Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 18

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The) Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered st Omsha postorflce as second-class matter.
Pallr and Funday
Iallv without Sunday...
Evening and Sunday.....
Evening without Sunday,
Runday rt oniy
Hy rarrler
per month.
fly mall
per year.
! '
4 no
Fend notice of change of adde.s or complaints of
"'regularity In delivery to Omaha Bee. Circulation
Remit Vv draft, express or postal order. ",w2-
rent poetage stamps received In psyment of email ac
counts Personal checks, except on 6maha and eaatern
exchange, not accepted. .
Omaha-The Pee PulMIng
Pouth Omaha-2318 N street
Council Hluffs-14 North Main Street.
Lincoln-? Little Building.
Chicago IW1 Heamt Hulldlng
New York-Room II. 6 Fifth avenue.
Pt IxMilii-fi03 New Bank of Commerce.
Washington 72 Fourteenth St., N. W.
Address communications relating to news and edi
torial l matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
State f Nebraska, County of Douglaa, as
Pwight Williams, circulation manaaer of Tha Bea
Publishing company,, being duly aworn. says that
the average Sunday circulation for the month or
August, HH waa 43.WL
PWHfllT WIUL.IAMH, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my preaenre and aworn to before
me thla 3d day of September. MM.
me. tnia jo. aB'R'BK,RT ,ILTER Notary Public.
Rabacrlbcrs lesTlng the city temporarily
should haxe The) lU"e malleHl to them. Ad
dress will be changed a often aa requested.
v Uncle Sam Is gradually getting accustomed
to being a watchful waiter.
All things considered, those Zeppelins hare
been behaving tolerably well.
This war Is what Sherman said It was, only
more ao, for the candidates on the hustings.
A graftless sheriffs office la what the peo
ple of Douglas county need, and are determined
to bare.
The democratic definition f a tariff for
revenue only Is a tariff that does not produce
the revenue.
How adept those kings and emperors are
becoming In pelting one another with congratu
latory bouquets.
If she Is a political emblem, "Maud" should
hike across the street and plant herself in the
gateway of the city IhalL
It Is gradually developing that there are two
sides to the story of Louvaln, either one, or
both, of which we are free to accept.
One shudders to think of the avalanche ot
histories, personal narratives, military romances
and other war-inspiring literature la store for
us. .
War's Effect on Youthful Hindi.
What impreasion is this terrific war produc
ing upon the child's mind? What do boys and
girls think of the conflagration that is raging,
and of the battles that are waging?
Perhaps the small children have no thought
upon (he subject at all, but the older children
who are reading storlee of ancient heroes as if
they were myths or fairy tales, and studying
history bristling with wars of past generations,
which would ordinarily lead them to believe that
war was a relic of barbarism, and Impossible be
tween modem civilized nations, what do they
think? Is this terrible conflict to upset all
their notions and subvert many of their Ideals?
Is this systematic slaughter of warring armies
likely to cheapen the value of human life as ap
praised in youthful minds?
These are questions, to be true, easily asked
and hard to answer, but they suggest a trend
something for their elders to ponder over.
No Criminal Type.
The fact that there Is no criminal type easily
recognizable by outward signs is reinforced
again and again. It Is reinforced strikingly by
the account of a voluntary week of prison ex
perience by two New York women who under
went the experience In the guise of convicts to
find out how they would be treated, and how
they would feel, of which one of them has writ
ten her story in the current Century Magazine.
Although the voluntary incarceration was
by connivance of the warden. It quickly trans
pired that the prison officials and underlings
not In the secret were actually being fooled.
When the volunteer convicts were taken to be
Dertllloned the examiners treated them as If
they were hardened professionals and, to quote
the magazine article, "the man who made the
Bertillon records, when he finished my history
and looked me all over, remarked in a low
voice to his companion, 'All the stigmata of
criminality.' "
Almost the same thing happened in connec
tion with the physician's examination, the doc
tor imagining a lead in the answers to his ques
tions about habits, which denied drinking, but
admitted smoking, when he tried to make the
lady recall her first cigarette as if that were
the start ot her downfall. "With startling
clearness) it became apparent," V rites the vol
unteer convict, "that there is no criminal type,
no criminal appearance, no criminal manner.
