TIIK KEK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SKITEMBER 15, 1914. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Counts 1 00 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 . Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS flATIOUAL BAfiK 13th and Farnam Streets LUTIIER DRAKE, President FRANK T. HAMILTON, Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier B. II. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUG DALE, Assistant 'Cashier NOTE: Vota will not ! Ilowd for othtr than bona flcla n.w aavlntt KAunt. rull number of Tot will b llowed up to slstr days otor clo of contact whan limit of 10.008 will ba placad on ach naw account. NOTICE TO CONTESTANTS Bast aaada? w will pnbUsa tha tandin- of all coataatanta who have tnro.4 in th.lr nomination eoapaaa or raah oheoka for rta la tbla coa tat. Oat 7oar raealpts la by Batnr T aTsnlnf, a that yonr ataaalnf wia appaar la tba Hat. tbna lattlnr jrcar frl.aSa kaow that yon ara com patlnf for a trip to tha raaama az-poaltloa. Contestants' Standing Our Everyday Prices Sound Like Specials SSo Aleock'a Forou Piaster. . . Ho Uromo Heltiar. .. .o, 18o, 34o, So Bourjvol Java Rice Powdar. . .40 iOo CSiarloa Klsh Pood 840 IRo Carter's Llttla I.l-vrr Pills.. lao II So C&siorLa. genitlna Bio 2So Cutlcura Hoap ........ 170 50c Carman Powder 89o BOc Can tli root , ,B9o 60c Doane's Kidney Pills 340 11.00 Duffy Malt 740 lbc Epaay'o Fragrant Cream... 14o Fellow' Syrup 04o and 8e 2 So Kroetllla, 14a II IS Oudr'a Pepto Mansjsn. . .80 Horllcks Malted MJlk for 340, 670, 3.70 11.00 H"yojnel, complete 8o Hlnda' Honey and Almond Cream 80, 790 J5o Hydrox Peroxide Cream.... 14o Hydrogen Peroxide. Flier. & McCiin., lb., 14 Vi lb., 10 1 lb., SSO Hoatetter'a Bitters, ,84o 7Sc J ad Halt .' B4a Materlne o, 14o, BBo, Mo tic Lyon's Tooth Powder 14o 2oc l.atntlve Bromo Quinine. . . lao BOc I.ahlanch Powder, 4 hadea.330 BOc Mh.1vI.-i Cream ,....ao 2Sc Maaaatta Talcum 13 26c Mennen'a Talcum. 4 kind.. lao Mentholatum ...14e and 340 11.60 Oriental Cream, Oouraud'a .380 BOc Fape'a Dlapepnln 8o SI. 00 Plnkham'a Compound 6to SBc Packer' Tar Boap... 14o ROe Pebeco Tooth Paata SSo tl Pie-res' Fay, prescription. .34a ific Pond'a Vanishing Cream ... 4a $1 Plnaud'a I. line Vegetal 34o 60c Pir.onl's Powder 34o Peruna . B4o & ci. Illce Powder 86o. HhI Hrrallrn 17o, 30, 6f Mic Hyrun of Fls Bso It' 330 and 31.00 ........ .830 140 ,.! Poap..,.14o II fl. 8. K 6rtc Toujnura Jeun 2Rc TIs, for tired feat, 60o Viola Cream .,.. 2Ro Woodbury'a Facial Jf,c 4711 White Hoa II Wine Cardul 60c Wllllama' Pink Till bttbbtjb goods II 2-quart Red R u b b F o u n t aln 8 yrlnri ' for . . . ,33o 76c R u b b e ill o r i i for 83o S 0 o ' Bui Family Byr Inge, for 8o A tomli era, from II 2 down to 60 Rubber Ice Hags, II. JS. and aa low a 8Sa t-nuart Water Baca, reduced to 4ao Xxperlsnoed salesladlee ta on Bubbar Oooda Uapartmenta. Baas JTo. Tay at. Watta Both A. Plane? Obarlea HaU aire. Xmma Parry Wllti Ward ylvta alabaa O. A Myatrom Mobert X.wia Lowmti Scary . Aberly Arthur Wllbaok Daalel A. Laagfald . im ceiaeera. . . Boawell Potia . Mra. SI. S. amlth. Clyde t. Lathe toe lohalak .... rrefl arora Oraoa M. Baker, Btatrlce, Hab rbart O. Walla W. f. Mattlea Carle Biraoneon, Vtloa, Web.. Jnllaa Hams Barry J. Baveraon Minor a. Baaaedy ; Herbert C. London aaana av. jaieera .... Jennie B. Weebbnra . Obarlea O. Thomaa... Myrtle O. Bnrrlaoa . Mra. Jamea Mortlmor ! .aeaneita Iwiiitn Mra. Bobert T. Jonea Jamea Z. BnJakofaky Myroa DePoreet .'twmuiuH Mre, Oeorre B. Bvarta. , . . X-ouiee PaaalaaTbarg Peal Xortoa , . . . , Benry B. Ming Mra. lUllan X.owdea Saiaoal I. Book .... John Pliek Jnie WaehaWla Kra. Pin a a Circle William Wlnqneat vrreoaea Slftr amea O. Wlaely ara Z.ee Wayne Blley ..... B. W. Beaker . . . . Mra. Jennie Martin Lillian Xrlokeoa. Beamey, Beb John Cepieoha. Bur well. Beb. Mra. Battle Oabara Cbarlee Banalgaa Bobert W. MulUa Boat Beaaler BanaJ Miohelaon, Pt Orook .... Otto Bawald Boap 130 30 ...... 34a rl II I fl 111 ill 111 suEnnmi & nccomiELV drug co. 'Itnata. Owl Brr Co, 18th and Barney. Harvard Pharmacy, 84tl and Paraam of Totea. .3,734.387 .3.313,683 .3,061.633 .B,as,7S . 