S A THE OMAHA .SUNDAY BEr:. SEPTEMBER 2U. 1014. LAW OF THE AIR IN WAR TIME i;S Jialei that Should Govern the Con doct of Belligerent Aviaton. IimO KEN ARE NOT SPIES Ferblddea to Bombard 1 -fortified - TtwMi hat Olkrrnlw t ure strlrted la Their Una. tile Activities. BitUf i In the air, the destruction of tlie mightiest fortifications ty veritable fcloudburets of explosives and the spylnn eut of military works or maneuvers from the deadly vantage point of the aviator, are . all Ideas which have appealcil strongly to fiction writers. It la In the Jrrestn European confllrt that the fleets tf the air will be riven their first reel test, and possibly their last one, for tnanr authorities believe that they will Add Intolerable horrors to war, and that a fighting machine! at least they will e banished by International agreement before another confllrt takes plare. -International law Is a complex and alowly itrowlnif body of rules which has Veen built up by the association of the Uatlons of the world with earn other. The science of aeronautics has grown ao rapidly that It has outstripped the pon derous machinery of International con ferences. As a result the greatest of rh are not defended Is forbidden. s was supplemented by the words "by any means whateer." I Kxcept for the restriction concerning un- I Atn...A n.-m l -an he aftM that there Is no law governing the ue of aeroplanes and dlrlglhles In the present war. Any thing which can be done to harass the enemy la rermleslhle, and it seems highly probable that sooner or later the great air fleets of the warring powers will be heard from. It Is noticeable, however, that up to the present aviators have had practically no part In the hostilities. In the matter of wireless telegraphy some International rules have also been adopted, but they are not of much Im portance In this war, and It Is hard to see how they could ever be enforced. The chief provision Is that any neutral country may order belligerent countries to cease from sending: wireless messages across Its territory. It Is very unlikely that such a er.uree would be taken, because It would In all probability be disregarded New York Times. NOTED OUTLAW BERRY PICKER Frank James at "evenly la fndns trlona F.nangh to Kara His Owa I.I via sr. r Wars la now In progress, with little or no preement between the contending powers a to what constitutes a proper use of '-4flr vehicles In the carrying on of hos .'tllitles. In "The lw of the Air," wrlt rten by Harold I. Haieltlne, and pub lished In this country by the fleorge If. Doran company, the laws concerning the se of the sir are discussed. Ir. Hazel tine Is an English authority on Interna tional law, and his book consists of a aeries of lectures delivered at the Uni versity of 1ondon. 1 ' Geaeral I'rlnelplea Involved. t Dr. Haieltlne first discusses the general j principle concerning the control of the air l space by the state. Moralise of the short ! time during which tlilr has hern a matter! of any Importance no very definite con- . elusions have been rested. Many author ities on International law hold that the air Is free to all. aad that any device for ' navigating It has the same right to travel through any part of It that a vessel has to voyage anywhere on the high aeaa. A number of rather Ingenious argumenta In support of this view have been worked out ,vby those who advocate It, hut neither gen eral opinion nor any statute haa ever vecognised such a stand. The opinion which Is generally held, uud on which all nations act when they rrea foreign aeroplanes which fly above thcr '"territory without permission, la that eaci. , ''country hold absolute sovereignty if the '! Ir space above Its territory. , ? During the Franco-Prussian war of 1S70 ; -tome attempts were made to use balloons I. tor observing the movements of the hns , lle armies. The statue of aeronauts had i tot been defined at that time, and His marcs, ordered that any who might te i taptured be considered as spies. As ; enaUer of fact, a number of them were a laken prisoner, but were treated aa mill ,vtary prlaoners and were not executed. It l-rtvas not until the first Hague convention, f in 1W. that. the position of balloonlsta In I time of war