After all, the only difference between the crlm-
i'lnal and the average man, if there is one, is an
exaggeration of type. When the convict is not
defective he is often unusual, original, a varia
tion and, therefore, more prone to be at odds
with conventional society. He has greater
force than the average and has often gone
wrong from misdirected power." , t
The truth Is, people in prison look Just the
same as people out of prison would look If they
were in prison, and, with tew exceptions, there
is nothing in their physical makeup that would
prevent them from becoming useful and self
supporting citizens if put back on the straight
path, and helped to say there. All our legisla
tion that proceeds on the theory that there is a
distinctive criminal type is based on ignorance
or misconception. ' t
Of coarse, the shorter aktrto tot women de
creed by Dame Fashion consider their comfort
in walkingcertainly not the comfort ot the
i .
Still, if that .straw, rote tor postmaster ot
Lincoln had only been taken before the nomina
tion was aent In, it might be showing up differ-
wtly. .'
This is where Uncle Sam's new postal sav
ings bank ought to Intercept a lot ot the money
that uftei to be sent abroad'by'onr'forelgn'-born
tolks tor safe-keeping, back home.
Three Lincoln Peace
Prayer Proclamations
No, President -Wilson did not look tor im
mediate fruition ot hla peace efforts or his
proclamation calling for. peace . prayers' would
not have set the day three weeks ahead.
The Omaha Auto club wants the city council
to legislate a tax upon auto drivers. What
about legislation limiting rates to be charged
by taxlcabs to something within reason?
The colonel says he hopes and believes he
will not be a candidate for president in 1916.
Well, there is no. draft 1 thla country that can
be enforced against unwilling subjects in time
at peace.
Now that all our contemporaries have
followed' suit on The Bee's endorsement ot
Robert Cowell for the School board, we will de
clare the entries from his ward closed and call
It nna&imous.
A land of newspaper.
French newspapers are supposed to have
immense circulations. Evidently the people of
France are great readers ot current history.
Their love for the sensational morsel ot news la
well known. .
If the relative amounts of print paper used
in France and the United States furnished any
criterion, however, it would readily appear that,
even allowing for larger sized papers in this
country, as well as extensive circulations, Amer
icans were more inveterate newspaper readers
than the French. Of course, several other fac
tors enter into consideration in such a compari
son, our larger population tor one thing, but
nevertheless the consumption of paper is inter
esting as a comparison.
While all the newspapers In France consume
about 00 tons of newsprint paper daily, one
American publisher, with papers in half a doten
cities, uses 660 tons daily, another,' with only
one paper, 130 tons. Right there we almost
match France. That leaves us all the rest of
our stupendous system of American newepaper-
dom. In fact, no country has as many papers,
or is Influenced as much by them, as the United
etatea. This is natural, of course, since a free
press is organlo in our system of government.
It came as a vital compliment to the protest
against' tyrannical government on which the re
public was founded and as a direct rebuke to
the spirit that flourished in the early' colonies
as breathed by such bigots as old Lord Berke
ley, who thanked the Lord that new Virginia
had neither newspapers nor schools. This very
freedom of the press in the United States ac
counts for much ot the marvellous progress
this nation has made."
According to veracious advices, Illinois dem
ocrats are in perfect harmony under the pro
tecting wing of Roger Sullivan. Although born
in that state. Secretary Bryan is no longer an
Illinois democrat.
'! A
Tha officers wera elected for tha ensuing year for
tha Women's Chiiatiau Temperance union as follows
r real dent. Mrs. C. B. oule; vice president, Mrs. G. W
Clark; treaaurer, Mrs. a. W. Eastman; recording
secretary. Mrs. J. T. Bell; corresponding secretary,
Mlsa I Dodge; vice preatdents from tha rhurchea:
First Presbyterian. Mrs. Oratton; Second. Presbyter-
an. Mra Eddy; Third Preabyteriaa. Mra lllgglns;
United Preabytertan. . Mra. Charlton; Baptist. Mra
Writer; First Method: episcopal. Mrs. Talt; First
Congregational, Mra. Belte; Unitarian. Mrs. Walker;
Catholic, Mrs. Bchaller. .
