnK current maae, iu. n .. vn-M. C 1 1 K KSK-Firm ; receipts. 2 3 00 boxes . state whole milk, irean wioj" - - ored. spal. lc: state wnoie .ran-. GSidylTre-rM. extras; SS;i0c- extra f rsts. zw.ic, i m seconds 22?(&34c; atate. Pennsylvania and nearny nennery. - Pennsylvania ana my ered whites. 2f-35c; state, r.. A r.A npnriiv neniim . - . browns and mixed colors, 254f2c, v.i..uona frozen, iowiic; o.. turkeys, 2W- K ir . uri.u - ' KANSAS CITY, riepu . Aar.t,, m. T,,, 2 red. I1.02V4: Sep tember. WrT Lssoembar fl.02.May. ILeV CORN-No. 2 mixed. 77V'eS-; No. 2 white 801V;; December, CTVliTSc; May. TIWIV-. fi. seconds. 24c; packing. . KCKW4 f irst, iti-. ..-..- - -- I'OI'I.TRY Hens, 14-; broilers, loc, RT'TTER Unchanged. KQCiS Unchanged. POULTRY Unchanged. 2rtfd 235 stock, J 7 0I 8 27i 92, 171 7 7 ".J 8 M . S5I 8 94i 08 7 S 6 81 64 7S7 6 9S 8 9l 7 92! 6 64 .) 8 82Vi I Wi t $ ST7) I 02; 7 89 , 6 t 10; ( 83i 8 08, 8 I 9 13 7 881 6 S 11. 8 52V.I 7 71: I 18 ? 01 17 Kl 8 8 Sept. 11.1 8 41'4; 7 is mi a ui tn 7 n:t, a 71 Sept. IS. T 87 S S8 S 16; 7 3 Sept. 14 I 8 0V 8 41 6 781 8 76 7 98i S 88 Sept. 1&, 8 26 7 89 8 78 8 88 8 t 80 Sept. 18. 1 8 Sv',1 7 9i 8 481 6 81 8 Ntl 8 08 6 81 Sept. 17 8 42V 7 94' K 21 ' t M 8 101 8 90 Sept. 18. 1 8 Sh g Oil 8 loL 81 8 Hi t! Sept. ,19. 8 vi 7 t! 8 17 1 7I 8 92 1 8 83 sm-PI. -.'! - I 8 6 8 S3 1 8 841 8 73 8 17, Sept. 21,SMV f 411 S K, 8 47 8 12j 6 K7 sept. 32. j 8 40 I 8 08! I 6hi 8 48 8 10 8 81 t-ept. ai.i 8 8 ONI 8 48i 6 &9i 8 48 1 8 I2 8 73 ept. 24. 8 20i 8 081 8 41 I k 441 K 18 8 75 Sept. 261 8 20V 8 07! 8 491 6 46i ! 8 16' 8 77 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, Houth Omaha, for twenty-tour hours enulng at 3 o'clock p. m., yesterday: K rX'Kl PT8 CA RI XJTS. Cattle.liogs.Sheep.H'r'1. Ni. A fh. fr v. A gh rr ' 1 . 7 M 4 8 M : no i 1. m rs !e i it- m 1 is m r: mi 1 S4 . ... 8 la J .it ... 47 J. US I 10 ...... M ... 8 m 1.H 8 M f? T.i . . .844 ?0 8 1 tl n 80 8 i 4t K7 ... 8 t:, 4 :7S 80 8 31. 87 8t ... 8 lli 4 J.t 8 82 81 M I It J S.l W 8 10 41 7 8 ii ;: t8 J"' 8 4J Jul 1WI i H M tit 8 4n 80 171 ... 8 li 47 ?4H ... I 40 88 2X9 . . 8 17, 40 tm ... 40 1( M I U M J4 li) 8 40 .13 t ... 8 18 ; :i ..8 4." i IU 0 8 90 A f.t 8'l I 4. rios. 28.. .. 8t ... 7 80 AT THK 1VATT1.K K HOST, Seit -tVIa Paris. The Herman offensive was extremely Igorous today st the western end of the long line stretching along the I rivers Olse, Alsne nnd Woevre. j The allied troops, whose gaps hac been I filled with freshly si'lved reinforcements, ; have thrust back the masses of (lermans j thrown against them and eventually I carried put a successful counter attack J which resulted In the gaining of eonslder j able around and the definite rapture of j Pennine, about which town the fiercest engagement occurred. I. 1 otir.led in the n.lvnprc rp I.I t Im t n- tletmnn ma. lune guns r hundreds, espe. hilly when ass across an open wheiit cently had been harvested. Bnie men cf n French ienneiil. hi. h as making a Oasli ti.wnnl the ti.-rinan position when It w,ag struck by the sweep ing I lie, were fmd dead in the kneeling posture they had taken behind the sheaves of wheat, an. I from where they had emptied their 'Siiagaliu s. Intending t l. iXtmN. Sept 2;.- A iliM'St h to the Uieiiiiia S'sv from CoJ:eiihseii sa.N'S thsS Vlndlinii Iti.uilT.ff. II" K'.isvian revolu tionlKt ha reached Hlo klinlm on hi sy, to. Kmh a Li offrr Ms srrvlcea t the Itusshin governmvut. Itourtieff onc r?eaped from silierla. where he had been n ni I n.:e his revolul binary activi ties, but thimg'.i N.:llca1 amnesty has not been KiHiiled 1. 