THK OMAHA SHXDAY HKK: NK1TKMHKU 'JO. 1UU. 9-A " T TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP i Barring War. a Farm Value Boom Could Be Predicted. CROPS SEEM TO JUSTIFY IT witk mn Kit f,i;;oni),on r Prndorla, ThU tara Aarlrul tnral Rrpntnllnn Xtnnd Well Ip. Th extra ".T,iii0.Oi0 worth, of crops pro duced In Xrlnavka this ymr will surely produce nn echo In the dim real estate market this fall nd witter, in the nfinlon of the real entitle men. An active j demand for farm real estJe Is expected I to result. It could safely t predicted, tf'o real estate men say. If It weve. not fur the war In Kurope. There Is no question hut that the lnnd that product crops la the lnd In demand. The ground that pro duces crops running In viiiue t,"7,Ci0,00j ahead of the nverajce year of the stat when many other states In the union are drylnK up. is the land that. Is sure to be in greatest demand. The question then Is, Hinw much In fluence will th" Kuropean war have in the matter? True, there Is bo war In America. There in no war on the farms in America. America might seem to have a larper world market for Its- products when the res-t of the world la at war. But this does not all work out according to theory. Money for Farms. In the first place to. make real estate transactions takes capital. To make farm transactions takes a Vt of capital, tt means that loans must le fairly easy. The war, however, has no, tended to make money especially easj. Loan com panies are somewhat conservative about letting out larRe sums of tnoney since the hostilities In Europe stnrtcd. Now then, to buy a Rood Nfbraska farm of a half section about five miles from a good little Nebraska town anywhere In the best of the agricultural sections of the state will cost the purchaser around 150.000, provided the place is well im proved. That Is no mean sum and persons wish ing" to go to farming do not usually walk around with that sum in their vest pocket. It means a big loan must be negoti ated. It means a mortgann must be executed. It means that some loan com pany must carry the greauer part of that farm on paper for a . good many years. It is this carrying of property that the companies are a little shy of Just at present, until the war terror gets shaken out of their systems. It is not outside the range of possibil ities, however, that the war might be ended even before the snow flies, and that loans would begin to loosen up. In that case a period of boundless prosperity for Americans Is looked for, and, neces sarily, the demand for farms will go up with a bound. Bnrbeonei Feature. Hastings & Heyden have Introduced a new feature Into real estate activities In the not-unwelcome practice they have established of giving a barbecue to tho reaj estate men of the ' city on the spot where they are platting ground. This is on way to get the Crowd out all at once, In splendid spirits, and where they can all talk the tract' over and Interchange opinions. It gets the real estate men Interested in thre plat of ground and some of them will buy who otherwise would never get out to see the tract. Then, too, the real estate men will keep the tract In mind when they find a customer that wants Just that kind of a pleoe of ground. Iast Wednesday the firm entertained nearly ISO real estate men at Benson Gardens, a new tract of acre and half acre pieces the company Is platting west of the town of Benson. It Is the old Post dairy farm of 4S0 acres. Already the firm has platted out eighty acres of it and many of the acre and half-acre tracts are already sold. Much of It Is especially high, commanding a magnificent view In all directions. Paved and concreted roada lead almost to tho edge of the tract, so that by automobile it Is but a short spin into the heart of the city. Compliments tor Hotel. Eastern traveling men and visitors from the east In general are complimenting Omaha highly on the appearanoe of the new Fontenelle hotel now that It has reached the point whore one can see what It will look like when completed. The general architectural plan is attract ing universally favorable comment from those who have some taste as to archi tectural designs. Christie About A grain. W. H. Christie, who was hurt In an automobile wreck some months ago. is able to be about again, although ho walks with his crutches. DEVELOWER OF HIGH CLASS RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. TO ' M M . x- m- v . mn ik t, i ry . . " .71 1 rJj,") Vs VVl!"