Bird's -Eye View of the Longest Country on Earth Copyright. 1914, by Frank O. Carpenter.) ALPARAISO, Chile. Val paraiso has plans out for improving its harbor; and now that the Panama canal Is completed it will be able to take, care of all the Increased traffic that comes here from the opening of that great waterway. As It is now. It Is one of the chief ports of the world. It Is the New York of the west coast of South America, and It does more business on the western Paclflo than any other town except San Francisco. It Is nearer the Isthmus of Panama than our great port of California, and In the new direc tion of trade through the war In Europe, It will be almost as full of American ves sels. You all know of Valparaiso, but I doubt If many of you realize Just where it Is. It is about as far south of our great canal as Boston is distant from Salt Lake City, and to equal its length you would have to add 700 miles to the distance between Boston and Panama. It Is right In the central part of the coast of this long re public of Chile, and I should say at a guess about 1,300 or 1,400 miles from the Straits of Magellan. Valparaiso is the port nearest the capital of the republic, and also the chief commercial gateway to the great central valley which forms the chief agricultural region of the coun try. Chile lias a foreign commerce of more than $250,000,000 per year, of which more than one-half is made up of im ports, which until now have come largely from England, France and Germany. The bulk of this goes through Valparaiso. The town has 200,000 Inhabitants and Is grow ing fast. It haa gained enormously sine the earthquake of 1906, and, notwith standing Its losses of a similar kind In the past, Its. people go on building as though there would be no earthquakes In the future. City Haa Many Back Sets. Valparaiso haa had many experiences In the field of bad luck. It was founded only fifty-one years after Columbus dis covered America, and It had many adven ture with pirates before the earthquake of 1730 destroyed the place and lta forti fications. It was soon rebuilt and another earthquake came In 1E22. Two decades after that It had a fire that burned up $1,000,000 worth of Its property and a little later It bad another fire at a cost of $5,000,000. Then it was bombarded by the Spaniards, who destroyed its property to the value of $10,000,000, and on top of the whole came the earthquake of eight years KO, which Is said to have cost $120,000,000. At that time it ia estimated that 3,000 persons were killed, and that at least 100, 000 were rendered homeless. The whole ef the city along the edge of the sea was laid low; and nevertheless it is that part of the town that Is new covered with the best business blocks. Wide avenues have been laid out through it, and the city is Larger and more handsome than ever. As It Is, a great part of Valparaiso has been reclaimed from the sea by filling in earth and rock from the highlands. This was before the earthquake occurred, and It is made so by the recent improvements. Many of the new streets are now so high that one haa to go down steps to get Into the older buildings still standing. Harbor IS'ot Always Safe. The harbor of Valparaiso, aa it Is now. Is not safe In certain weather. It needs breakwaters and other improvements. The large ships anchor some distance out from the shore, and goods and pas sengers are landed In boats. The scene coming Into the harbor Is beautiful. The city is built about a bay, of the shape of a half moon. The big warehouses and most Important business blocks are on the edge of this bay, and back of It, rising almost straight up from the water, Is an am phitheater of hills, covered with houses. These hills are so steep that the houses are built on terraces and the people go n w an! ''awJ' V I improving its harbor; and now I h!;;- ' 1 .' . ' 'V M -; mm mi M0 -High, ahove, 6he,roof later we were driving through the city over streets paved with esphalt and lined with stcres that would not have been out of place in New York or Boston. Two-Story Street Cara. The thing that most interested me at first sight v was the street cars. These are of two stories, with a second tier of seats on the roof. There Is an iron stair way at the back end of the car that leads to the second story, and one can ride through the town as though on an ele vated railway. There is no roof to this story, and it forms the best place for a view of the city. Besides the fares are cheaper on top than In the closed car be low. I paid only 1 cent of our money per trip. The rates below are only 2 cents, and notwithstanding this I am told that the cars pay big dividends. The line here and that at Santiago, over the mountains about three or four hours off by train, belong to a German company, which has a monopoly of the transit. They operate the Santiago cars by hydroelectric power, and that so cheaply that their profits from that line alone ar about $300,000 a n.onth. The Valparaiso line is said to clear about $1,000,000 a year Women Conductors. But there Is one attractive feature about the car line that I failed to mention. This is the conductors. They are women and a very few of them are pretty young girls, although the great majority will, I venture, never see 30 or 40 again. The woman conductors were brought into the cars more than a generation ago. It was at the time of the war with Peru, when all of the men, including the street car conductors, were sent north to en gage In the fighting. At that time the women took the men's places, and they have held tbem to this day. I am told that they