General Dandy left for Cheyenne and Fort Rue-
tell, where the government la about to rebuild the
Lewis Kennedy, bookkeeper for Byron Fitch, met
a-lth a serious accident In a runaway on Tenth street.
Dr. K. P. Jensen has removed his office and reel'
leace to the northeast corner of Nineteenth and
Henry Q Rlchter, the well known furrier, cele-
ratd his fortieth birthday by entertaining- well
'mown friends.
Mrs. C. E. Maytta. K3S Convent street, wants a girl
lor general housework.
Hon. Charles H. Brown has laid out an eztenalve
Itinerary for campaign speeches la this district In
TacUi&g' the Food Supply Problem.
Quite a little exploitation it being done for
Cleveland's new municipal publlo market house.
which operates in connection with it a publlo
cold storage plant where individuals msy have
perishable articles kept for them at compara
tively low cost. Ordinarily cold storage is avail
able only to people using it on a large scale,
which restricts It to dealers or speculators and
places it beyond reach ot the consumer war
ranted in buying only la small quantities. It
is the hope of those responsible for Cleveland's
municipal cold storage that it will prove of
great benefit to the average houaeholder by en
abling him to take advantage of low price
seasona to put by supplies which he may draw
out as wanted.
It remains to be aeen whether this plan ot
co-operation works out according to schedule,
but if successful it will be sure to be copied
We believe the scheme would be even more
feasible if. Instead of a central establishment,
a number of neighborhood plants were erected.
for it would certainly be more handy not to have
to go more than two or three blocks to take
things out of storage. If in addition an artl
ficlal Ice factory would be made part ot the cold
storage plant, which could be done at small out
lay, the most difficult knot In the food supply
problem would be untsngled.
If the bigger part of the river and harbor
bill "pork" were not consigned to southern des
tinations we may be sure our democratic friends
in congress would be much less insistent on put
Proclamation : It has pleased Almighty Ood
to vouchsafe signal victories to the land and
naval forces engaged In suppressing an Internal
rebellion, and at the same time to avprt from
our country the dangers of foreign Intervention
and Invasion.
It Is therefore recommended to the people
of the United States that In their next weekly
assemblages in their accustomed places of pub
lic worship which shall occur after notice of
this proclamation shall have been received they
especially acknowledge and tender thanks to
our Heavenly Father for these inestimable
blessings, that they then and there implore
spiritual consolation In behalf of all who have
been brought Into affliction by the casualties
and calamities of sedition and civil war, and
that they reverently invoke the divine guidance
for our national counsels, to the end that they
may speedily result in the restoration of peace,
harmony and unity throughout our borders and
hasten the establishment of fraternal relations
among all the countries of the earth.
Done at the city of Washington this 10th
day of April, A. D., 1862, and of the independ
ence of the United States the eighty-sixth.
Proclamation: Whereas, The senate of the
United 8tates, devoutly recognizing the supreme
authority and Just government of Almighty God
in all the affairs of men and of nations, has by
a resolution requested the president to desig
nate and set apart a day for national prayer
and humiliation; and
Whereas, It is the duty of nations as well as
of men to own their dependence upon the over
ruling power of Ood, to confess their sins and
transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with the
assured hope that genuine repentance will lead
to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sub
lime truth, announced In the Holy Scriptures
and proven by all history, that those nations are
blessed whose Ood is the Lord;
And, inasmuch as we know that by His di
vine law nations, like Individuals, are subjected
to punishments and chastisements In this world,
may we not Justly fear that the awful calamity
of civil war which now desolates the land may
be but a punishment inflicted upon us for our
presumptuous sins, to 'the needful end of our
national reformation as a whole people? We
have been the recipients of the choicest bounties
of heaven; we have been preserved these many
years in peace and prosperity; we have grown
in numbers, wealth and power as no other na
tion has ever grown. But we have fors:otten
Ood. We have forgotten the gracious hand
which preserved us in peace and multiplied and
enriched and strengthened us, and we have
vainly imagined In the deceitfulness of our
"hearts, that all these blessings were produced
by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have be
come too self-sufficient to. feel the necessity of
redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to
pray to the Ood that . made us.