1 111. the cot respondent s:e , he does not fesr srrrfct. o start a final rush and bayonet ehnie , lpvnlfl T,pnVn (lrf(t After the fight 9 dead were bulled in VJUI illCt iiO JJtClVU Jl KjQii Siege Guns in Mud a single trench six feet deep, the tleriusns being placed at one end and the FreiKli at the other SHF.KP practically no I Wabash Missouri J'aclflo ... Union Pacific C. & .V. W., east... C. A N. W.. west... C, St. P., M A O... C, H. & Q., west... C, R. I. p., eaM. C, It. I. 4 P., west. Chicago U. W Total receipts .. 37 J 11 10 2 41 18 'i There was change In shep and lambs from eeter day and re-elpts were light, showing considerable falling off. a-s no more than some 4.440 head were reported In against IS. IM a week ago and 21. 98 on the cor responding day a year ago. The bulk of the offerings was made up of lambs, and while some pretty good grades were at the disposal of buyers there was noth ing strictly choice of anv kind on sale. The best Inmhs here brought 8M.4.V and the range of all the sales was st f7.15ff 87.45. Kwra. auch as were here around t4.75ic4 and a car o yearlings was picked up early at fS . The market was fairly lively, resulting In a good clearance in atmd season There were no new features In the feeder trade aad prices were prartirally steady. Most of the feeder lambs changed hands at 8.SMt7 0f and a bunch of feeder ewes brought f4.1ft The feature of the week have been liberal receipts, and a decline of TRe on fat lambs from a week ago, and 50c on mutton. A decline of 10tfl5c on tho best gradea of feeder lambs brought In a ttoodly number of buyers from the country nnd as a result the number of lambs bought on feeding Bccount has been as large as any week thus far this season The common to medium grades of feeder lambs are lfxut&'.o cheaper than a week ago, but feeder yearlings, wethers and ewes are fully steady, due In the main to the continued scarcity of such offer ings. quotations on range sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, t7.40lr76o; lamha fair to good. f7.UVaT.40; lambs, feeders, S.hJP7.10: yearlings, good to choice, f5.80 ffi'S.lO; yearlings, fair to gooti, aa ButiiD.su; yearlings. feeders, t tit 90; wethers, good to choice, f5.20(f&.B0; wethers, fair to good, f.V20ff.00; wethers, feeders, f4.30tr 4 .85; ewes, good to choice, f4 7fJ6 10; ewes. fair to good. 84.50414. 75; ewes, feeders, SH.tM 4. Representative saies: No. Av. 1217 Idsho feeder lambs R7 23ti Wyoming feeder ewes 108 2fil Wyoming ewes 117 ISi Wyoming feeder lamDe m SHERMAN GOLFERS GIVE FEAST FOR HARDING CREW Charted Silemiaif, I." preijldent of the Happy Hollow i Itib,' and a large number money hoarding campaign launched byf l" Kolflng followers entertained lit a DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattie. Hogs. Sheep. western 1420c; firsts, 2oc; Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Sept. 24.-Pralrie Hay-Cholee upland fl2: No. 1. 811. W; io. .ff'" nP00 No 3, f7X?9.00: rholee midland. i'-u,'i I,. S k- 1 Mm to 10 Oil: lu.oo: xso 1. ...w. -j ,nM: nS- 1 S9 OCKU9.60; No. 2. $7.01K3.00; No. S. f5.OtX8r7.00. I.I Trr pool tiraln Market. IJVEKPOOU Sept. 25. WHRAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 Manitoba, m w; o. i red winter, new, 8s 64d, futures, steady; October, Ks Wd; December. 8s 10d. CORN spot, nominal; i"1"1"..,'!""" September, 6s 4Vid; October, os 10a. St. I,oiB drain Market. T. LOUIS, Sept, 26. WHEAT No. t red, fl.OaVUIOf'H; No. z reo wici.w, September. i.m's; iwwniwi, V.. ,w. CORN NO. 2, (owe, iiw. ". o.tj-i September, 77c: Decemtier. a.s,c. OATS NO. z, toe ; c o, a wuiw, i.T- Evaporated Applea and Dried Fraita NKW YORK, Sept. 26. EVAPORATED APPLES Hull. .mi, DRIED FRUIT 1 runes steady, apri cots and peaches quiet. Raisins quiet. Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 25. WHEAT- September, tl.0V December, fl.OSS; No. 1 hard, fl.11; No. 2 northern, 81.04H 1.07V . x w York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 26 COTTON The report of the conference committee of the New York Cotton exchange today showed that 1.100 bales of the old straddle Interest had been liquidated at 9c for December us a result of yeHterday'a operations In Liverpool. This makes a total liquidation of 5,9iV bales since the plan of the Inter national committee was placed In opera tion and there were rumors that tha out standing Interest had been further re duced through private settlements. A re port from the special committee on by laws KUggesting that the market be re opened for trading in government grades was also taken as pointing to a resump tion of business within the next few weeks. Reports from the south Indicated further declines In the spot markets, which encouraged rather a pessimistic view of values among local operators, while the heavy rains reported In tho eastern belt failed to create any freah sen timent with reference to the sice of the crop. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 23. -COTTON Bpot, limited business: sales, 4.200 bales. 112 27S 292 304 39 ft 29 7 122 4 34 2 W 20 I 3 6 6 1S2 ar.n 4 527 54 128 867 1,184 4S0 1.708 Morris ft Co. Swirt At Co Cudahy packing Co.... Armour A Co Hchwartx A Co J. VV. Murphy Morrell Benton, Vansant it L. F. B. Iwis . J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Kesenstock Bros McCreary &, Kellogg.. 'Werthelmer & Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Mo. & Kan. Calf Co... Christie Huffman Roth John Harvey Other buyers Totals 1,526 1,958 CATTLE Receipts were small, as usual on a Friday, only 36 cars being reported In, but for the week the run has been very liberal. There were really not enough cattle on sale today to make a market and prices remained quotably unchanged from yesterday. Corn-ted beeves have been scarce all week and practically steady prices have been maintained. The best range beef has also continued steady, but the com mon to pretty decent kinds are mt26c lower. Cows and heifers have suffered about the same amount of decline, some of the choicest killers being possibly 10 16c lower, with other kinds as much as 154fI5c lower. Even canner cows have auifercd along with the other. Blockers and feeders have eased off under the large receipts and are 163Tc. lower than Monday, with a good many cattle still In the hands of speculators. Quotations on cattle- Oood to choice cornfed beeves, f.6u(j10.2S; fair to gooa cornfed beeves, f8.75(jf9.50j common to fair cornfed beeves, f7.7EKa8.76; good to choice tange steers, !7.40sYio; fair to gooa range steers, f6.WV(i7.40; common to fair range steers, 88.00cHO; good to choice grass heifers, f" 603f ,&o: good to cnoioe grass cows, .. ia; lair 10 guuu ar". 4M.26; common to fair gradea, S4.0ftS6.50; good to choice Blockers and feeders. 17 6098 26: fair to good stoekera and feed oWw; t"ck helfera. S5.60Jr8.75; stock cows, 84 .iwuu-a.; siuca .-... .w 8 00; veal calves, f8Wg10.Z; Puns, stags. etc., iti.kwan.w. Representative sales- BEEF 8TEERS. At. Pr. NP. t- .... 830 8 04 1 - 880 8 09 .... :i 1! J4 8 M ....1810 7 78 7 J6 28 COWS. .... 188 4 88 8 1 J SB .... 880 6 00 8 7 8 H .... 948 8 SO HtCIFERS. .... 470 8 00 8 788 8 SI .... M . . HULLS. .... 840 8 68 1 48 7 1M 1 OS CALVES. 880 8 80 8 2 810 8 00 8..,.i.i:11li.yR.I,t STOCK ERS AND FEEUlvru. I (It 8 20 t 4 40 8 80 18. WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. lona r 80 8 cows mi WO Wyoming feeder lambs. Two Wyoming feeder lamos 230 Wyoming feeder lambs..., 2x8 Wyoming lambs 201 Wyoming lambs 648 ftah lambs 1776 Wyoming feeder lambs... 