386710 341,103 177,418 138,831 S4.141 39.733 3.848 7.811 4.718 8.983 1.333 1,850 1,707 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 l.ooo l-ooo l.ooo 1.000 l.ooo l.ooo 1,000 1,000 l.ooo 1,000 l.ooo 1,000 1.0O8 l.ooo 1,000 1,0X) l.ooo 1,000 1,008 ioo 1.000 l.ooo 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 l.ooo l.ooo 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 l.UOO 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Wheels of Frisco to Stop on Day of Fire Anniversary Kvery wheel In Ban Franrlaco will atop for two mlnutea on Hunday, April, 1016, during the Panama-Pacific International exfioeltlon on Commercial club day. At I o'clock the bella of the city will ring and the auapenalon of all bualneea and traffic will be aa a allent thanknglvln for tho recovery from the dlaaeter of April IS, nine yearn nrevloua. Sreclal aervlce will be held In all the churchea. the exposition, downtown auditorium and Featlval hall. B a r ga i n s i n C u t Glass 6-Inch NAPPY Beautiful Design s mm U- and Wednesday 4keaaaac3 SEE THE!,. IK THE MUX ; E-NTIIAXCE FROM DOUGLAS STREET. Bw our Bargain display of 0 and 8-lnch Bowla in leading od fancy designs, 77' " t!f Vte GOUilH STAIRS Jx fiff . t. COW I6'f L DOUCLAI 5T?, How to Win a Free , Trip to the Pana ma Exposition Rates of Cnateal. I 1 The Bea ofiera and will award three round-trip tickets and axpenaea 40 the Panama Exposition, tbs Utal coat of each trip to ba 1200, as prises to tha thro con. teatants having tha axe teat number of points at tha sloes of tha eontost 9 This eontsst open to everybody ex cept employee of advertisers on this pags and of Ton Bso, 3-Tha conteat page will be publishes ons day each week and will run for 4 period of one year. e-Polnte will be fhiured oa tha basis of ono point for each 1 osnt shown on cash cnecka or receipts for purchases reads 'front sdverUaers oa this Bags. 3-Cash checks must be depoalted at or mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" Ths Bos not latsr than thirty days from date of payment f same and recelpta will bo issusd for them. Contest to closs November T. 1914. All rash tickets and receipts must bo turnsd Into Ths Bss off loo n t later than p.. in. on closing day of eontost. or It mailed, must bo postmarked not later tban that hour.' HARVARD CLUBS CHARTER STEAMER TO GO TO FAIR The Aeaoclated Harvard rlube have chartered the Red titar Una steamer Kroonlsnd, to bring members and their families to San Francisco for their nine teenth annual meeting In Auguet. 1915, the trip to bo made through ths Panama canal. The American Drugglat syndicate alao has chartered a peclal excursion steamer to bring delegates to Its meet ing at the exposition in the early sum INSIDE INN AT FRISCO UNDER CONSTRUCTION Work was started on "Tha Inside Inn." to be built 'just inalds ths horticultural boundary wall of ths Panama-Pacific International exposition. Ths company That la building this structure Is Incor porated for 11,500,000 and the Inn will be complete In every detail that ths modem hotel can offer and In addition will have many community features not found In ths hostelrls. THREE MILES OF RIBBON FOR LIVESTOCK PRIZES A strip of ribbon two Inches wide and three mllea In lenrth will be t .. department of live stock of ths Panama- 1 acme international sxposltlon In the i u given ins winners In ths j various classes. These are in addition to I ins isso.ooo already set aside for live stock prises and not Including 227.00d to h. given In purses at the two racing meets lor harness horses. BIG TOY SOLDIER, NINETY FEET IN AIR, AT FRISCO Ths biggest toy soldier In the world will be seen at Frederic Thompson's "Toyland Orown-Up," at the Panama Pacific International exposition. He will be ninety foot tall, and wilt stand st "attention," at "shouldsr arms," In full dress uniform, with shako and all, mak ing a companion flgurs to the huge suf fragette already nearly completed. ASKS PEACE CONFERENCE FOR WORLDHELD AT FAIR Major Fred R. Reed, commialoner for Idaho to the Panama-Pacific Inter national exposition. ,. bos proposed that San Francisco, In the exposition year, bo made the place for a peace conference of European nations now at war. EXTENSION OF EXHIBIT SPACE GRANTED JAPAN Japan has asked