10 THK BKK: OMAHA. SATl'KDA Y, SKITKMHKIJ 1!M4. By MELUFICIA. Friday, September 25, 1914. una nonl chn romnlaln of the price of rrram here should 0 Imagine themselves In London, and then give thanks. Mrs. Char'es E. Smith, who with Dr. Smith and their daughters, the Misses Helen. Dorothy and Ida. was marooned In London for a month, haa told her. friends an amusing story of their ex perience at the hotel cafe while staying in the nrltish capital. "We found the English knew little about making coffee, for they all prefer tea, and the coffee was really miserable," Mrs. Smith says. 'To make It worse, no cream was provided for the coffee, even at the fcest hotels and cafes. "But one morning at breakfast, the , head waiter at the Palace, where we were stopping, told us he had a pleasant surprise, In the way of cream for our coffee. However, the hill he brought us for It wa more of a suprlse: twelve cents to each of us for enough cream for a cup of coffee." Lininger Travel Club. Ura Frsnk I.. HsJler wa hoilMW tills afternoon at the Mnlnr Art rallcry for 4 th mtmbni of th Iitnlnger Travel Hub. a aoclety of With acnooi youn won, i A "war pmfrram-' was alvrn. Mr.. Hal ler rave an Illustrated Ulk and Mlaa Ade- Islde Fours nave folk dnres of the coun- trl now at war. Miss Kate Mrllus;h U ' sponsor for the Travel club and wu a j special guest. Mies Quito PMdy la presi dent A profusion of irarden and wild flower were need In decoration' and fol- ( .lowing th program there was danrlnn. ; r.efrwhmenu were served the latter part j cf th afternoon.- I About forty goest wera present. t Eetuming from Europe. j Mr. A- U Mohlnr landed at Ronton I from the White War liner Canoplo Thurs- day and wa mot by Mr.' Mohler, who left last week for the east. Mr. and Mm. Mohler are expected In Omaha Sunday or Monday. Their dsughUr, Mart, who wa married toSlmor Fanna In Rome, Italy, last month'- remained abroad. Mis Eleanor Rents, formerly of the Frownell Hall faculty, sailed from Hol land Beptember 1 and Is expected to ar riv In Omaha October Mlas Rents haa been tn Vienna for some time and will reopen her studio npon her arrival. Returning from College Mr P-Mderirk 1 latin, son of tT. and Mr. O. Hahn. haa returned to Chlraao to enter hi senior year In tha medical department of the University of Illinois. Miss Katherlne tnt leaves Saturday for Chicago to enter the University of Chicago. Bhe will be accompanied by her brother, Carlyle Lnts. who goes to Balti more to attend th John Hopkins College of Medicine. Mis. Edna, Irvine ha rone to Chicago to enter the University of Chicago. Mis Levin waa awarded a scholarship from th Omaha High school. Invitations Issued. Invitations were Issued toady by - Mr.' ' and Mrs. John Franklin Dale for the weddlnjr of their daughter, Dorothy to Sidney I Bmlth of Hartford, Conn. Tha ceremony will take place Wednesday evening, October 14, at o'clock at Hanacom Park Method Urt Episcopal church. A reception will be held from t to 11 o'clock at the home of the bride parent. The young couple wfll bo at home after December 1. at Hartford, Conn. At Carter Lake Club. A large dinner party wa given for Carter Lake club member and their friends Thursday evening, under the aus pices of the cottagers on the club grounds. Table were placed on both th upper and lower floor of the club house and on the veranda, and covers were placed for 190 guests. Ooldenrod and wild flowers wore used In the decorattona, v and there was mualo by the orchestra. Following the dinner, there were moving pictures and dancing, a feature of which waa the old- time moonllRht dsn-e. The forms I clos ing of the ciub will be a dinner and dance Tuesday evening. The Carter Lake Swimming club gave Its last lunrheon of the yenr at Carter I-ake club Thursday. Mrs. W. J. Csttln's t-am won the highest bowling score anJ will he entertained at a lunrheon Tuee dy by the two losing teams. The guests of the club were Mrs. W. W. Mrrshon of St. Ixiuls, Mrs. F. J. Itarnwell nd Mlaa Uahelle M-fxud of present were: M ends men