372 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 890 t'tfth feeder lambs 280 Wyoming feeder lambs 247 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 20i Wyoming feeder lambs 275 Wyoming feeder lambs 281 Wyoming feeder lsmbs.... 227 Wyoming feeder lambs 112 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 208 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 98 Wyoming feeder ewes 15 Wyoming feeder ewes 181 Wyoming feeder ewes lnl Wyoming ewes 81 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 189 Wyoming feeder lambs.... isi Wyoming feeder lambs 190 Idaho ewes 61 culls 48 native ewes 129 cull lambs 9o Idaho lambs 2.10 Wyoming yearlings 98 Wyoming lambs 4R Wyoming breeder ewes... Wyoming breeder ewes.... 705 Idaho feeder ewes CHICAGO I,IVK STOCK 88 4K 54 64 ." 86 66 47 68 58 f 57 f.7 67 67 67 07 84 87 97 97 48 68 80 ...112 ... H3 ,..110 ...56 ... 71 ... 94 ... 89 ...102 ...102 ... 8S Miser Banks' Names Given Public Today WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. The anll- Secretary McAdon against national hanks, ; moved I particularly those which have re-elved fidersl crop-moving monrv or which have taken out emergency currency, was broadened today to take In state Institu tions. Mr. McAdoo sent a telegram to superin tendents of banking In each state an nouncing the restriction of credits by na tional banks and the high Interest rates charged and appealing for all available Information regarding state banks And trust companies. He declared that If banks will be persuaded to use resources intelligently the present situation 111 be j greatly relieved. This was the eecretary'a second mo e today In the campaign. Earlier he made public a statement In which he announced I if the state of Tennessee continues to nnd bankers unwilling to renew a 8400,000 loan he himself will take up the task of find ing banks who will make auch a loan. It was understood that a list of banks which are piling up reserves or hoarding money will be made public tomorrow and that, a announced last night, tht prac tice will be kept up as long as there Is occasion for It. bamtuet at tbe club lat right for Charles lUrdlng. president of the flub, and an equally large number f lollnwern. llardt lug and his olan clnnueii the Sherman tribe on the links last StttUidgv and the spoils of victory was the vunijpt'ln'i'eed. After everybody had partaken ef his fill, toasts were delivered by the various golfers present. THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND ARE GIVEN THE IRON CROSS HKIU.IN. Sept. 26. (Via The Hague t.i London.) -The announcement ..was made here today that Lieutenant' tjeneral von Husse was killed In action September 8. Thus fsr !!8.0flfl persons have been deco rated with the Iron cross. ; ' r.ee.Wnnl Ads Are the Hcst Business Uoosters. ' LoNDoN, Sept. 26. The correspondent cl the Daily' Msll says that In the hur rb d retreat from TSn ls, the Cermans lost several of tlpiir bW sh-j-e guns, with .which they.' tind' intended to iedine the ' Paris forts. Owing to the rains they were left stuck fast in the mud. rive Herman aeroplanes have been cap- tuied FORMER TURKISH SULTAN URGES PEACE ON PORTE PETt'OiiRAD. -Sept, -"-Abdul Hamtd. former sultan of Turkey, has warned the I committee of union and progresa that I Ttirke will be lost if It enters upon 'r Rgnlnst Ruhsla . I i Wind ha reached here from Con i atsntlnople that Adrlanople is short provlslona. Pr. 8 8," 4 15 4 7.. 6 X, 7 10 8 .If. 6 ;tn 7 30 7 20 7 In 7 06 6 7.-. 6 46 6 96 c 9r. 6 96 6 80 6 SO 6 80 H 80 fi 60 8 75 4 2. 