Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1914, Image 1

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A Mies p
n n
ii Urn jjf
Omaha Daily Bee
Ak-Sar-Dcn' Festival
Onli, SUpt. SO to Oct. 10,
SIsetrleel Farad, Oeehev 7,
Fraternity Varaon, Ucto
Oeroaattea Ball, Ootobev I.
. vol.. jcliv--no. .a:
Oa Trains ana at
e4 Steads, Be,
i :
- A
Cnrelenting- Blows of Franco-Enp-
lish Battering. Ram Too Much.
. for Teuton Forces. ,
Kaiser's Men Making Fferce Drive in
the WoeNrre District North-
wet of Verdun.
Had Already Tried to Make an Open,
ing Between Verdun and'Toul
I- at the Same Time,
This is Attested by the. Numerous
Wounded Leaving Field.
Oaly Preliminary, Stages of Giaraa.
tie Straggle Have. Brfa Reached
-Railroads Hashing Fresh
' - -
'i, Vrooae ta the Froat.
BVIibBTIN. .;,
. PARIS, Sept. 24. The brief offi
cial statement -issued tonight an
nounces that. on the left wing the
battle continues to develop; that a
lull has occurred in the fighting in
the center, and that on the right
wing the German attacks apparently
have been checked. . '; ,
. PARIS, Sept. 14. The following
official announcement was made in
Paris this afternoon:
i "riret On our left wing, between
the river omnia and the river Olse,
our troops have advanced in the direction-
of Roye. , A detachment oc
cupied Perrone and held this position
Jo epUt .of a spirited attack on the
part of the enemy. Between the
.river-Olse and the river Alsne the
enemy continues to maintain impor
tant, bodies pf. troops, well entrenched-
We have , made a slight
advance to the northwest of Berry -Au
Bac '' 1 ' ' '. -
"Second On the center between
Rhelmg and the Argonne dlatrict, the
situation shows no change. To the
east of the Argonne and on - the
'heights of the Meuse the enemy has
continued bis attacks, delivering
them with especial violence. The
fighting continues, accompanied by
alternate retirements "at certain
points and advances-at others. '
. "On our right wing there has been
n (J change of importance. '
' . 'Tn the region of Nancy and in the
Votsges certain detachments of the
enemy have again attempted to enter
upon French, soil, driving back light
covering bodies of our troops, but
their offensive was soon stopped.
"In Gallcla the Russians, having
'taken possession of Jaroslau, are
completely Investing Prsemysl and
continuing their offensive movement
on Cracow."
" PARIS, Sept- 24. The formid
able force' the Germans threw
against the allies left is still flinch
ing, according to official communi
cation, under the unrelenting blows
(.Continued on Page Two, Column J"ive.)
The Weather.
Forecast till 7 p.m. Friday: .
Pnr Omaha, Council Bluflx and Vicinity
Fair not much change In temperature.
Tesaperatare at Omaha Yeeteraay.
m v
Iaal R-'orl.
, a!i4. wis. i9i 1.
..... 71 M t 67
M . 4X .19 bt
Highest ytrdsr.....'
lowest yestrdsy
Mean tetnixratur
l .ttl . .14
Normal tmpratur
rflo)ency for Ilie i1m'....,
Tola! rxcetm in. Mar. h
Normal priK-ipitHtlon
rriencjr for lh day...
Total rainfall mine Mat
IWManoy inro Mr- h 1.
IVfii-lnt y fur cor. in rlort.
Defli-iency for cur. period,
. .0l Inch
. .'$ inch
.i .1 Inch's
. 3 4 Inrh
, 5.3 liHhes
. i.Ki tin-hen
h 1
Kaart from Statlaas at T P. M.
Station and State Tmp. llixh Rain
of Vestlir.
7 p. m. cm.
Chnn, cl-ar...
Iavnport. cU-ar ;
Invr. clsr 7 ,
fts Moini, clar
North Fln-. clear itf
Tinishs. clear .,y..iij
Hspii rity
hri.isn, clear w(
Sliu 'i(y, clear i
Valentine, clear ,..ti
h. A. Wt'LtH, t,nal Korecaster.
v - - Hours.
I V., "J -A a. m.
' I 7 p
Consensu to
FRENCH GUNS vvA uERMAN TRIUMPH Here we have a photograph of some French field tfiins in Berlin, drawn
by. German horses, Vowever, for the guns are part of the s poijs of war taken in battle by the Kaiser's troops, and
brought, into the capital through the famous Brandenburg Gate. , .
rl- ' 'rl.-.- . .-t,--r:yf
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German Objective on Korth Thought
; to Be Seaport roftrela City
. ';' of Belgium.,
troop'., moves show pvrpose
flrirssrls troaay i Jfln,ra tid KJ
. . renclirj B4,V.wry Provision
' Made to Hold City Germaa
j i .. .. , -
.' ;Trppa Mar Ghent. ; ..