., Ill IN mm is Sare From $35.09 to $215.09 OH A imil GRADE PIANO -,.:.L.-' Tli ntxivr annoiiHceniml ln-oitKlit m many tomor ( our Morr llio t k tluit wo have ! Mod to l oiitiniip tlu anlo. 1 li Inn lilrr- for Mirh hl(ih gra.l. Ilanon were an ntti action that tlio kn.Ii couMn't rt-ist. Come tomorrow ami wrlcrt a IMano f rtm our Ht of Iwriiniii. This sale offers genuine, substantial, price-saving chances to all shrewd and economical buyers. And when you buv here, remember you get an iron clad guarantee, backed up by Real Estate Men Report Many Sales Walter C. Harris purchased lot IS, block 4, Osborne &. Hosick's addition. $1,100. Chris R. Franson purchased lot 6, block 6, Military addition. (200. Charles F. White bought lot S. block 106. Dundee, tl.Ooo. Lisle fl. Hardy purchased 3215 Mander son street, $1,100. Ella M. King purchased lot 18. block Glendale for $275. If. A. Whitcomb purchased J23S Ohio street, $3,300. C. A. Bucknell, of Beatrice, purchased lot 77, Benson acres, $1,100. Charles W. Martin fc Co., who have elghtsen houees under construction, ten of which are sold, report aales as fol lows: A. F. Lackey, a new house at Twenty fourth street and Laurel avenue. Laurel ton addition, $6, MO. C W. Chestnut, a home In Belle Isle addition, facing Miller park, $5,000. Dr. H. F. Gerald of Crelghton Medical college, a lot on Browne street. In Holly wood addition, on which he is building a home. F. t. Apple ton. Council Bluffs, house at Nineteenth and Locust street. Kountze place. $3.SH. C. E. Nelson, lot on Crown Point ave nue, Laurelton addition, to be Improved for a home, $900. A. Q. Hennlng. lot In Belle Isle addi tion, fronting south on Crown Point ave nue, $1,150. R, W. Fadden, two lots on Laurel ave nue, Laurelton addition, $2,050. Homard T. R. Judson. Midland Qlass ana Paint company, lot in Belle Isle addition, fronting on Miller park, $1,150. Frank W. Powers, new stucco house In E"ell Isle addition. M24 Crown Tolnt ave nue. $4,400. Guy C. McKensle of the Corey-UcKeniie Printing company, home in Sunset addition, 4M5 Faraam street. $5,000. I. U. Austin, lot in Hollywood, on Browne street, on which a ow home jioyRGek tD6Mbc is being built. $300, our good reputation of 55 years in the Piano business. Choose from the World's Best Flakes-Pianos You All '.now MANTELS HELP BEAUTIFY Fireplace and Accessories Do Much to Help Looks of Hanse. i COLOR SCHEME IS IMPORTANT Should Match with General Vina of I loom and Be bo Constructed that It Will ot Smoke I p House. J By R. K. SUNDKHLAM). Fortunately for the hooie builder, the thought of acccssoriee for the fireplace may be dismissed until the house Is fin ished and ready to be occupied; or at least until the question of Interior deco rations' and hangings must be taltcn up, for there should be a right relation be tween these features and the articlea which stand upon the hearth. Presuming that the fireplace (or man tel) is one of actual beauty and In per fect harmony with Its surroundings, which result is easily realized now-a-daya if thoughtful attention is given to the subject, it is a simple, inexpensive) matter to beautifully and appropriately equip the hearth. Personal reference and Individual taste must naturally govern, to a considerable extent, but there aro a few substantial considerations worthy of note. In tho first place we should enumerate the var ious articles, which compose a complete fireplace outfit. Then we might well cata log the several types of kinds of mater ials, designs and finishes that are avail able in hearth, furniture. It Is not feas ible to do this adequately in this brief account. For-a gaa fireplace, it is only neces sary to Install a gas log and a suitable pair of andirons. Addition pieces are superfluous, because admittedly not use ful. A fender or railing may be very properly used, but its purpose Is wholly ornamental. Qas logs are now made in many different patterns resembling dif ferent kinds and shapes of