W. J. CHttln. J. A. Kreelnd, A. I,, i'ertnoily, A . J Mrrort. harle K. Meyers. .1. Adams. Ale .letes. J K. IMtnmlr-k. '. A. ( (ilveen. I K. Kyer. i' K Msloney. V. It liorrHiiee, Csrl M. Johnson. Mcmlr of the talned their huhn rliilihouse last even plai-evl for slity-fou I.ln- ..In The members At the Field Club. Mesdatnes II. I,. I n''eiwofd, It O. Itlermtn, J. A. H'Her. S P Uoldstrnm. H M. hltehowse, M. .1 Krd. Henry Keating, .Ixrk Austin, lientK" K. t'oKSwell, II Isrd. V. II OouH. Jr ; W. II. Kck, swimming rlub enter, nds at dinner at the Ing. when covers were r guests. For Autumn Bride. Mrs. II. V. Hose gave a surprise mla-f-ellsneous shower Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. W. II. Ililhurt, 2714 North Fifty-eighth avenue, In honor of Mies Kmma llllhert, whose wedding to Mr. Floyd Itushkirk of Omaha takes plnce soon. The guests were: Misses Minnie Karnaworth, I.llllnn Mliter, -via Mlger, Misses Leoiin Smith, Louise K nones, f'ora Jones, 'a rrle Crossett, . Helen Jorgesen, . Frankle Hulliw k.' Jersle Hullwk, Mnry Hutler. Llna Washburn, Irene Morton, Merle Hughes, ' I (leoryle M''.Mrheal, Kate Vn Horn, Kthel Purl. Vera Marshall. Jesn LlnehHiigh, Mesdnmes -P. A. Tenant, S. I. Jones, V. W. Oamhle, K. H. King, H. Rnwerman, 1. W. Irelnle, Isalielle Hawkins Anne Mingus, Alic e Johnson, M.iy Johnson, Helen I'eters, Huth (lutafon. F.dna. Iteptowsky, fiussln llurkhart, F.mma lllllmrt. Alta Hiishk'rk, Thelms Hushklik, Minnie reeley, Leona Smith. Mesdames A. Ven Horn, H. F. Hone, W. H Whltmer, Kurl Henne, VutRnret Wolf. L A. Simons, Mrs. A. F. Smith entert!::e( at lunrh eon Thursday at the Field rluli In honor of Mrs. W. A. Fraser. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Mrs. H. A. Cameron entertained at lunrheon for twelve guests Thursday. Miss Itertha White entertained st a bridge lunrheon Thursday st the rlub, when covers were laid for twelve guests. Mr. C. N. Diets entertained at dinner last evening In honor of Mlra Kittle Sad ler of Imdon. The tub' decorations were tiny silk flags of KnKland and America. Covers were laid for: Misses Mire Kittle Sadler. NlnalMetx Imulse I etr. Mepnrs. Messrs. Victor I 'lets. J.,hn Wilkes. Frank I'lett, Mr. and Mrs. Oould Ilets. Mr. end Mrs. Wilkes. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. I'letx, Mrs. I-onard I "lets Nelson, Mrs. John Hudson. painted plare cards and a rosebud filled with randv. Those present were: Meednmes John Krhl. Fred Hroilegsard, K nllierK, Nordin. U C. Thrane, I . Hnsnni'sen Moll e Anderson. Birthday Surprise. , Friends of J. J. Wllhelm of 2744 Mere dith avenue celebrated his birthday at a surprise party Wednesday evening. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames: J. D. Hhose. Roy Flanagan, Ira Flanagan, V. H. Flanagan, W. J. Cuslrk, H. J. Cuslc-k, Fd raule.-n, R:' Penton. Joe Stsfler, ' I,. Ijindroek, W. J. Hunter. J. J. Wllhelm. A. Cllne, Entertains at Luncheon. Miss Anna Nelson en:erlalned Wednes day at lunrheon for Mrs John Neble, who will leave soon (or Kansas City to make her home, and Mrs. F. M. 1'etersen of Portlund, Ore. The table u decorated with American beauty nnd bride's roses. Each place was mnrked with a hand- Meedsmes Robert Nteman. William Neve, Jr ; F.Hrnest Norlln, V. Nelson, John l Neble, F. M. I'elersen, Walter Mailand. Surprise Party. A stirpilse pnrl- was given Vednesday evening In honor of Miss Irene Keuchel, at her home. l!i:tl ,outh Sixteenth street. Those present were: Mlssep Mltises KHzuiM-th Keth. A r nulls S hinker, Marcareth 'amrtel'AKnes Hartung, Mareareth Callahan, Kr.tle Srhlnker, Constanre I'otter, Marie HartiinK, l.llllnn I'ally. Celia 1-Vhele, Margaret Srhlnker, Irene Keuchel. Susie Kohle, Anna Sc hlnker, iFahella Krlttenbrlnk, Messrs - - Pr. l. Plerkes, All McAllister, Joseph Kohle, Frank 7-eth, Oodfrey Hartung, Me(irs K.l Srhlnkei', Aloys Keuchel. Henry Sanatskl. George Cerhard. Ptephen Kenchel. Clements Krlttenbrlnk. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Miss Kthel Pyer of Berkley. Cal.. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank J. Coad for a few weeks. Mrs. J. A. r.ennlson hss as her guest for a few flays Mrs. I.ewis O. Ferguson of Mason City, la. Mrs. Charles Marsh and little daughter, Oertrude, have returned from a summer spent at the seashore. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pickens of Hastings, Neb., are visiting (heir daugh ter. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, and Mr. Hynes. AIDS IN PLAN TO HELP COTTON GROWERS. f-rv - Via '"' ' J s 1 ' V, Ree reailers sre too intelligent to over look the opportunities 'n the "want ad" columns They're worth while reading. if , ' 4 ' J Ml. SB LUCY HI RLUSON. Iaughlor of Fostmaater General. War Hastens the Wedding of Omaha Musician 'Abroad Although the Furore" wir seems to be seriously depressing most business abroad, It has served to hasten the busi ness of Cupid. In one case, at least. For it has hastened the marriage of Stanley ,R. letovky, Omaha pianist, violinist and composer, now- In RerMn, snd Miss An tonia Plefke. a Herman conceit singer. They had planned to be married next spring, but news Just received by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley lyctcvsky of Florence says that the young couple were married last month, six months early, because of the war. It Is expected they will com to America on their honeymoon as aoooas It Is possible to leave Oermunv. - - A "ore that Won't Ileal Quickly relieved and helped by Buck len's Arnica Salve. Helps piles and th worst sores. All druggists; 23 cents. Advertisement. ' NEW CITY DIRECTORY TO BE PUBLISHED EARLIER A date of publication several months earlier than usual Is promised for the next city directory. Work of compiling the names snd addresses haa begun and will be pushed as rapidly as possible, so that the book will be ready In January, Instead of May or June. Thirty five men have been coached In the work of eensi:s taking by H. C. Pay, and are now gathering dnta under the direction of Chnrles X. Thompson, Omaha man ager for the directory company. 1 Mm I "' V WeT IRm Quantity Quality- ServiceglJlS Hair Goods Muck More Beauty is secured in this silk hosiery that is made from the highest grade of raw eilk. That ia the reason that McCallum Silk Hosiery has an unusual brilliancy and jtreater feeling of silkiness. The purifjr l it silk insure strong threada for longer wear. Its even weave and careful proportion ing as to shape and length give more comeliness and comfort to the wearer. Aalfor McCallum'a No. 113 and 122 il you want black silk ."hosiery of remarkable value. Mending yarn ' with every pair. Sold at the Best Shops ear IuJum soollat. Just Kaow Six iSlrCallum Rosier? Co. "Y Special Prictt Saturday $1.60 quality natural wary T J" hair awltchea at...- I DC $5 quality natural wavy fro PA gray switches at fa.O" $10 natural wary halr a witch na, Saturday at.. Hair Dressing, Manicuring, Sham pooing. Appointment mad by phone $5.00 Latest Neckwear Novelties Newest Styles-Largttt Assortments While the demand for neckwear has never been o s-re&t ail tne nrevauinK siyies can ve no- cured at our neckwear section among others the new tub hand-embroidered collars which are In auch demand. We have a splendid line on ssle at. each Pretty Vesteea M 1 11 1 ary style with buttons, at, each, 60c. nolllnar Collars In Swiss pique, e m b r o 1 dered; prettv for coat and dress collar at ROc, 75c and up. u ve do- 25c Plain Swiaa Double H. 8. V e a t a e a With wide cuffs at 50c. Saturday Will Be a Fitting Climax to a Week of Style Triumph OUR RECORDS for thirty years show that the last Saturday in September is the biggest buying day of the entire year. Summer has past and the beauties of outdoor nature are wilting, preparing for their annual sleep. Women's thoughts turn to social functions and the new fashions with the Brandeis Stores stand- preparing ing out prominently as tne higgest attraction, uur buyers went to JNew York a tew days ago to buy great quantities or the very waists. These have just arrived to participate Saturday in what will, no doubt, be