TUB BKK: OMAHA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1914. Newest Fall Gowns for Miladi Velvet Coats with Cloth or Taffeta Skirts Promise to Be Much Worn This Autumn. How the Kaiser Gets His Food on the March A Motor Kitchen Is Used With a Mess Tent for the Henna n leader and His StAff. .Hi - rr f i i I ! i r Id r? 1.; . , ,. . t, ilv! li L iL Mt.!. . ,i r- 1 I j 'i r - -.4 - jr ,-mWvWtN-b.- Jill J V , ? ' i V Ul Aback view of the kaiser's elaborate motor-kitchen, Tvbieli folloTrs him on the field on active service, showing the compact ness of the arrangements. ) , . 1 ' r J ii A coat of blue velvet, with ' thd looseljr fitted front buttoned In 1880 style, long pointed basques at the aides and edging of sable, is worn with a taffeta flounced skirt of 1850 Inspiration. Bern batiste embroidered collar. ' There Is a wide, full skirt on Premet's after noon frock of cream chiffon mounted over golden brown charmeuse. Quite as new Is the high girdle draped into points at the sides and closing in the front with brown silk tassels. Be a Time of Ostentation By ANN LISLE. A number of ffirla nave written to aak questions about their approaching wed 1Ing. Bo, perhaps, the October bride uid all the little brides-to-be will be rrateful for a general answer to their jueatlnna. t A wedding should not be an affair of mow and lavian gorgeouaneis. 11 snouia iot be a time of ostentation and elaborate leooratlona. It ought to be -a. sacred p.-eremonr, suggesting that loveliest of wedding music, "tne voice inai Dreauiea jVer Eden." Sweetness. sacredness, solemnttV these three words give the '.keynote of the properly Impressive wed- iding. As for clothes, the rule Is simple for bride, bridegroom or attendant. Wear lothes that would be suitable for any function timed as Is the wedding. A morning wedding Is best dreased formal street amre. jiu BLicutuuu nviauma needs the formal afternoon clothes that would be worn at an afternoon reception. fComb Sage Tea In Lifeless, Gray Hair JJfMirpA with Sulnhur it Dark- ens so Naturally No body can Tell. , Grandmother kept her hair beautifully tVirknd. srloasv and abundant with a Krew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever iier iiNr icu uui vi v.. 'lull faWul ar atre&ked anDearanre. this ample mixture was applied with wxm lerful effect. By asking at any drag itore for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur ?ompound." you will get a Urge ottle of this old-time recipe, ready to for about SO cents. This simple Tiiiur can be depended upon to'resture Lnatural color and beauty to the hair aad s splendid for dandruff, dry, ltcny scaip and falling hair. I A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's 8age and Sul Lhur because It darkens so naturally and 'ivenly that nobody can tell It has been ipplled it's so easy to use, too. Toil M ilmply dampen a comb or soft brush md draw t through your hair, taKing Vne strand at a time. By morning the tray hair disappears; after another ap- plication or two, It Is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and i abundant. Advertisement. Advice to Lovelorn HTfiyr Y'ig","'!! IIHTnillflWIWiiiiii ijgisjssiSsjsSM huswisMSSSMU MmJ A view of the mess tent, which can be easily transported.' And for the evening wedding a white clad bride Is met by a bridegroom In dress clothes that are the proper foil for her own. The bride's attendants give the note of color In the procession when she is white-clad. In the evening they are gowned In low-necked dresses of soft colorings and seldom wear hats. If the afternoon bride elects to be mar ried in white, the bridegroom still wears formal afternoon reception dress a, cut away coat, gray trousers, gay ascot (four-in-hand) and gray gloves. His beat man and ushers are similarly dressed, .and generally wear cloth-topped boots, silk hats and add the decoration of a white flower In their coats. At the afternoon wedding, the brides maids and maid of honor may wear hats even If the bride Is veiled. .The wedding Is particularly the bride's grand occasion, so a considerate bride groom will let her choose her own at tendants. By the same token, a sweet and gracious bride will not slight any members of his family and will attempt to Include In her procession his alater as either maid of honor or bridesmaid If he has a slater of suitable age. A married sister of either may act as matron o honor. If neither has a mar ried sister the bride may choose for thla position any dear friend or relative she chooses to honor. The matron, like the maid of honor, Is generally a rather young woman. E'he ushers head the wedding procession, arlng the way for the bride's attend artu. After them comes bridesmaids. honor maid, and the little pages, or flower girls, .strewing flower petals In the path of his bride. The bride enters on the arm of hsr father, or that male relative who ta act ing as her guardian and giving her away. The bridegroom and his best man have previously entered by some side path and stand at the altar waiting for the bride. The beat man has the ring In readiness for the bridegroom. The maid of honor holda the bride's bouquet and throws back her veil at the conclusion of the cere mony. The wedding Is given by the bride's parents or guardians, and they meet Its expenses. The bridegroom, however, senda the bride her flowers. Ner Aaalai. Magistrate You are charged with voting three tunes, madam. What Is your pleaT Hutfratcstie (Indignantly) The Idea! Wo man's pleading days are ended, thank heaven'. Iuck. By BBATBXCa TAIXrAK Obey Your Pareats. , , of age, although everyone takes me to be older. Nevertheless, I have met a young man' five yeara my aenlor whom I like very much. We have been together only once, although I meet him moat every day. He hua absolutely no bad hablta, but wanta tn go with me, declaring he utopped going with other girls beoause be met me. Now, my parents like him well, but aay I am too young to go with him. I am not a girl who wishes to run around with the boys, but I truly like this boy and wish to hold his friendship. Will you kindly advise me what to do, as I don't believe I can ever care for another. BROWN EYES. Be guided by your parents' advice. You are too young to be seriously think ing of getting married, and the young man In question knows It. If he really cares for you he will respect your wishes and those of your parents and will wait for you. If he doesn't care for you enough to wait until you are both of a proper age to wed. It will be far better to part with him now. Have Him Come to Year Home. Dear Miss Fairfax: Would It be proper for me to meet a vouns tantlsman Htm. place uptown or at a friend's house as ! he has asked to take me to a show and 1 1 live about two and a half miles from where he rooms. UNDECIDED. The first time he takes you out, he should be all means come-to your home to get you. The distance you name la not insurmountable, and Is shows a proper respect for a young man to call at the home of the young lady he expects to escort to an evening's entertainment. In time It may be convenient for you to make another arrangement, but It must be openly snd without concealment. In these days of rapid transit of various kinds no distance is too great for a young man to travel to see a girl he really cares for. Walt. Dear MIhs Fairfax: Do you think It la possible for a girl of li to know what "true love'' la. Or do you think her love will last? I am a boy, 19 years old. and have been keeping company with a girl of 16 for the last elKhteen months. She seems to love me with all her heart, and she says she loves me better every day. I am desper ately In love with her, but I am afraid that her love won't last until she Is old enough to become my wife. Please advise me whether I should try to forget her or keep on loving her. UNDECIDED. Uartwell, Ga. Yen can't stop true love to order. If you are contemplating blowing out your love like a candle It does not amount to much. It Is ridiculous for you to think of marriage yet. but why can't you be friends and companions for the next three years? Sometimes childhood sweetheart Ing grows Into a very beautiful love. cold. If your skin Is dry snd sensitive, stop using soap for a while and clvan It with a good cleansing cream. In nny case rub a little cold cream Into the skin be fore exposing It to the wind and wear a veil. The cold cream will not show If It Is rubbed Into the skin and powder ap plied. A frequent cause of chapping skin Is the use of too hot water. Another cause Is the use of a to' strong soap or even the purest soap If It Is not well rinsed from the skin. In brief, keep the skin lubricated with good creains and protected with pure face powder; wear a veil (be sure It Is cloan) If the wind Is strong and the Irritation will shortly disappear. LOCAL COLOlt . Successful Author Tee: I've been wish ing for an opportunity to visit that sec tion of the country for a numbarof years. ftvmpathelc Prisnd-And why. might I ask? Successful Author Oh. t once wrote a popular novel with the scenes laid around i there, and I want to see how the looal . color matches up Florida Times-Union. ckf 9 T .7 77.. !Bcauty Lesson Hair Problems of Middle Age Part IV. The life of a hair la from five to seven years, therefore a certain falling of the hair Is natural and should not cause alarm if the scalp Is healthy and new hair Is pushing cut at the same time. Healthy .hair Is firmly embedded in the hair follicles: it is said that a single hair will stand the strain of four ounces and therefore there is little danger that brush ing, shampooing or even pulling the hair will cause ,1t to fall out If It Is healthy hair. If It Is not healthy. It might as well fall out today as tomorrow, for dead hair must make way for new hair. Do not hesitate to give your hair a pre scribed treatment for fear that It will fall out Only the drad hair will fall. However, after youth hair not only grows more slowly, but the renewal Is apt to be less active. For this reason any excessive fall of hair should be In vestigated and the reason for It dis covered and corrected. Avoid scraping and Irritating the scalp beyond a healthy glow; you may kill the new hairs Just forming. The old rule of brushing the hair 100 strokes a day Is rarely enforced now and I believe that we can get better s-alp stimulation by a few minutes maasage than by long brushing. However, regular brushing Is good for the hair Itself; it not only frees It from dust, but It makes It glossy by distributing the oil through out Us whole length Brush and comb should be kept spotlessly clean, wiped clean every day and thoroughly washed at least once a week. This rule Is par ticularly Important when dandruff la present. t Several corresjiondents have written me asking advlre as to rough. Irritated skin that seems to come from exposure to cold and wind First, do not put water ou your face before going out Into the Selected for Their Prime Flavor Our agents search the trop ics for the richest, fullest flavored spices. They accept only the pick of the crops. That means TONE pices are heavier laden with the pungent oils that best penetrate the food and blend with it. We use every precaution to make them free from nulls and chaff. The protective package keeps all their goodness. Your grocer tells ihetn, Always 1 0c a pig, fsaysr. Jaffa Cimmmmmm, Clow, HmttmwJ, Ciaftr, Alltmiew, 5aw, Cauwauas Antm, WMm MueW PUkUm Spie eaf mil elAsra, TONE BROS- Des Moines (Established 1873) ATeWers s(A Fomoos OU CoUmm Ctfs 1 ! 71 2! - i ll i; it'.' 'HI i i it t ti : i i n ii li '1 4 -IT r V I y if f 1 a.