actual logs. They also vary mechanically, some be ing "odorless." intended for use where no vent of flue Is provided; some are strictly curfuce burning snd are suitable for use if the fireplace has a good flue. Wood and coal burning flrplacos call for more complete equipment. If prop erlay constructed a scientifically correct damper has been installed, with hand con trol on the front of the fireplace. This is one of the most important features of any f lreplace, . f or "smoking" can only be prevented by a properly designed damper. Then there Is usually placed In the center of the back hearth floor an ash dump, through which accummulatlons of ashes may drop to the basement. This Is a vary convenient arrangement. A completely furnished hearth Includes a portable basket grate, a pair of and irons, a spark screen, a fender or foot rail, a set of fire tools, Including brush and a wood or coal holder. Other less important articles are often used in ad dition to tho regular outfit, but It is cer tainly desirable to retain simplicity and apparent usefulness ns the dominating Idea in furnishing the hearth. Much uncertainty exlots as to whether black andirons, e. g. are proper to use on a well ordered hearth. This may be answered in the affirmative very posi tively. It is decidedly correct to use either black or darkly finished articles of hearth furniture. To specify broadly just what should be tised under certain circumstances would be the . height of , folly, for Individual taste muflt govern. It Is, however, im portant to include the list of available and distinctly creditable and correct goods, those articles which are finished in block or n the natural dark gray of uncolored wrought Iron. There are conditions under which brass hearth furniture must be used In order to harmonize with the surroundings. There are also situations where bright bruss would be entirely out of place. Color Scheme linportaat. What Is the color of the fireplace and the woodwork Is It light or dark? Does It stand in the shadow of windows St one or both sides of the fireplace or in the bright light from windows across the room? Is the whole docoratlve scheme bright or subdued? Is it desired to make the whole fireplace outfit blend Into the surroundings Inconspicuously or to make It stand out as a distinct thing of beauty a dominating feature of the room' All of these tilings must be considered in approaching the subject of furnishing the hearth. The slse and design of andirons Is another consideration. Andirons are made in modern, colonial, Elizabethan, Louis XVI and many other "period" designs and, of course, the re mainder of the hearth furniture should be in the same design. As to material and finish, fireplace ac cessories are available In bright or brush brass, burnt antique brass (either hand hammered or plain), 6wedlli gray, verde antique, art dull black and In numerous other effects. It Is evident that there is plenty of op portunity for the use of originality, taste snd Judgment in the selection of furnish ings for the hearth. Stcinway Emerson Stcger & Sons Weber Linderaan & Son Schmoller & Mueller tisrdman McPhail Many other makes A SAMPLE OF THE WAY PIANOS ARE PRICED Bea Want Aos Are the Et Business Boosters, 9SOO Xoe & Son I'prlKht, now 8150 fSSSO'Kwbj' & Kvann I pright, now 75 f27ft Hihlrmrr I'prtKht, now $100 $3 StORW & Vo. Upright, now SI 50 $4(K 1'iiicrson Upright, now S275 flHM) Schmoller & Mueller Upright, now. . .$150 Kstey Upright, now SI 00 $rWK Kteger & Hons Upright, now ....... SU7I $275 Stone & Hon Upright, now S12T5 KM) Schmoller & Mueller Upright, now. -$1fS $;(hi DuvN & sm I prlght, now 81 1175 IjUll.t Knierson I prlght, now SilDfl KltHtrova Uptight, now g f)5 $400 Mehliii Upright, now SI 15 &-1 Knierson Cpright, now 3100 $H(M ieo. Stn k Jrand, now $250 $0 A. B. Chase irnl, now St?25 $1,000 Weber tlrand, now S650 MIKE HTOOL AND RCAKF WITH KVttHY NAXO. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co, 1 1311-1H FA UN AM 8TREET, OMAHA, Ni:U. KnUb. Ift5. ' mm i I LUXUS MERCANTILE CO. : DISTRIBUTORS Phone Douf. 1889 and Have a Case Sent Home,. Few Suggestions for the New Home Attractive Home on "Prettiest Mile" Road r TJTT EL. ''bd 'jjT" I I aar I L J . 1 por j"ir; co Room 1 Soot 9 j Does Your House Look Shabby? fl Then Don't Beat It, But Paint It! A good job of painting requires good paint, fair weather conditions and a good painter. We supply the good paint; the weather couldn't be better, and we are in touch with the best painters. Aak us. ' Barker Bros. Paint Co. Douglas 4750. 1609 Faraam St. " This attractlv. plan will readily appeal to the prospective builder who Is looking fnr a. .medium slsed and conveniently arranged home. A small vestlbul. leads from th front porrh to a delirhtful liv ing room extending across the., entire) sido of the house. Large casod openings separate this room and the sun parlor from the dining room, and all three ats in rvalc. The entire plan l re markable because good use Is made of every square Inch 'of space. On the first floor a hall always rather useless In a email house, is dispensed with, and on the second floor tho neces sary hall area is reduced to a minimum. The central location of the bath' room. which Is equally accessible rrom the stairs and three bedrooms, is al worthy f r,! On this floor the houeewifes interest will be won by the (-specially generous and well lighted closets. m,i. nian ta from the offices of Kverett 8. Podds, H2-13-H-15 Faxton block, Omaha. He will be Bind to furnish further infor mation upon request. Economists Meet Tuesday Evening Beginning Tuesday the Kconomio league will reesume its r(?ulBr meetings on the f!ri-t and third Tuesdays of erh month. Hon. N. P. Podge, Jr.. will Bd drtss the first assembly on legislation, following which will be a general dis cussion. , All meetings will start promptly at S p. n-. and will be held In the Pioneers" room in the Douglas county building Wonderful C'oasjh Hrinedy. Mr. D. ri- Lawson of Kdlson, Tenn., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is a most wonderful rough, cold and lung medicine." 60c and U.0O. .All druggists. Advertisement. BURBANK COMES TO MAKE HIS HOME HERE W. R. Burbank of New York, manager of the new Fontenolle hotel now being built In Omaha, arrived In Omaha during th. week to establish permanent ruad- r;-t .n't i u A-r 1 iluftl-i- ill ii'i'i'i. I mnj'fn,!, i' ' ' 1HWWI-". 4 L0 . ; -j-1 .iT-! . ..... -'-i"lmiir---- fii 'Ii m n'lii Ii " quarters here. He will likely establish his headqiiHitnrs In the Brandcls theater building, whlili will put lilin near tlie new hotel while the building is being finished Inside. He has been spending a great deal of time buying furniture In the enst recently. He plana to fit out the hotel with tho choicest furnishings. TWWiil'flBfl n ' f I Ml' ,m ' lu J wt Jea) jj tut vjsrg-sa i "L I C "'SEPARATE LOCKID ROOMS STORAGE IVAN CO. Telephone Douglas 288 rrontot HCHISO Sneiao 1QTM AND JACKSON STS, Tel. Douglas 288 SEPARATE LOCKED ROOMS. STEAM HEATED THROUGHOUT. Let Us Move. Pack, Store or Ship Your Household Goods or Piano mi STORAGE GO. If you w int nb solute s ecurlty. If you ar deHlr-. ous of getting an unexcelled Service, . If you wnnt your goods inovJ or Hi sa.fe ly. If you wish your goods shipped" to your advantage, men lei us taae run marge. Our rates are moderate, our service of high quality. Our speclitl repre-, sentattv will he glad to call and glre you full Information without, charge. Hepnrate locked rooms, heatsd piano rooms, silver vault, etc. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. 806-818 South Sixteenth St. jTJ"Wit"SWI JIMH lJt'tillLHIiil !! ii in ink oik. 1L rmmrvvmmimvmm-aL: E. J. EBavis SAFE HOUER Heavy Hauling 1212 Far nam PHONE DOUOLAS 353 Everett S. Dodds Arcliitect Phone, D-2981: 612 Paxton Block; asantMBanr niti nu quasi CEMENT BLOCKSi: ' vr A W x SFB r m W VI n A W a rtvt Ik. IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. 1 TOO-10 Coming RlreM. Phone Sooglas 44a&. spc8fy HY-TEX EJtlGK "Tho Quality Kind" Call and se the fceuU(ul New. Colors I1YDBAULIC PRESS BRICK COMPANY. 1302 W. 0. W. Customers will not hunt for you Only when your location Is right and easy of access, will they look you up. Otherwise, they go to the man who ia mora easily found. THE BEE BUILDING (The building that is always new ) Is Well Known and Well Located and therefore EASY TO FIND OFFICE ROOM 10. y.