the busiest day this store has ever seen. newest suits, coats, dresses and SUITS At $25 Women's and Misses' Suits at $19 In fine. serges and wool poplins. The new long coat with . plain tailored or pleated skirt and belt effects, vel vet collar. The skirts are tunic, plain tailored or pleated. We show all the new shades for early Fall wear. Exceptionally fine suits, $19. Women's and Misses' Fine Tailored Suits. $35.00 In broadcloths, serges, poplins, gabardine and fancy worsted. Of the very newest models for early fall wear. Medium and long coat styles, pleated and belt effects and fancy trimmed designs with tunic, pleated and plain tailored skirts $35. Woi The latest arrivals are among these fashion aristocrats. We constantly aim to enhance the style, material, and finished value of "Fashion Seal" suits. Hundreds have arrived this week and will go on sale Satur day at $25. Sale of LEATHER BAGS ACTUAL VALUES FROM $2 TO $5 To Go on Sale Saturday at $1 We have made preparations to handle the largest business we have ever done in this department, because Saturday morning, when this sale begins, the crowds who will be rushing to get these beautiful hand bags, worth from two to five times the sale price, will undoubtedly be enormous. They Are the Most Wonderful Values in Leather B&tfs We Have Shown in Yean h A very fortunate purchase brought us these remarkable values, and M instead of putting these bags in our regular stocks and selling them at regular prices z to wc give you mc renem or our pur- a i 1 and Misses' Coats at $15 men Serges, broadcloths, winter cheviots, chinchil la, boucle, plnshes and fancy plaid mixtures In all the new models for Fall and Winter wear. Three-quarter and full length, plain or belted and trimmed effects. Black and colors. All sizes for women and misses. Women's and Misses' Dresses $15 Tn fine sergps, silk, satin, also combination silk and serge effects. In all the newest designs for early Kali wear. Plain or trim med (itylcs, with tunic or pleated skirts. All the new shades. Serge and Plaid Dress Skirts, $5 In fine serges nnd fancy plaid mixtures In a wide variety of styles plain tailored . or tunic effects with pleated bottoms and side pleats. Navy, black, drown and fan cy plaids. All sizes. Women's and Misses' Silk and Wool Sweaters In plain colors snd two-tone effects, plain coat and belt styles with roll collars. All colors larnest assortment beginning; at SI . and down to STJSO, fl.H, r, ? Cf S3.IW. S2.ISH and New Blouses UIl ICSS $5 Notable - late arrivals copies of high priced Imported models no two alike. Kverv new feature Is Bhown. All desirable colors to match the new Kali nults. They come In rich silk shadegv laces, ch'amieuse. wash satins, crepe de chine, chiffon and Roman striped silks. A matcniess show of all that Is new and charming In blouses at S3.1 and down to S12.7S. S10. Sa.BH, and. , Special Saturday Silk Blouses at $3.98 A special purchase of blouses that are really IS values In Roman striped crepe and satin, crepe de chine, chiffon, satin, silk and pussy willow crepe all new colors. Be lure snd see these tomorrow at SS.SS. m -2 to $5 we ive you the chase. We offer above bags, in real seal, pin seal, and real Morocco in all the very new est shades. Many of these bags have three and four vanity fittings and are silk and leather lined. In order to give every body an opportunity to. share in this most extraordinary sale we must place a limit of only one bag to each customer. $2 and 5 Bags on sale Saturday at k: surra mxnrm wmmtmmmmmi'ww&vm m imirswrnmmwMm j&re Children's Knit Underwear The weather is getting chilly it is time to outfit the children with warmer underwear, and.these values. for Sat- urday give you the opportunity to . buy a supply at consid- mi eranie savings, Misses', Children's and Boys' Fleecy Lined Cotton Union Suits High neck, with long sleeves, ankle length, drop seat and open crotch; all sizes to 16 years. Excellent qual ity. Saturday, per f-rk uuv suit. W1 "M" Knit Waist For girls and bora; patent taped seams