V'; 'V-- - ' '..
'Copyrl!ht v114.i Presa Publishing Co.)
'" U3XDOX,.Sept. 24. Special Cablpkrarn
to the New TorlfWorJd andfhe Omaha
'Boe.) Telc'raphln"from Ghent, a corra
spondent of the London Standard declares
that Brussels is -cut' of t. and occupied by
a largely reinforced . German ' garrison;
that If the Oermsns eVer are driven back
to the Rhine It will not be without "tre
mendous fighting and' slaughter" and that
the Germans' . efforts to. Invest Antwerp
have become "more strenuous and deter
mined." - i -, ' . .-...'.
. The. German forces bent',upon.- subjugat
ing Antwerp,, the correspondent says,' have'
their liae extending, westward almost, into
Ghent. Their artillery laniard Sat work
on the south bank of the Stheldt, seven
miles from -the city." Kaily service has
ien suspended, soth. of Ghent. .Antwerp
appears'' to be menaced moi.-a seriously
than ever. The Inhabltiints. - however,
hare not ceased to hope that the city will
escape a direct attack. .
Ueraiaaa ta t'oamr 'ly.
At Ghent It Is' impokotDle, because ot the
meager reports received, to determine the
progress of events ' across the French
frontier. It la conceded, however, that
whatever may happen to the German
armies In the southwest It Is certain that
the kaiser's forces mean to conquer Ant
werp and to remain In occupation of
southera Belgium regardless of what price
they, compelled to pay in lives.
The correspondent aays, further, that
the public must be prepared to leurn of
more German successes In Belgium. He
declares that the temper of the Germans
U such that the war they will carry, on
directly will be very fierce.
"Fifteen hundred Germans," says a Ccn-
j trail News dispatch from Antwerp. '.,,ar-
'nvea morning at Ath, fifteen miles
northwest of Mons, Belgium-, comlnf from
France. .
Pr ride for Retreat.
"The outskirts of Brussels nave 'every
where tnien mined ; and atwugly en
trenched. The entire German garrison
has left for'Atli, Tournal and the adjacent
districts, a here barricudes'also have oeen
erected to prevent the Belgians falling on
(Continued oil I'age ThreiColumu Two.)
J , 'nil II -
The National Capital
11 -y -
.Tfce Irssle, .
Met at 11 a m.
Kenalor llullis of 1lie banking and cur
lency luimnatee annotincaJ rural cred
Ik legislMtlon would mil lit pressed at
this seesidn.
Kesunil conMdeialion of Alaska coal itidKtntf bill.
Itncessed at 6:;so p.. m. to U a. m. Tri
iny. ' . ,
The Ummt.
Met at Iifmn."
War revenue bill taken up under Hm
itatmn t seven hours' debate.
Adjuurned at Jm p. m. to nuon, Friday.
. ; ft
t -
"' i
- -
German War Office Reports Defeat
of Attempt to Envelop Right Wing
' I)NDON, Sept. 14 The correspondent
of the Beuter Telegram company at Ber
lin, In dispatch reaching here by way
of Amsterdam,, transmits an. official re
port given out at army headquarters.
This . announcement Is dated September
2S, evening, and 'is a followsr
"Tha right wing of he German west
army,, beyond the River OiHe, has; been
engaged in battle with the French', who
tried unsuccessfully to envelop it.
"Eastward, as far as the Argonne for
est, there were no important engagements
1 "To' the east 'of the Argonne' region
Varennea was captured in the course of
Bandit of the South Ready to Aid
in Attack Upon Carranza
- Government.
First' Cklef , af Caastltatloaallsta
Gathers M a at teutteas ss4 .
Earnr at Trreon.
J WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 -Advices to
the War Department today said Carransa
was concentrating his forces at Zacatecas
and Villa's army was gathering at 'Tor
reon.' Railroad . communication between
then points has, been severed.
. WASHINGTON", 8ept. .-Oeneral Car
ranna . has informed the - United states
government he will not attack peneral
Villa, but will order his forces to be on
the defensive and resist attack. The first
chiefs communication declared the na
tional convention would be held as sched
uled on - October 1, when a provisional
government would be established, which
he - hoped would be satisfactory to the
United States.
John R. Pllliman, American' consular
representative, and the Braiilian minister length with Currant today,
and ware shown the message from Villa,
disavowing Carriwisa's authority as first
chief. ' i -
At the eonstitutlonsllst agency her
there were intliuatioua that Oarrania
might send a peace commission to confer
with Villa.