4 90 4 76 R 77. 6 78 7 06 4 90 3 40 4 86 6 '60 7 45 6 80 7 10 4 60 4 60 4 15 MARKET Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 25. COFFEE Re ports that the steamer overdue from Brazil with a coffee cargo of 31,000 bas had been captured and destroyed by a. Oernian cruiser, served to increase con I union regarding the war risk situation In the local ij(fse market today. Cost and freight offers from Brazil were a shade easier on Rios and about unchanged on Santos, but there was very little business and the spot market was also quiet, with Rio 7s quoted at 8c and Santoa 4a at luti lie, according to description. At a special meeting of the members of the Coffee exchange today the board of managers was authorized to empower the voluntary liquidation committee to liquidate existing coffee exchange aon tracts at quotations acceptable to buyers and sellers, Irrespective of the ring and margin prtces of I:) p. m. July SO. This action is expected to result In more rapid liquidation of old commitments. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 25 -DKY GOODS Heavy purchases of towels, sheets, pillow cases and blankets fur war purchases re ported today. Cotton goods Irregular Yams steadier. An embargo has been placed on the shipment of wool . from Turkey and Persia and Indian ports are closed against jute shipments. Rank learlngs. OMAHA, S-pt 2r.. Bank clearings for today are H.l'.l!.'.53 and 11.042,140 46 fur the currvspuoutn uuy last year. No. if!"!". i. .... . i i. 7tl .10U 88 1 00 G 80 6 80 5 00 6 86 ( 36 6 36 8 75 ( cowa 978 7 stockers.. 617 12 gtockers. 637 2 bulls 1490 6 cows 1031 1 helfnr.... 620 S calves... 163 10 00 19 st. caivea 34 7 75 10 cows 925 4 65 3 feeders.. 986 6 1 caJf 320 7 25 a cows 813 6 25 7 calves... 486 12 feeders.. 675 7 St. hfrs.. S X) 7 40 6 6 10 ..1H02 ..1130 6 10 6 00 6 SO 7 60 fi COWS.. g cows 10 6 80 13 stockers.. 498 6 00 1 at. bull.. .1080 6 6 16 feeders.. 837 6 W 1 bull 13 5 75 13 feeders.. Nu6 6 40 6 feeders.. 908 6 60 3 calves... 3 7 75 1 cow tf70 6 35 6 steers.... MS 25 I etocker.. 600 7 25 hellers... 62 5 t5 9 cows 8 4 70 6 feeders.. 10W ( 86 8 st hfrs.. 6"i6 25 S cows 990 4 80 4 cows 1017 6 60 cows. 3 st. bulla1146 6 90 lcow.., 7 cows 861 4 60 A. E. Thompaiiia, Wyoming. 17 steers 1120 7 80 1 stocker...l040 John Osborne, Wyoming. 28 steers 12J0 8 06 steers 1045 I helfer.. ll00 S 76 A. Evans, Nebraska. 17 ateers HOd 8 0 SOUTH DAKOTA. 17 stock h'ts 666 8 25 8 steers ... S cows...... 706 S 45 62 steers.... COLORADO. 1.) ateera 1181 71 44 steers... IS steers.... 1083 6 90 36 steer.. . 17 steers.... 97 S 25 . 17 feeders. 10 feeders.. 761 6 76 3 feeders. 4 cows 1080 i" " cows. 21 cows 606 4 76 1 bull.. MONTANA. I bull 1380 6 76 14 steore. . . 12 steers. ...1135 7 00 6 cows 1110 WYOMING. 7 heifers ... 96S 5 90 11 feeder... 86 630 HOGS Supplies dropped off today, only tbout forty-on cars, or 2,5u0 head being received. Total for the five days Is 18,528 head, being 4.300 head larger than a week apo, but 4,000 short of laat year. Trade opened dull all around this morn ing. There were no good shipping hogs on sale, and tha shippers' buy consisted largely of fair to good mixed hogs, which old at prices that mere uneven, and were quoted as generally ateauly to pos sibly a little stronger In soma Instances. Owing to the dearth of toppy hogs the best price paid was 88.45. Shippers' pur chases were made largely at f8 Softs 40, several loads reaching the latter price. Packers started bidding prices that were a flat dime lower, but aa they had more or less competition from tha shippers they were forced to raise their bids, so that when the bulk of the supply moved values wera no mora than weak Ut o Government Shuts Down on the Papers LONDON. Sept. S5.