make very good servants, and that, although they have to be watched as to turning In all the fares, they are more honest than men would be In the same places. As it is, the company keeps a check upon its conductors by making them give each passenger a ticket which is collected later on by an Inspector who goes through the car for the purpose. The companies have also detectives whom the girls nickname Judasea, to watch and sea that all pay their fare and that no fares are knocked down. The conduc tresses wear black sailor hats and dark dresses. The have on white aprons. In the pockets of which they carry their money and tickets, and strapped round their waists are little boxes for the checks they give the passengers. They make re ports at a little kiosk In one part of the city at the end of each trip. Another good feature of the car lines is the use of black numbers, which indicate their routes. This is in accordance with a custom that prevails all over Germany, and it Is far better than our way of marking only the names of the routes on the cars. Where I ended my ride I was near one of the cog railroads that lead to the upper part of the city. When I entered the station I had another surprise. It was a woman who opened the turnstile and gave me my fare, and she did her Job I quite aa well as a man. hhe took my month 1 have bien traveling thmuch the northern part of It. I have visited port after port, and now. here at Valparaiso, I am a litt.e more than half way down the mast, t'hlle is the longent country nn earth In proportion to Its width. It brains at Cape-llorn and stretohea Its way north ward like a snake along the western! slopes of the And s for a distance ot !.TiJ miles. It Is throe times as long as Kgypt, which runs for vi miles through the des ert. Let ns suppose that the fhllenn snke Is a rattler an.! that the Islands of j Tlorra lol Fneao at the south are the rattles. Then the button would be the rocks of Cape Horn and the fiery tnnas of the rattlesnakes head would be the River Sam.t, where Chile ends at the Peruvian boundary. Ths Chilean snnke Is so long that If you should lay it on the 1'nlted States from east to west with the button at HoMon. Its tonrne might lick the great Mormon tabernacle In Salt Itke City without stretching Its body, or If you should start It rran ling east w ard. be ginning at Cleveland, it might go on to New York, and thenre bending south ward move on to Panama before Its rattles had left the forest city on the sreat lakes. The area of Chile la also worth notice. The country Is on the average from 100 to l.Vl miles wide, and It baa. all told, al most 300,000 square miles. That means that It Is twice as big a California, five times as large aa Georgia and more than seven times the site of Ohio, Kentucky or Virginia. Chile would make four Min nesota or six Pennsylvania and have room to spare; and If Texas and Mary land were sliced Into bits and put to gether they would Just about fill it. It Is almost a hundred thousand square miles bigger than Germany, France, and over three times the sire of that tight little Island of Kngland and Scotland. All Sort of ( llmate. This long-drawn out country, running as It i'es smith ard from the equator, ?lves It all sorts of i liniate end many re sources In the northern purt, where 1 have been traveling, It does not rain from one end of the year to the other. At Santiago, which lies In the great central valley, only a short distance east of Val paraiso, there Is rnln on thirty -one days every twelve months, while at Vnldlvla, In the southern part of that alley. It ralna 172 days every year A little further south the rainfall la greater There are local ities where the people facetiously say that Ir rains thirteen months every year. .This being the case, the northern part of the land Is a desert. The central part Is a rich farming country with orchards and vineyards and great haciendas, many of which are watered by Irrigation; and the southern pnrt ha lands that grow hay, wheat and grain, the fields being fed by the plentiful rainfall. The latter region has also enormous areas of forest' It will surprise you to know that one-fourth of all Chile Is wooded and that Just now they are cut ting down the woods and burning them, aa we foolishly did In the past, to make farms. Altogether the wooded area of Chile Is large aa the combined states of Ohio and Indiana, It Is more than 7.V 000 square miles. Pefore I leave thla general description I want to tell you about the lands and Indus tries of the Strait of Magellan and the archipelago of Tlerra del Fuego. They are a part of the frontier of this shoe string republic, and aa one looks at them on the map ha might Imagine them to be somewhat like the country that the late Captnln Scott found about the South pole. (n the rontrary, they have a cilmate about as mild as that of Sitka, Alaska, which has been compared to that f Cin cinnati or Washington city. The sheep of that region feed out of door all the year round and hundreds of millions of pound of wool are exported from the strait each year Purlng my Inst visit to Chile thla sheep Industry wa at II beginning It has since grown beyond all that was prophesied then anil there are nov single companies wl,.ch own more than l.OflO.Oort head of sheep. Snowa In Winter, That part of Chile I made up of the submerged range of the Ande some of whlrh are covered with glaciers. The country has a llaht fall of snow In the winter, but It seldom He long, and the sheep burrow down through the snow for the grass. In striking contrast with that region I northern Chile, from