What Wants.
Nothing snort of a poKipotieint-nt of
tha national converuUfn and a system of
i epresentatlon satisfactory to Villa, it Is
believed, will induce the northern general
to change his course.
Already , 2aita has refused to send
delegates and of(iials would rxt be sur
prised if Zapata and VIKa joined forces
against farransa. Together they would
have about SO.OjO to 70,M men." ('arrania
indicated to American officials that Irre
spective of the Zapata and Villa factions
a large part of the constitutionalist forces
would ta represented. Official reports
indicate that the convention will belojl
to Carraaia. If tha system of representa
tion Is not changed. ,
Tha gravity of tha situation was indi
cated today when Jules Jusserand, the
French ambassador, called on the acting
(Continued on faga Three, Column One.)
the day and the attack Is proceeding,
r German troops attacking the French
forts south of Verdun victoriously re
pulsed, a violent counter attack made
from, Verdun, To'ul and across the river
Metise. The heavy artillery used against
Troyon Lea Paroches. camp Dos Romalns
and Luneville was visibly successful.
'In French Lorraine and on the Alsaoe
frontier French advance guards 'have, at
some points', been repulsed.
"There has ben no decisive action at
any point.
."No news has ben received from either
the Belgian or the eastern theaters of
British Sailors
Landed in Holland
; .WiU Be Sent Home
LONDON. Sept. 14. It la announced
officially from Tha Hague thaf the British
survivors of the cruisers Aboukir, Cressy
aad' Hogiie, lost In the North sea, who
are at present being held by .tha Nether
lands . government, will be released and
sent home. Their internment la contrary
to The Hague convention.
: In a dispatch from Amsterdam the cor
respondent of the Reuter Telegram com
pany says that the following aeml-offlcial
statement ' has been ' received from the
Hague: -..-,':
"The International agreements, accord
ing to which there can be no interning
of ' rescued British sailors were framed
at the peace conference of 1907. Generally
If the battle "(the loss of threa .British
cruisers in the North' sea) bad been
fought inside Dutch territorial waters,
would the Dutch be authorised to intern
the survivors? Article XV of the Red
Cross convention prescribing (nternlng,
If neutral powers do not otherwise agree,
has reference only to ' sailors landed by
war ' vessels pf - belligerent - powers, ' but
not to sailors' who, as in this case, were,
landed by neutral merchant ships."
Omaha Train Kills
Two Persons on Way
:to Arrange Funeral
SIOUX CITY". Is., Sept. 14. Two men
were -killed when Chicago, Pt. Paul,
Minneapolis & Omaha flyer No. 4 struck
a motor car at Harnett's Crossing,
thirteen miles southeast of Sioux City,
The dead : , '
PATH1CK GRKBN, 34 years old,
farmer, living near Hubbard, Neb.
PATRICK DUGGAN, & years old, .of
Green and Duggan were riding in Dug
Kan's autoinubllo to the homo -of Michael
Green, an uncle, to arrange funeral serv
ices for Mr. Green, who died yesterday
nimnlng, when the car was struck.
WANTJCI A good Omaha rei1encs
up to 1 10.000. - Must be modern and
ell located; Will give cjlsIi and a
film fiuartersectlon of land clear of
iiu umtvances for same.
Tor farther Information aboai this
opportunity, see th Wans A S)eeUoa
of today's Bee,
- v '
A. Rustem Bey Refuses to Modify
Hit Criticism of Attitude of
United States.
Secretary of Lra-attoa at Wash la a; -tea
Disclaims Report He Pre
dicted War Between l'nlted
State and Japaa,
WASHINGTON. Sept. 4.-A Rustam
Bey, the Turkish ambassador, has in
formed President Wilson that he does
not alter the views ha recently expressed
In a published interview and ' will leave
tha United Htates within a fortnight.
The ambassador refused to discuss his
action further than to say ho had asked
his government ' for leave of absence,
which ho waa certain would be granted,
and would leave for Constantinople within
ten days. ,
Tha announcement of the withdrawal
of the Turkish ambassador, though not
unexpected, caused a profound sensation
in diplomatic circles.
Coming close on aiiothet-dlplomatio In
terview yesterday, of which the-administration
at once took cognizance, that
of Baron von Bchoen of the Of-mian em
bassy, dwelling on the possibility of war
between the United Btatea and Japan, it
was interpreted as an Indication of Pres
ident's Wilson's determination to alls nee
omment by foreign diplomats considered
dangerous to the neutrality .of this coun
try. It was understood the administra
tion would let It be known that the presi
dent would decline to receive diplomats
who make comments whioh bo considers
obnoxious. Although Count von Bern
storff and Baron Schoen have repudiated
the baron's interview, the State depart
ment, at -the direction of. the president,
was today still looking fnte it
The Turkish ambassador's interview,
however, waa considered particularly ob
jectionable by the administration and Sec
retary Bryan,' at the president's direction,
asked the ambassador re refrain from
such expressions. -
The Turkish ambassador, In bis inter
view, had said that tha sending of Amer
ican warships to Turkey in connection
wttlr the report of uprisings against Chris
tians would, lead to a serious situation.
At the same time lis said that while mas
sacres had fprertoualy occurred lh Tur
key, they wvre the same acta as any peo
ple might commit 'under provocation. Ha
cited the. lynchlngs of negroes and the
"water cure" in the Philippines as illua-
(Contlnued on Page Three, Column One.)
1 1 m .
Daniels Orders
Close of Marconi
Wireless Station
WASHINGTON. Sept. 24. -Secretary
Daniels tcdsy ordered the Marconi wire
lean station at filasconset, Mass., closed
at noou tomorrow, In consequence of the
failure of tha company to give assurance
that It would comply with naval censor
ship legulatlona.
NEW YORK, Kept. J4.-John W. Griggs,
president of tlie Marconi Wireless Tele
graph Company of America declined to
day to comment on Beet-clary Daniels'
order -to close the company's station at
flaiconet, Mbs.
War Summary
further suct-Mses of tb arm
ies ot the allies which are at
tempting to turn, the German
right wing are claimed In an offi
cial announcement lneued at Parts
yesterday.' It Is stated that the
allies' western wing has- ad
vanced considerably and Perrone
has been occupied after desperate
resistance. Terfone Is seventy
five miles north of Parts and
twenty-five miles north ot Las
slfrny, near where an advance by
the allies was announced Wed
nesday afternoon's official state
ment. Yhe position ot Perrone
Indicates the movement of the al
lies' left wing, which is much
further north than their n&ln
battle line.
The turning movement of the
Kranco-Brttlsh, forces first di
rected against General Von Kluck
in an effort to envelop his army
appears from unofficial dis
patches to have met added resis
tance from strong German rein
forcements. ,
The Paris announcement says
that there has been heavy fighting
on the river Meuse at the eastern
end of the battle line, 'where the
allies have alternately advanced
and retired.
The latest German official ad
vices up to last night stated that
the Germans were breaking
through tha allies' center. .
CattinJe announces that the
Montenegrins defeated - the Aua
trians, capturing 'PraUho, a town
near, Sarajevo, the capital ot the
Austrian province of Bosnia. ,
An official communication is
sued at Petrograd says that, fol
lowing the capture of Jaroslau, In
Gallcla, the Russian cavalry, in
pursuing the Austrian rear guard,
Inflicted hesvy losses.'
A dispatch from Petrograd to
a Paris paper says that the Ger
mans who drove the Russian In
vaders from East Prussia, have
In turn been defeated and are
evacuating East Prussia to rein
force the lines from Thorn, in
West Prussia, to Kalis in Russian
Poland '
r It is announced officially at
Calcutta that the Gertnaa cruiser
'Emdau, which recently captured
several British ships in the Bay ot
Bengal, dropped a few shells
while passing, into ' Madras, an
Important city of British India.
Chjef Ganner Dougherty ot the
Cressy, one of the three shlpa
sunk. Insists1 he saw five submar
ines during the attack and 'that
one of the five waa sunk by the
Cressy'a1 guns.
. The indirect cause of the war
is recalled by a report from Am
sterdam' that the trial of the al
leged assassins ot the. heir-apparent.
Archduke Ferdinand, and
his consort will open at A gram on
November 6. .
Banks of New York
Decline to Make1
Loan to Tennessee
WASHINGTON, Sept M.-In cohnectloa
with the alleged, refusal ot national
banks to extend credits, Secretary
McAdoo today Issued this statement: '
"Senator Lea of Tennessee Informs me
that the state of Tennessee hss 11,800,009
of short-term notes maturing October 1;
that the state desires to renew or extend
fl,430,000 of these notes; that a commis
sion representing the state lias been in
New York for some time trying to effect
this loan, but without auocess.
"It ta preposterous that one of the
great states of the unloa should find it
Impossible to procure f rom (ths banks
such a comparatively small amount of
money. Senator Lea Informed mo that
he was going to New York last night for
the purpose of joining tha commission in
its efforts to obtain the needed loan.
"If Senator Lea and his associates are
unable to procure from the banks in the
city of New York or elsewhere today and
on reasonable terms the desired loan, I
will myself see if banks' cannot be found
to take up ' this loan for the state ot
Tennessee on the first ef October next
on reasonable terms and at a reasonable
rate of Interest"
American Hospital
" Ship at Falmouth
LONDON. Sept. Si. The American hos
pital ship Red Cross which, under com
mand of Captain Rust, left New York
September 13, arrived today at Falmouth
on the English channel.
Tha vessel sailed from New York oa
September 13 under oomhiand of Captain
Armated, United States navy. Pour Red
Cross units, it is understood, will be landed
at Falmouth, two for aervic with the Brit
ish and two with the Russian . forces.
From Falmouth the Red Cross will go to
Brest to land two units for the French
army, and from Brett to Rotterdam,
where the forces assigned to Oermany
and Austria will be landed.
Rear Admiral Aaron Ward, United
States navy, retired, haa been at Fal
mouth for some days waiting to take
command of the expedition.
Czar's Army Successfully Completing"
First Stags of Largest Military
Operation Ever Attempted.
Lines Extend from Libau, on thr
Baltio Sea, to Odessa, on the
Black Sea.
Germans Rush Troops from East
. Prussia to Protect Cities of
Posen and Brcslan.
Occupation of Galicia Deprives Aus
tria of Motor Fuel. '
Extraordinary Mobility of Csar'a
Army Meet Wmaderfat Feat a re
' of War- fl MaatkV Work
Doae la Two Months.
LONDON, Sept. 2. (10:4 a. ra.
Virtually no new Information has
reached London this morning con
cerning the progress of events In the
western war arta. but from tha eaat
comes news which here is taken to
show that Russia has almost com
pleted the first stage ot what may
be considered the most colossal op
eration, ever 'undertaken br a mill-'
tary power.
The fall of the Austrian fortress
of Jaroslau virtually completes the
Investment of Przemysl, so far as
lines of communication are concerned.-
Even the continued occupa
of Cracow by Austrian and Ger-
Junction of Austrian- and German '
armies, which la necessary to keep
Rnssla from ovarruiyilng. Galicia and
pushing the armies of Austria back
to the ridge of the .'Carpathians. By
its conquests in Oalicla, Russia now
controla the greatest supply of gaso
line in Europe. . This product is ot
the utmost impertance to Russia, be
cause of its necessity for motor
Move Towage! Poaea.
The Russian movement 1 now ' da
scribed as a huge wedge, the right Una
of which extends, roughly, , from tdbau
oa the Baltic, along the railroad line to
Warsaw. The Rusilan generafe Rennen
kamptf. Is guarding this line. It protects
the Russian sources of supply and pre
vents any outflanking movement against,
the Russian army of attack, which, al
ready, according to news in London, ta
beginning to operate In tha direction of
Posen and Breslau, in Germany. The left .
of this line rests on Warsaw, from which
point railroads tap the rich and populous
district extending to Odessa. The ocxii na
tion of Uallcla links up the Warsaw rail
road system and la regarded In London
as Insuring both -supplies and reinforce
ments for the attacking anny.
That the stage is virtually apt for this
attack is Indicated by the news that tle
Germans are hastily reinforcing their line
between Thorn and Kalis, this latter point
being southeast of 'Posen, even to the ex
tent of abandoning their positions against
General Rennenkampff.
Not only have the Russians' cut off
(Continued on Page Two. Column Four.)
How Others
lylade Money
(No. i) . " ;
. John Warner was a bookkeepei
for a large jobber in the commission
district of Omaha. At the age of
20 he had by moderate living and a
saving habit, accumulated some
$3,000. John wanted to marry, but
realized his limited future and lack,
of confidence in his own ability.
Thla formed the subject of Johu
Warner's thoughts for many days be
fore he had the good sense to men
tion It to his fiance. . "John, you
know father haa been successful
since Mr. Ellison Invested enough
money In the business to enable him
to enlarge his store and offer better
service to bis patrons. Father ad
vertised in. the 'Business Chance'
column for more capital and Mr. El
lison investigated. , Both father and
Mr. Elllgoa have made a comfortable
fortune .for each. Why-don't you
see if there Isn't someone offering a
similar opportunity ir the 'Business
Chance' columnaT"'
John did. and while he investigated
several offers before finding oue
which be felt bad the greatest possi
bilities for him, he is now a partner
In one ot Omaha's best and most pro
gressive shoe stores, and enjoy a
comfortable home and Is surrounded
by a happy family.
It taies a littla cash,
initiative, and a tabit cf
. reading The Bee's
"Bus! ties. Chance"