and bone but tons; all sliTi; :5c 101 quality, at laCJC Sleeping Garment For girls and boys In gray only; om sixes in lr.ten- tons. Ages 2 to 8 jrt-ars. OA 50c quality, at JiJC Women's Part Wool Union Suits In Munslng, Carter, Forest Kill and other well-known makes In f all tbn wanted styles, at. . . ) 1 )U -Boys' Heavy Fleeced Cotton Shirts and DrawersAll sizes. Worth up to 35c. Special Sat urday, per garment, jgc Munslng Union Suits For gl.'i i and boy in part wool, white and natural high neck, long sleeve, drop seat and ankle length; stzea to 12. Vf SI. 60 quality a , f JJC "M" Knit Suit for Girls and Boy Light weight and fleecy lined cottons, high neck. Ion; eleevea, drop eats, putent taped seams snd but- on tons; bOc quality, at..... awC Women's Fin Cotton Union Suits In medium and heavy weight In low neck, elbow aleeres, and Jlgh neck long sleeves. All In ankSs lengths. Regular and extra sizes, err worti) to SI, at f DC Children's Dresses aesigns $50 In fine serges, challies and fancy worsteds In plain colors, stripes, plaids, checks and fancy floral designs light and dark uhades-'-pIatn or fancy trimmed styles. All sixes, 6 to 14 years, at $15, and down to 15, 13.98, $2.98, $1.98 and Children's Dresses Very Special In plain colored serges, light col ored stripes and fancy plaid ma terials; In plain or trimmed styles; with pleated skirts. All sizes, 6 to 14 years. Light and dark shades. Special 2 50 Children's Coats In fine winter chev i o t s , chinchillas, plushes, boucle, fancy tweed mix tures and piaids In plain or combination colored, strap trimmed and cape effect. All sizes, 6 to 14 years, at $17.50 and down to $10, $7.50, $6.98, $5.00 Q AQ and . . .pOjQ Fine Warm Coats for Children 6 to 14 years In fine Winter Cheviots, chlnchUla, fancy tweed mix tures and plaids in light and dark shades, f ibid ...... iwyv . .... v it u sijay u iiu- mlngs; all sizes, 6 to 14 years; special lot Brandeis Second Floor '5.00 13,000 Pairs of GLOVES j $1.25, $1.50 AND $1.75 QUALITIES - On Sale Saturday at 65c Pair We have given advance notice of . this sale for the last few days so that every woman who will buy gloves Saturday will be thoroughly informed of this most unus ual opportunity. This sale of such fine gloves at 65c per pair, must be a surprise to all women, for everybody knows that gloves have gone up from. 25 to 50 per cent within the last few weeks since the war opened. There are approximately 3,000 pairs of g gloves for street and dress wear in this sale. I Women's Overseam Sewn Kid Gloves, I Iamb or real kids. Women's Tull Outse&m I Sewn Caoe Gloves. Women's Pique Gloves I They come in black, white, tan, brown and a number of other col- M E- UI5, III all SliCS IIUII1 -J ?4 iu I i oji iiiajuiiijr ui naJb 1 gloves are new and clean, only very few pairs have been slightly s soiled, and all of them are most extraordi- g nary values. We cannot too strongly urge the wisdom of laying in a supply of gloves 9 at this price. The values will not be dupli- I cated. Remember there are only 3,000 I pairs and they are worth up to $1.75. They t should sell in a few hours at, per pair ; . i 1 CI i 100 New Black Velvet Shapes (Sale on Main and 2d Floors) New sailor styles; all t(- h jm f piece hats, some with BOft Vj II crowns, some stiff crowns. I -vW-7 Black only. Saturday at.. White or Pink Satin Camilla With foliage on sale In our trimming section. Second Floor. Just the correct thing for the new flat Parisian Sailors. Worth P 69c, special at 2 ' C New Dress Hats for Girls 100 new arrivals in Dress Hats for girls, I to 14 years in velrets, plushes, etc. that failed to arrive In time for our opening display last Saturday. Hat worth up to $7.60 each, wUl ba placed on sale j qq J tCT Saturday on Second Floor p)l70 2Du 500 New Trimmed Hats Saturday $ Hardly two alike all individual styles smart sailors, military turbans, and other pretty models made of Silk Velvets, trimmed in Pheasant, Vulture, Ostrich Bands, etc. All the good colors of the season Blacks, Negre Browns, Navy, Green. oJ)I