-The activities of British newspaper correspondents who have been dashing about In the rear of the allies' lines In the northeast, have re sulted In the enforcement of a stricter censorship by the British government. The newspapers now will not be permitted to publish the messages of such corre spondents and the speculations of the military critics, who publish dally analysis of the situation pointing out lo calities and predicting movements of the armies, also will be suppressed. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. , A dividend of Two Iv.llsrs tier share will be paid on Thursday, October 15. 1914. to stockholders of record st thn close of htialnes on Wednesday, Septem ber 30. 1914. O. 1). MILNE. Treasurer ir' ANTIS TO HAVE MEETING AT SOUTH OMAHA HALL , 846 , 896 , 7 991 , H74 826 978 .1270 6 40 6 40 C 40 86 6 00 6 16 6 70 g 00 at Cattle Steady Hons Weak Sheep Fl rm. CHICAGO. Sept. 25,-CATTLE-Recelpts I, 00n head; market steady; beeves, 8b.8M II. 06; steers, f6.25fi 15; stockers and feed ers, t5.40rg8.36; cows and heifers, S3.04"j9.1o; calves. S8.tl0eH.75. . HOGS Receipts, 100.000 head; market weak, generally 10c lower; bulk of sales, f7.90C860; light, fS.6nrri9.00: mixed, tK.OiVrf 9 00- heavy. 7.70tc.70; rough, f7.70ii7.86; pigs, S4.7ucif8.liO. SHEEP ANI I.AMBS-Recelpls, 13.CO0 head; market firm; sheep, f4.80rar.S0; yearlings, f0.75ff6.40; lambs, f6.265j7.8n. I -. . . a U..bl hsswi iiiy -- - KANSAS CITY. Sept. 25. -CATTLE- Re ceipts, 1,100 head: market steady; prime led steers, flO.OU&U.OO; dressed beef steers, f8.0tX(i9.DO: western steers. $6.76410 50; stock ers and feeders. f6.OciI8.00; bulls, fi.2.iy.u0; calven. tb.rW4-i10.fiO. . .. . HOGS Receipt. 9 000 head; niBrket lower; bulk. SA-O04l-4f; heavy, SK-Ofp ST.; packers and butchers, f8.0tXa1.&0; light. fS.OO 4W.:); pigs. f7,2547.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market lower; lamb. ?-,!-; yearling. S6.fi04f. 25 ; wethers, fo.25ffni.60; ewes, 4.754J'5.20: St. Loala Live Mock Market. ST. LOCIS. Sjpt. if.. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2,700 head; market steady; native beef steers. f7.604flO.8f.; cowa and heifers. fi.0U4r9.06; stockers and feeders. fnOWBi ftO; southern eteers. t6.00"j.00; cows "d heif ers, f4O0r7et;.60; native calves, t6.0ntfll.00. HOGS Receipts, 6,400 head; market lower; pigs and lights. t7.00-aS.85: mixed and butchers. f86; ood heavy. 8.4o 8HEEP ANP LAMBS-Recelpts. J1VI head - market steady; native muttons, 84.00 4v5.u0; lumba. t7.oniI ,60. lonx City I.le Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Sept. 25. CATTLE- Re ceipt, 200 head; market eady canners, S4 0O-U4 6"; stockers and feeders, I8.26fii.80; calves, f7.0ucu.6O; bulks, atags, etc., fu.Otift 6 ()Q HOOS Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; heavy SS.16: mixed, SR. 123 8 .16; light, is ilpe itt e..".. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. head; ao quotations. - St. JcHieph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 28 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,200 head; market steady; steers. t7 OOtt'lO.W"; eows and heifers, f4.2j("9 50; calves. 