It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves be
fore the offended Power, to confess our national
sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.
Now, therefore, In compliance with the re
quest, and fully concurring in the views of the
senste, I do by this my proclamation designate
and set apart Thursday, the 30th day of April,"
1863, as a day of national humiliation, fasting
nd prayer. And I do hereby request all the
people to abstain on that day from their ordi
nary secular pursuits, and to unite at their sev
eral places of public worship and their respec
tive homes In keeping the day holy to the Lord
and devoted to the humble discharge of the re
ligious duties proper to that solemn occasion.
All this being done In sincerity and truth.
let us then rest humbly in the hope authorized
by the divine teachings that the united cry of
the nation will be heard on high and answered
with blessings no less than the pardon of our
national sins and the restoration of our now
divided and suffering country to its former
happy condition of unity and peace.
Done at the city of Washington this 30th
dsy of Msrch, A. D., 1863, and of the independ
ence ot the United States the eighty-seventh.
Proclamation: It has pleased Almighty God
to barken t the supplications and prayers of
an afflicted people and to vouchsafe to the army
and navy of the United States victories on land
and on the sea so signal and so effective as to
furnish reasonable grounds for augmented con
fidence that the union of these states will be
maintained, their constitution preserved and
meir peace ana prosperity permanently re
stored. But these victories have been accorded
not without sacrifices of life, limb, health and
liberty, Incurred by brave, loyal and patriotio
citizens. Domestic affliction In every part of
the country follows In the train of these fearful
bereavements.! It is meet and right to recognize
and confess the presence of the Almighty Father
and the power of His hand equally in these
triumphs and In these sorrows.
Now, therefore, be it known that I do set
apart Thursday, the 6th day of August next, to
be observed as a day' for national thanksgiving,
praise and prayer, and I invite the people of the
United States to assemble on. that occasion in
their customary places ot worship and In the
forms approved by their own consciences render
the homage due to the Divine Majesty for the
wonderful things He has done in the nation's
behalf and Invoke the influence of His Holy
Spirit to subdue the anger which has produced
and so long sustained a needless and cruel re
bellion, to change the hearts of the Insurgents
to guide the counsels of the government with
wisdom adequate to so great a national eroer
geney, and to vtslt with tender care and ronaola
tlon throughout the length and breadth of our
land all those who, though the vicissitudes of
marches, voyages, battles and sieges have been
brought to suffer In mind, body or estate, and
finally to lead the whole nation through the
paths ot repentance and submission to the
divine will back to the perfect enjoyment of
union and fraternal peace.
Done at the city of Washington this 15th
day of July, A. P-. 1S63. and of the independ
ence of the United 8tates tha eighty-eighth
Snme fellow Join the navy to ee the
alfrhta and othere get Jobs as Ice men.
If a man had to go flahing for a living
he would want to stick around the houae
all the time.
You think that other people are "fun
ny." Hut that la Juat what they are
thinking Shout you.
A barber alwaya makes a hit with a
man by telling him that he has the
touphest beard In the world.
No man will admit that he la conceited.
Hut he knows that when he dies he will
have the longeat funeral In town.
Ones In a while, when you get Into a
crowded atreet car, you get the lmpreaalon
thnt soap costs about t2.0fO,ono a cake.
Anrther reaeon for the night coat of
living la that most of the kitchen me
chanics are trying to get on the atage.
The difference between the outdoor tan
and the Indoor tan Is that the Indoor tan
keeps your noae red all the year round.
The reason why a woman can always
remember her wedding day Is because, aa
a rule. It waa the last time she got to ride
In a hack.
The men are all waateful, Improvident
cusses. You never saw a man who saved
his combings tor the day when he would
need a toupee.
It must Jar some people to have to ad
mit that the world Is growing better,
while at the same time the consumption
of cigarettes Is Increasing.