was defined. ,. ' Balloaalata Nt "plea, j 3 The conference decided that balloonlsta .re not spies If they are sent "to deliver -!ljatches" or to "generally maintain communication between the various parts ' 'of an army or territory." This ruling falls to provide for the treatment of avla tors who may ba captured In the act of ' training Information, but such activity J aeems to be provided for In a definition of a spy which was adopted at the same ;tlm. This declared that "an Individual f 'ran only be considered a spy If, acting T "clandeatlnely or on false pretenses, he ob V tains, or seeks to obtain. Information In . the gone of operations of a belligerent, 5 ".-with the Intention of communicating It to .- .the hostile party." Under this provision ; avlatora seeking Information could hardly -. '. bo regarded as spies, for they operate -j without false pretenses and without clan- , destlnlty. A oon as there was some Indication "- tnat y1" machines might be perfected , the International lawmakers were at once struck wUh the question of their use for v . - the dropping of explosives. The same con- , "renc t which the laws concerning: the " treatment of airmen taken prisoner during . war were passed took an Important atand the explosive question, and one which .2it Is to be regretted, haa not been contln- ,? ued. In January of 1S99 Count Mouravleff of 8t Peteraburg. aent a circular to the ; ,ute" to represented at Tha Hague, In JL' which he urged 'the prohibition of the r - discharge of projectiles or explosives of " any aina irom balloons or by any similar means." - .1 Powers Wllllna; to Take. Chances. Th subject waa given brief consldera- f ,1ion and tho law adopted for a period of flvo years, which expired on September 4. , 1S06- Eight years later It appeared that the action of the tribunal was not prompted ao murh by humanitarian feel J ,-Jngs aa by the belief that air craft were not destined to play an Important part In any war in me near future. When the aecond gathering at The Hague took place in in u was Impossible to Inspire anv of the great European powers with the senti ments to whlrh they had unanimously subscribed In IS. The progress made In the science of aerial navigation had been o extraordinary that the military powers were deeply interested, and very few of them wished to give up this new method oOattack. England and Austria-Hungary were of the party In favor of the limitation of ... armaments, and accordingly favored re ' atrictlon of the use of aeroplanes. Lord Reay, the British delegate, argued that It ' would be most unfortunate to add a third expensive army to the fighting force of nations already overburdened with the cost of their naval and military opera tions, r ranee and Oermany opposed this view, on the ground that they could not afford to give up advantages mhlch might be ery great In the future If progress In the new science of tho air continued as rapidly as It seemed likely to do. After much discussion a vote waa taken on a measure providing for the contlnu anoo of tho prohibition adopted at the 1S99 convention until tho termination of the intra peace conference, scheduled for 1915 Of the forty-four states represented only twenty-seven adopted tho measure, and the only Important countries to do so were England and Austria. The signing of this declaration by these two nations will have bo effect In the present war, because It Is e.presaiy provided that if either of them has an Mw i . nnr war wno haa not aoopiea me measure It la not binding. Only Limitations Now la Effect The only attempt made to limit the ac tivities of air craft was an addition to the rulo of the Brussels conference of 11C4. reading: "The attack or bombardment of towns, villages, habitations or buildings "There haa been much In my life that I don't want to think of would to Oo-l I could forget It. Years before I quit the old life 1 was aa tired of it as the i ther people." CAN'T MAKEJfARS HUMANE One Populaj Belief that Hai Been Thoroughly Discredited. DEVICES FOR DESTRUCTION llabt Wnnnct! Jfenl Readily, hat the Really Severe IVonade Made by Modern Weapons Are More Panaeroos Than Ever. ) 1 The uneakrr was Frank James, modern Robin Hood, brother of Jesse