17.001050. HOGS Receipts, 3,300 head; market 6c lower; top, fK.46; bulk of sales, t8.IMjii45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 2.700 head; market dull; lajubs, f7.0O7.35. I BRADTBEKT' TRADE REVIEW Evident that rail Trade 1 Below Normal. NEW YORK, Sept. 26. Bradstreet's will say tomorrow: It la evident that fall trade Is below normal; that Industrial operations are quiet; that bank clearings with stock markets closed continue on the down grade; that failures are numerous and that the general rule Is to buy for nearby pressing needa rather than to cover fu ture requlrementa. Perplexities arising from high or low prices, as thn case may be, upset cal culations, while the difficulties encoun tered In getting ready money at reason able rates check buying In a great many lines. On the other ha-id it must be con reded that farmers in the surplus wheat producing regions have prosiwred; that retail trade has been stimulated by the cool weather over a wide area; that Im provement in commercial paper at some markets Is a hopeful sign, that export trade In cereals continues of heavy vol ume, while It is certain that more or less business haa been done for Euro pean account In blankets, leatber, sad dlery, horses, horeshoe and munitions, and at the same tima the oix-ning of certain cotton exchangee In the south for spot transactions affords a price making basis for cotton. Hank clearings for the week ending September 24 aggregated f2.281,28A,uu0. a decrease of M.I per cent from tha same week last year. Huslnesa failures were aw. agalnnt 2X7 last year. Wheat exports, 8.Ji.i'J bushels, against 6,9W,26 bushels last year. The anti-suffragists have" planned a meeting at South Omaha Saturday even ing at McCrann'i hall, T went y-f mirth and O streets. The principal address will ba made by Miss Lucy Price of Cleveland, O. Miss Marjorle Iorman, secretary of the Wage-Earnera' league of New York, will also address tha audience from the view point of thn wage-esrner and the business woman; and Mrs. J. W. Crumpacker will close the meeting with a few remarks concerning the progress of the anti-suffrage campaign In Nebraska. Bee Want Ada Produce Results. '1 h Street Car Service to Speedway , ' Persons visiting the sM'tlvny in Kast Omaha to witness the niiitoreyolo races Saturday anl Sunday nf t- ornoous, September 2th and L'Ttli, can reach the same by taking either Carter Iwike ears running over the . route, of the Shennan Ayenue line from 14th nnd How-. . urd, or north bound, jifth and Ames Avenue or 42d and flraiid Avenue ctiri. ' !" ' , The firfjt named, lint? runs direct to the speedway, - while the Beyond liaJued lines transfer speedway pas sengers at Sherman Avenue and Locust Street, where extra cars will take them direct to the speedway. Omaha and Council Bluff Stroot Railway Company s 300 Would Your Widow Have a Home? The man at the head of the house with the responsibility of caring for a family should have an eye out for future years. There are ways of providing for the future in a substantial manner and with very little difficulty if you will give the matter a little careful thought. One thing that you can do right now that will be really worth while is to find out what other people know about real estate conditions and values in Omana. It may be that you have never thought seriously about owning a home' or a farm of your own because somehow the, words real estate are associated in your mind with an investment of big money. A Be Want Ads Produce Besuiu. This is not the case. There are hundreds of good chances to purchase a fine piece of property on very small payments probably even less than you are now paying for rent. Find out more about it. There is every reason in the world for your future prosperity why you should look into this suggestion a little farther. A real step forward would be to start reading the real estate ads in The Bee today and keep ir up for awhile. They are mighty interesting read ing to the man who wants to get ahead in world ly goods. rwapA. 7yr i9oo THE OMAHA BEE &orfMv i i r i v