Judging from the junk offeoed aa fall
styles In men's hats, the hat manufac
turers must have Imagined that thla
country was crowded with male sopranos.
The reason why mother hides things
away during the day Is because if father
ever came home and found anything
where he left It the shock might prove
There was a time when a young man
went with a girl for six years and looked
up her pedigree In the old family Bible
before he married her. But nowadays he
get a marriage license without even
looking at her teeth. Cincinnati Enquirer.
the United
115,5X0 tons.
Fluorspar production In
Plates In 1!H3 aggregated
valued at $6.37 per ton.
More than minion tons of coffee are
required annually to provide a dally
beverage for half the human race.
The Island on which Is situated the
Eddyatons lighthouse Is the smallest bit
cf all the year around Inhabited land
In the world.
American machinery la uaed throughout
In Japan's largest and heat equipped saw
mill, recently completed, and electricity
Is uaed for power.
A gasoline driven ditching machine In
use In the Florida Everglades Is so large
that quart era for Its crew of eight men
are carried on top of it.
For the benefit of babies taken on long
railroad journeys a Caltfornlan haa
patented a collapsible berth to be hung
on the back of a car seat.
After exhaustive research a Scotch
scientist has decided that no trees are
immune to lightning and that one species
struck as often aa another.
Something like a huge umbrella la a
protector for young tree a that la hoisted
on a pole and closed In the day time and
unfolded and lowered at night.
A woman la the Inventor of a metal
frame to be Inserted in leather hand
bags when empty to help them retain
their original forms and freahneas.
The claim Is made that a slxteen-
candlopower carbon filament Incandescent
electric lamp at Wllkes-Barre, Pa., haa
been burning steadily without Interrup
tion for more than fifteen years.
For buttering corn on the ear neatly
there has been Invented a spoon with a
strainer to hold butter In Its bowl.
A 10 per cent solution of bicarbonate of
soda, saturated with common salt and
uaed hot, will remove grease from alumi
num. A waahstand that folds against a wall
or Into a recent when It Is not In uae has
been Invented for rooms where spare Is
Carving la aided by the Invention of a
fork with prongs on the aides of the tines
which are forced Into meat by screwing
the handle along the upper ends of the
A combination automobile and motor-
boat that will run equally well on smooth
roads or rough ground or In deep or shal
low water haa been Invented by a New
York man.
A rear light for automobiles that la
swung out from behind a screen to signal
following drivers that the car carrying It
la about to stop has len Invented by a
New Jersey man.
Reflectors for automobile headlights
formed of gold rolled on copper bases are
aald to be unaffected by heat, dampneas
or sea air and to provide a light of great
penetration In fog.
Shears for trimming grass, mounted on
wheels and with the handles so extended
that they can be used by a person stand
ing upright, have been patented by a
Canadian woman.
jMecirteal apparatus taking current
from a light socket has been Invented by
-inu:n Hciemisi to punry tne air In a
room by literally pumping It Into a reser
voir and washing II.
A luncheon outfit for five persons. In
cluding tame and aloMs, so compact that
it can be carried In two boxes which serve
as foot reata In an automobile, haa been
invented In England.
To facilitate spraying plants there haa
been Invented a receptacle to contain In
secticide In cake form which may be con
nected to garden hoae, the water gradually
dissolving me poison.
To tighten clothes lines there has been
Invented a simple clamp, adjusted by
mumo screw, to grip an end of a line
and the line Itself after It has been passed
arouna a post or hook.
Presaure on a lever with a foot lifta the
lid of a new garbage reeentacle, to h
burled In the ground, while the contents
are drained In a wire basket until dry
enougn to be withdrawn and burned.
are using potato meal In
There are GermaSs In Australia.
Railroads last year paid Minnesota 13,-
'5.513.4S taxes.
Agriculture a year ago employed ,-
732.471 Germans.
Peru's exports in 1913 amounted to $37,'
T1 t&n In villi v
Minnesota's 1914 poultry and egg output
Is valued at $38,000,000.
New Jersey's 1911 mineral production
was valued at $10,715,061.