James, the outlaw, and at rresent a berry picker at I'.dgewood, Wash. The place waa O. W. fJInxenbrook's grocery store in Teroma; the time, this week. "We got Into It, and It was our Uvea against money," anld James. "Suffer! We have been hungry with cur pockets full of money. We have been hi.nted like the wolves of tho prairie " I couldn't write the hlrtory of my llf" In five years. I have only a short time to live, anyhow, and money Is no itus? to me than dust under my feet. I am going to live a quiet life." "The first I knew that Frank James In this part of the country." raid Mr. Glazenhrook, the grocer, today, "was w hen I received a crate of berries with F. K. James' written on the end. I asked Mr. Hllcigren, the rancher, about It, and he slid he would take me out to see James any time I wanted to go. "We found JameD sitting In the door of I la cabin, dressed like a logger. As we came close he stood up. 'I am very glad to see you sir,' he said, as Mr. Hlldgren Introduced us. After a while Mr. Hlldgren left. I told him I was from Kentucky an'l he seemed to'know how to take me then. This was two weeks sgo Sunday. I.t.at Friday he rame Into Tacoma and spent five daya with me. "I asked him how ho got started In this work. He said it wns the abuse he had received at the hands of the men who had killed his father all through suspi cion they were harboring southern sol- dlers. Ho snld he and Jense 'got' twenty mo of them and that Clod Almighty got the other. "After six detectives, as James calls them, had thrown a bomb Into their house, killing his younger brother and wounding his mother, the Jsmcs boys dressed as cowboys and overtook the men. They anked them what they would do If they met the James boys. " 'We would slick them on the end of i onr guns,' the men replied. " 'You are talking to Jesse James right now and that la my brother, Frank, standing there,' said Jesse. They pleaded for their Uvea but the James boys told them they had ahown no merry to their brother or their mother. Frank James emlled when telling of the detectives. "They thought all they had to do wss to come over here, pat us on the shoulders and tell us to come along." he said. "They never got back." Of all their "work," Frank Jamna con- sidera the Northflold robbery the biggest. Two banks were "lifted" and more than SO,000 In caah taken. Tho two Cobb brothers and a man named 'Mitchell lost 1 their lives. Jim Younger waa seriously ' Injured and Frank James lost the most of his hand. Jesso James waa killed by Bob Ford In September of 1HS3 while hanging up a picture of himself and Frank In thel house. Frank surrendered In October, 12, and after two years was released on parole. Several years later, disguised as a cowboy, he met Bob Ford In a Kanaas , City dance hall. He offered to treat tho crowd ana stepped up to me par. Ten dollars was laid down on the counter. Ford returned tZ.U). Frank Jamea told him who he was. What followed la a matter of history. James told ine that when he was In Tacoma two years ago some men asked him to take charge of blowing the safes of the National Bank of Commerce and the Fidelity Trust company's bank. "1 told them," said James, "that I did not want to have anything to do with the work; that I had never been In It for money, and that I had given all that up years ago." James always speaks of his adventure as "being on the trail." H says that In stead of using masks they had a dark stain. After the Job was over they re moved the stain quickly and changed j clothes, often Joining In the pursuit of the ! randlta. They never robbed or abused women, i children or the poor, James says, while ' many a piece of stray Jewelry or money ! haa been found fastened to the doornob j of some house. They confined their at-i tentlons mainly to train and bank robber- tea after the war waa over. Frank James will be 70 years old next March, he aays. He haa a wife, four mar ried children and a 16-year-old daughter living at Blaine. During tho winter he worka as donkey engineer In the logging rampa near Tacoma. Ia summer he picks berries. He Is slim, has a gray mustache, ia six feet tall and la cool and collected, alow spoken and apparently esy-golng. He aeema to have very