which I have come. That part of the republic would have an almost tropical heat were It not that It Is tempered by the cold Humboldt current, to such an extent that white men ran live at where near the roast. There are thriving towns, ports at the end of each little valley, which has water from the snows of the Amies, and there are cities at the places from where the nitrate and minerals are shipped to the 1'nlted States nd F.urope., Northern Chile Is mostly a desert, but It compares favorably In Its resources with the most fertile part of the earth. I have already written of the nitrates. That re gion suppllea most of the nitrate of soda Used by farmers all over the world. From that source alone the Chilean government has already received hundreda of millions of dollars, and I am told that It has so much fertilizer left that It will continue, to rerelva tens of millions more every year for three generations to come. The coun try also Is rich In copper, and It Is the great outlet to the vast treasures of the Mnllvlan Andes. They are discovering new copper mines and Iron mines and they have already unearthed enormous deposits of both of these minerals. Among the best of the copper properties are those of the, Guggenheim near Antofagasta and the best of the Iron deposit are those be longing to the Pethlehem Steel company,' farther dow n the coast near Coqulmbo. ' Fach of these properties Is worth tens of million. I shall write of them In tha future. FRANK (. CARPENTER. Hundred Million Gold Plan is Approved WASHINGTON The cankers' plan for . swn.ono.iWO gold fund to meet American obligation to Kurope was approved today by the federal reserve board. National banks In central reserve and reserve cltlea will be asked to contribute; to the fund, but country hanks are, not expected to participate. Although a ayn- illcate of New York bankers already haa arranged to take care of $0.000,000 of thatj rlty'a Kuropoan obligation, national! banka In New York will be counted on for! contribution to the additional $100,000 oOrt ; fund. The gold will be deposited in th. branch of the Hank of England in Ottawa,, Canada. The first call on banks proba"blyj will be designed to bring out from $20.-! oot.ono to $::.,ooo,om. nctalls of the plan.j however, were not worked out today at a conference between hankers and thejj board. They will be considered next week. with baskets of vegetables, fruit and fish on their heads calling their wares. The bread wagon was a horse with a great basket on each side of his back; and I passed a milkwoman on a street corner, who was selling milk fresh from the cow. The cow had a calf standing beside It, and I was told she would not give down her milk without her baby was present. The calf wore a cloth muzzle, and It looked lean and lonesome. I stopped and bought a glass of milk for a nickel, re ceiving therefor about a half pint. Books of Many Languages, A little further on I stopped at a book store. The clerk spoke English and Ger man, and the books were In a half dozen languages. Valparaiso Is a cosmopolitan city. Most of Its business Is done by foreigners, and It has foreign churches, foreign clubs and charitable Institutions. It has a branch of the Y. M. C. A and one of the Salvation army. It bas a British hospital, and there are various Institutions kept up by the Germans. The town Is cooler than Santiago, and it grows quite as fast.- The new harbor plans provide for an expenditure of about $15,000,000 In gold, and when completed they will give a space for safe anchorage equal to about 200 acres. This will fur nish protection to the annual entry of ali most 2.000 vessels, with a total of 7.000,000 tens, which is the amount of traffic ex pected now the canal Is completed. The work Includes a breakwater of a thousand feet and a quay wall about twice as long. It will have coal wharves, custom houses and warehouses and all of the modern arrangements for loading and unloading goods from the cars to the steamers and from steamers to cars. Largest Country on Earth. But before I go farther in my letters from Chile I want to give you a birds eye view of this country. For the laBt DevBcnaF Bails t Sanatorium This Institution is the only on in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment ot non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed tor and de voted to the exclusive treatment, ot select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. UTAMII? IE1 Muraic IT 11 II II II II. I In South Omaha QUALITY HIGH-PRICES LOW NOT ONE DAY, OUT FULL SIZE Bed Davenport with beautifully finished oak frame best quality sanitary springs ,oo SPECIAL RUG PRICES 9x12 Seamless dJO 75 Brussels Rugs . . 9x12 Seamless lyj 50 Velvet Rugs.. $ "l 9x12 Axmin- M r QQ ster Rugs . . . .P3" Complete line of Body Brus sels and Wilton rugs,all sizes. Home Favorite Oak Kitchen Cabinet Complete with jars, fine aluminum top and metal bread box a world beater at O from level to level on cog" railroads. These t money and then shut me Inside a rage roads are much like elevators, save that thy go up on the slant. Instead of per pendicularly. There Is one of them at every few hlocks, and you can pick them out with your eyes as you come In on the steamer. At night the view from the ship is especially beautiful. The houses on the hills and on the walls of the amphitheater are ablaze with lights, and in addition are electric lights on the Mreete, making the whole look like a maze of great fireflies moving about over the black walls of the hills. The moment we came Into the port our ship waa boarded by flcteros or boatmen, who demanded to take our selves and trunks to the shore. I had already leen posted aa to the prices and arranged with one at a cost of $25 In Chilean money to take me through the customs house and to the hotel. This tsjust about equals $5 American. A moment later my trunks had been lowered over the sides and I was moving in a boat through the busy harbor.