In 1913 Germany's total imports
amounted to $2,673,760,000.
Cuba'a 1913 imports were valued at $143,'
$26,869; exports, $165.12S.$.
Madagascar Hast year exported 7,539
metric tons of lima beans.
Belgium's national wealth a year ago
waa estimated to ba $9,000,000,000.
One year ago Germany's national wealth
waa estimated to be $60,600,000,000,
Mlnneaota laat year produced 122.4X9,721
pounds of butter, valued at $31,907,496.17.
Wlaconsln state penitentiary Inmates
last year earned $20,000 from contractors.
There are 60,000,000 acres of forest in
Japan, almost half the total area of the
American railroads employ 1,315,139 per
sons who laat year received $1.373,S30S9
In wages.
The area of taxed land In Japan Is 87,
OM.MV ot which 964,710 acres are residen
tial property.
Pennsylvania railway system Is spend
tng $6,0b0,ou0 for automatic slgnala In ad
dUlon to $18,000,000 already invested In
Thlllpplne corn production Is Ineresslng
Norway has 1,1(10 registered motor ve
Chrlstlanla Is buying many motor dellv
ery wagons.
There are 12.000,000 Mohammedana in the
Ottoman empire.
Portugal has 117,391 cows, producing
68,000,000 quarts of milk annually,
Panama Is considering the establishment
of a national school of telernhv
uamascus yearly entertalna over 20.000
Pilgrims who leave $2,000,000 behind them
Siamese capital, employing Danish en
glneera and machinery. Is constructing i
large cement plant near Bangkok.
ur nexioie ropea suitable for power
transmission a Manila rope Is about as
strong as steel, weight for weight.
Ecuador will establish a government in
stitute for the manufacture of vaccine
and the teaching of seortherapeutlcs.
Paper was made from rags In Arabia
more than ten centuries sgo, the art
being brought to Europe In the thirteenth
Serious crop failures have occurred In
Egypt this year because the River Nile
has been lower than at any time for
nearly a century.
The municipal board of Manila has
passed an ordinance requiring that all
buildings erected In future In the city
must be rat proof.
The government of Salvador has given
an Austrian a concession to exploit all
petroleum, coal and other minerals that
he can find In the republic.
Washington Post: With such a multi
plicity of combatants stsndlnf at Arma
geddon. It must punle the lord to deter,
mine which are the saints.
Detroit Free Press: There sre reported
to be ,r clergymen of various denom
inations fighting In the European armies.
After thla their prayers for peace will
have a real meaning.
Boston Transcript: Cynical criticism
of the various belligerents praying to G4
for victory rune up against a snag when
we remember Washington on his knees
n the snow at Valley Forge.
Buffalo Express: Clergymen have been
railed to the colors both In France and
Germany. If they are true to their pro
fessions, they will refuse to serve, at no
matter what cost to themselves.
Houston Post: An Illinois minister shot
man In the stomach and told the court
that It was a "human error." We ar
glad be admitted It, In view of what tha
princes are doing to lay the responsibility
of all their murderous blood-letting upon
the Lord.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: It Is heard thai
Pope Benedict XV, was elected because ct
his diplomatic skill, it being the view cf
the cardinals that he may be successful
In restoring peace. All will wish him well
In such an undertaking, though thero may
be a lack of faith in his success.
New York Tribune: .Benedict XV Is a
learned and able churchman, of consider
able experience in the statesmanship ot
the Vatican, young among popes and an
Italian not on uncomfortable terms with
the qulrinal. ills future only the great
forces that make and unmake religious
faith and polity can determine.
Why is he so bitter st the girl he waa
only recently engaged to?"
"Because when she sent the ring back
she labeled the box, 'Glass with care:' "
wppinoott a Magaalne.
'Who Is that awfully Important looklnr
'Why. that's Mrs. Van Gudgeon. She's
the regent of the Daughters of the
Stranded Tourists." Cleveland Plain
Alice When I told you of my engage
ment I said It waa a secret, and you told
Kitty about It.