little of tho Missouri dialect. He la courteous but reserved, and while friendly does not force him self forwardNew York World. A pleasant fiction widely credited Is that men have been studying for years to make war more humane as If war could be humane. For example, one of these "humane" devices Is the small bullet at high ve locity. Stories are told of men who, after being shot through the chest or head with a modern bullet, ubout the diameter of a email lead pencil, have walked long distances to the field hospital and have then recovered In a miraculously short time. This Is not true, and that military sur geons who have seen arttial service know that really slight wounds made by mod ern bullets heal more quickly and thor oughly than those made by the old round leaden bullets. But severe wounds are no less severe, and are murh more fre quent The Germane use a steel-Jacketed bullet with a core of lead hardened with anti mony. The steel Jacket often comes off In Jagged fragments which horribly lacer ates the flesh. The Frenrh bullet, a mixture of copper and sine, la not Jacketed, but is longer and sharier than the German bullet. Bent by ricocheting, It often enters the body as a hook; sometimes It "tumbles" and enters broadside on, making a long. Raping wound. These "humane" bullets have three gen eral effects: Up to a range of ,V yards they have an explosive effect, splintering the bone so thoroughly as to explain the frequent accusation that exploxlve bullets have been used; at rnnges of .'" to l,.vw yards the effect Is terrible, grinding the It Into the wound fragments of soiled ! clothing, thus causing Infection. The third effect Is contuslve. A modern bullet fired Into an empty metal vessel enters and leaves by a small hole. Fill the vessel with water and the bullet will enter by a small hole, but will make a large. Jagged hole In leaving. The bullet h.is exactly the same effect on the body or the head. In any case the bullet strikes a heavy blow aa with a club. Increased to ITS per tho'irand, and In the Balkan war of 1912 the proportion was 3T4 per thousand. The Russians In Manchuria called.shrap nrl "the devils watering pot" When they b.irst they scatter hundreds of round bullets as e!l as fragments of the shell ilelf They are most deadly within a radius of ten to thirty ynrds. but even at l" ards the "dewdropa are lively enough to penetrate six Inches of pine. The common shell Is still more teitlble. The fragments, hested to a very high temperature by the explosion, burn the flesh so as to compel ctles of sgony that of disease. or from the women who followed In the wake of the army. Then the hnrber he came the army mreeon. when there was any. to give way 1,-ter to monks. Napoleon paid little or no ittntlon to elrk and wounded. In the peninsular cam paign about fifl.co French soldiers were killed In battle In Spain, and ubout dld of disease. In tho Russian rampjilpn of I'll, of 5'yfi who rros.sed the Inelper in J.ine scarcely ;i,on returned In I'ecember. Bul lets killed some; the deadly old claimed others: luit the great mnjorlty perished As Compared with Shells. Modern bullets are "humane" only when compared with the effects of shells, and it must be remembered that a far greater proportion of casualties are due to shells than ever before. In the Franco-Prussian war shell wounds were ninety-one per thousand: in the Manchurian campaign the ratio ha1 only morphine ran quiet. The large shells of the na- y not only I cut like razors, but asphyxiate, amputate portions of the body, and rruh. Alto gether the military surgeon Is not unduly Impressed with the " humane" aspects of war. Disease Una Been Lessened. Modern warfare Is mrc "humane," however, In the care that Is taken to save tho armies from disease. In former times the real enemy of the army In the field was not the man with the gun in hand under the opposing flag, but disease which mowed down troops on both sides Impartially. It has taken the world a long time to grasp so obvious a fac t, but the lesson has been thoroughly learned at last, and It haa been applied in all civilized ar mies. Sick soldiers of an earlier day received no attention whatever. If the wounded received any rare It was from a comrade n i n n e -v. ri. offTi-fl y ifftaii we r i.riina. 