- We had to watch out for the launches, of which there were scores flying this way and that; we passed great barges of roods being towed to and fro and wound our may through many great sailing craft, some of which were loaded with lumber from California and Puget sound. We passed one Chilean man-of-war, went un der the shadow of a dry dock containing a steamer and finally came to the wharf yisl opposite the Intndencla or gov ernor's palace. It took but a short time to fo through the customs and a little like that of an elevator. 8he next rang a bell, and a moment later I was high shove the roofs ot the buildings along the shore, with a magnificent view of the ocean below me. I could see the harbor with Its shipping and the hundreds of small boats at anchor, while away off at the side around the end of the bay was the town of Vina del Mar, the summer resort of the Chileans. Summer la Janaary. The seasons are changed south of the equator, and It is in January, February and March that the Chileans go to the coast to get cool. Vina del Mar Is the Newport and the Atlantic City of the west coaat. It has hundreds of luxurious villas like those outside 'of Paris, and all the accompaniments of a city of pleasure, such as clubs, golf, lawn tennis and foot ball. It has a mile track, where the Chileans bet on their favorite horses and where races are run every day through out the season. Indeed, the whole town looks like a fashionable resort or one of the great spas of Kurope. The most of the houses are of French architecture; and many of them would cost. It built In our country, from toO.OOO to $100,000 aplce. Not a few of them have beautiful gardens. There are hedges of roses, great beds of geraniums, and also palms and other tropical plants. Walking down from the hills to my hotel, I observed many other things that reminded me of southern Europe. The street cries were like those of Naples or Madrid. Peddlers were moving around SORE MOUTIIS LOOSENED TEETH ore mouths are the rause of so many different kinds of trouble In this world that it would take volumes to record the.m alt, says the London Time. hen your, mouth la sore It seems to act on the nerve centers of the brain and to cause you to think all kinds of unutterable thoughts that pass away as the mist of the fog as soon aa your mourn geta well. , Tartar is the beginning too often of aore umi and sore teeth; tartar fouls the teeth, gums and It is at once a menace to yourself and to your frlenda alike. Do what you mill, you can't prevent your acituaiiiinnrea from seeing your yellow, dlrtv and hla kened teeth; then when the teeth begin to he sore and to separate from the gums, there Is added trouble. Many people nurse thf se conditions along for a long time, and only add to the sum total of trouble that they are making for themselves. llleedlng and discolored gums beget teeth separation. When the teeth begin to separate lroin the gums It Is time to rail a halt, because if you fnll to remedy this condition the separation will paoa away from the enamel of the teeth and you are likely to be called upon hurriedly to lose your teeth, and seemingly glad because of the intense pain that Is likely to ensue. When your teeih are loose and wobbly, when they. are full of tartar and incrustations, yellow and black outer view and inner view, you mut look out for trouble. Yon can easily get away from this trouble If you will go to your druggist and get four ounces of fluid ergan (no more) and put a teanpoonful in your mouth morning, noon and night. Your looaened teeth will be as firm ns a rock try them with your finger. Your gums will be a rleh, rosy, gummy red all the (ain will pasa away over night, bleeding stop, tartar will peel off and the white of your own enameled teetn will be shown. Ad vertiseioer ; Low Prices on Good Stoves Sold for Cash or Payments SEE OUR NEW DAYLIGHT DISPLAY ROOM 2Z HOTKI.. WHEN YOU COMC TO f Why ftct Aop t hatd wHm fom na tnv amy I : i I i . mrcoenita, taai wsaiuiiavia asau (aa mt Stop at the Au&ttnrtttm Known ths world or Oa Mickigsa Arenac, Chicago's aioft ani i&. W boalevaid. UnobAtuAeJ view of Ciaat Psfk sod Lake Michigaa. Unrivalled SJ a Suameiand Winter hoteL Witkia fire inula' walk ol Federal Building, the leading theatres, and bwiseu cenUe. Recent improveaaenti atsde at a to exceeding S 300,000. Caisina and service unexcelled ROOM KATES Bias ! RfMMB fac mm penae II.SO, 2 00 i 2 SO pw !?. DanMc Room fnt Iwo prrtomt tl 10. 3.00 mad f oo mi i.t. SiefU Hnam with bats lo em vntm H M). 3.00. i.Hl tmi 4 00 p. Dmhla Racial wilk klh lor lw ptnox 4 00. 5.00 d 6.00 ph dr. tOMTOIIU". WIL Nktlfu SMlmeJ. Cktaat W. S. Shuftr. Manufr Something you want for that which you have It is a very human desire and one which frequently proves very profitable to want to ex change that which we have for that which we want. This brings us to the SWAPPERS' COLUMN which is .ie medium used by Omaha people to make such exchanges. To watch the "Swappers' Column" carefully is to find just what you are looking for. Or you can hasten results by an ad of your own. State your requirements clearly, and leave it at The Beo office, or Teltphone TyUr 1 000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Rtads Bf Want Ads U t