Ella Why, no. I didn't. I merely asked
her If she knew about It Boston Tran
script. Mother Johnny, stop using such dread
ful language!
Johnny Well, mother, Shakeepeart
uses It.
Mother Then don't plsy with him; he's
no fit companion for you. London Tld
Blts. Bella What do you weigh now, dearie?
Lena One hundred and ten in my bath
robe and 109 dressed. Puck.
Madge I never see you Bitting In a ham.
mock with a young man.
Marjorle I should say not. My ham
mock Is out of sight. Puck.
Mae; cut
It cut
"Swell gown your wife has.
in ( , said a mend.
"Cut Into a V!" growled Mae.
into four X s: Boston Truth.
"He is a self-made man, Is he not?"
"Yes, except for the alterations made bj
his wife and her mother." Judge.
Washington Star: The American child
who sends a gift to a war orphan la Eu
rope by the Chrlstmaa ship will have the
happiest Christmas ever known.
Washington Post: The fact that the
Red Cross ship has finally sailed does not
signify that there Is any leas need of sub
scriptions to the American war relief
Wall Street Journal: Plan for children
to give Christmas toy money for orphans
made by war Is commendable, but toy
guns, swords and drums may well be
Mrs. Rurallte (readtngt I see
Chinese have adopted Confuslsnlsm.
Mr. Rurallte Ding it! That's one more
crasy fashion our gale '11 be wearin' next
season. Lawrence Leader.
Patience Did you aee Peggy down al
the beach?.
Patrice Oh, yes.
"What was she doing? Flirting, as
"No, ahe said ahe went down -there fot
a rest." Yonkera Statesman.
Atlanta. Ga., may establish a mnnldpal
Ice plant.
St. Paul now claims a population of
over 370,000.
Munde Is to hare a school to train
hotel workers.
Monmouth, Ore., school children noi
studying dairying.
Rochester. N. Y., records fourteen sui
cides In five weeks.
Jamestown, N. Y., Is fining violators
of anti-smoke ordinance.
Wichita, Kan., entertains Dry Farm
ing congress October T-17.
Cleveland's Federation of Charities
needs $400,000 to carry on lta work. t
St. Louis Is now under provisions of
Its newly-adopted revised charter.
Washington's new Columbia hospital is
to be ready for occupancy next year.
Passaic, N. J., orders burying of all elec-
trio wires in conduits In business streeta
Salem, Ore., man paid off his mortgage
this season with a single crop of straw
Buffalo in October entertalna New York
stale Chriatiaa Endeavor convention of
3.0w delegates.
Atlanta's garbage crematory Is de
nounced as a nuisance by clt liens resid
ing near It. Cost $!7.0n0.
Philadelphia Is being urged to under
take atreet cleaning as a municipal en
terprise. Now done by a private cor
Reduction Sale
Gas and
20-Inch Dome
These Domes and Fixtures
are the Latest Designs
Call and select your fixtures be
fore the best are picked out.
We can save you money
1509 Howard Street
Grantland Rice In Colliers.
Into the battle the Trooper speeds
As the bugles call and the drum
Into the fight as the captain leads
Where the low line waits on the hills
Walta for the slprnal then the crack
Of blue steel rimmed with a crest of
And few ride back on the homeward track
Where many rode when the order came.
Into the battle the Trooper speeds.
Into the line where the rifle rings.
But little the Trooper heara of heeds
The song ot hate which the shrapnel
The roar of battle the curse the shout
The crash and clamor of friend and
The riderless horse thst wheels about
And gallops paat to the plains below.
For out from the smoke wreath, far
He hears the patter Of little feet;
The dim. far call of a child at play
With babyhood laughter, low and sweet;
The murmur of voices., dream-swept far
From the little path to the cottage gate.
Where eagerly under the evening atar
Mother and child in the twilight wait
Into the battle the Trooper speeds
lands But- somewhere out from the far-off
An echo drifts where a soft voice pleads
And the tender pressure of little hands;
A mother's lullaby from the night
And a call to the Great White God In
That one will come from the far-off tight
To those who wait In the darkness there.
WUj ha Is running for congraaa
ting it across.