for Increased exhibit space at the Panama-Pacific Internatlnal exposition. The communication was from Acting Consul Oeneral T. Nnmano, who had authority from the government and Commissioner General Yamawakl. Ap plcation was made for -10,700 square feet of sdditlonal specs In ths palace of manu factures, and 1,708 square feet of addi tional space In the palacs of food products. Ths application for the space In the palace of manufactures hss been granted and this brings the total to IS.1I8 square feet for Japan. The original allotment for Japan In the palacs of food products was 4,300 square test. ITt.. srl.l-A art n . A - The Oldest Personally Ccuduriexl Piano House In th West. "llur 4llh V... ' HOD AND PLAYER PIAHOS S We have served three generation of Piano buyer lri ' " Nebraska ajid Iowa. You ran depend on the Piano that romea from lloope's, litHitlv.pliik . 11-. - j J...1..U, uciuhj, iviiuuaii, xjti.-i up. ( Terms itu.h M L Lane, ,130 up. (Terms). eriiiBi , iiuh ( Si) up. (.Terms) . rble-el,n, NO KXTIt riitiii.'Lui YOr PAY FtHt NOTHINO lllT THE PIAXO SPECIAL! Ta Out-of-Towa a, Bayers Ws will r s t a a d railroad V. fars to porchasara of pianos daring ins next 1 a r s s m- weeks. BS V hum to Boa pa's. ffl5B8'illi"J USED INSTRUMENTS $ ' V now have a nlra tin. ..r S ebullt Iianos. lluy one now and get full credit on a new Piano at any time within 1 one year. $75 to $300 Including nearly all the famous makes. Come in and see them. 73 to select from. npHia icruis. aV-aB u u sv u uaa , ZF i Bea readers are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities In ths "wnt ad" columns. They're worth while reading. Baeklea'i A ralr, Sale Should bo In everr home, readv tA annlu to all bums, bruises, sores, cuts and scalds; heals quickly. All druggists. Ad vertisement. BRIEF CITY NEWS avs Boot Prist tt Now Beacon Preas. XJghtlng Tlxtnrea, Burgnaa-Orsnden Co. rtdeUty Itorage sad Taa Co. Bong. 33. City rropsrty For results, list that house with Osborne Reslty Co. V. 1474. BeaaUfal Ail Kodsra Bonus Tot Hal on the easy payment plan. Bankers' Realty Investment Co. Phons Doug. 2938. aaat oa Abeenoe Imt-William A. Baum of ths naval recruiting station has secured a flvs days' leave of absence and will leave Tuesday for the west. "Today's Complete Movls yrofrasM" may be found tn ths first page of the slasalfled section todsy, snd appears In The Boo EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what tho various moving picture theaters offer. Clothing Company la Xaoorporatsd The Hub clothing company of Omaha has filed articles of Incorporation. Capi tal Is m.OOfk, Th Incorporators are Good man Cohen, Harris Cohen and Robert J. Webb. Chambers Dancing Academy Th home of modern and classic dances, In structor of teachers, who are successful both In Omaha and other cities, Class reopen September B, 1314. Telephone Douglas 1371. The school to depend upon. Barbs Asks Samaras Alleging that he was ordered by his boss to pick up a piece of hot Iron at Swift Co.'a black smith shop, Edward Barbet, a laborer, has brought suit for $!,500 damages for the burns he received when he carried out Instructions. Beorultlng Station Bam Changed Information received at V local army recruiting station from vthe adjutant general's office Is to the effect that from September 18 on the auxiliary recruiting station at Des Moines Is to be known as ths Central Auxiliary station. lCla Barl Baok Borne Miss Allcs Pavls, who was In Parts with her brother, Clark, when a German aeroplane dropped a bomb within one block of them. has finally reached Omaha. She la ths daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Warren Davis. Tho brother returned a few days ago, while Miss Davis was stopping In New York to visit. They wars In Swit- erland when th war started. Baok From Insurance Meeting T. W. Blackburn and E. M. Martin have just returned from Aahevins, N. C, where they attended th meeting of the Na tional .Association of Insurance Commis sioners. - The meeting was largely at tended by Insurance attorneys and ex ecutives of Insurance companies aad as sociations. Laweon O. Bryan of Lincoln. Insurance commissioner of Nebraska, was also present. Thirty-five states were represented by their insurance commis sioners. Ask Chang of Bam Stating that Henry Paasch has treated hln as his son, George W. Rohwer Is petitioning In district court to have his last nam changed to Paasch. . He say h Is gen erally known by ths latter name, and wants to have It legally mad his own. Burn Way Bl of SajurU W. ' C. Burns. 