1 1 Sj 20 x 42 INCH TOP s n ii d 'ithle the number slr'.n by B"'r bullets. TJie total dr.uh ra'e was ier 1.0"0 a year. N.rf-ly :i per "it of tho total st'i-neth r iii.-au'ly rVk. In the HusoPin-Japi'ic war. which lasted twenty months. number of JH;.ane!.e alone in killc 1 and doa'lis from w.un.' averaged M per 1.0 yr li'. ace claimed IT. II.'. or Pr 1.C0 a year, a showing no h. it.-r than that made by the Germans In the Franco-Prussian war. In the last ten years the medical staff of every army has hcn completely re orsHiiizrd and brought up to da'o. The The 1S13 campaign after Leipzig was no i t,),i,.r romes in Conta-t with the medl- cil staff even before he enll.its. and hn is ever afterward In touch with It as loiiff as he Is in service. It watches over his health in every way. sees that ha gets pro er exercise, hut not overworked, watches the food he eatfi and the water he drinks, vaccinates him against ty phoid and other dlseasts, advises about his clothing and even his shoes, pre scribes rules for the sanitation of his camps and maintains the troops at the maximum of physical efficiency. Tho World s Work. less disastrous. Of an army of lOci.OOO that left Ielpzig in October only a few fraz mntary battalions followed the eacles across the niiine In November. The total ruin of this army was due to sanitary nelect. Soldiers died of disease by thou sands. In the Crimean campa gn 2" out of each' 1.000 British soldiers died annually of typhoid fever, dysentery and other In fectious diseases. Some Improvement Xoted. In the Franco-Prussian war In lS7o-71. 'he annual death rate from dipease among French troops was Ho per l.OO; amoni? the Germans 24. In the Itoer war. lasting two years and elpht months. 5.771 Brlti.-h aoldie-s, in a force having an average strength of 2ns, Mfi, were killed In battle and 2.1'lS died of wounds, a total of 7.SS.2, or about 11 per l. a year. Disease killed H,:iO, or TA per 1,000 a year, which was almost t.rlKRS' Wife. Two voune Clevelnnders met on tho Etreet Tuesday. One ot Jihem said: 'o'.;. I umierst mil that our old friend Gritts has gone and married a wife." ii not irue. I understand nothing; of t'le sort." "What? Well, what did vou hoar about It? "I understand that a widow has gone and married our" friend Gi legs." Cleve- ' land Plain Dealer. W0 HEART WITH BUT A SINGLE THOUGHT and the. thought in both hearts is the home. Hie young couple that starts life in a real home a cozy, finely furnished, comfort able home, practically insures permanent home happiness. Hartman's devote more attention to complete home uuuub man any oth-r furniture cone rn in iht worliL Young couples about to be married, young married couples and brides of bygone days, are itneciaH uryid to visit our store and have our trained attend ants show you how beautfully and ecn omiro v we can fur nlsh homes. Don't forget that we offer you the larqtst Mqh grade stock In the city to choose from, at the Uwe-t reiai rivj in umana, and our liberal open charge account system gives you a year or m-ne it ecesani to pay your bill. CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED MASSIVE COtlNIAL BUFFET con structed entirely of well seasoned wood, American quarter sawed Imita tion oak finish. Kuae la of large size. Krenrh beveled plate mirror set In a heavy frame. Just what you are looking for to fill that vacant space In your dining room. Our very low price Is $12.75 This Splendid 7-Piece Solid Oak Dining Rooir Set Bargain $22.90 (Regular Price $39.50) 45-in. Top RF.VPN PtlTPIT rniIVIIt nivrvc . ."'?. iVt. rnn.l.ll.. i . . . - . v w ji.i,u dcji. uuuioiiuj ui massive colonial pedestal table with a large 45-inch top which extends to six foot and six handRome, box seat dinera upholstered in ImDerlal leaJhel, K"t,r"et mad of gol,d oak. Elaborately polished. This remarkable set on, sale for thU week and while they last at this very low price. " s ; 1 um i x taf Greatest Metal Bed Value Ever Offered ia Omaha. fj BBSBSak ! ft I 1 1 wmBUtssm AN UNUSUAL VALUE IN A nlGH GRADE MASSIVE METAL, BED. Made with 2-lnch continuous chllless steel posts. 10 heavy fillers and heavy bottom rail. Beautifully enameled In extra fine A-bronze or Vernls Martin. Haa ball bearing metal rasters. A bed that will appeal to those of refined taste I U. I l UUafJ3 VI $6.95 FPLENDID VALUE IX A RICH NEW DESIGN EXTItA SIZE DRESSER. Made throughout of American quar ter sawed imitation oak, lias large base, four drawers, wood pulls and heavy colonial scroll feet. French lievelca plate mirror 22x2s inches. exceptionally well made. Hreclal, at only incnes. m.69 f It IBM i I !2m' y?j I ii steel , XlVr':. . 3;;:' : r yM' te The Famous Merit Regent Guaranteed Steel Range $23.50 STEEL RANGE IS SPECIAL 1ADE FOK THE HARTMAN IN OF RETAIL STORES. with every modern lmprove , bo:iy Is of heaviest gauge Stove rents on sanitary I bane. Has large slue oven and lually deep fire box. l'ully el trimmed Including extra el towel bar extendi ng a ro.vi front of the atove. Haa 6-hole An attractive and if uarunteeil nomlcal stove at thia special $2.50 Cash; $2.00 Monthly 2-inch Continuous Po Brass Bed. 5 Heavy Fillers. ACID TEST PROVES A HOT JEST Wosaaa Hart la Saiclde IIoas ta Wis a Hat Iodine Barms Her Fare. To frighten her husband Into buying her a new hat, Mrs. Mary Towl, wife of Frank Towl. 413 Midland avenue, Tonkers. squirted Iodine In her face yesterday to i "m&k believe" suicide, as she put It The Joke proved more serious than she had expected. Bhe did not know Iodine would burn. Her skin was seared and . Dr. Karr had her taken to 8L John's ' hospital. Bh will recover New York Tribune. Massive New Style , Mission Rocker AX EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN IN A STRONG LY CONSTRUCT ED MISSION ROCKER. Frame is matlo entirely of solid oak, beautifully fumed. Tho hack and seat are upholstered in guaran teed Imperial Spanish leather. Haa large seat and broad back. A rocker that will grace any home. Specially priced for this week's selling $4.95 CATALOG MAILED FREE MAIL ORDERS FILLED FREE! FREE! FREE! WE OFFER FOR THIS WEEK WITH EVERY PfRCHASK OF $50 OR OVER CASK OR C'REl 1T A HEAUTlFfL, Hlillf CiRAl)K 5l-PIW'K SET B.'(1LISH PORCELAIN DINNER SET. The design la rich and beautiful with color combina tion of white and gold. We Are Showing a Full Line of Cole's Famous Hot Blast Heaters which are guaranteed to save lr' of your fuel bill. They are positively guaranteed to hold fire for 4 8 hours and will burn all rubbish. Made with Cole's patented hot blast pipe which gives you the benefit of every bit of heat in your fuel. It allows no obnoxious gases to escape in your room. Much superior to the average modern priced heaters on the market. As exclusive agents we are able to offer these superb heat ers at prices up from TT1 $10.98 GUARANTEED ACID PROOF MASSIVE 2-INCH CONTINUOUS POST ALL BRASS BED. This splendid brass bed is strongly and massively made and is covered with the best lacquer. It has twci inch continuous posts and ten heavy fillers. Can! be had in full size only and satin finish. The design is new and very attractive. Best 4 "7 QC bed value ever offered 4) I D.jD Magnificent Parlor Rocker A REGULAR $S.OO HIGH GRADE PARLOR ROCKER. constructed throughout of "Elected wood and unhol- tered in a guaranteed Imperial leather over full steel construction. Just the rocker you want for your even ing's rest after your work. We are pricing it for this week spe cially at sb 1 art .'-. "A "t ,-jib-iw. - 54-25 LET HARTMAN FEATHER YOUR NEST . A FrvoklB Pereom. The most aggravating person In the 1 worm is me man wnom we can a liar and who then proes his truthfulness by ad null Ing- the correctness of our accusation. Indianapolis blax. I fcJB Size of top 28x48 inches. OEXUINE SOUD OAK LIluaitY TABLK. Table top is unusually large, measuring 28x48 inches. Tlie legs or posts are very heavy with neat panel sides. 'Has two roomy stationary drawers and large book shelf. Attractively fin ished in fumed. Offered for KIR 7K this week at, only PO I V 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS STREET rm rrr t r-Wt..w . liuft l(L(i (JFFhla.(i IS A 0x12 MOXAhTH BRUSSKI.S KUO. Woven in the newest oriental designs. These rugs ordinarily retail for $18.00. A value that will greatly ap peal to people who really know good values. Will add to the beauty of any C f A QC room. Very specially priced P I