Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    - - THH BKK: OMAHA. TUKShAV. SF.PTKMMEH JJ, 1!14. , 0
SWAPPER'S (t)l.l MN I FOR ItFVT lmi tiT ivnAiMiAn i.itim:7r, ... T T . . " : ........ - r:
ni'tNs. show-cards. Clmk A,- Son 1 1378
jllETIiANO prnv and outf.t tor trade or
ale. Phone 2P1, Council Rluffs, la.
SHOKSIIoP - Mihiirban loratinn." f ui'y
"quipped (or neighborhood trade. Cheap
rent. On Recount of other business I will
'll or trade reasonable. r might lease
to responsible party. Address, S. c. 14,0
Bee. '
SCALE Have a Toledo Z -1 . randy ale,
nearlv new. 'will exchange for anything
that can be used In a restaurant, or roll
top desk. Address a C. las. Ree
MOrK- Will pi. banco stock in h 01 po
ration that will pay good dividends, for
a horn rr. Address s. c. 1424. Her
STOCK - For $XM. wit Mock
In OitihIih corporation of good financial
standing; will exchange for vacant prop
erty In Dundee or good residential neigh
borhood. Will pay difference. Address S
('.. mil.
SLOT MAi'UlNK-A money-making
aluminum name piste -lot machine,
costing some $20o. Drop a prnny In the
lot. turn the crank to get your full
name on an aluminum ribbon platr, Mr
profits placed out on eommlKsinn. Legal
ized, :iot a gambling machine. S. C. 11172.
TV 1M ; K 1 TKF. to swap to' cheap single
' harness in Rood repair, be nui.k. Tim.
la limited. S. C. 10S1. Hec
W I l,L exclianse Fox typrwiiter for anv
thing of eu'iHl value that 1 can u.-e. Ad
dress fs. ('. u;l. Hee.
I'NUKKWl Hl typewriter, nearly new,
cheap for cash, or first payment for a
diamond, or hat have you? Address
S c 1023, IW
WATCH I have a good K-Jrwel Bllvr'r
case watch to trade for a revolver. Ad
dress S. C. m Her.
WATCH 2l-Jewrl Swiss movement Jewels
ct In ruhlrs. What have you to trade?
Perfect timekeeper. Will allow test. Ad
dress S. C. Ml.'!, lire
WANT to awnp for :i single harness and
a light alnglr wagon. 1 have quite an
assortment of personal property to swap.
Give particulars in first letter. S. C 10TS,
care Bee.
- Apartnienta and I'lnts.
Rental Service Free
Why worry where to find a house of
apartment when we have Hated every
vacant house and apartment In the city.
'Phone us for further Information.
Douglas i8S Fidelity Storage & Van Co.
2;H HOWARD St. (i-room brick flat.
1T4S S. 27th St. 7 rooms, modern, $22..V).
371H Hawthorne Ave 8 rooms, hot
water heat, $4.
Farnam Two K-room apartments. $42.50.
Jarnam Tyler I'M).
fill) S.'HTth, 6-r., mod. flat., ITO.
1015 N. th. 7-r , mod. flat. tM.
313 Leavenwortli, ii-r.. moil. ex. heat, $?0
C. Ci. Carl berg, 310-12 Brandrls The. Bldg.
stTTla i "apa htm bnts.
3d and Harney Sis., 3 room apartments,
' Call H. W7 or D. '
4-R . mod. ex. heat; $14 H. 2111.
Modern, 4-room flat $16. 1417 Vinton St.
Phone Red MM.
OGDEN ANNKX looms, wild kitchen
tttea Council Bluff.
Gordon Van Co
Mtrirn ar a
2)9 N. 11th St rhone L m or H.
I2S-6-KM mod. flat. 3327 Cuming. W. 48ti9.
ONE 5-nxuiT apartment; St. George, liiO;
113 N. Slst Avenue. Phone Webster lb.4.
$1-Clood 5-room apartment, mod. except
heat. 2638 Davenport. Harney 436.
' One 4-room and bath ln the modern
California apartments. Downtown. Save
car fare. Call Janitor. Douglas 62.17.
fl-ROOM modern flat. 1112 So. lltli.
VKKV choice 4 or 6-room, steam-heated
apartment on YV. Farnam St.
5-ROOM modern, water, curtains and odme
In dining room, free, $22.50. 21 No. 28th
Ave. Phone H. bitn.
Furnished Room;.
FURNISHED room for rent, near Crelgh-
wrr-WTilYeTglty. Phone Douglas 2Si.
WL'LL furnished modern rojm, hot water
heat. 2412 Capitol Ave. D. iS75.
211 SO. 2STH ST. Kxcellent locution
modern, private family, close In, rea-
sonaDie. i. uu.
MODERN, quiet rooms, walking diatance.
1.50 week and up. T)1K KNAPP, 1918
Cass 8t:
HKDDUN 419 8o- iWthi n"Kl. rooms,
ivi-iULU-iiy steam heat; reasonable.
Neatly turn., mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20tn.
Mod., private home, references. 11. 51oJj.
Fur, run, modern. 16 & Cass. Apt. 8.
Furnished Hoonu,
WELL FI RNISHED modern room, hot
water heat. 2412 Capitol Ave. Douglas
PRIVATE family, mod., $2 week. So. 2236.
STRICTLY modern, for gentlemen only;
3.5o per week for two. 2212 California
St. Phone Douglaa 662S.
Furnished Housekeeping; Hooma.
CLEAN, modern, furnished. Call 2902
Dodge St.
Housekeeping; ttooins.
2 APTS.,. furnished for 'light housekeep
ing, steam heated; mod. 4758 N. 24lh.
THREE nice rooms, housekeeping. 1113
8. 11th.
. lintels son Ajinrtsnenis.
CALIFORNIA Hotel. lth and California.
Weekly rates 12 and up. Douglas rj83,
DODiifc HOTEI-Modern. Reasonable.
Houses nnd Cottages,
127.60 New, up-to-date bungalow finished
In oak. Built-in bookcases and
buffet. Near good car line.
$30.00 7-rooin. parlor extending across the
entire front of the house. Oak
finish, colonnade openings. Four
bedrooms and bath. Fine neighbor
hood. Near car.
17th and Douglas Bts. Douglas 5013.
$16 Reduced from $1S. nix rooms, one
floor, mod. ex. heat, l11 No. :S5th St.,
near school and rar, paved street.
,$1S New five-room cottage, mod. ex.
heat. 2 lots. 40th and Parker Sts.
$2S Six-room, two-story square house,
entirely mod. 3iVD Sherman Ave.
Eight-room, entirely mod. dwell
Ing, double garage paved street, fine
neighborhood, lftth and Pratt Sts.
$60 Eight-room. two-story dwelling,
two baths, strictly modern, Wll Farnam
St. Choice location. Low rent.
306-7-S McCague Bldg. Douglas 1009.
J-R. house, unfurti., mod., hardwood fin.,
water, heat; alao -r. house, mod., f urn.,
all near cars. Dundee. Phone Harney 26H.
FIVE-ROOM voltage, 2470 S. 1Mb St. $12
per month.
523 City National Hans, i-.l.lg Tel. D. 12it4.
Rent Reduced
Call owner, ' Harney 2911. 6 and "-room
houses, 42d Cuming, one never lived In.
Six-room, modern except heat. See J.
Reichenberg Bros., 927 City National Hank
Hldg. nouglaaJ9-l6.
I ROOM modern houte, 1020 Lulhrop St.,
or call W. 724.
FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent 40L2 Izard.
Call Mrs. Martinson, Veb. 6i..
STEAM heat, all modern, 7-room house;
also 4-r'-im fist. L'iO No. 2?l
l-ROOM strictly modern house In Al con
dition, location 213 Pacific St. Call at
1060 So. 28th St. or phoe Harney 234.
g-R. HOrSET2';2S Parker. $20. H. 3360."
-ROOM modern house and garage, $.10.
1130 S. Slst. H. 1912.
Free Rental List
Complete Information about every va
cant houaa and apartment In the city.
This service la free. Tel. Douglaa 2s8.
Fidelity Storage & Van Co.
HOUSE 7 ruoms. modern, paved street,
convenient to car, school, atorea and
rhurch; small family of adults preferred;
;26 rent, pay water.
Tel. Doug 64. 32 Board Trade
" NEW "
7-r. house, 23S Cass; strictly modern; In
a good location; $36.
HASTINGS & HiiYDEN, 1614 Harney St
Ilonses Bad I bii...
IIoUHCS ln "" F"M' ft the city.
-ROOM hnuae. all modern, tree water!
- "in. lei ii. Nvv.
1 - n .;. '"" -,. Woolworth Ave.
S u nm(,,,rn house. 412 Lincoln Blvd.
1 1 n so nry cuiu.
J. C. Reed fSn
1W Farnan
Farnam. D. Si;
L.rge Sr?2 men. ,'"7 1'.
men. jijhlTlJ Webster. Doug lW
fidelity Storage Co.
.mhAJack.on-S,..-Vhone uTZZ
have a cotnpleta Hat of all houaen
? and futa that ar. for rit
Omaha hh Storage t o , 8 Wth 8t
; . " " " .w.ll C.L
I I ART of offtr nn wiffh
nilM I. 4 mi,, roR a 4 1,13
Farm Bargains
4h a., close to Rartlctt. la.; ino per
et '"""-ovements; .11 under
prnvement,.; all under culiivat'l'on ; $116 p"r
vl' ti-'i"" county, close to Ashland.
jW a., adj. Anoka. Nrb.; price. I'S per a.
it' a . adj. Anoka; price. I; per a
UKST RKA L KSTATK. C(). oaha. Neb.
acres now open to entry In the famoua
V alter valley. An excellent opportunity
for the homrseeker seeking good farm
land for gen. ral diversified farming. The
rich , exhilarating climate and
abundance of water for Irrigation assures
maximum crop returns. Ureat for grain
alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming!
Ideal spot for a home. Write today for
booklet and particulars. Valler Farm
SI tnneaotn.
FOH SALIC One good quarter section
farm, two miles from town. No build
Ings except cornerlb. Price 70 per acre.
II .WO .down, balance easy terms, 8 F
Scott, Vesta. Minn.
Mr. Renter, read this
NO. 615 A fine, sightly quarter-section,
all broken this year, and part
was in oats, millet and seed corn.
You could not ask for a farm
that lies nicer than this one does,
nor can you find one with better
Boll. If you want a farm that will
raise you a great big full crop
every yeur of alfalfa, potatoes,
sugar bets and grain, here It Is.
There is big money in all of these
crops on an Irrigated farm If vou
have the water. Scott's Bluff
I arms have a guarantee of three
teet of water tor every acre of
land from the Government Path
llnder dam.
Price, tus per acre; easy terms.
Here Is your chance to own a
farm and make a real home for
your family. Quit working for
the landlord, if you want an
80, we can sell you one right, on
mighty easy terms.
Write today for Scott's Bluff
number of "Land Owner." It'a
paynfT'investment CO.,
All tillable 480-acr: farm nine miles
from Kimball; 200 acres under cultivation,
2,ouu fine youn'i trees In orchard and
around buildings. Fine house and barn
and outbuildings; well and mill; land Is
a,ll fenced and craiss-feneed. Mile to
school; mail dells'ered within one mile
six times a week.
Price $24 per acre. This Is a bargain. Also
have' other choice--improved and unim
proved farms.
BANK OF KIMBALL, Kimball, Neb.
FOR QUICK SALE 8,000 acres of east
, Texas land, well located and in one
bodv. Good soil and well drained and
within one mile of good town and ahlp
plng point. Bargain for cash. YVrlte for
price and further particulars. MUo IS.
Trussell, 609 Kress Bldg.. Houston, Tex.
Upper Wisconsin
Best uauy and general crop state ln the
union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at
low prUes, on easy terms. Ask for book
let 14 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant.
State acres wanted. YVrltS . about our
Erasing lands. If Interested In fruit lands,
ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In
Wisconsin. Address Land Dept.. Boo
Line Ry Minneapolis, Minn.
IF INTERESTED In land In southern
Iowa and southern Minnesota writs ths
F. L. Jones Land company, Wlnteraet. la.,
for their list of 200 farms
HAVE over fifty buyers with from $.'i00
to all caih for modern 6, 6 or 7-rooin
homes from $2,000 to $4,000. Call ua at
once. Osborne Realty Co., 701-2 Omaha
Natl. Bank Bldg. Dou. 1474.
CITY and farm loans. 6, f4. per cent.
J.H. Duinont & Co.. 1600 Farnam. Omaha.
YV ANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha Nat'l. Douglaa 271&.
HARR1 SON & MORTON. 16 Om. Nafl.
WANTED City loans snd warrants?
YV. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
YV. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg.
$10o"tollO,oooiiTade promptly. F. D. Wead
Wead Bldg., lMh and Farnam Bts.
MONET on bund tor city and arm loans.
II. W. Blndtr. City Nat l Bank Bldg.
iler CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co..
310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
6EE us flist If you want a farm loan.
United States Trust Co., Omaha. Nab.
HOUSE and lot In Gas City, Kan., for
sale or trade. Address 99H. Adams, Neb.
Planus tor ulner musical instru is. L
KERR Tllis Ouarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract offlue. ft . 17th 8U
Phone Douglas 64K7.
REED Abstract Co, oldest abstract of
flea In Nebraska. 20s Brandeis Theater.
$31.00 DOWN AND
$31.00 PER MONTH
I have for sale a new substantially
constructed 6-room house, located one
block from car line, 2 blocks from school;
full cement basement, furnace heat, prin
cipal rooms finished In oak, balance of
hoine in pine; very conveniently arranged
throughout. Pretty location. For full
information, call
Telephone Webster 2233, 0
uiinin n in i huiii n i h in ii kn i-.iv,. 1 1 m n u n 1 u v i s miuil
, avvaw sr .-. I - I ill u I I ll i.iii, ,itiirvn-.s
Farmers Break Records in Mote
merit of Wheat to Primary Point.
Velloir Cereal Taking; On trenath
la riTdr of tko loan, wltk
Rerelaia l.eaa Than Tfcoae
of liat A ear.
OMAHA, Sert. 21. 1!14
The movement of wheat off the farms
Jf the 1'nlted Plates broke all records
last week, as the receipts at western
markets were 19.1,(XX) buvhels compared
with ll.TSJ.nurt bushels for a like period
last year. The wheat ? not onlv moving
out of the iouthwest, but it is coming
from the northwest In large quantities
I The abnormal strength ehown In the
i.erpooi w-tirat market during several
days of last week was not onlv given
a large amount of attention, but that
atrength acted as a bull help In the
market. There wan a general change of
hurts at Liverpool and with the offer
ings held tightly prices advanced sharply.
Hrradstuffa on ocean pnare showed
goodly advances. One of the features of
the week's buelaess In the breadstuffs
situation wa the shipments from Atlantic
snd tiulf Mrta to foreign countries of
2K3.O00 barrels of flour. This flour was
destined for nearly all of the Imnorflnc
countries of the old world, and Included
not only those at war. but those at peace.
It is well known that the wheat crop of
""""ni v anaoa was more op leas inlurei
hv drouth, as well aa wet weather at dir.
ferent times, and messages received from
Winnipeg say that the yield In western
Canada la not up to expectations In
wneat, oata and flax.
The corn market has again developed
Into a bullish situation and conditions
surrounding It favor the long side. Nearly
all the big traders are to be seen on the
hull side, while the smaller men In the
trade are on the bear side. Considerable
of this grain last week sold for export,
and has caused Argentine corn to lie more
rirmly neld. from November 1 western
receipts have been 125,000.000 bushels In
round numbers, compared with 23l,W0.0m)
bushels for the corresponding period last
There was a big Improvement In the
cafh demand fcr oata and the purchases
by the seaboard for export and the direct
sale for export forced the market to n
higher level. There was aome reaction
from the extreme gains, however, on
profit taking by longs. Ftom August 1
receipts were 62,3S9,O0u bushels, against
4! 826,000 bi ehels one year ago.
There has been an Improved business
In cath lard on export account, hut the
trade In meats has shown a falling off.
The south Is unable to make any large
purchases of hop products owing; to the
Near Field Club
Newly built two-story dwellings, strictly
modern, stylish In design and arrange
ment; built of first-class material and
by day labor. Fine large living room, din
ing room and kitchen downstairs; oak
finish: three splendid bedrooms,' large
sleeping porch snd fine bathroom with
tile floor upstairs; oak floors throughout.
t un sized basement: ffuaranteea fur
nace. Owner will sell on terms or would
consider good unencumbered cottage or
vacant lot as part payment.
Scott & Hill Co.
Mt-7-g McCague Bldg. Douglas lflOT
South Thirteenth Street
$." lXown $5 Monthly
All improvements, such as paving,
water, gas and sidewalks, being Installed.
The Iota are high and Blghtly and are
only two blocks from the car line. Your
choice of thirty large lots at prices rang
ing from $100 to $360. One of the first
purchasers on the ground may secure an
acre trsct which has water, sewer and
gas at $673, on terms to suit you. Sale
starts today. .
Pboue Douglas 4233.
Salesmen and automobile at your service.
224 State BankBldg:
8-room house, to be sold by owner; 1
l,l . ..11 ,v,nl urn naif and birch
y ril I i i v s Bill sstvw . t
finish; corner lot, south front; $4.00. Ad
dress 3152 Chicago St.Tel. HarJe5r1
KiB-ht nuim. new 2-story house, 26th and
California Sts., snap, $4,200.
Eight-room, new moaern, ran una mi
ter, only $4,200.
Seven-room, new modern, 36th ana Los-
v.ttwnrlh St 14 300.
Enquire 41S Karbaeh Blk. Phone IX 3607.
Auction The following .in.'lalmed bag
&ago will be sold at auction at Omaha
Fireproof Storage Company's . building,
806 South Seventeenth street, Omaha, Neb.,
commencing at i o'clock p. m., Wednes
day, October 14, 1914. and continuing the
same hour each day until all has been
sold: Painted canvas trunks marked
Wing Sing Long, Herbert H. Dickson,
William Handy, H. Nedmeyer, Reese Col
ver. Zinc trunks, Wlllinm Handley, Peter
Lee, Rutonia 1'erlg, Elmer Craddock. R.
W. Jaeobson, Arthur Stranty. Steamer
trunks, W. H. Prather. Theater, KKK,
Landrum Nelson, J. W. Rodemacker, Her
bert H. Dickson, Hubert Walsner. Box,
Co. D, 1st Reg.. N. N. G.; 3 boxes, Doug
las Alls., Mrs. N. E. Cottrell. Suit cases,
Mike Files, Jesse Silvre, Wilbur Murphy,
A. M. McCullom, J. Lynes, Hoy Hoover,
John Hart. Clifford Baldwin, J. J. Gibson,
William Ragon. Loren Trumbull. Harvey
Kroll, J. Klrby. James O'Brien. Tele
scopes A. M. McCullom. Leroy Londer,
Chsrle's McCormlck, T. B. Gates, R. F.
Felton. Valise, Carl Btatingen. E. A.
Moore. Sample cases. E. A. Moore, Ster
ling Tailoring Co., Herding Flint Co.
Also 600 pieces of miscellaneous articles,
consisting of trunks. boxes, chests,
bundles, blankets, valises, guns, watches,
overcoats, umbrellas and musical instru
ments, not marked.
G. I.. A I.I.I'-, T,
General Baggage Agent.
S22-29-Q6-13 .
Sealed proposals for furnishing the
labor and material necessary for the
construction of the main sewer. In the
city of Columbus, Nebraska, will be re
ceived by the city clerk of said city up to
8 o'clock P. M. of the 28th day of Septem
ber. 1914, at which hour the bids will tie
publicly opened and announced by. the
Mayor and Council of said city.
The work will consist of 260 lineal feet,
more or less, of a double rectangular
reinforced concrete sewer, 3 feet 8 inches
by 4 feet each, through the right-of-way
and under the tracks of the Union Pa
cific Railroad Company, upon which bid
ders are required to bid separately from
the rest of the work, and 8,40 lineal feet,
more or less, reinforced compete sewer,
7 feet ( Inches by t feet, and 364 lineal
feet, more or less, of two-ring brick
sewer, M Inches in diameter, and Vi0
lineal' feet, more or less, of 10-Inch Inlet
sewer pipe, and It manholea, more or less,
and 16 catch basins, more or less, all
complete. The Engineer's estimate on
said work and material, on file in the
office of the city clerk, is All
proposals must be made on blanks, to be
furnished by the city clerk, and accom
panied by a certified check on some
bank of the city, for $2,600.00 uncondition
ally payable to the Treasurer of the city
of Columbus, Nebraska, or order, aa a
guarantee of good faith, to be collected
and held by the city as liquidated dam
ages, In rase the bid Is accepted and the
bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into
contract and bond ln accordance there
with. Plans and specifications together
with central stipulations and Instruc
tions to bidders to bs made a part of the
contract or contracts with successful
bidders, msy bs seen and examined at the
office of the said city clerk.
Columbus, Nebraska, September 18, 1914.
P. 8. Copies of specifications can he
had from the tpeelal Engineer, L. F.
Gottschallc, for the sum of fetu. bJWil
i "' fn orahle
I K.-t
Wheat was unchanged
Corn was IV lower to
' 1 ii? were 'o ,,ir
, C'rg ranees of licst stul flour were
"I 'Hi to F-...1.V oiieiiein. corn. -.'V tMl9hclS
mis bushels.
1 Herpool closed. hrat and corn un
i hi: nged.
Primary wheat re, eipts were S.olJ.iW
bushels and shipnienis ..' ,i,ni bushels.
KHInst receipts of JKTO.i loishels and
Mi'I'ments of 1.1030m bushels last vrar.
Primary corn receipts were .t7;,ii bush
els and shipments v.i hu-hrls. against
receipts of l.M.ioi LusheU and shipments
of 4L' oiiO bushels lssl enr
Primary oats receipts ere ,4,flovi bush
els and shipments of i isn.iW bushels,
against receipts of i.t.wmtj bushels and
s'.ipments of T.C'.W b ishels lust vear
heat Corn Oats
Kansas City
st liuls
N 'nnlieg
These cash sales
No. I hard winter,
2 ears, Il.tH'i: 3
1 in i::s
2.1 m
were reported. Wheat -1
car. tl ; 7 curs II V.
a is. $1 04 No 3 hard
w inter: 2 cars. SI 0f,;
I car. Ile4s,. 10
cars, fl.04; 4 cars, ll un
1 car. l 01. No
4 hard winter: 1 car. $1.0.1 , : cars. $1.02
2 cans. $1,094; t ear (burnt. $U No. 2
durum: 1 rar, Hst5,-. Corn No. 1 white: 1
car. 784c; X cars. 7i',c No. 3 white: J
cars. 7KA1C. No. 1 yellow; 6 cars. 7tc. No.
3 vellow: 3 cars. 74l. . I car, 74c. No
yenow: 1 car. 14c. .No mixed: 1 car
inear White!, ,; 2 earn, 75c. No
mixed: 1 car, ,:i"c; 1 cur.
mixed: 1 car, 73,c; 3 osis
mixed 1 car, 73Vc; .1 curs,
mixed: 2 cars (near wliltei
mixed: 6 cars, 7".c. outs -
No. :t
No. 6
No R
Standard 2
cars. 46c. No. 3 white
20 cars. 4.''1.1o No.
4 white: 6 cars. 4.V
car. 44V No 4
mixed: 1 rar. 44c. No grade: 1 car. 44lc;
2 cars, 44c. Barley-No. 4: I car. : I
car, tile. No grade; car, .Vo. Sample: I
car, 6V. Rye No. 2. 1 car. dlV'i 1 rar,
St.r No. 3, H car, H4c.
Omaha Cash Prices -W heat : No. 2 hard.
$1.0.T4(i1.074: No. 3 hard, $1 ftU l.o-1; No
4 hard, 97citil V": N 2 spring, l04fj1.
No. II spring, $1.031.07; No. 4 spring. 9VM
$1,064; No. i durum. !'7Vir9.s4''; No. 3
durum, 9'.4fc9rT4c. Corn No. 1 white.
7MT7S4C' No. 2 white. 77V(f;N'4e: No 9
white, 77tf7f14': No 4 while. 7;V(i7e;
No. 6 white. 77't7i77r ; No. while. 77(u
774c; No. 1 yellow 74'n744c: No. 2 yel
low, 744S74'ic; No. J yellow. 74n7t,4C; No.
4 yellow. 73V1r74o: No. 6 yellow. 7;J4ir74.
No. 6 yellow, 7:141174c: o 1 mixed
73' -A,
73c: No. 2 mixed, i3U ,.:o; No. .; mix.
734fc73c; No 4 mixed. 7W734C; No. 6
mlxsd, 72Hifr73,ir: No. 6 mixed. 724ii73c.
Oats: No. 2 white, 46fi c: standard.
464a4fio: No- white, 4;.(4.".lc; No. 4
white, 444g4.r'C Barley: Malting. t'MiTIr;
No. 1 feed. 6mVCc. Kye: No. !. sSm4c;
No. $, S4a.'.K.
Features of the Trndlng nnd Closing
Prices nn Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Sept. 21. Notwithstanding a
decided, setback at one time the wheat
market today averaged higher. Influ
enced by a notable fulling off In re
ceipts northwest. Cloning prices were
steady at fac net advance. Corn fin
ished 4Si4r to UtiV up, oats with a
gain of "Vp 4" to 4c. and provisions the
same as Saturday night to 3-4e down
Much Interest In the diminishing move
ment of the spring crop wus taken by
wheat speculators here Arrivals 11 1 Min
neapolis and Duluth were only 2.1M cars,
as against 2,617 cars a week ago and 2,190
cars at the corresiumding time lust year.
Similar conditions prevailed at Winni
peg, and it was chiefly on account of
these figures that the market shortly
after the opening made the best advance
of the session.
Wheat prices dipped suddenly about
midday because the 1'nlted States visi
ble supply totals showed an rnlargement
much greater thun expected in the face of
neavy exports. On the break, however.
there was a renewal of buying. Sales of
850,000 bushels for ocean shipment were
noted In Chicago and a like uuantlty al
the Atlantic seaboard. There also was
foreign business done by way of the gulf.
Corn strengthened as a result, largely.
of rumors of a further development of
European demand. The mnrket. however,
was quite Inclined io follow the course
of wheat, especially when that cereal
underwent a temporary sag.
Oats showed more strength than other
grain, being at no time more than frac
tionally below Saturduy s finish. The
chief reason was
.. .. . , W-1 ,r r A V . , . , t
"v vn.,.j v. -i""
Most of the time provisions were on the
down grade. Miscellaneous holders seemed
bent on pressing to realize and there was
no steady support.
Artlclej Open. I High
Low. Close Hut')'.
Wheat I
Sept.l 1 1141
1 114
1 is
1 22
1 114
1 U4
1 1141
1 Yi
I 134
1 20H
Dec. 1 14441
1 134
1 20SI
May.ll 2141
Corn. 1
Sept.! 79-1.
' 1 H"4l
61 I
Sept.l 1" R."
D.SS MVef4
Ivl- Vi; 4
17 sr.
17 R.1
17 87.
20 H74
9 624
9 ?.
10 224
11 43
Jan.. 20 S7-5
20 K7H! 20 30
20 524
Lard. I
8ept. 9 W
Oct.. '9 07frj6.'
S 60 8 50
ft 674' 9 624
9 60
9 62 4
10 1741 10 20 I 10 0.'i
10 074
11 45 I 11 45
10 !(74i 10 90
10 h4l 10 6Ti '
11 46 I
10 974!
Sent. 11 4:,
Oct..!l0 IM-97
Jan.. I 10 80 I
11 (16
10 724 10 Wi-W.
Closing Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2 red,
$1. 1141. 11; No- 2 hard, $l.lllvg1.13V.
Coin, No. 2 yellow, 7!i14i' ; No. 3 yel
low, 79Vu804c Dull, No. J white, 4h4'B
494c; standard. 49uu60c. Rye, No. 2, dJ'rt
4c. Barlev, gaiirtSr. Timothy, t,9ii0.60;
clover, $9.7tH-l6.t. Pork, $18.00. ImtiX,
$.J2. Rlhe. $11.1244yll.624-
BUTTER Steady; receipts, ll.irfl tubs;
creameries, 244U30c-
EGOS Steady, receipts, 7.008 cases: at
mark, rases Included, 2oy304ci ordinary
firsts. 2PTi214c; firsts, 22fl224'.
POTATOES Lower; receipta, 70 cars;
Jerseys. 74&K7c; Michigan and Wisconsin
red 63'6'7c; Michigan and Wisconsin
white, 6f.W70c; Minnesota and Dakota, 70
POULTRY Alive lower; springs. 14c;
fowls, 14c.
Minneapolis Grain Marked.
1 hard, $1.14'; No. I northern. $1.07Vi
1.10: September, $1084; De.cember.
''wheat was up from l'i to 14 aoon after
the owning. Receipts, 911 cars, compared
with 1.302 a year ago.
FLOUR Unchanged; shipments, 7,800
barrels; barley, 6.yni9c.
BRAN 2c.
CORN No. 3 yellow. 7.V(t7fie.
OATS No. 3 white, aVn V,r.
FLAX-41 .404i 1.464c.
Kansas (III Grain and Provisions,
2 hard $1 i4'(rl ft'.; No. 2 red. $l.ufdl.u6; De.
cember. $!.0;'; May. $1 13V
CORN No. 2 mixed. 77417; No. 2
Deads flltU f"r r ord eplrolier 21, 1914:
Mary Burkl and husbsnd to Kale Harris
a& fcwl el tut 11. tiluck I, lliHl Ho
nanis A. K. Forbes nd wl( lo H. t. Stirling,
lot 13, blu 14. Sauudtrs Sj )llmbaAili
Hlfhland Hrk Slid
Tb traurfr u '. I Harris, tola I. I.
4, 4, 4. 7. . H U. and It, block 1,
BrallH A Williams- euh
Mary Burkl and tiuahand to Kate Harris
snd huatnnd. I"t 10, block V, H(vP a Ho
unu C. H. Srbr and wlfa la J. II.
Hc-h-sger. I"l 2. block U. Omaha.
Tha Prairie Park u. to W, M. i lart. lot
7, block I. I ralna Park
1. K Vlnum and wlfa to All. a M Pavla.
lots M aii'l H'. bliv-k Z. Kaundera It Umie
bausli's sild C(. Wliiul Hill.. . -
Th lirovar Utmin Heallr Co. lo K 11
Hlawni. lot U. Urlmont add
D. B. Kant an.l husband lo John Hl.hop
and wlfa, lot 1-. block S. Clark Kdlik'a
E. J. Mcfllnn snd wita to H. Micilnn, lot
41, Homeslle add
B. H Scolt nd wife lo W V. i;llllspia. lot
t. block 1. Andrss A Hanson's aub
P. t Cramar and wi'a to Sarah lisrur. 40
teet of lot 1.. blo. k 1. Collier Pla
Blatnors Plar i "o to KTe4 S. Trulllngar.
lot 14. Beiisonhurst
Y- K .Burr and I-' C Burr sad wlfa snd
P. D. Burr to William MoKsnaa, lot I.
block 14 Bord's add
A V- Buaae and husliand anS W. c. jea
klna and wife lo '. I- Paaaa. lot !, bio- k
$, Parkars aid
F. S Trullliiisr "d wife to Austin Taj
lor, lot 11. Iim.onhur
ft Bangs to J Kkaall. lot IT. vlock 14.
Hummit add .
I", n Hchulta snd h ishand Ui T A (Iroal-
tng H of oiHl-l ! i'lvian4 Plica,
t'.is Wabar lo T A Uraellng. 4 of outlnt
a, Ctorslsut ruca
1 VKj
5, OKI
. too
I - N at was unohsnscl to lc lwri. OATS Nr. 2 white. 4V. No . raurl v"ul"" uilaJ iiniliYUI;
w hlte
(VT No 2 ehile
4 : I ircrmbri (''!
Oeamerv 2Sc; flrsls. J1-!
I - III T I Kit
sc-'oiil. -I
packing. i
Kill !N l-lrsts 2.c ; seconds. IV.
rol lTHV Hens. IP, c. I.i
quotation f the Ita; on Marlon
Yl R K Sept : - l-'Ll il
Fli in .
prices nominal
W HP T Spot p,.v No red. tl Hi,
No. 2 hsn:. $114',. No I inn t lieru. Du
lutb, . gk.. I nitrthrin, Manitnoa
ll.L't. nominal, c I f. Iiiiftnlo. sepirm
ter. $! :H.. Deceiobii l M.. il .
HorS - siiii.'i . common to chc
420 iv: PMH, Vspt'V; Pa. iric coast.
h',l.'2e; 1913. I7iil!'c.
HIDES- steadv. Bogota. 2MiJJc;
tral American. 2:UU'lc.
WOOL -Steady; domestic fleece
oiiio, :u32iv
CORN -Spot firm: No 2 yellow. v.
c I. t toaiilve; Argentina str'ht y prime
"0c. nominal, delivered.
O ATS- Spot, sti ioiy, stai.daril white,
.IVm'cpc; No 3. ,'.4Jl ..4 ' ; fancy clipped
white iit'tiNPfr.
HY Dull; prime, $t.iv'., No. 1, Jllrtu
1.0'4: No. 2, 9i'c: No. .1 K'jt90c.
I .FATHER - Fit m . h.mkn k firsts. 31 11
X.Y; seconds. ; u3ic.
PHoVlsiONS-Pork, stea('.v mess,
$V.1.4( 23.76. family. $26 ooii.'voo. short
ileal. $23 00424m . Href, unsettled; mess,
?28.O0!fi24.i; tiimilv, $ Hi f.'i(-32 Lard
easy; middle w,st, $9 sWu'.i 9f. refined,
barely steady; continent. $!' 70; South
America. $113.'.; compound, $.r4tft.Mi.
TALLOW steady; city, Sr; muntrv.
teVfMlV ; special. 7c.
St. I.nnla 4Jrln Market.
ST. Liillrt. Sept. 21. - W H EAT No. 2
red $l0;uli. No. 2 hard. $1090111
COKN- No. 2, 79c; No. 2 white. JlhuM'n
OATS -No. 2. 4o: No. 2 white. ,VV.
HEAT-Septemlrr. $l.0)4: Dec ember.
v FAT-Septemlx.r. $1.04: December.
CORN - September. TV, December. 72c.
Rl'TTFR Unsettled. receipts. 6.000
tubs; (rramerv extrns. :W'.1i,'llc; fhsts.
2x li.lOc: seconds, 2iV274c; proci ss extras,
2i4i.V4c; ladels, cuirent make, firsts. 23'
2.340; seconds. 22i1i224c; packing stock,
current make, No. 2, 344t21o.
CHEESE-Firm; receipts. 570 boxes;
state whole milk, fresh white and col
ored, siMvlal, I54c; state whole milk,
average fancy, U,V1164o: sklmf 4tfI4c.
1X1( IS Unsettled, receipts, 9J200 cases
...i Riiincrivi. extras, 2M30c; exlra
'rets. .nil-. c; firsts, 2t'i2fe; seconds, 224
.-..-;.. wne, i-ennsyivania snd nearby
"",''' ",lllr' -wiHiia-; siste 1'ennsyl
."... mini neainy hennery, gathered
whites aKuS.:c: .Ute. Pennsylvania and
..veii.y nennery, browns. 30)32r; browns
. iineti colors, 2frf',nc.
lOULTHY-J.lve. dressed, firm
etn chickens, frosen, l.My22c; fowls
9!c; turkeys, r.liti'.Sc.
Liverpool Grain Market,
,,N"' 2,rd' Wnter. new. h,74d.
coiiv 7r.',,,,,r? yth'mi- quotable at
loRN-Spot market nominal.
I niton Market.
YORK. Sept. Il-rvirrnvn.
yond an tf,
tal report from ih
r.?.!)r,.-V.,n."",.,:r ,,h."t trddie
.. . ' "U'ooaieu as a result ol Sat-
I.reV,0,rr"""": ''vrpool there ap
es red to he no chance l the cotton sltul
atlon here today. The more favorable
view of prospects for an early resump? Ion
of business was again encouraged. I.w
rr".,;,. 'L"POI,"i."f '"""""-'l steadiness
. n, Trr ,n1,,rk,', "'l -ehlle picking Is
u.m. ' b' '" Progress under
prevailing weather conditions the com
paratlvely small receipts suggest ' that
planters are holding for a further ad
vance. Official announcements are still
expected m the near future regarding the
i""1" ""' synuirate plan for ad.lustlng the
.. .. ...... i.s , coinriici interest and the form
uiaiion or nyiaws to provide for trading
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 21 -Firm offers from
Rio were sal. ,0 be a shade higher In tl "
coflee market here today, hut no further
Improvement was reported In the cost and
freight price for Santos coffees and the
local spot situation was unchanged owing
.. . .ciucuriy nign prices asked for
coffee out of the l..i .. 1 ' ll,r
I hllVura . . .,.,1.1 .
, "-i'" iu "e uoerailns- l 1 1,.
cost and freight market, and as srriv.u
nrre rrom Uracil become Isrger, ol.u
holders show some disposition to revise,
their uuotatlons. Rio 7. wan "quoted It
Kansas tHy Live Slork Mnrket.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 21-CTTLF-neceipts.
32,000 head; market lower prime
l,.'tTw$-'"-,K"'"'0'7R: lr"rd beef
rteers, tH.,Ua' western steers, $H Xi;
t2Tk'r"i Bn'' .foeil". KOO.IR; bulls
$5.2611616; calves, Iti.iKI'u 10 2,'i
HoGS-Recelpts, 6.INN1 head; market
higher: bulk. U.4iha.00; heavy. $.S 7011N wc
packers and butchers. $h 60S 9 00 Hunt'
$KB"'0S.9,-,; pigs, $7.2.VrtVO0 l,nt'
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts. 33 one,
head; market lower; lambs, $7 00fi7 7r,
yearlinga, 6.G0fy.50
ewes. 4.,iU'f.2()
Me Stork Market.
Sept. 21, CATTLE Re-
.7 rj. .A ;Van; Bleady; native beef
9 6.7; utockers snd feedetw, ITi.tKW.fiO;' south
erns, 004,8.00; cows and heifers, $4 0oft
6...0; native caives, $tt.(Mtjj 11 1
HOGS-Rereipts. 9,300 head; market
lower: pigs and lights. $7.7Wi9..-,; mixed
...-n i". 111, i-ows anil neirers IiKtk.,
-mi uuiciiers, vj.wtiu.a,; good heavy. Is 90
head; market lower; native muttons,
UJ--r-: .lambu, $7.0ut?.26.
4 ano
Omahn Hay Market,
PRAIRIE HAY-Cholce upland. $1200
No. 1 tnone here), $11.50: No. 2. $9 .tine,. 11 ('
No. 3, $7.00-ij9(i0; rholee midland, $11 60:
No. 1, $11.00; No. 2, $9.00H!l.iO; No. 3 $7 OWt
9.00; choice lowland. $111.60: No t ' $'i fiO-if
10.00: No. 2. $7.ir9.00: No. 3. IS.Oow'i 00.
STRAW Choice wheat, uuoatahle at
$4.6tKu.00; choice oat or rve, $.',.oiifii.ri 60
ALFALFA Choice, $13 60; No 1 $12001
13.00; No. 2. $10 00112 0.; No. 8, $S 00a 10.00.
Live Mlnrk In sight.
Iteceipta of live stock at the flvo prin
cipal markets yesterday
66. '100
4 2(1
l hlcago
Sioux City ..
Kansas City
St. Ixmls ....
South Omaha
.. Mil
.. S2.0K)
.. 8. 200
!.i0 44,100 141,4)
Mnuar Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 2I.-SUOA R-Raw.
unsettled: morasses sugar, 6 flnwi "( -lentrlfugal.
6.1-(10. 77c. Refined n"n-si-Kled;
cn( loaf. 8.16c; crusbed soft.
mould A. 7.70r; cubes, 7.60c; XXXX pow-
ie,i, i.s, , jMivhiicrcri, i..r.c: fine
laled, 7.26c; diamond V 7
tloners' A, 7.16c; No. 1, 7 06c.
fst. Joseph l.lse hlork Market.
celpts. 1600 head; market slow; steers
$iMfl0 26; rows and heifers, U 2a0 ",'
calves. $6 WHI.60.
HOGS-Receipts. 1.900 head
steady; bulk of sales. Is i'Ah a so.
S KK 1 AMI I ,i 1 H4 !;., ;,,,.
! head; market dull; no iiuotaliuns '
I Dry l.ooda ".tarket.
NEW YORK. Sepi. 21. -DRY GOODS 1
i... l... i..... 14.,'-''; l rorinbci i''.. I -
. 1 "i 1 "11 s"'i aim yarn markets were
steady and unlet today. Dicks goods
were In good demand Raw silk was
' slightly higher. Burlaps were firm and
IMo'"''' tn" sst anticipated a c rop of
eir York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Sent 'I.-Mhiii'ivtii .
PA PER -7 per rem. ' '
! bles 14 96; demand. 14 96.
I SILVER-Bar. .'.14c
Rank ( lenrlnaa.
OMAHA, r-pt 21 Rank clearings for
Omaha today weie V..041.S29 64 and for
the corresponding day last year $.1.0.74 -
F.I grin Butter Market..
EIJIN. 111 . Sept. 21 BUTTER -Elgin
y-seven tubs sold at 29c.
Metal Market. '
ST. I.OU1B. Hept. 21 - LEAD-Market
nominal, lower, st $3.6.V3 674.
London Money Market.
LONDON. Sept. 2i. SILVER. - Bar,
per ounce.
Killing: Cattle Stfndy to Easier and
Feeders Steady to Stronger.
Ilea Iteerlpts of Sheep and l.siinhs
at the Hl Msrkrl Point
Killers 1 nrnlt-t lir til
Iblrli-llif. I.nnrr,
l.eit'llllfl nnp. ..-.. 11.... 1
, r biih. in. .--,,,- i-
1,- moh.i.iv
Sr. me .lay la.t week,
."nine day J , H(;,,
Same day 3 t ks ago
Same day 4 wks ago..
Sme day last year...
S, 1 I -l (II '
11..: 1 1.01 1 ::,i.;
. ;i.i l, .'4. '-4",
I2..U2 4.'."M 4 . . :f I s
-i in.i :'.,,Ps
u';:; S.IH .51.47'
The following Inble shows the of
1 attic, hogs and sneep 1,1 ine s.oitli inn!, a
ove slock m.srket for the rar 10 Usic,
compared Willi last jeai .
.. . , 1914. l'11 Inc. I".-
' sttio .vv.,911 tji, 'i.; r.i "i:
,l"' I.76I.I3H liiVdw) . 2l4.fs.:
Sheep ... .1,9,1.1:6 l.'6i.r.74 I'M, J.2
I he follow n a laine snos Ine ii Ho f-r
liogs at ti e iioiith 'Miisna 1 ve s-.o mar.
ket for the last few deys with comparl
""ns: Date.
1914 11913
I'Mf ll'll .
i. HO,,
:t. s M'
4.1 S 724.
1 v." tt ,!. ; 12
7 10 k T,i
7 (, H 21 7 17
iwi Mti 6 4'.
s ii.i, 7 s; ..1
I 7 Hii 67
9 2 I 6 61
fl 62 il
1 I.V 21
7 so- S 2.' 6 9
Kl 7 X,
S t.6 I ;i;, H 94, 9 0i 7 H 61
" , ni'ii i o S ti l ( V2 S M
I S 2,j s 39; 97 02 1 7 K. W
10, w,, K 0h I ;l'. I 13 7 M, M
11, S US! 7 7. 3X 7 Oil I 7 S3' 6 '(
If I S 41V IkS k Xi,l 91 27i 7 tkl 6 71
14 1
21. j
1 7 K7, 8 3V S, 9 Ifi 7 W,
I 304, s 4 c 6 7' ihi 7 i. S tiu
M 7 S9 6 H Mi' H 6 9J
" '!', 7 !'., 43 6 hi Mi S 06; 6 hi
i 4:'v 7 n 211 imi io; M'
f . h 0I B ll'l M; I S 14 6 IJ
H 7 in K 17, 71 1 S 92, 6 N.1
, 8 Of.; s 33 h 1.4 H 73; 4 171
i N 41 1 62' 8 47! 8 12 (I K7
CATTLE -Receipts of cattle this morn
ing were smaller than expected, only 2S
cars being reported In, a falling oif of
...600 hea.i as compared with last week
and of a.nui head as compared with 11
year ago. Some other market points were
also supplied with less rattle man antici
pated. There was, however, a sharp
iiforieu at some points, prices In
many eases being as much aa jOtf l,-,,-lower.
The local market did not snow
much change.
The supply of beef was fair, but
the uualliy was poor. Under the In
fluence of unfavorable advices from Chi
cago and Kansas City buyers started nut
bludlng sharply lower, but In the end
they bought most ot me desirable cattle
at prices about stesjv.
There was ul..o a teiulen-y to hid lower
on cows' and heifers this morning, but
the supply of that kind of cattle was not
very large, so that good cows and belters
and csnners commanded steacy prices.
Some of the in-between kinds msy possl
bly have been a little easier In spots.
There was an active demand lor good
to choice feeders and the market on such
was lomifa. higher than last week's dose.
Good western leedrts sold us high as $H.o
snd $x no was paid for aome choice jleshy
cattle to tie taken back Into the cminti'v
for 11 short feed, oiner grades of feeders
were also steady with last week's cTt..e.
guotatlons on ratile: Good choice
oornled beeves, $9 6Ktti0 2fi; fnlr 10 good
rornfe.l beeves, $v7Min..Vi; common to fall'
coriiled beeves. $7.7hps.7.'i; good (o choice
range sierra, $7.404ih "1.1; fair lo good range
Heers, $H.SOi)7.40: common to flr raime
steers. J6. 00.(i60: good to choice arm
heifers. H.6oi7.60: good to choice grass
cows. tl..'4i6.7.'i; fair to good grades. I vim
l1.26; common to fair grades. $4 006,60;
good to choice Blockers and leeders.
$7. 61VU. 26; fair to good slockers and feed
ers. $ii.n0ri.r0; stock heifers, ti..Vti6 76
stock cows, $4.7-iii .&; stock cslves, $6 (kKn
$00; veal calves, $8.00'o iu.2.i; bulls, stags,
etc., Ki.2..1i7.t)0.
HOGS The week opened out with an
other very light run, only twrntv-two
rats, or about 1.400 head, bring received.
This Is 400 head larger than a week ago,
but Is les-i than half as large as on ma
corresponding Monday of lent year.
Good lights were a senrce article this
morning, but shipper buyers had a few
urgent ordeis which were filled with hogs
on the mixed order at ltkuinc advance.
Tops leached $8.M) and considering the
mailt v th trade shows all of the gain
quoted. Killing orders were very light,
and eiirlv packer bids were no more than
stonily. Hellers Were asking better money,
but buyers i ef used. to go very high and as
competition was limited the long end of
(lie killing hogs finally moved on a strong
t 6u higher basis. Movement whs ex
tremely drsggy, and it took the best part
of Hie forenoon to clean up the light run.
The big end of the supply sold to
killers at strong to 6c higher prices, but
the tew loads sold to shippers lapsed well
above the bulk, and the average of all
the sales Is 6ti0c better thst at the close
of last week, nunc ot win mums saies
was inside nt $S.4I8.45. aa against Satur
day long string at $S.4. There were a
fevr scattering shipper sales on up aa
SHEEP Excessively large receipts at
South Omaha and Chicago snd a big run
at KaiiBus City for this time of the year
were prominent features In. the general
sltuat'on In sheep snd lambs and, of
course, what was expected under such
circumstances happened, trade being
piuctically at a standstill most of the
forenoon and In the end prices on sheep
snd lambs showing a decline of 2.Vd36c
from lust week's close. Until nearly 11
o'rlock very few lambs or sheep had
changed hands and as the trade dragged
along the clearance was very late.
While all kinds ot feeders were ln good
demand, the large supply of desirable
feeder lambs and sheep on hand snd the
lowr market on fat stuff gave prices a
weak and lower tendency, feeder lainbr
helm: generally lOdjloc oft and aged feed
ers weak ti r. dime lower. The range i n
feeder liimba win largely at $6.364i7 20,
according tn weight snd quality. Few
aged feeders moved during the errly purl
of the forenoon.
Today receipts t dalle, up some 40,000
head, which was the largest run here on
any one day in threo weeks, being 12,5:13
nean more innn a wtck ami, 15,J-5 more
than two weeks ago and S.629 more than
on the corresponding day a year sgo.
Quality on the whole was considered
Quotations on r.tnge sheep and lambs:
Lsnihs, good to choice, $7.6li8.10; lambs,
fair to.g I, $7 Unt J.V); Inmbs. feeders
$6 u7.?0; yearlings, good In choice. $, so
tvd 10: yearlings, fair to good, $i Mi-til so
yearlings, feeders. Sf,.4ni'6.9u; wethers'
noon io ciioice, j,.i"i;i.iiii; wethers, fair lo
good, wi.-miii.di'; wetbeiB, feeder. $4.3ij'n
1.76; rwes. good to choice, $i l ?(.'. 2,7 ewes
f.,l. t.. ...... sir-,..,-,. . - . '
..i ... st ,,., fl,. iu .j ewes, teeners, !fl sj
VI I 111
(lilt. 4. 0 t.lK STOCK lltHKIIT
4 stile Stead) lloua Weak Nhrep
elpts. ;i.(lO heud: murket i.(. i
6 .Vy II 0". steers, $6 2Vrt9 16 : stocker.
feeders. $.', i'ci h 36 ; cows and heifers II
Tl'.l I; cuh'es. $ 12.0)1.
II) 11 IS Receipts ml brf
wctik, bulk of sales. $R.6"t0 On; tight $, ,',
(flO. 40, mixed. $.36((l..40, heavy $S l,'9 20
toimli, $K.l(VdS ;.',; ,,gs. f,.2VJ'.',1i ' ' '
SHEEP AND LA.MHS-Recrlpls .V, flofl
head, market wek; sheep. t4 S)frf5 7f.
)earllngs, $.i.76'a6.60; lambs, $i;.6(i'ii 7 90. ' '
lines (ll Live Stork Mi.L.i
SIOUX CITY. Is . Sept. 21 -CATTLE-Receipts.
HOi head; market. lOcu'-tc; lower
native steers. $6.Twti. 7: hut, Tiers $6 0n
7; cows snd helreis, $7 im'qn 30; cunner.
$3 7rn6(Hi; sto krrs snd feeders. $6 10n7 40'
calves. $7'i0,il0 0.. bulls, stags, etc.. :,.'M
H IS- Receipts. 1 head, market, r..u
l..r higher; heavy, $ l&n. -,, mUed, $146
g H 4",H '- bulk ot "ales. $v,j
head: market. 3.'i4i,A' lower; fed, muttons
$.i.7.V( 60; wethers. $6.26tni 00; ewes. 14.76'ul
6.40; lambs, $!..'"( s.j.
LEXINGTON. Neb., Sept. M (Secll
Telegram Fire of unknown cause com
pletely destroyed the flour mill of th
I-exlngton Mill and levator company
about 1 o'clock this morning, entailing
about $100,000 damage; partly Insured.
Everybody. Reads Zc Want Ada.
O'Conucr and Lynoli
Auswcr Criticism
I In rrr.i .1 t. Hi. it 1 :) p'lh! ,-iu'd In
,nn ''cirn". iH'c . ! .:)! ii: tl: 1 1 . r ll,t
ic)"d lor tic s pt.'tul r r tn m of dis-
I I net o .1 County 1 '1 i'i mi' -in er Tnonis
jO'i ci nor .1 i' l. :i :v.l . t l.r r ic'nliers
of ll.- lo.nty t'cnnl u:-!:e ii.. io, lining
i sin li - if rt .
) "Each i c'vioas i.'ie: went over th
IMlnes Ii lhe n inn i sioTier s 01-
j f ce cf t ! I' ie-h'c;e,! n.oil their
tc - p... tile ,1 - , I II., 11 . I I -.t p. I l.e, out
the nmiil-i 1 r iicr.'d by lnv. If the ad
cirssr.M glw-ti nrr not onect, the error
Is In t 'e 1 castration n cords All llst l
;werc fist s il'inllieil to the bar aiu-ocla-'lion
lor a ppi ohI, and only nnines not
'll (cited wi'te lefi ,,n the list. Then
the Isih wpic t'lincd ocr to the presid
ing d strl, t JiiiIkc, (he v'tiunlv clerlt and
;ihe clerk of l he diatri. ioii; t. Thes
lime piked out the IV) vcnirc-
men by lot. Tin pre.enl venire la shove
I the Manditi d "
W hile OiiMlta es"nped the rain of Sun
day, there was plenty ot It out In till
state. thoiiKli il in conceded everywhere
tl at 11 wax pol heeded.
Along the Union Pacific and the Bur
llngton there wits a steady, drilling rain
most ft Sntiudii night nnd nearly all
day Sum ay, most of the way from Fre
mont and Lincoln, all across Nebraska
and Into Colorado nnd Wyoming
Through northwestern Nebraska, along
the Noi thwestei n, there was rain prac
thally all the way from Fremont, north
west to the Black Hills and west nearly
es far as Casper. Wyo.
While the street railway company hs
not lined up the schedule for Ak-Sar-Ben
week. It will have enough extra cars on
the streets to handle the business, no
matter how heavy It may be.
To handle the Ak-Sar-Ben crowds the
street railway company will put on a
large number of extra cars from the resi
dential districts lo the central part of
the city. Generally these extras will be
the open cars that aie held for such oc
casions. There are log of these cars
stored at .the several burns.
Harry O Palmer has been elected an
honorary member of the local camp of
Spanish War Y'cterana. J. IT. , Ilanley.
secretary to Congressman 'Loberk, de
livered an address on "Pensions'
For the Weak and Nertroai,
Tired out, weak, nervous men and
women need Electric Bitters; helps . the
nerves and tones up the system. 60 cents
nnd $1.00. All drugglMs. Advertisement. readers are too intelligent to over
look the opportunities I.i the', "want ad"
columns. They re wjrth while reading.
1 1
Brand sis I Annie X.aui-1."
Empress:" Vsuclsrllls. - -Oaystyt
"Ths Social Maids."
Orphsurai VandsrUle.
Promises of I lie Press Agent. !
To tluise who are fond of old Scotch
1'sllnds, Edward E. Rose's . new nlay,
"Annie 1-aurle," will be u delight. That
imiiif.rti.1 tune of the same name Is. In-
i troduced In a novel way that blends per-
lectly with the picturesque settings or
the diuinii. . j
On Sunday night, and again last even
ingsociety night standing loom at th.i
Orpheiim was ut a premium. Jt la the
verdict of patrons that the current bill is
the liveliest show offered this aeaaion.
The headline attraction la the musical
melange offered by I .lane Carrera. Anna
Melds daughter. It is announced that
the stellar net next week will b "Nep
tune's Garcen." the most sumptuously
staged spectacle In vsudpvlllc. ,
All the worrying Is over with for the
week at the popular Gsyety it ralne.l
yesterday afternoon Just at the psycho
logical time, the vital threr-quurteig of
an hour before the start of the matinee,
hut notwithstanding the downpour posi
tively every seat in the theater was oc
cupied. Such is the acid or rain test thst
Geoige Stone, Etta Ptllard and the VK
c 1 it I Maids" had to contend with, but With
such a result against such distressing
odds, there's nothing to it now except a
sellout cv ry afternppn and evening.
Ladles' matinee today.
The attraction at the Hipp theater' for
today am' Wednesday will be H. B.
Warner the eminent dramatic star. In
the world famous drama of capital und
labor. "The jcn Paradise," bv Ludwig
Fulda. in rive reels. This production Is
one of Daniel Frohnian's unci Unconsid
ered one of-the strongest photo-dramas
that haa ever been procured. Especial
mention Is made of the mob scene 'n this
Greatest Event
in Woman's Life
All human experience looks back to
motherhood as Ilia wonder of wonders.
The patience, tha fortitude, tbe sublime
faith during the period of expectancy are
second only to the mother love bestowed
upon the most helpless but most marvel
ous creation a baby. ..
Women are quick, to learn from each
other those helpful agencies that aid to
comfort, thut conserve 'their nervous
energy and yet aia perfectly safe to use
and among these they recommend
"Mother s Friend."
It Is entirely an external application
designed to lubricate the broad, Tat
muscles and skin thst protect the
abdomen. It has been ln favorable use
for nearly half a century and Is known
to mothers In almost every settled com
munity tn the United States who highly
recommend it. You will find It on sale
In drug stores. "Mother's Friend" Is
utterly harmless, contains no deadening
drugs and yet Its lnfluenoe-In the akin
and muscles beneath as also upon the
network of nerves beneath the akin la
very beneficial, very soothing and a
wonderful help. The muscles expand
naturally and are not subjected t tionec
canary surface strain snd patu.
Gut a bottle of "Mother's Friend" to
day at any urug store and write to us
for our Instructive little book to mothers.
Address Bradtteld BegulatvC o- 4X3
Ltautit Bid.., aiiigutt, Civ . , "