23 years old, and married, will die. In all probability, at ft. Joseph's hospital. In consequence of Injuries re ceived In a runaway accident Sunday at I Portsmouth, la. 1 Three-Cornered "Will Coats A three-, cornered conteat over two disputed wills left by Mrs. Jan C. Knapp last year. has been brought to trial in tho district court of Judge Troup. Under one will, Mrs. Minnie L. Cowles, who was reared but not adopted by Mr. Knapp and J her husband. Is suing the widower for a half Interest In a 820-arr farm near Waterloo, which by th term of th ec ond will was left entirely to the widower. OMAHA itself is going to dress up for "Ak-Sar-Ben" -so why don't YOU? No matter whether you ARE DESPERATELY CARELESS during; th rest of the year, let H be said that you appear RIOHTLY during "AK-SAR-BEN." Time's short! Let us clean your clothes. Let -us dye your clothes. Let us get your swell gown .nd drees suits In crisp and sparkling shape. Let ua cleaa your .glove. Let us dye your trimmings to match your dress. Let us dye your slippers to match 'em too. . Let us clean and remodel your hat. Let us be your hand maiden and your valet &U rolled Into one. Phone Tyler 345 (that's our private exchange num ber) and say: "Dresners, I am going to try you out this one time, anyway. Send your man to my , house and I will give blm my entire wardrobe to get In shape for Ak-Sar-Ben. I feel as though 1 ought to assume the Omaha spirit THEN at leant" Better hurry. They're ALL crowding us NOW! Bresfter Bros Dry Cleaners Dyers 2211-2213 Faniam Street, Omftha. TMe ; Qext rjashday a: Holiday ", Let us call for next week's washing and relieve you of the worry, work and toil of a wash day at home. Let us do your washing once. Our charge will surprise you for its reasonableness. Then figure the gas, coal, soap, blueing and other materials and see what you save, to say nothing of the work and backache. "WASXWOBD" OB IBB SOUS 6LUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUGLAS 919. FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD TOR 1000 VOTES Send or, bring this coupon to the "Panama Contest Editor" of the Bee and you Will receive 1000 votes in the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. Name Address , Mow 'Conies the Time for ESousecleaning raefMV U ELE Get an electric Vacuum Cleaner and get all the work done without tiring yourself out. If your house is not wired, let us figure the work for you. . v You will be pleased with our prompt service. TlmWk 3 THE GREAT LIGHT CHEAPEST BRIGHTEST SArEST MR. STOREKEEPER: Electricity, THE GREAT LIGHT, is SAFEST. Fewer fires and accidents are traceable to electricity than to any other illumination. We have the records. VVZtaf arc you waiting for? You can have your store wired now at a very slight cost and stretch the payment over a per iod of twelve months. Act NOW, and prepare for the Fall trade. Phone Douglas 1062 or write us for details. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. LI I THE-ELECTRIC SHOP WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. TYLER 1414. 1810 FARNAM ST. We will rent you a cleaner. Business Chances Business opportunities there are scores of them presented from day to day uiut wiutuiB Dee want Aa columns. , The business world is constantly on tne lookout lor added capital to en large the scope of various established concerns. There are chances to secure partnerships or in vestment interssts, and many new business ven tures .seek capital and proficient executives. Buying, selling, exchanging all come within the scope of Bee Want Ads You'd like a business of your own? See if the "Busines Chances" col umn haven't a proposition that appeals to youj or state your requirements in an advertisement of your own the cost is nominal. Call Tyler 1000. , THE OMAHA BEE Er,Udj A A WW AJU. s 3? Li 1513 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA.